PAGE A Wy. SPRING Tailor Made New Styles Every Week. : Something Exclusive. Your Inspection Invited. No Obligation to Buy. McKAY | 149-157 BROCK STREET' APRIL HOUSECLEANING MADE EASY :-: WARDROBES. | All sizes $10 up to § 40. Bome with mire ors in d oors. BEDROOM SUITS. --Wood of Iron Beds. A handsome Suite for $15.00. © Others Yor $18.00 up to $175. Iron and Prass Beds, very pretty and everlasting, $2.50, $3.00, $3.75 up to $76 each, OSTERMOOR None better on non-absorbent; teed. Our Heulth Brand Mattresses are the next best, §4 00 up. Others for $2.50, Carpets. Curtains; oleum, ete. all new ready for inspection, Repair and Upholstering Work promptly done. Yours, T. F. HARR ISON COMPANY 'Phone 90, TOUR NEW . . CARPETS Carpets for Spring are lower in price, and twice the va riety RUGS are lower price with softer colors. We have every. thing worth tuyirg. MATS Every con ceivable shade all size s, small sizes to m atch larger ones. ~- 'R. McFAUL'S CARPET WAREHOUSE. MATTRESSES. -- earth; never sag; sanitary; guaran- Rugs, Liu- stock, just ; dets Green and Roqerts. wen Homes or Sale $3.650--Albert Street, brick; I 8 rooms; hot water heating; verandah; nice lot. $3,850 Frontenac street: brick, 7 rooms; hot water heating; deep lot. $2,800--Earl Street, brick; 7 rooms, furnace. electriciiy and gas. | §$2,400-Division Street, near Union Street; frame; 7 modern improve- a Ee ees TE add rooms; ments. 1,650--Johnson Street, npgw frame; 7 rooms; b. & ¢. 1500 King Street, brick; X 10 rooms: hot war heat- §& ing; facing City, Park. 4,000--Clergy Street, mew : oben Th 3 rooms; hot water +P Mra. R. J i welcomed a Carson, "Romilly House' large number of her {friends at her beautiful home Bar [rie street, on Wednesday aftetrioon, { and many of the guests were glad of {this opportunity | hostess on the on entire success and brilliance of the wedding of Wednesday Mornin, Miss Vera Crason reeeived { with ho mother, and looked very Bes antiful in her bridesmaid gown. In tea room the table was centred | mii the bride's cake, surrounded with [pai vases of roses and lilies of the alley. Mrs, John Carson poured eof Mrs. Dawson poured tea, Miss Mc eved fruit salad, and Miss | Dorothy Brownfield eut the ices. The {girls assisting were : Misses Marie {and Gertrude Watson, of Toronto: Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Marjorie | Merrick, Miss Emily Smythe, of Clin | ton, N. Y.. Miss May Rogers, Miss i Madge Dawson, Miss Hilda Kent, and Miss Kate Craig. The guests included: rs, RB. E. Kent, Mrs, Frances Mae nee, Mrs, Howard Folger, Mrs. James Third, Miss Ferguson, Miss Martha Smith, Mrs. Walter Maenee, Mre, Campbell Strange, Mrs. Jeremy Tay- lor, Mrs. Philip Prideaux, Mgs. H. W, Richardson, No J. Stuart MeCann Mrs. John MeKay, Mrs. McKay, of Montreal; Mrs. urpee, Mrs, George Robertson, Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Mrs. George Mchay, Mrs. Herbert Robert son, Mrs. W, G_. Anglin, Mrs. Charles Low, Mrs. Baird I'rice, Aylmer; Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mrs. Cooke, Miss Con stance Cooke, Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Mra. D. E, Mundell, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Mrs. James Craig, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Brom ley, Mrs. T. Gi, Lockett, Mrs. Charles Lavingston, Miss Wilmot, Mrs. J. (i. i Elliott, Mrs. Clarke Wright, Mrs. W. Gunn, Miss Ferne, Mrs. James W, Rig ney, Mes. T. MeK. Robertson, Mrs. K. Sparks, Mrs. 15. F. Torrance, Mrs. F. €. Willhoft, Mrs. (ieéorge Young, Mrs. R, Uglow, Mrs. ££. Ryan, Mrs, James Minnes, Mrs. Patterson, Lan ark; Mrs. 