Che YEAR 79 -Xo. 112 ANDREW W. GRAY CHOSEN AS HIGHWAYS ENGINEE KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1912. FOR NAVAL That at Fremantle Will be Shortly Commenced. Aus., May 1l.--As the re sult of a recent visit to Freemantle in Western Australia, by the com monwealth minister for defence, G, F. Pearson, accompanied by naval and DASE. Perth, W. Kingston Man Gets Ontario Appointment GRADUATED AT QUEEN'S AS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE THIS SPRING. Mr. Gray's Position Wiil be Assist. ant Provincial Highways eer--~He Will Inspect the Roads of All the Counties. Toronto, May 11.--The Mail and Empire says : "Andrew W. Gray, of Kingston, roads - superintendent for the county of Fromtenar, is, it is un. derstood, the choice of the govern ment for the ew position of assistant provincial highways _ engineer, for whigh provision was made in the es timates lust session, The new assist ant engineer ix thoroughly qualified for the work he will be called upon to do. ile has been in charge of good rounds construction of Frontenac coun ty for two years, and his work in that position atiracted the attention of the department. Mr. Gray will act Engin. New HENRY degree the PELLATT af DCI University or, NB, He INTRODUCED TO HIGH LiVE. constructional experts, some definite - ¢teps have been decided on in connec tion with the provision of a naval base in that locality. Under the commonwealth scheme oi defence Freemantle is to be the se cond naval base in Australia apd the question of opening up Cockburn Souhd, a spacious anchorage, a little south of the existing harbdt of Free mantle, is to be investigated. As a result of negotiations between the federal authorities and the state government, it has been decided that the latter shall co-operate with the commonwealth government in con: ducting borings and surveys of cer tain proposed entrances to Cockburn Sound, To this end a preliminary ex- penditure of $5,000 has been decided upon be the state government. The guestion of making Cockburn Sound a commereinl harbor as well as a naval base has raised but no decision arrived upon with r rd also heen has yet to it. heen THE METHOD BISHOPS, Retired Ones Cr | Five Will be and Ten New ated, May '11 | Minneapolis, Minn, te ret red Methodist bishops will | ol et the gencral conlerence {now in s'es.on here, it learned | from retiable although unofficial sour Five 155% cals? age was ---- ---- - -- JUDGE REGRETS | Tie i i : 1 That Guilty Doctor Was N Before Him. A KUSBAND ACQUITTED OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR DEATH OF HIS WIFE. 1 Justice Middleton Surprised at Kase With Which Women are Able to Procure Illegal Operations Medical Men, Toronto, May 11.--*One thing that I am sorry for is the faet that the medical man who perfcrmed this whongful act in this cass, and caused the death of your wife, has fled the country. It would have been more atiefnctory if he had been here, and f it had been he instead of von in that dees, because | am "satisfied that on t Ys evidence, if he had been in your place, I would have had the grave duty of sentencing him death This statement was made by Middlcton yesterday addressing William with the murdir of man of the the verd ct, der." From to Justice afternoon in David charged h's The fore- jury had just announced | "Not Gu¥ty of mur wie {the second Ime Very Latest Specifications for the contract for section of the Hudson's Bay railway have now been prepared and tenders vill be called very shortly It is said that Canada being only a colony, can't get in under the clause of "favored nations." An appeal has 'been taken to the U.S. customs court. The Montreal medical health officer has decided that Chin Tong, a China- wan, who was thought to be suffering frcm leprosy, really has the dread disease. : Leon Hall, aged seventeily years, of Clyde, N.Y., was struck and instantly killed on Friday, by a local car on the Rochester, Syracuse and Eastern trolley line. A. V. Rogers, a civil war veteran of Watertown, N.Y., who was a pris- oner with Gen. Lee, wnen the latter surrendered, died on Friday, aged sixty-eight years. Sewal F. Camp, aged twenty-four years, has been missing from Water- town, N.Y., since the 16th of April, and is being looked for all over the United States and Canada. James Stone, of ( arthage, N.Y., be- ing taken tovjail at Watertown, N.Y., on Friday, jumped through the win- dow the passenger train and escaped. He was caught afterwards. It was expeetetl that the documents of contract, between the Boston pro- moters of the Motel Kingston, and the city, which have been in Boston, being examined by the formers' solici- tors, would be returned here on Sat urday. Daily British Whig LAST EDITION "eo wf THE LIFE OF RICHESON HANGS IN THE BALANCE J. BRU directo additior Managing tine wit i committee Several lienists Making Re- ports About Him. THE AWFUL CRIME OF THE a BAPTIST MINISTER. He Will Extend Clemency Only if the Alienists Report That Riche son Was Insane When he Poison. ed His Sweetheart. Boston, Mass, May 11.