--- THE DAN DAILY A PROFITABLE BANK ACCOUNT PROFITABLE, safe and convenient for Joint Savings Accounts zt the Bank either of two persons may withdraw venient household accounts. are tke from whicn These are ¢ the depositor Toronto, money. of 08 INTEREST is added half-yearly to all balances OUR large Reserve Funds and res curves ensure salety money. for your CAPITAL REST . $5,000,000 . $6,000,000 Bank of Toronto Assets : $57,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH-107' PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, . Watch And Clock Repairing GIVE SPECIAL AT- TO THE REPAIR- WATCHES AND My prices on wir- ing, Fixtures, Etc. place the installa- tion of Modern Econ- omical Electric Lighting System in homes within reach of all. Estimates cheer- fully furnished free. Consult: me. WE TENTION ING OF CLOCKS. WE CAREFULLY EST! MATE THE COST AND GUARANTEE HONES WORKMANSHIP OUR CHARGES ARE REASONABLE, MOBT RODGER & WRIGHT DIAMOND MERCHANTS Formerly Spangenberg's 347 King Street. ig ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 116 Brock Street. Phone 1215 ELECTRICAL WIRING FIC. J. N. SCOTT 'THE DAY'S YS _EPSOES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. z Occurrences in the City and Vicinity ~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. "Buy spring tomies." Gibson's. Men ! You want to save a dollar. Buy your boots at Dutton's. William Swaine, piano tuner, Orders received at Meduley's. Phone 564. Laurence Dunham, of Brockville, spending a few weeks in Kingston. 'Buy spring tonics." Gibson's. Harvey Milne has presented a hand some trophy for eompetition in. the City Soceer League for the season. "Kentucky grass seed." Gibson's. H. Cunningham, psno 4 King wtreet. Leave orders Me Auley's book store. W. BR. Givens and wile, who have beén in Bermuda, for three months, will arrive howe on Wednesday, 'Moth Proof bags." Gibson's. There was a very short session of the police court on Tuesday morning. One drunk and he was given a chance. | Moth proof bags at Sargent's drug store. '1 Ebibitors Show is tuner, at at the Ottawa Horse will include Royal Military Col lece teams. The entry list is very large. "Huy grassy seed," Gibson's. Another mi or cycle has been added to the small "fleet" in the city. "Th latest enthusiast is Edwin Walsh, ot the well-known tailoring firm. Juy spring tonics." Gibson's. Owing to the rally of the Christan Endeavor Socicties Monday evening the meeting of Cooke's Sunday school athletic club was postponed. | Household ammonia, large bottles, 19¢., at Sargent's drug store. { J. M, Farrell, Kingston, has hen appei td on a spedal committee on lesislation in connectjon with the Canacin Fraternal Association. | 'Palmer's taleam powder." I A meeting was held in regard to the purchasing of a new organ for St Kentucky brand. Luke's church on Monday evening, but action was deferred until Friday oven Ng. The funeral of the late William Me Cutcheon took" place from his late res idence Tuesday afternoon to Cat "araqui cemetery... The service was con fucted hy Canon Starr. + Gould Thurston, and fly, Alired sireet, left on Monday, for! Toronta, | where they will reside in future. My ke was for some time employed at McKay's fur store, on Marriage Licenses Issued. eam Neveeee T™ E hHospitals great success. Ou) fo el wital force, drains, blood poison a Sacarens bladder urinary diveanes, = poly 90 Beekman st New York roy Pougera Co, Cold, Foronts If in doubt No, oy Ire address envelo) Meo 0H AVRRSTOCKR OAD, HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, TH PION We have installed-- RAPIONE: JEERY Ba | ies | PREE Look to Dr. Le Clerc | 2 BM CURES v0* | STAY CURED | Special suit case, $1.30. Dutton's. The divisional court before which the appeal of the lignor license, by meng | 1 AW wiil ba heard sits In Toronto inext Monday. It i8 not known what the appeal will be heard. King # Plate Condition Powders.' 