Ladies' Bankin g Accounts I Are invited at The Bank of Toronto. The Manager will any assistance or information required for opening and keeping the account. Interest Paid on Balances. Bank of Toronto be pleased to give ; INCORPORATED 1855. + CAPITAL REST . $5,000,000 $6,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH GEORGE B. McKAY, 107 PRINCESS 8T. Manager. { Another Fresh Supply « nN COLUMBIA BATTERIES Just Received, to go at $1.49 J. N. SCOTT § ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 116 BROCK STREET, "Phone 1215. TEA! TEA! TEA! From the Finest :Tea Gardens Ceylon, uncolored, and of the finest] flavor, Green and Black at 30c¢ put | pound, at ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. REMODELING OLD JEWELRY WE PAY TENTION TO OLD PIECES INTO NEW DESIGNS, GET OUR SUCH WORK. SPECIAL AT- REMODELING OF JEWELRY AND ARTISTIC PRICES FOR WE MANUFACTUR- ERS. RODGER & WRIGHT DIAMOND MERCHANTS Formerly Spangenberg's 347 King Street. -- Mariage Licenses Issued. ARE We have installed A Key Cutting Machine FOR YALE KEYS Keys cut while you wait. W. J. MOORE & SON Agents tor Cadillae, Iudson & McLaughlin Motor Cars, FOR SALE At Attractive Prices coammodious odern cone locations eral mtg. resi Tenionces; 'spiendy " Anum! moderate size He ber of residences, all a Neh Conveniences at right Rasy i} number of frame houses : $ at Aureus Bure, rohited 1 Some of the best loca ¢ but ne, ots te IR 0 wiy, von- ve it of attractive mod for rent, furni=hed ha Raitway er anly vert | g PE ee Brat Cerin 1" oa rie Hist Ti yao ae el ore of | iF LIME FOR SALE DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard 'Phons 443, 288 | Wellington st, A. NOTICE settled in my new store, I am prepared to supply my customers and as many new ones with my Home Made Pork Sausage H. J. MYERS 115 Brock St. "Phone 570. Erste Being well cenit. meee. Sn THE KINGSTON ICE COMPANY, LIMITED. 1912 RATES: 30 tickets, 20 to 25 1bs. each $1.75. 30 tickets, 45 to 50 lbs. each 2.95. books must Book of Book of Ticket he purchased at the office before ice delivery com-| ences, "14 MARKET STREET, "Telephone 68. LIGHTER CI« ED. These warm spring days make us think of lighter eloth- ing. These works take WMrat place in the cleaning and pressing of ladies' and gentle- men's Spring Clothes R. PARKER &°00,, Dyers and Cleavers, ® Princess St. Kingston, Ont TRE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY % mx THE DAY'S EPISODES] (limwsewehiis,) |= LCCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences in the City and Vicinity ~--Other Brief Items of Interest Fasily Bead and Remembered. Moth prooi bags. Thomas D. Falion, the city, BS the Gibson's. of Cornwall, is in Loughlin, ey, today. F. A. Folger, Toronto, city and looking well. Wi um Swaine, pisno tuner. reaeived at Meluley's. Phone 564, Ihe Northern Motor Car a fine ear on the streets build more of them. H. Cunningham, hing sireel. Lea Auvley"s book stora. : James Devlin, Montreal, is in th city on a brief visit, He conducts the Turkish Bath Hotel, in the metropolis. Old silver looks like new after using { Magic cleaning fluid only sold at -(hib- {son's. | W. GG. Gibbon, of Toronto, who has 'beens in Kingston for a few days on business, returned to Toronto on Tues day. John Hewetson, porter at the gene- al hospital, has sent in his resigna- ion and he will sail on the boats for he summer months, Moth proof bags. * Gibson's Fireman Cockade has been trander- red from the upper to the lower fire station, to drive the grey team taken to the lower station, for duty. Rake your lawn and sprinkle with Sold ouly of Yarker, is in is in the hing wall Uo. They " Me piano tuner, orders at | ir t t | i | { Kentucky lawn grass seed. at Gibson's | The annual meeting of the board of trade will take place to-night, when reports will be received of the year, | 1 | | and officers will be élect- i. The Borden government, if it wants Orders § of the work | (GRAND Y OPERA Y HOUSE) F RIDAY, MAY 10 'RETURNS OF MY HERO, CHOCOLATE SOLDIER Whitney Opera Co. 199 People. The same ss seen here last Jamaary. Symphony Ogrhesntrn of of 20 Sehis now