--~When m. , formed by Sheniff John Quinn at the Charles streat jail yesterday that he would be removed Saturday morning to Charlestown state prison, Clarence V. T. Richeson, former Baptist mims- ter, who i% under sentence to be elec: 3 + ftrocuted the week beginning May 19th a for poisoning his one-time sweetheart, L& "3 ; Avis Linnell, went down upon his hite Star}, = i & i 1 experiences | knees and begged to be allowed to nvestigating [stay sd the jail a few days more. of The Bernt "It would have been hard to nduse him, and 1 told him that he would r of 1 to his he returns to t Cost Aaron Moore, North Carolina | oe "The jury "has taken a merciful view 8s outside representative of the high %ays department, relieving the provin cial engineer, W, McLean, of much of the work of visiting the counties and inspecting the work, He wilhkbep in touch with road construction all over the province. and it will be his duty to see that counties construct their roads according to plans passed upon by the department "Arthur Sedgewick, who has been attached to the highways department, becomes second assistant engineer. He will be given charge of experimental work to be carried on this summer 'The department proposes to secure a stretch of road for experimental pur- poses, and one of the road treasing formulas to be tried out is & solution of tannic acid. Jt has been stated that the use of tannic acid on clay roads increase their wearing qualities to a remarkable extent and the pro vincdial engineer is going to find out. Such preparation, should it prove sat islactory, would he of immense advan tage in working out the good roads system of the province." Planter, $235,000, York, May 1l.-Aaron Moors, | who sas 8 a North Carolioa plan | the police how he t hgh life in, New af ¥25.1 in je He says t he vacation back New 8 he told ridveed at a er, wag in . 4 Yrrk | #lory and | to oost money here | and | if | { came veveral days ago for a to only now he is the Wil gems fer hun According to his story he MeDonald ago he them over." MeDonald again house. in West near Fighth avenue, duced him to Walter Sperry and, two anid Chis All the sovtherndt given a chair wetted door hey go home fmd bi ready ay a s cash and Cis in a saloon a few davs mv ed look Next he Me and al i | met Fran } and him to night took Lim ) Fifi where he Gavin Fort street intro Horace whis | Bo! tek id ung. w on, neiresses out hat was opinn Ho wa i ad a pipe As he | to dfijov a smoke the | entered carried "ere if a job vere of a job were smoking back of ened were volverg and ordered evers throw up their Band's Moore says be thought it was foke, b Ab - but did. as the. I'he men tool all of hE anid, but did not molest the others in 'the room, The police arvisted all of the ocapants of the room and ire pow Jooking fir the mn ssing mas. red mon. The. recovered some of th misXag 'ewellory but nore of $e money. IN JAIL NEARLY A YEAR FOR A $37 DEBT Truman J. Sherman Refuses to Pay Up---Clayton Man is Stubborn. Le 3 Watertown, NJY., May . Sherman, of Ulavion, has been con fined in the Jefferson county jail nearly a vear, because he 8 too stub born to pay a judgment amounting to £37.02 and costs and to comply: wit rout orders, He was committed by Judge F. C. Fmerson, on August 4th 191, an a committment dated luly that, 1911, «He has steadily refused financial help to pay his fine, accord to reports that ached the intl officinls here. It that his have at various Limes of their visits to the jail offered to pay his fine allow him his freedoms but Sherman bas declined any awd fo put him outside the bars. He is fifty- sight vears of age. and two men : re.) ody to mashed and Andrew W. Gray, graduated at spring, as B.Sc. in civil Alfred TO END DUELLING. Clericals and Socialists Co-operating in Reichstag. Berlin, May 11.--7The clericals yestoer day introduced a resolution in the reichatag asking the imperial chancel lor, Dr. Von. Bethmann Hollweg, te take steps to end duelling in the army, particularly the practice that makes it compulsory for an offended person to challenge the offender Sew leave the army. Pending this reform the resolution demands thy observance of the imper- inl order of 1897, restricting duelling. The resolution will be adopted as tie dlericals and socialists demonstrated, | | that they have a cleat majority when co-operating. : fos FAMILY OF TWELVE SUICIDE, Grandmother, Father. Mother and Nine Children. Bucharest, Roumania, May 11.-A whole family of twelve persons- grandmother, father, mother and pine children--have committed suicide in this eity, First, two of the mainstay themselves on account of financial troubles. Then the others, having stupefied themselves with beer, retir ed to a garret, where they went to ' their viernal sleep under the influence W Thompson, ~AM., Toronto, of charcoal fumes. The next morning | Canada, was awarded a fellowship in all were found dead. Harvard, for research in botany in Afvien. ing have is saad laughters the of the sons, who were family, killed Pp Sotth NO MOTHER, KILLS HERSELF. Twelve-Year-Old Kentucky Ends Lite by Shooting. Louisville, Ky., May 1l.