5¢. Gibson's, Miss Cochrane, a graduate of Kings- ton general hospital, is acting superin- | tendent of nurses. at the local institu. A Key Cutting Machine . FOR CYALE KEYS Keys cut while you wait. W. J. MOORE & SON Agents for Cadillac, Hudson & Melanughblls Motor Curse, 1912 RATES: 310 tickets, 20 to 25 $1.75 Book of 20 tickets, 45 3 ma 0 Book of J Ticket books must mences Office: "Telephone 68. THE KINGSTON ICE COMPANY » 1bs. eas n' at the Y.W.C » to 50 Ibs. each be pita at the office before ice delivery com- 14 MARKET STREET. tion, until a successor to Miss Wil- loughby is appointed. "Students ! Music sent post free any IMITED. Where. Dutton's. Gibson's. | BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, (AMUSEMENTS ) @ RAND 1 OPERA I HOUS SATURDAY, MAY 4: Two Last Performances in Ameriea. MATINEE AT 2.39. EVENING, 8.13. Return of the Original ALL-STAR ENGLISH COMPANY. In Henry Seton Merriman's Great Play Adapted from the Famous Nevel, WITH EDGED TOOLS ,1,200 Times in England "Their Artistry News. "No better acting ever seen in peg Winnipeg Tribune "In every sense a beautiful London Standard PRICES--Matioee, 25, a5, Eveulng, oe, 75 $1, $1.50 Seats on e Tharsday, ALBERT SPALDING The Great Violinist. ANDRE BENOIST Celebrated Pianist, City Hall, FRIDAY, MAY 3rd Seats, $1.30, $1.00, 75¢, 50e. Plan at Sargent's Drug Score. TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS WILL BE NECEIVED AT the office of the undersigned (where plans and specifications may be seen) ap te five o'clock p.m, on Tuesday May 7th, for the several trades works required in the erection and completion of various buildings of the Sir Oliver Mowat Memorial Hospital, on Lhe estate formerly owned by the late Col, Van Sitraubegzie, in the Village 0 Portsmouth Ont for the Kingston Health Association Lowest or any tender not accepted WwM and America is superb "--Toranto Winni- play." Fry The. necessaril NEWLANDS & SON, Arghitects SALE BY TENDER COMMISSION oF MERCHANT BRUSINESS LATE J. Y, PARKHILL, received by Friday, May the mirchuse Good-will und going concern by he Priacess the 10t of the other of th tate J Y Street Kingston, Furth applicaton No tend w deulars may be had on the ripre premises hoe arily MUNDELL, for m2 LIME: FOR SALE DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard | "Phone 443, 235 Wellington St. ace epted, Solicitor April 20 Executors Kingston, APRIL 30, 1912. fe Ar rrr RATES ee i First insertion 1¢ a word, Each con- secutive Insertion thereafter halt cent 8 word, Minimum charge for one insertion, 35c; three insertions, B0e; six, $1; one month, §3, HELP WANTED. -- -------------------------------------- BOY WANTED TO LYARN THE DRY goods business, RN. Waldron, KINGSTON West BOYS, APPLY TO Hosiery Co, King Street KINGSTON King Street MEN. APPLY Hosiery Co. West TH Ltd A GIRL FOR CONFECTIONARY store. Apply to N. BR, Grimm, 102 Priricess Street A COOK FOR THE HOME FOR AGED people, Montreal Street, Apply on Lhe premises, TWO GIRLS, STEADY EMPLOYMENT. Apply to Royal Ice Cream Parlor, 184 Princess Street AN ELDERLY WOMAN OR for light housework 216 Colborne Street, YOUNG gir Apply 10 A COOK AND CHAMBERMAID: Res ferences required Apply, ihe Avonmore, 207 William Street TWO APPRENTICES TO LEARN THE electric trade Apply. Newman Electric Co, Princess Street GOOD GENERAL SERVANT FOR family of one; highest wages paid oH ply to Mrs* CF. Gildarsleeve King Street. BAKER, State ed T SECOND, OR age, experience, Day work, mixer Webber, Renfrew, IMPROVER. wages want. in shop. Geo, ont MAN Wie KNOWLEDGE gardening and carina for lawn Apply, Hugh Maep! 10n, corner King and Centre, or 335 King St en eee ec. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corcesponding for newspapers; no canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Byndi« cate, 3,9¢% Lockport, N.Y, oF INTRY able Scotch, DOMESTICS, English and maids; also Danish girls; parties arriving weekly Apply now, Th Guild, 71 Drumntond trot, Mont- real," or" 227 Bank Street, Ottawa. 