THE STANDARD AND FAVORITE : BRAND. MADE IN CANADA moves i ! i CORSETS "wre designed in many models, each closely follow- ing the lines of some par- ticular type of figure. Each model is made in a complete range of sizes. Rarely indeed do we find a woman who cannot be fitted "just as if the corset were made for her alone." The important thing is to get the model that suits your figure. If your dealer hasn't the ri one he wil Te it oh Se ig you are interested in the new write for our free style Crompton Corset Co, Limited Toronto ~ WOMAN DIZZY PARTLY NUMB Doctors Did Her No Good-- fe- ner- and had | HH | Ion {love and demands THE CAUSE FOR IT THE RESTLESSNESS OF WOMEN IS DISCUSSEL. Writer Says That the Modern Labor Saving Devices Have Made New Conditions for Gentler Sex. Ihe of Saness is cause the modern woma that she js Winifred Harper Cooley, in Ng arins and work have she is stretching he trying to rise aad fake and ent ively stepped and taken most her from her. In the factory are manufactured her garments. Her spin ning sad weaving and knitting are {done by machinery. 'The toller. and asd milliner and bake her needs and those of her fam up hes Changing loads leas shout Men br oug pew condi tions het tasks ave ito home of away | dressmaker | supply sotricity and gas illuminate her supply invisible fuel spirit away the dust) vators toss her back and forth werinl dwelling place. Agricul ture and primitive industries first taken from her, and then most of the | burdens of household drudgery What shall she do with herself ? She about in her new is restless. She shops aimless The care for tess is for modern woman to cghiserve het strengte, marry rationally, # titable labor to keep her inter and acu vieaners dwelling ned ele to her idleness and clubs select same {est in the world's affairs busy and ever developing. All that al human beings the most ration demand is freedom, labor, which a "quite just of fate. Given®these, peace and tranquillity will forever the restless woman. abolish COLONISTS FROM ENGLAND, to Vancouver Sixty Dollars, New York, April 16.-T. W. Shef field arrived at the Hotel Imperial, yesterday, from Regina, Sask. 'He is on his way to Bristol, Fag., where he will open a Canadian industrial bureau. Mr. Sheflicld said that when the "anama canal is opened it is the intention of certain British steamship lines to take passengers from England to Vancouver, B.C., for $60. He said that many of the bést Am erican farmers were going to the Ca nadian North-West and that they found the lands of Alberta rich. " "I the tide of immigration. from the United States and England oon tinuwes with the same class of colon ists we have been getting We can say we are building up a western empire. American manufacturers dre estab lishing factories in Hamilton, Winni- peg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Van- couver and Victoria. The Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk Vacitic and. Ca nadian Northern railways are em ploying than forty thousand men in laying steel into new and fer tile districts. "Since leaving New York city, seven vearg ago, | have travelled more than 16,000 miles, east and west, to the far confines of Prince Rupert and Vancou ver lgland, and returned with the im- pression that. the Panama canal will give the west a ney era of progress and prosperity, "I have made the question of select ed immigration a special study and am convinced from what [ know of New York that the United States will have to adopt a scheme and put re- striction on indiscriminate immigra- tion, by way of a poll tax. America now is losing of her best far- mers and Canada is absorbing all she can get. Canada now will eater to the very best types of men," Me. Sheflield asserted he would re turn in August with fifteen to twenty manufacturers, who will visit New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and then go to Canada. He declared that millions of dollars were being spent on the west coast of Canada and Am erica in anticipation of the opening of the Panama canal, and that a break water was being constructed at Van couver and new docks in Vancouver, Mr. Shetlield said he was enthusiastic about the lands of Saskatchewan To he Carried for 8 morg some Pretend She is Bride. in an attempt to hide the fact that the woman was under arrest and on her way to prison, her friends show ered Deputy Sherifi Peter Stenso and Mrs. Laura leeds, alleged bigamist, with handfuls of rice as they boardec a train at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, lox Tacoma. Sténso returned with his prisoner tor this city, and Mrs. Leeds 18 held under $00 bond. .. The woman's friends perseived that {xhe was much perturbed as she left in the deputy sheriil's custody. They | sought to account for it by giving the impression that the two were newly | married. | The yoling husband of Mrs. Leeds was so affected by the arrest that he ! could not accompany the party to the ttrdin, The charge is tirat she married before a year had elapsed, in violation of an interlocutory decree, -- Tacomn dispatch in Indianapolis Star. -------------------- Victory Means Haircut. A. D. Fowler, of Hardin, went to and beard of thirty vears' growing ent off. Fowler states that thirty years ago he made a solemn vow that he would sever shave again or have his hair eut until the fair city of Hardin went dry and was rid forever of the curse of liquor. For all these thirty vears the wets have consistently carried all of the elections, although Fowler made a hard fight, he states, to