Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1912, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1912. THE WHIG SEVENTYNINTH YEAR penditure of $15,000,000 in the white DAILY BRITISH WIIG. published at 04-110 King Street. Kingeton, On- slave teaflie, The,shuteh, she' says, © taro, at Sadhana per year, Editions st 2.39 and should fight the evil, and with a per- WEDELY DRITISH WHIG, " an, gublisned tn parts on Monds Wg sistency tat knows no weakness, And - BIBBY'S t rein at a tates charge for Jostage ° § . " dk steeds fap i Be added, mak ek TasT orice of Dally 83 and of Weekly $150 per ¥ she is right. The chtirch stands for a L d. Our $15.00 Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada: rapid, styit, | clean Jie if it stands for nvything. Clothing Tables: and cheap work; nine improved presses ---------------- THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. For Sale | Are Sole Agents in Kingston for Suit Sale Fight of the Future, ison Hamilton Herald . 4 Among the features of the next nai TORONTO OFVICE~Suite 19 and 30 Queen City Chambers, 33 Chured |val war are sure to be fights between Street, Toronto. H. E. Smaliplece, J P., représentative. submarines and hydedplanes. They | will be decidedly one-sided--like fights | between fish-hawks and fish * . = ome gr gmeas ll Spring Footwear a : 3 -- Toronto World TE c dasa ride aft " 5% Terrebonne, Quebiec, has been the they have never been expressly stated. a ye aks; i Wilespread me S - d ' . . 13 PANS at a lot of people are ( ) Take What Pill ? scene of many exciting political events Mr, d Ege has been the chief en going to be turned out into the street ur new pring an Summer 2 . ' emy of the government since, and he|for banking accommodation. Make no ; ' p that n, A ¥ d Why, a Dr. Miles au 440) Shostion SE a heard from the people in a liberal con- | mistake about that. Shoes are out on Dress Parade an A and concluding on ¥s stituency and realizes the unpopulatity Anti-Pain Pill, popu at 1 end the strife. The opposition has | of bis cause. His opponent is Mr. De in ACy the Mager? they earnestly request a call from of course. Good for all kinds of | |become desperate. It is deeply con | martigny, who charges that ~ an at-| A steamer which has just arrived pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, cerned with the fate or future of Jean | tempt has been made to bribe him out | from Glasgow veports that not one YOU , Nervousness, Rheu- Prevost, who won his triumphs as alof the contest. le has been offered a rink sins old 1a the puskengary dus : i 8 3. 3 : ' * x + g ¢ entne ovaye, ¥ ouy O . 3 matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, liberal and is now appealing to thel federal appointment, /that of chief im- iE . sisted . . disprove for all time the rumor that Locomotor Ataxia, electors as a conservative. migration agent ih Paris, at $10,000{ (pe Scotch are addicted to the amber ¥ : x : Backache, Stomachache, Period- 'The change in his politics is not|a year, and the expenses of removing beverage which bears their name. They Il be delighted to welcome the result of a genuine conversion. He | himsel=and his family to Paris. say iy wo ime nd ¥ Wi Sford did not make a political somersault| Here there is the evidence of federal Ottawa ond Revbanly wil you at any fime an it willl ator for the sake of any principle which | interference in the local election, and| J. H. Hawthoruthwaite, the ons h | . was at stake. Ile has been a member | fedéral influence in Terrebonne of the tite Josialist leader in British Colum- them graet P easure to receive your Pr > ARVO . ,; ht a, having come imtoo a lortune, 1s - y - of the liberal government and went | most offensive kind, In any cus Ll to Mnmlprd to onter the: House admiraton. ] prove ie to the people once for vindication] whether Mr. Demartigny we clected orf 's Commons. He will probably end up 5 when the conservatives charged him | defeated--an enquiry should be made! oc a bloeblooded comservative, It i with maladministration. He was ve-|by the Gonin. government into the |wonderful how the possession of a : Bix Rr IS elected, and later retired from the