ou Sale, , TH, §1, $1.30, FREE LECTURE TRI SCIENCE, by ' 25, 3 IFRANCIS J. FLUNO, M.D, CS8.D, } California, i Member of the Board of Lecture. ship, First Church of Christ, Scient- ist, Boston, Mass, CITY HALL Friday, May 10 At EIGHT o'clock. is extended A cordial invitation to all 'to be present. TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS ARE INVITED UP TO Monday, May 13th, for the different trades' work required 'n the erec of a Convent Building on Johnson Street for the Sisters of the Congrega- tion de Notre Dame. Plans and specifications may be seen my office, HH. P 268 King Street. CARD OF THANKS. i | it SMITH. Architect, {a man of judicial training as chair- man of the railway commission, might turn its eyes upon its representative from Wingston. He would do. i Magic cleaning fluid, 15¢. Gibson's. W. H. Gallagher, of Portland, has taken out a permit for the erection of a brick dwelling on the west 'side FAlkert street, between Mack and Brock sircets. Kentucky 1 aon Frederick Connors, Bi w s0 has been caretaker of the Y.M.C.A. building, commenced duties as n ie carrier at the postoffice on Fuesday morning Miss Mabel Meok, Miss Jessie Reid, Beecroft and G. Attwood left to for Gananoque, to m the i lawn grass seed, only st wha for the past a, day assist recital to be given this evening by the | pupils of Miss Power. Morgan Redick, Privcess street, an employee of the Kingston Shipbuild ing company, had his index finger badly jammed while at his work the shipyard, Saturday morning. pecial Antiseptic tooth paste, |e 25¢. Sargent's Drug Store. Ida Anderson, of Bancroft, Mare. | to the general hospital { Monday hy Dr, Embury, to {treatment for her eves. [It two Irs. wins on | them, Kentucky lawn makes beautifnl lawns, Sold in Kingston on- ly at Gibson's. Chief Steward Tilton, of the Bay oi fudinte Steamboat company, is look- ing after the fitting out of the ves sels. The steamer Caspian will be the first to go on the route, leaving here for Rochester, on the night of May Ath. 4 Make Kingston beautiful. lawn grass seed will do it. ly at Gibson's. The Woodstock Sentinel-Review, | ting the troubles over patronage grass seod Kentncky Sold on- no- in THIS SPACE will be occupi- ed by ED JENKINS CLOTHING C0. in talking the Public on the merits of our Men's and Boys Clothing. " Our makes are all branded lines, and in to { Kingston, says: "The Borden gov- ernment is committed to civil service reform. Perhaps the government 8 making a preliminary trial of the ex- periment in Kingston." * Moth proof bags. Gertrude Cornwall, the ten-vear-old daughter of Mr. Cornwall, of Long Lake, was brought to the general hos- p pital on Monday afternoon, suffering from appendicitis. She was removed to that institution in RK. J. Reid's am- bulance, and was operated upon on Monday evening. Hopes for her re covery are bright, Gibson's. . Still More Veterans Apply. More veterans have sent their names for the Fenian raid veteran bounty. The following is the additional list that have sent in their names to Ma- gistrate George Hunter :--Captain CG. Joyner, 45th Regiment; William Hut- *chinson, 47th Regiment; J. R. Moore, 48th Regiment; Mr. Curns, 47th Regi- meat; Martin Connell, Stornington Ri- | fles; Captain Daly. Stornington Rifles; Lawrence - Hartman, 45th Regiment. John McCready, 47th Regiment; Rob- ert Vair, Garden Island Marine com- | pany; John Simmons, Garden Island grine company; Charles Thompson; Charles Davisdon; 48th Regiment, and Joseph McCommell, 48th Regimenty War. den Platt, 16th Regiment; Howard | Abrams, 47th Regiment: 8. Storms, Louis Brady, Charles Ruttan and Da- vid Walker, all of 47th Regiment. Notes From Flower, Flower," May 6.