PAGE TEX. e------ cn A WOMAN'S WAY T0 GET RELIEF TAKE Gifi PILLS FOR LAME BACK, rsp, P. O., OnT. r sample of Gin Pills I felt so much my druggist's tisird box. The s kidneys bas gone and I am better than I have been for years, I strongly advice'nil women who suffer from Pain fn the Deck and Weak Kidneys, tot Gin Pills". Mzs. T. HARRIS, rw ag Gin Pills contain the well known me- dieinal of Gin gs well as other curative agents--but do mot contdin aleohol, Gin Pills are guaranteed by the Rape wholesale drug house in the tish Fmpire to give complete satis- imma ahi------ "TOM" FLANAGAN WILL MAN AGE PUGILIST JOHNSON, For His Fight, With, Flynu--The Canadian Baseball League Series Will Open Next Tuesday. Catcher Lapp, of the Philadelphia | Athletics, will get back into the game | this week. | Rochester has secured another out- | fielder in Kauf. He comes to the | Hustlers from the New York Ameri- | cans, * " | Bufialo have bought Southpaw Ed. | Killian, the former Toronto pitcher, | from Neshville, 3 i Ryan, of Ottawa, is asking the Canadian Canoe' Association to Jift | the ban and allow him to paddle in| the championships. 1 The interest in the Olympic games | is waning in the United States, and; it has been found necessary to send out urgent requests to athletes to) hasten their entries. ; xi 3 At the rate Rube Marquard is going right at the present time the south: | aw promises to again enter the bill- | ard season as the deading twirler of the National Baseball League, -~ | Detroit have purchased Pitclier Bailey from St. Louis, and reports have it that he will be tarned over to Providence. The toughWst part of all, he is a southpaw. : World's Champion y ) arrived in England, for his race with Barry, is twenty-eight years old. He uses an oar with a sevem-inch blade in a boat 25} feet long, 12} inch beam and 28 pounds. Christy Mathewson Arnst, who has | says that the THE DAILY He ------------ a ee tm Toe A Ot et THE SPORT REE GEORG The original Alexius, in "The Chocolate Soldier," at the Grand on Fri- BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY ¥ YuLs So MAY 18, 1992. [8 Te mieliolell Better than Ringing oor-bells PIANO manufacturer recently made a house- to-house canvass. He's one of those men with an absurd fear of the "waste-circulation™ bugaboo --cannot get away from the haunting thought that only 10 out of every 100 readers of a newspaper may be possible buyers of his goods. So he refused to advertise, and went a-canvassing --inviting people to come to his piano recitals. Then he wondered why they didn't come. This is why: but also to his wife, his grown-up sons and daughters, his mother--even his mother. faction or money refunded, soc. box, 6 for $2.50--sample free if yon write "Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. B Toronto. If th: bowels are constipated take National Lazy Idver Pills, 25¢. box. 98 day, May 10th, . rs pitcher's heart is . Mi. He wasn't reaching the le. "take him out." peop! of some pitchers the thing that breaks a the try from the fans But then, the work nearly breaks the heart of even most hardened fan. : Baseball postponements due to rain Re -- in-law. Their coaxing will help to convince ESSA. the head of the house--and pretty soon "there'll be a piano in that home. This and dozens of similar cases which might be cited to show that "waste cire culation" is an empty bugaboo, and should deter no one. Take the motor truck. It can be sold only to large firms Yet a motor truck manufacturer is successfully Advertising in daily papers. He realizes that he must reach, not alone the managers of the con- cerns that require trucks, but also their directors, their foremen, their head ma- chinists, etc. It is found in actual practice that this Advertising radiates in a thousand directions, and again converges most as- tonishingly to influence the house that has made up its mind that horsetrucking is too costly and inefficient. | HAVE YOU SKIN RASHE THE VILLAGE OF AVE 7 SKIN RASHES, THE VILLAGE OF ODF . : His canvassers rang every door-bell in town. They talked to some one in every house. But one in every household isn't enough -- particularly if it doesn't happen to be the right person. . And, as a rule, it wasn't the right person---it was a servant, or a child. The woman of the house was seldom seen; the man of the house, never. Zam-Buk Will End It. For skin rashes, eruptions, eczema v, a ¢ hitdren; re have cost the big league elubs nearly | a in wale Shiv Aes £200,000 thus far for this season. Up | 7 avn Buk 3 i g £ ote] juals Zam-Buk in the quickness and to to-day there have beep twenty | certainty of its curative power. Ray : tard | he latter' to was eight postponements mn the Natio a { mond Webber, of Allapburg, Ont., muse rendered by the a ter s wile as Leagte and twenty-Tour in the Ameri-{ Coo. of have tried Zam-Buk for excellent. A number