eh Daily British W Uhig {three little ones, 'whom he BI& not WEATHER PROBABILITIES. seen since he left for Fgyvour, sighteen : La, 4 \ Dan {months ago, 0 work in the oil fields : oe . Laat for an Fuglish syndicate. Mes, Mel rie . : is hoping against hope that her hus aims oe -------------- band has not perished, and is wait 2AA0L00 under terrible stain for the porten jlous telegram that is expected and , Which will mean either his life o k | bs on The letter stated that MeCrie total, $730.000 was retained by the A R remained over a week in order to White Star company at its own risk, come on the Yilanic. Pr ident T ft Sen C isers and the balance was placed on the i eran : esi d S Till surance market in London, Live rpoul, | mesrfeprt-- Ft--trm------ Message From Carpathia, t S f Di Hamburg and elsewhere, EA ! ER that there are anv additions to the| Boston, April 17,~The Caipathia 0 cene 0 isaster. I'he loss, it is said, is the larg list of names saved, as published, vos should arrive iw New York to-morrow on record | snpection with or ) fa ' : sm---- : eC S, ; ps and ulkhiea terday. The Cinrpathia is pushing her | Might. Sable Is and has just picked bottom way carefully through a heavy fog, [up a message from the Carpathia sas ee -- ---- ing that all ave well on board. TITANIC WAS WARNED Fishing Vessels Were Near. "Believed Titanic Unsinkable, From other sources it is stated that " New York, April 17.-The hope 4 Montreal, April 17.--That Capt. fishing smacks and other vessels have lw some of the 1 i Smith believed the Titanic and the | picked up a number of bodies from not taken arpa - a Olympic to he absolutely unsinkuble the Titanic and are taking them to] 3¥ FRENCH LINER OF PRE-| may hao ori Wed was A v 0 i . is recalled by a man who had a coh. |the Newioundiand coast, SENCE OF ICEBERGS. e to-day, when the eaptan YEAR 79 -NO. 91 . KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 19i2. LAST EDITION versation with the veteran commander i fest ob he hoes on a recent voyage of the Olympic. To. Laok tor odie. And Capt. Smith Ack ledged i rn re ---------- Fhe talk was concerning the acei Halifax, April 17.--=The Mackayv-Ben apt. Smith Acknowledged thea 1 he passed alon . gent in which the British warship { nett cable steamer is leaving Halifax Message With Thanks--Kinyg un by the Titanic wd that a num t Hawke rammed the Olympic, to-day, with a ful! equipment of grap George and Queen Mary Send af Der of fishing boats were in t ici orce m d 0 g "The commander of the Hawke was | pl ng apparatus, and a number of cof ty of the disaster at the tin He Message to the Bereaved, . entirely to blame," commented a [fins and undertakers and embalniers . oa he thought it not improbable | 15. a. younrg officer who was in the group. lon hoard, for the locality of the dis Montreal, April 17.--~Owing to the at many ol the passengers had "He was 'showing off' his warship be faster, in the hope of picking uj prominence of Charles M. Hays, spe |t t wvoid being e n carred und . . fore n throng of passengers and | bodies. cial efforts were made by the Urand | the suction of the liner max ave | a st made a misealealation."' i ------ Frank officials and his friends to lo rescued by the crews of the pr e Capt. Smith smiled enigmatically aut | Crawn Heads Sympathize. mie him, but up to this morning i vessels, The Elion % nol savin. | U S or 2 at | . midnight, no 1a » . the theory advanced hy his subordin- London, April 17. Ring George, word had b en received that would] ped with Witeiats, The capta to Port and Rolled He in ate, but made no comment as to this Emperor Wi Ram, and nearly all the ! ad to the belief that he bad escaped | ner said the fishing hoat view of the mishap. { heads of the wernments of Farope His wife and daughter, Mrs. Davidson, [#d twards Ha Jifax, when "Anvhow," declared Capt. Smith, have sent cables expressing sympathy Are. reported. sale, & son-in-law Aieng the route taken by the Trou h of the Sea. 'the Olympic is unsinkable, and the |. (Continued on Page 7.) Thornton Davidson, is counted amon p-- Frianie 'will be the same when she is | Lo ae he missing a matter fact oy Look Along the Coast. put in commission | WE CAN WRITE E WHERE. Jerry Montreal man: who was on boar Ottawa, Apiil 13 : A "Why; "he continued, "either of | ioe J the Titanic arded as lost. Thi val departme these vessels could be cut in halves, | But Ontario Medscal Council Re noudes, io Special to the Whig, rect, both as to number and strength, and each half would remain afloat in { fused to Let Him. ) Payne, . : St. John's, Nfid., April 17. J than in the old types. definitely. The non sinkable, vessel has [ Special tor the Whig i on ; kland port is current here which in - heats ye whed in these two wonderful | Ottawa, April: 17.--Kingston ! phy es eke > . jetans and Qneen's & SW to have emianated from the trading Warning of Iceberg Menace. "I venture to add, "concluded ( apt 1 1 w dneen's medical students i , i jhe terested in the following editorial vessdl Brace, which is on its way to London, April 17.-Norton Griffiths, | Smith, "that even if the engines and from to-dav's (Citizen 2x Sydney, C.B, giving a version of the NM... who arrived last night, on the hoilers of these vessels wore"to fall | . steamer Empress of Britain, says : through their hottoms the vessels! the Citizen over the pon 5 "Med : . ai "I have sailed all over the world, ' would remain afloat." 0' tin oh anf, n me, rl tained from various ships. Fhis | but I ean honestly savs 1 have never tn hh pointing out that although he Jr 2 y. says 1 1 thad graduated in medicine fron to the effect that: when the Itanic seen. such a sight in my life. It was Insurance Company Losses. [Queen's University, the Ontario Med struck the berg she was going at a simply magnificent, We were steaming | Winnipeg, April 17.--~There will be [eal Council refused him the privilege of rate of eighteen knots an hour and along quite comfortably, rather pat- f heavy losses among the insurance [writing on its examination because hi ting ourselves on the back that we 4 : L : } | com mies as the result of the loss &f | trict ape i iriti the impact almost tent the big ves |, 4 given the icebergs the slip, when |y I io.» ¢ o | matric lation papers from a Britis an and Parisian -o cell ! inl that is oo 5 1e itanie. ark Fortune earried |sohool ere nmacceptable to the coun To \ , chile 8 I is that at midnigh sel asunder. Her decks, sides and | suddenly there came from out of no £25,000 in the Travellers' Accident In oil. The absurdite-af t} : able steamer 1 ¢ tor she: aniConntered a huge re pPUSA Ue : ~ > ¥ 1. we absurdiy ol he excuse is ol : & 1g bulkheads were smashed from bow [where a wireless message. It had "a {guranee company, with a double liabil- cuge is ob 1 sick up som tor very serious jmport, for, after saying |ivo which being lost on the Titanic ; 4 : vious when it is reahized that the said | | (he to midships. The bows ond upper that it was from the Allan liner Vie- papers wera acceptable at both McGill | roceived at Halilax from both the ates. : : will mean fifty thousand. In the Cana- , fo ' . works were smashed to pieces. ginian, it went on to warn ussof the | gp Accident 4 3 HR and Queen's Universities. Medico' | sinian and the Parisian that thes { { . dian Railway cewdent Insurance com now informs the Citizen that last ached t } ES ami nt, 8 cached the scone of the wr t 4 All Fashionable wit her other yorted saf Hearirending nacied here during the 1ours which irst flash came Shades---28 ine "Recently a Young local doctor wrote ul - ich Titanic disaster which the trader ob st Hash Coats and par Efforts to Find Survivors, New York, April 17 il de y Iavre, wil 17.The Fr vas hope that tially pleated Skirts which - ari morning, h ver, word = rame plo from Phe cebergs i On Sale To-morrow No Talk Just Values STEACY'S "The Store of Satisfaction." mmunicatior spol and had sighted wit it vterno "rh 4 \ be inst pany, Fortune also carried $5,000 | Low ou, careening to the port wide 1e captain acted on the instant. | With double liability : Ar : . medical council of Nova Seotia stating | wer the ; \ ] : covered by steamship aceident, and in 1 | a i il'a ex i action