FURNITURE E ] ous 3 The best manufactured : Try a bottle Only 25¢3 ) Satisfactory or money refunded. 2 CORBETT'S COCCI PPFee0000000000000000 Hardwood Flooring leaner and better than carpets. an be laid over an old floor. IRCH, MAPLE and OAK S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. 'Phone 86. ® DRINK HABIT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT The ORRINE treatment for the C Cc B 00000000000 C000000CTFITIRERESOOOY | hi obi di sc Drink Habit can be used with ahso-|¢ lute confidence. Jt destroys all de- sire for whiskey or beer or other alcoholic stimulants Thonsands have successfully been restored to lives of and usefulness, Can be given secretly. Costs only $1.00 per box 1f you fail to get results from OR- RINE after a trial, your money will be refunded. Ask for free broklet telling all, about ORRINE. G. WwW. Mahood, corner Prinvess and Bagot Bireets. CREDIT IS A CONVENIENCE When you have no money just think. You come here, you purchase your clothing, You are dressed up neatly, and jou only pay $1.00 Per Week for quality and value, 1 give you more than any other gtore in town. Don't believe me until you have seen for yourself. Why not call to- day? $1.00 PER WEEK WiLL DO, The popular credit place to comt I keep also a full line of Qil- cloth. Linoleum. Odd Squares, Carpets, Lace Curtains and Tapestry Curlaing; also Boo's and Shoes JOSEPH B. ABRAMSON, 4 COLBORNE STRENT. Opposite Central School. As dmply used it and haye|good roads, sobriety] # DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publish tarto, at $6 per year. Editions at 2 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 Shurkisy morning at Ooh $ making price and and cheap work; nine improved p TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and Street, Toronto, H E Bmalipiges, J. THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR 534% pages. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; reste. ot lian, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED THE DAILY BRITISH at 306-310 King Street, Kingston, On- d 4 p.m. lished 1 ris Mon. rr . > ad to tates cha for bosiage "of Weekly $1.60 Der yea 4. 6, Eiliett, President. Leman A. Gulid, See Treas 20 Queen Oity Chambers, 33 Chirch P., representative. / The Somewhat sharply has been Teriticized, and un: It has not been able to + rush results, and for the reason that to do #0 would be to the disadvantage of the Hydro-Eleetric Commission. This commission has been talking of cheap power for a long time. The promise of the four years ago utilities commitiee fairly, chairman of the commission about was that the people here would get illumination as cheap When that there was no assur connection with any ly as candle power, pro mise was given ance of an early water power in the easi. When later the Seymour company became a competitor with the Hydro- Electric Commission the prospect of an early coutract and oi acceptable terms. We all remember the delays that ocemrred, not on the part of the power committee, but of those with whom the committee The meeting in chamber last December ed. Hon. Mr. negotiations were pending there was were the counci will be recall Beck said that th nego hating. Then with GETTING AT THE FACTS. S-- sion was about to acquire its rights, and that the assurance was clearer tht the city would be served with power at a reasonable the immediate future, rate in No ome has ever pened between heard what hap- the Hydro-Electric "ommission and the Sevmour com- but the merger did not take od once more the city is be- the competitors and without definite idea 'as to how i will 'ome out. An expert, a man of large hag been employed 10 mss upon the merits of the twp of- fers that are before the utilities' com- mittee, and it cannot be long until he nakes his report. Oue thing is certain, that the city, pany, place, tween any iNperience, in a manufacturing sense, is sulfering or the want of cheap electric power, ind that the sooder the wisdom of the ddermen and the experts gettle the {uestion the sooner Kingston will be n a position to compete for business, I'he utilities' commit tee roceeding » perhaps as fast as is meanwhile cir- Seymour company, that the commis umstances will permit. Fhe be dis scllved, election, logifature will May , wlll 'be new The government one of the best--indeed the best The most that can be the positien, friendly «th the and hence because it has been defeated the LB go Quebec and in there a Gouin is it may be described as ~the proviace has ovet had. sad abgut it by it that it has been Laurier government, its enemy, oap- iovin administration may also. It that the is the main push, the big man of the ministry, and that his colleagues are his reflected lights. As a gov- Mr. with James Whitney's and it has a people should of the have been large, and been the expenditures, since the to