--Wilirid Jackson leaves for Rochester on Tuesday to work for the summer. Benjamin (loss, "of Flower, and Miss Jennie Napier, of | jC aldwell's Mills, were mwrried on Wed- pesday at the latter place. Rev. Nr. [ Maleolm officiated. Derwood Cameron (has gone to work on the C.P.R. rail- | way. Lyon Appleby, of Renfrew, spent Saturday at home, Robert Mcfionegal pects to move his family later" Edith Jackson has returned Calabogie Miss | fr. rom them lies the clothing. Died in California. The death occurred im California, on Sunday, of Col. Charles Constantine, endent of the Royal ps an op The ! His som, © to Ys ton, left for Chicago, on Tuesday, meet the remains. "Mrs. Hattie Durham, of Fullerville, N.X.. died 'at the ty hospital, Ogi rg, on Monday. She is survived by ber husband aad twelve ehildren. ot | undergo | is thought | that she may lose the sight of one of | leaves for Egelbart next week, and ex- | i 1 apt. C. F. Coustantine, of the ROCHA, a shail succeed, for already 1 have been | former had a severe fail, 1 desire, on behalf of Mrs. Joseph Garden, of Bunbury, to thank the Fri- American Assurance Company ns their agents, W. H, Godwin & Son, for the very prompt settlement of 1h less sustained by Mrs. Gorden throug! the fire on Friday last, which stroyed her residence and ~ontents V. MUN ELL Kingston, May 7th SALE BY TENDER | OMMINSION oF Tenders will undersigned up 1812, at 3 p.m, Stoek-in-" Assis, 4 business Parkhill ! Kingsfon Fovrthe {applicaton | tend: Ww MERC HANT LATE J. ¥, be PARKHILL, received by the to Friday, May 10th, for the parchase of the Good-will ad athar as going concern of th carried on by the late J. Y Princes Street, & at No, 229 Ont par it fenlars store may be had the premises secesparily MUNDFLL. Solicitor for 1912 Accepted, Executors April 30, I MOST POPULAR CROSSED SARDINES A S---- Every goed grocer sells them. ASK FOR THEM. CATARAQUI BRIDGE COMPANY Notice to Creditors. | ALL PERSONS against the are hereby r.atement of undersigned at his office, Street, on or before the 3 * 1819 after which date a divisior Assetr of the Company will be to the Shareholders, order, THOMAS Kingston, May MAY LIKELY PRACTISE THOUGH HE HAS BEEN FROM INFANCY. HAVING Catraqui Bridge requested to their account CLAIMS Company { render of the made | 3 MILLS 1912. Sec, Treas 6 BLIND Chicago Young Man Says His Fing- "ers are Good Eyes--May Become First Blind Practitioner, | Chicago, May 7.--Surgieal operations {may be performed by a blind man if {Jacob W. Rolotin succeeds in passing the examination for a physician's 1i f conse which he took today before the [State Board of Medical Fxaminers. { He has met every test that has been 'given him, and examiners believe he + will qualify and become the first blind Imedical practitioner in the state of | Dinos { Bolotin, blind from his infaney, will feomplete a course in medicine in the Chicago College of Medicine and Sar gery this month. "A blind physician !"" exclaimed the i young man after he had finished die- tating his answer - to the final ques tion. "Well, is thers anything so re {markable allout it? Because x man hasn't eyesight is it any sign that he hasa't any brains *" "They laughed at me when 1 asked {for a chart and said that I was going { in the regular class for dissecting. But | there wasn't a nerve, a sinew, a vein, an artery, a tissue that the eve could behold but 1 could feel with the tips of my fingers. My fingers are good eves. With them 1 can detect pulea- tions, irritations and lemperntireyin: stantly. "My oars are keen to every little sound within the human body. They | BUSINESS | FAGE SEVEN, A--_ Rabe nbaban The People's Forum PPT VT TTRUV Ive IIE CUNDENSED ADVERTISING BATES | First hacrtion je a word, . Minis rier Saat | cent nn word, a] one insertion, Zoe; three metritens, | SOc six, $1; wme month, $2, HELP WANTED. msmiliose + TWO HELL BOYS AT HOTEL RAN. doiph Jeveirey CANARIES. CANARIES, FECT E IT REUV SVR IRV VRQ Tee Vv ETE VEY SY evan GERM AN CAN ARIES. -- ANOTHER anipment. of beautiful song birds rece d; come in aud hear them; each bird a guaranteed songster W. J. Driver, corner o een and Barrie Street. 'Phone just BUSINESS CHANCES. ASSIST WITH House! Apply, 138 Frock Street GIRL we TO rwo CARPENTERS. APPL ¥ Hu NT- er & Harold, Nicol . Bui} din, Queen's College PLUMBERS, Brantford, FIRST-CLASS TWO Whitfield, Anguisly & Ont ASSIST WITH GENERAL Apply to Mrs. Plcker- Nelson Street A GIRL TO nousework ng, 212 GIRL work; ply at A FOR GENERAL references required. 