Wet Loo highly PAGE SIX. ONE SINGLE PILL GAVE GREAT RELIEF FOUR BOXES ES CURED HIM PrEssisviLLeg, QUE, #1 suffered from Kidney Trouble for several years, and tried numerous re miedies sud doctors' prescriptions, without permanent relic, my case being chronic. After seeing about Gin Pills, und as it is a well known fact that Juniper without alcohol is ex cellent for the Kidneys, I decided to try Gin Pills, One single pill gave me great relief. 1 hawe now taken almost four boxes of Gin Pills and find myself com- letely cured, No more humor-- nerease iu weight--clear eyes--fresh color--more strength and vigor, This i$ what Gin Pills have done for me", . POWIS HERBERT, gn Pills will do the same for you~ have any trouble with your ney s or Bladder--or if you suffer Pain in the Back or Rheumatism. yi them before you buy them. Write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. B Toronto for free sample, Then get the regular size boxes at your dealer' #=50¢. a box, & for $2.50. 9 QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served an shortest notice, REGULAR DINNER, 25c¢. M, PAPPAS & Lu 4 Princess Street the ABISN IEFEs reat success, Cul iy ye i ins, blood ia der atinArydiseates, sit Pmt For Co! 00 Deckman st New Forh Toren ros 0 14, Toronto, Jia doubyNo, le od address envelope for PRI k to Dr. Le Clere 0.00 ERA KROADH Lindy LONDON, os HER APIONSS ni BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON ot Cat Prices 413 Spadina Avehue, ich om Cut Price Catalogue. TORONTO hf g ------------------------ Owing to rebuilding, Myers Meat Market has removed to 115 Brock Street, near Peters' Flour Store, Mr. Myers will be pleased to | meet all old customers and new ones with the same court esy as at the old stand. H. J. MYERS 115 Broek 'Phone 570. -------- ------ A Statement of Facts Hacked by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete reliel to gt fierers from © MtiPation, or, Phiry ons? where we My the medicine free. pxall Orderlies are a gentle, "Lhe, dependable, and sale bow @ulator, stren i thener and im te roecablish naturds functions | f fquiet, ecsy way. Lhey do not Gl Be inconvenience, gr tng or paws son. hey are so pleagint to take gud work so easily that they may be taken by nny one at thy time, thorougily tene up the whole tein to healthy activity. "hexall Crderlios are ursarpassable nid ideal for the use of children, old il 8 and delicate poitsans. We eans ridommend them to Hl sufferers from any erm 1 eon tion and its attendngl evils, eo sae, 106, Te aml ! He- mber, you can obtain Reva Rens: [of mm this community ouly at oir Bore he llexndt Store. Ma Hisod., ull mn fail, wo will sup- effec: i re tanieN They "they ss A ------------ I ------------ ET -------- REAL BSTATE SNAPS SOLID BRICK HOUSE, twelve rooms, rive house, mater rage, good cellar, etween | ! Wo and three acres Of 'land, | outbuildings and modern | i Improtoments, one 'and ona- 'halt piles from the city, ail B2000 , schools qualified, of erage | supporters az to the radical {| other hand : {of the THE BILINGUAL SCHOOL ------ ROWE Li DETAILS POLIC Y REGARDING THEM, MR. HIS Teachers Must be Provided And Inspectors Who Will see That the Regulations Are Enforced--"The Springer FJownship Scandal Res vived, NOW, Rawett Ihe han = hm the the dying hors of the lmsdature were in themselves a econfission of the fnilore of the governmeat propety to ads sister the law in the past. Al tum « promised wns that in . im port int res ovis the law Ls earried out in the fatare, Nao ex planation had' so far been given by the covernmentygas to w hy the Jaw had not heen catvied out in the past "and { venture to suggest,' said Mr. Rowell, "that saligfnctory ans ves ean be givin the muster of oda rs minwlex oul the fC mi BOWE would no by ention." But the proposals minister were eatirely bis statement he had mentionsd no provivion for sevuring an adi'tional "ois ly ol teichers. the tenchers » these sehorls should be trained in th of Ontario, and the « schools shonld rot he compelled ag they finve in the past 10 go to Quebec 1. secure teachers. , "12 js not fair to biame our Freich Canadian fellow-eMizens lor (he cone iit ons in which we find these schools to-day. I venture to think that =n pimber of the sehools in the Engl sh sj etbing section would, if iuspected. te found inefficient because the ¢ us tees have teen unable to secure {perly trained teichwers. The