'A. Strachan, Mrs. Hansord Hora, Mrs. R. J. Hooper, Miss Aileen Folger, Miss Jean Duff, Misses Mamie and Susan Anglin, Misses Eva and Mabel Richardson, Miss Gladys Bw ton, Misses Pearl and Dora Oldrieve, Miss Phyllis Kuight, Miss Agnes Rich. ardson, Miss Agnes Browne, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Misses Ada Beatrice Birch, Miss May Wright, Bessie Robertson, Mise Helen Uglow, Mise Kathleen Ryan, Miss Jennie | Philips, Misses Smith, Miss Crothers, Miss Dwyer and Miss Edith Fraser, 1 foe, and Miss The mtmibors of the Badminton Club held a most delightful dance in Orpheum hall on Thursday evening. The guests were received byMyrs James Cappon and Mes, J. 0. V, Crowe at the entrance to the hall, which was artistically decorated for the occasion with flags amd red, White and blue bunting. The pro gramme was composed of gixteen dances and three extras and the music was Supplied by the orchestra of the Ru( Supper was served about hi at quartette tables, which were prettily arranged with red cnr: nations and tulips. The guests pres ent were Major and Mrs. N. 8. Leshe, Major and Mrs. Vernon Eaton, Mr. and Mis. A. E. Snell, Captain and Mrs. W. Morrison, Mrs. Kikins of Fast Orange, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Miss Kleanor Macdonell, Miss Kathleen Gordon, Misses Marie and Dorothy Carruthers, Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, Miss Madge Crowe, Miss Gren side, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Mar jorie Starr, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Flsie Pense, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Hilda Kent, Major R. C. Ham mond, Captain C. F. Constantine, Capt. W. H. P. Elkins, Captain H Boak, Captain Saxe-Browne, Profes- | sor Smail, Professor Davis; Professor Anderson, Mussa. E. C. Gildersleeve, E. Van Lesslie, T. Macklem, Hunt ley Macpherson, $. i Heymanm, Ca - A delightfy 1 and enjoyable tea was given on Friday aiternoon by Mrs Bernard Browne, Clergy street west, for her daughter, Migs Hazel (Browne In the daping-room the table was prettily arranged with pink sulipg iss Gweneth Meritck poured the eofice und Miss Katherine Hart out the ice cream. The guests include! Miss.s Helen and Marjorie Camp hell, Misses Luy and Gwendolyn Waa dell," Misses Lillian and Margaret A Murzay, Miss Rose Ropers, Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss Helen Duff, Mtss or Strange, Miss Eleanor Phelan' Miss Ethel Kent, Miss Jessie Dyde, [Miss F. Bogart, Miss E. Robinson, Ysa Janel Saunders, Miss Marjorie Gamsby, Miss Freda Burns, Miss Ada Petite, Miss F. Stewart, Nsw! Ward Fiokle, Miss Jean Young, Mids Eleanor Minnes, Miss Louise Mae Jennan, Messrs. Herbert Steacy, Sher: man Hill, Richard Elmer, = Leselio Smith, Rodger Stewart, Kermeth and Jeremy Taslor, W, Garratt, R. son, B. Bate, Frank Dally,, Calvin, Henry Conuell, Neil John Datis, George: Hooper, ivingston, Eric' Cgrtuthors, R. Hieh- ardsom, Howard F B. ~ Robet- J and | ." Brownfield. sun, Ww, Mrs. R. p. Sithactand, West street, entertained a few boys, on Thursday | gto aster oveaing, "for her son, 'Wa Bert Colamer ; Blagk, 'Rows Mre. BR. E. Kent, King street, enter ab a bright and interesting ron ; for her tors, Misses : t. Miss Lenote to congratulate their [© the | Ray- {homie on Sunday from Orwel THE, Miss lrepe Swift, { Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Charli |i Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss | Marjorie Starr, Mamie and Susie Anglin, Miss Made Dawson and Miss Marjory Brownfiels After bridge tea was served in the dining -room. The tea table, whic! was presided over by Miss Doris Ke wind Miss Vera Carson, was artisticul | decorated wile white hyacinths Pine Vera served the ice | fore am. Those who cume in for tea 'were : Mrs. Bromley, Miss Marjori: i Merrick, Miss Jean Duff, Misses Chris tine and Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Maj Rogers, and Miss Madelon Higgins «i. ew Carson Mrs. J. HH. V Royal Mili tary College, entertained at | and enjoyable tea on Wednesday aftor- | noon for her daughter, Miss Madge | Crowe. Miss Greneide, England, { ithe raison d'etre. The other guesis| | ire Miss Doris Kent, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Kathleen Crisp, | Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Dorothy i "'arruthers, Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Nora Macnee, | Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss May Bot | ler and Miss Madge Dawson. Crowe, mtortained very informally Thursday | ererfng In honor of Mr. Hall, who | hes recenlly arrivgd in town from | 1 retoria. Mrs. Vernon Faton, HParrie s)reet, will be hostess at the tea hour this afternoon in honor of her guest, Mjss Cromkie, of Ottawa. - . > - Mr. Harry Halch, who has been attend! ng Queen's College this win- ter, returped to his home in Hamil ton on Thursday. yi arts, a fare- Friduy final year students of will give hall on The me eine and science well dance in Grant evening next, . Mrs. W, H, Wormwith, Earl sercet, is entertaining at tea this afternoon for her daughter, Miss Mildred Worm with. | Mrs. Arthur nie, has issued "At Home" for Ellis,» University invitations for Thursday afternoon ave an RL A. K. Kirkpatrick, Johnson held a drawing-room meeting residence on Friday afternoon Mrs. street » at her i .-le a. Seeles, Alfred street, entertain a most enjoyallle bi%dge on | eveping. J - - » -. Mrs, wl at Friday who has been ' he H. V. Miss Grenside, {guest of Mrs. J. yal Military College, left on ¥Fi'day, for Quebec. From there she will go to Halifax to spend a few days be fore sailing for her home 'n Eng- Hand. Miss cn Fitday and is the guest "Vernon Haron, Barris strect Mr. K. Stethan, who has been 'grest in town for the past week, will {leave on Sunday for Helifax, | Mags Helen Crowe, Royal Military College, who is now visiting in Kng- land, expects to sail for Canada on the fust of une, arriving in Mug ston about the Yth, "RT Crowe, Roy Crombie arrived from Ottawa of Mis. a Un-gwa in Miss Margaret Cunningham, na-da, after spending a few day Toromto, returned home to-day. Mrs. T. J. Rigney and two children, Miss Dorothy Rigney and Master Billy Rigney, will leave, on Sunday, for To ronto, to visit Mrs. Rigney's sister, [Mrs. J. Sweenoy. Mrs. Ford Williamson, who was a guest at the Dawson-Carson wedding, returned to Belleville on Thursday. Mrs. E. H. Pense, of Ottawa, and David MeGill, Montreal, expect come to town about the lst of to spend the summer. Mrs. Flking, after spending a few {days in town, returned to her home in Fast Orange on Friday. Captain W. Morrissy, Mr. Clarkson McConkey and Mr. Kenneth Drinkwa- ter, who were all guests at the Daw- | son-Carson wedding, returned, on Wednesday, to Montreal. - - - hy 0 June, ' Mr. Hall arrived in town this week, from Petrolia, to take over his new position in the Bank of Toronto Mrs. James George, who was herp for the Dawson-Carson wedding, left, on Thursday, for Toronto. Miss Bessie Spangenberg, who spent a few days: this week with her aunt, Miss Spangenberg, Johnson street, re turned to Toronto on Wednesday. Master Harry Orr, Wellington street, returned, on Wednesday, from Peter- boro, where he spent the Easter holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. Prevost, Earl street, left, on Saturday, for