PAGE FOTR. 60005 SOLD ON TIME New Spring Goods now In and THE DAILY FRIDAY, THE WHIG SEVENTYNINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street, Kingst On- tario, at §6 per year. Editions at 4.30 and 4 p.m. . oy, J. Ld BRITISH WHIQ, 18 ages. Bublished in parts on Monda morning at $1 k Jeat ited States charge for postage aed, making price of Daily $3 snd of Weekly $1.60 per year. genie fs one of the best Job Printing Offices In Canada; rapid, stylish, cheap work; nine improved presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED J. G, Eilllett, President. Leman A. Guild, See~Treas. BRITISH WHIG, MAY 10, -_y a 1912. something amiss with Guelph's ad ministration In Toronto it bakers will deliver rolled in paper. The the expected that the d nicely and ad to their brea bakers BIBBY"S FRIDAY and SATURDAY DOINGS HAT SALE We have too many Hats! few men have! Our Store Closes Saturdays} 10 pm. would not if they demand of Large Clothing Tables For Sale mind order so much the had sold on the Easy Payment Plan, - DRY GOODS, MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS. LADIES' SUITS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES. JEWELRY, EJC. Come in and see these Goods, or drop us a card and we will send the goods to your house. not to comply with 2. af would prefer ter of style the boarc health. In other word: to make this a mat- health. they than of 8 TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and 3¢ Queen Chty Csmbers, 83 Church The Street, Toronto. H. E. Smsliplece, JP, representative, Bai Jud WE LIKE THEIR WORK Echo (published at the Sheffield Inde- have issued large Hamilion Spectator no Ong "the con the ves it - could even lay a charge against Laurier tracts government of giving {not patronage, note Ah, on no better ground laid word), to conservatives, has, but probabl than charges against the Have you! Very The Northern Darlington), ment has been doing real missionary are NOW vork. It has been farmers who North-West people there and accomplished. Then the boom has set in, and it has invited British jour- nalists to desoribe a being inviting British have done well in our tell seen and Borden government pendent, editions, dence of terest in Canadian affairs, the result of a journalists to Canadian The. unionist attack on Bryce signally failed. It was by the imperial government Bryce actad Ws Amba: sador Our Clearance Sale of Hats will embrace all the best 1912 Styles, 'The Celebrated King Hats Known as $2.50 Hats everywhere, Bivby' g $1 50 Flat Depby, New Square Crown Soft Hats. Brown, Blue, Green, Black. and rove * Sizes 6 I suIT TALK that the abolition af the bar does rot See Our New Gordon Suits $15.00 and $18.00 Men speak of our Suits in the highest terms and they merit the comment. to go "home" and \ : 3 wwii howy illustrated. Here is the evi what they have sho¥n that Mr. part wal, that fe did not suggest or support reciprocity, that he" was not asked and did office, advice. Joseph Abramsky 263 PRINCESS STREET, "Next Princess. Theatre. a profound and growing in- and it is visit from English this country, and a study of its development, The director of the papers referred to says he has country whose . neo vastness and richness are so great, The attack was in vad form and recoiled those made it. that the people of Great Britain must upon s ho pe now fully alive to the heritage they possess in this overseas dominion. The efiort of the Northern Feho Sheffield Independent to educate readers in Canadian affairs cannot be too highly appreciated. made two tours through Canada, and it is entirely due to his impressions and that so much space in _his papers is devoted to the dominion. Who says these tours do not pay ? The govern- Under the new option law it is rot New New Fedoras, their possible so got a bottle of whiskey on word pes There is Sunday. in Scotland, but on the of Lord sible Tullibardine it is quite Grey or to "to get a teapotful." less drinking in public drinking at HIS WORKS DO FOLLOW HIM. ee -- Ten years ago to-day, Dr. Grant g 3 after plishments. He was willing to anywhere 'and in any capacity, Tt was sufficient that he was never idle, that The he was ready to put his hand to any- thing. for of the people, 1hill, and practically however, was his first choice, | by the and he was sacrificing to it to sion. The Americ very last. serve abstinence. passed away, an illness which : J senate of the United States has the workmen's had laid him aside for some months. passed compensation T iv y 8 to i The anniversary calls to mind one of the good as it was drafted Canada's noblemen whose work in | (Jueen's, Employers' Liability' Commis- connection with Queen's University can never be forgotten The history of the gollege during his connection with it was largely the of his achievements. not dawdled The and kept ai the ing have over this thing for vears com- He was There him. a man of singular devotion. | mission meant business, history was pothing hali-héarted about [and finished if. Untario's commis had He laboured When the college was in session, and when it should he relieved of all other until he Every cause he espoused sioner It was a small institution, represent- | his most cordial support. work finishes his report, SPIRIT OF THE "PRESS. ed by one small building, when he ac- cepted the principalship, and he had seemingly