227 CAV- Irish OLD Co NURSES FOR TRAINING SCHOOL, -- Young women of good eduacaiion and ph i wanted to Trainin for Nurses: three years. Address, Superintend ent. of Nurses, Muhlenberg llos- pital, Plainfield, N.J., U S.A AGENTS --FASTES of the cent steamship Titanic greatest tragedy; over to watery graves; don't depend on newspaper reports; get facts; duly paid, best terms; outfit free, I Ziegler © Chicago Adib b bb ee Pb tb PMP bb Pb ber HELP WANTED, A MAN TO ACT AS CARE. taker of the YMCA and Bexton of Chaimers Church Apply - to Mr. + Meserve, SLLING ruction of the ocean 1.600 so ROOK the 16 &» + ed * * + > Ppt Pd IMITED.! Miss E. Hall, | the Young {deavar so travelling secretary of People's Christian En- itties, of Ontario, will stay A. wihtle conducting her conferences in the eity. Special antiseptic tooth paste, 2 tubes, 25¢c. Sargent's drug store, Dr. Frederick Cooke leit Monday neon for the Norwegian hospital, New Yord, where he has been taken on tee staff. On his way he will spend few days with hs brother, Ur, Cooke, at Newington, Ont. Liquid Veneer and Re-Nu-All for sal: Sargent's drug store, 'Buy Hower seeds." Gibson's, two weeks' | at A Bibby's Livery FOR SALE By Public Auction, ON SATURDAY, MAY 4th, 10 A M. The undersigned having decided to go into The Automobile and Garage Business will offer his stock of-- Horses, Wagons, Buggies, Single and Double Rigs, Single and Double Harness, Complete outfit of Victoria Carriages, Hacks, Waggonettes, Etc.' At Public Auction on the Premises Brock St., at 10a. m. Saturday, May 4th This will be one great chance to get an out- fit at your own price . Al Quantity of Hay, Straw and Oats. W. M. Davis, Murvale, Ont., who ha taken the Whig for over thirty-five years, and a former reeve of Kingston | | townsiip. is the father of Guard En who was through the sensation in the penitentiary on Monday. Fresh supply of best lawn seed Sargent's drug store. | A number ot Kingstonians will go 'down to Ogdensburg on Wednesday to {attend the consecration of Rev. Fathe: !J. H. Conroy, vicar-general of St 'Mary's cathedral, of that city, as au xiliary bishop of the diocese of Og densburg. MUSICAL KI Victor Emmanuel Makes Senator. Rome, April 30.--In the list of twen- | | ty thred new senators who have just | 'been nominated by King Vietor Fm I manuel, the name of Arriogo Boito, the famous musician and friends of | musicians, figures conspicuously. The clause in the statutes specifying the qualifications for nomination the senate says, "for brilliant services in the sciences, belles-lettres and the (arts, but so far whenever artists or scientists have become senators it has {been under the fessors, members of tific societies, or else as landowners. Boito, who ranks among the most em- 'inent musicians, in Italy, is {ted as professor and member of Royal Soeiety of Naples. Arriogo Boité is a native of Padua, { though Milan is his city of adoption, | ! the city in which his work, "Nerone," the i {eagerly awaited, will {It was in Milan, also, in 1862, tnat | | he obtained his first success which sent | him to Paris and to the society of Yerai, Berlioz and Rossini. The name of Boito is int to the chronicle of music and literature of the period. A musician and a writ- mer, he has kept ir. close touch with the various ftemes and personalities, which have contributed to the evolu tion of mage both at home and abroad. oJephistophles, 2 was Bry in 1875. ok is work for which he is best known- by the general public. Bis, Greun, of the township Jonge, as charged by one Fh -h on i retaining his clothes, exopecated by the magistrate, ho did not even -eall the give evideoce. Ee camphor, fresh, Sargent's drug sore At Ithaca, N.Y., the Central | school with a loss "of $50,000, Ahat the fire was of iin : It is believed or: Po Boito a to" nomenclature of pro-s literary or scien- nomina- | the completion of which has been %o be first given.'