148 Johnson Street. HOUSE. Ap- AND ONE 8. Obern- Chy. SHIP CARPENTERS AND MacHi)- ists for marine work Apply to Kingston Shipbuilding Co. THREE YOUNG LADIES Boy at once, Appl ply, dorffer, Ontario Street, FoR Apply, Bagot and EXPERIENCED MAID eneral work; references. Mrs McKay, corner West Streets AN A PLUMBER; HIGHEST paid to practical man. Bennett & Halligan, 391 Street. WAGES Appiy, Princess FOREMAN WANTED. foreman for brass out af town. Ap Box 53. Whig o - WORKING polishing room, be to 'Foreman,' fice ee ONCH, LABORERS market to pull down also buildings and sale Apply on site AT HAY buildings: materials or har GOOD PLAIN COOK; tend to first floor; quired Apply, in after § o'clock, at 141 ast ALSO TO AT. references re. the evening King Street WOMAN FOR LIGHT and ompanion 10 two others in with references office family Box 7 Apply Whig IRLS AND BOYS TO WORK wm mill; pleasant work pg id wages > atl Dominton or X- Street i) Apply, Cataraqul INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly cor.espon 8 for newspapers; no ecanvassin Bend for particulars, Press Sy cate, 3,968 Lockport, AN oLD abie maids; COUNTRY DOMESTICS, Scotch, English and also Danish girls; partes arriving weekly Apply now, Th Guild, 71 Drummond Street, Mont- real, or 227 Bank Steet, Ottawa CAV- Irish SMART BOY WANTED AT once. Abernethy's Shoe Store. WANTED-----GENERA Le TO EXCHANGE A Hooh BUGGY Gent's. Bleyele; eal ftey 6 Apply, 214 William 'sn FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM About October Ist. Apply to Mc Cann's Real Estate Agency £1 Brock Street LANTERN size Box Sid oN I-H AND ofl} tn take 81-4 x 31 i Ww hig office MAGIC standard Address, view TS NICE CLEAN machinery same Bri Company. RAGS FOR WIPING Il pay good price for h Whig Publishing ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START & mail order business at home; Be canvassing: be your own Send for free booklet; tells Bow. Heacock, 2.989, Lockport. N.Y FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GENERAL INSURANCE, BOON, Agent, 158 Wellin Fire, Life, Accident aun Policies |ssued. T. ' ton St; Healt BATEMAN & GARDINER FIRE, Life, Accident, Insurance and Cus toms Broker; a Estate and Muney lo : a share of your business solicited 67 Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Phone $06. K. CARROLL, Bireet--Fire, Life, Health Insurance, Employers' Liability and Motor Boat Insurance, Security Bonds, Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Moose Jaw, eto. 14 MARKET Aceldent and Plate Glass FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1883 president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm §rghettios, municlp and Seuniry ebentures; morigages purchas Seposits received and interest al- cGlil, Managing Director, #7 Clarence Street CUIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBR Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable assets, $61,187,216. In addition wu which the policyhold ra have for security the unlimited HHability of all the stock-holders. Farm and city properly insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business gel rates from Strange & BSirange, Agents 'Phone 325 TO LET. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH without board, near City Park, Wellington Street. JARGE A LOT OF WARDROBES FOR 8 TO $10 & ploce: also a few ehpsr boards, at Turk's, 'Phoue 705, ALBION HOTEL sinith, Unt, livery stand, Proprietor. a. (BRICK) HARROW. with furniture al Apply, DD. Graves, oy X and Alwington Sireet We A LOT Fowl, Rn Barres Ave RHODE ISLAND Rocks Apply, Union FOR PRIVATE SAL KE, GOOK Oil Heaters, Tab STON 6, # Bed and Camp $ 'halrs, t'ressers, ete 4 ) King Strest (over Dr. O'Connor's office), A PAIR OF SOLID BRICK HOUSES) five bedrooms each: not far from University. must be sold; owner leaving eity. Apply, J. Ke 'Carroll 14 Market Street. GROCERY BUSINESS IN ONE OF the best residential sections of the city; good reasons for jeitiog Apply to J. K. Carroll, 0. 4 Market Street. 'Phone No. #8 NEw FRAME HOUSE, VICTORIA Street, near Princess Street: bars gain 10 quick buver; sise one § hp. motor, in first-class condition, Apply, E. Wathen, 47 Mack Street, AWNINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS «= Capt, Joseph Dix, Sallmaker. 