PAGE FIGHT, "Progress " Brand The Bigness of Little Things 'It takes about $70 to buy a one-carat Diamond---while you can buy a ton of coal for about $7. The "Progress Brand" Trademark about the smallest part of a Suit or Over- jamond---its value does coat---but, like the not depend on bulk but on quality. When you see the "Progress Brand " trademark, you have found style, fit, qual- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1912 1S ity, value, satisfaction, because it goes only in those garments sold with the makers' guarantee. Ask to see the new Spring Styles. Suits, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 Made and Guaranteed by H. Vineberg and Co., Limited, Montreal. Sold and guaranteed by C. LIVINGSTON & BRO. BROCK STREET ans a oe SPECIAL SALE Saturday Morning, 8.30 O'clock Particularly good things for the careful buyer, LADIES' CLOTH SKIRTS . Worth §5, #6, $7 and $7.50 for $3.98 Each. SILK MORETTE UNDERSKIRTS Regular value $3.00, for : $1.50 Each. ~ LADIES' RAINCOATS Regular $7.50 and $5.00 Sale $4.98 Each. CHILDREN'S RAIN CAPES = On Sale $2.75 Each. SALE OF HOUSE WRAPPERS Worth $1.2, $1.50 and $1.75, for 78 Cents Fach.. 1 Corset Covers and Drawers | _ On Sale 25 Cents Each. LA ir ---- A WOMEN ARE WARRING AS TO THOSE WHO SHALL SIT AT TABLE With Duke and Duchess of Cone naught When They Visit London, Ont. Only Four Have Been Se- lected. London, Ont., May 10.~The dispute in regard, to what ladies are to it at table with the Duke and Duchess of Connaught when they visit here, on May Zwth, is warmer than ever. Many of the women who wished to be pre sent on that occasion are holding an indignation meeting, today. It is of- ficially announced, however, that only the women who will be at the table are Lady Gibbon, Mrs. Adam Beck, Mrs. Graham, wife of the mayor, and Mrs. H. A. Boomer, representing the National Council of Women. This de cision will be final, notwithstanding any efforts the women may make change it. to STOCK MARKETS. ¥, B. MeCurdy Co, Clarence Chamb- ers--H W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, 10th. New York. Amalgamated Copper . American Beat Sugar | American Smelters .... . American Canners Canadian - Pacific ...... Fe a i inois Central .... ... i.ohigh Valley ...... . Northern Paciiic Reading ......... ..... St. Paul... Union Pacific ..... a United States Steel, May com. Montreal Rib un Sao Paulo ... Toronto Rails Tooke. Bros., com. . Dominion Steel, com. Spanish River, pid. .. .. .... .. Sherwin-Williams Paint, pid. . Had to Pay Cabman. At a special session of the court, Thursday, afternoon, the Relle- ville officer, who had trouble with W. C. Nandall eab driver, over a fare to t ngston Ww - La emat. dag: Lhe fabs man, $3, sherifi claimed that on all his other visits rile it did "at all wish the amount, but a his to for to was was w wreck and ruin tion." This idea Mr. troverted at great length. Mr. Chaplin contended that the bill had not been considered by the elec torate. He regarded the hill as dan- gerous both to the interests, of Ireland and to Great Britain. T. W. Russell, although opposing i |tentiery on, Friday morning 3 leommitied £ {prisoners will have twelie 3 Hace, 68} land also for breaking out of the pric police: to the city, he) HOME RULE MEASURE PASSES SECOND KEADING IN BRITISH COMMONS. John Redmond Claims That Irish. men are Well Able to Manage Their Own Affairs. London, May 10.--The second read jug of the home rule bill passed in the House of Commons late last night by a vote of 372 to 271. The vote was reached after a storm of oratory, interspersed interruptions and one or two exciting incidents by occupants of the crowded galleries. John Redmond, in opening the bate, said he thought the justice the claim of Irishmen to manage their own affairs was now generally con ceded. "Underlying long with de- of the speeches of the umionists during the debate," said the trish leader, "there has been a sup- position that having obtained their great charter of liberty the Irish peo- ple would piove themselves a nation of fools and at once set to work to own constiiu- edmond con their the previous home rule bills, said he as would support the preseat one, extraordinary there had, heen an change since 1886, Ramsay MacDonald, the labor léad- er, said that the Protestants of Ulster were beginning to discover there was far more of economics than of reli gion in the agitation of ascenduncy-- not ascendancy over Catholics, but over labor. \ HUGHES MAY SLIP IN AS REPUBLICAN NOMINEE He Could Weld the Party Together Better Than Any Other of the Republicans. New York, May 10.---Will Justice Charles FE. Hughes, formerly governor of New York state, slip through the rift in the republican party, made by the fight between Roosevelt aud Tait, -------- land extra batteries of artillery, A NURSE'S MISTAKE KILLS BOY AND THEN KILS HERSELF. SHE Overdose of Cocaine in Hospital Costs Two Lives--\ Disaster in a Berlin Hospital. Berlin, May 10.--A mistake in the preparation of an .anaesthetic at the treat Charite hospital, here, has cost two lives. This week a schoolboy named Rieger, fourteen years of age, was brought by his mother to the hospital ou account of a throat affec tion. He was found to be suffering from adenoids, and the physicians de cided that his tonsils must be re moved. Cocaine was administered to deaden the pain. Owing to a mistake made by the nurse, Gertrude Wanger, & so- lution of cocaine much stronger than necdiul was injected. The boy almost immediately threw up his arms and fell back dead. The distress of the unhappy nurse was so terrible that her own sister- also a nurse--was ordered to keep her urd r ' observation to prevent her from committing suicide. Meanwhile ths mother who was awaiting the re sult of the operation, had to be told, Sho fell into. such terrible hysterics that the nurse was obliged to leave her sister Gerirude for a moment in order to help the doctors with Frau Rieger. Gertrude took advantage of the moment of freedom io inject a fatal dose of cocaine and half an hour later was dead. PITH OF THE NEWS. Over the World. Alexandria, 13 5-l6e.; 13 5-16¢.; Brockville, Cheese sales : Vankleek Hill, 134c. Seven persons were drowned off a launch in Fox Lake, 1ll., on Thurs- day. Hon. T. W, ister, is mentioned as successor. Twenty-five brides-to-be were brought out by the Lake Champlain, which ar- rived at Montreal from Liverpool yes- terday. The condition of King Otto of Ba. variam who has been sympatheticallv referred to as a crazy monarch, i worse. At Buffalo, N. Y., tieorge Gmemnar, a Turk, twenty-nine years old, arrested on a charge of counterfei Guy Turkish coins. Seven additional French battalion: are being rushed to Morocco, making a force there of 30,000. Prof. Howard Barnes, Mantréal, suc- cessfully experiminted with an insten- ment to detect ice-bergs at from two Crothers, the labor mip- Judge Mabee's is wis (to tes miles distance. French archaeologist, Daninos The i Pasha, has discovered at Nelioppelis, the necropolis for which search has been made for many years, JUSTICE CHARLES HUGHES, Who may slip in as republican candi- date for U.S. presidency, | i and be made a compromise candidate | for the presidency of the United States. Today that seems possible and even probable. There was a meet- ing last night of promivent party | managers here to discuss the witua- | tion. It was agreed that something | had to be done, and done immediate- | fy, and that nobody, could weld the! party together better than Charles KE. Hughes. Active work has begin to se- cure his candidature. es soins SENT UP FOR TRIAL. Six Penitentiary Prisoners Before Magistrate Hunter, The four incorrigible prisoners from | Stoney Mountain prison; namely Har | ry Jones, Frank belly, Arthur Brown | and Bonper, and also Vincent Mec-| Nel, of Woodstock, all wppeared be | fcre Magistrate George Hunter in the| deputy warden's oft ca at the peni in. the preliminary hearing in connection with, tne numerors offences they nad | committed while in prison, and wer: for trial at the June as» sizes of the county court. " charges 10] Bonner and Brown will have] charges each to face, namely kreakipg away from the guards on] their Way to the prison, assauliikg the, guards, and also for breaking out of the peniteneinry. Jones, Medel and prisoners will have twelve charges to! face. that of assaulting the guards three son on Aprl 29th, i Walter Uollns, a young wan of abort twent ope years, was also up for hearing on the cherge of =iab-| bing one of the other pr.soners while in a ercuffe last fall. He was also committed fcr trial on this charge. Te look at him one would think he was only about sixteen. Young and all as he is he has a very bad re cord. Scot Returned to Montreal. The young Scctchnms, Brace by name, who was turped back at Cap has left for Bruno Damasie, an Italian, was con | vieted of the shooting and wounding of Jami Gratten, April 6th, and een tenced to ten years in Stony Moun- tain. Two hundred and forty two persons were killed and 4,706 were injured in train accidents in the United States during the quarter ending eeomber 31st, 1911. Walter 8. Dipley, Jeb wsan City, Md, convicted of the murder of Stanley Ketchel, the pugilist, must serve his life sentence in the Missouri penitenti- ary. Judge Massie, when shot in the court house at Hillsville, Va., exclaimed that "Sid Allen did it."" This lets Floyd Allen 'out. Sid has not yet been caught Miss Elsa Arberg and Henry of Watertown, N.Y., were married on 18th of April. Mrs. Tay lor, of Watertown, presented the bride with a cheque for 35,000, The None Gavotti was sen- tenced to seven months' imprisonment for writing anonymous, slanderous letters to Pennazi Bri, a former em ployee of the Egyptian government. Arthur A. Ellis, slayer of Lewis Por ter, whom he shot on the road near Minden on April 25th, was brought to Lindsay from Minden and lodged in the county jail to await trial next fall. A supply of the new #5 and $10 gold pieces of Canada has been sent Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Jchn, Halifax and Charlottetown. They are the first of the sort made at the Ottawa mint. The New York, New Havem & Hart: ford railroad company has been au- thorized by the public service commis sion to acquire control of the Rutland railroad company from the New York Central & Hudson river railroad com- Honet schalager, 81. in all these paw. Warned by the Titanic catastrophe, the Hamburg-American Steamship company has discontinued any self-in- surance of its own ships, and has re insured all the ships of the Hamburg- American line against total loss or serious wreckage. Of the seven teachers who will re sign from the force at the Watertown N.Y. high school next momth three will be married, one will enter news paper work amd the rest will teach next year at salaries in excess of those paid by the Watertown board of education. * Having announced some weeks ago that he would contribute $80,000 to- wards the erection of the hospital for children at the Weston Sanitarium, W. J. Gawe supplemegted his gift by $20, 000. He will give $80,000 to be used for the erection of a new wing at the Weston consumption hospital, where children will be treated. Ey i Kaiser Loses Two Appeals. or William as d of the Cadien- en cstale a Soar Danzig, has lost his uit § supreme court against ope of bir tonania Hix majesty demanded that the tenant share the cost of con- struction of suitable to} The Very Lates* Celled From All} ipsic, Germany, May 10. Emper-, TO-MORROW, Commencing at 9 An Attractive Sale 135 Pairs Lace Curtains Note the saving in price : 60 pairs, worth $1.25, for 95c¢ pair 35 pairs, worth 1.50, for $1.10 25 pairs, worth 2.50, for $1.75 15 pairs, worth 3.59, for $2.50 -- ALSO -- 20 Pairs Fine White Swiss and French Net Curtains, worth $4, 4.50, 4.75. Your Pick To-Morrow Morning $2.50! This you Will find to be the best Curtain sale of the season. 250 Pairs Ladies Fine Black Lisle STOCKINGS A very fine make, with dou- ble spliced Sole, Toe and Heel, and with new Garter Welt at top. Sizes 8} inch, 9, 9}, 10 inch. This make is exception- ally good value at 35¢ pair. : Yours To-Morrow Morning 25 from 9 to 12 only C. New Curtain Nets, New Dining Room Scrims, New Bedroom Scrims, New Curtain Muslins, New Cretonnes, New Art Materials for Box Covers, Shade Blinds, Curtain Poles, Sash Curtain Rods, Curtain Pulls. a SIE BASH, NEW THIS SEASON LADIES' PUMPS In Patent, Tan and Gun Metal Cait. A A Pump without a gtrap that will mot slip at the heel. Stylish and Comfortable. | | Wo have these in Patent Leather at | $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 pnd up. Trunks and Suit Cages on the Second Fioor, J THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ¢