"THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . The Accounts of Corporations, Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals Solicited. Small Savings Bank Accounts receive Special Attention. KINGSTON BRANCH H. E. RICHARDSON, Manager. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Have installed in thelr Vault a neat of SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES If you have any WILLS, TITLE DEEDS, MORTGAGES, INSURANCE POLICIES OR OTHER VALUABLES they should be lodged in one of these boxes THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND RESIDENTS OF TUE COUNTRY is drawn to the Security these Safety Deposit Boxes afford against 1088 OF VALUABLE DOCUMENTS, ETC., BY FIRE OR THEFT. For further particulars and information, 5 C. STEVENSON, Manager, - Apply to Kingston, Ont THE SEASON'S SMARTEST MODELS Mabelia Turban, Toques and Bonnets. Tailored and Walking Hats. Exclusive Styles in Mourning Headwear. Specialties in Automobile Head-gear * Novelties in Ratine, Magrame, Lace, Lingerie and Tailored effects. Other summer designs which have been especially prepared for this season are now being shown, THE QUEEN MILLINERY 174 WELLINGTON ST. or vw THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It Ww erawing louder as he goes elong Only 45c per pound. For chewing and moking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Owntarte Street. ------------ ------ QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served on shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, 25e¢. - FPAPPAS - Uy the Your orders will be filled eats factorily if you deal thers af P. WALSH'S, Barrack Electric Restorer for Men Phos honul restores every nerve in the body vim Ee vitality. Premature angio or k: At once. phonol AD ki a new man. Price a box or two *% DN Eid any Sdaress. is For sale at Mahood's drug store. LOOK AT OUR on Electric Light Globes 85¢ +T5e We Every light guaranteed. Also 8 and 16 c.p. Carbon Lights. Saves two-thirds con- sumption of electricity and gives infinitely better light al cost. W. A. MITCHELL, HARDWARE Home of the Peerless Lawn Fence. S4ESS000 NEW PRICES -- Symington's Packet Soups and Gravies Get Them at D. COUPER'S Phone 76. 841-8 PRINCESS ST. Prompt Pelivery." 25 Watts... ... 40 do. ,.. yoo 60 do... i... iii seen STRAWBERRIES Large Quart Boxes 25 cents. A. J. REES, REAL ESTATE SNAPS DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, with good barn and large lot. rents for $17, all at §1,800. BRICK VENEER HOUSE, To- . romnto Street. & rooms, with two extra full lots, good barn and poultry house, ot to rent, .. 700 $ FRAME HOUSE, 6 rooms, on rt "corract, % ry To0NA, mproyeme! and Savas, BI m Street .. $1.23 FRAME HOUSE, six rooms, lara jot 85d stale on 1 fred Street sear ran . RR and Ma- Our Styles, Tunigns a ae terials are the I class, 5 : Our prices ara moderate. $1000 Our services are at your shea +} choose {and both the chief and citizens THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, THE SPORT REVIEW THE FIRST SOCCER GAME THE SEASON. OF The R.C.H.A. Won From Shipbuild- ing Company Team by 2 Goals to Other Notes on Sports. The R.CHA. won from the King- ston Shipbuilding company, in the first soccer match of the season, at Barrie field oymmon, Saturday sfternoom. ! This was the first of the exhibition | games between these teams dnd that of the C.L.C. before the league sche« dule opens with Queen's in the full The game finished 2:1 for the soldiers, but the losers led at half-time bv 1-0 The R.C.H A. came back with plenty sun on their backs and having the ad- vantage of a slight breeze blowing over the common. Both are strong teams, the majority of the players be- ing soccer playérs of experience from the Old Land. The die has been cast and the followers of this sport will be well catered to this season. The teams were: R.C.H.A.--Goal, Smith; backs, Tyng, Langshaw; halves, Carey, Sawyer, Campbell; forwards, Hocking, Sparks, Harrison, Clarabutt, Nayer. Referee--A. Jenkins, C.L.C, Had a Work Out. The C.L.C. basebhll team was out in full foree Saturday afternoon, on the cricket field, and had a good work- out under Manager "Bill" Kennedy. The annual meeting end election of of- ficers of the club will be held some evening this week. Notes on Sports. of gimp in the second period with the i Eve at three points. MAY 6, SIN IS LAWLESSNESS STRONG SERMON 1X JAMES CHURCH A ST. By Rev. C. K. Bourne, of Montreal, Who Gave a Most !lelpful course Upon the Meaning of Sin. The sermon preached by Rev. C. K. Bourne, of Montreal, in St. eam] church on Saturday evening, was a strong ennunciation of the meaning of gin, So much has the donscience of the modern man been abused that the idea of sin has almost disappeared and a definition of the word has become necessary. The speaker took his les son from the tempting of Eve in the garden of Eden. The serpent attack- First, he aroused her pride. Has God set a limitation om you? * "Hath God said ye shall not eat?' Second, he allayed her fears, "Ye shall not surely die," and third, he promised her a reward, "For God doth know that in the day that ye shall edt ve shall be as gods knowing good and evil" The result was that Eve had desires contrary to the right she knew, and yielded to those desires. Sin is lawlessness. When you catch your mind working in that way you know you sin. There were two issues of Eve's act. She cast a slur on the Divine character by doubting His word, and she introduc ed the principle of elevating the hu man will above the Divine supremacy. A man who gives himself up to evil ways, gets so mixed in his ideas that he calls good evil and evil ood. Vi late's satirical question, fhat is truth?" showed that in his time relig jon was so low that there was soma doubt just where truth was. Clever Ottawa is ripe for a baseball boom if the capital club makes any sort of a showing in the Canadian league. There will be a revival of C.L.A, la- crosse in the following ta this year, Woodstock, Harriston, Mount Forest, Hastings and Campbellford. Nap. Lajoie, star second baseman of Cleveland, received injuries while in Chicago with the Naps. which may keep him out Of the game all season. He strained Mis groin. Cy Young has declared against sacrifice hit as a strategic move. classifies the managers who resort to it with the team one ran behind in the of tieing "the score as not among the really great. The Ottawa Capitals calculate that the triple schedule will give ull four teams a better chance for the championship instead of handing the team that gets away to a good start an unbreakable hold on the honors, Manager Bowerman, of London, in: tends to carry fourteen or fifteen men this year and he has. a good bunch to from between now and June Ist, The practice games are drawing crowds of fans and Bowerman is sizing up the players. fe has started weed out those who are not enough for Canadian league the He hope lacrosse to fast company. GAVE HIM A CLOCK. Presentation to Constable on Saturday Night. A pleasant event occurred at police 'station, on Saturday night, at cight o'clock, when the sergeants and men onthe force gathered together, and made a presentation to Constable McCarey the marriage. lie was presented with a fine mantel! clock, the presentation be- ing made by the police magistrate, J. M. Farrell. The latter, in a neat ad- dress, congratulated Constable Me- Carey, extended to him his best wish- es, and at the me time the magis- trate took occasiGn $%o say few words of praise, for the work of the police departmerit. The force, he said, was composed of a fine body of men had n good reason to be proud of them. Princess Street Methodist Church. Yesterday the fourth quarterly ser- vices were held in Princess street Meth odist Church. In the morning, Rev. F. G. Robinson gave a short sermon to the children on the subject of "A Clean Heart." Rev, Joseph Lidstone preached to the adults. Special sac ramental service was held in the even- ing when thirty-five new members were received into the church, amd over 100 partook Qf the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Gift for Miss Helen Mcintyre. A number of the officers and teach- ers of Sydenham Street Bible school visited the home of Miss Helen Me- Intyre, Johnson street, on Saturday evening, and thade a presentation. Miss Mcintyre for some years past has beon the pianist of the school, and has been forced to retire. The mem- bers thought they could not let her go without a token of appreciation of her faithiulness, so they presented her with a gold necklace, set with pearls. Daniel McCarey, on the occasion of his' men can find new meanings for old words, and it was necessary for Christ {to confirm the old Testament truth twith His works. Words can be mis interpreted, works cannot be explained away. | Mr. Bourne showed how a choice was finally nectssary between good and evil. The time came with Judas when he had to choose between his Lord and this covetousmess. He knew which was {right, but he had desires and he chose contrary to what he knew. The Jew- ish" authorities knew Jesus was right but He was too popular and their power, position and wealth were threa- tened, and they chose rather to have Him crucified. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent but he feared that Jews would report ill lof him to Caesar and he would lose his position. He chose between bis position and popularity, and the right that he knew, and crucified Christ whom he knew was innocent. The three differ greatly in their condition and situation, but each had desires contrary to, the right and chose to yield to those desires. Once the history of the world, man vielded to this principle and tried to crush Divine supremacy by putting Christ on a cross. Every one who vields to this principle is guilty of this crime Ii I hear of a theft and approve it, I am as guilty as the thief. 1 may not have the courage or skill or the opportunity to be a thief, but my mind with regard to personal property is such that the sin of thelt is on me and the mind who yields to its desires contrary to the right is a mind of sin and can never enter hea ven any more than oil can mix with water. It has slain the Lord of Hea ven and would do so again. Sin ix lawlessness and every unrepentant sin- ner is guilty of the blood of Christ. in AT CALVARY CHURCH. Congregational College Supplying the Pulpit. Arthur FF. Orr, of the Congregation: al College, Montreal, who is to occupy the pulpit of Calvary Congregational church for the next two months, } gan duty on Sunday, and large con- gregations were present at both vices, At the evening service Mr for his test, Romans i, am not ashamed of Christ." The preacher the gospel was only facts, then it would us to-day, but this is not the case Take Christ away from our religion and it is not worth having. What can it do for us? It can do everything There are men in this city to-day who need the power of salvation. One of the saddest things of it all is the number of people who go to church and come out with nothing more than they took in. Mr. Orr made a good with the congregation. Student ser- , Orr took 16: "For.} the gospel of said that if a record of be, useless to impression City Engineer at Guelph. Mellis Ferguson, Stratford, has been appointed Guelph's city engineer, at a salary of $2,000. He it a son of Prof. move the cause. as any. bowels. Try Cascarete--they cure indigestion, cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour. undigested and fer- menting food and foul gases: take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the decomposed waste matter and poison from the George Ferguson, Kingston. FOR SICK, SOUR BILLS STOMACH, INDIGESTION AND GAS TAKE CASCARETS That awful sourness, belching of acid and foul gases; the pit of the stomach. the heartburn, «iter eating, feeling of fullness, dizziness and sick headache, means indi- gestion; a disordered stomach which cannot be regulated until you re- It isn't your stomach's fault. that pain in nervousness, nausea, bloating Your stomach is as good because they immediately intestines and Then your stomach trouble is ended for ever. A Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morning---a 10-cent box will keep your en- tire family feeling good for months. Don't for- get the children--their little insidesneed a good gentle "cleansing, too. {eompany's lake steamers arrived 1912, SEE OUR NEW OXFORDS Tan Oxfords Gun 'Metal Oxfords Patent Oxfords Dis | All Men - Women kinds of Oxfords - Boys - Gils fer and - Children RYSTAL PAIACE ICE CREAM PARLOR NOW OPEN 180 PRINCESS STREET Finest and Best Equipped Ice Cream Parlor Phone 367 and Confectionery Store in Eastern Ontario. None other in Canada excels it in richness of furnishings or excellence of service. FLEET OF VESSELS FROM FORT WILLIAM. Several Boats, Grain Laden, the Harbor, Six of the: Montreal Transportation at Fort William, loaded grain, and clear- ed. The steamers Canadian, Gordon and Saskatoon, were among the first to leave, and will discharge in King-; ston. The tug Bartlett cleared with two barges for Port Colborne. will return light from Port Dalhousie, and clear for the eoanal, with two more barges; the tug Mary will clear to-night for Prescott for oil barge No. 41, on the way to Montreai, t The steamer Windsor cleared from Montreal, on, Saturday, to load eoal at Charlotte. The steamer Advance cleared from Sarnia, for Fort William, on Satur day, with package freight, and will load grain for Montreal. A number of Kingstonians left on Monday morning for Toronto to take {Risen on the steamers Toronto and ton schooner Ford River is load #ldspar at Richardson's elevator, pri will make her first trip of the sen Son to Charlotte, in the course of » few days. { The steamer Missisquoi cleared on Saturday for Rockport. The steamer Alexandria was in Jost {from Montreal, at 1.30 Saturday af ternoon, and - discharged a forge amount wf foright at the wharf of t Thousand Teland Steamboat company, The steambarge Sowards srrived IN MARINE CIRGLES CLEARER on Their Way to Kingston--Move-| ments of Vessels In and Out of | {que spectacle A Pointer About $ ICE CREAM Means coming in to enjoy da- licious, creamy, properly flavored delight. with health and refreshment. No better pointer on earth. Try our Ice Cream. Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE, "Phone 640. from Oswego, with coal' or R. ford. The steamer Jeska passed up on her way to Oswego on Sunday afternoon The tug Maggie King was in port, and cleared for Toronto, where will be engaged in work around the harbor. Capt. John Corkey, acted as pilot on the tug on the trip to To ronto. Marine men say Craw she that it was a uni that was afforded the { people of Port Arthur, on Wednesday last, when practically at the same | time, the whole fleet of freighters that { had wintered in Port Arthur, left port and cleared ynder orders for the | east. Some regarded it as a naval | review. Swift's wharf: The steamer ville cleared westward, Sunday; ers Rideau King and Buena Vista cleared, Monday, for Ottawa and Smith's Falls, respectively; stenmer Aletha, down from bay ports. Belle steak Put Up a Second Time. William Nolan, Sydenham street, purchasal a horse and a eab at Bibby's livery auction sale on Satur day. It is understood that Mr. No- lan will join the eab stand. A dis vie arose over the horse which Mr olan finally secured for $128. It was at first knocked down for £115, bul through some misunderstanding, both Mr. Nolan and Patrick Driscoll claim- ed ihe animal. To seltle the matter, it was bid for again. Two Napsoee twelve-year-olde ran away from howe and were caught in Belleviile, HOOD'S PILLS: Best for all Mver ills, I7y them. For This Week's Sale The latest In Go-Carts and Baby Carriages. The very latest ideas in Baby Bug glee Bee our Window Display gt JAMES REID'S 'Phone 147 NA-DRU-CO LAXATIVES Women's commonest ailment ~the root of 30 much of their ill-health---prompily yisids to the gentle but certain action of Na-Dru-Co Laxatives. 25¢. a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED.