#FAGE FOUR. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 206-310 King Street, Kingston, On- CCCI tario, at $8 per year. Editions at 2.50 and 4 p.m, i» Y WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 S Dages, published in parts on Monds a vo, ! Thursday morning at §1 a year. nited States charge for postage TR % be added, making price of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. Ep i of al! 1012, PREFERS THE WARSHIP DEWEY CALLS THE TRAVEL and ad to BIBBY'S Are Sole Agents in Kingston for Hartt Celebrated Shoes ATL ANTIC| PANGEROUS. + Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylisk, and cheap work; nine Improved presse THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED 4. 6, Ellett, President, Leman A. Guild, See~Treas. | Admiral Says Companies Po Nat} Take Human Life into Considera- tion at All AD. CL, Apnl Dewey, in an interview lan the wreck of the Titanic hoe to day, said:--"I think that every passen. fer who crosses the North Atlantic |! takes his. life in his hands every time. For myself, I would rather go aroand {the world in a well equipped man-of- {war . than make a trip 'scross the north Atlantic in a trans-Atlantic ves- sel. The greed for money-making is #0 great that it is with the sinc.rest regret that | observe that human lives are mever taken into cowmsideration. Jt is appalling to thank that the Olym- pic, when she struck the cruiser Hawke, according to reports. had boats sufficient to carry only oue out of every six passengers, "In 1871, when I was commander of the storcship supply, carrving provi- sions to the starving French, wo sail- ed from New York on March 2nd. Not long alter, hy the temperature, we felt we were in the neighborhood of ice- bergs, but all the hooks on the sub- ject indicated that they never had traveled so far gouth. One night clubs. Iagmut 9 o'dack the first lieutenant and them. {| were in the cabin, when we heard the drawn. Mr. lofficers of the deck give the owder 'hard up the helm!" We knew some danger was imminent, but | never gave iocherza a though; I feared Aa another sailing craft. a the deck, and had the pleasure of gazing on a collection of icebergs out the size of the capitol. We spent rest of the night dodging res. passage of the forte at New (hn the battle at Port Hudson, in the civil war, awl the battle at Mani la Bay weren't in it, «omparc, wah that night dodging icebergs." Washington miral George 20. -- Ad-} TORONTO OFFICE ~Sulte '19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Chureh Street, Toronto. H. E. Smallplece, J P., representative. - A REFERENDUM IS PROPOSED. B---- idle significance people of Ontario will be to vote upon. the bar and questions. 'Though the gov- committed to the and because the tifk- or talk the and without it tor were mere drinking places. Some of these are not, and these I would not sefuse their privileges. here are others that are, and for this reason t ean hardly see the line thy di- vides the two. 1 do not wk it sould Le possible to drag the line between the two classes clubs, and for that reason I believe that w'th the policy of abolishing the bar the club licenses must also go." The closing lines of this extra the most important. It has heen made to appear that he world suppress the tavern, the club of the workingman, while he would spare the club of the rich man, or the man who Is well-to- But in a dfierence be a may GOLD PAINT Sn 15¢, 25¢. ALUMINUM PAINT S30, 45¢c, She, WHITE ENAMEL 15¢, 20¢, 35¢ and up. Everything for brighten. ing and cleaning up. jtreathng policy, I= ter suid he was convinced of Only the best. Satisfactory tovil of 9 pressed retwrned, CORBETT'S 4". that invited Bi iid tenets et. ot treating ernment was anty- Ore- tho treating and had had iv tm- the liquor men, 9 upon him by mdiznosition 10 James Whitney Mr, Rowcll . n evidont or money tr i of is action ? repent has In a recent speech the lender of the there are clubs and clenr, between *"fhere are not be distinctly pre a collision bars, eo I harried to rahohivh ery- the | Where, in the clabe a® 1. 