New Styles Every Wesk. Something Exclusive. ., Your Inspection Invited. __ "No Obligation to Buy. McKAY 149-157 BROCK STREET Fumiture, Carpets, Curtains i 1. hese and fifty other styles of Iron and Brass Beds are now open for inspection. All new styles. $2.50, $3.50 up. wOARPETS and Rugs from best Buropean mills. & CURTAINS. --The ies direct from: Old Country Mil "Repair and Upholsteriig promptly done. w-Xours, F. HARRISON COMPANY 'Phone 90, CARPETS Oarpets for Spring are lower in price, an : - twice the variety + RUGS | are lower price with | ~«'gofter colors. We have every- thing worth re. "MATS hy Et conceivable shade | sizes sizes to Soh: Smal siz nes. 1 i's wd i" be { \ # Iw. J, OFFICERS NOMINATED LAT A MEETING OF TON BOARD OF THE "INGS. TRADE. THE DAILY adian Northern gailwa J ie above Bw points on ton freight the Napanee & | He requested that i ake up the question oi | ith the Canadian Nortb- Bel aL present. advant Kingston Bellevil in amworth railway = board 1 freight rates v railway, eviihe over ern having' the Board Will Sapport Rogue st Yacht of from ome io two cents per hundred, Club to Make Cedar Island Landslg points on the Napanee & Tamworth | Residential--Power and Katway | railway Matters Were At Discussed, of the board | trade night, the president tr. EK. Ryan, theV la of the members to the fact that nomina- ns Tor for the board lor thes were to be at ihe meeting Pucsda of drew City com this wo ing. The pre doh Ln order year made ealMed for and stated ti ing withdraw m forty+ight hours by sionation witding |The fo reed Hoi SOK Br) ! Harty noginations anyone wish do so within handing his re to the secretary nommations io in Ho ving were then presidents Hon, William Mekle, M.V., ana Li i Ross, , Vr nominated by Mr, Car i gall. I president IW. T. Minna. First vice-rresident--d. GG; Laidlaw nominated by J. G. Eliott N { Polson, pr, nominated by Mr. | fnw. SeCOr br. Ryan, nominated b ud wd vee worminated 1 Treasarer- by Mr. Carson. Nominations resident (i, ¥, Chown, A. Macpherion B. Dalton, nonbnated for council--¥, K. An Bawden, Dr. Black, A W. H. Carnovsky, R. J Bermangham, 0. Chown, k John Donnelly, J. G. Elliott, Fair, M. Farrell, Capt, R Fraser, L. W. Gill, 'W, R. Givens, J, { Hanley, I. F. Harrison, J. M. { Hughes, Francis Ring, ¥. Loc kett, C. A, Low, J. RB. RMctann, George 1h, Mohay, John Mobay, W H. Macnee, €, A. Macpherson, Hugh | Mnepherson, tobert Mek, T. W Mio, . A. Minnes, W. "1 Mines, W fA Mitchell, H. C, Nickle, N. CU. Vol {eon, r., HH. E. Richardson. H Ww lirhardson, KF. Sowards, V Li. Stevenson, EK. A, Turner, Awditor--F. €, Ireland, nominated iby, Dr. Ryan (declared elected). | Francis King, chairman of the Fob eommitiee, was unable to he | nent, asked that the board { that aglion is taken by the city cow {| cil Lo exercise the option upon th Le ataraqui bridge Upon motion of H. seconded by R. J. Carson, it was re solved, "That communication be sent to the city council, reguesting it to take over the Cataraqui bridge be fore the expiration of the option thers om, and to ask the government to proceed at once with the harbour im provements." A letter from .1. Gilbert, in reference to delays in shipping freight, on the several railways, was referred to the wholesale section, A letter was received from the sec retary of the tuberculosis hospital, asking this board name a representa tive on the hoard of directors of the hospital. Upon motion of Mr. Donnel ly, seconded by J. A. Minnes, it was resolved * "That D. 6, Laidlaw, vice-president of this Board, be the represntative up on the board of directors of the tu bereulosis hospital." A letter iglin, George H. Black £ arson, £2. i Tis, 2, ma ore sen and W. Richardson, a was received from retury of the Kingston Yaeht Club, asking the board to join with that club in sending a deputation to wait upon the city council, to urge the advisability of having Uedar Island made a place of public recreation. Also a letter from the secretary the lrontenae cheese board, request ting the use of the board of trade rooms, for. the holding of meetings of that