THE SUNDAY ON THE STEAMER TITANIC Miss Marion Wright Sang "There is a Green Hill Far Away" and Hymn for Those in Peril on the Sea---Little Company Sang Well-Known Hymns Together. Bra ov com---- ur snc enp-------- Out of the confusion and terror of human helplessness which the wreck of the Titanic emerges one |ages. little story which grips the heart and 'Lead kindly light, amid the encircling the imagination with its dramatic a gloom, lead '1hou me on, tensity. It is not a story of suffering | 1be pight is dark, and 1 am far antl hardship, of bravery, and home, ead Thou me on." cowardice, nor' yet of the work of] Tt was literally true. Far from home rescue which followed the disaster; it and specding through the night, the is not a story of the partings which little company dstened as men v1, seemed but [ona moment, but which ever listen to. that song as long proved to be idxever. It is not a the old world lasts, looking onwarc story of the men Who waited in vain to the great day 'when the might ' avthe Carpathia's dock, nor bf those one, and with the morn those ange who clung there to the Joved oned fices smil: which we hase Joved long whom the grey ses had yielded up. 'Gineo nud lost a wikle." And the shi; It tells nothing of the grimly signin sped on, cant erash which came when the ship | struck, nothing of the astonishing | trust in human inventions which led men and women lo disregard the i warning that the ocean leviathan was in danger of destruction, It is, on the other band, the story of the great ship as it sped onward into the night, its passengers never dreaming of dan- ger ahead, its orew petting the Very most out of their huge vehicle of ocean transportation, man's superb triumph, and his supreme undoing. It is the story of the few hours before the moment which spelled eter- nity, and particularly it is the story of thirty-five passengers who assemb- led to sing and fo pray. It was Rev, Ernest ( don, who conducted the service. Poor Carter was among the victims of the disaster, From that service he step ped out into the hereafter. But back to a waiting world come tidings of the Iadt hours upon the Titanic, and the theological student who. tells the story was one who assisted Mr. Car ter on that occasion, He is Stuart Colleit, a North ' Londoner, and he will attend a theological seminary on this side of the ocean, n-- | will defy al from. as sen anima Now the Day is Over, Celleet prayed; what was said nn that petition to the Most High i not told, Men pray heedlessiy ant lsten he dlesty. Were God liste as heedlessly there would be no avai in human supplications. The poo ship sped on and as it sped the who! company joined im a great ¢ hymn. 'Now the day is over, Night is drawing nigh, Shadows of the evening Steal across the sky." As they gang their velces ivolume and men and women the doors stopped. to listen strains Jesus, to ening guther withou arter, of Lon to th grant the weary, Calm and sweet repose, With Thy tender | lessing, Mav their eyelids close sifp sped on. Mt is said tha the great crash, with all the weepin | which followed it, interrupted tha final hymn. Such a report is pre bably untrue. But at 10325 the 1 tanic struck and later, to the hand i laylng of "*Nearer, My God, To Thee the grest ship went down. And « {two contineafs there are widows, Lereaved higbands, and litile cl ildre huge bulk cutlined in a fame of light {bereft of father, beret of mothe against the ship. It pulsed with life |hoviless of seeing their loved one In its wonderful complexity it seemed {until the day "When with the mor almost Human, in its irresistible pow- | {hose angel faces smile, which we hay ef it seemed almost divine, And thir | jon ed long since and lost a whie, ty-live 'people, most of them young men, were holding a Sabbath service in one of its saloons. Marion Wright sang. In her fresh voung English voice she rendered three of the hymns which appeal to people of all creeds wherever English is spoken, and as she played sang, the great ship sped on to destruction. All unknowing, the audience heard her message, as