THE DAILY BRITE Whe. MONDAY, MAY 6, "1612 -- CONFIRMATION RITE] or moves ILEGAND ¥ WRIST BROKEN r= 3 Kingston and Ottawa. " 5 : 3 f FURS ADMINISTERED IS ST. GEORGE'S aay ot King Ix Ottawa every Noo: | rERRIBLE ACCIDENT AT MARL] Howard Chandler's Christy J! 'Spring Maid" Music. Regular B0c CATHEDRAL James Swift & Co., agents. of BANK CEMENT WORKS. | FUR STORAGE On rier oy Bishop Mills, Whe) Died fn North Yakima, | artert Timpson: Brought to the! : Pictures SPECIAL 25c¢ : Gave a Practical Address to the) Mrs. R. b ornett, Albert au et, | Hotel Pleu in Serious Condition popular 5 of i : received a teegram anpouncing k . Phe a I oo y ; om a Vim ; . Safe and Reliable Candidates. I dden death of her mother, Mrs.| Fell From a Roof. Re [ Price ] 00 and 1 25 Bu roean peratid Success, 4 limits x i " ' | Sarah J. ( ot dow of the late] j rt . : vouRe . . . number of cg ac The .rite of confirmation was ad-|O8rah J. Lorneil, wi of 1 1. Herbert Thompson, a voung man | . hana, includl QIAl Fars Sent to us are Electric- & ministered to a large pumber of can William Cornett, formerly of Ganano-| wg at the cement works at Marl} ally Cleaned. : didates, women and girls and boys | Fe: ; { bank, rom a re n to the ce SPECIAL PRICE 25¢ Day Dreams. i St. George's ca- ra | me tn et. below, at Two Little Love Bees We issue a receipt covering you and youmg men, _in Bt. Georg | iy ' {me 1 against loss by firé, theft or moths. | thedral, on May 5th, by the Bishop 41 Osteopaths Returning to Kingston. | jorning, and} ; TELEPHONE 489, Ontario, The service, always impres-| In view of the forthcoming legisla- i py ere uries, a compound | Over 2060 Unframed Pictures Poubtain Fas | . : . { r } ffae > : ial ay * 3 sive, was particula solemn. Even- [tion in Ontario to recognize properly x a u Iraetury i mounted asd unmo ed, by How: rh i TARY Our Waggon Will Call. song was said to the end of the third {qualified ovsteopaths as physicians, Dr. | the leit wrist, t wuts abont the} ar Chandler Ch ¥, in over Fhe Loving Cu i 2 collect and then the biehop, coming {and "Mrs. Asheroft, have decided to | head. He 1 very serious condi-§ twenty different subjects. Puls The Next ) » the Right from his throue to his éhair, placed|close their Monireal office, and devote Oh, i isher' regular prios, mounted, Protective Instiution John McKay at the top of the chaneel steps, gave | themselves entirely to the Kingston . he uni te: man was broaght . 9 x 24, $1.25. Unmounied, 12 x faaeatic la TT i# address to those about to receive | practice. fo J ty on h Ba Quinte | , 31.00 « t uls pr Pe ; 149-157 BROCK STREET from him the apostolic rite. | : i a -------------------- : 3, Monday Orn sullering se . SPICIAL frais sboek LE GP a, He wrged them to pray faithiully, to | Inspection of Yards. verely rom shack wi removed to | CLEARING PRICE, 23¢, a y i tl 2 is & , : . . : read their Bibles daily, to regularly Police Constables Nicholas Timmer 1 1 " Jin x EE . > f. wmbul Mall orders add dc tostage. 50 attend church, and, above all, to come map and Metarey will start on their] 000 APRS ax worked for some) frequently and devoutly to meet their |, ual inssection of yards and pri , 0 Lois eds et a ge th ¥ i ' on duty ord in the holy sacrament of His ap aos: about May. 15th Now 5 ioe duty, peintment, {| ime for all citizens to gel busy and a r Se To MAHL and Me The "Veni Creator" was sung, am uve the yards in. good 6. for the ra : a ans wl Me: then the candidates were presented hy | i5it 'of the inspretors e : y 7 the Dean of Ontario, Capon Starr] : : ih Works, accom ! ired. man : = B, . standing by his lordship, holding the | Cont Good Reads Consnittee. 