--Alne House, twelve years old, committed suicide hy ing hersell with a re volver at a house a few ' miles from this city, where she had been making her home. Grief because she had no mother like the othee children is the supposnd cause. Her mother died when she was two years old and he father married again. Cooper Union Gets Big Fund. White Plains, N.Y, May 111k will of Henry Iden, a manufsctur rt of chande iers, filed for Girl ard art, $10.00 ench to the zoologi cal socety, Botonigal Gardess and Messum of Natural History and his art tre wires to the Mitropolitan Fhey Lranston, Warren, Smith new bishops will Episcopal he are Moore, Neely From ten to twive creat d and w il probab! Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Helena anh Los Angeles Hishop Frank M. Bristol, now South Amenea, will the United States bishoy 8 be new resi- dences designated in Kansas City, sla tioned in be us #1 rel cf South America Rishoy x to and one the new sont to will be returned to China, while Bishop Bury and one of the new bishops will go to tagford amd |ewis Furofe Burt will at Sultzerland, while the other bishops to be will at RB shop reside assighed reside Rome CEASE SELFANSURANCE, Hamburg-American With Underwriters. Berlin, May 11. Warned by the Ti tunic catastrophe, the Hamburg-Ame rican Steamship company has discon tinted any self-insurance of its own ships and has reinsured all the ships of the Hamburg American. line, EERIE total loss or serious wreck: age, this plan was announced, today, in the prospectus of a new 1480e of the company. It imancial pooling prospectus finaneial pooling arrangement Hamburg American Steamship com pany and the North German Lloyd company, with the International Mer cantile Marine, whereby each company guaranteed the other a certain amount of dividends, was cancelled in Febru Iasi, after being in effect for Re-Lists Vessels stock transpires, of of also, the tae ary Vears. ten MONTRE! DEBT GROWING. Old Methods of Financing -- Costly to City. Montreal. May 11.--Montreal is just learning that her old method of fin ancing ~ was costly... Civie statistics show that during the past twenty-five vears the city has paid out the huge amount of tweniy millions of dollars its debt. The debt has been in creasitig to the tune of almost a mil year. The debt increased ¥12,652, in $48,575, 12. 2» ¢ity has thus bor twenty-five vears L0r its permanent works, trying tg float an additional million dollar loan for various manent works. Proving on lion a has from 306 in rowed" in for 1887 to seven per: Chisf of Police Cooper, Picton, was appointed chief of the fire brigade which position became vacant with the removal of Constable Simser. Postmaster Pettet, Picton, has re turned from a ten days trip to Win- of your case, 'said the judge, the'r position "and | don't verdiet am in which vou have been placed during the trial of this cas: as the of the death of your wife I for the revelations w of the able this (Un found charge of dency. br. B. 1 er, and a disagree with sorry for the result am also hich have with which illegal |Or'y Shade women are 10 jrocure of | kind from instructaons operations medical nen." of the net guilty abert'on on the sawe fhe physician roterred a frominent bowl member of the board heavy reward has the city and the pro 1pf tehension FIREMAN TRANSFORMED INTO PILLAR OF FIRE Cncinati Smoke Eater Rides to the Hospital Clothed in a Cincinnati, May 1. his clothes, 'a mass of flames, Captain Jack Uonway of sthe salvage corps and hero of many. fires, took his most sensational, most harrowing and per haps his lust ride last eveming. With his entire company he was blown oul of the Presto Light company's build ing a by a series of six explosions of judge they | the evi 10 is Davidge on Hawke, former of education A offered by for his been vince gas tanks. Practically every member of salvage corps wags burned, but Con the brunt of the burst of flame and was seriously burned, As salvage corps notifizl of the fire in the Presto Ligh company, only a block away, Con way seized a tank of fire extinguish- and ran through the alley Aghth street to Ninth amd into th burning building from which the em ployes had fied in safety | Conway's company of losaly behind him and all pushed | way through the dense smoke. had proceeded well into the the ground floor, when terrific "explosion. Con- the way received soon as the was from men can { their They building there was « and his entire company blown out into the street. Efforts were made to smother the flames that licked the form of the heroic Conway, but the chemical mixture burned fGercely into his flesh. As the automobile sped to the hos pital bystanders saw