in the presence of that sinister | a1 his dedth in Wreck meee. AL. that he may write on the council's ex- Jage in the big icefield in which the tom is supposed io have been torn peril of the deep, and that no dis- \ ) } Y . Si rieuls ane A ¢ is fa ' i. ; § . aha . a es Nouvel tes the en 1 . : of the Grand Trunk Pacific, earried triculation PADErS are invite satising mind no race of human he ng The | ia ' ura 4 avr hergs which she was passing over; us {and the ship, The vessel's course was | $95 400 double labilits tory. This is further evidence of the J Parisian put back to Halifax, but th ' saying ots 9 a aii hich (ustice of the attitude of the Onta virginian continued on h wav with aepateh reporty ler's with $12,500 gocumnlaiives, which | ™ t i mdeh lost time. : AD py 4 y 1 1 > { nence « « gs to the ecaptaj i i heh . ' also carried the double liability elguse [Tio Medical ( ouncil towards thi | he mails to Liverpool. The Alympic be ' A whe : : 4 ward' wie auiskly Hooded, and the "We had another Warming, Just © asus the otal to be paid on his death {Young local doetor.", 00, all her jarewell to the Cape ow " \ rinewhedgnd th ship rapidly setgled by the head withfeure, a little later, All were easy, Tt wreak wo » Neve » te Race wireless station, continued op Pp y 4 . bv reek would be venty-five thou x i lly : elightiully warm and plea- 4 or 9 veross the list to port, rolling heavily in {ho hath beers deli ; sand, ON ARID i ISLA URE "The Mina : y ysunt, when without apparent reasor ! | 6 | The Mi ' i ¢ . essage From King and Quech. trough of the sea. The force of the the Ca ' phiren apn ! The Minia, which hufried from Cap Fane Yar ueot The sitp struck the berg partially | presence of #4 gigantic mass of ice. Me k tog week, he received a letter from the | 'o be of assistance hev had cruise He k th cobaita: 1 clint , which would be | Y © new it NeCeSH] La or amme ate ond almost turned turtle. 'I'he bot " a A Ri. i > | thousand. Charles M. Hays, president aminations of that province as his ma itanic went down, but they had out of the Titanic by submerged ice. | tance could be too great between it in the Travel |; : L deviated at ones, though it meant every compartment from mids)fips for TYPTeTYYY teinpernture dropped. It became _-- = z : . lace ns soon as the first wirelesg eal impact was so forrific that it prac o4deply cold, and there was a cold Nothing to Live For HAS BEEN PROROGUED or help was received from the Titanic . 2 | tically, voutsthe sp from sums to Ther In he a | sg Yana. New York, April 17.--Capt KE J got in communication with the station | White Ar compan There was no need for wireless mes rat ee : 3 agit ¢ and aid th hey he 4 x stern. shes after that Sith' & friends said there could be ch R | yes| rday, and : Bg that they h aed A ; ihe Yueen 3 wd are horrified 'or short time . sufficient order} a pA . : nothing for the veteran to live for af Be From Throne | e ets Federa tound so sign of life at the spot where] the appalling disaster which a 3 1 "It was on Thursday that we sight- I Yoo he T 1 he Titanic went down. That steamer, {pened to the Titaric and was _ mafutained to allow of the fed the menace. It is ~difienlt 10 de [iF NE the Titanic. The very fact | = pofuegt of Subsidy to Temis- 00, is putting hack for port, having [ble lows of life. We dy lnuriching tn safely of most of the |seribe it. As it eame upon us, it look oa 4 had fatfled I Seize the i . sbandoned as useles an further | with th here vel 1 i : ted to me, if 1 may say solike a vast RS Woy « awnys have heen hy R iw. arch i ur X heir lifehoats, and the embarking of about continent of ice. It was all shimmer. | 388 him, and the men who knew | Kaming a ay. Pp on si Taft, ho i i all a ar ' 7 ry oN x i i - " resident lati, however, ordered ong 1 ir heart one thousand persons. Fhen a ery ing like polished silver, an amazing him best, said he would hardly have | Toronto, April 17.--The Ontario Li last off n t . 