= GIVES ENDORSEMENT DOMINION ALLIANCE BACKS UP THE LIBERAL POLICY. the the ng Passes Resolution Favoring Rowell Platform of "Abolish Bar"--The Need of Candidates. Toronto, April 29." That we recog- nize in the poliey of abolition of the bar platiorm amnounced by w. Rowell, the pearest approach proposed in recent years by any responsible party to the often-reiternted ideals of this alliance; "We believe that the next election in this province will be fought out upon thie juste, and whereas the abolition of the retail traffic in intoxicating li- guors 'will secure for the province what logal option by-laws have been securing Wider difficult 'conditions for individual municipalities; is "Therefore, this executive commit: fee urges upon all friends of our cause the importance of taking action to re the nomination in every con ituency at the earliest possible date candidates of character and ability whose declared policy will be * the farthest advanced in that direction." These resolutions were passed the executive committee of the On- tario branch of the Dominion Alliance after three hours" deliberation, with ident Gibson in the chair, and members present from all parts of the province. SPENT FIFTY YEARS. Dr, Kennedy is an Old Resident of Perth, Perth Fourier Pr. J. F. Bennedy from Kingston filiy last April 21st, and natnrally the event rings up fond memories of kis earl years hate and of the associations with the people of he town in that riod, Very few of the budness ry of Perth ih 1862 are continu- fag to-day, and some of these the doctor on id think of Meighen Bros, 1. Hoge, Robert Thompsen, John Hart and Mrs, Lams, The doe- tor, tu the early days, boarded with Mrs. Miller, in a large rooming house where the Hidkg House now stands there. bing twenty young sen in the house and only three remain , now : Peter 'Melavish, Montreal; Wilhiam Munro, banker, now in the old eoun- try, and the doctor. Perth was busy place" in the old days, and in the doetor's opinion there were mory #lores than now. Frvery store al that time handled hardware. The doctor has Fed an honest and useful fife in the community, nnd ls re ected "hy all, "While 1 have been on for filty years," said he, "1 don't feel it. His seventy vesrs hang lichtly on him, for he has lived his Fie moderatily and consistently ever noe he lot the farm home of L's parents, when he started out in the world Tor himself, came fo Perth VORTS Ago are a Captains of trans-Atlantic steam- ships do not receive sums commenmsur: ate with their responsibilities. Those whose yearly salaries are $5,000 can be counted on the fingers of one hand. W. Doughty & Son, and Sir G. Doughty, London, axe making ar rangements for oatablishing a lar trawling centre at Prince Rupert, Be. The London Chronicle save that Wil- liam T. Stead was recommended for Noble Peace prize, and doubtless would have received it had he lived, Tan boots, latest spring styles, but ton and, lace. Bargain. Dution's Shoe Store. A Grimsby, Eng., firm has ordered three first-class modern trawlers service in British Columbia, Whe by 4 KID MeCOY Will Desert Ring to Become Physical Neience Lectover. Paris, April 20 Kid McCoy will sail for New York on the George Wash ington. He leaves Rarié and the prize ring forever. Nev again will fight. le is chraugh with all such am bitions and will become a lecturer on physical science from now on Spe aking of his future, the Kid said 'It was only for s purpose of prov ing my back Lo lighting. I have worked out a systems of breathing that 1 am going to expound for the benefit of man kind "No more Europe for 'America for me in future could pull me back here.' fighting and much less me Nothing ena Died in Kingston. Perin Courler James Vincent Mr. and Mra. Cavanagh, son of Peter Cavanagh, died at the Hotel Dien in Kingston on Sun dav last, from inflammatory rheuma tism. Decesnsed had suffered fram this trouble more or less, and seutely at periods, sinee Christmas of 1908, Ad year ago he returned home from Chi: cago, and spent the summer at his howe here. This winter his old trou ble returned, and a week ago Sunday he was taken to