Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1912, p. 6

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- ¥ PAGE SIX. ------ DOCTORS SAID IT ~ WAS HEART FAILURE. nd Gate Me bs-- Bt "Frait-a-tives" » Cored Me Moourivrn, ONT., "1 sullered from severe Indigestion and I» ia for pearly two years, I eon not take food withont fearful distress, Iwo doctors thought my disease was Heart Failure and incurable, and I expected to die in a short time, My son as 1 y *Fruit- From the outset, 1 was better and gradually this fruit medicine completely cured me I took pérha "a dozen boxes--now I am cured ap have gained over jo pounas in weight", HENRY SPEERS Gustice ¢ of Peace) "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers Marc 25th, ed at soc » box, 6 for $2 £0, rin size 29c-- | oF sent on roceipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Jigited, Ottawa, adi ete ne St QUEENS CAFE Lunches served on shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, 25e¢. MM, FAFPAS & Cu 4 Priscess Sireel {ER PIO} REMEDY R ON: 3.1 t etch Ho pitas with great success, Sigor vital force, drains, blood poison, discharges, bla lder arinary disenses, either sex - - druggists wail $1 Fougora Co 90 Hoekman st New Veork City or Bros Co 1.4, Tocontn 1f in dostt No, required Areas envelope for F RE hook to Dr Le ( lave EH AYERS TOL KROAY, HAMPSTRAD, LONDON, FM EN [-]] ON cues TOA Thomas Copley PHONE 987, Drop 8 aru 1 19 Pine Birest waa, NWABLINE anything done in the Carpen~ ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of repalrs and new work also. Hardwood WFioors of all kines. Au Bhaerte wit Focaive Srempt altention. | Queen er the BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON at Cut Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, Sendior Cut Price Catalogue. TORONT ---------- ei ------ A ---------------- A : NEw SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER has taker tne business o the late is at the old stand, 269 ! STREET. Al kinds tf Bhan Repabring promptly done, ' All work guaranteed rn» NIIIININNIININNNNNN -- =. Have 3 A SPECIAL ASSORTMENT | of -- Girls' Hats THIS WEEK It is a pleasure to show our goods, a as GEDYE' Si The Up-To-Date Millinery Store | 178 WELLINGTON 8T. | Private Fitting Room. Phone 225 then discussed ffi yn 1910 | "the children abosrd the STAY CURED | | o! : thoclat gor 4 THE "TITANIC'S - DEAD [WERE REMEMBERED CHURCHES ON sUN [The Congregations "Stood With Bow. ed Heads While Ueguicems Pealed 'Out Frovh the Organs--ilefer. ences From the ulpits. IN THE DAY. t ! iu all the city churches on touching referénces . were made the puliits with gard to the tannic daaster of a week ago, its lessons were forcibly biroaght utténtion of the large congregs tions of worshippers. At the eon lusion of most of the services "The Pesd March in Saul' was played, and tie people, wlth bowed heads, while the organs pealed out {tiem da memory of the dead, Sunda from It an te re stood the re Titake's | : At St. ~ Andrew's Church. NM. Compton warned the people list they should miss th thes. n to belearaed trom the cisaste fwhich shoi®d give us the nind t see that things that mre seen an tempor, but that the things unseer pre eterpal. 1 should direct our minds heavenward, In addressing th, ¢ thiren Mr. Compton compared Lh wlaying of children by Pharoah and nerod with the treatment aocorde fitamic, Th saved the women and th aboard the great ship. . Why do this 7 the preacher ash ed, Beciuse of Christ spies. Britai, is a t heistlan eountry, and becaus Christ loved the little children' so di Christiane generally love them. He cass He losed the weak and helples ro do His ff Mowers love them. Rev, [I ritish children did they At Chalmers 'Chureh. br. Wie He. Macsilivray pointed jthat it kecause man did a ey the laws of nature that amie was lost. The icebergs obeying the. laws of nature gn mov ing southward through the Atlantic {Animells, birds and bers obeyed | tures Inws. How much mire | sho Id man obey them. But ense of the Titanie God's natur; laws were violated by man, and as rescit the world mourns to-day. on no th