told of the green hill far away. "There is 'a green hill far away, Without a city wall, Where our dear Lord was crucified, Who died to save us all. Oh, dearly, dearly, hath He loved, And we must love Him, too, And trust in His redeeming blood, And try His work to do." As they heard her sing of the bill far awa perhaps some turned tow rds those other green Kills, the hills of eternity. But none knew that they would themselves soon be "Over the hills and far away." = The Seemed Almost Human, an The great ship sped onward, its SPRING REMINDERS OF RHEUMATIS! -- Raw, Damp Weather Starts th Pain, But the Trouble Lies ' [2 in the Blood. Spring weather is bad for tic sufferersy The changes from mil to cold, the raw, damp winds star the aches and twinges, or in the mor extreme the tortures of th trouble going. But it must be born in mind that it is not the weaths that causes rheumatism, The troubl i% rooted in the blood--the changeabl weather merely starts the pains. Th only way to reach the trouble and t« cure it is through the blood. Th poisonous rheumatic acid must b driven out. Liniments and rubbih may give temporary relief, but ean not possibly eure the trouble. Th sufferer is only wasting time an money with . this kind of treatmen and all the time the trouble is beeom ing more deeply rooted--harder eure. 'There is just one speedy cur for rheumatism--Dr. Williams' Pini and ig little she rheuma cases, green fancy For Those in Peril, ' The ship sped on. z The girl sang, her clear voice riging and falling in the cadences of the beautiful old melady, LaUr, she was rendering that great musical prayer "For in Peril on the Sea." Her hearers, if they prayed with her, did not pray Pills. They act dircetly on the in for themrelves, but as for othery. | pure, ac id-tainted blood. they puri Neter for a moment did they dream | and strengthen it and thus root ow that they, of all who go down to the, the cause of the rheumatism. Here |i sea in ships, were "in peril on the strong proof of the above statement: ser." They were safe kn o great | Mrs. Robert Euliman, Midland, Ont unginkable. vessel, the elumax of [Says : "About | theee years ago m: mans achievement in his fight for igrandson, Robert -Lufinmn, - wes at mastery of the waves. So MW was for tacked with inflammatory rhewm: . tism. He became so bad he &uld onl ther Jiss fortunate 'brethren that they 4 sont up a mute petition the | walk when some one helped him about One arm he had to éarry in a sling ail 8 Voie rang out in the tamil | Oe we felt sure he would be a erippl ni. I Father. strong Ae save, forlife. 'The trouble also affected hi heart. I'he doctor said his bloo Whose arm hath bound the tornine to water: and, we hea wave, : ttle hope of his recovery. The medi Who Eids't the mighty ocean deep, bith Jo! ! gave him did not di Ja own appointed limits Keep; move than soothe the pain a little hear us when we ery to Thee, then he: would as bad a5. ever Yor those in peril on the sua. On 8 former occasion Dr. Williams The ship sped on. . The song was Pink Pills had cured my dgughter © for "Our Brethren," but the danger rheurnatisy, and we finally decided ty was "for ourselys." try them in Robert's case, After the "0 Tilnity of love and power, use of thre¢ or four boxes there wa: Our brethren shield in danger's hour, 14 slight improvement and he contin From rock and tempest, fire and foe, | ued takisig the pills until he had use Protect them, wheresoever they go, {twelve "boxes when the trouble hac And ever let there rise to Thee, completely disappeared, and he ha 1d Aun of praise from land not been afflicted with it since Sold by all medicine dealers or be T hip sfed on. Again Miss mail at 50 cenis a box or i boxes Wk tht wang, this time one of the most {for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams Yelaved gems of hymnology, eriticized | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. v8 observe, but with =u grip/ upon the Spee human heart, and an Those wes as restless was doctor be and Lovelorn Boy Uses Pistol. Langues, Ind., . April 27--Otto Brown, nineteen, son