ditlie laprears to Fe to get the nunister education to resize that the gr proilem tn all of our schools is the jroblam of teachers, and dav ise comprehensive plans to the present of 'od situation. "The government's poh {ther inade junte in\ghat it fails leogni e the atshlute" "Tecessity Hit yo resident nsheciors, but in hearty {with the carrying out ol the law aid the regulations of the "dep. rt tment. No number of supervisors cau _ the the flace of eflicient resident in § evlors. i Lnliss of the prune inndeguate, by j ro- it of eal to-day te neel | | LIME FOR SALE § DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard Phone 443, 233 Welllugton St. 18 fur to ry of Lay 1 oily sympathy not the inspectors are hopelessly Saellei nt or the muster tion and his olbeinls have paid bead to their reports, the department of eben must have heen av for years of the increasing ineflicieney of these schools, The government hus hod not only 8 own officials te report to it, but some, Mf not al' the matters pointed out in Dr chant @ report have been repos crawn fo the attention of the govirp ment dofng the past two or tre veirs, and vet, in the administration, of the anfinive of the department, ap Ae ro change has Leen mode The conditions complained of hav i idin!ie heen permitted to continue il not to grow worde, Fle whol coi rae of the government in dealing with this matter shows not only 1 lues of apprecistion of the ser as nies of the situnthon, but also a wl and . sincerity in deal ng of eduen "no nr wtih it. "They have adopted a purely time worving policy, on the one hand piv ing pledges to a. certain section ol re they would introduce ; on the either letting mal. ers in answer 10 local ap als recommendation of the in spectons actually violating the law, to the great prejudice of the schools of the province, ms rile, ov or * the "There could be no clearer evide ice lack of sincerity of Lhe govern- ment than their action during the pst year. In the session of 1911 they passed a resolution promising that the law would be carvied out. | After th adjournment of the house one of their first acts was illegally to force the closing of school number four in the township 'of Springer, because the fras tees had employed an Fuglish teacher who could not teach French. Mr. Rowell read the lotter fram the deputy minister of edueation, writ ten on May 29th, last, iu which it was stated that the children of the French ralepayers must be attended to, and that the trustees would be personally responsible for any loss to the sehoul geetion by their oversight or neglect. There was absolutely no justification for writing this letter, said Mr. Row ell. : The trustees were acting within their legal rights, and the threat to' hold them personally liable was an of fort toi coerce the irusiees into enrry ing out the will of the Minister of edu cation comtrary to their own views and conviction, aud contrary to the Ciews of the majority of the ratepayers. All the efforts of the opposition to probe into the circum stances surrounding this setion in the ublic: accounts committed of the legis ature had been completely blocked by a majority of the committee. Further evidence of the : lack = ol courage and sineerity on the part of the government was supplied in | thie act that while Dr. Merchant bad com pletet Wis report as originally eon templated] in the summer of IB, the heport was not presented until afle the election had taken place. br Merchant had [ound the situation so Flagrions thet in Septémber he ould : interview with the minister, and in was decided that the investigation ishould be contihued, so us to cove mare schools, : t "I there was ever any doubt in fehe mindd of the electors why the pio sincial elections were hurried on te we the time, this staleilent given hy Dy. Merchant before the public Acconiits committee should ve i. goverment Was Cwicald to fave its record tit this respect hrodjpht edore the public, or to take any de Hinite stand on this Weportant mat The public, however, wets nol sal afied with this attitude ¢ the part bi the goyetnmant, | fos ware: adie from the 'eanseratite oan THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, another statement ju another part the province to spit another cluss "The government have in resend years been trying to gide two borses which run ia opposite directions, while the real needs: in teresty