' PAGE EIGHT. rr Rh SPECIAL OFFERING For 3 Days Only Monday, Tuesday and - Wednesday Trousers to Measure. Regular $7.50 Values, for $5.00 SPLENDID ASSORTMENTS LIVINGSTON"S BROCK STREET THAT MADE THE MECUM BRO. THERS 80 VICIOUS, Why Are They What They Are?--A Country Should Have an Investi- gator of Cases of Confirmed Criminality. Taronto Bitar Weekly : The young men, Jones and Kelly, who were otherwise called the Mecum brothers, have figured in another deed of violence, With others they nearly escaped from Kingston penitentiary. While being taken, some weeks ago, to that prison from Stoney Mountain, whenee- it was feared they would cape, they murderously attacked their guards on the train as it was pulling out of Torontd. In the west they had a record of violence, and, in faet, es seem to have an insane readiness kill or be killed. There appears to be need for a new line of detective work by a new type of detective in the employ of the state. The new kind of detective should be engaged, not in hunting down the perpetrator of a erime so that he may be punished. but in ex amining the life-history of the erimin- al uniter his guilt has been establish- ed, in order to learn, as near as may be, what influences contributed to make him the eriminal -he is. There is h-great deal to be learned in this line anil much of it should prove valuable to society. _The particular young men in ques tion, Jones and Kelly, are mere boys. They were violent criminals before they were out of their teens. The state should surely not be satisfied to pen them up. They must be penned up. They must be pumished for their bru- talities and prevented from beating in other men's heads, But the state should evince some euriosity concern- ing these voung fellows--anxiety as to the causes which produced them, and which may be producing others To those of us who consider ourselves vet young, it seems but the other day that we were' attending the world's fair at Chicago. Yet at that time Jones and Kelly were babes in arms, or little toddlers at their 'mother's knees. Why to are they what they are * Docs it not sem that it should ENQUIRE THE CAUSES]. ===.) 7 PITH OF THE NEWS. Over the World. The German { York from Robert {dead as a resulp of aleoholism. v { The Cunard liner Ulionia arrived at Halifax, with its propeller brokern, | The high-jumping: record of Canada {was broken at the Toronto Horse | Show. : | §The funeral of the {Graham as Harriston (tended. George McDowell, a deal mute, for nd drowned (n a tank on Iinton aveaue, 1oromto. The Richeson family, brothers and sisters, will plead Gov. Foss, to save his life, A general strike of all the lighter men and. longshoremen at Havana ha tied up traffic completely. The Swiss, Chamber of Commerce has taken the initigtive with respect to world-wide penny postage. A handsome new Roman Catholic church fn South london was dediea- ted on Sunday by Bishop Fallon. Joseph Kelly shot his brother John, at Corning, N.Y., on Sunday, the doc- tors say the wound will be fatal. Edward Callahan, famous Kentucky feudist, was assassinated as he stood in the door of his store at Crocketts- ville. Mrs. Kate Field, Georgetown, Ky, aged thirteen, - gave birth to a babe on Sunday. The grandmgther is thirty years old. "Billy" Queal, the runner, of Alex- andria Bay, N.Y. eame in second in the fifteen-mile race in New York on Sunday. Chief Finch, of Guelph, refused give evidence before the committee, claiming that judiced. Dr. Nelson Tait, Toronto, is eriti- cally ill with blood-poisoning, which developed after an operation perform- ed by him. Miss Barney, the celebrated New York pacer, has been sold to W. H. Polke, of Smith's Falls, who will race her in Canada. Ihe Canadian Montmagny sarch fleet will visit New June 9th to Sth. Inte George E. was largely at was Kg father, with to investigating it was pre- government steamer will Jeave Halifax on a for more bodies from the steamer 'I'@anie. At Auburn, N.Y., Frank Mineola, Le considered the duty of a govern! nent to appoint a commission tol fird out all about eases of this Kind } uttery fellows ? in regard to tnese young What conditions produced them ? Where did they live in child- hood, and wherein were their sur, roundings different from those of other children, if at all different ? What of their parents and ancestry, and was there crime or msanmity in thelr families . In what we narrowly