PAGY FIGHT. mp Choicest Styles for Spring There's an immense ing such clothes as we sell, It's the satisfaction we derive from knowing that we are selling fhe best Clothes made and' are continually pleasing our patron, WE'RE ENTHUSIASTIC! Yes, and justly so----aund our customers, who have al. ready bought their Spring Suits and Overcoats, would back us up if they could be brought face to face with you. Wiki you come in to sée for yourself? Not to buy, But to 100): and to familiarize yourself with the ( Clothes that are scheduled for pacemakers this Suits, - $12.00, 15,00, $18.00 to $20.00 Overcoats, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 to $18.00 LIVINGSTON"S THE HOUSE OF GOOD CLOTHES BROCK STREET amount of satisfaction in sell- ET Men's White Shirts Laundried and 50¢, 60¢, 75¢, for Uplaundried. Regular 39¢ Each. Made of strong cotton, free from dressing, "tinen bosoms and wristbands, Size 14 to 17} Neckband, a : Men's Balbriggan Underwear Worth 50c and 60e, for 33c: Each. Shirts and Drawers sizes 36 to 42. ee opportunity 'to secure Summer Underwear at less than aiufagturer's Jue PATLY BRITISH WHiG. [SNE CHANGES MADE IN THE RAILWAY Y TIMETABLE AT GANANOQUE. A Befter Service to be Given to the Thousand Island Junction--Odd. fellows Had a Big Time Friday © Night. Gananodgue, cal dgent of T.LR., lowing changes in the the company for closer connection with trains on the G:-T.R., the changes to take place on and after April 28th. To meet No. 6 mail, east, leave 12.45 p.m.; No. 4, fast, cast, leave 1. 40 p.m. No. 7. mail, west, leave 2.25 p.m. This will allow passengers for the fast No. 4 three-quarters of an hour longer in town than at present, and will dis pense with the long wait at T.I. June tion now necessary, as only the one run. was made for both. The after woon mail will under the new time ta ble, atrive is town about one hour earlier than at present. This change will make close connection with the different trains. It has also been ar canged that tickets are not to © be wold on the trains, but must be pur- chased either at the station or up town office of the company. Fish and Game Overseer George To oer made another important seizure on Thursday, near the foot of Grenadier Island, getting a skiff, a gun and a sot of hoop nets. h The overseer is on the job. early and late, after the vio- laters of the fish and game law. The Y.P.A. of St. Andrew's church Andrew's church held an entertainment in their lecture room last evening. Gananoque lodge, No. 114, 1.O.O.F,, velebrated the ninety-third anniversary of the institution of that order by means of a social evening. Invitations were sent to the Kingston lodges, Secley's Bay and Lansdowne, to be present, and large delegations from these places accepted the invitation. The local degree team exemplified the first degree in Turner's hall, after which Harmony lodge, No. 15, Daugh- ters of Rebekah banqueted the gather ing in the 10.0.F. recreation hall, and the affair was brought to a with a dance in Turner's as sembly hall.. The Citizens' band = or chestra furnished music. I'ie Young People's Society of Grace church held a literary conversazione, under the auspices of their literary cgmmittee in the lecture room last tvening. Miss Winona some time past with her sister, April 28, --C. 8. Lee, lo- announces the fol- time table of! close Pitcher, located for at Rothesay, N.B., Miss Ethelwyn Piteh- er, took passage for the motherland, vesterday, to spend the summer with ir. and Mrs. Saunders, of Ottawa; Miss O'Connor, of the staff of the public schools, left last evening to spend the week-end at her home in Kingston. Mrs. Herbert J, Reid is spending a few weeks with relatives in Western Ontario, and Michigan. Mrs. W. H, G. Walker has returned to Syracuse, Ny, after a visit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Reid. Arthur Cumpson, Fort William, sum moned here by the death of his brother, A. E. Cumpson, is spending a short time with his parents, TO WITNESS ARRIVAL OF THE TITANIC'S DEAD, Appeal to the Minister of Militia--2\ Coroner's Jury Has Been Emme panelled at Halifax. Halifax, April 27.