'he ihe I'he leans, in the provinee of Oni |lt may 530 bar liesnses and only fifty- f Rowell admits that it is hard to da : . Je i 0 ja small minority Nowever, no man |! in { Fl rng hy rove or Ahi abotitioe of as }. . carrefs, THE INFLUENCE OF 'women. ' Can be laid over an old Smt . C092 D <d!., oslion made his position do. I" nid he : | There itario 1, Hardwood three club licenses, half of the Intierd ine, and for that reason he is in Torono, The are but I: all thar and retam the elube, il the tak Jone. Cleaner and better than || : . 2 | The schools floor. : ie i {in New York | BIRCH, the Aly light made of these so that det not at a doubtfit thinos, They pr board of education in nes There woe appear city the have {a nounced sucess the over the SREP PLPPPPINE 10 3B SPE F PRIN WOMAN A JUDGE, {laken pity on horses that i have fand to stumblas time enter MAPLE and OAK old, rough, upon experi and have it i* none ven pavements, or. | ment. Bt the accom; lish une Melbourne, Apri! 20. -- .Nancy Isaacs, the daughter of Justice Isaacs, has been raised to the bench jn the Commonwealth High Court, and will be her father's judicial associate The ap- pointment is regarded as the greatest triumph for women lawyers. ved a paving lague. 15 the women of Chicago did tH this fcr the themselves. 'They all their though it is assumed brat not i ¢ {first of that S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. "Phone 66. kind Dut it the purpose of {lius infuential on that account, mag fying to werd trusts GENTEEL CLOTHES Our Good Clothes are the limit of expert tailoring, our good Clothes know of their superiority. The Exclusive Tailors know all about it, too ! Women are loreihg ther way into jeontent wransfer ple. lunconditionally, ci | hint {the ut and life ob the m ! Phey i ] ties, tention are, in some of the larger Men who have worn they had many regrets in hand- fleet - $na over afl interests in which they rot allowdd to have any lurther ass many that of a rare ani were Tare r PRLS r > sition, advoeatlng £ IF YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN You had better stop at once or you'll lose your job. Every line of business is closing its doors to "Drinking" men It may be your turn next By the gid of ORRINKE thousands of men have been restored to livgs of sobriety and industry. We are 80 sure that ORRINDG wih benefit you that we say to you thai if after a frial #ou fail to get. any benefit from its use, your money will Ye refunded When you stop "Drinking," think of the money you'll save; besides, sober men are worth more to their employers and get higher wages. Costs only $1.00 a box. We have gn interesting booklet about OR- RINE that we are giving away free Lon request. Call at our store and © alk it over, GG. W.-Mahood, corner Irincess and Bagot Streets. Frisco Chinese Restaurant Regular Dinner - 25¢ | [First Class Servic OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SAM & CHARLIE, Proprietors. 183 Wellington Street. eg? ----tn ------ y Woel's Ph The Groat English Remed, Tones and invigomies the wholo makes 3 drepeists of mal 4 in Rg] of Pg. New Pusaphles Toronto, Onk ouR _CRYSTAL BRAND Stamdurd Grouulated Sugar an tried and Sound excellent tn ~ and tal use. Price DREW MACLEA AN tarts Stren Extension - alnut Table and Silo ig tosh of New and 3ec..ids nd Furniture You will in at H. SUG Any ANS, % 242 Ontarte Street. FONG SING Fp Ret & bars Rg Not one of them became a member of the school In New York q bte 30 active as the {sonable reforms, and in some cau ure, lat their Hirge own expense, and afier ga hoard. exenditwre of energy, demon the women are = fot strating their valoe, women of Chi In Chicago the women hive led iii lengo, or do not £0 they The ver, fs an of ther | vik have the usual co-operate education. They fptroduced the kin: : schock, 1h fev } school, the technical school, well. pavement league. how- dergarten, the vazeation evidence of the wideness ig honed Success. domestic the plans, and it they venile court, and many other THE GALLANTRY OF MEN. ¥ -------- of An issue, or In the discus ons the Titanie | man, some of them as brave as any the men; there are women who have en- ihe ured great hardness for the sake : there are women wno ask for ' no flavours, who are fighting their w Sy through life with a courage that chal lenges admiration, and yet it was a seemly thing that the men, the strong- cr physically. should stand aside in the hour of danger and lev the wo men have first tion, accident in Eagland, of issue, with the