the utmest of its lim: the %nterests which have commitied it. is said, too, premier ernment Gouin' sir comparncs re- be pro- ord of which the 'satistied. The revenues vinee so have gov srnment has, f, een it, advanced i to dueation, AN ELECTION IN QUEBEC. | Iwas applauded Nor print fault the conservative find way the and should s any good like the Montreal Gazette with this is slew of the federal government scattered millions it found in the treasury by vears the conservative opposition was the fact that the ment not devoting enough is slrpluses towards the reduction of "the puklic debt, and the debt was the last Mr. the party. For lamenting govern- was of when ac- thing thought about and dis friends cess to the funds. Mr. of time Borden had Gouin gives the people plenty to think over the situation Moreover, he has been chal- the election by the party. They will expect the Bordem government to provinte, as it did South and detsauch it if possible, and act. lenged to face conservative deluge the Renfrew, bug the people of Quebec have awakened from agriouiture, these and sther causes have been most liberally | vided, -- The people of Kingston have been aware that something the them, made painfully municipalities, for the must be done by of and or a part to care imbeciles, those suffering from dementia. These old people, fus- sy, restless, and in speech, cannot be herded with the common people. They are not in- sane and they should not be put into the asylums to fill them up and close out the younger generations with men- tal diseases that may be cured. The loeal member, who has given this matter his serious attigniion, says that there is in Toronto an institu tion to which the sufferers from semile dementia may be sent. Last vear the government gave it a grant of $5,000 and it understood--and it is not ~that this experi ment ix confined It prebable that or county, any group of counties, can provide for the the imbeciles, and the menjally through old age, am semile tiresome, vicious in action was not understood now to any city Toronto. i¢ om care of weak, DERILECTS AND DELINQUENTS. the spell of last September. 'The na tionalist party, too, hag gone to smash, and its high priest has abroad in disgust, . gone -- there is great need that this undertak- ing should not be delayed. A sign of the times is the movement in the United States, (and in one dio- cese of Canada, by order of the Rom- an Catholic bishop), to prevent the marriage of those who are bugenical- ly unfit. The record of imbecility in Pennsylvania is shocking. Over 10,000 cases are reported, and 3,500 cases are sequestrated. In New York the record is proportionally. as bad. But why cite the experignte of the United States or of any American tity ? Can- ada has burdens and anxieties from epileptics and imbeciles, clergy that marry thein as great respomsibility. The license issuer begins the menace, and the clergyman completes it. The jails and the refuges and hospitals contain cases that should be in an institution that is differently tution that ita idiots, and the sume a equipped, an insti separate from others, apd where the horrors of defection or abnormal life hidden public view, is are from the 'CRYSTAL BRAND OUR Stawdard Granuinted Sugar Has been tried and found excellent fe Rivers Fine and table Jae. Price brew MACLEAN, rio Street. Electric Restorer for Men Lr ER at: SIC RE EE Sa Eo in aut ad Jlrsen he . For sale at M's drug store Kxteusion Walnut Table aml Side baprd, ig FLICK of New and Second. Band Furnit ure, You wil get & bar. ist # a SUGARMAN'S, Outarie Street. FONG SIN to {ers of the PYNE THE -- The protest in another column from the Toronto Telegram avd agofinst the injustice of eduention depart- in closing a certain sohocl be could not find a the nent cause the trustees teacher who eould French as well' as English, give instruction in is in good form. L Here is the resolution which Mr. J. C. Elliott offered in the Public Ae counts' committee and which was shouted down by the tories present : "We condemn the action of the min ister of adueation in fordag the clos ing of the said school, on the ground that sich action was contrary 10 the wishes (I the majority of the ratepay- said section, was agains the protests of the majority of trustees in the said 9 pri serioty atiack 'upon righ! ilges of the ratepasers tees in the public schoeis (province. ' "We have gt oie into duet of the thon in forcing the puklic school in HYPOCRITE. ren of 8 hool age seventy {wo are thnglish and thirty-three Freaeh. and that of the trustees two are English joud one French. "We futher find that the of education, by his action, compelled ;the closing of the said school, under. "the circumstances and lor the reason set forth in the aie letter, written by the deputy mitliter of education on istructions o ithe minster of education." And