settled in the city, and accepted a great trust Then he began his' planning, people content themselves with building castles in the air, imposing edifices which temporar ily fill the vision. But he built en- dearing monuments and nothing could be more imposing than the massive edifices that cover the campus and re flect his spirit and energy. He once referred to as a great dynamic foree, How he became the central figure of the faculty, the senate, the trustes board of Queen's University, needs no elaboration. As the college exercis- ed great carve in his selection, so he, as a great judge of men, gathered about him the stafi that made the i name of Queen's College famous. He was a dominating power in the com- munity, in the province, in the do- I minion. He was versatile in his quali- fications and at high pressure too Tong. was not, he behalf, very much he made it His spirit lingers about the class rooms. Its influence is apparent in every lassic hall. Others arg now the work which fell to him, but they are serving under his benediction. : was in evidence in its He is & Sport Toronto Telegram Naturally Hon horses took many prizes, their owner . of a jumper himself. doing t They are beautifully designed and ele- gantly tailored. and the institution is Men's' Spring Suits Call and see our large New Btock of {hs inte t up-40-date uits for Men, in Black, Blue, Brown and Gray shades, for } Dating and Super wear, Suits, in Brown or br at 15h id 431i Extra good v on Black or Blue Suton at hy and $18, : Many ofhier lines at $5.50, $6.50, $7.60 to-day what Clifiord Sifton's of the jumping being considerable Some Every man can find here a Suit that will seem to have been made especially for him. Some Generous Gifts. Hamilton Times Miss Shields' the Emergency legacy of $95,000 to building of the Toran to hospital was entered for probate, He did not serve yesterday. Under the will of the Inte He was called to [Jane Shields, sister of this lady, a bul. he total beyuest from the sisters of ¥170 000 js made. splendid example, There is to-day--as there must he Suit making has reached a Tailoring a long year--an inspiration Art--and there's hardly a man that goes to the exelusive Tailor for his Suit. Also New Stock of.Toots and Shoes en, Women and Children. Large vias oo. Salome from. NEW SHIRTS, ISAAC EAC, 2 PRIN STREET. wai | lor many in Dr. Grant's life. and sacrifice in vain. his eternal rest all too soon, left behind him a -------- Will Continue Such. \ Toronto Mail, Why the practice of guards in Kingston should have been discontinued is a mystery to tha ouisider, but the au thorities may reasoned that if he guards were without weapons in the first place, the eseaping could not take revolvers from Always pleased to show THE BRYSON SUIT THE GORDON SUIT $15.00 $18.00 Suits which we belidfe to be the Best Snit in Canada for the price. and it ean not disappear while those wno knew him and served with or un- der him remain. The cherry word, the warm hand shake, the suggestive thought, the heroic command, are as real and persuasive to-day as Dr, Grant came to the city. In and around Queen's College there is the mighty impulse which attends and fol- lows a consecretated life, arming the penitentiary NOTICE Pelug well scttled in my new store, I am prepared to supply 'my customers and as many new ones with my Home | Made' Rork Sausage. JH. 3, MYERS 315 Brock 81. when have convicts them. BIBBY"S Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. PE ---- A---------- ips Pohatin THAT TOBACCO Tones and invigorates the w With the "Resster" on It ts crowing louder as he goes nlong Ey Te mine ar Nevo. Only dsc per. pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontarin Street. Losses by Fires. Ottawa Journal Canada lost one hundred and fifteen millions by fires last year. Aeceording to the head of the insurance bureau of the Manufacturers' Association, so of ins ection falls upon the medical This: hive por "otnt: Js ieveutdble. : iis represents an anual preventable health and that the Ontario A loss Of $2 per head per annum for Whig has glanced through the report governm.nt forbids the separation of}every Canadian, and is probably just the infant from ts mother until if Dr. Hel MacMurch: h it| about the greatest waste of wealth . Mac) r tot v nk don en Yacurehy La the Pro 1hds aitained. the age of nine months, that the country has. vincial secretary and with regard to |The maternity boarding house is par ticularly condemned, and with reason. 'How to Bring Up a Baby" is a chapter of exceptional interest, 80, indeed, are the experiences are recorded, and reflecting upon, unfortunate conditions in too many homes. of information to be embodied versatile in his aecom- ALARMING INFANT MORTALITY. "Whom having not seen we love" iy s to Hlior her woris' sake. Once more the officer, rs eae ARONA Great Saving in Sailing. Vancouver Sun The opening of will reduce infant mortality in this prevince. It is regrettably illuminating in that it points again to the many «deaths that ate among children because the mothers fail in the nursing oi them. : First one nolices the defects in registration of vital statistics. The graduate of Toronto univers ty, a Fellow of the Politieal Science de- partment, Mr. Mills, made an' ex- amination of the records of ecortain churches with records of the good the Panama