1912, i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 4, ay ; ome PITH OF THE NEWS. Over the World. | mine Three Nations jap a mull at Vorcuypme ' Wray, Grand Trunk brake Toronto, was killed by a train. CHARGE WHICH CONFRONTED | 'r Ihe is putting | DAVID 'WALKER IN COURT. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. James" He Was Fined $25, With Option of | M00 Bank of Montreal is toincrease Month, for Securing Liquor foriite capital from £16,000,000 eo $23, Member of the "Prohibited List™ | ou oto ~ Magistrate Reprimanded Him | Two boys smoking iu a barn at St.! Yor His Conduct--Other Canes) Clon i Ont., on Thursday, caused a $2.5 hve, Heard, i {| Mulai Hafid, the sultan of Meoroceo, The charge which David Walker had!complaivs that France taken ito answer to in police court, Sa- away all bis authority. jturday 'wmorhing, was two years old:| Grand Trunk officials deny Ihe law does not forget an old | British eable that Sir Thomas charge. On May 2ist, 1910, it was has been made president. alleged that Walker secured ligior for]! Forty pulp beaters in Booth's paper a member of thr "prohibited list," and! mills = siruek, on Friday, for higher when he was arraigned he pleaded wages, and an eight-hour day guilty. Apart from telling the ma H. A. Brazier, of Toronto, has been gistrate that he was ghilty of thalappoinfed assistant city , engineer at charge ha, bad nothing further to say | Lond wm, Ont., at a salary of $1,300, The magistrate gave him un severe] Mexico wants peace, and the Mexican reyrimand for his conduct. congress has appoimed a peace com- "You dre one of the class that -1!mittee to treat directly with the revo- canny { understand," said the court. [ngionists. a "The last thing a wlan should think | Two Russians named Rattners, were of doing would be to do an aet of deported from Mexico, on Thursday for {this kind--to get liquor for a man |irafiicking in arms and ammunition who has no control of himself what with Zepatistas. . ever, when he is drinking." ; Grand Truok officials in Montreal ' The eanrt then imposed a fine ol | say the report that Sir Thomas Tait #25 and ecéts, or one month lis to be appointed president of the Napoleon Newell was wanted on a company, is absurd, charge of keing disdrderly ona Bagot! The contract for the sale of $13,000 - sireit ear last Saturday but he failed 000 bonds of the proposed Salina, to comsly with the SUMmons ( on- Kans,, Winnipeg and Gulf railway, has ! s ahle Dan el Me"arey handed to him heen closed in Paris. | cn Friday night. It is alleged that A fire in the linperial Cotton com- Newell put his fist through a pane of pany, Hamilton, on Friday, caused a Blase Do the ear. A warrant Was 18 lhig panic among the hundreds of sved for h's mivest and he will be gris working there. h ard from later. Lhe citizens ot Naijeybury, to Patric: Murphy is the man who, {number of 1,500, celebrated the an- while drunk,' picked out the railway nouncoment that the town had been' trael s for a Led to have asle), on imade the judicial centre of l'emiska- Friday. The train crew saved his | ming life He sald he was on his way to The skall of Sydenham to pick up a job. His in. suructions were to leave the ety by noon. SPECIAL OFFERING For 3 Days Only |f | wm Monday, Tuesday --- Clipped From Our Many Ex- and - Wednesday changes. Trousers to Measure. Regular $7.50 Values, for - SPLENDID ASSORTMENTS LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET has the Tait REMNANT DAY, MONDAY Commencing at 9 O'clock, Monday Morning, we will place on sale Every Remnant of Dress Goods At Exactly Half Price. temnants of Broadcloths, Remants of Serges, Remnants of Cashmere, Remnants of Whipcords, Remnants of Cheviots, Remnants of Worsteds, Colored Dress Goods, Black Dress Goods, And about 50 Remnants of Silks. Note. This is the hest Spring business we have cver had in Dress Materials, and in spite of good management, Remmants will gather; and this blocks counter space we cannot afford to give, so we have decided to face this serious loss and clear the counters at one clip. . COME EARLY, To-Night We expect a bisy time, as we have ready complete stocks of Spring Hosiery Black Cotton for Women, 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 20c, 25c. Tan Cotton for Women, 15¢, 20¢c, 25c. Lisle Thread Stockings in great variety. : Children's: Hosiery A complete stock, all wanted colors and sizes. CHILDREN'S SPRING UNDERWEAR The right weights for the first change of Spring. TO.NIGHT---KID GLOVES the) Johann Schiller, great German philosopher and poet, miss'ng for nearly thirty years, has been discovered nan old vault wt Weimer, W. C. Laneaster, E.E., of New York, has been appointed superinten- dent of plant design and of electrifiea {tion for the C.N.R. tunnel through | Mount Royal, Montreal, The Italian forws to the east of Tri- poli attacked and captured the Turk- ish positions at lLebda. The Turks {lost 300 men killed, Fight Ttalians Fd Boro {were killed and 57 wounded. a} bought he P A Robli : Zon, has) A ttorney-geyeral Wie kersham Was il { Coil Nilson ian ee rig) 1's yed suit against the Federal Sugar Re $5 00 Prince Edward county j ngaged as fining company, for $100,000, alleged oJ teadent ¥ road superin [to represent under-valuation in Ransom Bonisteel, Dayside, ella. | er-weighing of Sugar imports, ted his niocty-dourth birthday on May |. Arthur Pugh, of Detroit, Mich., aged iat. ¥ Horty-five vears, P. A. Vandewater and Hillier, leit, on 1 uesday, bridge, Alia. William Moffatt has d nce on Phywery Mrs. C. E. Ringer. ' Copsecon Methodist church union vote : For, 360; against, 8. Majority for church union, 352. Pers. Soper, of the Rideau Theatre, Smith's Falls, has disposed of his livery business in Brockville. » Hall, who has been resident on gineer ok the CNR, at Smith's Falls, for the past year, has been transfer red to Ottawa, On Monday, at the residence of his son-imlaw, George N. McKenzie, Wau- poos, Hugh Bell Gawe, passed away, in his ninety-first vear. : Mrs. i. N. Snider, of Perth, on Saturday, aged sixty years. She ix survived bv her husband, one son and one daughter. . the ME, DISTRICT DASHES. is $2,821 560 the was convicted, al Windsor, on Thursday, on a charge of horse stealing. The horse stolen was taken from the Walker bari in Walker ville. The late Dr. D. W, Carroll, who died suddenly at Ingersoll, Ont., on April 25th, aged seventiy-five, left his house to the town to be used as a Protest ant hospital for sick children, and twenty-six acres of land for » vark The mamtenace for the hospital is provided for. by the sale of the mainder of his property. eine ai ------ family, of for Leth sold his resi- street, Picton, to re- A GREAT DEMONSTRATION Held in New York Suffrage. New York, May 4.--The weather man provided a warm sun and a cloudless sky, to-day, for the biggest woman's suffrage demonstration in the higtory of New York eity. Fifteen thousand for Woman's died | Special ale To-Night 7.30 O'clock White Lace Regular $1.90, 2.00, 2.25, $1 Curtains 2.50, for ' 48 Pair 8 different styles. In some we have ogly one or two pairs to a pattern. A Ladies' Long'Gloves "In Suede and Lisle, opened at wrist. Regular 50¢, 60c, Toe. On sale =: 39¢ Pair. Sizes 6, 61, 63, nH 7 » White, Grey, Black, Ta Long loves Will be found the correct thing | * yi bt {died at once by , Browns A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage, Wellington, Rev, W. Elliott tying the nuptial knot be- tween Miss Cora M. Insley and Rob- ert Hill, of Picton, on April 24th. ; THE PLUMBERS' STATEMENT With Reference to Their Strike-- They Explain Theil: Demands, Kingston, May 4.--(To the Edit- or): Kindly allow us to correct a statement in your issue of last even- ing ve strike pay ior the plumbers now on strike. We have received let- ters from all parts of Canada asking for men at the rate of forty-five cents per hour for an eight-hour day. Now we contend that the public will say, that living is higher in those places than it is here. Living is surely high enough here: for imstance, bread is 1 two cents more on the loaf. Of course we know that the driver or the baker gets that two cents (nit) As to patronizing home industry and stores, do the contractors or the mer- chants do that. They do not, but the workmen do 'as far as they can, and we contend that the merchant or the contractor does not join in any move- ment to help the toiler any more than he can help. Now as regards strike pay, do not woiry; we are not erving out. Two of the "oss plumbers have signed the agreement for the increased pay and reduced hours, and their men are at work, and we might say that two of the bass plumbers who refuse to sign the agreement do not employ any men "at the presen: time. If the public can get along with the work done by the apprentices st this crisis, it is their. own business, of course, but the conditions we have been working finder without a prac- tical plumbing