of Odessa ladies | oe : ah Kingston attend the ean. al 8, an have "Billy" Papke, former middleweight { oo siiments, aint Sore Fos Ba 1 . Convention," given by champion of the world, will appenr indy ri Fad rash all over my Body I the Sydenham street Methodist church action again at the National Sport- | tried hard Phey said it couldn't compete with the | ing Club, of America, New York, on and » given by the Odessa la- | May 16th, in a ten-round bout with and thie proved of 5a' 4 ut wher "pill" Murley, the middleweight, of 1 tied Tob i oh LE : iret Hn a Glens Falla, N.Y., who hss heen box- quarterof the time that I bad heen ex ing in good form for the last several perimenting in vain with pre months. ara iOHRA 2 The Canadian Baseball League wil paraiso r. oeension 1 open its season next Tuesday, with wr Snasts cruchid, and the following games: Ottawa at St. iY A Buk: wa y the Thomas, Peterboro at Hamilton, Ber- Also Zam AUT WAY Tie : hs : t healed the wound lin at Brantford, and Guelph at Lon- : 2 ed boils to don. The umpires have heen ordered |, FOR add boa an i x . . = | Zam-Buk Brought a to report Sunday at Hamilton, We bay ad and are as follows : Pearson, Toron- | | wh hold a for 1) a to; Richer, Day City: McDonald, Buf- | ONS To s oa o oh A falo, and Yerke, New York: skin diseases which are The registration committee of the Ontario Amateur Athletic Union hav- ing been asked hy a member for a ruling on the participation of ama- teurs in baseball teams and leagues, which include professionals and dis- qualified athletes, replies that no ex- ception will be made in future - with regard to baseball, and participation in such games involves the loss of amateur standing. wJack'" Johnson wired "Tom" Flanagan, the well-known Toronto sporting man and promoter, 'who handled the champion and his affairs in the memorable fight with Jefiries at Reno, Nev., asking the Canadian to again assume charge of the negro's loon steward--was close to the ste training camp at las Regas, N.M. ler when she went down, and. in ¢ Johnson will meet Jim Flynn for the ling for a simile to give an idea world's championship at Las Vegas on [what he heard at that last dreadinl July 4th. Flanagan has accepted the | moment. he found a most carious ome, offer made him. land ome that at first thought gives the mind a most painful shock The Goose an Old Man's Guard. mingled cries, he said, sounded like the x t : i barking of dogs in a kennel at feeding When travelling along the road from | . A Legars toward nennetstonehead cot- Lane ks y son, : : {though he had noticed such tages, Stichill, Kelso, 1 met an old {11 . 1d +} miioned gentleman walking with the assistance slante, wou ¢ gia nye an it Vig of crutches, and a goose following as|" others, Ae yei. ROW 1A closely as possible behind him. 1 stop-| Pen mentioned 4 ; ped and spoke to the old man and the|th® probability of its InAEYS ions goose at once took up its position be- | *°Y- Almost. certainly those Tast tween his leg and the erutech on the|™ ere quite inarticulate, as utter « gide nearest to me. It then proceeded | PIF to make as much noise as possible, | FO" and assumed all the defiant attitudes imaginable. pitt such self-control is almost super On my approaching within a fow | human, and for its absence there foet of the old man it at once flew at [no reproach.~New York me, and peeked, or rather bit, violent: usa apa es 5 ly at any legs. 1 tried to keep it at] Promising, bay by pushing it away with my feet, but this was of no avail, and 1 had ul timately to strike it over the bill with my walking stick to make it release its hold on my trousers. I found out later that it had bitten a considerable piece of skin off my leg. The old gentleman inlormed me that the goose follows him wherever he goes, and during stormy weather when he eannot venture outside it spends the day at the door of his cottage or else near by.~From the Scotsman. of News From This York Road Stopping Place. Budget Odessa, May 8.--A leap year party was given in honor of Phil Oswalk at the home of Michael McDonald The Kingston Business College (Limited) Nigh est Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth yenr. Fall term begins August 4 th. Courses in Bookkeeping, horthand, Tele- fran, Civil Bervice and Eng sh. Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway cor- orations in Canada, Enter any ime, Cull or write for informe- tion. H. F, Metoalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada. R RR RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CATARRH Pain over the eyes, obstructions in the nostrils, running of the nose, watering of the eyes, are the symp toms of thig annoying complaint Mingle a teaspoonful of the Relief with a tumbler of wi nuff the mixture up the nostrils geveral times a day. Relax the bowels with Radway's Pills, Ask for RADWAY'S and Tako no Substitutes drove to to { many every eke ck re Spimsters home-made various salves, i oh og vert y wations, onvention home-made Now, if the piano maker had placed an ad. in the newspaper, it would have reached thousands, where the canvassers could reach only hundreds. xeiting time was experienced by Sunday Much but no person was injured. Philip Oswald Saturday last for Toronto, where he intends fitting out the steam- er Toronto, Ralph Benjamin and family have returned from Kingston and a oceupying the temperance Rent and two daughters, of Latimer, also B. 8. King and family, of Tuo- bin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alired Kenvon. -- My. Kenvon intends spending the summer months on the Toronto. A party to Mr. Rey Hartmen's one evening last week for hot sugar. Mise Moore and Miss Eva Smith spent Sunday with Miss Moore, Landsowne, who is ill. B Oswald spent Sunday last at Peter MclUormack's, Sharpton, Miss Smith accepted a position as "bello at central office. Miss Louise gave a farewell party to her numerous friends in and around Odes- also several from Kingston. The ening was pleasantly spent at games music At midnight a dainty funch 'was served, after which all sang "Auld Lang Syme.' Miss Card left on Monday, May 6th, to become a nurse-in-training at Brooklyn, N.Y. Early closing has started among the merchants of Odessa, stoves closing Tuesday and Friday evening at 6 p. m was ouple of rigs mlliding on ming after churdy service damage was done to one buggy, shor ev othet I in that only of wl one leit on rem tendidly, again And even though only 10 per cent. of the readers are actual piano buyers, this does not mean that the advertising read by the other 90 per cent. is wasted. Advertising, talks, not only to the prospective buyer, used 'My ap) o house about complete on also as a injuries and common to every person, and eam say that in our experience there is nothing to equal Zam-Buk." Zam-Buk owes power to certain herbal Unlike most it contain no poisonous coloring mat ter, no animal fat, but is purely herb- al. For eczema, piles, blood poison, abscesses, ulcers, cuts, burns, ond all] gkin injuries and diseases it is without equal and should be in every home Be. hax, all druggists and sts Use also Zam-Buk Soap, 25¢. tablet stenmer drove healing it its unique Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Bldp., Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your pari--so wrile if interested. 1 extracts contains. ointments | has girl" ( re A Strange Figure of Speech, elo) fro! Ie) =A el EEE EEE Ml B lr Bi ii Hie! HE ' EEE RRR wned : To Prevent C One of the Titanic survivors--a a _-- happed Skin --use warm water and Baby's Own Soap. QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served on shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, 25e. M, PAPPAS 184 Frincoss Streat. the ------------ ; fhe milliners seem to be doing H. at a Kings Mrs and spent Amy Snid- auto The warm water opens the pores of the skin and the minute particles of pure refined vegetable oils which form the creamy, fragrant lather of Baby's Own Soap are absorbed into the skin, keeping it soft, healthy, and preventing cracks and chaps. thriving business Jones, spent Sunday sensitive per even ton, his home Sproule, the M s Sproule Tavior, also Frederick Sproule, u svilfing with Mr. and Mrs. Aylesworth on the 7 Walter rT new a résem- it has deny oS. Thomas Copley PHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Btreet waa, #anting anything done in the "Be - ter line. Estimates given on all Kinde of repairs and new work also, Hardwoud Floors of all kinus. All srders will receive prompt sttention. Shop 40 Queen Btreet. one can hardly ae rece purchased ieorgm Hamm's month, tly a expected this 3 A perfect rinsing, then smart rubbing when drying guarantees a fine smooth skin in any weather. always is, and for a moment they and fll, a lugubrious ! The very bravest may have been nt ulalation. 1 £1 A Very Unique Tribute. 1 ' i "Mr. Lloyd George is the only fi nance minister in the civilized who has steadily paid offi his gaid Mr. Ura, the Bishop Auckland, world na lord on Times. tion's debt," advocate, at Saturday "Every other world at the able to pay the debts finances minister is looking about additional things to tax. "There is not one of them who pos: sesses a single for social re form except our own chancellor of the exchequer, who undertakes ta find the money not only for this yvenr but the years to come, without laying a igingle pennv of taxation on the shoul ders of the working people." Not Very Water Ti Here is something v ck the ultimate consumer. The the Produce News prophesies that but ter will be selling from sixty-five to seventy cents a pound next winter and that strictly fresh eggs will higher than ever before. He bases his conclusion on the fact that these ar ticles are going into cold storage at nigher prices than before and consequently will come out at a high er price. However, high prices limit consumption and that may be a {actor in cheapening the products that this authority does not figure upon Again, the eold storage warehouses will be forced to unload after a defin ite period under the present laws and commission merchants will have té what they cun get for the stored ucts foreed upon the market. own vi¢ rinl for editor of ver finance minister in the moment is wholly un fi a le shilling of of the w. Kvery other] for James MoParland, Agent, King Street Last. $3u-341 Best for Baby Best for You Canada's Standard toilet and nursery soap for over 30 years. ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, MONTREAL. a -- nat ic also be *12 shilling ever - Bubbling Cup That Can be Lifted, The one great disadvantage of the ordinary bubbling cup sanitary foun- iain lies in the fact that the drinkers, whether they be men, women or chil- dren, tall, short, fat or thin, must), place their lips to the cup instead of q placing the cup to the lips. pro In an endeavor to remedy this dis advantage, one sanitary drinking foun- tain manufacturer has designed a bubbler which may be rai to the| height of the lips, so that the user may stand in a perfectly easy and na- tural position while drinking. This is made possible by do tube. feed pipe for the bubbler, and the outer tube sels as a waste pipe, car- Jrying away the surplus water while the person is dri he flow: of Taking Fvery Precantion. Mr. Lanshurv's concern, as expressed in the British of Commons, over the military drilling going on in the north of Yreland. reminds one of a story of how Ireland was veeasionally taught to shoot in the past. The war office once sent a famons officer over to insnect the militia regiments, and the officex, after inspecting, asked for a few words with the drill sergeant. "These men of yours," he said, "aould not hit a target as big as the tower of London. You can't have taken much pains to teach them." "Tache thim (o shoot," gasped the sergeant. "Of course, 1 did not tache thim ta shoot, yer honor; for, bedad, if T did there wouldn't be a landlord leit in Munster." Your orders will be filled satis tactorily if you doal there at P. WALSH'S, 7 v REAL ESTATE SNAPS SUMMER COTTAGE, CON- taining all furniture, cecking utensils. ete, 4 persons, two boats, complete; outbuildings, first-class - condition, $650.00 BRICK VENEER HOUSE, Toronto Street. 8 rooms, with two extra full lots, good baru and poultry huse, or to rent. . re aw arin en ae SHA00 STORE, very central loca tion, electric lights 3 large sheds, two stables, barn, etc; a good opportunity for dellcat- tessen or bake shop. FRAME HOUSE, Russell Street. 22 by 260 fu lot, good condition Ho Houses for Sale and to Rent fn all parts of the City. let us quote you rates for poi It may pay ~~ NORMAN & WEBB, Real Life, Five, Live 171 142 WELLINGTON #7 Hause 2 Few men are capable of putting up a good bluff just before pay day. Whipping Up Tired Nerves The driver reaches his destination sooner by whipping up his tired hors, { but no one supposes thal the . whip imparts strength "to the horse. It merely enuses the more rapid expendi ture of st h. And so it 18 with stimulants. When the system is run down the use of Istimalating = medicines = merely calls ; ik h the addicienn) txpentliture of wi ty and in reality has At Smith's Falls. a el . A . tens the q n. i he rapid | Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is not a » eight yaars old stimulant. It = does not give rise to icheock and false hope by whipping up the ex- out fishing when ha system. tis a tive tonic : : and abd cures by gradually and naturally the feeble, wasted nerve then | tissue. You need nol expeet any him startling results from the first few ! ou doses) but oan be certain that the a wife thinks she is henafits-to the body are thorough aad + lasting. . Possibly Right. Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, on visiting a small parish in a mining dis trict, asked a nervous little girl what matrimony was, aud she answered that iti a state of terrible torment, ich those who entéred it are com- polled 'to undergo for a time to pre pare them for a better nnd brighter world. "Ng, no." remonstrated ber pastor, "that isn't matrimony, that is purgatory." © "Let' her 5" ead the archbishop, "may be ste's right. What do you and I know about nw?" ing carried away by the inner tube. is not alone for children. Older heads it to heart, and fit by it. Thousands of Dave have oved the economy of using "Beaver" for all baking. : - DEALERS--Write as for prices on Fesd, Coarse Grain and Cereas. The bachelor who thinks a young widow js an and is indiserest emough to tell hee 50, #4 as good ae mareiek Le \THE T. H. TAYLOR CO., LIMITED, 113 CHATHAM, Ont.