SMa reed ews ATR SE RT ® whe pe So --_--"_-- i in PAGE FOUR. Torpid Liver can be quickly restored to normal "ac- tion by use of Warners Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Clears out the poison. Kestores health. "I am cured by vour Safe Kidney and | year ago | had no loug I took about and I am new well my housework, etc Markham, Atlanta, wonderful ml 7, : = Zi 2K Aemedier Each tor a purpose: { 1~--Kidney and Liver Cure, || 2----Rheumatic Cure. S--Diabetes Cure, l 4----Asthma Care, S--Nervine, Constipation 6---Pills Biliousness ASK YOUR DRUGGH Tonpon ner's Safe Cure Co, 293 Toronto, Ont. Wend me free of charge a sample of your Remedy No. .. Name .. Address Hardwood | Flooring Cleaner and better than carpets. | Can be laid over an old floor. BIRCH, MAPLE and OAK i S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. "Phone 66. IT GROWS HAIR Here Arve Facts We Prove at Our Marvelous as it may seem, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were once bald. | Of course, in none of these cases were the roots dead, nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny appearanee. Rexall "08" Hair Tonic acts scienti- tically, destroying the germs which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the hair, stimulating and wounrishiag them, . It 1 a most pleasant toilet requisite, is delicately perfumed, and will not gam or permanently stain the hair, We want you to get a bottle of Rex- all "03" Hair Tonic and use it as di rected]. If it does not relieve - scalp irritation, remove dandrufi, prevent the hair from falling out and promote! au increased growth of hair, and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us, and without question or formality y will hand hack to you every penny you paid us for it. Two sizes, HO and $1.00. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood. Want You Risk. LL] hair Frisco Chinese Restaurant | | Regular Dinner - 25¢ | First Class Servic] OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SAM & CHARLIE, Proprietors. 183 Wellington Street. MEN'S and BOYS' OUTFITS FOR EASTER WEAR Large new ' i Buita ail the Ee and pativens Blue Shades Figud shapes New's toda wa, 61ee ud in Sew our latsat Alga rine Now Stack of Skips, Boots and Shaea for Spring Trade, Before buying your new Baster Out fit elsewhere vall and see our stoen of Spring Goods, ISAAC ZACK"S WE PRINCESS STRERT. of lata and Cups la the antl stylos, Ties, i plorable {tained that i wheve, 'THE WHIG, SEVENTY.NINTH YEAR ublished at J08- 310 King Street, Kingston, On- s at 2.39 and 4 DAILY BRITISH WHIG, tarlo, at $6 per year. Editiol WEEKLY BRITISH WHI, u, Pe | Thursday morning at §1 a year. To be adde and cheap work: nine improved presse THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED TORONTO OFFICKE.~Sulte 19 hnd Btreet, Toronto. H. oa published in parts on Monday , making price of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Brinting Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, E. S8mallpiece, J P., representative. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 1% liquor thew men and fears the It the yother men. for tastes. 13 easy to account p.m. ang d to A referendum is now suggested the people may the question. ed States charge for postage on bar and treating Ihe asked upon Anything tue government irom dedling with a troe- blesome issue, guestion to be vote to save J. G, Elilett, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec~Tress. the tive organizer in the Quechee Armand is vonsery a local édiec- Lavergne 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church . Armand is-like most He ton, converts, politically. is extrethely zealoua A SACRIFICE OF LIFE Th acerdent is the de that Fitanic more has been the now is nEeer the calamity saddest | : . tof its kind, is due to the carelessness | and the maiden trip of the finest ship i of known both, officers, It the ship indifference, of the com that mandi the that Was dangers of night were many, the great passing of was termed the through what one "a ty iceberes," and commander, an experienced and pable, joy ing the dining man, courageous ca from the bridge, the Too was away en with others pleasures of room. many distin An appeal has been made to the Canadian clubs all over Canada to as sist in the erection the Cartier nw This and of morial monument in Montreal. will to cost all asked to contribute. monnment Fi00,000, it the and The French in its people "of will be monument 1s, but i prov noes race of course, national and this ome the origin, it ought to be and the « apparent as best sense, hee mm Hin 'its widest | aspect of ase will more the interest move- {ment extends, It is proposed to have.n pageant in of wonderfully of moving the it connection with unveiling the monument, and will be the direction the educative, if under { Mr. sprit Lascelles, who the He the matter the was in fLuebee tercemtary cele bration. has been tuvited to give his attention, and during artier week the people of Quebec A GREAT CANADIAN EVENT He wants to overthrow the Gouin gov: ernment because condescrnded to fall down and worship him. the premier has not Too many to guished men aboard ! \ In NJ, dividing the people the luxuries, of life, sons who were given that is whether the peo the, and dance | he the progressives and they promise They are led by a preacher Paterson, an issue is rather than the hardships, ple shail not have use of the afloat diverted the attention of men schools in the evenings their heart's content. carried the day, are delermined, succeed. to from the serions duties of the hour. antis have Granted that the men in control went bat down with the ill-fated erew and pas sSengers, shere was no heart au appeal to Providence, that sacrificed through the default of that in the appalling disaster for anything but the fact lives anybody suppose curt replies of the important questions) an evidence of come when the and the Whig would be ashamed of a liberal minister this way. that the ministers to members, pertinent re- Does mains hundreds of have been refusal and to apswer them A day will tables will be turned, those in whom these hundreds trusted. carry with PEEL strength ? J EE who carried himself io will cidentally the all In stirring incidents and live past Over again, andi SPIRIT OF THE PRESS it Ought To. Poronty Telegrant Jiv- | f. Castell. Hopkins cables to rule. Will a yentleman many schemes will be revived, and the part > ye 5 . played by Sir George Etienne Cartier illustrated. colle long F'wo of his gues----one still gathered hws i home ap rule apd ing and one since proval of home pretend that it is please withdraw? It Certainly Hamilton Herald A commission will be appointed consider Mr. Hawkes' emigration port It must be feport cause such a pother . Everything Light. wurnal his fathers---Sir Charles Tupper and Sir John Maedonald have put it record that portant on Sir George" was an impor Is. factor of confederation confederating the that could mn 1a 0 to provinces Canada, without him not have taken place. douse It in the political life of Canada that his place and valae in it is 80 long since he resigned Ottawa J Light - weight bread, and light weight provide elbow-foom. fo municipal heavy-weights have been lost sight of, light to weigh should some of out onl, and coal it needs something the this monument them The grand call up and fix then in mind, have effect, The reminder pageant will but passing. will be One "Consolation. Mercu States authorities an abiding of his sacrifice Guelph United and service ry an ce, nre talking of reducing the size of thei It and needs some groat, overwhelming, shocking event to wake the peo ple up. to make them conscious of the life. The of and of the hundreds, in of life, the dominion of world, Every- the the all sacredness of loss Titanic, walks and conditions all on level in the nition, one common death, has stirred in every there is note of warning, of alarm, and in the have begun to plan for better results. It felt that steamship is unthinkable The tight every nation, marive avchitects the unsinkable thing walter splendid 12 now an with its great leviathad, compartments and the best that money could is seen to be a helpless thing equipment provide, though so powerful, in the presence of a danger such as every ship may Ihe Lig en counter, with all its fittings, big bout, and is after in the ocean, and as frail shell fi jo to toy as a when confronted ' wilh Aiteation didn the city was concentrated the tried in The defendant meurance superintendent, on Core, England, and of life la man of good pedigon and fine ad- m London, sa dress for the sake of her mouey. Lhe one strong pint in favour was the fact that that there was he had handled But the strongly against n ol Tite man he had no moti e,and that money, no ev dence or used the circumstances werg Seddon, and when eventually verdict of guilty was rendered the people who read the it The woman was acquitted, and faint- ing Yn court had to be carried out. N es ddence agreed that was correet [n% soon as the appointment eould be * SOME AFTER EFFECTS Lhere's ove satisfac make our wad much what they do. paper money. tion -- It can't smaller, no matter storm and sea, A Benefactor. Examiner, The man, Marconi, who invented or discovered and made telecra phy practicable, is a supreme henefae tor of humanity, and Canada,* whose government was the first to adopt wireless "telegraphy and give puis to its universal adoption, can ta a goad deal of credit to herself. aud imperilled with na- ture's mighty forces. Peterbora It the great ship pow