' + Tickets good leaving Kingston, SrAGE six = ow Se ous) Naags ant So. PRAISES CANADIAN PRESS, -- Still Reads Our Papers, Grey. London, May 4 --Earl Geey, presided at a meeting of the paper press fund yesterday, made some remarks apropos' of the Can- adian press. He wouldn't flatter the British journalists, he said, by .say- ing that the Canadian press was in some respects inferior to their own, as owing to journalistic eahditions in Canada, comparison couldn't be ad- mitted. The spirit of party rivalry be considered - maturally unfavorable to the creation of a press which could subordinate dividends 10 exelnsive re- gard for the highest interests." "Phere are, however, brilliant ex options," remarked the exTiovernor Says Earl who nuws-~ LEIS EN TORT 'Montreal' Horse Show MAY 7th to 11th Round Trip Tickets will be lssued at including one afimission to the Show, May th only. 1 Valid for return on or before May 13th HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS | 4 Canadian North West and ih T Tuesday, May 14th and every se- cond Tuesday thereafter until Sept 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. For full information: apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Onterio Sis FO IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. rs Homeseekers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA and return. Tuesday, April 2nd, and every second Tuesday thereafter until September 17th Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office; Ontario St. _ F. CONWAY, 'Phone 50. Gen. Pass. Agent ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season T0 LIVERPOOL. Tunisian salls Fri, May 3, May 31 Virginian sails Fri. May 10, June 7 Corgican sally Fri, May 17, June 14. Victorian sails Fri, May 24, June 21 TO GLASGOW. Pretorian sails Sat, May 4, June 1. Hesperian sails Bat. May 11, June 8. Scandinavian sails May 18' June 15. Grampian salls Sat, May 25, June 22 TO HAVRE AND LONDON. Sicilian sails Sun, May 0, June 9. jonian sails Sum, May 12, June 16. Corinthian sails 'Sun May 19, June Scotian sails Sun. May 26, June 30. Lake Erie sails Sun, June 2. July 7. For full information as to addi tional suildgs, rates, elo, apply. to oi 8. KIRKPAY RICK, HP. BARLEY, GT i Clarence Hoa Allan Line Agents, Kingston. BUMMER SAILINGS. Empress of Britain .. «\ y. May Lake Manitoba .. ;. «+ May Bb * Lake Champlain Bus ares MAY § Empress of, Tretund .. .. .. May 13 A . May 3% Jane: § June 1% ta General, "I have been so favorably impressed by the ambition of certain Canadian journaliste to make the pa- J pers for which they weré responsible fearless champions of principles which make a natioh honofable, that I retained the practice of vraving their articles to my great profit and advantage even after my return to Loudon." To Make Good read. iejnircs good vesst, and to have good veast you should insist upon vour mover giving you White Swan Youst cakes. A Je. package enmtains a cakes. Free samp le sent on request, White Swan Spices & Cereals, Limit ed, Toronto, Out. It is often possible to tell a hard | drinker by his mug. i The kind you are looking for fs the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL ts good Coal and we guarantes prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Na 'ougers Co,90 Beckman st NeaTork or ont? Bros fhe Toronto. IfindoubtNo, on send address envelope for FREE book to Dr.Le Clerc ¥i H E \Pi oO PSTRAD, LL. AEB TOF FING. ON.&% SURED BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON ot Cut Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, Send for Cut Price Catalogue. TORONTO F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Special prices In Cut Flow- | ers. See our window display. Wedding Bouquets and Flotal Designs. Floral Sprays a specialty. Sweet Pea Seed Jn Bulk Named Varieties. "Phones: i Store, 239. Conservatories. 