canal the ocean voyage from Britain to Vancouver about 6,200 miles, and from Montreal to Sydney, Australia, 2,700 miles. Many of the trade routes of the world will * be changed ont of all recognition by the use of the canal. Few and far between will be the vessels that will "round the Horn," a decade hence. and which the which prevail Here is a mass which is too valuable only in the blue book, the circulation of which is limited. This information should be pro- re;rinted in pamphlet form for dis vince and: found that they did not | tribution. Every physician in the land agree. The churches were more cor- should be made the medium through rect than the departments, which sug- gested that the law should be amended and 'enforced. A few examples, in the prosecution of parents and phy- sicians, and a few fines, would- im- the people with the earnesincss of the government upon this most important subject. At presont only seventy-five per cent of the births and deaths are registered. Dr. MacMurchy quotes an alarming statement which was made ,im the house of commons, by Dr. Black, LIME Tif sit DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard Fhone 443, 235 Wellington St. the nus rus Deiang, Mental Be Brain We sa and Effects of Price §1 per bx x. Six for One will curd Sota by i in Railroads are Fined, May 10.--Pleading yilty o having illegally favored certain burlesque companies, three railroads, all of them controlled by the New York Central lines, were fined $40,000 whom the booklet may bo placed in by Judge Carpenter, in the United the hands of every mother. and with States distriet gourt., The roads are the admonits . rr : the Lake Shoge and Michigan South- : pu ion to read it. ern, the Big Four and the Michigan H Incidentally Central. The Big Four was fined $20,- receives scrious consideration. 000 for two offences, while the other MacMurchy has studied it to advan- roads were fined ¥10,000 each for sin on) Je ~Hences. Tage. She shows by statistics how Bs ny infant mortality is increased through the unsanitary conditions into which some poor children are bern, and her bald statement of facts constitutes a direct and pathetic appeal for better things. The recommendations are for Chicago, C8, Symipgton's Packet t'Soups and Gréavies Get. Them at D. COUPER'S Phone 76. 841-8 PRINCESS ST. Prompt Delivery. George' S lee Cream Parlor | A full line of high- class | Chocolates. Call in and try | our delicious Ice Cream, made with the very best cream. } We will deliver your order | ; promptly to any part of the | city GEORGE MASOUD \ 264 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 980, HALL FURNITURE We re shuwing a fine Furniture. line of tne hovs'ng problem Estate and Financia! Mi Brokers, Miss a axhandence Solicited. treet: nl ist Saskatoon, Sask. Campbell Bros' For the largest stock, the nobbiest styl's ard best values in men's hats, Dr. de Van's Female Pills reliable have . "Those St. Louis to Fight Mosquitoes, St. Louis, May 10.--The city's au A nual appropriation bill prov ides 85, of OBIE Dh For Wis 88 Yahoos drug stove. M.P., and to the effect that thiriy- two per cent. of the babies born in Becu.rle aba Sa pol, sie ge Nea ww a grosmmany, Fre BING Fellsd, 8hlg- one city in 1908 died. Many of these deaths occurred in institutions, and r-|some of them were not reported. It is not remavkable that the vecponsibiity correct statistics, for the service of a siting nurse when possible, a or a financial recognition by the govern- ment to the municipalities and the institutions in which the care of in- fants is made a speciality. The cmpaigier in Quebec must be able to use French as well as English freely. And in some places the voters who cannot discourse freely in the Gaelic might as well hold his tongue. The actual loss incurred in England miners' strike has been L800, to say noth. increased cost of living. EDITORIAL NOTES ------ -- department are out on strike. They want higher wages, and may want them. Kingston has no trouble in connection with its utilities depart: ment, because it pays the current un- ion Fates, Manual training is being the government inspector. It is to be hoped he will be satisfied when the expense, : The Guelph fire department has heen nation of all its members. And this 000 for a municipal campaign against mosyjuitoes and for a total appropria- tion of $10,338,000 for the fiscal year, an increase of $700,000 over last year. | IR. SOPER changed || about in Kingston at the instance of change has been' made at considerable | changed by the 'demand for a resig-| Hall Mirrors, Golden Oak, $4.50 to $16.50, Hall Seats, $5.50 to $18.00. Hall Trees. $6.00, $8.50 to $30.00 All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma hogany. Early English or Mahogiuay, Special Prices this week in Go- Carts and Carriages, R. J. Reid, psn LEADIN ¢ USDERTAKERS i | F. J. JOHNBON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Special prices in Cut Ilow- ers. See our window display Wedding Bouquets and Floral Designs. Floral Sprays a "specialty. Sweet Pea Seed. in Bulk Named Varieties 'Phones: Store, 239. Conservatories. 236 Residence, 1212. ° i ho RAWFORD'S The kind you are looking fer fs the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantes prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WES? STREET. WeHavePlenty of Coal _HaveYou? I iL BO