in anguish the spictacle of Conway virtually trans. formed to a pillar of fire. The flames around his arms, shoulders and chest burned in a high flame as the ride, perhaps ta death, was taken towards | the hospital. way wer 3 giant Museum. Notthers railway ha was and his LORD OF ADMIRALTY CAUSES A SENSATION Hastens From Flest to Vote on Home Rule Bill Then Rejoins the King. Eng., May 11 tional of "the Hon. Winston Churchill, first lord the admiralty, left the manoeuvres of the fléet: some miles out at thursday evening, came to the Houso of Commons gy 8 special train, voted and wpoke for home rule that night, then returning bv motor eat to Bournemouth, conveved in H.M.S. Destroyer Swift, going forty miles an hour to the fleet, joining King George in the early morning, and taking part with his majesty in the manoeuvres davbreak day While Churchill's did nog make much difference, as the passing of the home rule bill was con cerned, it happened to result in de ciding the ownership of thousasds of a, of money, as the favorite wag: er of the unionists was thet the gov: ernment would not gét wore than a» hundred majority on the division Churchill made it a Hundred and one. Londoa, I'he week-end is bow sensa story ot sea, same was at Vester one vote so far WILL SEND A SHIP To Prof. Barnes For More Iceberg Experiments. London, Eng., May 11.--Attention i being directed in the Times and other journals here to the experiments mud by Prof. Barnes, of McGill, Montreal, with a periccted miero-thermometer, whereby the presence of ieerbergs can be detected, two miles away to ward and seven miles to windward of a ship. Prof. Barnes says the tests on the voyage of the Royal George revealed the power of the instrument to reveal land as well as ice. © The Canadian government has pro nized to lend Prof. Barnes a ship for more pegsistent experiments. He the Titanic disaster could never happened with un instrument Prof. Barnes is giving three lecturs before the Royal Institute. RETURNS TO PRISON AFTER BRIEF FREEDOM Folke E. Rrandt Ordered Back to Tombs For Thirty-Years Sentence. : York, May 11.--The appellate division ofthe supreme ¢ourt yester- dav afternoon reversed the decision of Justice Gerard in the case of Folke E Brandt, and ordered his return to Clinton prison. Two hourt later the decision was rendered, Bramdt was ar rested in his home at Flushing, 1. 1 and taken to the Tombs. By order of the appellate division of the court, he must be returned to Han. emara, where he was serving a thirty. yenr term for burglary, to whith he was sentenced by Judge Rosalsky on complaint of Mortimer 1. Schiff Brandt was Schifi's valet. The case was re-opened alter vigorous editorials in New York newspapers, which sug gested that the charge of burglary was trumped up to cover glaring indiscre- tions of Milliboaire Sechifl's wife. sis have such New WOMAN SUFFRAGE IN ITALY. Premier Personally in Favor, i Thinks Time Unvipe, Rome, May 11. There was a debate in parliament last night in reference to woman sufirage. The bill under dis- cussion was one for electoral reform and Premier Giolitti, in discussing it admitted that female suffrage was most important in the interest of one half of humanity. But, he declared, it would be impossible to enfranchise six million women in Italy until the civil cote had been mudified so that the i standing of women would be equalized i with that of men. Moreover, said the premier, it would be unjust to enfran- chise only those women Who were financially. morally or intellectually the superiors of their sex and exclude But not be removed," Sheriff Quinn sad. The sherilf added that it is probable that Richeson will not be removed Monday... I'he next regular governor's CHEERING CROWD GREETED. J. Bruce Jsmay When he Landed ar Liverpool. Eug., May 11.---Pale still holding his Lemay, White the litank the gang plank of Ydriatie this morning, amid cheering of a big crowd gathered on the docks to meet him. Mr. Ismay much touched with. the differ between his experience to-day and the almost brutal reception given him in New York, where his conduct had been condemned without investiga tion, and the popular red up by the nals. Mr. declined to make any fur- ther statement until he appears be fore Lord, Mersey, but expressed his grateful appreciation the confidence of his friends and f the British jue tice given him Aritish newspapers pers. meeting of the coungil is on Wednesday, and although this is only four days di before the date set for execution, Rich. and may be kept at Charles street walk {Jail until the council has had oppor- should Governor one Richeson's plea for com- tence Foss has asked the opin- ion of Sveral emiuent alichists as to Richeson's sanitv. Until woday the governor was supposed to be relying' largely upon the report' to be fur- nished by Dr. I. Vernon Briggs to guide him in his decision on the matter of submitting the chrgyman's plea for clemency to tle executive