Montreal, to at- tend the marriage of their piece, Miss Annette Reeves, to Dr. Donat Hand: field, which takes place on Tuesday, the 16th, in the Roman Catholic church, Pointe-aux-Trembles, Que. Nr. and Mes. OC. C. Skinoer, of tan anogue, Spt Friday in town. M n Fairlie, Brock street, ro- turned on Friday from Montreal, where she was visiting Nr. and Mrs. John Fairlie, for several days: ' Prolessor A. MePhail, posted whete he has béen spending some time. Mrs. W. Claxton, who has been spending the wingte in Fort Smith, with and Mrs. W. A. CHRO. a. Van, min and i ion at Mrs. Brooks', Earl street. iss Winnifred Claxton, who was also in Fort Smith, spent some time in 'St. Louis, with Mies 4 Jean Armstrong, is now 'visiting friends in Tdron- - . to. Mrs. Edward Ryan, "Rockwood "will receive next Tuesday and Ro. again till the fest DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Miss own on M i, 1 ding, returned to | de Ma | on Monday IA tke ih for street, was | trea re | w Ln Mrs. re {meeting in Mrs. George McKay, Stewart stroel, { Mr. association. stredt, present {ing the | grandmother, {ham, Earl street, re on Wednesday she i will a L d awa lays with her parents SATURDAY, Friday and is the rs. Archibald Strachan, Miss Agnie ( town for ihe yuest hing sires asey, who Pawson-Car Napanee Mrs McParland, wv a few dave in Brockville, y town on Friday. Mrs. H. JJ. Wilkinson and her ster Grafton Wilkinson, will from Montreal, where (hey Mr. and My the past Vd Lov Monday kL will after James ) returned "On, guests of for ive been the P. Christmas, Vs Captain tile daughter Cnel Juebee, and Mrs. left they Larorg where now re a bright side. Favlor, Laster an lay and Mrs. Jeremy after spending I, returned home Mr. Stanley Graham returned to To mito on Tuesday spending the ecek-end in town. Sartes. who was W. Dalton for Mr Mon on Tues aller of days, the gues: a few =. B turned to Miawa on Wednesday. Ihe Kingston Old Boys will hold a Moptrenl next Thursday. Hugh Walkem is secretary of the Mr. W. F. Nickle, Earl{ will go down from here to be at the meeting. Miss Louise Maclennan, who is spend Easter holidays with her Mrs. Henry Cunning will return to To Tuesday. R. B. Williamson from Toronto, was visiting for a few days. Mus. J. Johwston, University avenue, receive next Thursday, the 18th, nd got again this season' Miss Hilda Mullen returned to Ot after spending the Easter holi Johnson mio on Mrs. A. returned where on street visiting his mother, | Frederick i fe | avenue, se Mr, of Detroit W. B. Fergu Ferguson, Mrs George mm, Union street, Miss Florence Johnson, wr Saskatchewan Mrs. W. Jd. 1 will and Mr Thursday, Johnson left on Allen, receive ag Aberdeen not vin this WHC Mrs. JJ. Mr R. and of (Mita D. A. visit Alfred Rea, Mrs. wa, i¢ Vr Rea, street, jess street, of their daughter, William {riage 40 take place quietly on Wednes d containing examination ay, and Nrs Mr. Prin nt My mar Harkness, the Jennie Knox Jame announce erigagems BR. to Lawrence he April 24th. {Continued ap Page 6) Students and the Results. Last year the students of Queens rdered over 1.000 copies of the Whig, The results. papers were mailed to almost all parts of the globe. | wi orders, now, cents has received word that famous checker player, pay a visit and while here | Magistrate | be This won the Whig ill again carefully attend to such Send in and address Price; including. postage, threo a copy. Bes name Famous Chee! Sor Player Coming. County Magistrate George Hunter A. Jordan, a of Boston, will on May 4th, he will be the guest of Hunter. Mr. Jordan will for games with any local to this ecily open man, 1 of itching. ing