call elueation--although it is a small part of all that constitutes what tha word fully imples--how were they herded and what schooling had thev? How and where did they staft going wrong and how dul they reach the terrible lengths in "wrong and that wild-animal foroeity which they show, ? When in this and country we jrodice such young men as these, our makers of laws, our enforcers of age Lace Curtains. ln Many New Novelties in these goods, direct the Kingston before, Prices 50c to $9.00 Pair New Curtain Muslins, Madras, French Draperies. from manufacturers. Never shown in Floor Rugs, Carpet Squares At 20 P.C. Discount. Sizes 14, 2, 2{, 3, 34, 4, 4} yards long. These prices could not be equalled, even by the ordi- nary manufacturer, tal | Cream All 'Wool Serges Fine and Heavy Weaves, 50c to $1.50 yd. ---- [Navy Blue Serges Bin Twills and Fijpe Weaves. Perfect Dye 40c, 50c, 60c, 75¢, 90c, $1, Dio lnws, those who control education, who dispense charity, who teach and j reach--all should be curious, they should Le filled with keen anxiety to know, nit only that there isa pri sun strong enough to hold their savagry in check, but how it hap- fend that civilization was unable to carry these young fellows along with it, hut had to crash them, they fighting tooth and claw to the last. We ean get nowhere, we are gel ting nowhere. with our courts and prisons, our detectives and police, en- gaged as hundreds of years ago en t'rely with the question: "Is he guilty of this?" and eatirely icnor- ing the deeper and far more - vital gnestion to society : "Why was he guilty of this?' A state should have it8 criminologist--not a moon- ing student of books and a canner of statisties, but n investigator of lives in all lceal cuses of confined criminality, Passed Militia Examinations, The following is the list of those who passed the examinations at the provigional school of instruction held at the armouries during the winter : Far captain--Lieuts. W. E. Swaine, I.. ¥. Guttman, R. J. MclLelland, H. E. Pense, For lientenant--J. H, Stephen, Frank Smythe, A. W. Winnett, G. R. Dolan. Por sergeant--Corpl. 1. A. Seott. ---------- Chance of Recovery. Clarence Hays, who was severely in- jured on Thursday afternoon on Bay street, was reported to be somgwhat better on Monday, and it is thought he will recover. The friends of Robert Simons, a sail- or, were making enquiries on Monday about his whereabouts. He had not been séen since Satwday afternoon. He was employed on the Calvin boats Maryland is now the centre of the presidential political fight, HAVE YOU MADE YOUR WILL? If Not Your Family is Unprotected ~=No Lawyer i Necessary. For thirty-five cents you can make your will and be absolutely assured that it is perfectly legal in every re spedt, and ghat it cannot be broken by 5 anyone; no matter how hard he may try. Le : Delay in making your will is an in justice to those whom you wish to be taken care of. The courts are full of will eases where by legal technicali- ty or the absence of a will, and peo- ple who inherit property are slmost the last ones that the decealed would want to share in it. LIFE 18 VERY UNCERTAIN. So if you wish to assure those who "are nearest and Hearest to you of re Lopiving all that you wish them to have, instead of paving $5.00 to $10.00 to a lawyer, Be. a Bax Fegnl [Will Form, which also includes a speci- jen will for your. guidance. Fill jt } oul wecopding to simple instrections jana vou may be perfectly sure that it will stand avery legal test and cannot be under any circumstances. three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Angelo Mineola, was run over and killed by a carriage. Rev. Frank J. Day, pastor acespt'd a call to the Northern Cenorezational church Téronts, 'DOZENS WERE DROWNED IN ALABAMA FLOODS Unexpected Flooding Sunday Night Caused Loss of Life--Situation Serious. ; New Ala, May 6.---Refugees arriving here from the swamp counties to the west report the drowning of dozens of people "in the unexpected flooding of the distriet last night. A large fleet of motor boats and row hoats are now on the scene, trying to pick up survivors and bodies. The sitnation is getting serious, Roads, BASEBALL RECORD. -- The Games Played on Saturday and Sunday. ' National League--Saturday : New York, 4; Philadelphia, 3. Pittsburgh, 12; Chicago, Il. Béston, 6; Brooklyn, i. Cincinnati, 3 St. Louis, 1 (ten innings). Sunday : Cincinnati, 11; St, 9. Chicago, 6; Pittsburgh, 2. American League~Saturday : delphia, 10; New York, 5. ton, 8; Boston, 7. Cleveland, 4: Chi cago, 3. St. Lous, 10; Detroit, 8. Sunday : Chicago, 2; Cleveland, 1, Detroit, 3; St. Louis, 2. International Leagne--Saturday Newark, 4; Rochester, 3. Baltimore, RB: Toronto, 6. Montreal, &: Jersey City, 3. Providence, 4; Buffalo, 3. Sunday : Providence; 3: Buffalo, 2 Jersey City, 2; Montreal, 1. Roches ter, 5; Newark, 1. Louis, Phila- Washing- Standing of Leagues, National League--Cincinnati, 824 per cent.; New York, .733; Boston, .500; Chicago, 471; Pittsburgh, 412; Brook lyn, 100; Philadelphia, 357; St. Louis, 294, Amegican League--Chicago, 737 per vent.; Washington, 625; Boston, 588; Philadelphia, .529; Cleveland, 471; De- troit, 450; St. Louis, .333: New York, 250, International League--Jersevy City, G14 per cent; Buffalo, .583; Provi dence, 083; Baltimore, 545: Roches ter, JOO; Newark, 385; Toronto, .335; Moontreal, 273. STOCK MARKETS. Robinson, Toronto, dropped of 7§ on und learn why civililation hak failed | Congre rational church, Montreal, has | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1912. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. i 1 | A For the Woman Who fil #& Has Not Yet Bought Her Spring and Sum- a= mer Suit We have a number of very stylish Suits now ready These came to us just recently, and different in many ways from anything you have yet seen in the stores here, and are the product of two well known New York makes of satisfactory Suits, This If You Intend Going Awa Summer You Should See These at $20.00 to $30.00 To-Morrow We Will Sell the Balance of Our Dress Goods Remnants . " ' 0) . a 4 ' Left over after today's Special Remnant Sale. These Dress Goods Remnants are marked One-Half Price. Summer lessen the laundry 12 The real service and daintiness of the pretty New Ginghamns must appeal to every woman who does her own sewing and who must 30 New Designs in the Famous Scotch Ginghams Made by Anderson, of Glasgow, The Blues and Pinks and Greens ave fast in color. Morning Ginghams work. We have ready 1-2¢, 15¢, 20c, 25c. Navy Blue Navy Blue Navy Blue These three New Serges These Three Serges are Pure Wool and the shade of Indigo Blue that will not spot or discolor. Cream Serges at 49c. Cream Serges at 7 5c. Cream Serges at 99c. the pick of the trade, and are haying a remarkably brisk sale with us just now. Serges at 49c. Serges at 75c. Serges at 99c. correct makes of Cream Serges are considered J Laidlaw & Son. F. B. McCurdy Co., Clarence Ch ers--H W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, May 6th. Cement Lotion .....ii: ic. CPR. Detroit Loeg, - Scotia .. Power .. . Spanish... ~ Rich. 123 i wes 126 a 61} 10s aves 8 . 2563 ware AR we 1304 « HS « HIE - 1728 1063 « IR .. 168 655 Little Francis Mullen, of Barriefiekd, 'while playing on | Cataraqui bridge, was caught in the swing bridge, as it | Why not get one to<day? For sale hy: all draggists and the College Book Store Co., 260 Princess street, Be was closimg, and. badly 0 | hrised, on but found no bonws broken. The fad \ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters, The Bowling Club will hold annual meeting next Monday. Henry Coffin, who was hurt ! weeks ago, is able to be out again. Annther operation was performed on Dr. Walter Gravelle's foot on Monday morning in the Hotel hen. ' | Mrs. William Moore, Queen, street, was removed to the jHotel Dien on | Sunday in James Reid's ambulance. The death occurred in hospital on i Monday of Miss Ellen Cull, of Roek- lingham, Ont. The remains were sent to her home foe burial. The, funeral of the late Robert Greenlees took place from his late re- sidence at Sunbury, on Sunday, to Sand Hill cemelery, and was one the largest hold in that part of the , Country for some years. CASTORIA For Infants i The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the their two {ak fotted Jo be doing uicely on | Signature of a SATURDAY FOR BARGAINS On Saturday we will sell 3 Splendid Shoes for Ladies. Patent Pumps, no straps Patent Pumps, 2 straps Patent Blucher Oxfords All at $1.95 a pair Saturday only rn ALB see A Splendid Boot for Men, Medium Fine. Suitable for Everyday wear. A Great Bargain. $1.95 a pair. 'THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE VTC TTOITEYYOTYITTew ss ts SA >) cor hI BM -- a o-------- ae eee et Tew ow