the Kingston hos- pital for treatment, in the hope he would receive the sume benefit as he did two years ago. le pulled up for a few days early in the week, byt the strain was too much and on Sunday he passed away Jim was a native of Perth, was educated here, and grew up a model young man. He was inter ested in navigation, studied shiperaft, {und was granted his Sapa' & papers, {being in charge of the . Lows. Jim {was also a fireman, oy a member of the Brotherhood 'of Locomotive Fire men, He was well liked by all and his untimely death is lamented by all his | friends, { i i What Thaw Has Cost. New York World It is conservatively it has cost the county of New York, $150,000 to prosecute Thaw for the killing of Stanford White and to se cure his incarceration in Matteawan How much more i= if going to cost to keep him there ? Mow much more taxpyers' money must be spent in op posing the new attempt to have him declared sane with resources of legal nnd expert medical talent to mateh those employed in kis behalf ? The unlimited use of money to keep Thaw out of prison has imposed a grievous burden on the county. It has been obliged to meet Bi defence unpar alleled in a criminal action,, to reinforce the ordinary process of justice with- an outlay te render the prosecution effective which has wholly extraordinary. And all whut ? To secure the rights of people in the case of a murderer has received a fair trial and estimated that and been for the who whose to oppose further obstacles straint' imposed on him. If this worthless human being were to live 150 years he could not reim- burse the community in dollars aml cents for what he has eost it. . to re In a speech at In Boston, President Taft's personal view as to the re ciprocity paet negotigted with Can- 'Ada has been disclosed. By it Can ada was to become "only an adjunct of the United States," These are Taft's own words in a letter sent to Theodore Roosevelt ten days before the paet was sigued. Hon. Mr. Coldwell, minister of edu- for | cation for Manitoba, mdge. J. A. Aikins, the provincial cabinet will be made a M.P., may join at | tland tea fathers wen over ninety old. i all aged {add greatly ling their e } ¥inol, Mrs. years old, "1 have three years cond bottle {do all it is recommended to de {that it is all that has kept me ithe past th | every (the best." I Vinol is or e and and THE DAILY BRITISH AGED /"CHIDREN" . Fathers Were in evolution. are still living in New Env more Persons Lhe All of them arc ome elderly persons ean to their comfort by keep nergy theories on A that I went the highest point through the use our delicious preparation, A. wit of Harrisonburg, Va.. been using and Aree other medicine f fine now, VeArs. and strength up cod fiver hout oil. Bassiord, and 1 eighty-six Sava: Vinol for the past on my thigty-ze think Vinol am 1 and alive and found Vinol or old people beens its immediate effect is to sharpea the appetite {ing up nati pay _ and enrich iral the blood, build strength and energy We guarantee Vinol to do all this and back your money Mahood's drug store, i it does not Kingston, Ont GIVING MONEY HIS HOBRY. Dr. Pearsons Gave Five Million Dol lars to Colleges. Chicago, April ball Pearsons, who in rece £5,000,000 to small colleges, chiefly the middle from poeum , Hinsdale, ! poor man. It was D that than ment." any live one nt wes Rana, a suburh; r. Pe "giving away er sport than basuball, other His death jexpresséd expectation that he hundred years years 29.~De." Daniel ninety-two years gave more Kim old, than in died on Saturday in a sanitarium comparatively 1 at @ declared a great who money Arsons is and more form of cutertain defeated his often would CHILD SCALDED TO DEATH In Big Boston Store----Police Boston; Cone, five IS | store {turned into Il, te'dent oven lice denied one of the store officials had admitted { the acciden Mass., vears lunch evunter here, death when a cauldron of water being and | a ec fe spilling its i child cooked nearly died en route to the hospital Fhe ir rr ed all t. was Denied It. April Iriv Louise old, while sented at in a big depaitment literally boiled to