piles in 6 to 14 days, the quality world's 'azo Ointment fails to eure N ------ Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist u case will refumd money any or protrud hile Lethbridee blind, bleeding WW. B. of city. . Fhe final luxury of 'tea-deinking, which distinguishes it as best, 18 psdured to users "Salada" tea. Jurnett, 18 in the the of 3 a Kingston's ¥"amous Fur Store. Dress Distinction There are muny rewsons why SO many indies Hike to buy their wearing apparel in this store: We have no oll stork ~=h0 (Wo suits dre alike----onr og are extremely mode. HIGH CLASS SUITS a hn 'is look ng for a swell, exclusive nit --one hat won't be duplicat- ed in Kingston. Tweed Suits. Venetian (loth Suits $13.5 Six COMPARE! COMPARE! WATCH OUR WINDOWS. AP return ten | nnd Farl | RIL 13, 1912, Books that attained their cloth, illustra have ted Books Harold Bell Wright The Culling of Dan Mat thews That Printer of Udebs W. Service: Tradl of "98 Robt The Miss Sowing The" Je Nelly MeClung: Seeds In Damn) ond Chance. Ralph Connor: The Foreigner Glengarry School Days The Man From Gleagarr) The Doctor MAY ing vo | | COSMOPOLITAN apters of Robert STREETS OF' mag ell PE popularit) heir ows By Winston | ET r 1 fhe alent ¥ Coasit Rex Be Tae Bary The Sin rs The Stiver Horde W. J. Locke Fhe, Me Ordevne Where The Usurpes Margaret Dela: Old Chester Tales Die ler's People By rals j.ove By Laven sale now on Chambers illustrated Ww ASCALON," new by Chas Clearing Sale of $1. 50 and $1.25 Baoks at 40c. Two for 75¢ individ i Mo i id mn containing serial, Dana Gibson ph Va of Fh Bowl ou glasg W Chronicie By 'Kate Daniel Redemption % h eh Gan 260 PRINCESS. OPEN NIGHTS, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 'Phone #19, J. ¥. AGENT, KNAPP, IMMIGRATION RELIEVED OF DUTIES. #las Reeived Notice That His Ser b fined, home: in Montreal' before leaving attending Canniian C Clinical Sutgsone' associa vices Will no Longer be --{ounty Magistrate Hunter Appointed in His Place. the has fallen Knapp, Johngon street, immigration agent, for has given notice will no longer be Mr Required George | Aga Borde Tames F ernment axe gov that | roar Knapp is a ral years, heen 1 his services | odd. And liberal all because Hunter My over Magistrate George appointed to take Kuapp's position, and will take the work in a very short time Since taking over the Knapp has dealt wilh o ber of immigrants, placing many Last week, ral men County has been position large and succeeded men on farms. and the week before, arrived in the city, placed in positions. There of work for men these days, need be idle. If vou it is because he is he Mr. | num- | mn seve wid were plenty and af man very fond does not have is no man idle of work, work, S00 not or because to TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Au0, Happened a Quarter Century Ago. the general hos ial siderable damage done. Police tary in answering telsphone they did gave wrong number ot ! tox. Fire horses out vorpora- | tion work. Many complaints. | ! Tele- | phones ordered to be put in the fire | stations, Mayor "Fly 1 I hors», Irving, | What of ro at oon dila when § fire on John Away," Carson the purchased wdll-known rac Annual mocking of St Andrew's congre ation 4. Minnes, A. and W. 1) Craig manngers Memb ship 3398 the. ves £3,600, I he Inilding of under consideration. Mumbers of the Glee weap hone w Ross re-elected | Reeripis b Expenditure $4 3 a hew for 0.4, church | ( Faby ol Queen's | band reanized a ve | i MINISTERS IN COURT. | i | | i | Pleaded the Have Men "Prohibited List." I'wo eity ministers, the police court, They had in a couple of cases, trate