--~An interest rivy led only by that which attended arrival of the Carpathia in New York last week is looked for with the expect: ed arvival of the morgue ship, Mac: kay Beonett, Sunday night or Monday morning. Each train brings relatives and people of all classes who went on the Titanic. They have come from all parts of Canada, the United States' and Kurope. Officials of the White Star line are trying to avoid publicity in conndotion with the recognition and identification of lost ones by their rel atives, amd have ordered the exclusion of a big corps of newspaper reporters amd photographers from New York and Boston: These newspaper men are very indig- nant at this exclusion. and are pulling all sorts of wires to try to get in to witness the sad scenes. They have wired Hon. Sam. Hughes, minister of Militia. to use his influence. as the Mackay Bennett will land at the gov- ernment pun dock. To cogaply with the law, a wronet's jury has been empaunelled to view all the remains as brought in, and forin- ally pass verdiet of accidental death. There will be special fnueral trains ready to depart immediately to Mont. real, Calgary, New York and Chicago. Visited Gananoque. Sixty of the local Oddieliows went fo Ganancoque, Friday evening, and wore present at the celebration to mark the ~ anniversary of the institu- von of the order in that piace. A number of the Canton were among the party. A band mel them at the sta- tion and conducted them to the hall {where the first degree was put on. The Oddfellows arrived back in the city at five o'clock Saturday morning. Deserters, The sensational spectac Tar Western® ever filmed, produced by the largest stock company in the weld, at the King Edward Monday |B ard Tuesday. This phctojlay comes to us highly recommended. Udual ad- mission. "Tom" Longboat Here. Tom onguat afrived in the city on Sat worming on the Cag boat, and had dinner at the Troaucs hotel, and left again on the noon {lege drain | for A the west. He was accompan- fed by his wile on the trip. {lage was thrown into a state of great NEWSPAPER MEN WISH, WAS CHILD KIDNAPPED MOTHER SENT FOR HER CHILD AFTER TEN YEARS. Little Girl Had Been Staying at Home in Odessa and Was Taken Away by a Man on Friday After- voon--Kingston Police Notified, Was ihe child kidnapped ' the question that is being asked the people of Odessa, The little This is by vil excitement on Friday, when it was reported that a little girl, had beeu | kidnapped while in attendance at the school at the village. From whil ean be learned by the Whig, it appears that a woman who has been living in Syracuse, about ten years ago, pliced her little girl, then a child of two Leprs, with a re- lative who lives at Odessa. According to report, the mother, on Friday, had a man go oul to the village and take the child, while she was al play at recess, and bring her into the city, The parties who have heen keeping the child got word of the fact that a man had take «tthe child, and followed into the city, but it is alleged that the man and the mother had made a hurried exit from the city, by the time they reached hingston. The chief of police was communica ted with, and as there was a report shat the child was being held at a eertain home in the city, a couple of constables were sent there to find her, but the missing one could not be located. A local lawyer has been engaged on the case. and there may be further de- velopments. It was reported that, al though the child had been given over to relatives they had no papers sign ed in connection with the matter, aml that, therefore, they would have no right to have the child, without the consent of the mother, who had a per fect right to take the child. This, of course, will be a matter for the law courts to decide. -------- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Our Reporters. By! Wet onkey"s caramels. Gibson's, | "When U want anything good 2 %,° ring up Gilbert, " Ree ¢ Thompson, of Oso, was the city' on Saturday | | Mes. 1. J. in-law of Mr. Belleville, sister- Lockett, Haines, and Mrs. F. G. died on Friday.~ mill nervy open at Gedye's, 178 Cell and see summer inz, May lst acd 2ud, Wellington sureet, The first meeting of the Kingston iifle Assceiation will be held a week from next Monday. Miss Gucei le Carboy, of Gananoque, is the guist of Miss E. W. Greaza/ Well ngton strect dose h Adams, of the . YYMUA will try to brek the local ten-mile road ree rd on Saturday afternoom. A fresh supgly of Columbia battélles net in. 2%. ench. H. W. Newman Eleetrie Co.,- T9 Princess street. Butter was away down im price on the market on Saturday. In many esos it scld for 25¢. a pound EE. B. Purdy, real estate agent, says property is rising in value very fas! He has made three sales dut'ng the last week. Mr. and Mrs. MeClennan, nee. arrived here on Friday