save his lit- tle city and win a haircut. : Fowler happily wended his way to Alton to be shorn of his white locks, reaching to his shoulders, likewise a bear? chat was known as, the longest in Calhoun county. voming below his wast. St. Louis we. Only Temporary. A Seotsman was on his deathbed and bis iviends persuaded him to forgive a neighbor with whom he oe gi a standing feud for some The Alton recently to have a erop of hair' THE ! ; ! DAILY BRITISH WHIC, TUESDAY, APL a aN ae ew STEIE he 14 112 OULD HAVE SAVED MY GER IF [ HAD USED IT {awrence St. Halifax. NS. disappeared. As | continued with the Zam-Buk the open ' "Three vears ago 1 had wound ot my hand aud the stump of wy finger began to od to blood-poisoning. We | beal. The doctors along noted what Zaw-Buk was he Songer wot worse, and we doing, and iL was clear to them that Zaw-Buk was effect calied in a doct three days he lanced it, ing a cure Where their methods lad failed. Hy the time I hud used less than a dozen boxes of Zam-Buk my hand and came every mths, My finger and hand were theu in a tevri ndition. The poison" had upletely healed, . | am quite sure Zaw-Buk saved ny aru. spread to the palin of the hai id 1 was almost frantic STATEMENT ON OATH with the pain. second doctor, and after a con ference the two de ded on an operation, Mr. Fog: s 1 made a sworn statement on oath embodying the above facts before a Commissioner of the The fiuger was aniputated, but the wound would not Supreme Court. heal. The blood peison spread throughout the hand, and along the whele length of my arm. A second operation was perforined, and some of the tendons taken out of my hand. Even this did not end the trouble and the wounds left by the operation would not heal. In a short time it was clear Send this Coupon and lo, stamp to Zam Buk Co, Toronto. and free trial box will be mailed you. Mr. John Evans © makes th A sore ol tried various wx 1 f 87 le sa ch tur all t Was | I For all fujiries, cuts, burns, &e.. and for skin diseases, such as Eerema. Ulcers, Eruplions, use Zam- Bak. Also for Piles. Druggistsand Stores, Hc. box or Zaw-Buk Co, Torouto. that the poison was extending right up my arm, at ivter- vais along which great lumps were raised. & This was my condition when [| tried Zam-Buk. In three days the pain was reduced so that 1 could obtain some sleep, Within # fortnight the lumps on my arm bad mognted over rather coarse white embroidered voil bodice. The aud within it js « net tucker. PATRIOTISM IN FRANCE, Country Swept by Unprecedented Wave of Loyalty. lhe extraordimary outburst of pa- triotism 'that is sweeping over France has reached such proportions that .it is now thd chief subject of discussion among Parisians and foreign residents Sines the crisis with Germany on the sub ect of Morocco last summer : val of the military Spit aud ¢ of patriotism have sét in througho the country. Aa oppurtunity the expression of this sentiment was pre sented when prominent Paris flewspa- pers started a fund for the gilt of aer oplanes for military purposes to the goverment, . Frans: bas reached the definite con clusion that the aeroplane will be her great weapon in time of war, and the patriotic movement thereiore, cous ered practical fardishiug uation with aeroplanes to make France Able leader in aerial navi The movement alectrio tor 1 hay ol sufficient on the 84 heme the a formid ration like park all over Irance, and almost every city, town and vublic subacripttons have been for the presentation of army. Men. women ikdren, north ar south, epst and t, an colby thie mite to the further A Woman of Few "Words Mrs. Harry XK. Bye, Main Street North, Mount Forest, Ont., writes: Your re medy for kidney, bladder and stomach trouble has given me gredt relief. Have taken three boxes and now feel like living and better than I have felt for years and I give your FIG PILLS all the praise, for they are the best I have ever tried." At all dealers, 25 and 50 cents, or The Fig PH Co., Si. Thomas Ont. g 12 suid Kingston ne J. B. McLEOD, Drugglst. an in hamlet opened es to has pagsed neroplar ch we the md and recommended in Vaaiila extiact of Meztionn Vaalila Beats. Sur- psc al others in flavor, a Louquet and strength. | TrueVanilla THE WORLD'S WORK DEPENDS ON THE WORLD'S DIGESTION From the ca of industry to the hod carrier+{rom milady in the auto to the woman with thie scrubbing brush tlie accomplishments of every one of us depend on the' accomplish. ments of our stomashs. Backed by a Joe digestion, a mar. can give the best at is inh When his stomach fails, be jes 8 ling. To this loss no one need pubmit. Right habits of eating drinking; a digestion go lo the Supistance Gf dhe meakined stomach, enable the sufferer, right from the start, to assimilate and get the benefit of the food eaten. this assistance, the of reguin theirtone; and soon the use of {he tablets FRENCH COMBINATION OF Dearly does the Paris couturier Jove frocks--perhaps hecanse net is so distinctly for wear at the races is by Sebillons and is of white { that pieted the citizens' aeroplane flotilly | (19000000000 0005000000000600000600000000000000 , and suff Boxe Jto begome devotees of the again LINGERIE FARRIC AND NET. introduce net non<tubbable, to into tub This frock | embroidered voile filet net. At the front of the voile! tunic is a panel of Venise lace and a yoke of the same lace is set into the lace yoke Blark velvet, run into the skirt hem and! a tuck above, adds a novel trimmingtouch.. is edged with black velvet) ance of the cause, and it is believed | when the national