on) ffee urn toppled boiling contents over little gifts body om the waist up. The The it Wis She a po until Tuesday of fast knowledge A Lamented Death. Perth Cour The home ie r of Mr. and Peter KR. Sin clair was cast into gloom in the death ton 1 Myrtle tis. ishe taught school, looked I} her Bed, Tuesday illness, uesday, Agnes, Miss Myrtle possession of money now ennbles him | oven weeks ol ay n to their eldest daughter, from acute endocardi returned home o from Jasper, for a rest, an forward to the time when she could retur past six weeks she was coniined and her wily a the to her duties. For passing away on relief to a wearisome | The end came peacefully. Miss | Myrtle was a bright and accomplished voung ladv, She was educated at the Pérth public school and Collegiate In stitute, General Lyautey, one capable and nt the same popular officers of the army, lected as the Morocco. All the opera music at Dutton's from | of and Ottawa normal. -------------------- Spring Maid," 209 Princess street. Corn and Rice resident of the most time most was se French governor "Enchantress," ete ---------- a Dame Nature has stored up delicate flavour and rich nourishment in these three natural food grains. The best parts of wheat, com and rice are select- ed and blended to make Post Tryi it for » avern Special The result is a smooth, creamy, delicious food--- rich and satsifying. Easily cooked, to be served hot with sugar and cream, same as old-fashioned porridge. Now made i in Canada and sold by grocers, 5c. . Tomorrow's Breakfast Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co. Lid. Pure Food Factories, Windsof. Ontatia, Oantda whose American soldiers in Ie | Revolutionary war over 100 years | vier parts of the union will | i tried almost! fun | some | where | WHIG, MOXDAY, APRIL 29. 1912 Its [Jelicious Drawing Qualities" NEW MARRIVGE TESTS « ertificates of Health, Wealth Domestic Training. Baston, April 27.--The snnouncement irom Chicago that Bishop Anderson land Dean Sumer have declined to al Jow marriages to be solemnized at the Cathedral of Peter and St. Paul {unless couples are provided with cer |(ificates . of good heath has aroused considerable interest here and in oth Mabel RB pastdr of the Chorch of Tm i= Boston's exclusive Back Avier, annoanoes her cordial and, as the newspapers here 'goes two better than Ubiea >t. lev Witham, 'mortalis Bay: qu (support, put it, a." i Ihe Rev. Mabel declared that plist ors should refuse to marry less they { produce slai'ed on Enquiry © couples un three certifi « Are manifested in millions of Teapots daily THE TEA OF STERLING WORTH FAGF SEVEN. TRAVELLING. RAILWAY CRETE (anddian National Horse Show Toronto, Ont. April 30th te May 4th Round Trip Tickets fxsued $5.40 acloding one admissio Show. good going Apr valid for return on fith, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Canadian North West and Rewry Tuesday, April 30th Ww. to « Le and lcates. The first is to be doctor, stating that they have passed a medical inspection; the second must be from a banker or other responsible person to the effect that the would-be husband has demonstrated his ability to mamtam a wife in decent circom- stances; and the third should eertily that the bride had received a proper {training in domestic science and the ove from a PHONE 987. BICYCLES Mx. & BICYCLE SUNDRIES DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON at Cat Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, Send for Cut Price TORONTO Drop on ali work er llne A fslituaies given repairs and new i {srdwoed Floors of all kin.s Thon 48 Onsen Bee Thomas Copley vanting anything done in the Carpen- rders will receive Jrompt entis Ms ond Tuesday thereaft 17th Tickets good for 60 days For full information. apply J. P.. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johngon and Ontario KincsTeng PEMB il ae Nish ala mysteries of 'household management. The advanced pastor declares that {she will introduce these rules in her own church, and the announcement has given rise to cowsiderable discus: sion. She further intimates that dhe | would like a fourth ecertificat one certifying that the couple were really in love with one another--but recog- the impossibility of obtaining F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. REMOVAL NOTICE Owing to rebuilding, Myers" Meat Market has removed to 115 Brock Street, near Peters' Flour Store. Mr. Myers will be pleased to meet all old customers and new ones with the same court- esy as at the old staad. I Ny ers. See our window displ nizing an unprejudiced opifion on this sub ject, she is willing to waive the ques- tion. Designs. Floral Sprays specialty. Sweet Pea Seed Bulk Named Varieties 'Phones: Store, 239. Conservatories. Residence, 1212. CONVICTS STRIKE FOR FOOD. {Varden at Sing Sing Promises Larger supply=--Trouble Settled. | Ossining, N.Y., April 29.The con Special prices in Cut Flow- ay Wedding Bouquets and Floral | oar oll? UNE RS IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Homeseekers' Excursions TO) WESTERN CANADA and return. a in | Tuesday, April 2nd, and every {victs in three departments in Ning prison went on strike. In one {shop the men are still "out." In the other two shops the strikers were in duced by Warden John 3S. Kennedy to | return to work, bat not before he had promised to provide them with a larg er supply of food. In the of one group of strikers, the warden was in duced let a convict out of a dark the: men would go back to Sing eves FARM FOR SALE Situated near the Village of NVERARY, convenient to and Church, Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, ing Cement Silo, all in gocd repair; also good Orchard. For particulars, apply to E. BLAKE THOMPSON, MARKET SQUARE, OVER NORTHERN OROWN BANK. KINGSTON, ON case incin to cell before work. The sirike started waggon shop, in the and where eighiy convicts announced their intention of doing no work unless a more plentiful supply of food was promised them. The keep ers marched the strikers back to their cart 'Phone 286. 110000000000 school $00 0000600000000000000 second Tuesday thereafter until September 17th Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario 5t ¥. bo, CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent, {ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers 1- "Phone T. cells and the matter was reported to Warden Wennedy. le promised to see that the men got. plenty of food and to release from the dark cell one of | their gang who was undergoing pun lishment. As the on the vie's men were crossing the yard way back to work other con- 1s the RIGHT shouted : "How did you make and GASOLENE ENGINES, done promptly ard at reasonable prices. Boilers and Machinery out." "We won," responded the strikers, and this was the signal for a sim- {ilar strike in the shoe shop, where the men, numbering about eighty, dropped their tools and declared that they iwould do no more work unless the {ford supply was increased. Again the warden was notified and h~ ordered that they be taken to their cells, The third group to strike were the convicts in the knitting shoo, number ing about eighty. They had about the same grievance as the others, but af ter the warden had talked to them, they consented tO resume work. OLD-TIME ACTRESS RETURNS We carry a {ull stock of Geeolene Engine Fittings and plies A trial solicited. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. 'Phone 420. OF COMMERCE Have installed in their ia Ward, Australian Evangelist | Will Go Back to Stage. | Sydney, NSW, April Ward, a prominent actress jstage for den years, and the Antipodes, profession for the cause of religion, about a decade ago, and has since {drawn great audiences at evangelistic Ime tings, announced at a meeting here, | yesterday, that she had received a call [to retwrn to thesstage, and that fol {lowing much prayer, she had decided ito do so. Speaking with great bitterness stated that if she lived to be a dred vears old she could never {from her mind the beggarly way in | which she had been treated in her Christian profession. She declared that in ten. years' work she had made ab solutely nothing but her living ex | penges. For dthe first time in ten years i Miss Ward occupied a box at a thea {tre last night 27.