inspector is a byword all aver Ontario, and we think if pos. sible this condition should be reme- authorities for the protection of the health' of * the Sein) public. LOCAL UNION, NO, nN. } y the -- Real Estate Transfers. The following veal estate transfers! have been reported during the last few days, through E. W. Mullin's real ss tate offices : 5 Frame dwelling, "So. 5 Bay street, owned by Charles Moulten, to Thomas Jaguith, > i A now solid brick dwelling, Johnson street, owned by Byron Derbyshire, to data Lon ante. A "dwelling, No. 10 Pine street, Messrs owned by Mrs. J. Mellvoy, to people were if line, including a baby carringe brigade. Three thousand men were there, Col. Roosévelt was invited to lead the parade, but was away in Maryland. i ------ Death of Miss Rosie Reeve. The death occurred in hospital, on Thursday afternoon, of Miss Rosie Reeve, Concession street, aged thirty- nine years. She is survived by brothers, George, Frederick, Walter snd Charles, all of Kingston. The doceased was the daughter of the late Calvin Reeve, The funeral was held, Saturday afternoon, from Corbett's undertaking rooms, to Cataraqui cemetery. Rev. R. 8S. Forneri, of St. Luke's church, conducted the burial service, fou Advertising Celebration, Meetings of the finance and adver- tising committees of the 3rd of June celebration were held, Friday evening. The latter chose the litographs for the posters, and authorized the printing of them! and other matter. The de- monstration will be heralded and posted from Belleville to Brockville, north into the county of Frontenae, and across the line into Northern New York state, Mes. Pavid Hogarth, one of Pem- broke's oldest pioneers, passed to the great beyond on Saturday, after a short illness irom paralysis, aged eighty-five years. A. Hassard-Short, a prominent sporting man, of New York, commit- ted suicide on Thursday by inhaling gas from a chandelier, by means of a Will be in great demand, aud we invite you to' see our new Spring colleetion. : All wanted colors and sizes. $1.00 and $1.25." Undressed Kid Gloves In Blacks, Tans. Greys, Fawns, Best Makes, : : : A special shipment just received from France, $1.25 and $1.50. The advantage of these is the fact they are absolutely fresh and soft, and this means everything in an Undressed Glove. J Laidlaw & Son. \ J The Cars Move Slowly. rubber tube. The Canadian Electric Powér company, sued ithe town of' Perth for $7,000 hydrant rental for | seven years from 1905 to 1911. i P. O'Brien, who has been on Jones' | lock. Smith's Falls, for the past ten or more years, ix dismissed and =. W. Jones taken on in his place.' Wo regret fo announce the serious illness of Tames Cummings, Consecon His life is despaired of. . *Sale corset covers, 20c.; $1 motor veils, 50c; belts, Se: Pe. Duiton's, and Water ! died on Wednesday. Her husband, one nates and two sons survive. T partnership of Foster and has been dissolved. Moth proof bags at Sargent's drug store, Miss Limie Hawkins and John Me Avoy, of Centreville, were married on bednieseiny elastic belts, | 'campaign of aholishing the bars. 1 ------ a. Constipation 4 Most citizens are anxiodsly waiting for-the time when the street cars will be running with full power again J One suburbdnite said, on Saturday morn ing, that a milk cart ran into the he rode into the eiiy in the car which t morning, and then he corrected him- "There certainly self by saying: would have been a smash had not the driver pulled his horses up in tune. a---------------------- New License Oificer. Rev. Jf. B: Girimshaw, . formerly of a ¥ i#t church, King Mrs. Charles Fill, of Smith's Falls, jthe Union street. Baptis ¢tom, hes been appointed provincia! Focps: inspector, im suecisson ta | Rev. John A. Ayearst, who resigned Keith, coal merchants, Smith's Falls, | 10 go to the west. dd No New Campaigih 1 Ottawa Citizen, { Up to the hour of going to press the inmates of the Kingston peniten- tiary have not inaugurated another wie at Patton's from Enchantress," ete Pr. 4. KH. Bell, grand medieal aminer of the Chosen Friends, is the city visiting his brother, K. " Bell, snd looking after his interests in ex- ~the local lodge. A Br amie AAA "SATURDAY FOR BARGAINS On Saturday we will sell 3 Splendid SHoes Patent Pumps, no straps Patent Pumps, 2 straps Patent Blucher Oxfords * - 5 All at $1.95 a pair Saturday only ~-- ALSO -- A Splendid Boot for Men, Medium Fine. 'Suitable for Everyday wear. A Great Bargain. ~~ $1.95 a pair. ie RE