THE DAILY cppieit- asf pend NURSES' GRADUATION; anh sw hte of the hospital who graduated Fihel Bradley, Kathleen 8 H 'pumer rosie v8.03 « : arfintions, 5 mad 8 A. Cabin colors The go Mises CONVOCATION (lock, | EVENING, ¥ie i Mel col HUTses wers CEREMONY IN HALL FRIDAY wn M. Compton, minister of ora 3 church, ! ; Andrew's delivered an { indpiving and thoughtiul address Fhe Nurses i the class. He congratulated the ntirses intendent, Miss Willoughby, Wh g Lupon has 4 Beuutiful Pendant--Rev. S. J. Praise for Miss Willoughby. t M. Addressed the Gradua | In the absence of the ates } board of governors, through Col bi Har Ks mm ing emerged in fmany ways congrat ulate barman ' labor, E. G ek- | i standing where vou do to-night, upon Jamés + Musaie, | the threshold of a new life. This is presided, and during his re | where you " responsible' © for . weference to the fact that | yourself, when you go out to serve the annual the | the graduating class of "12 wax on humanity.' i Fraining School for Nurses of the gen tively that of Miss Willoughby, who Continuing, Mr. Compton be eral hospital, has become an especial [had ben in her position in the hospi sought thé class pot to use its pro Iy enjoyable one he exercises held! tal three vears or over, and the class fession merely as a means for a five for the gmdugting class fof ' in} was a credit to her zeal and training lilood. "I would\pot hesitate to put convocation Wall, ¥riday evening, wet Rev. T. W. Savary, viear of it on a plane with the Christian min- without doubt the peer of any previ- James' church, offered the invocatory istry. It a for humanity ous year, Ol convocation hall, which (praver, The graduating class repeal Have a sense that you are engaged in has been Lhe Seene of such features for | od in concert, after Miss Willoughby, a noble nd a dignified prefession. some voars, was, as usual, erowded 10 | their solemn pledgé in entering upon The speaker said the graduates were the doors, muny being turned away y ; entering upon their profession at of The platform tastefully arranged heroie age, and though the difficulties with flows. would be great, the opportunities be Shortly after eight o'clock about many. twenty-five nurses from the hospital, ito their professian, and the stand In closing, Mr with' Miss Bertha Willoughby, siperin:|ard of efficiency they had attained. io | nurses to always realize that they tendent, filed up the aisle, in uniform, | congratulated 'he hospital upon what | Were not caring for diseased bodies, and took seals on the platform. They [if had done yin the past, and, afte but minds. Bo not look upon them were followed by Mayor Hoag, Rev. 5. | the eroction of the new wing, of the | As oases, although you may term 4. M. Compton, Rev. T. W, Savary, | increased benefit it will be - able tc them such s . be. IL A superintendent { render to the citizens in the future. | Mr. Compton finished by asking the the hospital, "bg W. G. Mylks, and lle compared it with other hospitida, | Durses mast of all, to remember Hit Lieut. -Col. James Massie, H. A {and gald the city as a corporation | Who guides all things, labor in t is vin, ¥. W. Spangenberg, R. Uglow, Il. | was not doing enough for it, finan [Pf paence, and finally each one will re- I, Bibby and William Andérson, some | cially, ceive the commendation, "Well done, of the governors the inspitution Col. Massie had the pleasing duty { good and faithful servant. | Compton vou upon family bereavement, Among feature vice-chair in confe mst itution tne early pleasant with the learning # [leat tv's halls and! man, trang, | i! tion become of and commencement of 2, is service their profession Mavor F J. Hoag, then addressed the class, eongratulaced the class upon reaching this stepping out, as iL. were Compton urged the Joyer " Cal of The gradubiting lass, occupied thejof presenting the diplomas to the front aeats On the lofi of the plat radusting clase, and the presentation | o ¥ fae. each nurse earryving a large bou- 1 of the hospit 1, #mble m pins to them 4 In P., Presentation of Prizes. absence of W. IF. Nickle, Bovee made the presmtation fof the gold medal to