3 . haut Hurty-ve £30 PRINCESS. OPEN NIGHTS. . Phone 918, pastoral staff, or shepherd's erook, od A ey ii it i a yal 3 x . symbol of the episcopal office. And a A mesting of Lhe tsaply. good ron ener es EA "trotted 0 Lord this Thy jeommitiee was held at the county THE LATE PATRICK DORAN. hild for servant) with Thy heavenly fclerk's offiee on Saturday afternoon a ; . Bn or nee poe a" ap bt continue Thine for-| The reeves of the townships in the Passed Away at His Home on Satur- NORMAN F. FRASER DEAD. { roo onde' syste are auth wl to ing ? PARLOR SUITES that please |r, ond daily increase Thy Holy | ¥ a. nd tem were authorized day Morning. . ' : LT Rpirt more and more, if he come | NAVE he Fauds Eapaiesd and ain na Patric Daniel Doran ai oy | Former Kingston Bank Mau Dies mn MEN S pocket and- eye. New designs. Ma-{,,., fhine everlasting = kingdom," | #4 uly they are constructed aceurd: fw, years, died, on Saturday, at the Saskatchewan, Wash Dress S nogany, solid. Some beauties, cover-|were said by the hishop, as he laid his in f 10 regulations S fanily resides, on Barrie street, as te am received in the ¢ty, Sun E BLE RING ed to suit your carpet. Color ef- hands upon the heads of those before | Fired a Salute. ] ja result a paralytic ke, The de] day, « Avesed. te stactling. views. of M M fects. Qur line of Parlor Suites |him, the hush over the kneeling con | wa go ceased was a resident of Kingston for {ihe death in Howley, Sask. Sunday X i a trom $25 $370 for the gregation was Jutonsg, | : A Fe al Bufute os fired_frot Mae- many: vears, prior to: which holon he ow 3 aviey sin x Dunia) Quigiock 3s large, FOR : 20 The service concluded with the pro-|donald ar at noou, Monday, In {ducted a drygoods business at Peter aE * Lal i Vol his « we selecte an com- v newest and latest ideas. cessional, "0 Jesus 1 Have Promised | honor of she accession of trorge ¥ toihoro. Ile is swvived by two sons, I Fix what lh a fearned thr doves i 1 th yer lat- Woodmen of the Wor i, BEDROOM SUITES -- Iron and to Serve Thee to the End." he {hioue, Fadward the _Pebetinlie | Dor an, of Vancouver, B.C... und De i suddenly. stricken sath heart prices on y e y Knights of Columbus, 0 a eh ! eros het wo years ago. 3 attery, 1 1eo Doran of Montreal, and' two kd pa ® . . ra Brass Beds, Mahogany, Oak, Wal- LIKELY TO CHANGE HANDS, ROCHA, under the command of Ma i ughters, Mi Be ¥ 2 Whalen and] His widow left with the re est ideas. Orangemen, put Dressers and Stands, etc, ---- jor D. V. 1. Eaton, fired the salute, fiy,e W. i Whalen, both of Vapcou khsing Fou his ety Runiayt for. mie Mercerized Foulards in Foresters, j Ames Spence May Take Over the|and paraded up Princess street en ' ment at Calaragui cemetery, . ] ver, B.C. The late Mr. F who was shout 2 Wi ot J y EW Randolph Hotel. {route to the 'park. The funeral took place on Monday, forts iy y i pi , whe ot amd a wide range of the new C. M. B. A, It is understood that negotiations Undecided as. to Plans , 2 am, Jrem dein * homey to SE cdueated in this city, where he renin est colorings 25¢, & 35¢. and Masons. are now under way for James Spenee, f fa - ary cathedral, where a requiem |}og until about seven years ago, Fou i a am . of The Hall, to take over the Raw Wary Walsh, A Ottawa, hare ATE was sung by Father Hanley The some years he was employed in Mad a yard. Thete Jesigus are mew dolph hotel from J. 8. Randolph, the on business ¢ has not yet decided tpall-bearers Were James Sowards,]pee & Minnes' wholesale," and then i { x l : ices latter desiring to retire from the ho [Whether to go to the far Canadian | Lieut. -Col. Hudon, John Hickey, N. {served with what was formerly the tn Dress Ginghams, in neat moderate. COUCHES, all styles of wood-{ \ & e west or remain in Ottawa. 