suffragettes was jothers; gallantry or chivalry 'of the men standing aside and leiting the wo- men and children leave the sinking the wns There is in accounts in shin, a unanimity this respect, 'lhere hut a deliberate dedsion and children. I'he sulfragettes are pot quite It has not alwayve been thus, and this should be so. One bas jadiatever else may be said of the offi- men in the hour of Janger cers of the 1Muanic it must be ad- dmply followed mitted that they maintained discipling and (hat the rescue of the passengers was prooceled with in a quiet orderly way, Not so it was reported that in a stedwmship ac- cident men fought their way to the fife beats and thought nothing of the women. The theories of the suffra- gettes are strangely out of place at such a time. They can afford to be as grateful as the facts suggest. The men acted the better part. the part they and they praise of no pane om board, of lin favour of the women a deep sense danger, and chance for protoe- clear as to why it that the a common and natu ral law, and this perhaps is the only commonsense been the first, because to the world and was ereting a faise that has opinion The was earad and |Site. one who said long aro woman for { she is of wore value ithe race, ime and the one who saw in the of many {1 ression, : the same for the disadvant- which the women have sul- was surch beside herself. The deference that wes pad to women under the circamstances There y #alaty or salvation an atonement os es from fered. tha was ought to have acted, are deserving of the one every most hecoming, are Brave wo- THE FILTRATION OF WATER. The chi consulting engineer for the Bell Bros, of to, was in the and after Whig is in- clined to doubt the wisdom of adopt- with arms the alumina, and water connections. On = Manchester and Toron- of top is a solution of hyrate which instantly produces a gelatinous sticky coating, which is im- pervions to dirf, Through this coating the water is forced under pressure, which city this week, a talk with him the colour and miero- ing a sand bed for filtration purposes | organism, in Kingston, The sand bed is older The used it for filtra- The are alleged than most people ean imagine, told, without good results, Years ago, i# one of the advantages of mechani: Moors, wegere eal filtration, and Cermans, tion The plant can be made ready for serviee as soon as it has been erected ant filled with sand. It can be clears- ol, by a reverse flow of filtered waver, in one hour, or less, and in a minutes made ready for use again. Iu England the mechanical filter is tak. in the place of the sand filter, be caase it is more efficient and less 'sub wet to defects. What it costs is an- other thing. The board of health should. look into the question. The members have recommended that the council put in a filter. The Whig, holds that it should recommend some systom--the most effective preferred-- and give some iden of the cost. With this asx a starting point it will be up to the city council = so de something ~without defay, ome ta have found in the sand beds, re- Lown or cleansed from time lo time, the media for purifving the water apd relteving it lew from deletarious substar- ces. The results varied, but generally they were satisfactory. The Bell process is simple and of- i foetive, According to the quantits of water pumped, each day, ing treatment, one, two, three, of hall a dozen, filters may be erected. They are simply constructed. The bottom of each is occupied by the minor or sub-filters, filled with gravel, and representing the last touches which are given to the purified water. Over then rests the sand, and down the centre of it a shaft which is filled The Titanie's disaster, bv collision With an iceoery, 'was fully dese point, namely, that the Titanic was iby an article which Mr. Stead wrbte [going so fast that, in the night, the for the Review of Reviews in 1892. He iceberg was no soomér detected than Was writing as if a passenger by the|the great ship wag against fi. The White. Sta line, and passed through | fest officer had not time to chang an experience very like that which end- od bis carcer, and requir: The evidence sccumulates on one moral--léss speed and more safty. the course or slack the speed. Thef LEER RR RNY Fessessrestas Pld dd bb Pdi THEY SAVED ONLY THE BABE AND ITS NURSE Mr. and Mrs Allison, of Montreal and One Daughter Among Titanie's Victims. New York, April 20.