of a farm- er, shot - probably fatally wounded is sweetheart, Leona Ehlinger, fteen, and then committed suicide, because the girl's mother refused her [romait to their marriage on aceount iro HR two notes, one of which he sighed "Leonat" indicating that he had carefully planned the double yin case > was refused hi In the note to Ww > THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, APRIL | Losses Bankrupt Maly Young Fogdnanee Makes Statements of Great tishmen Interest to Smokers. London, En gland, April 27.1 ondon," XpriF 27. There have | due to cambhing, been the. ex- medical attacks on the cigar plammtion given in twelity-six mstances anything that looks September by men at id coming from that quarter, their publio exam ation in the bank. [seems interesting to smokers. In view ruptey court. . of the rarity of cases of serious to tus tact | alone is more than sufi {bacco poisoning, in spite of the wide ciend jstiication for the suppression and the toxie powers of of the se gambling houses in the {the "weed." the Lancet has instituted West End whit h have been 'exposed | inquiry into the question. during the lust ten days, A new process devised in the labor Baccarat losses and cliims jor mon: jtory led to the following conclusions: ov lent at high interest to pay these | Pipe hon contain the largest gambling debts have figured large in amount a Cotte Tos, pes " . . ce Ler 1 4 k ig the long lists of liabilities--rumming in ent. Lgyption abc Rreish clpar : ettes come next, (L.38:1.74), Virginian the aggregate to hundreds of thou . i ) ) cigarettes showing similar figures, santls of pounds--which these debtors of good ition have incurred, Man (140-160), while a British cigar son x « » ine ) 4 of oh pox thi ib Si ¥ 1tains even Jess (1.24 per cent), and a of these youthiu ankruptis are men Havana-eigar the least of all (0.64 in the early (wenties--some of them per cent.) the soms' oi emigent financiers and |* Tue cigarette, whether sound business igen. who bave been |Torkish or American, sbliged in thé eml to refuse to pay lamount of its further gambling debts for then THE GAMBLING --t LITTLE EVIL HAVE NICOTINE. Os 8 has hike a since last young spread use Egyptian, yields the least total nicoting to the smoke formed, while the pipe vields n very large proportion, in some cases between seventy and eighty per cent. of "its nicotine to the the which the mouth of the consumer. The eigar appears to give figures mid- way between the two. But it has also to be remembered that it is most of ten the cigarette smoker who is guiliy of excess, ny sous, tity men have patronized the bac carat houses iu the West End in such mnibers that an enterprising indi idual has now opem a "club" in he Thogmorton street area, conven- ently close to the banks to the stock exchange. Here, in an oflice rented by a stock-broking hrm, + brisk game has been "played in the wply afternoons and after the four y'elock rush is over stockbrokers, and busi-. wss men of all sorts have taken part n this game which they have | found + welcome relaxation after the storm snd strevs of the higher finance. This 'club' however Kept meny mea n the city long after their | ordinary susiness hours, and there has al eady been sensational play there, one nan losing £10,000 in two afternoons. At Maidenhead, in one of the well mown Fversidechouses, thére have ween lately week-end baccagat parties vhere play been unusually high. lotor-cars have bought the guests rom London, and in the evening the ostess has presided at a game which was been fully as extiting as anvthing hat the night houses at Mayfair %&l ord. reaches and nce NOT CRIME TO Kiss NEIGHBOR Rules That Salute Upon Tempting Lips Not Hurtful. Allentown, Pa., April 27. That not a heinous crime to kiss a pretty neighbor was the decision of a Lehigh county jury which passed on the sault and battery case agamst David Llewellyn, accused bv Mrs. Hatte Wert. She appeared in eourt dashing: ly dressed, and told how Llewellyn, coming to the house fo borrow a clothes horse, had taken advantage of her being alone to give her a resound ing salute. Llewellyn owned up looke x Judge Financiers 1s has as has to the charge and said, 'She so pretty that I did kiss her.' The jury decided that hurt Mrs. Wert very quitted Llewellyn, on him. . the kiss didn't much, but put and so ae the costs SOCIETY/ / GIRL BOUTS THIEY 'ackles/Burglar and Forces Him disgorge Valualls Loot. Sax Francisco, Miss Kthel rving, society girl and member of a vell-known family of Spokane, dared im armed intruder who entered her partments at No. 753 Bush street ear v in the morning, to shoot her Disregarding the pevolver with which threatened her she attacked the aisereant, put him to flight aiter » fort, sharp struggle, and recovered everal hundred dollars' worth of swels and a valuable set of furs The thief was pushed aimost from he window of the apartment and nar owly missed plunging to the ground ar below when he made a dive he fire escape a few feet away Miss Irving showed fight as soon as qouching in a corner of the The Seashore. The Grand Trunk and intends to make New its environments a popular seaside resort The first in this dirgetion is the inauguration of an up-to-date night express service between Montreal and New London, which will have connec tion at Montreal for passengers east bound and westbound between Chicago and Montreal and intermediate Such well known resorts as Fisher's Island, Watch Hill, Block Island and Long Island, whi are in the immadi acive vicinity of New London, will be teached with ease and comfort. There are splendid hotels at these points to suit the pockets of all, and many de lightful cottage are open to those who desire more exclusive accommodation A handsome - booklet profusely illus trated will be mailed free on applica : : room. lion to J. P. Hanley, CF. & T.A., fter a preliminary sc uflle, in which dhe awoke and saw the burglar Kingston, Ont Liss leving's back was slightly wrenen- d, 'the man crawled to the window ill and while crouched there he level «1 his revolver at the girl and toll wr that if she uttered a cry shoot. ! "You're afraid ou to kill me," Demanding her wowed the attack. Droping, the furs railway aims to London and April 27 move points we for Wedding at Erinsville, A pretty wedding was celpbrated at the "Roman Catholic church, Erins ville, when Miss Jennie Ryan, second Ldaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan, became the bride of Henry M. McCul- lough. The bride, becomingly attired in a navy biue travelling suit and pic ture hat to match, was assisted by her sister, Miss Ella May, while the ind rings to the floor the intruder | groom was supported by his cousin, umped for the fire escape. lle made |.J. McCullough. After the nuptials, at is way down the ladder, and escaped, | which Rev. Father Carey ofliciated, wrsued' down Bush street by several | the bridal party repaired to the resi nen who had been attracted by the [dence of the bride's parents, where a girl's sereams. sumptuous repast awaijed them. The sd Irving was calm after groom's gift to the bride was a silver werience. She had been spending the {tea set, to the bridesmaid gold brooch and pearl necklace, to best vinter in California with her bLirothes- 1 ndaw and sister. Dr. and Mrs. A. 5. {man a pair of gold cufi links The bride the recipient of many ex: Pinsley of Salt Lake. pensive and useful presents he would to 1 was her reply jewels the girl shoot dare »] ro her ox- a was AN OL D« OMMITT AL. Make Your Will To-day. If you have not already will it. imniel Byron Had to Face Police Court, When Daniel Byron appeared in po ice court, Saturday morning, harge of drunkenness, ommittal to face, that n jail, he having been uence of liquor when the "'prohibited list.' Byron pleaded for a chance, saying that he would put himselt on the 'prohibited list" again, but the mag strate put no faith in all the pre" aises ha had made, saving that he had broken all his promises. The mag-| wtrate thereupon enforced the old ommittal. Byron was the man pick- ed up on the sidewalk on Wellington! siegei, Very drunk, on Friday after- jier's