'Marty O'Connor, F. Conwa and MH. P.1., Building and Saving Society, as Checks and Stripes 8c. work and covering, $5.00 up When the board of dicense commis [says he is anxious to retire from ho Smith The remain were taken 10° St. 1 cictant manager. About eight of 10¢ and up to $50.00. stoners met last week, the license of (key, but there is a likelihood that he Mary's em tery, where they were laid| nine vears ago hie joined the stall of . Mr. Spence, at The Hall, was extend: [will be seen On the ice for a year or |to rest beside those of his Inte wile . 3 , @ IN Le 3 : [the Northern Crown bank, bul was : 3 OH SMITH 0S CARPETS and RUGS from best] ; i, two months, so that the pro: |fwo longer. Various elubs would like who predeceased him a number of Lehoitiv transferred by this bank, and Beautiful Prints, Pe rfect BR * thy " European mills. Largest and best | prietor could secure more suitable pre {to sign him on for next winter. vears. | since served in Ottawa aitrack ville, aud ly fast colors - 10c. and Jewelers and Opticians, ¢tlon ever shown. mises. This gives Mr. Spence the op i A Rnd i ta number of other place He had | gle portunity of leasing the Randolph, ti Portsmouth Complaint. Death of Mrs. Bunt. te n transferred to Ha y AS han 12 1 2c. yard CURTAINS from Switzerland and |L. so desires. The commissioners did Some of the residents at Portsmouth| The death occurred, on Sunday| ager, only a week previous to his de . s . England. We spare no pains to get]|not state thai he must take over any |aré complaining about having been night, of Mr +. Bunt, wile of Charles A. lcease, going from Viscount, Sask Mercerized Waistings, the best and latest. certain hotel which was cut off. 'stung,' as they term it, by a man) llunt, 422 Johoson street Deeeased + late Mr. Fraser was well known White---15¢. and up. Thus, «if this new deal goes through, | from Toronto, selling medicine. They had only been ill twelve days, suffer-| and popular in this city, was a mem . Repair and Upholstering work | Mr Spence will have the opportunity | claim that the medicine he sold is no | 10K from pnenmonia. A husband and ber of the Magonie order, a Joey al in Dress Musiins done promptly and well. of selling his present license and hav' | good, and that they were simply pay- | four small childven, all boys, SUrvive. | politics, a Preshyvterign in religion, a range ( { nea atterns ing 'it transferred to other partied. ling out money for nothing. Une resi Deceaged's maiden name was Jenni member of St Andrew's church. leis ) Ra Yours, Application would have to be made to|dent #ays that it was the intention to Flora Burr, and her home was in| survived: by hiz wife (formerly Miss | 10c. a yard ® up. the board for a transfer. call the police and bave the man ar |Tweed. Deceased was nn attendant at | Innes, of Kingston), one son, Norman 1 f HARRISON COMPANY en ee mem rested, but that he has made good his | OF Paul's church. his mother, who resid on - ohne n Marquisettes, pretty de. SEs Be, SNEAK THIEF BUSY. escape. Staipmtestior et b-------- street; three sisters, isses elen, . . "Plone 90. : Weather Probabilities. Sherk-of 'the sirrouats court: Wiss 1.4} signs--30¢. and up. - Made Off With Goods From a Field Officers Here. Hereaftor the weather indications{at home; Miss Kh. in Ottawa: four . . Restaurant. ' The following field officers have re- (will be found in double column space ! thers, Rea Frank, of Ottawa White Indian Head, ex- i ; CASH Saturday night a sneak thief got {ported at the Royal School of Artil- {at the head of columns six and seven | ory, Charles and Oliver Mowat, tra value--15¢. and up. busy at the store of M. P. (Pappug|lery, Tete de Pont barracks, for a re- | on page three. in He United States tn aunt, Mrs . & Uo., Princess street, and while no | fresher course: 14.