--With a nine months-cld baby wrapped in her arms, Jane Smith, an English nurse, came down the gang plank. The child was all that was left of the family of Mr. wud Mrs, J. WW. Allison, of Montreal. Mr, Allison, his wile and three-vear ol daughter went down with the Ti- tanic, Mrs. Allison refused to leave the side of her husband and went down with the Titanic "Shortly after midpight | went into the room where the baby was sleep ng, to gee if it way all right, said Miss Smith. "Just as | got into the room | felt a shock. The engines sud- pitenily. stopped. 1 ran to Mr. Allison's cabin and awakened him and Mrs. Al ilison. The three of us went on deck and at first saw nothing upusual, My. Allison making light of his wife's fears. We thought everything was all right and went below. 'In a few minutes an officer came and told us that the ship was sinking. I grabbed up the baby and rushed on deck. It was a bedlemi of confusion. The sailors were grabbing women and children and forcing them into the lifeboats. They tore many women away from their husbands. Suddenly I was picked up and thrown into a boat. We were lowered at once and two men rowed us away from the ship. "It must have been long after mid night then, but we could see the lights Céme in and look--we're perfectly willing to rest our case on.your judgment, See Our Indigo Blue Suits £15.00. See Our Scotch Tweeds $18.00, King Hats, $2.00. SPRING OVERCOATS. A Real Boauty Show, x 33 *N\y See Gur 'Brown Worsteds Imported, at $15.00 See Our Blue Vicunas $18.00. 0 See Our Pattern Cheviots : £15.00. See Our New Basket Weave Worsteds Brown, Grey and (ireen £18.00, NEW HAT STYLES Borsalino Hats, Italian, $3.50. Kenmore Hats, $2.50 See Our $15 Kensington Overcoats BIBBY'S Ltd. Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. J of the Titanic. A long, long time af-{ ter that we heard a great plunge and| knew that 'the big boat had disap peared. When day broke we eduld see nothing but small black specks riding F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Special prices in Cut Flow- ers. See our window display Wedding Bouquets and Floral Sprays a | Designs. specialty. 'Phones: 239. Conservatories. 235 Residence, 1212, Floral Store, the waves in the distance. They the other feboats " were Resolves come easy--carry out the difiieult part. Songs from operas, Rublime Sweet diers' Chorus)" ton's. The long-faced Christian good at funeral time, Roney & Co. sell the best wear for the least money. We all ought to be matter of politeness. Special corset, 5S0c. Dutton's. The, word "ves' ean be used reck- iessly. ing them Thou "Sel Dut- 10c., "0 Evening Star," Miserere, ete. is only | in men! rivals in the S. Be p Cor. BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRY ASBESTIO Rep FOR SALE. ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. & Co. and Barrack Sts. "Phone 941. DR. SOPER Bond, a Feowoes es & fieedan mend Bistory for Tres rr Bouk on el Jn rd > Wt hlet ra Witte fone ad am nip snd 2 to EI ve DRS. SCPIR & WIilIE, e888 Toronto 51 Bader, at - When you have, NO, money just think. You come Here. you purchase yor clothing, you are dressed up neatly, and jou' only pay $1.00 Per Week As for quality and value, 1 give you more than any other Store in town. Don't believe me until you have seen for Yourself. Why not eall to day? $1.00 PER WEEK WiLL 3 The popular credit place to comt. I keep also a full line of Oil- cloth. Linoleum. Odd Squares, Carpets, Lace Curtains and Tapestry Str Ourtatng; also Boots JOSEPH B. ABRAMSON, -------- BIG RE-BUILDING SALE Buy your Spring Furnishing dur ing this Sale and save money. We are offering big discounts &o as to save double handling. 20 styles of Music Cabinets at 20 per cent. off . 25 styles of China Cab. inets at 20 per cent off | Ph Carts and Carriages all redue- R. J. Réid, Phone 577 iain JS @ AW Sey Parra Have (KING'S PARK-South Winnipeg A few choice 100 ft. lots for sale easy terms. It will pay you to secure these at once. Apply to J. 0. Hurtoxn, jf Market an WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontario Street. "Phone 156. Srecssresesrsssesecan Fresh Caught SALMON ; * an | a FORDS AL AEE OCT ETL