PAGE FOUR. C0334) "YALSPAR" 3 The Varnish that wont turn whi te. For BOATS, MOTOR CARS, STC. A Great Repu- tation is behind Valspar. : rp AGEN CORBETT' S COCCI ID HALL FURNITURE line of A A We are showing a fine Hall Furniture. Hall Mirrors, Golden Oak, $4.50 to $16.50, Hall Seats, $5.60 to $18.00, Hall Trees. $6.00, $8.5 All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma- hogany. 0 to $30.00 Pedestals in Fumed, Early English or Mahogany. Special Prices this week in Gos Carts and Carriages. R J. Reid, pesn LEADING UNDERTAKERS Golden, Cleaner and better than carpets. Can be laid over an old | floor. | BIRCH, MAPLE and 0AK S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, tals 2 tario, sit $6 gor year. Editions at 3 ureter RITISH WHIG, 1 tuch and Aha work; nine improved making price of 3 and TOROATO OFFICE~~Suite 18 and The Methodist church of the United Stades has put itself upon record that jt iw willing to let its members exer- cise the fullest freedom as to how the shall act or live, There is to be no jonger an appraisement of what is termed the personal equation by the church. 1i one can remsonably profess to be religious, and at the samé time de vote his time, his energies and talents to something which, in the estimation of another, may be questionable, the responsibility is his and his alone. There has been some canvassing as to the nmieaning of this change ih the rules, without result. It is known that the growth in the membership of the church last year was only two peg cent., though that, in a population of many millions, represented a large number. The bishops had in mind more thar that when they urged an amendment of the discipline. "In the great cities," says the Watertown Times, "the Methodist church seems to lose ground and pos- sibly the reason has been because of its rigid discipline, which has forbid engaging in the social and amusement me A citizen who has fine trees outside of his properly, and who has heen taking, care of them, laments the seem- ingly wanton destruction of them by telephone men. The company has cer- tain rights under its act of incorpora- tion--rights which have been given it by the Canadian parliament, without due consideration--and it takes ad- vantage of them to outrage the feel- ings of the people occasionally. There should be, we submit, a study of public and private interests by the telephone and telegraph companies. They should not put peles in front of any man's door if they can avoid it. They should not brace up these poles by wires fastened to trees, and in such & way as to cut and injure them. They should not attach wires to houses, for support, anywhere, out the permission and consent of the owners. There should be, generally, more regard by the construction de partment 'of the telephone company for public and private interests than it seems, to have at present. Sooner or later the municipality will with- have to consider the removal of all poles from the streets, and the sooner the better. The legislature of Ontario has passed an act which enables it to order a clearance from the highways of all wires, but it will have to con- struct conduits for them in the streets. AS " « Xe: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG SEVENTYNINTH YEAR at oo ue King Street," Kingston, On- 9 Dagon. a in parts on Monday and i at §1 TH a a States re for hostage Rad to of Weekly $1.50 per year. ed is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; raplo, ty Lak, presses, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED J. G, Elliott, Presidest. Leman A. Guild, Sec~Treams. 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church Street, Toronto, H. E Smalipleee, J.P, representative. THE CHURCH UNDER FIRE. 1 life, which so largely makes up the life of large cities. Being irksome to members, they into other communions, where amuse- ments are not under the Fash- ionable life is attractive, in the great cities and the Methodist is not a fashidnable church and does not want to be. and strength comes fom the workers of the world, ever, if it has its younger stray off ban. Its vigor How not grown as rapidly as formerly, it still grows and there is no sign of decay. It is gaining in wealth and power; in 'educational in- stitutions and in all facilities its uplifting for work, and it remains the most vigorous in 'that work of all the denominations of the Christian church." I Formerly, prosecuting the or when Methodist manifested membership by a re church lagged behind, an indifferent spirit, its was worried into activity vival. In this way they were inspired zeal. But the most a thing of the past. tried by with new revival js al It has been One and when he does it is with a feeling of disappointment. other churches in vain. scarcely hears