2356 |-¥ Residence, 1212. obstinate 10% CASH Given to agents selling lots in NEW ROCHELLE. Beautifully located on South Shore of river opposite Montreal. Electric Car connection with City. Clear titles, Extremely low cen Forty dollars and upwards per lot on easy terms of payment, Writeor wire for full information, SOUTH SHORE LAND CO., B91 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal. Royal Chinese Cafe Phone 1138. 338-342 King 8t Regular dinner from 11-2 pm, hort orders at all hours. Most nodern and finest equipped dining All In the eity. We use nothing ut tht best of foods. Our cooking A Btrictly sanitary by the latest im- roved methods, and our table at- endante is courteous and Shiigivg. 'hat Is why everyone enjoys at 'The Royal." Specially equip- ped apartment . for small banquets, heatre parties, i prop, A CUPRIAL WiLL es (The Drop Light ( THE PATLY BRITISH WHIG, The handsome bouquet of presented to Miss Kuby Driver, the concert 'given By Mr. Fischer Powers, on Tuesday was sent by Miss Bats gnd the pls of ""Bateseourt. . . A number of girls and hoys ¢ are arranging a surprise party for Wed nesday évening next. » - Mre. W. H. Craig, William street, will not receive again this season. Ww ive Miss Lois awn rooms, Saunders is now at her 114 Earl street. - - . = Miss Smythe, West street, will receive again this season. . . - - not Miss Flora Stewart, of Harrow- smith, spent Friday in town en route for Rochester and Buffalo. Mr. S. Mclride, left on Thursday for Montreal and expected to sail this week for England to spend some time. Mr. William Bates, of Montreal, re- turned home on Tuesday after visiting his mother, Mrs. Bates, at Hales Cot- tages, and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bates, Albert street, Rev. J. 8S. M. Compton, St, jdrew's Manse, left on Thursday spend a few days in New York Princeton. Mr. John Dawson, who has visiting his mother for some left on Friday Tor Calgary. Mr. James Stewart, who has visiting his parents, Mr. and James Stewart, Stuart street, turned to Ottawa on Wednesday. Mrs. Ryder, of Sydenham, spent Wednesday: in town with Mrs. W. New- lands, Bagot street. Miss Catherine Fairlie, Brock street, who has been spending this week in Toronto, the guest of Miss Gina Fair- lie, is expected home on Monday. Miss Monn Ferris, of "Toronto, is ex pected in town on Monday to visit Miss Milly Ferris, at "Willow Cot tage." . Ross, Alfred street, will Monday from Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. An- to and weeks, been Mrs. re- - "-e . Miss May return gn where she weakness | King. Mrs. Austin Gillies, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart IR. McCann. Union street, will return to rillies Depot, to-day. Mi--and Mes, Fane Sewell, of -- To- ronio, will lenve on Tuesday for Vancouver fo spend' several months, Mrs. Robert Pringle, of Ottawa, spent Friday in town with Canon and Mrs. Cooke, ""Hazeldell," and left on Saturday for St. Catharines to visit Mra. Weller, . The engagement is donounced Fdmonton of Arthur Lyon Biggar, son of Col. J. Lyons Biggar, Ottawa, to Miss Lilian Hardisty, both of kd monton. Miss Hardisty is one of the season 8 bucs there, - - at - - Wist street, fell days in Mrs. Goorge Emery, m Friday to spend a few rananogue. Mrs. A « ( P. Christmas and little daughter, Margaret, arrived from Montreal on Thursday and ave the guests of Mrs. H. Wilkinson, Johnson street, Mrs. J. B. Carcathers, who is vissing her mother, jee in St. John, NB, is Lomd on Tuesday. The Bishop of Nova Scotia, who has been the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Frontenac street, for the past several daysy left today for Montréal where he will stend a few days eu route to his Lome in Hulifax. "Annandale," Mrs Bur expected Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waldron and the Mis# s Carrie and Ethel Wawdron, Barrie street, who have been in New vord for the past week, nro expe ted home on Menday. trolcssor and Mrs. and Mrs. Colvilles mother, sells, will leave on Monday dor To- ronto, where they will spend a few dare before "leaving for England, whire they will resice. Mists Strange, King street, will Jeave «n Tuesday for Louisville, hen tuesy. N. K. Colville Mis Mrs. George Mahood and