fund is com-| will astound the world with its num. erical strength. Americans in Paris, joining spirit of the movement, have started | mn on the IL own account and havaj opened a subscription to which a larg number of them have already buted. ter Amer | in the | i contri I'he organizers, in a public let state that Freuchmen helped thel, ican rev army it would now be very fitting and grace ful for Americans to aid in the build: | ing up of a great Fron aerial tect. The "The measure this service may be small in compari- on with that of the orviginal, but the sentiment olutionary and letter continues of big and noble, and | such suld harmonize fact that made aviation Ameri 1 i wtion wo think w well with the Lemus hrst while." The France hope very American | practic of 5,000, the an ect which will be handed over for residents to over to the purchase of roy ermiment an iwro plane there 8 still another French patriotism 1 «wl Wien French barrack ure way in which reawaken soldier return to mirhtinill in Paris | wecompanied nulitary | This has to be known "sorchhight tattoo," and nmon ht aw id vilians spirit march of th m the side being thet at they by torch come { tas | hun- | and | + 1s the un Ireds of miro Ww heir martial «1 by oldier io Aros the swing- | fall into | wid follow sthe while | ng line fr valk, infant rymen to thea crowds "looking on, cheer repeatedly | band enthusia ally for the French} army. .: { jaarter ae Back to the Odd Snaff Box. I land's | tak-| Au | { News come fram | Leeds is me that wg snall is being 1 a padly tomobiling 14 said to Those ha while careening bile at the rate of forty re of the digromforts an endeavor Therefore, th into its own a laog the art of revived the ees ant cause smoke automo- | ar i miles an hour | of such | snuff box | | ain who to away is eoming g So' general has the practice become, | a eablegram relates, that a souff club, | whose filled most x of tomaobilists, has been opened in Leeds The habit is spreading, and it is no- ticed that in london there has been an unusual demand of late for snuff Probably' will not he long before the custom is revived in America. | Bui one consolation is jeft the | plaia people. i own an automobile, tev' will not be compelled nufi-taking pastime. --Birmingham News. memnbe al au- | | exclusively In it to they don't Truths and Semi-Truths. Every day i& a'dull dat to a dull person. Friendship, hike a farm, requires con: stant cultivation Same people are like lamps, stand if heir own light If you stretch the truth it is jiable to fiy back and burt you. Same of "our socalled necessary evils are not so necessary as they are con- venient. It js all right to drink vour friends' health, but dgn't "drigk 'away your! own, ' The office that seeks the man isn't nearly 8G pérsisteht "as the creditor on the same mission. . Nearly everyone is lobking for en- couragement. byt the most successful men hale Mohd il pecedenry to ene eoumage themselves. -- Boston Tran script, : they Sr -- in snd "The Stooping Cure." "Phe stoopmp curs" ix the pow treatment for bodily ills, recom mended by fhe phyficaans of Paris, it is anil. Youd teat a newSpaper inte a thopdamd [Redes and scatter over the Bodr. Then yon are 6 we var and fdathed them all up I Piltabirgh Post. | 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 Kingston Business College (Limited) Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth year, Fall term begins August 30th Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele raphy, Civil Service and Eng sh Our graduates get the positions Within a short over sixty secured positions one of the largest porations in Canada, time, tion, » FARM FOR SALE (110 ACRES), NVERARY, convenient and numerous repair; Situated and ing near the Village of Church. Frame Dwelliug Cement Silo, all in goed For particulars, apply to E. BLAKE THOMPSON, * OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK, MARKET SQUARE, i "Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. to outbuildings, also good Orehard. School incini- best time with railway cor- Enter . any Call or write for informa- H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. Kingston, Canada. _-- JAMES McPARLAND, hone for Regal. Richest barley, finest hops, purest water make it best to build sturdy bodies and rugged health. Canada's favorite brew deservedly is -- Regal Agent. Hamilton A Ass'n Lu Hamilt 'LAGE LETTE =o " Stung ap aot Ey At all Good Tx aud llotels oh The Elevator Ranks With The Indispensable Aida to Modern Business USINESS was transacted without thejtypéwriterYtelephone or -electric light] for[thousands of "years, Untiljinvention - a provided these conveniences no, one . could realize how absolutelyjindispensable! they would become$ . Yet the business to-day that tried seriously impair the etficiency! of anid to get along without their aid portant department] fio! ew tetenmnios Orrs FENSOM ELEVATORS tition. Many business' men) have) yet togrealize {that {good elevator equipment is as indispensable in the efficient management of (the 'ware: house or factory, as!are typewriters : Iwill be to: your; profit to realize now that in' doing {without good elevator service you have been doing without d really fdrss pensables convenience. and telephones in the general offices, Otis Fensom' Freight Elevators have have made themselves indispensable wherever they have a been y installed! They save labor--sreduce t the biggest ngle item of expense in any business, at the same time remove sources why and vexalion that otherwise would.