hoard. The letter directed to be laid before the council board for action. After discussion upon the request of the Kingston Yacht Club, taken part in by Me Carson, B. Dalton, F. ti. Lockett, and others, the meeting requested the president to nominate a committee to join with the Yacht Club in wailing upon the eity council in support of its request to the dominion government to make Cedar Island a dominion lands reservation. The pre sident nominated Messrs. Carson, F. G. Lockett, JJ. A. Minnes, H. W. Rich ardson and himself as such a ecom- mittee, H. W. Richardson, hotel committee, reported that as soon as the act authorizing the guarantee ing of the bonds by the city, was signed by the licutemant-governor, work by the hotel company would go the sec SO of was of chairman of the CARPET WAREHOUSE. N Brick residence, 8 rooms, the Bay of Quinte. beautiful water front ;fine summer place; «com tortable winter home; four pres land, with large barn. This property can be bought a great bargain, or will ex- change for city property, situate about ten miles from "She city, reached by a beauti- ful drive along lake shore. A cholce selection of houses { : ; to loan on real es. { | tate, wi ¥ BY surance 'panies. McCANN in sound com- (% ahead Flmer Davis, chairman oi 'the indus tries committee, reported that his committee was in communication with saveral prospective industries, the lo eation of which here, depended large ly on the question of the supply of power. Nothing definite could be done before the power question was sel tied Mr. Fair informed the meeting that the eity council, he felt assured, would praveed at once to exercise the option upon the Cataraqui bridge. H. ©. Nickle requested that letters sent to the board by the genecal man ager of the light, heat, power and water department of the city, stating that power to the amount of 10 horse-power could be supplied by the city, and quoting the revised schedule of power rates, shouid be read to th meeti Two letters were read to the meeting. As regards the letter guot ing power rates, Mr. Nickle, readi from the minutes of the city council, drew the attention of the meeting t« the fact that the schedule of power rates as published in the minutes the city council, contained conditions and provisoes not mentioned in the letter quoting rates to this board. Af ter discussion taken part in by Messrs. Davis, Fair, Gill, Harrison, Meek, W. Richardson and others, the. secre tary was i to write to the general manager of the light, heat. power and water departments. of the city, asking the conditions, hours and times yoar, under and dpring could be by thelto have the | Upon motion the of the Canadian North railway, asking for a re-adjusi- freight rates. Ur. EE. Ryan, the president, was in the chair and the other members pres | ont were: Messis. Anglin, Bawden, Black, Blackeby, DPoyd, Carnov sky Carson, £). Chown, Crothers, B. Dal- ton, J. A. Dalton, W. B Dalton, Da- is, Donnelly, J. 6. Fihott, Fair, Fra Gill, Gillespie, Gaild, Hague, Han ley. Harrison, Hughes, Keeley, Laid law, F. G. Lockett, Low, Melann, G $B. McKay, John McKay, Macnee, © A. Macpherson, TL. Macpherson, M Milo, J. A. Mimes, W T. Min Mitchell, H. C. (Nickle, Polson, E. J Rees, 1H. BE. Richardson, H. W. Rich- | ardson, Ross, Sargent, Simmons, Sowards, Stevenson, R. Telgmam, and Turner, ! HOME, spent [ern | ment of wer, a. D. | S. Smith, Siitherland, THE ORPH ANS The of Management the Year. Committee Elected for The annual meeting of the qualified members of the Urphans' Home was held Monday. The following commit tee of management was elected : Direclresses-- Miss Muckleston, Skinner, Mrs. A. Strachan. Treasurer-- Mrz, Garrett Secretaries--Mrs. PR responding secretary: Nickle, recording secretary; lin, assistant recording Mrs. R. Crawford, registrar. General commitiee--Mrs Mrs. Browntield, Mrs. H. lames Cappon, Mrs. J. B Mrs. W. GG. Craig, Mrs. W Mrs. J. A. Hendry, Mrs riek, Mrs. C. Livingston, Mrs. J. ) Machar, Mrs, James Massia, Mas. W. I. Minnes, Mrs, (i. Richardson, Mrs. H. Richardson, Mrs. B. W. Robertson, Wiss