18 the best awniug maker the Sty. Hs want " well made and hat wil #1 the longest, drop card to 211 Nelson Street, -- TEN OLD ENGLISH OAK DINING Chalrs and two arm chalrg, leathes seats and backs, at very 'reasons able prices. lL. Lesses, corner Prins cess and Chatham Streets 'Phone 1045 5 BEST WESTERN INVESTMENTS --- am agent for Grand Trunk Pacifle townsites; easy payment plang also some cholce lots in Bassano, Alta, and Welland, Ont, Apply, J. K. Carroll, 14 Market Btreet, FOUR GROCERY STORES, dwellings attached; good tions in city; also geherai and dwelling in thriving village nearby Apply to T, Lockhart, Ontario Ohambers, Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont wiT™ locas store STREET, BR x fpr wements; Apply, I. Cohe hy JOHNSON modern and shed Queen Street, ne d STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ou BEAN dry, airy rooms, aboslutely moth proof: our own lock and kel Frost's & ty storage, 299 Queen 'Phone 526b for Princess Apply to D premises storing pu and Mi Onta $ Hat the CLEAN furnish Offices, bl FOR ¥ INITURE, algo Dwellings, unfurnished; 8, R McCann, STOR AGE and dry HOUSE, HLEVEN convenlences centrakly October, am Fi NINE n rooms, with all cluding 'phene, May tii K ng Sireet DENTAL. A 10¢ Apply al 8 Sires DE TINTS, Kings : AND 2 Prin 146 DR. CC. A Phone AYKROYD, ny over Lrominior Wellingion LD.S, Princess Bagot DENT. Bagot Tele. SIMPSON, corner on nn.s., and Slreet CATERER. or first clase only used: or trial Bring your airs 206 Barrie Street, cor West EVERY work; leather suffice, Scott's, Clergy TAKE NOTICE, all kinds of and stoves prices; see me J. Thompson, next St THAT I WILL BLY second-hand furniture will pay highest before anyone else 133 Princess Btreer, Andrew's Church GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR 'loth and have it made up into up- tanth 2 sulis Price and work- manship Ruarantaed to please Pressing and repairing dope on the shortest notice. Thomas Gallo. way, 131 Brock Street, near Bibby's Livery \ KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING CO. 21 Montreal Street--Leave al orders at BSargent's Drug Store; 00d window cleaning weather is ound to come; don't delay your order until too late; place it at once and be sure of a capable man to clean your windows, we also trke off storm windows, OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. TRANSAT ANTIC LINES, ALL at 4 Kirkpatric t arenes Birest, Kingston. Phone LEGAL. CUNNING ers SAAT, NO RENT Mmennea Btreet, A -- discouraged, both because of his blind- | ness and because he had no financial resources. He said he wonld make matches. Ile made three cents the first day, seven cents the first week, amd after that he says he never made less than £} a day. Last year he went oui on the road selling typewriters, and made neatly enough to carry bim through his last year of eollege. Reports From Denbigh. Denvigh, May 4.~Farmere are busy seeding and planting, Rev, J. Reble has been busy packing his household goods, as be intends to. send threo lpnds away to Kaladar Station next Monday or Tuesday, ta be shipped to { tell me unguestionably and promptly {when the machinery of the heart or digestive organs is not running smoothly. Or if there is a catch or obstruction in the lungs my ears tell me immedintely what is the cause nd | I know what 10 do. "bk am to specialize lung diseases, | in heart amd nnd am sure that 1 ractising as assistant in the hieago anicipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium." Bolotin wae born in Chicago twen- iy four years ago. His parents wore! gor and he was sent 10 the state pol for Blind at Jacksonville, He wanted to be a physician, but was Linwood, his pext place of residence and field of labor. He is to follow with hie family a week later. As Rev. 10. Huyek, the Methodist minister, is going to leave about the same time. both missionary districts will be var cant until successors arrive to take their pisces. Faul Stein and Epraim Salians are on the sick list. The nerdy two weeks ago, and