-Col. W. CU. Good, wna" . B oRatl,. and. tree cousins i wer PAID & . person was ahout walked off with | 4th Brigade, C.F.A,; Lt.-Col. W. A. Liet.-Col. HI. R. Duff, and the Misses English Galateas, i ' 5 * The Salvation Army band is seren: ad- iMowat. of : foctly fist -- 15, 18, & 20c¢. some canned goods, cooked ham and |Grant, 6th Brigade, C.F A; Major T. this city, also survive How I Love a Pretty Fac Valtzes regular SS Wr Issuers of Marriage Licenses 350 KING STREET, a big : umber of ezgs W. Lawlor. 12th Battery. C.F.A.: Ma. |in8 in the district asst of Quon i ' ' a numb o IRS, W. Lawlo 1 Battery, C.F.A; a ou hi, 1 ot the self-de- . EEE TaE to ) 308% , » Se : OR i On Sunday some boys reported toljor J. L. O. Ducharme, 13th Battery, a Ee ng The har target. is 3. CHAMPION CHECKER PLAYER Khaki Drills, strong and I 1 Constable Thomas Mullinger that {C.F. A: Major T. M. Seclev, 20th Bat- EY 1 Please help, riod Ki sdtoate serviceable--20c¢. and u ) I I they had found some goods at theltery, C.F.A. Capt. C. H. L. Shar- nse P Visi*2d Kingston and Defeated the J Pp Heary Coflin, brakesman on the L 1 Artist ; o Kingston and Pembroke railway, seri ora ou ig. aa) Indian Head, in colors -- x gure enough the stolen goods were fem Sg = : ously hurt in an accident, the local \. Jordan, of London Eaogland, y Qarpets for 8 ring are located. The thief 'or thieves had Short of Communion Cups. US Y BUILD An agoienl 3B a ss champion checker player of the world, 15c¢. and up. KINDS rear of St... Andrew's church, and |man, 2nd Battery, C yards, a short time ago, is able to bel' : A : Satatd fra lower in ce, and evidently placed them there, intending| An Ottawa despatch says: -- around again, and is doing nicely arrived in the city on Saturday, from Syracuse .Y. i Jordad, since 3 twice the variety ] to have a lunch later on. Another graduate of Queen's and for A the preseny time, there are about | 72 H8CUSE NA My. :dordad, since P.K. Nainsook, coming to the continent, has visited rm tii mer Kingstonian is making good in » hundred men engaged in w ork be- | 3 , Tonce. BT. Now York, Saratons . 3 THE MAIL FOR KINGSTON the person of Rev. B. W. Thompson, Io Sarid on alone the Tine of the eben dar ES i Slo India Linen, . who now has 920 members at the Do- Kingston and Pembroke railway he Benet fads: Son ap : » aia : el IGS That Went Posy in the Ocean With| inion Methodist church. Ou Sunday | "Chaucer" FEiliott has been nine as ou! Sis Iwo Bau . = pig Ti Victoria Lawn, BROCK E£TERIET the Titanic. 1 " , lone a y nce and one. Ne \ r seventvifive were added to the number | Weeks in hospital in New Yor k. He is neet ady | Postmaster James Stewart, on Mon- jand the attendance was so large th improving daily and hopes to be out ; idan ball a -------------------- are lower price with ||... 8 as so large that fle played in the Orpheum hall Etc. i! h | 14 morning, received from London, | the elders ran short of individual com- |500n and home again. softer colors. We England, a statement of the mail di- | munion caps, the first time anv such . . ry pen Saturday night, and gave an exhib tected to Ki t that t to the I i Sion of skill that was a revelation to A P 0 ngston at wen 0 tho | unique oturence has happened in any cal ple ' He did not lose a game have every bottom: of the ocean with. the ill-fated Pye ul players, Je did not lose a gam J h place of worship here. 1 ernoon or evening. Altogethe ' thing worth weamship Titanic on the morning of De "The Hat Store." init To April 15th. The mail consisted of Gordonii arret Weddin : > : th 1 i "808 the following : One bag of letters, » 2. i p | eight The ea with which he escap from London; one bag from London Fhe home of Mr. and Mrs. George i the varlous traps laid for him THE ALWAYS BUSY STORK. tiarvet, Zealand, was the seepe 1 one of the greate aud Holyhead; gne from Liverpool, : . | . » i Sy . , very pretty wedding on April 23rd, ) { 3% the board one from Southampton, and one from when their daughter, Maggie Ada, wi untr Dublin; one bag of papers from Lon ; a C y An tar Toit : 3 united in marriage to Charles He Fo] Orde loft, don; three registered parcels ftom BFF Iage es. Henry i Gordon, cheesemaker, of Zealand. The mene B00 or Belleville, wher in. booked Every conceivable shade [§| London: one irom London and Holy: | 70 Siemon, of Zetland. Th Bl re hetker cectitaets. Whis all sizes, small sizes head, and one from Liverpool, ly after three o'clock, and the nuptial STYI ISH AND Blin Kingston he was the guest of G Ar TD . knot was tied, under a beautiful ever { i H. and Mrs. Hunter ' ' to mach Bi langer a ronard Kebinto, ob Regina, is in green arch, by Rev. Mr, Cornell, of | : mr tt eo y 'gi A 3 ily on GuARNS. Sharbot Lake. The bride wore a E ICEABLE ATTACKED HIS WIFE, i Bl ine dainty dress of white voile, with a S RV } pe ! €s § Y-- ' BAD B.0OD CAUSED ABCESS| oc: bist veil and ore "bios Blu Later Pleaded That ne te Fl } FITTING GLASSES SOmSs;, also a eauntiiul gok racelet, - en i ------ i . the gift of the groom. . The brides ! Given a Chance, Li owen ib: TO THE EYES i . . it ilo he OUR maid, Miss Viola Garret, a sister of Ta i ! While under the influence Arr How Vinol Saved Mrs. Hall. Xiots of : it * JOS © Fain kb redicted for It took .a dangerons and painful ex- | the bride, was dressed in a pale blue stab 2 {oie Sunday Henry Bid, ba Store perience to prove to Mrs. Hattie Hall | mull deess aud wore a beantiful gold |§! this month, and we are ready [Bstreet, attacked his wife, A vas | . that she had lot ber health run down. | brooch, a gift; also, of the groom. i ' leith i Hane Nnder Se .- » B lic on | In a letter from Schennctady, N. Y.; [The groomsman, was Samuel Gordan, with a well assorted selection stable Samus roe ed was very . she says: "I was foroibly Youtinded Elphin, a brother of the groom. Im | of handsome. Rainconts. which {drunk aud would probably have se Floral Work of all kinds that my system needed renovating {Medintely after the ceremony, the ig ' Biriovsly harmed his wife had pot the Promptly Executed B|, satisrac and that my blood was out wf order, party Repaired to the diningroom, will be featured this week in pelice Jaken s hand. fivia} a , 1nded by the fact that an abscess formed is where a dainty supper awaited them { At the police cour (S11 slay | . my side a short time ago and - The bride and groom were suitably re {our whudows and advertise. morning the charge against Bird was Y ' Keeley, Ir. Optometrist quired treatment for several weeks. Mmbeted in Maly Ways by psi | ments. } that of beiny drimk ann] i g sl | Ip | 228 PRINCESS BT. "Phone 927, "Ubder the regular use of Vino) |'™ nds. The happy young couple will wife. Je pleaded guilty to being to enrich and purify my blood and reside at Zealand. i . : drank bul stated that it was pot true in ------------------------ build up my strength, this was soon rL ANS ARE NOW NOW FRE ADY, | $8, $8.50 $9 up {she he Kad abused his wife : 1 09 BROCK STREET ™~ «hi svidently, beer healed up and my general heath very The magistrate had, evi iy bee oh pe p . ! informed of the particnlars as he v S Select your Bullding much improved. : And Tenders Will be Called for tho lg to $1 6 50 aid that had. Bird's wile not ipier OME Right now is the