council, but Dudley M. Holman, se- eretary to Governor Foss, said, last night, that the governor is in cone sultation with several eminent alien. ists regarding Richeson's comdition. The governor, Secretary Holman says, feels that the case ix so impor- tant as to demand the opinion of more than one mew. ulienists, the seeretary said, will examine Riche- son in Charles strest jail, if they have inot done so slready, and will make their report to the chief executive, Dr. Briggs, who has completed investigation, his report to port probably ernor's hands ing . While it is well-known the gowvers nor is opposed to capital punishment, he will not for a moment allow hig personal views to influmee his decis. I'he whole thing hinges on this one point: "Was Richeson insane Walter Harvey and James G. Evans | Want a Trial By Their Jat the time the crime was commits Peers { The governor is not seeking to save a jthis man's life. He abhors, as does May BL. TH ons evarybody, the awful crime to which H haw Sh Evans were Richeson has confessed, and if it in BEvey. amt Ty. They have | found that he is and was legally sane again up on y. : A : y yi been remanded from week to week, |" the time the crime was committed waiting on the report of the an- he would not think for one instant alysis of the stomach of the de-|of extending to Richeson executive ccased John Revell This showed | clemency. that the man died of natural causes. The Liverpool, haggard, high, J and | bat head Bruce magaging the Lhe eson rector ol Star line, survivor ot ed steamer disaster, i the | tUMILy to act ol send mutation of Governm down 10 it soemed eneo by feeling stir Gotham vellow jour Tama ol by Think They are Sale. New ° Orleans, la., Mav 11 .--After several nights and days of anxiety rain stopped and the sun shone this and the people of this city well satisfied that they are from the floods which have de vastated the country north of here with death and destruction. mornmng, are fairly an hay not yet rendered the governor. The re. will not be in the gov before Monday moras safe DOCTORS WANT JURY 0 TRY FORGERY CASE jon Toronto, drawn out George Barton, a farmer, aged six- Ly-three vears, died, Monday, of heart failure. Deceased had been a lifelong resident of Roebuck. J. R. Kerr Newboro, has made an assignment. Harvey was to the following effect "That on the 21st of Nov, last, he did utter a false document, to wit, a cheque drawn on the Bank of Plymouth, Devon, England, for the sum of one thousand pounds sterling, pay- able to the Empire College of Oph- 1912, to Mr. aud Mes A thalmology, purporting to be sign- Jackson, a son ed by John Revell" - . The charge against Evans was MARRIED. that he made the same false docu- BRADSHAW ment, and endorsed by Harvey, Webster. Harriet Sa with the intention that the same of Harrowsmith, Ont. should be acted upon as genuine to Saiahn, kamung Godfrey, Wilkie, the prejudice of the estate of the late John Revell and others, and did thereby commit the crime of forgery. Accused charge against BORN. -At Kansas Chty, Meo, on GODFREY At Sth 1912 DIED. SMITH--At Poggdmouth, Ont. 10th, 1912, ry Elizabeth eldest daughter of Thos, Emith, aged 23 years and 2 months. Funeral from her late residence to St. John's Church, afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends and ae- quaintances respectfully invited to attend. if be tried by ad- elected to jury, and the case was again journed till the 17th. Harvey is out on bail of $2,000, but Evans has been unable to find surety for the same amount. THE BATTLEFIELDS PARK. With This Work to be Proceeded Summer, Quebec, May 11. After a delay of more than three years the work neces sary in connection with the Cuebee Battlefields park, i= to be proceeded with this sumamer. The first step has been taken by the smplovoent of & number of men on the Plains of Abra ham, who unre engaged at the work of making reads ground to erst us shed in which the necessary miachinery will be housed. This machinery already or dered ix due to arrive in Lushee daily and is coming from Fagland, Ontano and Montreal, and comprises a port able engine, a steam crusher, steam roller, steam grinder and revolving sieve to pass stone through, serapers, eic., all of the most modern type, The federal government voted the sum of $1i4.000 Inst session jo ards the work which will be expended during the present suppmer, and ag next wit ting of the dominion pariiament a fur ther amount wil be voted to continue the work. Ome hundred thousand dol lars of the smount voted lust session will be used for the restoration of No. 4 Marielle tower, and £50 for GO-CARTS. A couple dozen of them. we, wo ® reasonable Brice. Feash. Tuark's. "Phone 705. Housecleaning Supplies Ek CEILING BROOMS. STOVE BRUSHES. DUSTBANE. LIQUID VENEER. BON-AMI. Hox.AMY SILVER POLISH. CLOTHES LINKS. Brooms, Whisks, Tubs, Pails, Wash. boards, Pearline, Stove Polish. the the oreat majority. 1 sdminictration. Jas. Redden & Co.