Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1912, p. 5

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tw TION MLEDD'S DRUG: STORE'THE SPORT REVIEW ge A GNM Wh a de ct SiGe Prem RTT i fk ian £8 em ----"---------- ""k CALL FOR SERVICE'DIED FROM ipo J yy FAS SOUND BY LEV. DIL mentors NLEY Celeb NHEAD SUL. BILGE OF OTTAWS, I UMBED AT ROCHESTER, MINN Who BN én fi! Baconlapreste serywon | Went There tar a €rifion] Ngegation at 'Queer's Univorsity--Many Ope Ten Was Tov Great for His System. NEW QUARTERS WILL BE OPEN. ED ON TUESDAY. | MEETING OF INTERCOLLEGIATE J RUGBY VNION. { Minin ty New Prowlies Near Cornes of King fhe Application of and Brock Strect Well Adapted | = for Business--An Up-to-date Store! Reglopolis Col lege, Kingston, 'or Admission to the Junior Series, Was Refused-- Nays dgo---"The Shock A | portunities Presented to students) i on Leaving College, Ottaws, sermon al alter fhe at Herridge, of bacealaurente Sunday Ihe Rervice held building, snd wos well Dr the HIver Rex preached risen iy, on Bost Wi ne wld tontded Bishop Weeeny, of '1 Jiink Milly, of Kingdon, wend we the plaglorm, with Principal tion ined quembers of the staff Purine the Archibald Becoroft, tudent at Queen's, rendered a fine so | 1o " ful art aromio, oer apie) weryioe, Be, Herridge preachéd a force evmon. basing his remarks upon the text, Mark vi.. 47: "Ami when ev en was come, the ship wus in the midet of the and he alone on the land." The speaker Christ, and HW ple to be like Him The many opportunities for service, | for the students going out from the university, were pointed out, The student was in an exesllent' position to be of service in the world, having Je voted * much | tune in preparation While studying, the student was able to get a wider grasp of the medning of life. . Manv were too anxious to | know: just how they were going to ont of their education, for then awn benefit, ~ Justead of this thought, | this question should be asked, "what | can 1 do to help my fellowmen?' Wo! must be hololul to others. Our talents | Ww not piven for ourselves alone | "Use your gilts for service," added | the speaker. "Your haowlelpe in urls, science and religion, should be | used for the world's progress. 1 ap | pend you students, to put these principles into practice : { "There ave oppofMunities as fine ns ever to any And are not handicapped. but heirs of the | hevitance of Bpitish achievments, | Then, we have our own résources. The ky | referred to the work of challenge to the peo got to given nation you | Avest calls to the east, and the cast to the west here is no reason why + should not give object lessons We need men honest in business and ! Canad - a-- { Kelle, who has heen ister holidavs with her Fournie, of Ellisdt, and * Perth, returned to Monday. | Mira Agnes sperding the Mrs consis aunt, hey Westport on © his system. and § "The tuner] Look place Monday after work, and every order, of this from it. With Very Best Stocks. James B. McLeod's drug store, on Broek street, just one door trom the old stand, at the corner of King and Broek sircets, will open its doors to the pullic to-morrow (Tuesday ; morning For some time a stat 'of ed Tor four years with om Unternal ab- [men - have been busily engaged iy sevss. Heo' had bore kis (rouble {getting the store in resliness for (he patiently and cheerfully, and when he opening thd the store as it is now Jeft, for Rochester he frily realized eo juipped forms a valuable addition to the chanees be was taking. The deceased is suevived by his in Kingston. mother, Mrs, A, D. Qadenhend, of this | Mecleod's new drug store city, and one brother, G. Cadenhend, of Newmnoket. Mr, Cadenhiead was emi loved © as clerk im Pest's drag store, and had attended the Kingsion business 'gullege, He was a member of Chalmers church, and wellknown and liked by a large direls of friends His remiling are being brought by Dr. J. F. Spurks, who has with him throughout Rianl, Cadenhead, aged twen ye iW.ree vers, left on Friday, Agril 12th, te undergo an operation at St. Mary's hospital, Rochester, ! Minnesota, died om Saturday, at 6! p.m, as result of the shock to The deceased had suffer who a is well {adapted for the drug business in every respect. At the old store the sta {was cramped for room but mm the 'new slore there is ample space for everything and on this account Mr. Mcleod will be better able to cater to the trade. . The new store occu home [pies the four floors, and provides lor been fa full stock in every line, and at the trouble, {same time giving each line a Hace thy itself. To use an old saying, it is having "a place for everything, The. late don, Sawiders, whose [and everything mn its place.' dec th oteubred" Rt his vsidence, 730] Jhestore has been nicely fit'ed out Princess street, on Friday morning, ond a Whig representative, who had wus one of Kingston's old and re the pleasure of going ¢hrough the spected citizens, For a number of 5to¥e on Saturday was much ior vears he wae engaged in the retail Pressed with the appearance of tie meat Arade, and will be remembered | FFemises and the way in witch care. by mauy in that capacity. The four |ft] attention had been paid to every teen years previods to Js death were litile detail in , tonnection with the spent as sssstant steward at the business. Nothing has been overlook- penitentiary, where Ms devotion to eb / dity and genial disposition won for Up-to-date in every respect. Lim a lorge cieele of friends, Hol Une change has been decided upon, wes a member of lodge 59, 1.0.0 F.. lapd that is the diccomtinuance of the for twenty-si¥ years, aml of lodge 8 da water fountain. This has: been No. #1, ADUW., fcr some time dispensed with in order that all ar. In rdizien he was a Preshytecian, | altertion ean be given to the store sales member of Chulmers chureh. A wile, {and particularly the prescription de as many friends, are left 1¢ mourp. |Pagtment., There is a special room pa dang her and two sons, as well for the earrying on of prescription Kind will te given the best of attention. McLeod's drug store "on the ner" has always been a great con {venience for people walling for street mille igars, and for the lea Lug of parcels All women are more or less rodu {tor a dime by busy shoppers, and it lous, and some have faith in their hus. {18 hoped. that by the removal to the bands. ; new store: none of the customers will Tt is easier to load ome min: te te put to any inconveilence. An in- k than it vitation Is extended to the (ty folk and also to the people «from the coun- 'tryside, as formerly, - to make use of the new store in the same way ns [they did the old store, Jubt drop into the store as of old and wait for the car, or leave a parcel. his The Bate John Saunders, noch to Uataraqui cemelery, and the seri ices were condveted by «Rev. Iv. Macuillivray and the Kingston lodge, L.0O.F, drin is to drive them away | Many a woman lets her neighbors affairs worry her more than her own. Don't be a quitter. There is still plenty of room in the hall of fame. YOU ARE USING A cheap grade of coffee, a few cents extra give yon a finer beverage worth many timestheex A trial of Sea! Brand coffee will prove it' --- Som-- === | Mr. McLeod has been in. the drug business in Kingston for fifteen years, land hy his ecaceful attention to busi. ness has built up a good trade. A {part from his own business he ts a 'citizen who takes a deep interest {the wellare of the ty and the wishes of his many friends are tended to him on the oceuglon his removal knwo a new store, PACKED IN ONE mm best "eA of per pound will GETTING THE PARKS READY. n immeasurably The Cataraqui Ward People to Have a' Pleasant Spot. John Philips, the caretaker of parks, avd his men are busy at these beauty spots of the city already, he flower beds are being 'attended to and new ones laid out, and wire screens" being put around them to protect the flow- ers from. dogs. The chairman of the parks committee has arranged for a number of new benches to be placed in the parks, and the old ones repair ed. Probably no eity of Kingston's size has such an extent of ground laid traexpendii{ure, a SANBORN MONTREAL aside, and kept in such beautiful con- dition as Macdonald, City, Victoria, Frontenac and Clarence Parks. Mr. Philips is out with a big stick alter some --children who, Inst week, deliberately pulled up a number of tu lips in the Clarence Street Park and threw them around the grass. It would appear that = the parents of these children should tench their little ones better