Miss Victoria long, who lead the graduating class ' in proficiency. He paid a glowing ; | tribute to the gold medi'fist's chur OF, CANADA " cler ane [ Cthinlness to duty. "Why, Miss after " A-GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ou boat TRANSACTED os |uperin- Special Attention Given to T nall Accounts | a the Dr 'Victoria,' denotes the \8 .ong's name, beloved queen, faithf lness,"" Miss with arbeaytiful bouquet Mylus ithe . medical prise Mss Jennie intermedinte | | | {and said Long: wit RO presented books Lo lead the Cro The nior dass prise, Looks hoard ol |ernors, was presented by IR. {to Miss Edith Coulter. | Dr. Bovee, behalf of the Coats!of the presented Miss fabrie, | loughby beautiful pe getg off your {a token of their (steemi for her, We warrant | the doetor expressed their regret to be peifeliiler leaving the W.G.H. after the re RO! ing over three ture after | pre taf | Allen, of who Savings Department at ail Boanches ¥ 1 ~~ la, >» lof nen by the ~~ JUST LOOK AT YOURSELF on one of ---------- & HON on ital, with a when you try hos Wil and you will admit that the fit, and the finish figure to advantage, every garment we sell in every particular. or sale Style is the chief | the exact fit, and our built upon our past plegsing patrons. THOMAS LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor PRINCESS STREET. our the ANC at spend is of nurses. Colonel Massie replled for the tient of the gift: The programme interspersed with 'Sunshine by Miss as the "Spring Reid rendered filly "Spring" (Weil) and Apple Buds" (Osl t). Angus alsa contributed solo, and J Bankier sanz Seott's "'Mefiregor's Ga " Miss Shaw Miss M were the afigo vote of thdnks rwas tendered who ecootributed to the | rogramme, motton A. I'. Chown and Dr. RR. J The singing of the national anthen Arought the proceedings 1o a close, Retiring From Livery Business. gucces fei voeal selec ons Jutter Hinck Night,' delight and was sung MN. ry well Jessica ley, Miss | ther ng Meek A all ny's and Jarl sig $200.00 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY FREE ATSWRYREBR ERPA tc UPML YBRAPRSRE of In sardiner LPAPE NREOCA CPAKE | RCYREH o wots of jumbled latters into the names of eixht IBUTION OF THE ABOVE PRIZE. It is » Whe out § of 6.0f them. To thie person who cs . To the person making out the seco Soitars. Te th person making the third largest dutober the som of TLirty Dollars, To the person makiog the foceth lasgedt number the sum of Twenty Doilas, Should 1wo persons sead answers eg correct, the firsd two sizes Will be divided between them, (each receiving $78 oo 5 send in equelly comect answers, the rst three prizes will have to Le divided, ach receiving Joo, 0 will Le equally divided (cach recelving §: fe © hich we witl write as 5 are receive fF YOUR MONTY WHEN YOU ANSWER 7 HIS ERTISEMENT. Tf you can make like a conplete Hist. waite ws st once encipsing ser Samp fr our reply, DO NOT DI LAY, ONCE, Addrest, GAXADIAN MEDECINE 00, Dept. §6 MONTREAL, QUE - Sem-- I ------ on Can you srrangs the a SHARE 1X THE DI Severence You Can Five the Bun well known fruits k, But ot the -- rest nuginor m of Filty Lollars, Elsewhere in to-day's issue will be found an dnnouncement of the sale by public auction of the livery of F. A. Bibby, Brock street business haz been carried on most suc cessfully by Mr. Bibby for . ol vears, and the stables are now wel equipped with vehicles, ete Mr. Bibby automobile and shortly open up a sales office and garage -------------- mdi lon about thing WRITE A horses, business, wiil AFTER THE FIRE A renewed shop, bright and cheery, rpick and span. A Stock of Higu-grade bieycles---Canadian, English, American. ete, An extra Pair Dunlop Detachable Covers with" ovéry new wheel sold. ' A Stock 6f good Gung, Singleand Double, New and Second-hand, cheap. Goods paid for 'on instalmdnt plan or liberal discount for C. A. Jones, PEOPLE'S REPAIR SHOP AND UPTOWN. BICYCLE £293 PRINCESS STREET, © Leaving for the West, Mr. snd Mrs. Ward (nee Marton) Rochester, N.Y, who are visiting ir the city and on Garden Island, on Tuesday for Calgary, via Chicago in Minneapcils. The finest leaves from Cevlon plantations are containeddin "Salada' { to preserve its delicious flavor and ar- DEPOT. a oman Money makes the mare go in to avoid getting the horse laugh. ------------ ---- AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ON Retiring' from Business in Kingston after a pleasant experience of nineteen years, | desire to express my grateful appre- ciation of the patronage extended to me during that long period, and of the pleasant business associations | was privileged to orm. The Store will positively cose at Eleven 'clock to-night, before which time | would glad to wi e a visit from all friends Jo 3 ne > # S. OLD STAND = - - - Street. BRITISH WHIG, : - and Address to Graduates. i tor} from three years | ng of hard work, and yet joy- § And, | ni pm. M.: { alee Lglow, nurses ndant as ears ay superintendent re was appropifiately | of "Burst Ye even | business | This a number has decided to go into the leave | in they will pv a short visit to friends tea Tea. It is packed in sealed lead packets order SATURDAY, APRIL ow THE CHURCH SERVICES THE Flo.LING OF THE PULPITS ON SUNDAY. i a------ {There Will be Interesting Thewaes| Considered' in the Pulpits--The| Gospel Message to All People. | Paul = Sunday Morning prayer, 11 schooi and viear's Bi- } p.m.; evensong, 1 o'clock; services, Rev. W. F, ot o'clock ble preachers { i class, both { Fitateer A | St. Andrew's--Rev. 8. J. M, Comp- | i 1} am. and 7] ip.m. Special sermon to members of | { lodges at the morpihg ser vies, Strangers weleome. First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas | Laing, pastor. 4 Il am. "The Path- fway of Wealth"; at 7 pam., Douglas { Russell, a noted evangelist, just from | | England, will preach; Bible school, 2.45 | All free Strangers and | students cordially invited. | Cooke's Presbyterian church-- rer, Rev. J. W. Mclitosh, M.A. Ser {vices conducted by the pastor at 11 am, and 7 pm; 11 am, "The Child And the Church; 7 p.m, "Trials By {the Way; midweek meeting, Wednes- jday, 8 p.m. Strangers welcomed at all | ser | St after lon; 11 14 3.1). Services, seals Minis- Lo George's Cathedral--3rd Sunday Laster. 8 am. holy communi- a.m. matins. Preacher, Rev. Canon Osborne Troop, St. Martin's lchureh, Montreal. 3 p.m., Sunday lechool: 3.15 p.m., bible class in chap- lel. 4.15 pm., baptisms; 7 pm. even: song, Preacher, Rev. Canon Troop. i Chalmers, Preshyterian, Bartie and Earl streets--Rev. M. Macgillivray, D I., pastor Services:. 11 am., "The Divine Workmanship in Man," 7 pm. "What God and Man Can Do Togeth school, 3 p.m. Strang: to all the Sunda cordially IL wre invited ser VICE Rev. F Morning Subject, Wellington B.A. pastor 11 o'¢lack , "Zacchen <elf-Saerificed'; . worship at 7 o'clock, subject. Neat Cut to the Long Way." Strang. ers anid those without a church re cordially attend and streets Roy: Riee, it the worship o home these | ! invited to Church of Ghrist, Scientist. het ween and | streets--Sunday service, 11 ; subject "Probation After Wednesday evening, testimo Free public reading open every alter. | noon 2 to 5 o'clock | All are cordially invited to the services and: the reading room. Sydenham sHiet Methodist Church--- | The minister will prea h at both ser-| 11 , subject., Cal » Teachers": 2.45 p.m., p.m., subject. "The Anthems, "Brightly "Ye That 'Stand | First Johnson Wellington am. Death." nial meeting room, same address, street, Bagot except Sunday, > vices "Great Lif school; {Greatest Quest." {Gleams Our Bammer: lin ths House of the Lord. Solos, { "Lead Thoa Me On" Mrs Wl: "Come tedeemor,"" Miss | Irene Hoag { Methodist church, corn Montreal--Rev J. Webs pastor Residence. 212 Johnson, Barrie 11 am. pastor: anthem, "The King of Love": solo, Mr. Eva 3pm, 8S and {| Brotheghood Bible class; 7 pm. wer mon by the pastor Anthem "Seek Ye i Lord Solo by Miss Pearsall a.m... class meeting. Monday, 8 VY. I.S. meeting. Wedpesday, 8 and meeting r= welcome . James' church, corner | Arch streets--Ven. J. Kk. Macmorine, | M.A. DD. rector; Rev. T. W. vary, B.A., vicar, The Parsonage, col Barrie streets. Third | Faster. 8 am, holy communion; 11 a.m, morning prayer wd litany, sermon subject, '"The Eas ter Anthem, III, Christ the A Fruits of the Dead; 3-p.m.; + | sehool and Bible classes; 7 pum. g prayer and sermon, subject, Prayer, Deliver Us mits Bible mn tames | [Sm Jesus i Broek street y Vor Brock and i ter, {and sermon by the : school | the {10.30 reneral praise { to all services Union an Sa Union and ner Sunday after olirst Sunday | even "The | Lord's From Evil." Queen Stpeet pastor, Rev, S. Methodist church--The Sellery, will conduct both services. 10 a.m., class meeting: 11 a.m., topic, "How To See God," the golden text of the Sunday school lesson. Meeting of the communion enrd committee at close of the ser: p.m., "What Constitutes n Snecessiul Lite; young people = spe: cially invited; 2.30 p.m., young men's club; 2.45 p.m., Sunday school and Bible Fasscs Musie : Anthem, "Jesus, Word~of God Inearnate" and "There fs a Land of Pure Delight." Mrs Fvans will sing in the morning and Mrs. (Dr.) Simpson in the evening Come amd welcome. : Princess street Methodist chwreh, cor ner Princess and Albert streets--Ren [Frederick (i. Robinson, minister. il a.m., subject, "The Man Whom the Bible Calls Blesdd'; 7 p.m. sobject "Rearnces to Death," special memorial service, | Boys' Club at 10 am; class meeting at close of morning service, Sunday school and adult Bible classes, 2.45 p.m. Epworth League, Monday, 8 pm general prayer meeling, Wed pesday, 8 pm. Music: an them) "Hear Thou My Praver'": solo, 1 "Christ AIL" Miss Annie Timmer- an; evening, antheni, "Seek Ye the Lord," solo, obligto, W. Mack; solo, "Cyossing the Bar" Miteh solo, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought, W. Mack. A cordial weleome to all in this church. vice, 4 morning, is "R A Noted Evangelist. Douglas Russell, a noted evangelist, just out from England, who 1s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F, GG. Lockett; Stuart street, and who preaches in the First Baptist church on Sunday evening, is not altogether a stranger in our country. Many years ago he came out from Edinbuggl., Scotland. on an evangelistic tour. His messages {fer Christ, at that time, were greatly blessed of Goud. and some who met him then and profited by his pungent preach ng. will be pleased to have the; opportunity of hearing kim again. Fell on the Sidewalk, {a man, under the influence of liquor, foll on the sidewalk, on Wel Bagion «treet, near Princess street. Friday afternoon, and stretched at full length on. the walk, wntil the arrival of Police Constable Armstrong. The man was eo drank that the constable rections temperance two liquor . ; wr. First Congregational, comer "Je hn- lexist, mow tavern der man's |v orfing {then who is punished ? fof the man sentenced last week , 1912. y ABERNETHY § SHOE STORE } The Swell Shoes Come From HERE New Tans for Men, Nu-Buck for Women, Patents and Gun Metals for Boys, Strap Shoes' and Colonials for Girls. White Polishes, Suede Polishes, ABER 0000000000000 00000000 ° * t The Man : * * hd ° On Waltch.: * HOPED BOLOIORRES A year ago the Lampman heard ob- raisad by members of the party to the granting of licenses to one proprie objectton will no longer that the British-American pass into other hands he learns; of the being re continued un conduct of This is Phere' ' | rontenac's li if both the ownership man. per, nse not sued taverns and une 0000000000000000000000000800000000n0000000 Boy Sou t Polish ; gor NETHY'S ---- ---- gi po t 00000000 Fogocsncovvvonnpovece A Pointer' About 'ICE CREAM Means coming Mn to enjoy do licious, creamy, properly flavored - delight. health and refreshment. bettar pointer on earth our lee Cream, Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. 