two child ren, Gore street," are in New ork visiting. Mrs. Mahoud"s mother, Nrs. E axes . and Mrs. Hugh Osler, Winnipeg. _-- "hate Leen for some time at Hot Springs, Virgmia, will go to New York on Motday, where they will re- mam untd Wednesday, when they are expected to arrive in town to visit Je Hon. Wiliam Hardy, Bagot street. Mrs. Thomas Tandy, who left To ronta last Monday for Fdmonuton, arrived there on Priday to join hers two sons, Mosss Karl and Byer Tandy. who hod in Toron- Misa Florence Wilkinson, been sponding a few days to, has retur Miss' Winnifre "lasted," town tox Prof. Ya Sqrian, Barrie street, left on h lit on Thiialay fo. Miss gi Foote, vi visiting Ais. West Nova Zetia, to be prose at closing exes of Ring Conte. rosed, at Francis evening, Dije been jeiue. has gone to Campbelliord i 4 drug who hay Len away Joe a few days, telurned Lo 3 week wu SATURDAY. 4 [audy, dre expected to arrive iu town fon Monday. Mes. Davoude snd little 'son will spend the summer with Mrs Pavoude"s parents, My. and Mrs. H Tandy, King. street. Dean. Cappon, Barrie street, is spend. ing a few days in New York, Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick, who has been spending some time in Montreal. has returped to Ottawa, amd is the guest of her parents, Col. and Mrs. Pemnington Macpherson. Mrs. E. J. B. Pense.' West street, will leave on Tuesday for louisville, Kentucky, to spend several days, Col. . Dunbar, after spending a few days in town, this week, returned to Ottawa on Fridav. Mrs. J. K. Kerr, of Toronto, is spending the week-end with Mr. and Mes. William Harty, Stuart street, . Mr. Owen Hague arrived from Momt ral to take at course at the barracks. Professor A. K. Kirkpatrick, John son street. left on Thursday for St John, NB. Mrs. Edward Ryan anh Miss Kath leen Ryan, "Rockwood House," re turned today from Toronto, where they have spent the past week. Major A. Macdonald, after spending a few days in town this week returned to London on Friday. Mis. Henri Panet, accompanied Miss Kathleen Carruthers, sailed home to-day from Liverpool. . . a by, for and been Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey Migs Mildred Hotsey, who have spending some time in Berlin, Ger many, are now in London. They ex poet to visit Ireland and Scotland bofore returning home. Mrs. James Johnston, University av- oO spent a week with her sister, Mrs. J. Weatherell. Mrs. 7Z. Prevost, Farl street, whe had becn the guest of her sister, Mrs. XB. W. Jesmer, Pine Avenue Apart ments, Montreal, for the past three weeks, has returned howe. AT THE GRAND. To-night With "Edged Tools" Will be Event, The story of "With Edged Tools, both in book and play form, is taken from the old Enghsh adage, "If chil dren will play with edged tools the ree bound to cut themselves avoner or later," applied symbolically, and the adage, too, gives both book and play their title, Fhe play deals » with the machinations of a young cociety lady who is prepared to go to any length of feminine dishonor to secure for hér self a rich husband. In the process of selection she becomes engaged to tw nen at one and the same time loving neither, but willing (0 marry either to further hor own ends. Luckily, for the men, the father of one of them Bir John Meredith, a retired old di plomat; wishing to save his son from a loveless marriage, discovers the in rigue, and goes out to fight her. She aten, and ignominiovsly throw: aside by fhe men she iad endeavored to trick. Return of *The Chocolate Soldier." "The Chocolate Soldier," which the | Whitney Opera eompany will offer af the Grand on Friday, May 10th, could not have achieved the world-wide vogue which it stil enjoys except for ite superlative operatic and dramatic, merits. No more entrancing or amus ing story dould be found for the theme of an opera than Bernard Shaw's "Arms And the Man," the famous ro- mantic satire on heroes and hero-wor- ship, which, as a drama, has. been translated and performed in hali a dozen languages. The caste which will present "The Chocolate Soldier," on its return t this city, will be in every respect the same which gave it here earlier in the season, and which elicited so much praise from eritics and theatre-goers alike, Miss Alice Yorke, who, fis "Coodie'" Hill, is known amd loved by many persons in Toronto, her native city, still has the prima donna role and associated with her are Bessie Lyons, Mildred Rogers, Juanita Flet" cher, Charles Pureell, in the title role, George Tallman. Francis J. Boyle and George O'Donnell. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. body. striped blouses, O0c.; underskirts, bie. Dutton's. Household ammonia, large bottles, 10¢., at Sargent"s drug store. In this day and generation it's a poor rule that won't work five or six ways, Great sale of strong Trunks and suit cases. Lack of room, cause. Dut- ton's. : When a man falls in love with girl all the other girls cease to mire his taste. Men! You want to save a dollar. Buy hoots at Dutton's, lists' §reicriplicns filled fo.ordet onthe premises wily, at J. S. tiie', 42 King street. city. h. supply of best. lawn seed slore, C. Sinisel, police constablé in 0. for two yoars, has resigned pd left, ®ijh his family, for Moose AD Sh: i » : ele' Keren GANTT I Taye sighel to Rest "Afterwards, 'osti's Good-bya,' and many Duta hk enjoys gathering al od ey sa ome of Chicas sud Mee Garrison, * Hoeven, -- , the occasi bith gs a by of Mr. in. Gar- aud arsine and 8 KoNuiall for sale at 's drug store i music, a "Rustle of g," "Murmur ers." "Lists i * i 's Not: "" ore 8," and 10000 others. Dut "B Ling Barl, of Fdgewood Park, T ., heir to two millions of erosd bill for divoree Be oa to be "Himies a cook in t black Sale of a ad- at family aiden. MAY A Lot of News of Interest to Every- |, 4, 1913 EE A RENINDLED LOVE| IUSBAND FORGETS JEALOUSY WHICH NEARLY COST LIVE. 1 ---- leconcilintion is Confipletes--Still on Crutches, He Hobbies Into Comt and Secures Dismissal of Case Against the Woman. Chicago, May 3.--Six flashes from a revolver held in his wile's hand as the shot at him, wounding him twice, erved only to rekindle the dying love of C. A, Richey for her. So the jeal ous rage of the woman which nearly 'aused a tragedy led to a romance which had a happy culmination in tunicipal Judge Dicker's court. There Mrs. Richey was to face trial on the charge of having tried to kill fhor hushand because she found in his sockets endearing letters from other somen. The state was ready to pre snl its case. There were preseat wit- resacs to tell of how she had fired six hots at her husband on April 9th in heir home. They were to testify how © had received two wounds, ope ina houlder and another in a foot, and ww he was found writhing in pain as fiw wife stood over him, her emptied revolver still in her hand. In'o the vourt reom hobbled a man »m crutches, bandaged and wan. Be s'de him, her "arm around his shoul. der," aiding him at every step, was a voman whose eves were filled with 'ove. There was a thrill of surprise for be prosecuting attorney and them the case was called. "Where is the defendant ?' asked the clerk. the woman rutches arose. "And the prosecuting witness *" The woman turned, held out her hands, and gently lifted the cripple to his feet. "There he said. "1 am C. wokenly. wy wife. wire that Mrs, vhat was right. roubles forever, hat we love each re ever did before." "It would be pitiful. judge," he vended, "to rain our happiness just it the moment we ourselves have dis duered its possibilities. Please dis niss jhe charge against her, for 1 wear I never shall prosecute her." There were tears in the eyes of the udge, as there were in those of others n the room "it is for the state to deeide,"" he nally answered. "It can prosecute if { sees fit, but™ --and he looked restively at the assistant state's wrney. The prosecution responded to the un- ittered plea "Your honor," nolle pros." "The case is dismissed," said the udge, and the Richeys, their arms ocked together, left the court room, The termination of the criminal ease against Mrs, Richey will be followed sw the dismissal of