| | Bibby 7g" Will be sold by Public Hh Livery Auction on SATURDAY, MAY 4th «CELEBRATION OF RAISIN DAY APRIL 30th. The celebration of Raisia Day was instituted in the Stale of California, where the raisins grow, and the day is no generally observed throughout Canada and the United States by all citizens eating raisins on that day, prepared in various forms and ways. "EASTER BRAND " Seeded Raisins Of Highest Quality, Packed 'n 1h Cartons. our Grocer For Them 'FOR SALE i} At Attractive Prices Ask commodions all modern econ- splendid locations (2) A number of moderate size brick and stone ences, all modern convenlences, at right prices (3) A number frame al bargaiyg figures, of the best localed building lots in the city, con- venient to car line (6) A number of attractive mod- ern houses for vent, furnished and unfurnished (6) Canadian Pacifie Farm Lands in katchewun and payment plan down. (7) - High-grade Stocks yielding at right prices My list of offering publish, and would, there- Foto solicit a call from any ho are interested in bargains of real estate of any descrip- tien. HOWARD S. FOLGER, 44 CLARENCE STREET. EY TO LOAN. (1) Several residences, veniences; larg of houses (4 Some Railway Alberta, Sas Manitoba; essy 10 per cent Bonds large and interes. 8 Is too larg ET -------------------- ESCAPED FROM ROCKWOOD. Female Inmate Was Not Located for Several Hours. Portsmouth certainly has its share of excitement, on Monday. In addi tion to the five desperate prisoitrs es- caping from the penitentiary, one of the female inmates, at Rockwood hos pial escaped, and was not Joeated for several hours. A number of the atten- dants were seatterad th tthe district, with the resalt that the miss- ing woman was soon vounded up. Myron T. Herrick, the new American to France in succession to Robert Racan, ters of credence 10 President Fallieres. "Ring's Plate Condition Powders." Gibson's. of the late Major-General building burned to the ground, "Frederick Bent Grant, U.S.A. leaves isvivanls have his entire estate to his wife, lda Ho Bore a flower seeds." Gibson's. | nt, * weneral Secretary, YM UA. 4 PEP eP EPROP 2 REE LEP IIRE WANTED---GENERAL. aa About October Cann's Real Brock Street, NICE CLEAN RAGS machinery: will pay same British Company. 1st. Apply to Estate Agency, Me i FOR WIFING gowd price for Whig Publishing RORROW, $10,000 mortgage on farm perty Bateman & state Agents, 67 Kingston ON FIRST snd elty pro ardiner, i irence Sippet SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- scription; first class work: best leather only used; ome trial will suffice. Bring your repairs to Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor, of Clergy West. TAKE NOTIC THAT I WILL BOY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices; sée me before anyone else. J. Thomps-n, 333 Princess Street, next St. Andrew's Church. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up. to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and jopairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock St, near Bibby's Livery, eens ee teat a KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING Co. 21 Montreal Street--Leave all orders at 'SBargent's Drug Store goud window cleaning weather is ound to come; don't delay your order until toe late: place It at once and be sure of a capable man to clean your windows; we also teke off storm windows, OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS "-.R. G Ashcroft, D.O,, 136 ellington Ba Yrcatle the the Post fice: chron aoa nte methods and Electrical Vibration; he ts by appointment. "Phone MEDICAL. FREDERICK 3, ist. Nose, Throat Wellington Street, Hours: 9 to 1} day, 2 to 4, S14, "FT hone OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. TRANSATLANTIO LIN C. Aen "5 CAYS, SPRC AL and Ear 1 Orner Johnson 2105 71n38, Sun and hy appointmen: 8. Kirkpatrick ce Street, Kingston. FURNISHED HOUSE T0 RENT FROM IN MONDAY MORNING, am, between the Dairy Hegiopalis Colleg " Gold Wateh' 1 Finder will Whig office ABOLT » School and Gentleman's fob (eagle) please isave at the and receive reward PARCEL, wr OWNER'S NAME AND --address M+ Relay afternoon, Perth Road, aud Gienburnie to office Reward offered A PAIR OF NOSE GLASSES, LAST Friday night, between Arch Strest and Odd Convocation Hall. Fin der od Cenvoeation, Tiall Finder please return to 115 Gore Street and receive suitable reward ; hi ® CANARIES. CANARIES, GERMAN CANARIES, «« ANOTHER shipment of those beautiful song birds just received: come in and hear them; each bird a guarantsed Bongster, Jd, Driver, cerner Jusen and Barrie Street. 