1} n oth \ i ar #5 . . ng ' 2 a . : R as fo o gather in other survi {Stoned (e went up that the Titanic was sinbfdg) sight." lived to come to port, even though he {gislature was 'dissolved vesterdayv af re of th AMgned) and the frenzied crowd rushed madly wd saved his passengers. ternoon with the usual ceremonies, y * Alfred (i." Vanderbilt, at first sup a a; nn eout Just Like Hitting a Rock. Alired 1 Rie + 8 f SUP: | Lieutenant-Governor Sir John Gibson cape] 4 ; at intls w i for the boats. R posed to have been lost, cabled his re- |, oo. : A yrocepd Lo the sg beneath which th g 7 Wi : x resent Fe : ; : : cdr Ry Wiech she sa MARRIKD, As the ship settled in Hee Bea aot An 1 few Nixons Intives here that he did not sail. | The speech from the throne wag com Fitanic now lies, giving them orde . With | of dv i OF many of the boats were smashed to! to think the Titanic was either | gieamshinp Expe is On Gr ¢t Shi jpuratively brief and contained refer pieces in the davits, and some were! travelling at full speed or perhaps Beli ' - i . SD d Hp. Wence, among other matters, tq Ihe swamped while they were being launch crashed into a berg so. tremendous ellast, April 1, 10MAS Andrews, hounds wry extension agreement; the . that there waa practieally no give. Ir.,, a director of the shipbuilding { 000,000 loan for development in New ed. The others went down with the "i the Finis hit one 3 oe | firm of Harland & Wolff, was among ! : skhip. great ice masses," said Mr. Nixon, 'it ihe passengers on board the Titanic Psi = ' By this timé the ship was seen' to ]is likely that she struck one that had | "© pan Sstoupanied by a number of | snrding agriculture; the granting of | hips have searched in vain teory of the Disaster, he settling fast and the water had {no more give than a rock. Under re it whe Were watching the Fg) 000,000 for good roads works; revi Aun Arbor, Mich, April 17 oS Cire - smith} had to | Working of the last production from | : . ! uy t ei who » in charge hed the engi oom. The wife these circumstances, something had to , J {sion of the statutes; compulsory a 2 i q reach the engine room. give way, and, as the iceberg did not, the company's vards. [tendance in schools, and liquor aot Carpathian Has 700 Survivors, the ill-fated White Star liner Re less failed through loss of motor pow- the great ship had to erumble up. amend 5 Camperdown, N.S. April 17. Dur [at the time shy k d who . g F I « amenaments. I er and all lights went out all over! "It is conceivable that an impaet Ashburton and Ismay Safe. | Particular reference is made to the | ing the day there has been direct com- | a #emor Jaw student in the Univ the ship. This added to the . gloom, of this sort might have buckled her London, April 17.~Lord Ashburton | nd the difficulty of handling the | longitudinal plates from end to end, | and Norman C. Craig, membrr of par- | A io hagly 9 2 "| shearing off and starting rivets' and [liament, whose names appeared fin | boats, opening up the water-tight compart- | some of the published lists 'of first | The source of this version, which has|{ments throughout the th of the {class cal sassengers, did not sail on ? 2 members © e lifeboat crews saved mse wpposed «to " 8 ¥ 2 IDENTIFIED LOUIE. : vi the appearance of rdliability, gives the | vessel. tha Titanic. Lord Ashburton is on | -- fe, to sink number of passengers saved as over T his way to America on another steam The Finger Print System Worked The 1 test News, 4 v has ti th d Revenue Cutters Out. er. The family of J, Bruce Ismay. | Out Finely Toronto, April 17. To-day hag been |) perience on one ousand, By 2h co + Pro managing director of the White Sta: . 2 day of feartul dread t aghipgton, April 17.--~President | i { wreck. He ord th i . y i 4 : cruisers Na wnd Ch y a 9 ! HEEL | ree ew new ewe we rw eee TY WOR ore! A to intercept the Carpathia on the wa and to wireless to Washi no imme liately a full report of the wreck life ) " full They are to go on to the sceme of the hy is full °F : . npathy wt bers slision, but there seems no hope at > Ontario;. colonization and settlement ; | 41 that they will have the fortune federal and provincial co-operation re nd survivors for which fou perished refusal of the dominion government to | munication by wireless with the Car [of Michigan, + most inter grant a subsidy to the Temikawing | sathia, and the captain states there | the news of the sinking of th and Northern Ontario railway. are seven handred survivors aboard. | He expressed no surprise tl -------------------- This probably does not include those | sion with an iceberg would DIED, pecial to. the Whig and anxiety fon 10 2 roachery ---- : Taft sive out iw Jevenus cutters rived to Erect revs uf Wim. Bar April 17, The value of the the Felatives ot Pople on he Tani aan al oh Jon to to meet the Carpathian, which 1s } p 0 | assenmper lis we rescue ship 1 itar ruck Lack of Life Saving Appayatus. hearing the Titanic's survivors to New | list of rescued posted by the papers | pathia is Within six hundred miles of | day hen New York, April 17.--A toll of L242 [york © The Gresham Ys at Boston | brought great relief to his friends and dead on the Titanic may be traced di-1 and © the Acushnet at Waods Hole, | relatives. rectly to lack of sufficient life-saving | Mase. : . appliances in the equipment of the BT (The Futility of Money. ship. Wireless reports from the scene Lapland to Carry Them. New York, April 17.--The Matility of of the disaster say that all of ihe | New York, Apr 17. finger print system as gdopted by the local police department, was manifest ' : . Mandal ant ed when it served to identify Loic] Ve¥ York, bat owing to contrary at-flmers chan from the rth te { Morrow, a man who had served two mospheric condition, wireless commu- | sonth ' Mise {vers in Kingston penitentiary for | bication with her was dificult, and no | the ice. holding up and robbing a citizm on ]08mes were added to the short list His ip August 12th, 1910, and who gave his |" essed yesterday While - it is | not strike a Ue Sua ~The Lapland, money in the face of the appalling |name, yesterday, as Alphonse Ma known there must be others on board would ha Fitanic's lifeboats have been mecount- | 7 pod Star Line, sailing Satur- tragedy that had overtaken the vie: |thieu. whose names are not given, friends of land could not pc ed for. day, will take the first and second [tims of the wreck was exemplified in| Detective Joliat arrested Morrow on | the passengers aboard the ildated {her fo sink. He If this be so, over 1300 human be callin passengers who were booked |*he case of Mrs, " Benjamin Guggen- [suspicion and his Bager prints wer liner will not be satisfied . perience that a their fr the scheduled return voyage of (bein, whose husband was one of the [sent to Inspector Foster, the govern The Montreal St ay cable trom Lon- foiruck and that the berg werped d lives, because no [provision had been ' 0 Tiianic. The Lapland »*} eal at |missing. She importuned everyone she | ment expert, who arrived at the con |don, based apparently on fragmentar jone side, tearin holes tha made for hei safety in just sich a Plymouth and Cherbourg and will jrould reach semi-hysterieally demand- [clusion that Mathien was no! oibe XareOnigrams caught by eastenrd 11,90 gumber o then proceed to Antwerp. ing that something be done. person than Leuie Morfow. aes ROW neanug England en Moreover, Foquiry yesterday at the | "Por God's sake do something," she fier (457. 1%an the feature of the day's newy of | Sinking of the Titanic, bureau of inspection of steam vessels Sarnia Man a Victim. demanded of Vice-President Franklin. | POWERS LOOKISG FOR PEACE. the great Haaator Montreal City' it | Ane o abi tn Mot i = id T= . b* ¥ y sell sulers a stiimess ol e graye ondon, pril 17 ti tie on a i fame : -- a hte ib Bay chance do at Turkey is Asked to Name Her Best espais bas taken the piace ; of hope {the final scene in the 'itanle's with lifeboats of Lambton county, was a pas [boats and rush ! them to the scens? Terms. gi x 18 ens Rtledt hay ¢ von Out Laster, which is published of its [passenger oer on the Titan. He had how Due funy be some boats atin afloat | Constantinogbe, April 17.