J. Robertson, Mrs. R. V. Rogers, Mrs. J. 8S. Smith, Mrs. Van Stran- binzie, Miss Macaulay, Mrs Wal- dron. Mrs Ww Chown, cor Mrs. Hugh Miss Red- secretary, = Birch, Calvin, Mrs. (larruthers, 13. Dalton, Ss. Kivkpat- R TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened a Quarter of Century Ago. Manager W. II. (Carson received six: a i was favoring ! { i secretary ! | was instructed to write to the local! i {freight {ria Ling {o'cl CL {the oldar | the | kad lefi the tto the fod taprived in BRITISH Willa, NAVIGATION. IS OPEN; oe! AMER CAME WEDNESBAY, WOLF E ISLANDER ACROSS HARBOR At Ten O'Clock Wednesday Morning There is a Good Deal of Ice in the Harbor. Fhe steamer Wolfe 1s ation here on Wedns by artiving at its ¢ iha Loat lit Wolle bland end pulled into of { lurence str afier ten. The of ber re ort that they time confor ofer and « {they time, they. experi and when again they When the 1 hey mone x. wharf at x whart eet at te rien in char od nn der tn lL need a sday ine the {sot mints good that made id and of water Lune city good Ice they made boot go "nd yt pear again through much ice the ste owdgs dow the opentig wil OW neer When people heard hat island they or Lo withes navigation, The boat ke her wsaal trips Wolfe Is ander cat of John N, ierreapont whorl ma The fresh hue. he position on the , hus 1 isl: nder. Still fower Much down Ice. A} houch in the the ice is fast disappearing, the panse from the Grove Lin and from the Lifland js pretis t will take a strong wind it up. As the eanals do not until the first of May there Will ively Be mueh moving amony the sels at this port. ex secure, to apen rot Many Mariners Here: an number of the city, the arrivel of A large Island here for secernl days a chance to go fit out the vessels. ) kte mariners anxiously the opeiding diflegntion have been nwa ol of held to ng vization fer Garden wailing wet ------ Marine Tidings. steamer Port Colboriie, teen in the Kingston dock for repairs, and is lying at The heyport company's will be The has ing ech, side, Cereal they sible has been float the wharf out 18 moored the wharf It moved as soon farther down the floating down the lake to be dangerous; it ns pos as the alle river, ice is ty applications from outside, for laces on his baseball olub. F. Folger left for Kentucky chase a fast horse. Contractor + McCarthy set men vork on the Central school. The Roval Military College cost 857, 727 in 1884, and the anmual camps, to pur- te 1 8250,000. Summer session of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons opened with the following professors: Dean md professor, of principles and prac- tice of medicine, Dr. Fife Fowler; sur- gery, Dr. M. Sullivan; clinisal gur- gery, Dr. T. R. Dupuis; materia medi- , Oliver; obstetrics, Dr. K : clinical medicine, Chamberlain Trewin; physiology, Dr. W, Hl. Henderson; anatomy, Dr. Garrett ; demonstrator of anatomy, Dy. Mun: dell; medical jurisprudence, Dr. Saun- ders. HAD RELATIVE HERE, M. Molson Was Known in Kingston. AHarey" Markland Molson, a passenger on the steamer TiLtapit, a cost of Mrs, Stewart Robert son, of this city, and had often vis tod in Kingston. Mrs, Robertson has Feen unable to get "any word to his safety, and is inchned to believe that he went down with the bont Mr. Molson was born in Montreal in i856, and was edueated Yn Germany und Paris, was a director of the Molson's Bank and Canadian Transfer conipany, and a leading member of Montresd clubs. He was well known to many Kingstonians. "Harry" Welt who was in as Narrow Escape From Bullet. FE. H. Bate, of Brighton, was in Lhe city on Wednesday and tells of an axci ing event at Gananoque, mn which he had a narrow escape. He was standing near the G.U.R. tracks talding to a friend, H. Campbell by name, when a bullet whizz! between them and tore the trouser leg i man standing in a group, beyond. For- tunntily the bullet fell to the ground without doing any further damage. It was pointed out that the shot had been cardlessly fired from a Lee-En: field rifle by one of the men about the armouries, some diylance away. Ihe man claimed he thought he was shooting a blank cartridge. of Seeking More Information. The postmaster, James Stewart, has received another letter from the law- yers emdeavoring to locate the heirs of the late Nelson Eftchoock, of New York, There is little doubt but that irs. Mary Ann Greenlees, Sunbury, s a mister of the deceased, but the lawyers have asked that Mrs. Green- lems give further information, and also forward letters she received from her brother, Students and the Results. Last year the students of Queens i ordered over 1,000 copies of the Whig, fcontaining examination results. The papers weve mailed to almost all parts of the globe. This season the hig will again carefully attend to such orders. Send in uame and address now. Price, including postage, three cents a copy. A ---------------- Montreal Event Postponed. Mayor Hoag, to-day. received a mes- sage from Secretary Walkem, of the Kinbston Old Boys, in Montreal, sta- ting that the annual dinner, which was to have taken place on Friday night, and at which Prof. Shortt was iven an address, has heen postpo indefinitely, owing 10 the disaster on the steamer Titanic. While lighting a gas stove in : J Collendar hotel Tuesdny evening, stove exploded with a loud report. TH lady who was lighting the stove had ther ie and Ayeinshos bisrved, and the hes Ween im the, The steamer City of Hamilton which, has wintercd at Sw*it's wharf, has Leen overhauled, comlbderable pairs having been made forward. re Hotelmen Have No Chance. Dongld M. Melntyvre, K.C from Toronto on Wednesday after looking after the aty in connection with the motion of the hotelmen to quash the liquor license reduction by-law. When asked by the Whig ill there was mny fear of the bv- law being quashed, Mr. Melntyre stat; ed that he did vot think that there was any at all : afternoon, interests Queen's Hxamination Results. Complete results of the examinations will be published in the Whig as soon as they are posted. Students' who leave name and address at this office can have the paper mailed them with aout delay. Price, including postage, three cents a copy. Fy ents Late James Daley. Ap Oitawa despatleh gays The ¥. Lions, Ottawa, has been collector of tolls on Lhe Hal, 10 succeed the ate farmerly of P&ngston, who died Sunday. ras Hidean Dalkey on James rein ander opened | at PSA | harbor i across | ek 3 nn break |! ves | have | it | na i men | up | across {o the island to} which | Shipbuitd- | 1s likely | . returned | appointed | y ! ALD. M2 Regular Price, 25c Special This Ma: convener ~hanical hine y's h 16 Re ference hest any and Data Books are and most d pro price ical hanks sof we useful anc al "mater readers at N TH 71 NO) Steam "8 Steam rYumps Steam Piping i } Principls | tions of 6. Principl cations Part 1V ing Principles and Applica cath Electricity, Part Telegrap I phone } 74. Prine and Apph- 8. Transmissi cations Electricity, Su. Losomotive RB part iL Wheels, Axles Principles ing Boxes eations 82. Locomotive Building Part 111, Valve tion Foct Motors Room Practice and Ele tric App:t- tricity, faght- Engines. 7 : i g of Eile ers, 76 ahd 11 and Apphi jrcity, Tele 8 Ch fples of n of Power ulding and bi and Ele namos Appli- tricity and of Dy Complete list of Reference Books and Data Bo ks for Week Only, 20c Machinery's Mechanical Books for Self Education nlace affered Bulldh toiler p Pra Locomative Bu Erecting Practice bh. Mechanical Drawing fastruments; gal' Problems pobianical Orthogra aie f.eite 1. Me Ma 5 Locomotive Shu tice wing Goeomertri Pirawing Projection ring hanjcal Dra wine Petalls Mechanical rawing Drafting Be Methods and Systems ving yO THE COLLEGE BOO OPEN NIGHTS. K STORE Phone 918. | { PR TRIS SB, WRT a, { STYLISH SUITS FOR PARTICULAR LADIES During the past two. weeks2we have passed stock "some very late ideas from the Artist: Tailor. We need say very little about the well-known points "that have made our AM! Ready-to-Wear I YE : : Department ih the Mecca for particular ladies. The style, beauty of materials and work- manship cannot be duplicat®d in any other store in the city, hence our rapidly increasing business Nobby Suits At $10 and Up To see is to admire and buy. erm ee p---------- A late shipme nt of Rain Coats, Also Long Coats | for Spring Wear Prices and styles to please. NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. THE LAUREL It's new "PLATED Knives, Ask to est Creation TABLE Sifoons, see it the in WARE." Forks and Fancy far ahead of in Pieces. It's as previous efforts beauty as reagonahle can be imagined te and the tion SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET, Jewelers. & Opticigne. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS W. F. GOURDIER BROCK STREET | ist T0 CALIFORNIA ] | | | | DOLLLOALBMAMN p | ROSES J. W. LITTON HAS RE- KINGSTON. | TURNED TO a-- ALL THIS WEEK-- "$1.00 per dozen | | | He Saw Old Kingstonians in Thai { i Far-off State--Edward Crumley Reads and Swears by the Whig. Ald. J. W. Litton, | | and l daughter, arrived home {i | Tuesday to Cdlifor spent Six and afters with his whie ou All Other Flowers |B | Plentiful - and (ut from a three-months trip ria and Alabapea. They in San Francisco Cheap Our Ladies' Ready- To-Wear Store is a centre of attraction to many of the fair © sex these bright spring days, and most of them agree that While larger stocks Elsewhere may be, Styles mare select They cannot see. NEW WAISTS Marquisette Waists, Middy Waists, Pongee Silk Waists, Net and Silk Waists, Lawn and Mull Waists. $1.25 10 $6.50. NEW SUITS In Serges, COheviots, Whip cords, Venetians, Diagonals and Tweeds. $13.30 to $30. NEW SKIRTS and Underskirts in Panama, Voile, Satin, Saleen and Moreen. $1.00 10 $12.50, IN MILLINERY Our offerings this week em- brace ® namber of Pattern Hats that are "surpassingly | lovely" in style and extremely | modest in price. ! rete: betwen Frontense vidted Los Angeles and Passa- Ma. litton saw Kingston's He to | watds dena and Birmingham, At Los Angeles Ald. Edward Crumley, of who is prospering {that Mr. Crumley delights read ithe Whig ecery day The former one {PURDY"S# 1109 BROCK STREET say e sons, 1) 226 PRINC ESS ST. "Phone 927, SOOO 0COONROOIBOIIENOIBTANYTT" {Kingstorkan keeps in close touchw'th jwverything thal transpires in his na tive city, and has a scrapbook | tekping the pictures of prominent Peo 'ple here which he dips from the Whig avd saves. Though far away Ned Crumley loyes old Kingston. At Passedena, Ald. ['tton "Harsy™ Dunn, also a former Ting storhan, who has amassed quite a sum of money. Ald. lgtton says that iff he was ever leaving Kingston " is wo Passadenn he would tow it is a most progressive place, besides hwbng the cleanest city be has ° ever sees, Eien the boys who dive the grocery wagons take pride in Keep ing the roads clean. Kingston could Hearn a great deal from Passndena. Spilled Two Gallons of Whiskey. One of the drivers jor a liguor store had the misfortune to fall on the side walk, on Wednesday morning, in from of the general hospital and lose two gallons of whiskey that he was taking mto that mstitution. He was going up the steps when his foot eaught, and he and the jor fell at the foot of the steps. Teves Con We Grind Our Own Lenses Wearing the - - : - Wrong: Glasses He, Your present (ilas- ses fail to givk you ease and comfort, there's mocking wrong. ARE YOUR GLASSES RIGHT? That's § Vital Question to You and should bring you to us at once. We like to discovér asual Eye detects. "GLASSES RIGHT, GOOD SIGHT." J. §. Asselstioe D. 0. S. Registered Opronsisist So-Qprician 342 King St. "Phone 1019 ---------------- a Apes Kingston's Exdlasive Optician. un- Permits for Dwellings Albect. 11. Daly today took permits for the erection of to dwelling houses on (he north side ie TRCWET A) PO a ~ \ Hy 5 re JOURNEY through : SOAPSEDS often attended by many dang- ers; rough handling, swcorch- ing lrone; ignorant treatment ET shrinking woollens and lack of LESS. The "terrora know ol cleanli- avoidance of iz simple when This is the KNOW-HOW LAUNDRY, and It guaranters a safe rejuvenating journey to finest fabries thease Yuu How and the « 0000000000000 0000000000000:10000000000000000 3 TRA "Kees sssensesee asenssw SRR AOR it: Lk