'Phone BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home; no aaa be your own boss. Bend for free booklet; tells how, Heacock, 2,968, Lockport, N.Y. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GENERAL INSURANCE, « BOON, Agent, 158 Wellin Fire, Life, Accident an Polictes issued. T. I ton St; Health BATEMAN & GARDINER.--FIRE, Lite, Accident, Insurance and Cus. toms: Broker; Real Estate and oney to Loan: a share of your usiness solicited, 67 Clarenoe Street, Kingston. 'Phone $06. K. CARROLL, Street--Fire, Life, Health Insurance, Employers' Liability and Mot Boat Insurance, Security Bonds, Real Exfate in Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Moose Jaw, etc. 14 MARKET Accident and Plate Glass, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; established 1863 president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and ebentures; mortgages pur~hased; deposits received and interest al- lowed, bd MeGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBR assets, $61,187,215. In addition t« which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of all the stock-helders. Farm and ¢ity property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old oy giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents "Phone 326 TO LET. r 1 WNISHE n HOUSE, Neo. ® Low: ER LU nior treet Apriy bs ui . Whig + flice ELEGANTLY FURNISHED and small rooms; all conv Apply, 10% Queen Street ARGE FIRNISHED ROOMS, wWiTH or withot!t haard, near City Park, 28 Wellihgion Street. LARGE enien --- STORAGE POR FURNITURE, CLEAN, alry rooms, aboslutely moth (pur own Jock an ke "® torage, usen 'Phone 526. LARGE YARD, a ITABLE FOR ( OAL wood or storing pury corner of Dc and Otani Streets Apply te DJ, Millan, on the premises » CLEAN niEh- bo dry; and eto | McCann, Brock Street. FURNISHED HOUSE, cnces; seven large rooms; down uw; Nanay to a ) LG summer hb il lam Street JOHNSON ALL CONVENT ig ET; MODERN solid brick: ie nt Pa month; 11 rooms. elega var . and barn. Ap ply. 1. Cohen, 136. Queen, or One. iario and Darrack Btreets, A FURNISHED HOUSE, ELEVEN rooms, with all conveniences, 1n- cluding 'phere, centrally located from May till October. Apply at 208 King Street East $2,600 MONTRE AL STREET. ; new plumbing STREET, STORE $L100--2 LARGE drive house on Princess Street SS00--ISLAND, 41 ST, LAWRENCE River, 2 acres, off Gananoque GARDINER, #7, CLAN. BRICK AND LOTS AND Goob [£1 BATEMAN & Ende Street DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DD moved Lo 258 Princess Bret BB SPARKS AND SPAR 230 1-2 Pri jure Phone 146. IN, C. C. NASH 'Ww eloker = "Phone 726, DENTIN ncess Street, Reon briacess 8 LDS, DENT. prxhiess Office, tr, 'Phone DENTIST assistant, 133 5. A. AYKROYD, DD, iw over Dominion Wellington 8. BH, SIMPSON, fat, corner Eatrance on phone 626. ns, D.D.S . nh nay DENT. ot Btreet, T CATERER. WE CATER TO PARTI Weddin IB tg BALLS "Fable ire Insurance Company, Available! A NEW MILCH nL. Aq oy AND WHI cow Apply otter Montreal 8 CANVASS ny ERED « Non ie PRET Eg, in ® ii Hu A LOT OF WARDROBES ron 8 To $10 a piece; aise a few ¢ lea cup- boards, at Turk's. 