be in most demand, ship. 18 not that but the sensation will safe wireless One recalls the which was produced some years ago when a fire occurred in.a Chicago theatre and scores of persons lost their lives Some of the dangers were not and appar: America, and across the sea, in the olden haunts of there was a demand for the appliances that would guaran tee the safety ~ i Feeding the Babies. Fimes ent until then, ail over Oswegn There are now tions" open in man Empire 251 "infant 165 towns of the Rie effect their tablishment has been to reduce the per centage of the bottle-ied bupbics from 60 to 35 and to decrease infantile mor- tality from S.4 to 4 per cent. id care sta- cy ilization, . er. of os of every life within a theatre, We cident see the effect of the the better Titanic ac- in clamouring the world conditions, and it that Not to Leave Permanently, Although missionary, leave weeks" time the been transferred, over for is scarcely hereafter ships can command the publie favour that do not give assurance of the possible sailors' three Pound, in about S00, where he has his family will re- any Lieorge will for all 4 rontent. JUSTICE IN ENGLAND He ond his wile wire charged, with the murder of Muss Borrow, anil. Now in England there ia a criminal sourt of appeal, and to it, st once! fullest protection of life. The lifcbonts and life belts, and life buoys must be mm evidence everywhere, aml without them there must be distrust and dis for some time. He on May 10th, and some time in No- when he will re main in the city will 'leave the city will be gone until vember December, turn again and take up the winter's work. At first it was thought that he would be leaving for but since that time some changes have taken place. On account of his fam- ily he asked permission that he wight be left at this port for a short until his son finishes his course Queen's, and the staff arranged for him. or good; r-- ing discussed, ward for the of "Not j tion, we are grade step. a plea is Sften pal fo time at this ure of the Scottish Its would be 'ar diet proven." sure, It carry caution away [rovides an easy of vity. addition, ft leaves a stig- tntrodue- a retro- to A Word leaving the city, the with examination results, mail address, anywhere. Price, ¢ rndene rd to has a tendency to Students, from justiee,, as it dith Before Whig, ed to your order way out a in FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 19128, EW BIBBY'S 69c hirt Salc BIBBY'S 69c Shirt Sale FRIDAY and SATURDAY IN OUR SHIRT DEPARTMENT We will place on Sale 100 dozen SOFT SHIRTS Regular $1.00 and $1.25 Goods for 6 Oc AND CRESCENT Black and Whites. Sizes 14 to 18 8 TOOKE Pleated Fronts, BRAND Plain Whites. Neat Stripes, Plaids, Ete, Shirt Sale Sale 50c Silk Ties for 25c. 50 dozen Silk, Four-in-hand Ties, New Suitable for close fit Collars, Flowing ends, A good chance to get in a fresh supply of Shades, Narrow Derby Hook-on, Ete. Ties at Half-Price. Shapes, BIBBY'S 25¢ NECKWEAR BIBBY'S 25¢ NECKWEAR SALE BBY:'S Men' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. I - and Boys' \% rn THE REV. WALTER COX. APPOINTED RECTOR OF CHRIST | CHURUH GANANOQUE. 2 KING'S PARK-South Winnipeg A few choice 100 {t. lots for sale easy terms. It will pay you to secure these at once. Apply to , mM wet, J. O. Hurtox, J Kimgaiod. Suiarie He oe his ve of nuvi; to Deseronto the Yedside ol { coused. William * Black, 1s vithting his brothel, J p.h= Miss Jennie M {the holiday 'deamon' here rents, Mr. and Mrs, lresumcd her duties as at hooner 1 aber, hire sel shaon, during the pest fas mother, sine who boen getting ready for ine (opening nmoned Lo te \ week MALE, of Parham, A nek ore, spending pa ie ha of the A Young Englishman Received nan Injury to His Eye by a Splinter of Steel Entering It. with het Mo: tencher John three "cents, Orders will be most care- ma attached to the person concerned. fully filled. On the while, it is dour that British afminal justice leaves hut litthe room tor error. Human be society bound to take {stern measures to protect itself. Af ter such trials that of Seddon there is generelly a reappearance of a certain kad of sympathetic senti- ment against allowing the te tale its course. This is rather a dangerovs attitude of mind to pay greed attention to. (Aven encourage. ment, it would go a long way to- 0e., "0 Star," ele, from Thou Sweet Songs Sublime diers' Chorus," ton's, lara Ward, of Michigan, of Toronto, who was at Pi%ncess de Chimay, eloped' with and married mutlcian, and later became Mme Riceardi. 13 soon to marry M. Uas- ellateo, Just now the much-married American is experiencing diflicaltics in the French courts. Gel a guaranteed Roney & Co. operas, | vening Miscrere, Justice cannol perfect, but is and onto as time the one Rizo, ithe law » waterproof from Sen- _ orchestra provhded music and afterwards' Gananoque, April 19%.