a divorce suit ttarted after the shooting. beside the man on is no prosecuting witness," Sun was," . Richey," he continued \ aon t want to prosecute 1 did wrong and I am not Richeyv' did not do We hate settled our and we know now other belter than } say at he said, "I move to OUR SUMMER SHOWING | I8 SUPERB. Designs and Ma- | of the highest Our Styles, terials are class. Our prices aro moderate: Our services a at d isposal, bs Your satisfaction" ls ensured. GEDYE'S The Up-To-Date Millinery Store 178 WELLINGTON ST. your THE OHPOYERS LIABILITY ASSUME CORPORATION LIMITED OTA ASSETS $10,000,000.00 Deposited Mt Dominion Government for _ Security of as Jolie "BUBINESS TRANSACTED FIRE, EMPLOYERS LIABILITY, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, GUARANTEE, BOXDS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, HOWARD S. FOLGER, Agent, 44 Clarence St. Kington, Ontario, Phone No. 995 - 4 $200.00 IN Lol GIVEN AWAY FREE ATSWRYRESR YBRAPRSRE ERPA deol eight well known finits, Hf 30, YOU CAN EB. hwnow task, Fut by pation e snd Jenagaha gan su Re hd Be a ad oul the second Lagest bumiet the sam of ber tha um af Thin Delian. Yo the . ra TRE CSET BIE ly mike fut SEE wy nde etal § wh Foe I i th ® oe sum of Twenty Ded a ¥ reve Should PERIODS Yo iy comet aps Lg hg thing Tash and of 3 8 Mh une Proportions, Nn ea ill & 4. WE DO NOT Sey eived, NEY TES {Sou ANSWER Ts ADVERTISE Wy ing weer nip fist vor eply. DO NUT hx Anta Mens og be 96 MONTREAL QUR rn MEN'S FINE FOOTWEAR pn Styles in Blacks, Tans, Buttons, Bluchers, at popu- SEE Our Speci] "Willow Calf Tan Blucher at $4.50 Tan Button at $5.00 JOHNSTON' S SHOE STORE 70 BROOK STREET. INSTANT RELIEF FROM ECZEMA You can stop that awful lich from appointed, do not make the mistake eczema and other skin troubles In wo refusing to try this soothing wash seconds other druggists keep this DDD Seems too goo dito be true scription. Go to them If you can't true, and we vouch for it to us-~but if you come to our store, w Just a few drops of the simple, cool-| can tell you all about DDD. Pre Ing wash, the D.D.D. Prescription for] scription and how it cures eczema, eczema, and the itch stops instantly you can get a free trial bottle by writ Now If you have tried a great masy ling D.D.D. Laboratories, 49 Colborne cures for eczema and have been dis-| Street, Toronto G. W. Mahood, Cor. Princess and Bagot Streets. - make TEECAY, of A Pre. but It is come or AFTER THE FIRE A 1enewed shop, "right. and cheery, pick and spau. A Stock of Higa-grad bleycles--Canadian, Engligh, American, ete. An extra Pair Duulop Detachable Covers with" every new wheel sold. A Stock of good Guns, Singleand Double, New and Second-hand, cheap. Goods paid for on jnstalmyent plan or Hberal discount for C. A. Jones, REPAIR SHOP AND UPTOWN 203 PRINCESS STREET. STRAWBERRIES Large Quart Boxes 25 cents. Sc A. J. REES, 166 Princess St. Phone 58 PEOPLE'S BICYCLE DEPOT, Woel's The Great PFngl Remed, Tones and invigaratesthe whole Blood in old Vetus, Cures _~ Mental and Brain Wo ory, hd Kefectn of 4 bust or Fo o eels LOHBC ard Sold by (3 One pe will please, at boule. TL ' oho ous Debility, or mailed in pam, Medicine Cx QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served on shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, 205¢. - PAPPAS 4 O%+ the | Private fitting Room. Phong 225 | MAKE A NOTE of the time you save in one day by riding a bicycle --in one day. The time saved between house and business on each trip during the day--on the trip home at night. Multiply that hy the days in the week and the weeks in The result believable, It your time is worth anything it can be ninde to be worth more with a "Cleveland " Bicycle TE "Cleveland * is so ensy running that riding is a delight. It is so strongly built, =o hand- somely proportioned and finished that it is the best value and most satisfuctory machine made. No- body ever yet saw a "Cleveland " owner who wasn't proul of his wheel, a. "Reason. is almost un- Come in and got a catalogue and see both the ¢* 1shion and Rigid Frane Models,