that was opposed by the com- mittee. The government says the regulations "of the education must be enforced, it will appoint more minister ine it wi not take any steps so that the ome thing needed may be sup tlied, namely, qualified teachers. Ur. Merchant showed how this could be done, and he guoted from Nova Seo. tia. the ex erionce of the education degiartment his Rlumin: tion is passed over, and conditions are left co that there cana possibly be any change in the towndlip of guents to the Manitoba school act as : spectars to see that this is done, but |' WHIG, WEDNESDAY, EDITORIAL NOTES ---- I'he chief conservative organ for Op- tario, says Mr. Rowell is unfamiliar with parliaméntary Ne one would for 4 moment imagine it who heard him present a case and support. it with precedents. | proceedure. Ulster, which is so much in evidence nowadays, sends to the imperial par liament seventeen unionists and six. teen home rulers. One would think, to read the papers, that home rulers would be as scarce as hen's teeth in Ulster. W. T. Stead, one of England's greai- est journalists, went down with the Titanic. No man lived more indus triously, and no man, with his pen, was more actively and usefully em- ployed. The literary world can ill-af- ford his loss, and it is very great. A member of the board of trade} points out that under the Hydro Electric Commission the power can be bought in Brockville for about #10 or 815 pet horse-power cheaper than in Kingston. Would that bring the in- dustries to the city ? The Mail realizes in the plans of the local government that the pupils at- tending the bu-lingual schools will be Ywell instructed in Fnglish." Yes, if the teacher happens to be English. If she is not such French will be the language of instruction or the school will be closed. The Grand Trunk railway system will miss the guiding head of its gen- eral' manager, whose death at a passenger on the reported. sca,-as Titanic, has, been He ranked among the high- est in his calling, largely : Trunk company He only namely, the Pacific and to him. is rdue the position which the Grand occupies in Canada. one had in Canada, president of the railway, SPIRIT OF THE PRESS It Pays to Wait. Free Press lI you can show that vou are a vet eran of the Fenian raids of 18566 1870 von can get 2100 jeash from government. Over forty years is lqug time to wait for the money. King Can Do No Wrong, Biratford "The king ean do no wrong' seems to be the motto of Sir pJames Whit- ney, and as he is practically king in Ontario, ' whatever he does, however at variance with constitutional prae- tice, goes, peer Canadian Ottawa or sho a Beacon Exténd the System. Ottawa Journal, A reader, noting the Journals re mark that to get the Ontario Provin- cial railway under the jurisdiction of the Dominion railway commission wonld be a good thing, asks "Why not the Intercoloninl, too?" Sure! Why not? | Slow in Meeting. Hamilton Times As predicted, the * Quebec conserva- tive newspapers interpret the amend- an act of justice done hy Mr. to the oppressed minority. minority are oppressed it within Mr. Roblin's power within the past elevem years them justice. Roblin IE the has been any time to do Reports of the Work. Windsor Record. We'll wager the : next time Sir James goes down into the basement of the parliament buildings the jani- tor will find him kicking himself for committing his government to ga policy of abolishing the treating habit and thus acknowledging that the leader of the opposition is on fhe right track. ULSTER'S DREAD OF FUTURE, Anglican Bishop Says They Will De- fend Birthright. Dublin, April 17. Addressing synod of the Church of Ireland, the archbishop of Armagh said they dreaded worse than he could tell the anarchy and civil strife that will re- sult from amv measure of home rule They regarded with horror the thought that the destiny of their na- tive land should be handed over to the mercy of men who had "marched through rapine (o the dismemberment of the empire." Already the dread of it had roused the fighting' spirit of the toilers in the provinee where industry, self-reliance and peacefulness most prevail. With all solemn intensity he said the Ulster- men wore desperately determined not ta he driven dul from under the Union Jack. He had lived among them the Tae part of his life and solemaly hp Ulstermen intended to de fend 4 sad birthright with t pl the | "Iwith those of 'olgving the racés,' APRIL 17, 1912. f Choice models, Best Shoemakers. New Oxfords--- Button, New Tans, New Gun Wicker Suit Cases $200 - $3.00 $4.50 78, 80, We Specialize on $400 and $5.00 Shoes. $4.00 and $4.50 BIBBY"S Now Sell Trunks and Suit Cases Spring Hats We take our pen in hand to say that Spring Hats are now ready. There is not a Hat in the lot to make us take back our assertion that we've the best Hats made for the money, "The Wakefield "The Waverly " " The King " ' Christy's " and Borsalino ** Italian " We claim to have the Best $2.00 llats in Canada. Our New Shoe Department is in full Swing Sole Agents for Celebrated Hartt Shoe For Men The Shoes we offer our patrons are the best Shoes that experience c an secure. productions of Canada's Blucher and Seamless. Metals, New: Patents. Good Trunks Wardrobe Trunks Steamer Trunks $10.00 to $20.00 $4.00 to $10.00 Canvas Covered Trunks ~ Metal Covered Trunks $3.75 to $7.50 $2.00 to $4.30 Leather Suit Case Two Straps See's Special $5.00 Leather Travelling Bags See Our $9.00 Leather Bag BIBBY'S LLtd. Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 82 PRINCESS STREET. DENOUNCE CARDS sip THEY ACT DRUGS ON BRAIN. nr, Appeal to Upbalanced Minds and Lead to Neglect of Sane Occupa- tions, Says Medical Journal, New York, April 17.--A report that a certain prominent church is to raise its discipline so far as to countenance dancing and card playing among its parishioners calls forth in the curren: pumber of the New York Medical Journal an editorial on card playing, in which the pastime is denounced as a "pure and' simple wental dissipa- tion, which grows upon the vietum, like all other dissipations, to the even- tual exclusion of logical and close thinking." The writer expresses hearty approv- al of dancing as "an art, pesfection in whieh requires study and practice, and leads to a healthy latigue whieh prevents excess.' He hopes, however, that aay gious body, which hus the poder "will continue to enfowee a regulation evi dently based vears ago upon observa. tion of 'the stupefving effects of card playing. eficcts which are identical n pastime which finally incuered extine- IT is LIKE reli- "Ytion wt the Bar's of none too squenin- ish legislatures, Card plaving yan distraction for the elder] the writer grants, bat once a Week only, and upon. others, young Sy wile in tien far. who indulge. in it more often, he declares, "it excroees its ndreotizing influence with irresistible force.' He wavs further : "The Jagend which aitributes the in vention of playiog eards to the neces sity of amusing a mad King of Fram possesses verisimiltitude. Atipnading Denatily th the wwbalasced mind they soon reduce that of a better quality to the same level. Ther are comparable in every way to. the habit-forming and lead surely to the neglect of 2 healthy smusement, "valuable be a re es THEEFFECTIVELAXATIVE Tastes Like HARD TO FILL PLACE] LINE and is Eaten Like Candy WAINWRIGHT IS IN FOR ADVANCEMENT, ME. In our experience the hand of drugs - and has € never remedy that tion to our Orderlies. This laxdlive tains all the laxatives, but Our own faith { ling medicine belie had Or Vice-President Chamberlain May be CBed Upon to Take Charge of Grand Trunk. Montreal, Apri 17.11, as is feared, C. M. Hays bas perished, the manag: {men st: of the Grand Trank railway will for a time be thrown ialo chaos. for there is not a single man belong ing to the company whose acfivities have extended over the wide range of Grand Trunk leghsiation and oper as did the activities of Mr XI customer remeds or good featur of in Rexall Ovderlie them personal ¢ i thotou tell to vou other catbarti con othe faults none their sO strong thi we offer to with our that if you, will 4 penny you pad ore, in mendation awn positive de ou only word back us fe antee, Lhe n satisfy need ¢ we #1 Thess re what and the, i ation iy Hays, The only man whose grasp ot the Grand Trunk siaation even approach- NE . il: Ord os to that of Me. Hays is Mr. Wain: 2% "like rear wright. It is possible that fhe] o8ien like candy Cause pauses, r residency of the company has ther " rendered vacdnt Me. Wainwright gio For ing ig A take held of Dhe situstion temporar- i him a ht Fhe ily, but as he is alrenly consider | ood Hor children. 'ably past the pemsion t he rein Then oh Harty be Sxpesiat dna With | convenient tableis in th¥be amie Ny ¥ . Ph asduns { Pe Meanwhile, it is certain that there pathages I wees, J be Remedies would be a complete reorganization, | shiminad in this commuits But Gt is impossible now ev¥en 0] ur store The Rexall tp spleduleitn upon Bt, exept that Wyo og Kingston, Ont. well within the range of possibility -- that Vice-President Chamberlin world be recalled from | Winnipeg to take up a position at beadiuart ers. them take tryin pon oF fies like and are do not Too Thea taken are | neste Phe rips i EX ensat ness, or Hou) | any * ra wily 1 une, | larly ean | cate anno, wet " AY Or put uize gruel J by at Ww. Cnn only Sale sthreeineh ribbon, Ife hair nets, 5c, Black underskists, Dutton's, One of the best known railway men, Richard Tinging, Torosto, travelling freight agent for the Grand Trunk, will retire on May 1st, alter (fi years' Service. Yarg: be) Aniual dN of the 14th Yegiment will eommenee this week. Bale cotton night' dresses. Dufton's.