'Phone 640, with No Try comment at number There has been Gueen's College on the of failures in the spring examinations. Ihe Lampman did not hear the per centage of "plucked" but. be is told it was of unusual dimen®ons, And course the staff 's blamed. The Lamp that the greater fallure rests him sali. he heen ver In BOM same large of experience is part of the blame for with the colle se, howe ér, unfortunate, selections of teachers across the en, and. there very del ded fael ing Ahat it it ime Queen's ceased im many men from the Ok to do work that its own cle can do much better trustees declare tha be secured only in the Fritish Istes, bul more than "cul | Lure wanted at Yueen's It ' tyre of calture that w'il go hand iu hand with common sense can be cured all well and good, bit of the: "culture" obtained from broad has not. been very sucessful at the Kingston university student has hears, from s0 he 8 a so Country ver graduates Some of the "ealiure" ean is eo some ae 3 - 1 advanced in the town !his honor found that meethogs against raising the hroke their trust, wheu what defeated pended sentence by him. W. 6G. 'Uraig ern Ontario judges some vears ngo, penitentiary for the lLampman save." Councilman Craig | would their heads j leaded for the old and infirm meu; uses his, would: be and of course he was misrepresented, [fhe Lampman would s has been many another man plead ing a good cause. Councilman Ross, will be noticed, voied the in: judges crease to the street took 14 little sn unpojs lar stand, perhaps the lay rioht in of 8. there Ww making goed." hen chance of In thirty-four ns a 1 he council aborers' ex-Town Councilman for the mayoralty reasons only two given Ii send ordinary wages were who wo vse FY it n ood st Lhat Kingston n ins ector to the ads ice with regard to more confidence in fall but who not circumslan- i"he pemitentbary 1s a place for iminals and not for e cial give against men, and but the men one, view Ct ery body men are seat to prison the}, é i reason commot fly i« that thde] © Comment ed fate deter And 1 | possible 'to il. does not#devar punishmeot In the i When fir given sending as few others vet I a wil ---- 82 Have i streets, happy all the you seen the such familiar the Lambman and friendly animal, business men down 9 follow anyone who calls {The police call him the vagrar but: will not take into cd {Nobody seems own him a state! the it vagrant figure on asks it known n ster line. 8 His wife who receives the pumishment? and Yittle ones, who are vnable to support themselves, As the Lampman sid last week the law se'ms terribly wrong. him Lo Fis; honor, Judge Vrice, in ment he made from the hench other day, clearly showed that paid to trust the great majorkty trisoners brought before him low and white dog ted by J of society. for. marked canine he Walkem's oseph THE uv Sprin Medicine Made a Yearly Necessity by Impure Blood. The Best is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which Cures' All Humors and All Eruptions, Relieves that Tired Feeling, Creates an Appetite. "More Profit Is the object of sub- -stitution. If utged to buy any preparation sald to be "just as good" as Hood's you may be sure | saparilla, but because it combines it is Inferior, costs less to make } the utmost remedial and yields the dealer a lorger profit. | twenly Gifferent ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla Insist on Having Hood's, which effects ita wonderful had 10 hail a passing rig, in order to police station. ¢ Makes people well and keeps them well Get it foday. offerece punishable by imprisonment, TOWN WATCHMAN, - -- them vears men Els the west- ouths offences Judge rice thing the judge be appointed a jhdi Ontano putimg whe ci! minals eri i who | breals the law, and Judge Price is to ns dog the w to town, and him, dog, ody, The iLampman would suggest that the yel- a humane ibn EE --------. TR-- A WELL EQUIPPED BATHROOM Is a necessity in every houses' If you are considering having any plumbing done, you will save money hy consulting BENNETT & HALLIGAN Plumbing, Tinsmithing, Heafing and Sani tary Engineering 191 PRINCESS ST. Phone 1033. JUST ARRIVED For This Week's Sale The latest Carriages in Go-Carts and Baby The very latest ideas in Baby Bug ghee cures, not 7° simply because it contains sar- values of | BA br ae 0 fee our Window Display at JAMES REID'S "Phone 147 'Open Plumbing But + Tight Joints. Modern plumbing iz sanitary, aftractive and clean. Shouid anything break- Fhich is not lHkely--the pipes' Mire casy of aceess. ; Y The plambing:ls open but ¢ joluts are tight! WE WANT YOUR AND ARE "OPEN" TO BAY 850. David Hall TRADE ENOUGH ~