about ii now, PROTECTING PUBLIC PROPERTY. These conduits ean be built with mon- ey borrowed with pavabie in a certain number of years, under debentures, principal and interest and a refund [from the persons or companies using the conduits in the form of a rental, The clause of the act reads as follows : which applies, "Where the corporation of a city or town is willing to undertake the con- struction of a tunnel or conduits or other system for carrying lines under- ground in any highway or public com- munication or part thereof, the eom- mission upon such terms and subject Lo such conditions as it may pre scribe, all companies and persons whose lines are carried over- head upon any such highway or pub- lic communication to may require make use of such tunnel or conduits or other 8y# tem for the purpose of caroying their lines, and to pay to the corporation such compensation for the usé thereof as may be agreed upon, or as the com- mission may determine, and such com- pensation may be for a lump sum or a sum to be paid annually or period ically as the commission may deter- mine and direct." Here is a provision which will enable any city or town to rid itself of the pole nuisance. And how much better it! ---- The investigation into the alleged mismanagement of the it has established (1) 'That to the In- Mimico school done good. these facts : has guite clearly one-third of the boys sent h are the and dustrial school product of mismanaged homes, that their fault is the willulness of which they could have been corrected under proper parental government; (2) that many are vicious in tempera- ment and should not, under any circumstances, be herded with theee not so inclined; (3) that the place is not a prison, but a school, and that its real object has been obscured for many years. The charge against the management was that boys were handeuffed lengthened periods, "that they confined to their dormitories and beaten there, while handeufied, and fed or prison fare, that this manper of reform had been carried on for many years, and under different su- perintendents, and that the institution was not really fulfilling its purpose. As a result of the enguiry there will be a change in the school itself. Jt will cease to be under the education department--which needs reforming nearly a8 much us the Mimieco school ~and it will probably become a re- graatost for were tory with prop The very name of the place, dusirial,"' has been a misnomer. "In- 'the le a correct one, was to give the | minguided youth = training that free occupy their time, that would inter st them, and incidentally qualify we hear ? That thou- RESCUE OF THE DERELICTS. them for useful life. Ilducation they were to receive at tne same time But a prison the Mimico institution wae never designed to be, and an will come to the end surely work in which it has been engaged. One must thing is certain--the province have somewhere a school for develicts. They are to be foucd in every comwounity. They cannot be the ordinary, s hool. They corrupt all who come into tact with them. school or managed in con- They should be in a a class of their ke taught as their cases suggest, Toronto had strangely enough, it is disposing of them. Why? 'There was a short age of school accommodation, this rich city, which should lead all moral reforms, is closing up the; classes of ' derelicts, and is turning these derelicts loose to run at among other boys. The commissioners who went into} the Mimico case, and understand so well the situation, should have gone further with their report. They have rebuked tne parents for a failupe to do thelr duty; they should have rebuke] the education department forits fail. ure to see that the vicious boys in every community are sorted out put under proper restraint. The traancy, the ctime, the dosener. acy thit are observable everywhere, cannot be checked while the good and the bad ave herded together, and ne genuine attem:t ip made to save the one from the impurity or taint of own, and such olasses, and, and inj large and be deported * It seems » hardship, to say nothing of the improprity. of the aot from a national or imperial Ft. An appeal has been to imperial government, and it ought to be i 0 itr Me Tate our main streets would look without | a0 Tht WEDNESDAY, The president is now accused of frauds. Verily The man who sets out to be comnspicu- ous in public life ing a gentleman Aol. Bmith's remark is true must start with be It don't to make butter (at a with cheese at 14] heen quoted in pay deviining price) and the not as Well, eyery man can have hi: own poultry depart bag L'tica market. 