very best time of New Hotel. said y i - . . viewed him and pleaded with him lo i ea of os blow nih Eotdarder A meeting of the hotel commitice of Il ! ibe linient, so that he might have : LAUNDRY and iron. remedy without oil, Vinol. the board of trade, consisting of Dr. in SO i another chance, he would have given We Grind Our Own. Lenses Tt oncibhies the blood by addi iron E. Ryan, H. W. Richardson, J. M. {gi {Bihim a severe sentence Bird has beep -------------------------- and thas frees it from its ing iron Farrell, and others, was held Satur- Wlworking steadily of late and it was E Vinol is wonderfully strengthenin day evening, vegarding the hotel [3 4%) £8)" 3 two years since he was in the police The ase and vitalizing for all Y are oy ehotta as it bo Stunde Some delay | Ne xn HATA | cont. and fort . as can with reference to the / J 4 {id UAL 1 TS an omior top sd wns we gration 20D SL So has chy | HOI OI A \ | PERSONAL MENTION. gad Somer are now in a satisfactory condition for x Pa : Cy . Sve Glass tid fal nti bo Shon Fork Mosgoes_ or he" vente (fi ie oe la ri will be commenced this week, and ten- on $B bl . re . 4 8, Ce nene IE THE oL ders will be let by the middle of May. [§ Dr. Donald Fee, went to Suow Road justment Sask r ihas of ie UB HOTEL It hus been stated that the promot- 4 : plat noon, to-day. . y : and adjust- WELLINGTON STREET, ers will require the comtractors to take For Ladies and Men we sell | Canon Starr left today, to attend knack 10 hendine Ind anim YOUR POCKET (Near Princess). ! stock in the new hotel. This matter §! the best $1 Umbrella in | the convocation at King's College, j& only mastered by ome of There are other hotels, but | will he hroached in. the city council i ; Windsor, Nava Scotia. : practical experience In thelr We don' ks 1 . Bement surroundings Club for Iimeeting this evening. i Kingston. Other kinds Peter Devlin, immigration agent, left constiucticn. We make each e don't scorch line nt centre of clty ang { reais at noon for Toromto, where he will de- rair uf Frames fit each In- We don't break collars i lg SHECpaL res and | TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 160, i 50c¢ t port a prisoner from the Central pris wiosdusl nose and our lenses We don't tear luce curtain Charg . am | ! $5 00 pion to Black Rock are the very best quality that We don't shrink woollens! Special a nagerate. What Happened a Quarter of a ! o uid Hatold Snider, of the Kingston & can be had. We don't half wash! Century Ago. J ip | Pembroke railway offices, bas resigned. . We don't disappoint Rev WA pic took charge of the 2% ig has taken a Position as Smekenp 1 We Never Sacrifice Isn't that the kind of jaune FOneT as © superintendent. WATCH OUR WINDOWS! er for 1 Lanadian Nor nt railway . . i a | formed a choral {§ : i 1 at Enterprise. : Quality to Price. dry you want' y Give us a chance to prove "dries station of the Salvation Ar. Ran Aground in Marsh. J $ Asselstine D 0 S these don'ts, v opened. The steamer Buena Visla, en route . Ws » Ue 9. ar Williams, hotel keeper, Onta- GEORGE MILLS & £0. ap the Ridesn early Monday morning, Registered Optometrist & Optician Bingston Yuniry rio street, threatens to prosecute Sal ran aeroind in the warsh between} s hone 1019, be. { vation Army for disturbing him by ji here apd Ringston Mills. The sleam- 312 Ring 9, hone Cor. Ptingsis & dean te, 08 | their Sunday service near his premises. (3 120 and 128 Princess Street. er Rideau King, bound for Otiawa, Rinaeton's Exclusive. Dptician. "Phone 22. Rev. Mr. Houston, of Cooke's church : iB vas close behind her, and pulled her > ! left for the old country. TTT Tea off without damage. oh v2 hood's drug store, Kingston, Ont.