-~Ada on the both in Englanc and who left the Vault a rest of SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES If you have any WILLS, TITLE DEEDS, MORTGAGES, OTHER INSURANCE VALUABLES POLICIES they shonld be lodgéd in one of these boxes che | hun erase THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND RESIDENTS OF TUE COUNTRY is drawn to the Security these Safety Deposit Boxes afford against LOSS OF VALUABLE DOCUMENTS, ETC, BY FIRE For further particulars ard information, P. C. STEVENSON, Manager, Apply to MAD CONVICT KILLS FELLOW. I Shoes orth Man Stabbed With Spoon Sharpened for Purpose. Warren, Pa., April 20.---In the state hospital for the insane at North War een, an dendly combat oecured in the ward for insane criminals, when Jacob Cosach, committed from Clearfield county for attempted murder, leaped from his bed to the one occupied by Fagene Hall, committed from CUraw- ford county for murder, and with a spoon he had sharpened to a keen ¢dge on the cement floor, drove iti many times into the body of Hall, who died. The encounter was terrific though oi short duration. With the superhuman H strength of lunatics they struggled, H Cosach laughing with fiendish glee as | he sent the spoon into the bbdy while Hall yelled Jike a dewion. Guards pall- ed the murderer off with difficulty. Cosach labored under the hallucina- tion that Hall was i ning to strangle him with electrient ------------ COMPANY AND ROYALTY. Makes Demand for Money on 100 i Tons Dug Up. Koranton, Pa, April 29. Trouble has arisen between Jones and Marwick, { contraciors on the Tenth district sew: and the Scranton Coal company, of coal mined by while they were driving a tunnel un- | der a street. : The company has notified the con- i tractors that they will have to pay! | royaity on the coal taken out, and the latter retort that they are dot} | i to, as the goal is under a {highway and that the compssy has L only the right to drive gaugways Jthrough it. sev OP It's a treat to see all our New Spring Shoes. The biggest showing of Up-to-the-minute Shoes in the City. New Button Shoes in Tans & Blacks, New Pumps in all leathers, New Colonials and we are even showing Nu-Buck in Buttoned and Pumps. Our line of PlasMate Shoes for Children are made on correct automatic lasts in all leathers and style. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE EOME OF GOOD SHOES" firooms and brushes at Pickering's. place to get a.l kinds of Boats and Launches, Steam Repal sup- THE CANADIAN BANK OR THEFT, Kingston, (n} - St. Lawrence Season TO LIVERPOOL. it | Tunisian sails Fri, May 3, May 31 fit | Virginian sails Fri. May 10, June 7 || Corsican sails Fri, May 17, Juhe 14 i Victorian sails Fri, May 24, June 21 i TO GLASGOW. || pretortan sails Sat, May 4, June 1 || Hesperian sails Sat. May 11, June 8 || Scandinavian sails May 18 June 15 { Grampian sails Sat., May 20, June 22 ll TO HAVRE AND LONDON, | | | i | Davis Dry Dock Company rs i | i iH 3fcilian sails Sun., May 5, June 9. I {onian salls Sun., May 12, June 16. il Corinthian sails Sun May 19, June 23 cotian sails Sun., May 26, ake Erie sails Sun., Jute For full information tional sai'ngs, rates, ete, June 86 as a1] c J. KIRKPATRICK HANLEY, G Clarence Agents, Kingston ~, P. ' Ry. treet, Allan Line DOMINION REI LITE US PORTLAND, Me. to LIVERPON Most Convenient Winter Part jor Canaarans "CANADA" sails MAY 4 Fares One Clags Cab n (11) $50: Ard 331.28 MONTREAL OU EBet ~LIVERPOO! | The SHORTEST ROLTE to ELROPI Sailings Every Saturday by the "L AU RENTIC'&"MEG ANTIG Ante oR Fitted with every up-t wo ety. Elevaton | « TEUTONIC" & Cc AN ADA" | One Clas Uabin (1D $50 and ah clam pamseagen FASTEST AND prey 1,000 MILES OF 7. LAWHENCT RIVER AND X 1 ONLY 3 1-2 DAYS OCF AN. Montreal Ma 3 WE ERS ie. July 10london and Faris Write ur call C. S. KIRKPATRICK, J. P. Haviey, Grand Tr F. Coxway, K. & PP. Ry CANADIAN NORTHERN S. §. LIWITED 228 St, James Sireet, Moniremi 32 Ci coswsascell COAL The kind you are looking for fo the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantes prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET,