PAGE TWO -- Tailor Made New Styles Every Week. . Something Exclusive. Your Inspection Invited. . No Obligation to Buy. cKAY to hel $tocks. Furniture, Carpets, rtatus, eto. Rs A New 1912 Chairs, Buffets, Etc. Designs RUGS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, a direct from European mills. ensures gu an unusual choice * Repair and Unpholstering promp iy, cheap and well done. Yours, T. F. HARRISON COMPANY 'Phone 90. ---- [OUR NEW . |, CARPETS Carpets for Spring are lower in price, and twice the variety RUGS are lower price with | softer colors, We have every- thing worth buying. MATS | Every conceivable shade I all sizes, small sizes to match larger Tables { The final vears in medicine of Queen's | Fadi and University, gave a well dance m Grant Hall iday evening. The guests were receiv. led at the entrance to the ball by Prin- (cipal Gordon, assisted "vy the patron who were Mrs, W. L. Goodwin, . E. Ryah and Mrs. James Cap- ipon. On the platform directly oppo- site the entrance was z large face of the man in the moon, brilliantly Mt with electric lights. The numbers of each datice were shown in the eyes. The balls and stairs weve cosily ar ranged as sitting out places. The ex- Jeellent music was supplied by D. Al exandra's orchestra, Toronto. Supper was served aboot midhight in the read- ing room al quarietie tables, each destrated with flowers. The dance broke up shortly after two and the guests voted it one of the very best dances ever held in Grant Hall Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Urquhart Fairlie, "Toronto; Mrs. Austin (rilles, Miss + M. Gordon, Misses Dorothy and Margaret Brown. field. Miss Marie Carrothers, Miss Hel on Gordon, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Misces Khyllis and Charlie Shortt, Miss Elea- wor Minves, Misshs Mamic and Susie Anglin, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Eva Martin, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Flor ence Elliott, Misses Lillian und Jessie Slater, Miss Edna Aiken, Miss Lilian Mundell, + Miss Helen Uglow Miss Madge Dawson, Misses Kya and Ma- bel Richardson, Miss Amy Campbell, Palo Alto, California; Miss Margaret Diver, Sarnin; Miss Gladys Burton, Miss Beatrice Birch, Miss Mary Vroo- i man, Napanee; Miss Wright, Canaho- que; Miss Edith Fraser, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss Wil gon, Miss M. Garratt, Miss Winnilred Claxton, Miss Rose Rogers. -- Miss Katharine Hart, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss Florrie Stewart, Miss Clare Rob- inson, Misses Marjery and Gweneth Merrick, Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Miller of Napanee, Miss Bertha Ma- hood, Professor Davis, Professor An- derson, Prolessor Smail, Guttman, Captain H. Boak, Messrs. Douglas Anglin, "W. Kent Macnee, Kirkgarde, Shearer, E. Smythe, HH. 1] Richardson, A. W. Browne, J. H. V. Morgan, Walter Compton, Sidney Me- Cann, Kemp, R. A. Elliott, Neil Pol- son, J. d'Esterre, Roger Clarke, Har ry ~(irey, Scott, GUeorge Thompson, Malloch, &virkgrade, Wygel, Fitzgerald, A. McCausland, 1. Harty, R. Calvin, Neil Black, © Mackay Mickle, H. Con- nell, 'Laughlin Hughes, Heber Lafferty, A. M. Kirkpatrick, Arnott Minnes, Newman, Stanley Graham of Toronto, Bick, Harry Minnes, L. Birkett, N. Meikle, John Davis, Edward Wood, John Aird, A. Bertrem, Dr. MeCart- ney, Cadets L. Helmer, T. Taylor and M. Miller, The committee responsible for the arrangements consisted of R. B. Whitehead, W. M, Wright (arts); M. A, Kemp, R. A. Elliott, general convenor (science); Gi. A. 8. Irwin, A. McCaus- land (medicine). - Mr. D. BB. Shearer, who has attending Queen's College, left for bis home in Huntsville. Mr. William Manning, of Queen's University, will feave oh Monday for his home in Kemptville, Major and Mrs. Kave, who have been in town for the past several months, retursed to London on Wed: nesday. Mr. Stanley Graham, who was in town for the Graham-Hamilton wed ding, on Welnesday, returned to To ronto on Fdey. Miss Fthelwyn Loucks, Barrie street, has returned from Toronto, where shy spent the holidays. . oe rie, SCHTCe on 2 t- been to-day - . Mise J. Kinnear, of Queen's Univer: ¢ity, left on Thursday for her home in Port Cclborpe. Mrs. Harry Tandy arrived from To- roto on Iifday and is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Archibald Strachan, King street, Migs Nora Gordon and Miss Emma Pense are now spending sowe time in Paris. The Bishop Sweeney of Toronto and Mes CR MeFAULS 19 land are the guests Ontario and Mrs, arrived from Toronto to-day of the Bishop of Mills. Miis Maud Brownlee, of Queen's CARPET WAREHOUSE. Nga University, returned on Thursday to ber home in Elplln, Ontario. alae. Miss Annie Cotter, after visiting her 'mother, Mis. Cotter, Alfred street, retarned on Wednesday to Mon: treal. Mrs. William Kirkpatrick and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Barrig streel, are pow visiting in Washington. | Wes Eva Cummings, who has been attending Queen's University, leit on Thursday for her home in Cornwall. Mlis Margaret Macdonald, who hae bean attending Queen's University, returned to Cobalt on Thursday. Miss Adele Dupuy, of Amherst, N. KE 1S., who has been visiting her aust, Miss Dupuy, Welliggton street, and {Miss Kathlean Daly, Brock street, left on Thursday to spend some time in i Montreal. » - . . : Mise Margaret Oliver, of Sarnia. is {the grest of NMve. J. S. R. MeCann, {mon street, Colonel and Mrs. Birchall | Wood, Barrie#eld, who have heen visiting li. | Montteal, have returned hame. Miss MacLaughlin, who has been attending Queen's University, left on Friday for the west, where she har seonrad a position Miss Faily Smythe, who been visiting her brother, Mr. G. haw H Mies Raitt and Miss Grace Jeffery, {who have atte Queen's U Fri- | f Professor 3 The in us school teacher. |; returned on Fri- |, THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1912, will be the guests of Mrs. =. while in Ottava, Miss Winona Stewart, of University, left on Friday for ber home in Renfrew, Miss Stewart will re turn to town for convocation to ceive her degree, Mr. aod Mrs. R Florence and Gracie Bruce Graham pen, who were in town ~am- Hamilton wedding, Belleville ou Wednesday. Mr. B. Bate, Queen's University, will teave to-day for his home in Ottawa, Mr. Robert Richardson, who was spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Richardson, King street, has returned to Trinity School, Port Hope. Mr. William Minnes, "Hillerof:," left on Friday for Regina, to spend the summer, re- J. Graham, Misdes Graham, Master for the Gra- returned to 11 L auege . . . - Rev. BR. 8. Forneri, Alfred street, re turned on Monday from Belleville, where he was spending the week-end. Mr. 8. 8. Scovel, Queen's Univer- sity, left on Tuesday for his home in Kenora. Canon Starr left on Wednesday Toronto to spend several days. Mr. W. Kent Macnee is in town from Petewawsa and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Union street. Mr. Charles Cameron, of Peterboro, who has been attending Queen's Uni- versity, jt this week tor Regina to spend the summer. Mr. D. Young, of Reniréw, is guest in town for a few days, Miss Mary Vrooman, of Napanee, is a guest in town for the final year dance at Queen's, and is visiting Rout R. Uglow, Barrie streig. Mr. and Mri. Lindsdy Malcolm, Earl street, left on Saturday for Guelph to spend some weeks. Miss Edith Massie, who has been in Toronto, visiting Mrs. Cooper, is ex- pected home, to-day. - - - for a Miss Rath Baker, attending 1'ishop Sirachan College, Toronto, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Baker, Queen street, has vetirned to Toronto. Miss Lilian Mundell, Brock street, has returped from Ottawa, where she has keen visiting Mrs. Garland for the past three weeks. Mri. J. B. Coshrane and Miss Chris- tine Ucchrane, Gore street, left oh Friday for Ottawa, Miss Mary Vrooman and Miss ler, Napanee, and Miss Wright, of Gananoque, were guests in town ior the dance at Queen's on Friday even ing. Mrs, Henry Kavanagh, of Montreal, is expected €n town to stay a few days with Mrs. D. Phdian, Johnson street, Mil- (Continued on page 6.); e Mr} : On Watch. $ H000000OCOCOOSOIQGOROGORPOON -- i It looks, says the Lampman, as ii Britannia no longer rules the waves. The iceberg is lord of the ocean, in the month of April at auy rate. -- 1 The Lampman's old friend, Colonel Hunter, esecems to be a most trusted man. The Ontario government makes mm a deputy sheriff and county mug- istrate, while the dominion govern. meut has thrust upon him the posi- tions of immigration agent and vet- eran license issuer. If the authorities at Toronto would just add to the list the post of marriage license issuer, the ex-commander of the famous 47th Reg- iment of Frontenac would surely he the proudest man in the countryside. On Friday, two men were sentenced in police court for robbery, and, in view of the pumishment that could have heen meted out, the Lampman thinks they got off very luckily. This question occurred to him, however :-- The law has been satisfied, but the tradesman, from whom the prisoners stole, gets nothing, losing $200. The law is all wrong, the Lampman claims Would it not have been better to have regime these meni to have labored and paid back the value of the goods ' they took. Their prison terms will do them no good. The Lampman notices that another customs official has been appointed on Wolle Island, which has now three cus- toms officers, What do these three men do, he would like to know. Omly two weeks ago, he read in the town papers that ofe of Kingston's cus toms officials had returned from Wolle Island, !where every winter he keeps guard: on the border gateway to the island, opposite the cape on the Yan- kee side. Can the island's three cus toms officers not hold the fort over there? Or are their positions merely honorary, without pay. The other morning, the Lampman was_out v&y early, and had occa sion to note that there are two or three of the town's merchants ¢ who ¢ their stores themselves at seven ood, And these tradesmen are , too, | The Lampman also svg some of the older clergy. of the town are early risers, too. ne of these he saw sitting contendedly sary, Carry' on a friendly conversa tion, Eg eatty discussing the question of banishing the bar. THE WATCHMAN. New and Exclusive Styles In men's bata, at Campbell Bros' Mot attention ! Fix ar. y ih Sue spark ls, plugs, batteries, lights, p gn boats. H.. W. New Princess boat owners, - machinery Lireaves foueen = | and Miss Mabel Phip- | the window sill of a liquor dispen- | every. = medal RRAISED THE FLAG . | {LIVELY TILT AT MEEIING OF! BOARD OF EDUCATION. i | Becapse Insurance Risk Was Placed | With au American Company--He- | solution to Make a Change, How-! i ever, Was Finally Withdrawn. The the Bnance committee i recommended that a portion or the ad {ditional insurance pied on schools he given over an Awerican com- { pany, brought about a lively passage tat-armg between four mefpbers of tne {board of cducation at a speci} meet ing held on knday, but the mendation was passed Trustee Meck "started the ball roll ing," when he protested aguinst the board giving the insurance over to American companies. He said there were suflicient Canadian and British companies for the bourd to do basic ness with. I rustee Lockett of the same opinion as Trustee Meek, and Jost no time in seconding a motion put forth by Trustee Meck to have the Ameri can company struck off the list, Trustee Henderson, chairman of the finance committee, defended tle action of his committée. He said he was just as loyal a British subject as the other members of the board, but pointed out that the company selected was a good one, and asx the amount involved was only 81,000, he did wnat think there should be any objection. He thought the hoard should be more broad minded in the matter. He pointed out the vast amount of business Canadian insurance companies were carrying on in the United States, What would the board think if the Canadian compan- ies were deprived of the privilege of doing business on the other side? A Kingelonian was the agent for tne company, and as the insurance had al- ready been placed, it would not be advisable to make a change. le would not like to see the board go on re cord as doing such a thing. Trustee Roughton pleaded for tle reciprocity," as he termed it Trustee Meek afterwards withdrew his motion, and the matter was drop- ped lact thal to recom: was "a lit- The management committee present- jed A rdxommendation, asking for the typnsfer df the manual traming de- partment, w in the Collegiate Insti- ture, to Macdanald school for the use of the public school pupils, the re- commendation being made on the ad vice of Principal Sliter and Inspector Stuart, but the chairman of the com- mittee, A. W. Mclean, withdrew the clause, to await a report on the mat ter from the inspector amd principal. These reports will likely by recommend ed at the next meeting agement committee, Miss Chown ad Messrs, Fraser and Hedley, of the Col- legiate Institute teaching stafi, were given leave of absence foom June 17th to .the end of the term, to act aminers at Toronto. The property committee in structed to make an investigation in regard to the amount charged for wa ter hy the citv for the colleginte and Victoria school during the last yuai- ter. The amount for the collegiate is $41.72, and for Victoria school, $44, 12, a great deal more in each case than any other quarter. On motion of Trustees Meck and Farrell,' the management committee was instructed to consider the advis ability of increasing the salary of the teachers doing occasional work The board listewed with keen inter est to the report by Trustee Elliott of the annual meeting of the Ontario Education Association recently held in Toronto, and at which he was present, m-- -- as ex- Wis GEORGE MILLS & CO. Summer Quarters For Your Furs We Insure Them Against Fire, Moth and Theft Furs stored with us are carefully lobked after. at roe gular intervals, 'necessary, and treated to keep them in firct-class condition. Charges are reasonable, based as olten as On the recommendation of the pw , WRECK OF TITANIC. THE SS, For the next teu we uavs will 'receive exira coples of the N.Y. HERALD, which will contain graphic ounts of Kc eve witnesses and survivors of nd wreck Orders should Le placed for these af once 'Phone 919. ' 190 PRINCESS. MACHINERY BOOKS, Regular Price, 26 Price, Spe 20¢ Owner 100 Mad Refer hinery ence and Data Books new titles added this week You can and you Bdve a moment You put one in your pocket read it whenever material prepared especially for practical meu amd fir s education. and it is up! OPEN NIGHTS. THREE WEEK-END SPECIALS. COLLEGE BOOK S TORE £1.50 BOOKS FOR 10c, Cloth-bound Reprints of Harold Bell W Rex Beach Meredith Nicholso X Maygaret Deland London indolpt Bareness Orcgy Humphre Lillibridge lack Mrs Wilt nt { Louise Burnhad I. Yanie Lincoln Chambers, Jog. OU Robt. W and oihers S : 'Phone 919. tions only, per yard 200 I A Few Specials For Saturday Night "Shoppers 1000 yards of Torchonand Valenciennes Inser- values up to 7c. yard, to-night Ic yards of white Victoria Lawn, 40 inches wide to- night per yard - - 300 yards of Dress Ginghams in pretty stripes and checks, special to-night ' 250 yards Corset Cover, Embroidery, 18 in. wide, assorted patterns; special to-night. per yd. 48 only Ladies Waists, odd lines including white Embroidery, Striped Percal | are slightly counter soiled. all new styles priced up to $1.75 and $2. each sizes 34 to 40, special to-night - Our Dollar special Kid Gloves are winning great | praise for, this store; equal to mest $1.25 ines, and every pair guaranteed All shades in the wanted shades, e S-------------------- Beautiful Suits For Particular Ladies $10. and Up. b12 8c. 10c = Tailored Waists, some but the value is there 9ac. $1.00 \ NEWMAN THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. & SHAW representing the board. E. 0. Sliter, principal of the colle gine institute, reported as follows, on the attendances for March: Number of pupils enrolled, 371; this was nine less than last year; average allendance, 350; three more than March, 1911 Mr. Sliter reported that the pupils cleared $111 at the recent exhibieion of gymnasium work, grand opera hotisa This amount would be devoted to increasing the oyuipment of the school gymnasium The report of Inspestor Stuart hus already been published, also the report of the finance committee Robert Meek, secretary of the King ston Canadian Club, wrote stating the club was ready to co-operatp with the school board in any celebration whieh wight be held for the school children, on Empire Day, May 23ed. The club was ready to co-operate with celebra- Empire Day, Victoria Day, Ling's birthday. The matter management com- given in the eived from J. R. C. of the Kmgston Hu referring to a joint meeting of this sodety and the Child- ren's Aid Society, when it wus decid ed to ask the permission of the board to argunize bmuds of mercy among the children, for their sympathy towards on your own valaation SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL | { REPAIRING AND RE- A ---- SI SO AS 00 MODELLING OF FURS DUR- ING ING AND SUMMER. "Phone 238 and our driver will call ¥ WATCH OUR WINDOWS! d It was felt that a great deal of cruelty om the part of children, towards dumb animals, was due to ignorance. It was therefore the mtention of the society to have hali- hour addresses delivered to the child. ren, each month, by comfietent | $tructors. The matter will be ap by committee: : y Trustee Elliott paid a warm tribute to the work of the colleginte pupils, in the gymnasium exercises recently given al the grand opera house. : The work will had Deen well carried oun, and reflected much credit upon In- strudtor Palmer. $ The chaieman, J. B. Walkem, presi od at the meeting, and the other mem- bers ° present were Trustees James Urair, o. G. Elliott, J. M. Farrell, 1.james Henderson, Thomas Tambert, ¥. G. Lockett, Robert Meek, H. F. Met- calle, A: W. Molean, William Peters, Dr. iA. W. Richardson, Stephen Rough' ton, dni -- May Ladies' Nome Journal. College Book Store, Se o! ROSES 1 $1.00 per dozen Other Cut --ALL THIS WEEK -- | Flowers | Plentiful - and - Cheap | PURDY'S { 109 BROCK STREET | ! We Grind Our Own Len Wearing the - - ~- Wrong Glasses ses fail to give vou | ease and comfort, there's something wrong. -- #= ARE YOUR GLASSES RIGHT ? That's a Vital Question to You and should bring you to us at ogle. Ne like +t digeover usual Eye defects "GLASSES RIGHT, GOOD SIGHT." J. S. Asselstine D. 0. §. Registered Optometrist & Optician #2 King St. 'Phone 1010. ton * Exclusive Optician, : Your present (Glas- un- THE LAUREL Ee AL It's the new "PLATED Kaives, Ask to see it in WARE" Forks aad ost creation TABLE Spoons, Fancy Pieces. It's as far ahead of previous efforts in beauty a can be imagined Prices are very re: and the quality lasts a tion 1sona ble genera ~~ SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET, Jewelers, : Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. ra ------. RAT S CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS W. F. GOURDIER BROCK STREET DOUBLE HOUSES AT SPECIALLOW PRICES $1,500 { $2,000. N $2,000 5, 100 A GOOD BY.) Barrie, exte for § 3 Hu a1 the ity Mote in, MULLIN The Real Estate Broker, "Phone 6539 . . . » * » . 1 \ SRO 00ONGRRNOIGY JOURNEY through SOAPSUDS often attended by erg; rough many dang- handling, scorch ing irous; ignorant treatment of COIOrs, shrinking woollens and lack ~f Dess, The avoldance of these "terrors is simple shen you know how ' This *s the KNOW-HOW LAUNDRY, and #t graraniees a sale rejuvenating Journey jo finest fabrics of cleanti- and the 0C000000000000000000000000 i La Kingston Laundry ® Cor. Princess & . BAINES IIEINOIIISISE ' 0000000000000 R000R0'0ROOROD HORBRORROORNRGDS §