of the schools and children attending them bace been greivously | and shamefully negle wd What coall- dence can the public have in eithoy their cournge sincerity in dealing with the question in future ! Their shifty policy has been found out, am henceforth their will comnt for nothing. "fhe public will judge by results, and the test of their sinderily will not be their professions, byt the re sults which they actoally produces the schools of the province have the responsibility for the four years of administering the edu cational systems of this 'province, They have the opportunity and responsibil ty of atoning in some measure for theic past neglects and mifieasances Will they do it? We must wait and see. i "Rat of one thing they and we may rest assured, iti the province will hoid strict account. They must deal fai with the children of our French-{ dian fellow-citizens. They mnst vide adequate means whereby children miy obtain a good knglish education in the public mul separate schools of the province. "Such a policy, if pasiontly, fully, and persistently earried should change the whole of our English-French inefliiency to efficiency; should in sure that every child leaving our public school would have a knowledge of English, and should tend draw closely | together and bind one united people the dif fegent gucds aiid wreeds that wow go to make up the population of this province of Ontario." it of and or professions in They nest all The public 'opinion ly 'ann pr 0 these faith- out, character schools from good to into The Note of Salvation. Montreal Witness A pitiful thing, if tree, pliips. the "Mesaba" and are reported to have heen at tances that are varionely stated different despatches at fifty, or a hundred and fifty miles he sinking ship. Both thelr ¢ ors had unfortunately relired for the night before the call for help. vas sent out... Buch ships os these have but occasional use for their slogle operator, who fis quite sufficient even in emergency, as they ean call alm to work when needed Tia lisaster, however, raises the ques tion. If It is not necessary for every shop to keep all the time on waith th operator with at least c¢nougi skill to read the letters of the'code all for ald. There ate large possi bilities awaiting the cote nmong the housands of amateur pireless work. +6 who will discover an automa in signal that will sound a note of warning on every ship with in reach when the code lot- ers are finished. legislation is being precipitately introduc ed into the United Stites Congo and well considered administrative measures, and if necessary, new laws are certain to follow In calmer Hartera is that 1we 'Parisian LEE] in yin oY] ------ nr ---- ° Will Grind Own Grain, mwego Palladinm, With the opening of ithe Panama ('anal Western Canada is to {urn niller. There will he no mere diver sions of grain shipments from tle 2ilroads to the new WAlLerwnys, iigantic mills afe to be erected ac vancouver and Prince Rupert where the barreled flour will be loaded on iteamers and sent directly to ile duropean markets. The people of North-West Canada we alive and progressive. They are er on the lookout, and take ad vantage whenever the opportunity presents itself /to develop both the agricultural and manufacturing in- erests of the country. The latest move 'is simply, in kedping with wie spirit which this new country has seen showing. However, the Canadian own east of Winnipeg will tinue as it has in the past, to find ite way to the séaboar.i through Now York State. The Great Lakes and the sarge canal will furnish a waterway wwveral thousand miles shorter tn Zurope than will that by way of tie Panama Canal, so the people of the »ast have nothing to fear from the change announced. grain eon Gouin's Good Government, flamilton Spectator, The situation in Quebee is dimila; to that of Ontario with rarties reversed The administra ion of Sir Lomer Gouin, on 'le vhole, has been so satisfactory that he has been able to maintain an al most unchallénged ascendency for nany 4 year. Indeed some of his lines of policy are previsely whai Touservatives. if dn power, 'would have instituted, such us incredssd grants to education, all poseibie en: ouragement to agriculture, awl such restrictions upon the use of Torest wealth as to compel, for in- stinee, the mamifactiive hy American apitalists. of paper from Canadian wip wood. on Canadian soll. In sone such respects as these it woold he tirficnlt fo.say how his policy or his admintsiration could have lees Settered. and he las recelved sur sort from business men regardless party. In no other Way can ve recount for the fact (hat In the hast jouse of seveniydfour members the 'onservative and the Nationals 'ores. if taken togeliher, only num- wred thivteen. very wie An Expert's Opinion. lamilton. Times Alex. Carlisle, lately chief deagin: at for Harland & Welt? in an fnier view the other day. disclaimed en terfaining an idea of making a ship unsinkable. He had, however. conter. tained hopen that shy would rem ort L jsones word cante Phat the 'TL anic was "sinking by the head." fy remains but 10 auppous that her side wits torn oul, sen her down within four hours. -~ still Shiu 'that the Titanic carried 50 per cel bver the number of boats anal . onrd of Trade He thinks}a TIDINGS. What in the Little : River Town. bi Cananogue, April 20. Under the AE rection of Mies Fasie De Long, ia choir of Grace church will produce the saered cantata, "Under The Palms The matkel commitiee of the town council has waded 'a notice to the far) mers of this sestion, that the provi- | sions of the market bylaw must he will be dealt wath. Sines the cleacitg of the jee from the! : tiver froat (here Ras been considera- | ble visiting bere from Clayton friends, | it launches, (he first recorded being | on Wednesd St. Andrew's church has made rangrenis to hold then gers on July th winmarily a anniversary Royal Lee, stu-| tnd has accepted a silustion for surmer R. the! on the office staff of the 7 tompany. Miss Mary Hale, student of Queen's, | peach, then to } | Messrs. i ninety | 2 Jeft, yesterday, for Saskatoon, Miss Eleanore 'hane to Brockville, after a with Joeal relatives. Mr. and Neil MeCarney and son; Harold Me- Carney, spending the past few weeks at Didsbury, Alla., with Mr. and Mrs. | John (. McCwmney, have home. has re tarp visit Robert Hinton, David Byers, H. Ford #erry, Archie, Rogers, stu- dents of Queen's, are home, The Cartridge company has donated a handsome gun case to be competed matches, the first of which took place} last Wednesday afternoon, ai Thousand Island Gun Club's traps; at Grasshopper Park, the following scores being made Rattray, 78; E P. Wright, ( Iawiz, 76: W. J Ntevens, 39: S. Grillin, 42; F. Willis, 11, The Intter two shot only at fifty Rev. Henry tiracey, of Andrew's Preshyvterian church, and Rov ~F. J Me! bament, of Grave chureh, ted pulpits gi the mornitig service ves tertlay Miss Ir. Rogers, \eton, ins Mix time Root's Dominion for N si and Messrs Barnes and ueen's, their Witham hare during parents, My Root, have left their new Melcod, Alte. Miss Freda has vetitrned from a visit W. F. Martin, in Kingston has n* Toole Harry ol © at have returned tol My I holi and short My bert home in Sunbury Brockville crated appendicitiz, W homes in town Root, spending the we with Mea. Gi) ok, and for in regentiy op on hospital returnid Black, here Bhs, Corn wonth homson, has stonllville home 1 Ld with his brotha returned to spending ber aunt returned LF re cuperals spend ng time 4, A, Black, Parham, Miss the past few Mrs.ob. M4 her home in Rev. Walter Cox, the new of Christ chioell, enteral upon duties of his new position on Sunday Fhe voung ladies of the Winona Mis sion Circle enteriained a large ol their friends at the lecture room of Lriee evening, Games volreshiments served Francis Lalonde, Belleville, an ploves of the GTR, returned yesterday, after spending with lovul relatives. As thé outcome the recent inntions at Queen's, pleitsed {oo welcome bachelors of science Messrs, Arehibadd of Pr. and Mrs, Ford Derry, only Thomas GG. Berry, SOME has broww, with to meumbent a soecinl evening in church List were indulged in and em home the weck-ena of esams Laananoyue 8 home two new s, in the persons of Rogers, eldest son D. H. Rogers, and 11, soi of Mr. and Mrs, THE LATE WILLIAM DIXON, Customs Officer--Deaths at Lansdowne Lanadowne, April <The death occurred nt Rockport on Tuesaday evening; April 16th, of William Pixon, customs oflicer, Deceased had peen in his usual health, and had performed hig duties at the ollie that day, and had retired at the usual hour, but immediately after retiring he give a gasp and was gone. Heart failure was the cause. The late Mr. Dixon, for the past year was troubled with his heart. Deceased was born at