--The Masonie social club, of this town, held its first |"*At Home' "in their quanters in i the Rogers Block evening. lees lor the ev | ening and Frank Hicks wae in charge {of the refreshment table. | | Glenholme farm wus the seone attended * At Home" evening, Mr. and Mrs. Bulloch being host and hosts large gathering of friends and were . aststed by Mrs. John A. Bulloch, {teacher of 'the Les Mrs. Wiliam E. Rees and Miss Drum. | Frederick V Skianer, pupd of Ti mond, of Perth. The Cilizens' band !ily College Sehool, Part Mope, is hol and orchestra were in attendance. jidaving hero with his parents, My | The office furnishings for the nd Mrs." ¥, J. Skinner town office of J. ¥. Ayton a ger of the Oshawa and Marmara school. WW. spending the past few looking after the of twenty-seven fine Macdonnld, 1 to GO0IS S010 ON TIME days arival of i Jersey turned 10 New York on Wed New priv License Inspector rederick sold on the E Yer, of Morton, ton day on duties peftaining to Miss Lowtie Smith, hohday tng fwith her perents, AM: Mre. Smith, has fesamed duties new in " last his hera Goods in Payment Tan. KH a Dry Goods Men's, and Boys' Suits Ladies' Suits House Furnishings Boots and Shoes now and iy n of n on Wed Ww. oJ. to au largely | nesday vd her Iand public school ap- | made, resort was fad, and again the wards Americaning our jusioe. 'result was guilty. That ended the timent and an excessive respect for Chapman, mabn | At Bresayler, Sask, while altempt- Thousand ls- ing to save the life of her mother, {and railways, arrived herd yesteraay | Saves i whe Buying Direc . hat wearer ue man's E Mre. A. A. Hill: was drowned inthe Eorth Saskatchewan river. Jewelry, Etc. Come in and profit. We give you the bigest values as well as the biggest stock to choose from. George Mills & Co case in the courts, and Seddon had technicality have had a most dis no recovrsa but to wait a lw days | astrous result in fhe United States, # noon, '4 C. V. Ketchum, vestrs clerk of ve and were installed during the eel Jextension Walaut Table and Sida. | wy ton Sodio Big stock of dew and econ'. el a A oo WO Oe PE at Lal t hoard hand Furnitare, You will Kel a bars ain ut H. StGARMAYN i , T2382 Outarie Street. FONG SING Et hal UTR te 243 Prin A, Firsts and pay the penaMy of his cfme, for 10 fngland there is no delay in pune ishing criminals, of justice, Tha fact that the conviction rested tentively upon circumstantial evidence has besn commented upon, Says the London Chropicle "When ciccumstantial evidence 4s be and no miscarriages There is now more murder and hon'- citks in that country than in any oth- «e save Mexico, and for ever, ersons done to deith texoouted. Such 'justice' crime." This justice met ted, | "DR. SOPER DR. WHITE cighty one is fuvites only American is certainly well reel reference to or injusbice Hamilton" bossts of a great singer on its police force, a Caruso. Kings i¢ not boastful. but it has among s "cops" a real star, of whom move will be heard byv-and-bve Supposing that the people vied. on a referendum, against the bar 'against treaiing at the same time. how would Sir James Whitney act * EDITORIAL NOTES ---- Me. Game, MPP. will not lead the exploration party into the wilds ef New Ontario, though a special act was passed to make it legal. The appropriation -of $10,000 seems to have been insufficient in Mr. Gamer's opin- fod on Ti ity ei 8 iducy A Nectivas And Biord, Ney ve acd er Ta . oid or send. hiory for ies ddviee, Book « 4 Question Se Stristgrs Lanlssians | The Misses Stunden, of Maplewood jaident_o of the town, for severai ears pr -- - drop us a card and we will send the Christ church, received oftidal noties po. : jon Wednesday, from the hord Bishop Presnier : Borden willl wot return to goods to your honse Fd Ontario, of the appointment of |ttawa before the first of May Ho Walter Cox as rector of Christ | 18 enjoying the recrealion of 1% stay a #0 succeed Rev. J. R, Serson, ot Yir lnig Jol. Springs, where he who wes compelled to resign owing to | bs 18 been lowed by the Hon. W. | ill-health, White. Men's tweed anitp, light and | dark shades, several yhtierne, regular $10 can be had for 6.95 at & Cd t Joseph Abramsky 263 PRINCESS STREET, 'greenhouse, have purchased the of Gideon Scott, lying mst east the T.LR., near the railway blidge, and will conduct it ne a market gare den in connecilon with their = green house. Mra. F. Sh rtliffe, Ning street tater lo Hotel Dien, Ningston, cantly, for a seriots oreration. ! iron" band bazaar is being tinted for the balance of the and drew another good crowd evening. Wiliam Chevis, a voung English ro- farm Hones . Next Princess Theatre : \ "ay fer The con week Inst SE. ast the employ of the Steel ni Canada, in the drop AFTERALL HaveYou? _