'Phone 705. (BRICK) HARROW. with furniture and Apply, D. Graves, ALBION HOTEL smith, Ont. livery stand. Proprietor. A PAIR OF SOLID BRICK ROUSES; five bedrooms each; not far from University; must ba sold; owner leaving city Apply, J. K. Carroll, 14 Market Sireet. : GROCERY RUSINESS IN ONE op the Lest residential sections of the city; good realons for sellin Apply to I. K, Carroll, Ne 5 Market Street. "Phone No. 88. a-- L--------- re -------------------- AW NINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS w= apt, Joseph Dix, Salimaker, the best awning maker I t city. If you want a well made one that will last the longest, drop a card to 211 Nelson Street TEN OLD NGLISH OAR Chairs and two arm chairs, lelfiher seals and backs, al very reasons able prices. 1. Lesses, eorner Prine cess and Chatham Streets I one 1045 ---------- ---- wm G BEST WESTERN INVESTMENTS am agent for Grand Trunk Pacifie « townsites SARY payment pian; alsg some choice lots in Bassane, Alta, and Welland, Ont. Apply, J. K. Carroll, 14 Market Street, FOUR GROCERY STORES, dwelling» attached; Kood tions in eily: also general and dwelling in thrivin nearby Apply to T. J I kh Ontario Chal ogre. Clarence rye og Unt, = Kingston Bh Ela. Rook SOL Jp BRE K HOUS et completed win locas TENTS AND your order for small salls at X. Baze old reliable, who khows ha ness: will cater to your wants: 46 ft right; no high prices, 153 On- tarlo Street, Kingston, AWNINGS --LEAV awnings, tents FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANS camping, outfits, fishing marine supplies, - lunch bas English raincoats, everythi canvas, kit bags, silk tents, hoods, motor boat Frank Ww, Sonks, 269 Ont 'Phone #91 or 2 a FIRST-CLASS KGS FOR HATCHIN carefully selected, handled an shred; S.C, Rhode Island Reds, Bar- red Roe ks, an Write Wyandotte; 78 cents for cheaper for lar oF quantities; all bred from fowl and early layers. M 1. Boyd, 106 Pine Street, ingestion, Ont, MOTOR noAT, WANDA 2 »r, 5 ft, in. stationary Bit circle windows; planking, 1 inch; 1 1-2; copper complete: Apple for lighting and Apply to Dr aad b2 Street, Ringston, FOR QUICK SAL substantial chan Broo three finish; lin x piping. © outfit lacie nition, ohnson OFFER T a known gos - Building and Btrest rie h will Hote all tenants, leases, by range will give you full list, and $12,000 will buy reutyl taken at once. Address, Geo. Cl Estate Broker, Edmonton. Alts. - HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK MOTEL, ONTARIO " opposite G.T.R. station, one block from CP R.; on street car line; bar supplied with best of wines and liquors; charges, $1.25 per day; special rates by the week. Joka Cousineau, Prop. THE GRIMASON Princess Street. Bar the best of Ales, Liquors and Clgars HOTEL, 42-344 stocked with Beers, Win choicest Meals, 25¢ each, rates by the week stable accommodatibn Ra reasonable Mulville & Driachll PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, SIRTR. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanentl without scar; 27 years' ax - hae, Dr. Elmer J. Laks, Nose Throat and sis Soectatiat. "Sn Bagot Street fie. also Rent Dishes, Linens and Silverware. Reld Hambrook, corner Union and Divi. sion Streets. "Phon 3 CURRIN, JVI, RAR, CURTAIN CLEANING. Spring means house cleaning and curtain cleaning. We can save you time and trouble by cleaning your curtains and household Articles, and do it better than you ram do MH at home. R. PARKER & 00. Dyers snd Cleaners, OF Princess St. Kingston, Omi. | "We Guarantee rR ---- Nk a "Kentucky grass seed.' Gibeon's. The anthracite coal miners in Pern an fucrease of black 10 per cent. in Ww Soe; staged Dlowsse: She. Dutton's. i ARTHIR ARCHITECT, Brock m2 ¥ HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITEOD, 26% King Street, 'Phone Th & SON, ARCHIE. Offices, 258% Bi x WH. NEWLANDS tects, ete "Phone 608 na an an Brock and Welling' dron a card ro ett UPHOLSTERER. UPHOLSTERING, RE. w. J RAVING Biirine and arpet mo. pelted; nova 0] call 316 Bagot Btreat ss vark at BUSINGSS NOTICE. a --- DAVID MARSHALL, PLUMBER, GAR. fitter and Electrical. Suppites hap changed hie address 91 Quesw RBrbeet, whines extended his} basiness. and ta supply all customers at + rates and workn : a for your! - Every sont" Grate Fire keeps the' chill off. SWIFT'S