Egeott, seventy -eight vears ago and was fl carpenter by trade. In 1887 he was appointed collector of customs at] Rockport, whiel oflice he filled con | scientiously and faithfully to the hour | of his death, He married his first wife being Miss Eliza MeCul lough, who predeceased him twenls four years ago. His second wile was Miss Sara Brimby, wha survives him, and wlso three sone, by his former marriage, Dennett, of Winni peg; Alt Detroit, Mich. B.C BR, Lansdowne: also one sister, Miss Ann Dixon, of Lansdowne, and Miss Lena Erimley, niece of his widow, her home with him since of their only daugnter, pre decensed him eight The Rockport 29 was twiee i wito has made the death Helen, who Years fureral was held on 2 pam. irom his late Roekport Methodist Kelley, Lansdowne, the Eseott circuit, conducted the ser vice, The hymns sung were the late Mr. Dixon's favorite After the service the cortege proecuded to the Lansdowne vault, where the Crange order conducted the service for the dead. and when the remains were placed to nwait interment in the Rockport cemnatlery. Maral offerings, beside the one from the widow and sons. ncladed a wreath from the Orange order, a ereseent from Vrs. Bison's Sanday school class, a eres cent from the W. M.S. and the Auxil ary of the Brockyille General Hos pital, a kpray, Mr. and Mrs. Robect sheridan. Broekeille, a spray, Mrs Eaton, ott. The late Mr: Dixon was widely known by Americans and Canndinne alike, his courteous manner endearing him to alll In the twenty five véars of his were, hie never took a Veation, and only when illness pro vented wis at hus post. Deerased was was a member of the Selton Methodist church. ¥ The death alsa accarred on Salm dav. Apel 20h. of Norman Webster Peerused has heen a safferer of perni tition anaemin bor seas time and find boon confined to bis bed Jor weeks, He raves a widow and one danghtor, Mise Fern, aml two sons, Bow and Rerneth, The funern] will be held from hie Inte residence to: the Methothet chinech on Toemdny at 10 aa the Rev, Mr. Kelley conducting the serviee, after whieh the L001. will conduct the serio agg day at residence to the ¢hurch. My and Mr. Vaton, of Rev. Ones, The death acairred on Runday, Ap- Mrs. | returned | 1 a channelling device for Lwming | Smension Hubert | Morrison! the | number | Tues Fara McKay, o 1 yes ex of A for | has # {onthe itl complied with, and thay any vivlatios | much ol Mr. and APRIL 23, 1012. 3 Pansdowie De who was her elghiy soca 4 wm inf heath or sno, ar, was pol ue peetad which she M. Shaw, Bradford, was un of devoted me on Satarday Penney ania, w soured a penition for the Mrs. James Reatiug's Re 3 18 epusing her manny frivmds ansiety. Born on April 2nd, tn Murs Atha Bradley, : wheres he SET ns ner, daughter QUARRIES NORTH OF TWEED. dent of Queen's, has returned to townland piak | Bay I. | Tweed, having is {AC gr w si er. |uitding improvements will M in a series of three | cOMplaing {millions of the! gary Lonly er ara } SC [Ce ib i thrown Qheny as {d {davs, sidents of sent { Toronto Company Has White Marble and Pink Granite. Belleville, April 23.. White mache granite quarries along the of Quinte railway, just north of bave been opened, operations already begun. The properts owand by the Hastings Juarries; toi! fimited, of Torunto, and comprises ton res of marble and anite. The compan aler-power at all an electric The cast pink Bogle! " and will in Lo supp machinery amd he nhout tallation sixteen of har Actanalite, plant the pow: of 5,000, he iv This includes gout sLone Waste Herald Calgary v hitieny dolla; buildings one day in turches. The plsint of the Is justified. (ae of tre yurness of sirength of the Cathe rch is the fac i Churches, ontreal "he eekly Standard that there are tied up i: Cal which ave used the wenok A in uildings are utilized ithe i keeping churches (ov exchang | 00d abe) { keeping religion for § {not feel year. The Protesminn: Sauday » wih the inday the i Calgary would a make ahy great hes even if they Pe places for res ation and withdrawal from the ish of worldly business eek but we do thing might deal to d certaiu that i time ter chur during that it | be a very good thing Tor them if they id fou i Le oats, + 185 i iH { bay, * ion, | bret dairy, Si, ) [a im ai pi pr ek i th in Rat, ul Roam, of Mrs. Relwoea at hoe of her daughter, He. to 3 ducks, ). 