than this. But "hove will be boys," and very often the younger members of the opposite sex are close seconds. A new ball ir being made for the fing-pole in Macdonald Park. The ball was blown down bv a wind storm last fall, and ro badly damaged that a new one had to be made, which is some- what larger, sixteen inches in diame- ter. Tha upper section of this large pole will be lowered and the new "Lop piece" put on. Work has been commenced fixing up the large field on Rideau street, which a ------ "THE CANADIAN BANK ~ "" TOF COMMERCE the Tity has lepsed from the Kings- ton and Pembroke railway for a play- ground for the children in that part of the citv. The fenees will be repair- ed, and the grounds placed in a con dition for the plaving of all kinds of games. It ix needless to say that the hovs and girls in this end of the sity ap ve » 5 eS i oa WEE WILLS, TITLE DEEDS, MORTGAGES. Be OTHER VALUABLES they should be lodged In THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE COUNTRY Is drawn fo the Security these Safety Deposit Boxes afford agafust THEFT. LOSS OF VALUABLE DOCUMENTS, ETC, BY FIRE OR For further parttculars and. information, Apply to P.C8 Have ipstalied in thelr Vault u reat of SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES MH you have any will appreciate the action of the coun- cil and take full advantaoce of it, and all kinds of veereation will he indulg- ad in. Burial of a Child. The funeral of the late William Law. rence Walsh, infant son of Lawrence Walsh. Livingston avenue, took place on Friday afternoon, to St, Mary's temetery. Among the floral tributes Lwere ©: Wreath, father and mother: cut flowers, Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Collins, Miss Mary Walsh, Miss Sellic Walsh, Leonard Walsh, Mrs. Richards, Bertha Renudry, Miss Louise Craig, Miss Bella Ramsay: sprays, Mr. and Mes. DT. Wright, Miss. Annie O'Connor. Miss Rose. Miss Eves, Mr. and Mrs. Banis- . and MW 'we, Mr. and INSURANCE POLICIES OR one of thes hoxes sheafs, ' . Curlie wreaths, Me. and Mes. Daryaw "Left With Five Children. A sad sight 'was witnessed at the polee station, Friday afternoon, when Nrs. Thomas Storms and ber five chil sheen called to hear the sad news about {the many fine stores now estab shed | | 4 thereby making it a drug store | cor- | The Schedule Drawn. | No important changes were effected in the playing rules of the lutercolle: giate rugby football union at the an nual spring meeting held at Ottawa, Saturday afternoon. The application of Regiopolis college, Kingston, for admission to the Junior series, was refused, because of insul- cient information as to its foosball status. ' The intermediate series was divided into two sections, castern avd western, instead of three as formerly. An im- portant amendment to championship rules was made regarding the manne: of declaribg winners in the eastern intermediate section. The winners, j will, in future, be declared in virtue of {the games won, and not on points scored ns has previously been done. The suggestion of Queen's university 'delegate regarding changes in the op- |ening games of the sepior schedule in October, was not considered practi- jble, and the following schedule was adopted : October 5. Queen's at Ottawa; Gill at Toronto. Oct. 12.--Queén's at McGill; Toronto at Ottawa, : | Det. 19.--Otiawa at Queen's; Toron to at McGill Oct. 26.--Queen's at Toronto; McGill iat Ottawa Nov. 2.-McGill at Queen's; Ottawa al Toronto, | Nov, 8. Toronto at Queen's: Ottawa at McGill | Besides J. Q. Coughlan, of Ottawa College, who presided, the following Idelegntes were in atiendance: R (Grass and J.- Maynard. Toronto: {Ross and J. Loe, McGill; G. A. Platt, Queen's | i Me Played Baseball on Saturday. | The cricket field was covered all day {Saturday with baseballers, from kids {just learning to throw and catch, up [to the seniors in the city league. The Ponies, last year's junior athletics, had {their first workout. Two teams . of j the senior league made their appear ance. the C.1..C.