Chorus," "Miserere,' Dut- noon Robert Moss admitted being drunk ton's He came to Kingston to "get a ship] he wise o nag his own words, but according! to his condition, it was schooners' was looking tor, and got. He pro- mised to leave town by noon, snd loeal color--of the drug store brand. in the made vour you should lose no time in doing The unexpected usually happens. Ihe Trusts & Guarantee Co., limit ed, 43 and 45 Kine street, West, To- ronto, make a good executor under all circumstances, and at small ex pense to your estate. Appoint the company exceutor, and let them hold your will in their Security vault, free of charge until required, on a he had an old wf one month under the a member in of may think doesn't flatter you, its 'a sale bet that after a stranger sees it he will be disappointed with vour face Songs from operas; 10a, "0 thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star," "Sold You your bakit "photograph ete. widow can see through a man a< easy a¥ an innocent girl "oun see through a window pane Sale cotton nightdresses. Dution's. And many a fair maid goes in jor was given the chance to do so. Edward Coonor was "also drank"{ Tan button and lace boots, latest 1 Prices will astomsh, Call and he was called upon to pay a fine styles. 1 : of §1 and costs or ten days, Dutton, 209 Princess strect. It's a treat to listen to a man who asks : "What's vours, old man *" Many a man has acquired a medal at a pawnbroker's sale. Special antiseptic tooth paste, fubes 25¢. ; Sargent's Drug Store The average baby is almost as smart as ils patents are not. The reflections of a bachelor usually ran to things feminine. Sale children's patent strap slippers: Dutton's, A widow says that a bachelor who deliberates'is won. When true lovers meet kisses speak 1ouder than words There ».o many men waking a suc. cess of their business, but unable to expand owing to lack of financial knowledge, Write Tor our advice, giving details of weur present position, We may be ible to incorporate and finance you and put you on a steadily Locating in Kingston. Pr. Frederick A. Cavs, specialist, nose, throat and ear, begs to an: nounce that he has opened offices at 124 Wellington street, corner Johnson atrect. and will commence practice Monday, 'April 20th. Dr. Cays has spent the past four years in post- graduate work in New York Ear, Nose snd Throat Hospitals, under Dr. John Kepks, and comes to Kingston thor oughly experienced in this special work. His many friends will be glad to learn of hiz decision to return to rhe old home town to practice hus pro- fession. hero two To Hold a Convention. A convention is to be held in To- Lronto, Shay 11th te 1th, for the pro- posed Brotherhood Federation of Can- ada. It is mpi he ations organivations assedated wi ro- denominations of Canada. The increasing basis. We specialize in In- dustrial Manufacturing Concerhs. re, UNION BASK BUILDING, TORONTO. Phone Mala 2491 Eu pd} Real for le yt > Grand Summer Millinery Opening We beg | ionally Smart Large Stock. ing for TUESDAY, We are HEADQUARTIRS INGOT METALS. Me ole Copper, Pig br, Pig Trimmed Hats ar ar, This is a unique lin 178 WELLINGTON Prompt Deliveries. to Announce Our Summer Millinery Open- WEDNESDAY and THURS- DAY. APRIL 3th, MAY 1st and 2nd, when we will have for your inspect ion a ( 'omplete New and Except Assortment of the Leading Shapes for Summer w wl all We would like to draw your attention to our Hand Painted Bands and Crowns. a most effective trimming. GEDYE, PRIVATE FITTING ROOMS. ¢ and The Up-To-Date Millinery. 8T. "PHONE 225 ts METAL Coie TORONTO Situated near and Church. ing Cement Silo, 'Phone 286 the Village of Frame Dwelling 'and numerous outbuildings, all in goed rej a For particulars, apply to E. BLAKE THOMPSON, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK, FARM FOR SALE (110 ACRES), NVERARY, convenient to also good Orchard. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, ONT, 1900000000000 0000008000000000000000000000000 : School inciu t= Is the RIGHT and pla done We carry A plies trial GASOLENE EN INES, Boiler i: ard at reasonable a full stock of to get a.i Ki Boat and and L whinery of aunches M price Garolene Epgine Fittings ai solicited DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. "Phone 420. Davis Dry Dock Company { | | Steam qd sup- ff {lf Full What constant pights itch, that | then. Instant soothed long torture of constant must ite tear off relief my and healed ! eription for eczema, ful itch instantly; ment DDD. the torture ves ceased.' nerve-tacking what terrible agony until my skin The very first drops of D.D.D. stopped that the touched the burning has been known absolutely remedy, for it washes ease germw and clear afd healthy I vou will come Pave had the {for so many vears you all about D.D.D. how it cures eczema Or vou ean get free 1 by writing D.D.D. Laborat Colborne , Toronto days of sleepless itch-itch it seemed very skin D.DD. the only away leaves as that to oar for that th w cooled, Agency Pres aw mo skin { vary a St for reliable the of "Oh, How I Itched!" a eczema the dis skin as a child store, vesrs a can rial bottle 19 ores, 8. W. Mahocd, Cor. Princess and Bagot Streets. thoroug! lurking The germs where germs, gathers the disinfects your ware dealers preserves mn" Dustlegs Sweeping I'he iy the THE SPOTLESS HOME has no dirt, furniture, is 1 that the clean home corners or that one behind SOCLEAN m carpets brown SOCLEAN LIMITED Kingston Agent Compe the du and und is used. It absorbs up instead of scattering them, Get a trial pail at your swe ping compound that renovat H. W. MARSHALL thoroughly grocers or TORONTO dust or he one st -and hard es and MTs The Greater tl ZN ER IIR NL rms Better the Quality Just Arrived Inspection Invited CRAWFORD & WALSH Princess and Bagot SPRING SUITINGS remedy | tell Prescription and CAGE SEVEN. Th AVELLING, Totonto, Ont. April 30th " May 4th Round Trip Ti ' Issued ; $5. 40 jncluding ane adwi Show good gi valid for, retus §th. ' ONESEEKERS EXCURSIONS | Canadian North West and Return Tuesday, April 26 vory cond Tuesday th 17th Tickets gogd { For full iafor J. P. HANLE Carper Johns nail : Agent, mn at Ontario Sts RAILWAY ADRES Important Announcenient "Modern ut ne Ise NEW TRAINS Vauipment Seushore } LONDON CONK isi x WATE): 4 1 Blan ELAND and } 0 Warm Sea Hathiafttest ba Athantie Const, Splendid Deep Sea Vishing Eseclient Hotel vod Boarding Aerommadntions, Fnlremely Write far: | booklet contain free for the 40 Most Hesaris K N i House few Round Trip Paves, HANLEDY, IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, 'Homeseekers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA H and return. Muesli wy, ned April second Tues , and every 1 ny there ter &P Outario St until September 17 particulars at K Ticket Office, and C.P.R. F. CONWAY, 'Phone LO Gen. Pass. Agent, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season TO LIVERPOOL, Tunisian sails Fri, May Virginian sails Fri. Ma Corsican sails Fri, } Victorian sails Fri, J TO GLASGOW: Pretorian sails Sat, May 4, June 1, flesperian sails Sat. May 11, June 8, Scandinavian sails May 18. June 15. Grampian sails Sat, , June 23 TO HAVHE AND LONDON. Sicilian sails Sun June 9. {onian sally June 16, Corinthian May 19, June 23. Scoplih salle Sun, Lake Erie gnils Buu. For fall informatio { tional sailings, 4 May 31, June 7. June 14. June Z1 14, May ¢ May Sun. Ma sails Sun Ma 45 to addi il wpply to OC. RB, A KIRK PATRICK, HANLEY, :. 7. Ry Char treet Allan CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES Length, 8704 fort, Beeadth, G0 34 font nade, Wirsloo and i So Signals HOLD ALL RECORDS RETWEEN CANADA AND LIVERPOOL ASD OTHER STEAMSHIPS, Line A " 1 From Quechee to Liverpool, Webi Ly y fue 3B a Joly +r ¥ mpren Ee pres Ieelar gir ay ¥remt Montrenl fs Liserpool. 1. Champ LF Io ely 4 {uly 18 abn M The kind yon are looking fer fo the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL Is good Coal and we guaranties prompt delivery. BOOTH &'CO. FOOT WEST STREET. 1 Melville J, wesnmith, Fronrt 4. Wilson, Reat KE e and Fh sal ., Corresprinience Solicited, 2 Willonbky Hoek, Sisk Street. Sasketoon, Sank, Pevsssasssasarsssasssssl