2de quarters, 1 Lers, »10.25 aN FH lambs, pratign of Chats Falls, wa gn and I were defeated went out bert id Toronto Street Market, April When, 'bush nt, hush, 95 eR hush : She faronto, 2 $1 y S100: whe FOOSE, . bush, we. to We.; hav, t mixed, MT; to Hes pve, : bmdey, bush, x24 5 £11 t to #26 siraw, imothy, ton, 56 to deesssd hh to ton, y 811 9 eggs, doz, lie. 10. 3 apples, s hag . Bile. to 6 heel, A Lo BEX bool, | BX 1a BU #211; Oh to 29.50, je. to ot), whbhage, 0 to potatoes to $|.490 do Rl hind wad bowed choice, © 12 beef veal, prive, to modinm, én 21 Sha Sh Case, jarime, Lo mut lon, 8 ta spring, 316.00 (0 #1s050 ------ To Develop Chas Falls. April 23. With Farofilo, the on the the Hydro -Flectie Can engineers of. the commin once progeed to make develogiment of this proses Lxpropriation The water pow 1" Harty, of Kingston, O'Connor, of Ottorea, givin a deed to the property we Lauvier government, alter JH in September, but before of "Xe (hin rier, by isi ~HT on will at ans for the eal water aceediuge are viel owner of on. Willian now under way the who tl In Wimi oz, on Aeril Mathieson, Ronire his sesentieth serr Ro did 1th, Ont, W | FF oy Na NG eS Ba Symington' Ss Packet Soups and Gravies' | Get Them at D. COUPER'S Phone 70. other, it floors, ove, tb. | By > | by | Prompt Delivery. NO DISAPPOINTMENT IN SOCLEAN Satisfaction all the dust and does nog getter it {rom ane "dustlecs odor The Dustless Sweeping Compound is also splendid for sSorican Sold in 25¢, buildings. SOCLEAN LIMITED Kingston Agent 'Royal Chinese Cafe | Phone 112€. 528-342 King 8t Regular dinner from 11-2 pm hort orders at all hours Must nodern and {iaest equipped diniag all in the €ity We use nothing ul tht best of feodi Our cooking & strictly sanitary Ly the latest fm- roved methods, and our table al avdanee ia courteous and obliging Hae why everyone enjoys meals t Le Royal." Specially eguip~ 841.8 PRINCESS ST. | ja apartment for small banguets, heatre partes, ete, Fred Hum, (Prop... A TRI AL WILL CONVINCE. obtained in swegbing with Soclean as it absorbs part of 1 room to an- brightens the carpet after sweeping SOCLEAN Klis the moths, aud Slanves a clesn for hardware resinlt you get Sold in barrels for use in , TORONTO . MARSHALL wood Haoleum man and tiling You won't Hoe, Ask your Brocer disappointed in the F1.00 pails or be and | SPRING SUITINGS Just Amived == sestecessssssssse ra ee NAR RI WN Ny ut RN more comfortably or one that more certainly aw wert Inspection Invited i CRAWF ORD & WALSH Princess and Bagot Looks, Comfort and Wear No shoe is a good shoe if it falls down in point of wear- or comfort. better it is. | / The Hook s-- The more it fills cach of these requirements the extraordinary wear of 4:CREADr SHOES Is the result of good leather and thorough workmanship backed by rigid examination. of careful selection of lasts and fitting the boots to them, in a way that gives them getting a boot your exact sige, these essentials by asking your dealer for ** McCready" Shoes. Their handsome appearance is the result roianient shape and style. Comfort means You can get boots embodying 1" The Woman's Reason Let a woman examine all the spring beds on the market--let her hear everything there is to be known about each of them--her choicz is almost certain to be a Banner, There are many good reasons to influence such : wipe selection, but they're really all summed Up An the important fact that it is guaranteed remain comfortable for a lifetime. Evety fo anner' 4 i paling Bed EES is sold with this guarantee: "If any spring bed bearing the "Banner" trade mark should fail lo give a lifelime of perfect satisfac- tion--if the springs ever lose their temper or seg, as a result of any usage that a bed can be subjected 10---- we undertake to replace it with a new spring or refund the purchase price." A good mattress and a Banner Spiral Spring Bed are the requirements for perfect sleep-comfort. You can get a more expensive spring bed--for the Baany costs little more than the old-fashioned vovenwi» spring--but you cannot get one that supports the bo by it in the position that ensures proper blood circulate Neither can you get one that will give longer sevice thin the "Banner" is guaranteed to give. wl the nearest Banner dealer show you this riod THE ALASKA FEATHER & DOWN COMPANY Lorre. MONTREAL ano WINNIPEG. Also makers of Www beds, Tron Be Plegith Bomad riactrovces, stovl conghies asd figioer de OF termoct Po a ttrionen, Plows,