°s and the Athletics [Nearly all of last year's team of thu former are together, Dice and Brooks {being "on the job" with a number of likely looking men, Manager Palmer. the Athletics, also has some new muterial. ---- Napanee Golf Club. The Napanee Golf Club has elected these officers -- resident, Herbert Daly: vice-president, William €. Smith: secretary-treasurer, CC. M. Warner; board of governors--R. ('. Cartwright, iT. B, German, R, A. Leonard, CG. P. | Reiflenstein, J. W. Robinson, R. G. 1. Travers. AT THE GRAND. "The Spring Mahl" The newest of Viennese operetins, with a success of two seasons in New York ia the romeo struggle between the princeling who would flirt, and the saucy princess who decides to lead hig on that she may finally teach him a I robukifig lesson" until both are deep in sincere affection, for each other. "The Spring gMaid" considered to be the nea®st to a musicalized ves sion" of the fascinating old play 'She Stoops to Conquer" that the world has known. There are subplots and divergencies in this modern operetta, but through it all is the romance be in' mischief that turns warm affection, and makes the theatre-pom as anxiously for its final me ments as he Burries to get into the fi nal chapter of his favorite story book "The Spring Maid" with a company of seventy-five gnd Metropolitan orclies tra, comes to the Graml on Thu April 25th. 18 gun to wait dary "Mutt and Jerr." A. Mutt says that I'm entirely consequential, superfluous and irrevel 'ent; he even has the audacity to say that I'm nonchalantly optimitic rela tive to his social importance, but Uli leave it to you. Wouldn't he listen like a boob without me? Joli tells his own troubles at the Grand, Saturday I next, matinee and night. "The New Boy." The presentation of Asthur Lewis' farce, "'The New Poy," at the Grand, on Saturday, matinee and evening, wns much appreciated It was highly Amusing, James Bancroft played "The New Boy." in an unimitable manner . un "INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Fresh Columbia batteries, $1.49 per set of six. J. N. Scott, electrical con- tractor, 116 Brock street. "Phone 1215. Miss Carrie Waldron sang in Chal mers church, Sunday evening. with marked effect, Arthur Sullivan's com: position, "God shall wipe away all tears." H. Cuonningham, piano tener, King street. Leave orders &t Auley's book store. Mrs. Margaret Dickson and her son. Sidney, left on Momday for the west. Mrs. Dickson intends going as far a: Chicago, while Sidoey will go on to 2 Me , Tucker; Ronleau, Sask. and 'Mrs. Woodhouse, 0.1 Mrs.: William Serutton, Markland stroet,. was removed to the genera hospital, on Sunday afternoon, in James Reid's ambolance, suffering from ieitis. C. H. Caban, K.C.. Montreal, will speak at a luncheon of the Canadian {Club in the city hall to-morrow at noon. Col. Henry Smith, and Coif In Kingston We Sell the Best $5.00 Trunks The Best $5.00 Suit Cases The Best $5.00 Travelling Bags See These $5.00 Specials ABERNETHY'S BARGE DAVIE IN PORT WAS SUNK NEAR ALEXANDRIA BAY LAST SUMMER Will be Placed in ry Dock in About Three Week's Time--Towed Here Sunday Night by Steame Hinckley--Marine Notes of Ine terest. The barge George T. Davie, of the Montreal . Transporta®on company, which went agiound and was sunk near Alexandrin Bay last summer, wai towed to Kingston on Sunday night, by the steamer llinckley, and will go on the drydock for repairs jn three weeks' time. The Davie was raised late in the fall, but had to be left until the open: ing 'of mavigation. She will have undergo extepsive repairs, but it is the opinion of marine men that she stood the winter remarkably. well Fhe steamer Hinckley also brought into port the barge Jessie, and the schoon Bertha Kalkins, which taken down the river to assist in releasing the vessel, It is expected that the steamer Ad- vance will leave Kingston on Tuesday might, for. Toronto and Hamilton. The steambarge Ilda E., formerly owned by Capt. Grant Horne, and which has been purchased by a com pany, to be used in the sagd-carrving trade, arrived in port from Collins ny, where the vessel was laid up dur- ing the winter. The vessel is at Craw- ford's wharf, taking on coal, in pre- paration for a trip. Capt. Israel Dowe, of Montreal, has arrived in port to take chaige of the barge Dunmore Capt. Peter Lalonde, of Vallevfield, Que'; has taken over the barge Augus ta for the season. Capt. James Roach has arrived from Nottawa, and is in command of the tug Bartlett. to er were WEDDING AT CAMPBELLFORD, Miss Catherine Murphy the Bride of P. J. Fallon, Kingston Mary's Roman Campbelliord, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday morn mg, April 17th, when Miss Catherine Murphy was quietly married to I', J Fallon, of Kingston. The church St. Catholic church primroses. At bride, who looked charming in a travel Ling suit of Copenhagen blue, with ros the church with her brother, Frank E Murphy, of Edmonton, Alta, to the sraing of the wedding march from 'Lohengrin." Miss Louise Murphy was her only attendant, and were a suit of russet cloth with Panama hat the ceremony was performed by Rev Father Whibbs, who said the nuptial mass, -. - The music for the occasion was ren dered by the entire choir, under the direction of Miss Helen Murphy, sister of the bride. During the "Ave Marie" and the "Angels nade" were beautifully sung vidual members of the choir Ihe many friends of the bride most filled the church, testifving her popularity. Among the many who sent their heartiest congratulations were Bishop Fallon, of London, and Rev, James Fallon, of Ottawa Usiiver- sity. A reception was held at the resi- dence of the bride's mother after the ceremony, and the happy couple left for the east with the sincere wishes of their many, friends, After the honey- moon they will reside in Kingston. mass Rere by ind al to W. A. Scott, of the Prudential In si'rance company, leaves in tow days for. Pet rhoro, where of has accosted a position with the Metro tolifan Co. George Joyner, of the Lockett Shoe Store, spent Sunday at hs home in Odeasn. In Fear of - TT anny To be entirely eured of a cold which threatened to become consump- tion naturally makes one think well of the treatment which helped effect. the cure, * In a letter just received from Mrs. Edson Brock, Trenbolh, Uue., - the writer says* "I wish to tell you that 1 have used Dr. Chase's ici with great success. cold Ww. H Ponton, Belleville, will speak [had di the cough. 1 felt so bad that 1 really thought I was gding into consump. tion, I got well by ussing Dr. Chase's Syrup of Li d and Turpentine. br. § . -Liver Pills also did was nicely decorated with carnations and the appointed hour the trimmings and hat to match, entered the | {lo our country Consumption rs-- teal Canadian public schools would he to A Pointer About ICE CREAM Means coming in to enjoy d» liclous, creamy, properly flavored delight, with health and refreshment. No Dbettor pointer on earth. Try our lce Cream. . Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. 'Phone 640. P SAGOIIOEARSOGOOIOIIRIN DEFINING A SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE, The Matter Passed Up to the Mini of Education--The School Age to be Raised and Fifth Form Established. ster At the Board of Education, Friday night J. G. Elliot*, delegate to the trustees' department of the Ontario Educational Association reported The convention of the Ontario Educational Association, held in Toronto during Easter week. was jlargely attended, and wag full of Interest to those who have the educational matters of the province under emsideration. The trustees' depariment was, as usual, (he place where discussion took place as to the conduct of the schools. The attend ance was large, but to. one who has attended for years the fact Is noted that the xhange cf membership is very great, not over a dozen at the present time being in attendant e {or eight or ten years conttnuously. The Ereat bulk of the members are those who attend one or two years During the three days' session a dozen or more papers of interest were read, but the members were not given the opportunity that they desired for full discussion and the result was that many of them were left untouched to be considered next year, One of fhe chie! and then cropped up was Ject of bilingualism, and the desire of the gathering seemed to be t the English language only one taught tongues should he ada in the primary ject fimally came up with the truancy act finition of a school In 1911 a com mittee had drafted a definition. an} this was passed un to the Minister of Education, iL no action had been taken in regard to it A com- mittee, of which Your delegate was {a member, 'was named to look in'o the question again and report Thuis | Was done at