wer na the in th At St. James' Church, Rev. T. W, Savary 8 kl it almos wemed ps though by this disaster th Almighty would fain Lreak down ou human self-confidence and pride Ishatter 't to 1heces. He urged we mist nut lose pjzht of God hind the wobking®/« f the laws are but expressions of lis will, took upon world habpeninps as th wnere outcome * of blind forces. Ther is a God of nature and it is the sam {ticd of revelation. Mr, Savary re | ferfed to the boat load of men go ing to their graves to the strains o k 'earer My God, To Thee," as wit ness to man's de; endence upor™ Lo Fin the hour of need, and urged tha {Lhe help should be sought now it ks to Le with in the time emergency. | | i | an tha bx whic « us « Sydenham Street Methodist. Rev. 1. W. Neal sold that the wir {less reveonled to us the reality of ih { unseen, Just as owt of the darknes jenme shirs of succor so did the Mas Aer appear to His disciples on th 'sea of Galilee during the storm. Mr | Neal besought his hearers to hax faith in God and the unseen, for thw hélpera to answe w Aways unseen (Bpetls of danger or distress, At Cooke's Church. Rev. J. W. Mclutosh saw in 'he'll aster the irony of God, a rebuke wu fore varity, an exposure of our pride ibut' to whaterer extent tils may b 80 the importagt lesson is rather th warning that we liave not yet mas tered the dd%eul es; we have no vit reached the best of witch we dr ear a lo. God's chastening 19 for ou profit, that we may be partakers His power. The lack of human wis dom in 'a crificing life to speed an Jusiry is brought to ve in a forcibl way. A Stile more wisdom migh taught thet "%ife is more tha; and salety 1s more than lux meat" LEY. Broék Stree: Methodist, Rev. John Webster spoke of the twi leew nu that Mhe disaster brought t the eves of mun, 'the fatherhood o God and the brotherhood of man. Il compared man's power to that of th iship. 'There came a time in Life when God showed that his grealness was yreater than that of man, am this is one of the times. The steamer Carpatita come at the time of th wreck, ns a Saviour eomes to the perishing, The Reign of God, Seflery, in Queen street Me church, on Sunday evening, rilerted in feelmg terms to the ove whelmiing calanfty of the past wel and s 8d that the sympathy of th whole world went ont to those wh Shad been so suddenly bereaved. H the question of th and His attitude to S Rev. of God Ljwards the destiny of indlibdunis Sod "uations. God was the ruler and' wm biter of the universe © He had fixed Llunchangeaile and immutable laws &i récting and governing sil aplersly, with the laws things. It owas the transgression of these laws. either Synorantly, witfally. or care, i that brought abot calnmity' and disaster. MH individuals aod nn. tions lived in complete' comlorntiy Lihise laws are wise and s ch hoerdrs as have bien cere wont: sot ns of the Urestor--amt THE DA m-- m-- wightation in St, Geoige's onthe second Sunde alter Kester lov bose whe went down in the tragedy of the week before, and for those swlully bereaved by ii. Then follow ad the "Prayer "forthe Ohare Mite: ant." Prayers for the and the rereaved were Riso s slebration, when the ario Was celébrant. bymu, "On the Hesurrection Morn ng," and that before the 'Fierte Raged the Tempest O'er Deep' fost bishop of On- The processional The sermon was preached by horror of the litanie went down in mid-Atlantic, Before the administration the "Till He Come," was sung and while the people were receiving the organist played the hymn for those at sea. Lhe Dead March was played at sfiertory. The choir and clergy if "Jesus Lives! At evensong Bishop Sweeney, who vas vested in convocation robes of scarlet, was again the preacher, Rov. . HK. DePencier, of Osh iin chaplain. Beethoven's he servieq concluded with the alle din Requiem, "For All the Who from Their Labors Rest." All the services were most impres sive. . At Bt. Paul's Church, The congregations at both n St. Paul's, yesterday, were very arge. In meworiam services for victims of the Titanic disaster were held morning and evening, and suit able hymns were sung by the choir Many in the church were visibly ai 'ected during the singing of ** My God, to Thee Nearer At Bethe! Church, Rev, Mr. Mershon said that nerical tmeasuroments of the wre so great that they seem like whmergence of a planct. He many aboard the Titanic, the family of Mr. Hays. At the end, he «aid, there seemed to have been the rising to the supreme in them all the disnxtes na knew News From Westbrook. Westbrook, April 19. Those in itinity who have sugar bushes report s good run of sap. Mr. and Mrs er, Mrs, irove. Miss Ada ast week, the guest luster Cottage. Van Allport is seri usly ill. Dr. Mabee, Odessa, is in at endance. Misses, Margaret arrie Morley are ill. A number were attended the sale at Collins m' Wednesday. Miss Mary of Cataraqui, sproule on Sunday. singston, is Macdonald, at of Mrs. B, from Bay Cassiday, F. Marshall, visiting dis drs. J. L. F. Sproule. Mrs. irass spent Tharsday with Mix, iproule. Miss Helen gturned home from Hamilton, she spent a week visiting friends. P. NM Disaster From Floods. region of Beauce, weauceville, P. F. Renaud, f the most important ountry, suffered $25 000 damage. Trains of the Quebee Central rail vay loaded ied away, w rained in the whole region, The damages are about both federal and _hents will be ufierers, ge in the Items From Millhaven. Millhaven, April 16.--The haw carried away both dams, ut Robert Rickey 'he last horse from 'ossed the ice, Saturday. he lake onto, urned, Miss Mabel Fairfield, visiting her old home, of To- has A dow Gives $25, 000, Baltimote, Md, April 22 dibbons, as chancellor niversity, Washington, rom a western donor of raction, 325,000 (o found tudy looking wcialism, has accepted Jownjsh ox a chair to the eradication o The parliamentary and ;ourt libraries are being searched oth sides for reference to the n weme court here on May 7th are in course lof preparation be exchanged in a few days. Tt will question the jurisdiction of aourt to deal with the matter at all Prevost, Broek street, - is order clothing eadv-made clothing ishing department J with new gooda. Iavestigation of the equipment fon saving life on lake excursion steamers, running olit of Chicago revealed (he fact that of eight such vessels, not one is sufficiently supplied with lifebonts and rafts. Al carry life preservers in sufficient numbers to supply all pa trons. \ Is Sickness rtment, and extinit. a habit is," "gick Fi thete atimen Fittle 'wis power. yourself cathedral 0 said again at high sermon, the he lord bishop of Toronto, and was wn eloquent owe, pointing vividly the awful night when the bymn, the left the church to the wivmphant strains awa, acting ns funeral narch was played at this service, and Saints ROTV vex the the including this worge Gates are visiting their daugh- Mountain Macdonald spent Kose, Girass and waz the guest of Loran of daughter, Eliza McLaughlin has where Quebee, April 22.<A rise of water in he Chaudierc river caused great dam- At proprietor store in the with pulpwood were ear The maple sugar crop will £300,000, provincial govern- requested to help the recent and out of business. Amherst sland Audrew and layton Steele have started fishing in re- Cardinal of the Catholic for supreme mar siage law case tn come before the sn. Priel amd will is learned that the Quebec representatives the Kas received Il his spring and 'gummer goods for and rents' fur. All well nssore- "a Habit? ? "With bhi undoubtedly be avo mat he oy | some hiv you, Pan that ean " IY] BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 19132. = hg : 8 . - Sssssasssssansmnrananl bes such a sobbing cadence. "Ia" the Pag: oh, Wy ARNT, cotta on fe Mrs. Meredith S Method NE the gh ave dim and low, od Ah ue ie ove Greepang, -- " fly ms By and softly go. "When Lhe Wods are sobbiog { With a gentle, unknown woe, Will vou think of me and love As you did one long ago? +> TEMPLE BAILEY. Sessa rsssssntsssasssl "HM her iv, aly me, her Ww he said, head to man aren tH no- 'he too for ol) Physiological un- | A man has he ! we and Anatomical 500 muscles, oe cells, 206 dificrent bones, 4 of blood, several hundred feet of arteries and veins, over tkenty-five fect of intestines and millions of pores. itis heart weighs from yeight to twelve ounces, its capadty is from four to €ix ounces in each ventricle, and Ate Vie is five by three and a half by two and a half inches. It is a hol- low muscular organ and pumps twen- tviwo and a half pounds of blood every nfnute, In twenty-four hours it pumps skxteen tons. IL beats a. bout seventy-two times a minute. In one ye:r an average man's hear: pumps 11,680,500 pounds of blood. The heart is a willing slave, but sometimes stitkes--and it alwavs (wins.--Practical Druggist. canny. 1 Keats's Love Affair. Keat's way of love was by no means a way of happiness. The object of his passion was a Miss Fanny Brawne, whom he had the fortune, or misfor- tune, to meet at (ho Dilkes's house | Stie had bedome fairly well known lin Keats bibliography as "a brisk and blooming very young rt of the far-from-uncommon English hawk. J nicnd type, : or affection for Keate seemed to have been real, but limited by a rath- er shallow emotional capacity. His love for her was enfevered with doubts and questionings, not only about the real ily of his feeling toward her, but about his failing health and his un- cerfain prospects. Disease had al realy weakened him when he met her, and between the fire of disease and the fire of love, his vitality was rap- I Love proved to be but wncther disaster to heighten the trae ie suffering of the last eighteen months of hig life. y When, finally » . " asked, "or free consumed, to . he want to Rome, ac companied by the artist, Joseph Sev he turned his back on love, along with the rest of life. He died in Feb he asked 1521, and was buried in the | Protestant cemetery, a place made =o beatiful by the flowers that prow there the vear through that it makes "in love 'with death to think one should be buried in so sweet a pla." Shelley wrote, long before he, died--Evening Post. 1 had al orn vou ™ ny, one not too, Peath of W. Picton Times Monday afternoon, William West Main street, passed away Gorsline had been ill for some time: He went to Toronto with the late Dr. Wright shortly before the lat ter. was taken ill in the hope of re: wiving bendit from consultation with a specialist. Returning to Picton My Gorsline gradually failed. An affec tion of the throat which resisted all efforts to control was the cause of trouble. My. Gorsline came to Pion from Sophinsburg. fle was a som of dw Inte Jacob Gorshine of Fish Lake He leaves a widow, a daughter of Mr. and Mas. Alfred Foster, Fish Lake, But so ildeen. -- C. Gorsline. iors line, Nr "M you think that I am going Ot Then in the stillness she heard te Mrs. Meredith's forehead was puck- "1 have come back." vou've had to wserimp and save and ward the voice, and sutideuly she was glance at ber daughter "Don't a She tried to regain "Wait till the ope man comes to 'thing to do with it, Bathicen," you'll be positively nok you whether you say 'yes or Smo, vou may make the mistake of runsing then she laughed. "Oh, | should I'm almost erazy. He's so silly." | A Chemical View.--An average mun Aathleen shrugged her shoulders. nough iron to make tour Lern-pennyg "Donald will get his revenge some 's enough hydrogen in him in com: ald." she said, airly that night, "so a howl of sugar, and ten gallons of wet over this." gallons said she believed in giving money to get vou," ton: was coaxing, but he did mot arm to give you up. But.l'm gomg! you," he said. munnously, "not right this minute. "Have voa no heart?" he For a' moment she wie shaken out And 80 he yiclded, as he in his easy fashion. undertone. "But you conld not keep me before he goes." "Why, he's always been a part of her mother advised, ing pardon for her unkindpess op that you think," Kathleen stretched i white arms above her head, lazi Her fingé®s Telt the keys and thedid went down on her arms. lose my, freedoni, my ease, by marry-} ing 8 poot mau you are very much! oe . mistaken." ""hathlesn. . 'Have girls lost all romance * Lit Donald." She sat up, listeulng. ered in an anxious frown. "Why. wh His voice seemed to sound from the i was yousg, iathleen, 1 thought only ("re of the room, but in the dark- of love". ness she could sce nothing. And so yoi married dad, and} "Dovald." She gropéd her way to work and twist and tara. Oh, mother, Bs, his arms. . has the game been worth the ean I shail never let you go, dle ? mastorfclly, as be bent has Mrs. Meredith flashed a reproachiul kiss her. her old domin- think dad is worth abything Jon over him. You must leave it to "Uf course. Dut he's the only me to say whether you shall go of in the world. ' All. the rest stay," she suid. worth making sacrifices for." He luughed. "You shall have you," said Little Mys. Meredith told her. "You may thnk [ am a 'When you care, for any one you are C8'€ man cr a savage, but anything generous to a fault, and I'm half ,'® betlir than being a slave. And afraid that if you ever do fall in love' I'm going to carry you off and marry words." sweetheart. And if vou don't come "Yot a moment ago you sonic 1 had *Himgly," V'm going to piek you up ne romance, Kathleen told her, and put you on a horss in front "You haven't--yet, and I feel that ™® amd ron awgy with vou." away from sentiment." ove that, Donald. What do | care "Sever fear. Donald won't let me Whete 1 go, so that | go--with you" run. Why, mother, he simply moons | r sjaround and makes eyes wt me, until! "What is a Man? 'He's in love," said Mrs. Meredith, of 150 pounds contains the constitu- genu/nely miserable, and you don't ents found in 1,206 esps. There is give him eredit for any depth of feel «nough gas in him to fill a gasometer ing. of 2649. cubic feet. He contains o "If being in love would make me ant nails, His fat would make wventy- like Donald does," she said, "V'd-¥d five candks and a good-sized eake of carth." to disappear from the face of the soap. His phosphate content wonld earth. male S064 boxes of matches. I here day." said Mes Meredith, wisely, bination to fill a balloon and Farry you wait and » ser i him above ihe clouds, The rematn- Bh: ul Kathleen had no forebodings. ing coustituents of a man would yield, don't want to get marvied, Don. if utilized, six weaspoonfils of salt, pleass don't ask we any more." water, He stood before her pale and A "1 shall not ask you," ow .-- sand sternly "I am going away billion Kathleen stared at him. 'Why, where are you going?' she demanded. "Abroad. My Aunt Betsy sent me a thousand 'dollars yesterday She people when it would do the most good, and not wait to die to let oth- ers gel the benefit of wealth. [ shall ase mylittle fortune in learning to for- "But 1 don't want to be forgotten," veied Kathleem. "I want to be friends --you know, nice good iriends, Don- aM, without anv silly sentiment."" Her smile : "Sentiment is not silly to me," he said. "My lové jor you is a part of my life; it will he like cutting off an | to do it, Kathleen. 1 can't be a man and hang wround you as I, have for the past few monthe." He held out his hand. "ood-hye and God bless 'Uh, good-bye," she vowonded in a dazed lachion, and laid her hand in his. Then sha drew it "away. won't say 'good-bye', she insisted let's have a last walk together. You | know Drowning tells of a 'Last Ride Together." It always sounded dread: fully romantic." looking down at her, severely, are vou so heart-whole and fancy that von do not understand how suffer?" uf her frivolous mood by his eagnest- ness. "Oh, 1 didn't mean hurt vou," she said, "but please let's go for o walk. ways done to her whim. IL was at the turn of the road that i {they met Arpold Granger. "May 1 walk with "Surely," said Kathleen, and her smile flashed out. But as Arnold joined them, Donald stopped, 'I must save you now," he sad. "l-1 have 0 many things to do. a And when Kathleen protested, his stern glance closed her lips. 'It was to be our last walls" he said, m an it sacred to our parting. Can vou keep anything sacred, Kathleen *"' Le left her, but she comforted het sell with the thought, "Oh, he'll see But he did not see her. He did not oven write a note of farewell, He sim: ply slipped out of her life. Then she loved him. my life," she schbed on her mother's shoulder. "How 'vould T know 1 was {going to miss him ] "Write and tell him," But Kathleen was a provd little Indy. She could not bring herself to col her change of feeling. But she did write a contrite little letter, nek: Inst da ! The Bat e answer came to the letter. dian "Jt serves you right," said the wine alts, . is alvaily imother, and that wax & al the sym: and fall wheat ave well up, | pathy that Kathleen received. ~ been practically no Kiling ol falt | She becanse a changed little miden. wheat an acount of the light winter She was very Joist now, and pale. "I| The death gecurred at Camphellford, |" kiow what he suffered," she cried, [on on Wedd of Mrs. James Menzies, and when her mothery found her one er, of Mrs. John W. Kitden, " night 'weeping in the darkness of her 3 room, "Uh, mother, please be sorry | Dr. Beattie Nesbitt intends to rétarn y Ch oe his Aria) In Toros, $6 ®mymolete experiments with tubercul- serum. The modern girl is never satisfied until she gots & hat ton large for her me ha marsh Whig shaw: char fis iprigution block of the Cana Paritie railway, at Strathinore, green andt Both swing i her mother gathered hor close, adhe "1 can't be aw sorry as 1 ghe highE, for love has made you feel, that is the most wonderful thing kapoen to d& woman, Bit that wight the little mother rote a letter. . » "te loves you, Donald," it smd; "don't punish her any more. | knew | that 4 vou went away whe would wake That ix why | bold vou to go. 'cme Back, come back now--but hold : ewe | the an oir clothes are sometimes expect vn "rupees od to tske the place of god, mn Th oe Rte prob pos i win ateaded PIG, Shieh, Fe Best Tea At Its Best "SALADA TEA is always thé same, na mattér 'when or where you buy it. is the choicest tea--green, black or mixed--from the finest tea- growing country in the world--Ceylon, with its exquisite flavor and freshness protected by the sealed lead packages. oe Send your patterns for BRASS, BRONZE OR ALUM- INUM CASTINGS Prompt Delivery. The Camada Meta Co., Ltd FRASER AVE. - TORONTO ACTUAL (STARVATION Facts About oa and Hs Re lief That Shouil Interest You. Although Indigestion and Dyspepsia are so prevalent, most people do not thoroughly. understantl their 'cause and cave. There is no reigon why most people should uot eat anything the, desre=if they will only chew lab eure futly and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves mito sickness through fen Of eating every good looking, good-smeliing, and good tasting foad, because i doves Wot age. with them. The best: thing to do is to fit your - seli to digest uny good food. We bflieve we can religve [Nvapepsit We are so confident of this fact that we gaarantee and promise to supply the wedione free of all gost to. ex one Who will use il, who is pot od feotly satisfied with «the refults whith it produces. We erael nd promises, and put no oun under guy obligation whatever. Surely, nothing could * Le fairer: We are located right here and our reputation should be suflivient as sures' of the gesuineness of our of fer. We want every one troubled with Tu digestion or Dyspepsia in any form 10 come to -our store and buy a box of Rexall: Dyspepsia Tablets. Take then home and give them a reasonable tvidl, wooording to directions. Then, iM not satisfied, come to us and get vou money back. They are very pleasant to take: they aid to Soothe the irri table~stomach, to strengthen and in vigorate the digestive organs and to promote a healthy and natural bowel action, thus leading to perfect and healthy digestion and assimilation A 2c. package of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets furnishes fifteen dave' treat ment. In ordinary cases, this is sufi cient to prod®e a cure. In more chronic a longer treatment, course, is necessary, and depends upon the severity the trouble. For eases, we have two larger. sizes sell for BOe. and %1. Remember, can obtain Rexall Remedies in community only al Hr store Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood LIME FOR SALE DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard hese #43, 233 Wellington St. aad Ser roenssrrrcsseccacenl THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STREKT, (Near Princess). There are other hotels approach the Club Somennke: surroundings in centre of eity an! ed principal stores bw fo $ \ a. jeatre. Charges are modorats Bpecial rates by the week PF. HM. THOMPSON, Proprietor, REMOVAL NOTICE a Owing to rebuilding, Myers Meat Market has removed 115 Brock Street, near Petery' Flour Store Mr Myers will be pleased to meet all old customers and pew 'ones with the same court: esy as at the old stand. H. J. MYERS 113 Brock St. hone 570. to cases, of surt which Pr thi 1 he ol 2.000 CONSCIENCE FUND. a---------- States Treasurer Receives Large Sum of Money. Washington, April \ conscience of forty-six vears' duration was appeased to-day by a contribu tion of 2.000 10 the "conscience fund" of the federal treasury The amount was reccived urer MeClung from 'an unknown pa gon in Uhicage, who decinrml he haul, suffered under the weight of his wrong for nearly half a century United Your orders will be filled satis tactorily if you daal there at PP. WALSH'S, 85.57 Barrack Street. trouble by Treas Real Estate Snaps SOLID BRICK HOUSE, rooms, drive house, garage, good cetlar, bet Wien two and three acres of laud, onthuilding ind modern improvements, oue apd half miles from the okty at BRICK VENEER HOU ol ronto Street. 8 rooms, two extra full Jots, barn aad poultry house, on to rent $1,700 FRAME rooms, on York 00 FRAME FOO all and barn 81.2 FRAME rooma large tot and stable on Al fred Street 51.000 HOUSES [or 3 and to Reni in all parts the City, Norman& Webb Neal Ketate, Life, Fire; ive Stock and General Insurance, 171 12 WELLINGTON »T 'Phone 730. ------------------------ twonhve Barrviefield Dudget. motor Barriefield, April 19. The school has reopened with a new master. Miss B Hutton is home, her mother, who 1s vere ill WO TOIALNE the wha has been very ill, is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, of to, have returned home, having A. Resckex's, Mr: Pugh has re turned home, having visited his in Montreal. Mrs and litile daughter, city, are visiting her moth er, Mrs. Cherr My Warmmmgion who has been engaged the past two months' Pictor returnod howe Miss Lorvane of Petes bora, has retarned home, having ted her augt, Mrs. WR Irene Stanton has relurned having visited her sister, Saunders, Miss Alice Norman is visiting at ister's, Mre. W. Hun ter, Cushendall, Miss J. Sosith, ale Miss A. Maclmmae, spent Zanday of R. Smith's. The roads are very heavy condition. The gamp of Pigeon has been tamperad with and the gwlty Patties are be ing looked for Cheese brought 13 He on Thursday. MAN BREAKS DOWN narsing Mes, Med sane. Mrs, M, one about I res, JToron visti ed at so, Robinson HOUSE, Street COTTAGE, six improvement Elm Street HOUSE, six 6 ber ha AIRE in far vi Mi home, Mrs fares ile of Cita her BOW Inn trowkville m GOODS SOLD ON TINE Martin BB New Spring Goods now in Sold on the Easy Payment Plan Dry Geols Men's, and Boys Suits Ladies' Suits House Fupnishings Boots and Shoes few2iry, Etc. Come in and sed these Goods, or drop us 4 card anll wo will send thy goods to your house Joseph Abramsky 263 PRINCESS STRYET, He Bris em Theatr: A Strasburg, Pa. man, and Burkhart, bas just had a romarkablke experience. Some mobths ago he no tioed his health failing and in spite of all he could do, soon found himeel! in that condition which #yeryone dreadls | 'general breakdown" | In a letter Ise says © i seemed as il my health was riimed aud 1 pever would be strotg agin. medicines did me ab good, But 1 he £80 to take Vinol aod it his done me a ¥ouderful amount of good. | am now as hk as lover was, have gained twelve pounds, my ite iv good, sleep soundly, and feel like a new man i credit is dus 10 Vinok" Me is only ome of many thousands who have been buill ap 10 health by our delicious cod liver and iran pre ation without oil. AB who ar on in health, rundown. wegk and gervone, shouid profit be hls experi Shee and reguin their health bn L Vinol. We. ; poi That it, SILAS ae, nol. Sad: \ albeu a ; Unt, 18%

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