Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1912, p. 6

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TRAVELLING, HIER Montreal Horse Show MAY 7th to 11th Round Trip Tickets will be issued af $5.80 fncluding one admission to the Show Tickets good leaving Kingston, May Sih only. (Valid for return on or wikite May 18th. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Canadian North West. and Return 1 ay, May 14th and every ao cond Tuesday thereafter untll Sept 17th Tickets good for 60 days. For full Information. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts LLU FN REE A Ki NCsTENG IF MBROK RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Homeseekers' | Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA and return. Tuesday, April 2nd, and every second Tuesday thereafter until September 17th ull particulars at K. & P. .R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, *Phone 50. Gen, Pass, Agent ILLAN LINE oyal Mail Steamers 8t. Lawrence Season 3 TO LIVERPOOL. Tunisian sails Fri, May 8, May 31. Virginian salls Fri. M y 10, June 7. rsican sails Fri, May 17, June 14 fctorian sails Fri, May 24, June 21 TO GLASGOW, Pratotian sails Bat, May 4, June 1. Hesperian sails Sat.. May 11, June 8. Caandinavian snils May 18 June 15, mpian sails Sat, May 26, June 22 . TO HAVRE AND LONDON. Slellian sails Sun. May 5, June 9. lonian salls Sun, May 12, June 16. Corinthian sajls Bun May 19, June 23. and c. Seotién salle Sun., May 26, June 30. Lake Erie sally Sun., June 2, Jdly 7. For full Information as to addi tional suiltngs, rates, elc., apply to ¢, 8. KIRKPATRICK, J.P. HANLEY, G. T. Ry. 42 Ularence St, Allan Line Agents, Kingston, SUMMER SAILINGS. Empreas of Treland .. ., .. Montrose Empress of Britdin . Lake "Champlain .. .. Empress of Ireland . Lake Manitoba Empresa of Britain ...... June Lake Champlain... .. .. .. Jul Empress of ireland . July 12 Lake Manitoba .. .. July 18 Empress of Britain .. July 26 Tickets and all information from Fix! Sunsiip agent, ur F. CON- PA, K. & PR, Kingston, May May . May June June June ag 3 6 11 20 x ya REAL ESTATE SNAPS RB FRAME ¥WOUSE, "with good barn and large lot. 'rents for $17, all at $1,800. BRICK VENEER HOUSE, To- to Street. 8 rooms, with fou extra full lots, good dare and poultry house, ot nt. . . $1,700 HOUSE, 8 rooms, on ork Street .,... ... FRAME COTTAGE, six rooms. fmprovements, and aun Ha Street .. $1, HOUSE, six rooms, Cares sls lot and stable on Al- SV $1,000 DOUBLE i HOUSE, © gooms. each, with all im- forements, 2 vodak Street rented fo year, $2,100. oi norsk for Sale and to in all parts of the Ci Rent oily. 170 MAKE FINAL SEARCH THE VICTIMS OF THE TITANIC DISASTER. FOR Dominion Government Steamer Montmagny Has Left for the Scenc=Will Cruise Along Fdge of the Gulf Stream, balfax, M Lhe search for 1 LAGU DoUns is (0 be CoBiuuen, Bou the ZovelBiueli. SvcBisiug solange Sali FesletOBy, Felavilig (ue saan Lhe wine Sua olicuss wed Bard bo KPt anohér sceamsnip, pat taued. Lhe imo cabu-ships are seguired of thea reguldr work, the Fremcn cable requir my tae Mackay-Bendett, white lhe ay Dus 1% Riso needed eiSewhere. Ldloris were made Lo obtain the steamship Seal, which has wireless equipment, but these proved futile. Aw y fast re course an appiication made to the dominion government for the Montmagny, whica has been lying bere sowie Lime undergoing repairs. 1 his was about concluded. at lust the ob ficials of the marine department at OL tawa were disinclined to allow the Montmagsy to go, but a request was made direct to Hon, K. 1. Borden, and through him to the wivister of marine, and the steamship was order ed to get ready. The dontagny in about four knots faster then either of the cableships and is well adapted for the job sbe will have in hund. Supplies will be taken for u cruise of ten days or nore, Ample material required by un dertakers © will be-put on board. The government steminer in prosec uting her search will eruise along the edge of the Gull Stream, and it is expected that bodies will be found in cold wa- ter as far north perhaps as one hun dred miles from the place where th Titanic went down, The Mackay-Hennelt reported them diifting notth-eastérly, and the Mont mAgny 8 crise will be in that direc tion. A conference was held with thu captain of the Mackay-lienpett, so that the commander of the Mont magny will be possessed of all the in formation at that officer's disposal. Capt. Peter Johnson, in charge of the lighthouse service on this coast, an ex- perienced navigator, will likely pro. coed with the Montmagny. met np SEIZED A NIGHT LINE ay I was or -- Containing 1,100 Hooks Placed by Clayton Fishermen, Gananoque, May 7.--Fish and Game (Overseer George "Pones, on. Saturday, seized a big night line over a mile in length between St. John's and Wolle Islands, The line contained about 1,100 hooks and was the pro- oriy of American fishermen, from Clayton. On Sunday he secured an other about mile and a half in length between ihe head of St. John's Islnd and Wolle Island, presamably also the property of American fisher men, The latter filled the entire bow of the launch. The wotor launch Eve is here; hav- ing the engine removed. and placed in the Johnnie ti. the handsome eabin cruiser purchased recently by John Melkay. of Kingston, : Considerable improvements have been made by Capt. UD, J. Kenney, to his ferry boat, Roanck, which has been changed to gasolive. instead of steam as motive power. It is expected she will be conwiderably speedier this season. Archibald Neal js acting as night policeman to fill the vacancy occasion: et by the death of Janfes Shine, until the town council makes a permanent appointment. Robert Allen has purchased Freeman Cowan's motor launch, The Ladies' Aid of Grace church met at the home of Mrs, A. J. Allen, Sy- denham street, last evening. . The Jewish rabbi from Kingston is spending a few days in town, minis tering 10 the needs of his flock, Mrs. W. - V. Bulloch und daughter, Miss Dora Bulloch, spending several weeks in New York, Adantic City, and Montreal, have returned home Francis Amo left, vesterday, for Si, John's Island, to enter on hia duties for the seasoh at Nokomis Lodge, the summer home of C. H. Nicholls, of New York. n RING OF BISHOP CRACKED. M-------- Damaged When Candlesticks Fell and Struck Right Hand. Ogdensburg, May 6.--It was Jearned yesterday that when the brass candle sticks fell from the vight side of the altar during the consecration service at St. Mary's cathedral Wednesday, one of them in alighting on the slab in front of where Bishop Conroy was standing saying mass, not only grazed the prelate's forehead but struck his right hand and cracked the blood red gatnet in the episcopal ring on his finger. The ring, which is surrounded with diamonds, was the gift of Fath- ers Devlin, Burns and Lyon, all old frignds of Mgr. Conroy. HONOR FOR JAPANESE GIRL. First of Her Country to Win Ph.D, Degree. * Xow York, May 7.~When people talk about the intellectual progress of the people of Japan they hardly ever have her wome wind. Miss Tsuru Arai, a youn nese woman, has the Gina examination for the oof stor of philosophy at Columbia, She is the first wothan of heér nationality who ever nequired the degree. iss Arai came to thix country to study about four years 0, iter Raving graduated from the Woman's College in Tokio. -- Dr. Morse's ladian mR ro which collapsed, are absolutely necessary HENBANE IN THE SALAD. Guests Did Queer Things Until Doctor Arrived. May 7. From medieal ne just issued there have been Geneva, counts the accidental inclusion of some hig bane in a salad. The results alarmed the hotel wnn agement bevand anything they had ever experienced. They sent for a doctor at once, but when he arrived, one of the afflicted women embraced him with extreme fervor, declaring he was an intimate friend, and she would not let" him go. A Russian, who had been talking German at dinner, suddenly lost all recollection of that language, while an English woman conceived a fixed de termination to teach her mother ton gue to all whom she eonld eorral While sthese were "carrying on" in their several ways, another bunch of suflerers were rocking with Inughter they could not control. It was the maddest seen ont of an asylum. hoidl proprietor was almost distracted 1i the prompt application of antidotes restored his guests to their normal sanity demeanor. wssembly and the every ol SUFFRAGETTES IN PARIS. Furnished Amuseineit Munigipal Elections, May 7.-Fhe municipal elec ticns which were held throughout France Sunday were teresting in Paris aml (here because the frageite mode Ker fret 'appearances French polities. Two oftee but the support they received was not very gredt. the of these wis Madame Pelleticr, the noted sul iraget'y, who polled M5 aginst |= R60 east for her male opponent. must Le remembered, however, eviryohe who voted dor Pelletier knew that the vole westcd as under the drench 1 ehdtion of a woman to the wotld have been mvalid, The other candidate nad. She recelved gainst 2,006 cast for ponent Béth wonien Hoeinhing Only in Pars, only 8 ifs if women ran for that the oflice Miss Het votes ne mnie opr { nited was 103 her ran We------------ WOODTICKS (CAUSE The Kootenay Entomologist Arouses British Columbia, Nelson, PX May 7.- Considerable alarm has followed a statement by J. W. Cackle, the well-kiiown Koo- téniy entomologist, that woodlicks which , abound in British Columbia, earry gers which capse spinal men- ingitis and beri-beri, and that the bite of the inseets is frequently fatal. Interviewed by Dr. W, 0. Hose, anid that this fact was well-known to members of the medical profession in this provinte' and in' Montana. hi thirteen years Dr. Rose stated that | he had bad four cases of spinal men- ingitis directly traceable to bites trom woodticks. Two of these cases were fatal. Bites onthe nape of the neck caused meningitis, and also on other parts of the body" were frequently re sponsible for dangerous diseases. In tefest in thé subject is great locally oh account of the death a few days ago from spinal meningitis. of the Robely child. . 4 TO EXPLORE AMAZON. IISEASE. Umiversity' Selects Algot Lange to Head Party. Philadelphia, May 7.~The board ol managers of the Ufiiversity of Penn: sylvanint museum, dmounced that it would stat an expedition on Sept Ist to explore the Amazon giver to ils source, Five men will compuise the exploration party amd they will devote thie years to the work. Algol Lange, of Brooklyn, author af "In the Amazon Jdagles," will head the expedition, which will be equipped with a steamsinp that will sake the party from New York to the mouth of the Amazom, aud of size sot too large to sail several thoukand miles into the river and along its tributaries. NEW NOVEL AT 81. Amelia Barr San Works From Eight to Nine Hours a Day. i J htis Edith who js now #1 the produc: pdder," a sequel to * to be published "Tan Woos amd "Pe- SE , , from day works Was IT #n intimate view of the lowes floor . oll Killing wo pd and injuring twenty others. Wavy ers were sel into the cra beams, This is following factory buildin Kities, gird the question has arisen pow----is ) Bg (Seaviatioh of mest Cynadin none of the old-fashioned "tiesrods" binding the in® such factory buildings. lively doings in Davos hotel through, Ip Madame ¢1 ¥ _ of the (fiveStorey this sapport <nfficte ut? building from wail to The wen in the MES, EVA FAULTY CONSTRUCTION? It wall, picture sibin, day for pital yes =py ng it the « Ame AND uf the Neils fact companied by nograp! al been married i health d Mrs in: the fa going PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Over the World. Sevenieen thousam! of Fontan cvaids grant fle se salis Pell to, s\n de 1i3¢. vo ilije. Miss Josephine A, burg, N.Y., hag been (xaminer for five Int. Winston Spenco: thurchall of 'the admiralty, un seven weeks' can. Frank resident vim sville Watert Callahan, Ogden Soappsatel nur ws from Aug so fest lord witli sharily leave on | trip to the Meditorran; | Veters, assistan of the IR keen + anpointad ger tendint at Vancouver, late Mr. Ohorne thie altempt in down the reratary feated bv a vole alary remains at Aceording 10 the Fine af ih ob teen new bishops t at eral ceeding to Wine us the to Hilles, de His the house of Charles 1) ident Tadt, i to 3 salary to A're was 1, of $7,000 report Methodist thes retived pnd gay (nee, oe REGO he | the invita the ol y to Beyvreath The Kdiseérin has refused ton of Cosimo Wag the and witness a fal' Th religious Felix A built one of Calgary, died ane Vears and made tre No lL. 1 widow great emnposer, 10 ¢ performance: of "Parsi cinpress bases her refusal on ron Meifugh the on a fortune miki {ric ture naire, first mn M: well sixty | (tava con mday, born mn raiw mn iy i for fifteen years {has OF ary of the partment of rafways and cumals, has been notil fed df his appointment to the position of leputy min- ister: of the department The four ex'sting vaémng {house of eommong, Kootenay. donald (Man.), South Simcoe | Richelien, will not be filled {nutumn, when thire wil eral by election. day. Jones, who as secret de assistant the Mae and is untu he OF gn. Long Lake Locals, long lake, Mav 4 che ss maker, ame on Mo had to return home again the factory not being run. George Asselstine fcrtvne to have two irolen while at the raising of « barn wt D. Prow's; but 42 doing nicely uns der re «f Pr. Conlter, of Par ham Richard Wagar and family have moved to Parham, where Mr. has scoured" a job on the railroad Frank Seott hag moved nto the hous helemuing ta D WW. Cronk Lewis Dreasherm, of Cobalt, came home for a visit. Stinson, dn but owing to in condition to had the mis- of hs ribs Mr the ¢ Wagar she Hates Caly Men, Chicago, May 7.-Decsuse Mra. Ade laid Maud MeKoe, society woman, member of thd DA Rand the Chicago Women's Club, hated "old; ugly snd bald headed men" is na reason that she chould be declared msane, accord. ing to Judge John E. Owens, of the county conrt. Francis T. McKee, her husband, wealthy contractor, applied for a asking that <he be sent io an a . He testified that her principal opie of conversation consisted of criticisms of the personal appearance of men. Mr. and Mra. Lev. Southworth, of Hotel" Rideau, Newboro, have: left the town, Last Thursday Mrs. Senthworth was invited for tes, and after ten the ladies of St. wary's chureh guild pre sented her with u present and ou ad dress. gap erin | ent | the | ro nan their their n childve At pre tection Jer Phil Wer pry pp rp p---- oy Rs Lo Ha Nellson factory, Notice the he is also TEXAS CAPTAIN ARRESTED Dedpite ts of Teva Xs ago mm the ibis terday the emi Lirge number father rr jority foreign i ne whelphin rres by Toronto, 'Kets or the outer wall of sockets in which noted that there were it is now thought that these are searching tor the bodies, American and Greek Con sul's Protests. May 7.--In spite of the pro the American and Greek con the captain of the steamship which' was blown up a few Gulf of Smyrna, was fron the Graok hos Turkish prison infirmary The Turks of "s 'behalf an cons notified at Constantinople, and 1d that the First ret of the captain have removed to a accuse him aly Americ al: has ae Ary of bhoen na an in guard ship sent £0 Smyrna the etd when tl inguiry inte 'the dis Turkish forts f solid shots 'of wr passengers Tex. 18ler had fir- it the supposed ef mine or the vere dro Ar L Is exploded a boifbrs Have RETAIN CITIZENSHIP, Suffragette Society Law Changed, May 7.~The Voman Suffrage to the Rei hstag of a law permitting MArry who citizenship birth, 2 they t the citizenshiy The sufiragett in the that German thers rman citizenship if before they réach . or is divorced. and the be given to cave Pry the pro Waats Na has for Lerman te Socisfy petition wha foreigners women marry Ler pet ain in the coun unle adopt husbands n pro Is hildren ¢ un dies volt 0 bill me shall at German women' who m all" claim birth and Mrs! rg, Pa Haley! her rs lose to i their country 5 Her rhert ace Skeets, 5 1=et) of slanderin the vilway fibel an © engineer on nd Le T ted on Cae. o Sof > (BL (fe | SWITCHERS TRANSFORMATIONS | POMPADOURS WAVES-FRONTS | cols ANY STYLE WILL BE GLADL You are invites "DORENWEND SANIT r Ranitary amd perfect} n weld, stray pg jans and. medical Phey are mude' ia poy | siyien, shapes or shades, Da not fall eall sod them THE BDORENWEND of Terawte, Lid 1a foe uy, Land r | Maney Ger-. The House of Qualjiy Hair - Guods, 103.105 Yeuge Street, Terente, Ont. THE SPOT germs lurking where in the cornérs o Dustless Bweeping €ompound is germs, gathers th disinfeets your carpets ware dealers. The preserves Get a brown swoop Kingston Agent OF INTEREST TO THE to enll on af for a FREE DEMONSTRATION of cur famous The thoroughiy clean home, SOCLEAN LIMITED Nit DORENWEND, Toronto 'will he at the 'Hotel Randolph, KINGSTON, Tuesday, May 14th With a stock of the European and American fons in Hair Goods. : Our Transformation for the lady whe be equaled noted for " \ohiy newest Paste has thir All wut x DRMONSTR ATED FREE. BALD Man. ARY PATENT TOLFE ¥ constructed toupes nw fecliy ventilated 3 LESS HOME that one that has no dirt, r behind the furniture, is dust or the ane SOCLEAN used. It absorks the dust ani cm up instead of seattering them, aud thoroughly trial pafl at your grocers or hard- ing compound that renovates and TQRONTO H. W. MARSHALL Ladies of Culture and Re- finement Use Salvia Hair Tonic. It Makes the Hair Besatival last Si positively a rem will has been discover eid this pest hat Dandrufi enuied by recepted every sensible Pandraff is the root of all hair evils SALVIA will kill the dandruff germs emove Dandruff in ten back SALVIA is guaranteed. Tt will grow top itching sealp, falling hair, make the thick and abun dant. 1 in hair from tur grav, and and Justre SALVIA dressing that has he the with women «of ftaate who know the' so wautiful hair A large, tile Se., at drugpists it Wl {Latin that destroy = germs by person day hair ents life hair 1 and ning welds NA Oe fava and culture, vin CHET h einl of only everywhere; and The ange), g costs leading druggists for word I= on PLANS FOR THE NEW HOTEL Show that it the company COOKING mn of for not Is the intentic to use ' GAS This need interfere with your plans, how ever aboyt getting the service pipe installed in the house he fore the warm weather arrives, 50 that you may enjoy the many advantages derived by the use of GAS for COOKING CHEAP, CLEAN & CONVENIENT A Of {ice the Works, Queen Btreet, 'phone 197 will bring you necessary information Light Heat, Power & Water Depts | C.C. FOLGER 1 GENERAL MAN, VEIL, card addressed fo the of or the Jolin , Parks, of Watertown, n match on to some in his apariment on Sunday five started which endangered families. Before much damage done the fire was put out Hugh Fox. of Pottsville, ed himself orf Saturday, him for dropped andl a thirty was Pa. hy heen use see] nanssupport wile TEETER = ® N.Y.) furniture | his | only sate effectual Monthly Regulator on which worn in ean depend. Sold in three degrees of strength-No. 1, 16 degrees stronger, for special cases, Jold & all druggista, or seat paid on Jeol of price {ee | { | Bx The great Uterine Tonle, und | | i ree pamophlet, Tw Brneets Toronto. Gormard i W inden} CETTE ~ As Compared with the Beds of the Stone Age even the podrest of modern beds i are not living in the stone age. In conditions that made sleep easy Spiral Sp 'Tt: cannot sag" is a thing of luxury. But we those days, people lived under we of to-day need all the aids to good Test that modern inventions can give us. We need a Its spiral steel springs "yield to the curves of the body, and cannot, (even with years of use) lose their *' springiness. In otherwords, the * * Banner"' cannot sag. Tne "Banner Spiral Spring Bed combines the good points of the luxurious French Box Spring, with the added advantage that it Insts a life-time, is clean and sanitary and costs very little more than an ordinary saggy woven wire spring. We guarantee that the Banner Spring Bed will give you a lifetime of perfect satisfaction, that the springs will never lose their temper or sag, that no service asa bed can injure it. Let your dealer show you a "Banner" Spring Bed. ' - We are also makers of Brass and ron Beds Ostermoor Maitrasses Heck Brand Mativesses and all kinds of TITEL fl r THE ALASKA FEATHER & DOWN COMPANY Limivens ) ws rE CE proeees thn aad EEE MONTREAL ano WINNIPES TH ee hy

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