with their title daughter, who is to uedergo an optration in the Hotel Dieu. McC onkey's caramels. Gibson's. Henry Collin, who was injured nt ithe BK. & P. roundhouse on Wednes day, is reported to be doing medy in the Hotel Dieu. The annul number of the Contract Record, Toronto, contains a picture and sketch of RK. 3. Melelland, city enzire?r of kingston. We are experts in house wiring and finishing fixtures HH. W. Newman Fletrie Ca, 79 Pthncisg street Rev. 1. E. Bourke, pastor of Moun t In street Methodist church, Mon tre), was elected president -of the Mcntre:! Methodist union Temper- ance and Mcral Reform Canon Troop, of church, Montreal, is the Bishop of Ontailo and will be heard f1 #¢. George's cathedral both morn ing and erening on Sunday. It was lan Revelle, Caollepe who was first in animal biclogy at Queen's. The Whig had the name »8 Jane Revelle. « He is Mrs. 8S. E. Revele, formerly of Hartington. Our diectrie vacuum deaners at $30 are excellent. We will demonstriite in your own home. H. New man El etrfie 79 Pitnoess street. Ike Toronto Tlegram is putting oul fine pavers these days. It frequently, on Saturday; has sixteen pages of want and small ads. Fridays issue wrs a forty pager. 'the old Telegram keeps to the front in Toronto jour nalism. --- Rev. 8. Dow, formerly of Wiagsion, kas teen made a canon of Christ Chureh cathedral, Hamilton, en the thirty-smenth anniversary of his ordination, and the seventeenth an piversary of his 'nduction as rec tor of ot. John the Evangelist, in Hamilton. PWENTY-FIVE YEARS 40. What Happened a Quarter of a Century Ago. Fight hundred and eighty-two water consumers in the city. The steamer Hero left for Picton. The Grand Trunk Railway company paid Barnum $5,000 for the loss of the elephant "Jumbo." Mrs, John McMillan: died, aged fil- ty-three years. License commissioners granted opt wholesale, nny shop and forty tav ern and saloon The Jolgurs, James Richardson. Wil A. Calvin sib: St Martin's guest of the street, Co., Nickls and H. od $2,500 cach to Queen's Col lege, and James Swift $1,000. May be Investigation. It ix stated that am mvestigation into all the departments of the Ports imouth penitentiary is to take place It will be on a par with the one held some years ago. of Napa-}p a son of} Ss ATE RD AY, { lehorlder in her fall and was .tgkan APRIL 27 1912. To-NIGHT, 7.30 to 10 A Number of Attractive Bargains Will Be Offered Each One of Which Will Be Well Worth Coming For 14 Ladies' Suits Just one of each make add in different sizes, All different materials and colors. Suits that were $15.00, 16.50,-18.00, 21.50. Your Pick To-Night $5.00. 9 Ladies' Raincoats All different makes, mostly Exlish Cravenette. $7.50, 8.50, 9.2). Your Pick To-Night $5.00 360 Pairs Men's Black Cashmere Sox Seamless feet and just the cight weight for 10} inch, 11 inch. These are exceptionally good value as 2 Coats that wear, Spring wear. Sizes 10, 25¢ pair regularly Yours To-Night 18¢ pair, Or 2 Pairs for 35c¢. 200 Very Dainty White Embroidered Jabots In a number of really pretty designs, Worth from 25¢ to 35c. Yours To-Night 18¢c Each, Cr 35c¢ for Two. J. Laidlaw & Son. THROWN FROM CARRIAGE. \ ----n REGAL SHOES ~~. Now Made in Canada -- Miss Violet Smith, of Cataraqui, in Runaway Accident. Miss Vielit Smith, of Cetarayui, while on her way out to ber home on Friday, mét with an arcdent w hen the horse she was dritag took fright at the corner of Ali "and Prin ces streets and dashed' up the lat- ter thoroughfare. Mis Smith stuck bravely to tle lines but was thrown ot as the frightened beast turned at Fraliek's hotel. She wrenched her American Style, American Lasts, minus 30 Gh home by Rev. Mr. Cantdy, of Car trap. The rig was smashed to joers when the horse dashed into the hotel spd the animal's leg was We can now sell for 85.00 the same | Shoe that is sold in New York for $5.00, ert. Miss Smith was doing nicely on Saturday morning. ii We cari also sell for » 00, the : -- : : 3 Regal Shoe sold in New York for £4.00. Pied in Torovto. oem' 3 i: -- was received in the city, Fri , of the death in Toronto of Mrs. tay jam Gilmour, who was born in this city and resided here jor some Her husbord, William Gilmour, was foreman of the Mouotreal Forward- ing company until that company was from here, over ten vears They lived in Toronto sinee A ct Bh at a by one son, Weslo, a "married ater a de Fi Spring Boots are here and we | would like you to see these Canadian | made Regal. The Lockett Shoe Stor iv