--The re | Soe. © Noni) 2 Drowns "fhe bout. sank insh by in ROBERT J, REID, conducting drillin operations in there may men and women |presentatives of the foreign powers . ee Ion {ship w a n_ angle ne , Not only. that, but officials 'of the Egypt, ng was "returning home Re: ne ihe Xo: the wreckage. It: the. feat tap 10 fen > se the Titanic, Juve fannd a Same * {dey Trees before she plan oreard. | The Leading Undertake#, u say that it ia customary for cause of his wife's serious illness.| Nhe was assured that word had ibring abovt mediation between Tur A Reston de toh fei Tid a. The pemueng uy a we ris | "Phone 577. 230 Princess Street. f ee She is too ill to be told of the ship. een sent to every steamer in the [key and Italy, when an identical note | iitornian has picked up a number fe rater, ra aad ew . vicinity to patrol the sea and to hat wis presented to the Tarkish foreign of bodies in the Atlantic, and is on {numbers A pu ord suit ocbon JAMES REID Fame could. jmitfster, Assim Bey, al nis piivate] its wav to that city * lsoores ju 1 from the decks wth Lif abe Old Fam of Undert : Shack Killed Him. { residence. Now that the first shook of the ter ET Th wie Gache wth 34 pnd 204 PIISCERS WTR kL © « 5 : i : x 3 jackets omlv to be sucked down } Phone 147 for Ambulance, Boissesnin, Nan. April 17.-J. I ug Hit Teeberg, Bu But Beached. The substance of the communication rible catastrophe is over, the big ihe whirlpiicl, When the final plunce | Alexander, oX:M.P.P., dropped dead] Flenshurg, Prussia, April 17.--The|is that, having ascerteined the italao | newspapers on both sides of the Ar: » imal plang PY = Bd eth stern sng spell | when told of the Titanic disaster | steamer Decident collided with an jce- conditions of peace. the powers desire jyniic are energetically pressing the | were high iu 'the oy 3 and. propellers He was troutled with heart prise Beg in the Baltic sea off Riga. to kpow Turkey's terms question, Did the Titanic have enough | The capinin and officers were sien bow was shattered, Assim ley asked for time to formu |jifebonts * | n ' ¢ 1 Ve sagt 3 : linging to the ge three secongls Messages Indecipherable. eaptain managed 10 run her into late his reply, witch is practically cor-| The United States government has | aire the Le irl Jee three secon Boston, Mass, April 17. Communi heal water before she began to sink, [tain to be od Turkey declines to on | slrsad® arranged to take a number | pant sli of ior 3 cation with. the steamer Carpathian, and her passengers and crew were safer tor mio nego@ations on the bazis of {5 survivors to Washington. immedi- {cither from the waters me " . hurrying towards New York, with. the Iy taken ofl. the liglian preteasions ately on landing to be witnesses al an 'tho yhin's gtave or from the explo. | \ CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S A ---------------- exhaustive' enquiry into the eaunse of, fon of the boilers. There must hase! Awaiting Her Husband. To Improve House of Commons. |ihe wreck, and the conduct and effici. | : Lk hays 4 Mixed, 'London, Ont., Je 17. Mrs. James! Ottawa, April 17. ~8dvws are wing [ency of the oflicers, {furnace room as the sea water poursd | 3 McCrie, whose husband is am the taken by the government to improve " (down the fumnels and shcthodd Abe | of those missing on the Yitante do. the acoustic properties of the house The Loss Not Estimated. re, ie Maney 2 reach | + received a letter which he hadiof commons, where froquently diffi-| Tondon, April 17 --Underwriters sta The: authorities at the admiralt { mailed just a couple of daye before he lovlty is experienced fa hearing meme iod thet they could not say peesrate tContinnad on page 6.1 ° i a . sailed, stating ey he was bers. Jacob Maser, of New York, an Hie what securities were on board the ' ot | herkins, p a the big new liner on expert, in hers conmiittyy with © the ship as yet, It was generally estima- } In Octagon Bottles, 30c. "tip. and was looking forward (go ar afuent architects. : ted. however, that, witly the cargo, GO-CARTS. ¥ | Wh Be Titanic. would represent a OF ha ah a dozen of them. Wi sel Jas. Redden & Co. beent at lesst thirty exgiosions in the Chow Chow, Walnuts, White Onions, & reasecalile price. Must b Shin | cash. Turks. 'Photie 196, ' a