A man, well ap was arrest One to Go on found their way Saturday morn interested themselves before the Ly my. magis in years, BORDEN AXE AGAIN : ATURDAY NIGHT SUPPLIES Host sizes Ladies Lisle Tan and Black, al She, 35¢, and Cull Sei igns, and up. Ladies' Collar very dainty Se, The Ladies' Coat Collars range chile styles $5, HO aud up. in wide of 235¢, Ladies' Dutch assortment of at Collars, ¢ newest $5¢ and up. and Ei at Tabhots extra Ladi Lanes bi and uj ues, Adles Tics tli wanted 25¢ Poplin colors, Fach. in the We New trade nave the bést Model { iriced at from Me fo XN models a All Orga s Dix sizes, 18 to ------ 7 PA OANA NEWMAN SHAW Mways Busy Store, ed for drunkenness, and after he was | of the ministers made an | appeal for the poor unfortunate to g on the "prohibited list." "He is a hard working man, and good workman, too," added the isters, "and it is too bad to see go on this way." The accused wonld not éonsent to put himself on the list, that would think the anil a2 this was the way he felt about if, | the strate did not press the | matter, stating there would be no one min him simply saving he maller over, mag us in putting a man on the hss if { did not show any inclination to? go and make an effort to do what was right. Previous to this case, a man up for drunkenness, had asked for a chance to go on the list, and was given the chance. on, Queen's Examination Results Complete results of the examinations will be published iu the Whig as soon as they are posted. Students ee k Ibave name and address at this office can have the paper mailed them with VALLEY CARNA THINS TULIPS DAFFODILS | Any Quantity 4 PURDY'S 109 Brock Street. # p 4 p b ; » ; b p ' p p bp p y y » ; ' » out delay. Vrice, including postage, thee cents an Econ; SA. Citadel | Band "Werk End. The band ' will condlet ail services Monday, 8 pan, annual musical fest i- val. Awd. Shaw will preside. Admission hy programme, 15e. "Buy moth proof bags.' Gibson's.' Police Constable Samuel Ariel wig out on Saturday morsing notifying the carters to pay their Leense fo Une carter was told to take his horse over aud show it to Chief Bailie, who would decide whether it was jit to be ditven, Some attractive propositions fon those who are looking for com? ay alle homes, cither of large or sue derate size, and in splencdd Jocati wg Howard S. Folger, broker, LY § bare ence street. 5 Molhiarand, University left on Friday for a visit avenue, to hie for the west. "A good spring tonic," may weeks of sickness. Buy drug wants at Gibson's >: W. 6. Anglia is in Toronto fo a meeting of the fave slore We Orind Our Own Lenses Wearing the - - - | - - Wrong Glasses Glasses Your present G JE Your present Glas sos fail to give vou It case and comfort, there's something wrong. ARE YOUR GLASSES RIGHT ? That's a Vital Question to Yon and should bring you to us AL once Wo like to discover dsual Eye defccts "GLASSES RIGHT, GOOD SIGHT." 1. S. Asselstine D. 0. S. Registered Optometrist & Optician ua 342 King8t__ Phone 1019 | For EASTER { Silver Deposit on biysta DESSERT Jugs, \ Stands PLATES, s¥ Tumblers, Feapot VAs BLOOMS CUT-GLASS SPRING tho simple te elegant. From small and at rcasonable pil es SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET. Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Jewelers. -------------- - For Easter A nice lot of --- OSTRICH FEATHER AND MARABEAU BOAS and STOLES W. F. GOURDIER BROCK STREET DOUBLE HOUSES AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES | i pra 1 | thle ¢ | * | | i Lz on MM i Boas 1 23, $00 | 2,000 Pe $109 | SL000) A OOD BLY} ed ' 4 " City. 3 . | MULLIN The Real Estate Broker "Phone 639