147 a= #t Eggs, too, are cheap as they should be consolation. e-- Jk to the Canadian feBeitous. Tt ment. That's one Col Club hall hour's recall of the public life of Canada's sergeant-at-arms, and the time passed all too quickly. The keeh sense of humour, ital story teller, | IR. SOPER Smith's was very was a scenes and inci dents in colonel has a and he is a cap- SPECIALISTS nw the following Diseases of Men: |Varieocele Ritheps a Pt | Epile y {Ri pa Asthma | is. Catarri 8 s | Emissions | Kidiey Affecticas And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Diseases, Call or send history for free advice. on Diseases and Question Blank. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours---10 am. toipm. and 2 to Pm. Sundays--10 a.m. to 1 pn. Consultation free. P DRS. SOPER & WHITE, » 2 Toronto St, Toronto, Ont. Of all the paints you can buy, either prepared or spe- cially-made, none will epread so casy, cover 50 much sur face and give such good satisfaction as M- Pure Paints To paint, the whole house out or in or merely freshen oy ¢ bit of woodwork, get M-L Paint. Besides pure lead, pure zine and pure oil there's a special ingredient that makes M-1. Paints protect and besatify any surface they cover for twice as loa? 3s o-dinary peiat. Forty-seven colors and tints Made by & Color Co., Toronto. Use M-L Fist Wall Colors to paint walls and ceilings. Arfistic, sanitary, economical. 16 shades 706 Limited, For Sale By Ww, A. MITCHELL 10% CASH Given to agents selling lots in NEW ROCHELLE. Beautifully located on South Shore of river opposite Montreal. Electric Car connection with City. Clear titles, Extremely low prices: Forty dollars and upwards per lot on easy terms of payment, Write or wire for full information, SOUTH SHORE LAND CO., 591 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal. '81lvia is a Preparatien That Will Grow Hair Abundantly. This is an age of new discoveries. To grow hair after it has fallen out to-day is a reality. SALVIA, the Great Halr Tonic and Dressing will positively create a new growth of hair. = If you want to have a Beautiful bead of hair, free from Dandruff, use SALVIA once a day and watch the resuits Hog hair and restore the hair to its mataral color, The greatest Hair Vigor known. SALVIA is compounded by expert chemists. Watch your out, If you dom't hair if it is falling you wih sooner or prevents baldness by ¥ he hair to the roots. ill find SALVIA just the hair dressing they are looking for. It makes the hair soft and fluffy, ard Is not sticky . A large bottie be, "1 54 Exten Tahle and Bile fvouta Hig Phin New re Beer. hand ture, You will get & bar- J eain at - SALVIA is guaranteed to stop fal- MAY 8, 1912. us : Special $5.00 Travelling Bags Leather Lined. The best yet. other trimmings. All the Correct Fabrics. BIBBY"S The Suits are tailored porfectly from choice fabrics. Handsome Blue Worsteds, Gentgel Grey Cheviots and Worsteds. Hartt Ox ford Shoes See Our Great $4.50 Line, $15.00 SUIT SPECIAL This week we offer our Trade Special Values in Suits at Fifteen Dollars, Durable linings and Rich Brown Cheviots and Worsteds. All the Late Models. All the points of (Good Tailoring embodied in our Splendid Fifteen Dollar Suits ! Parametta Cloth. English Raincoats See Our Great $7.50 Coat Sale of Boys' Shoes $3.50 Shoes for $2.50 Sizes 1 to 5. Tan, Gun Metal, Velour. Goodyear Welt. Oak Soles, Double Seam. We are $1.50 Thomas Copley PHONE 987, Drop a card to 19 Pine Street ue, ~anting anything done in the Carpen- or line. Estimates given on all kinde af rvepalrs and new work Hardwood Floors of all kinus. Al yrders will receive prompt attention shop 40 Queen Btreet. SHOES pay a handsome divi- | dead. In an average life of fo | years a man spends almost | two-thirds of his 'ime in shoe | leather--startling, but trae. | They It is easy. them, to realize the necessity to invest in goof | shoes. § "INVICTUS" =~ Shoes are | made for people who appreci- ate the value of good feet. Samper Shoe Store| Still Selling $2.60 King Hats for BIBBY'S Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. Summer Vest. Washable. Black and White. A Beauty for $1.00. THE SEASON'S SMARTEST MODELS Mabelia Turban, Togues and Bonnets. Tailored and Walking Hats. Exclusive Styles in Mourning Headwear. © Specialties jn Automobile Head-ge car Novelties in Ratine, Magrame, Lace, Linge rie and Tailored effects. Other sumnier designs which have been especially | prepared for this season are now being shown, | mmm om om AN 'THE QUEEN MILLINERY 174 WELLINGTON ST. a FARM FOR SALE (110 ACRES), Situated near the Village of NVERARY, convenient to and Church. Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, ing Cement Silo, all in good repair; also good Orchard. For particulars, apply to E. BLAKE THOMPSON, OVER NORTH CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, "Phone 286. » KINGSTON, ONT. | Bschool incint WeHavePlenty of Coal RAR Ci] Lt I. CB BE