the last meeting of the i Bathering when tii 1811 | was re-affirmed matter urgently sed attention G1 the minister features topics that tt now ie sah should that ne tolerated schools in as foreign in Can The su! connection to the d« decision of and the 1ipon the The chief recommenda tions { lof tachool was de these wa ignated as a place that a | where {Instruction was in ithe "that {under ¢ given to the children accordance with the of It regulations education act was affirmed should be jualified teachers tion In reading geography, arithm gtamspar, from the textbooks ized By the department of {all schools (0 be under lthe inspector of the Iwould mean that tren were taught i these dul ging instruc spelling, schooly writing and wu thor edu tition inspection by This hild woald be under 'the control of the education de partment It pomted out by | spenkery, during the previous day's Pdisoasgion that p {taught by Ametican teachers, merican text-books: in Places Italians wire fanght hy Italian teach iors: Austrians were taught by Austri an tenchers. and the same was being jenrried ont an regard to many other of the foripn elements that have come This system of edu "ation was condemned and the decision was that the only way to teach the children of foreign parents in the lo inspectorate places where 1 groups was some schooks were Ot hey to wwe English ae the mode of instruc trop Another interesting feature was the unanimous desis 10 mise he Public school age (0 fifteen years and the standard in our public schools ws the fifth form to terminate in an exXamin- ation which wonld entitle the student to a divloma signed by the minister of education and the public school in- spector, entitling the holder to en- trance into the high school or = the technical schools, sia would do miwh to help the fsing generation to obtain an auate and useful education. i thal the committee Of the adéisory council, now composed of twenty mem hat be the! The. teuitoes ro-affirmed their edite | t saving Kitchen Cabinet See our Window Demonstration Showing the 'OLD WAY' And, the 'UP-TO-DATE | KITCHEN, JAMES REID'S 'Phone 147 THAT TOBACCO With the "Mooster" on It 8 crowing louder as he goes siong. Only 4bc per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN, Outarie Ntreet. 0 bers, should have as many representa tives from the trusts' department as arg given to public sdhool teachers 1 Your representative presen ted subject of medical inspection and found vary bearly response thereto. There (was considerub e discussion as to how ithe rural schools might get the bene "fit of such inspection. The work was endorsed and the minister of educa {tion will be appealed to wo grauts towards the work wierever vied on The trustees' department is helped in {its efforts aloug educations] lines Colm tons These the give Cat hy and township the BESO throughout Provinos ' suxiliag HREOC ION were ommended aud it was suggested | "hat to help them meet thew financial obligations that always rest upon (such conventions, that the gducation 'department give then a r80t equal jto that which is given to the teach associations The department had among its mem bers many representatives from ruvsl and their opinions smd pres entation of the burdens and difficulties of keeping school were well discussed and it was recoinmended that the sub ject of consolidation of schools should be considered next year, Schools wer. being kept open in which feom five to tet pupils were in attendance, | Altogether the gathering wus one of {very great interest and your reprisen f tative expresses the conviction that {a tte@nce at it 'by some members of jvour 'board will always be found ad jvantageous and will keep the board land its members ir touch with the [work affected. from the standpoint of the province as a whole ers sections, Mrs. (Vr.} Besard, of (thaws, merly of Kmpston, ix convalescens jafter a oribienl operation at the {Water street hospital, (Ottawa Hare sister, Mra. W. Ebene, of Toronto, line been with her during ber iliness } You may find sorrow webdooted if {you attempt to drown it with drink, for | ; advance both in a -- le hy -~ Co nstip at ion HOOD'S PILLS 28%c, The most useful and step 5 THIS IS IT

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