is laid up with x very Soto wile and the latter is confined to his bed with chronic rheumatism. Both are, however, slowly improving Laguid Veneer abd Renu-all for sale at Sergent's Dray Store. CATER Wedding ef also Linens and Hambrook sion Btreets v 3 HOLSTERER. TO PARTIES, BALLS, Breakfasts Banquets Rent Dishes fabie Silverware Reid & corner Union and Divi : . $43 UPHOSTERING, RE. wg and carpet work, halr ma: - renovating [op a card or 16 Bagot Street J. palri LI ess call Ww. GAVINE, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 232 Brock ARCHITECT, HE ARY xX SMITH, 3 FTC 5 Phone 340 King Street TENTS AND AWNINGS LEAVE your order for awhin tents and small salls at PF Banca the old reliable, i Kory his busi. ness: will cater to your wants; do it right! no high prices, 152 Ou- 'tario Street, Kingston, FLAGS, AWNINGS, camping outfits marine supplies English ralncoats, canvas, kit bags motor W. Cooke, » 881 or 23 TENTS, CANO fining tack] tunch basket verything In silk tents, spray haat supplies, 269 Ontario St, FIRST-CLASS EGGS FOR HATCHIN a selected, handled an Y. Rhode Island Reds, Bar. locks, and Write Wyandotte; 6 cents for 135; cheapey for lar .e Quantities; all bred fom hd . oy fowl and early lavers. 106 Pine Street, a. Cont. ron QUICK SALE | OFFER 1 block Kuown stantial hange Building and Brock Street, which will t att tenants, leases Strange will gL al list, and $12 000 me taken it LCE Estate Droker --- THAT as xe Premises, be wub ory 1 you full will buoy Address Fdmion- ol R88 RONT" nE AL STREET, BRICK; rge lot; new plumbing #20010 ARE TREE or, stone AND dwelling | $1, 100-2 LARGE LOTS AND GoobD drive house on Princess Street Eup 1SLANN, 41 NT, LAWRENCE , off Gananoque, Rive 2 6-8 acres BATEM AN & JSARDINER, 7, CLAR. ence Stree a e-------- HUTELS AND RESTAURANTS, BRU NSW nM ge 1 OTEL, ONTARIO ST, tuion, ane block strnet with bext charges, rates by igineau, Prog "p ft : MEDI i Hguors; special Co THE 342-344 stocked Beery und cholcest Meals, 26c each rated by the week, Yard accommodation, Rates Mulvilis & Driscoll PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, mar and all growths blemishes ramo without ence Ear Specialist GRIM ANSON incess Street the best Liguors s of Clgars or special and stable reasonable HOTEL, Bar f Ales, BIRTH. and skin permanently ph Street, OSTEOPATHY. NEWLANDS & tects, ete Offices, 'Phone: 608, w o SON, ARCH! 268 Bagot st POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Bulidings, GSerner Brock and Wellingtén Street drop a card "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" RR. G. Asheroft, DO, 138 Wellington St, opposite the Post Office Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and by ap. pointment Consultation frees 'Phone 447, MEDICAL. BUSINESS NOTICE, DAVID MARSHALL, PLUMBER, GAS. fitter and Electrical Buppiles, has changed his address to 101 Quean Street, where he had extended his business and will be pleased to supply all customers at reasonable rates and workmanship goaran- teed SSTABLISHED 1860 A. RR, moved from King n, his 255 wi AMSON HAS RE. and residence Fro Birset to corver William Btreets DR CAYS, & JE PERC Kx A. Nr and hroat Wellman Street Hours. 8 to 1 day. 2 to 4, "} ione --- CIAL- 2 r, - norpier Johnson «2105 FT to A tn - and by sppointment. A ---- CALL US UP! If you cannot. come in person. tention Same prompt at and good service. SWIFT'S A. Mott won the championship wied-| al densted by the Belleville Gun Club to the winner of a series of eight shoots which have been in progress since the new year Cedine andl lavender eamphor, fresh, at Sargant's Drug Store. A quiet wedding was that old Frost apd Mids Rosie May row, daughter of Mr. and Mrs row, Belloville Moth proof bags. of Har Har Har Gibson's. Jacob - R. Delong, of Hufi's Island, Prince Edward county, passed away on Friday, aged fifty seven vesrs. ie iz survived by one son and two deugh. tors. Moth proof "bags. Gabon 's Alexander MeUleary, caretaker for Hon. Clifiord Bifton, Assingboine Lodge, bas resigned and accepted ane on the GTR. section at Lansdowne Fevsh sopply of beet lawn send at Sargeut's Drug Store.