gov- transaction, and to the end that its little money moderates a man's so It will pay you well to be onvery cialis. ernment, for reasons which were nol iniquity may be accentuated at the ex- co 1 ? : 8 K TT MILES MEDICAL CO, Toronto,Can. doubt good Di. ici . though y 0 i i ntimate terms with such good shoes ol TE months of CaS a -- and suflicient, | pense of the guilty parties, License Board Defects. Ottawa Journal . y There should be a provincial license ? ; 3 - cat yO, Loe Fiore sid bes provincial lierns We'll take great pelasure in pre PER arty and of palitical Considerations, with -----. full power to appoint and dismiss senting these new comers to all our The Manitoba government has some- ed with an elevator system which is [local boards or dispense with them thing on hand which is bound to practically inoperative and with no altogether. The buly wonder at pre friends, and we ask you to favor us prospect of 'any adequate provision sent 1¥ that more scandals do not - sat 3 3 i 3 * © r it, ly, the disposition of : occur in connection with license ad- OL worry it, namely HPO being made for the handing of the Iministration. with a call. " \ its elevators. The want of the gov- Tr SHES crop of 1912, and this, too, in the rt ---- DN RT 5) "You'll find it's so." {if ernment is storage for its grifn. In face of an enormous expenditure of BIG CUSTOMS FRAUDS . . . ; b tt' the east the farmer builds himself a [public money to secure the same." We specialize on oe La a SHY barn of grainary as soon as he builds | In a specch some time ago, before " $4 A of a home. Some farmers in Ontario [the close of the legislature, Mr. Rob- | OVER' 2,000 ITAL ALIANS INVOLVED 00 and 5.00 Shoes ; London x have better barns than houses. In the [lin charged that the elevators had IN CONSPIRACY. | ; : Lager A west the houses appear with the ad- 1not begn patronized by grain growers ---- : re ee im THE HARTT BOOT & SHOE CO vent of the homesteader. His grain 'a¢ he had a right to 'expect, and | Operates of Saydicate----Began on 3 . FREDERICTONINE , LIMITED lies in the field until it is shipped there was an implication of unfilled Small Scale, But Soon Enlarged Bo S Shoe S i ie" di La x or stored in the elevator. 'pledges which was not sustained. Their Operations When Undis- y pecia 3 5 * Best -Bupable § 3 The government of Manitoba | There are two sides to the story. covered. . : thought it was doing great things |In 1910, when the government ac-| Rome, May 13.--Following a chance TRY IT when it'went into the elevator busi- {quired the elevators, the Grain Grow- discovery by a frontier customs officer, ; 2A ; : *} avast conspiracy has hoan unearthed i ' JOHN LABATT H ness. It bought over an hundred ors' Association' submitted a draft bill Ey ap Tay li. pr ym $3.50 Boys Shoes for $2.50 H umes 28 HE workmanship in and seventy elevators at a cost of {which the government refused to ac- | organized smuggling. So successfully $552,370.69. It built ten more at a cost cept. : The Grain Growers asked for had the scheme worked that it" had M air ' . « ¥ ¥ hh om. | Poen providing snug profits for a 1 G 1 V I vrs , - of $109,994.69. It incurred expenses |an independent and non-political com stroiig syndicaedor n lob Lite. ans, un eta S, elours. Goody ear welts, for organization, equipment, etc., to |mission. The government refused the | robe has ax ta he . * quip : The probe has not extended to its V C S the extent of $38,977.32. The grand | grain growers representation on the {limit yet, but it is clear that nearly er | ] total has run to a million dollars, |commission, a purely political organi- 2,000 Italians are inrvalved in the op- : y assy ty €s. and in the two years during which |zation and it has had its reward. Sralions, lo say Rotamg ol Swiss. ac compliccs. They: began © sinall 1 : : Nei venient sss. Operated the dlo- |: Public. owastelip Tu Manitob © nw |e, Tr pts on a swat 1]. The production of one of the best shoe establishments vators the loss has been $100,000. been a failure because there wae too | operations extended till at the time of 1n Canada. "The Manitoba elevator commission," [much politics in the business. The [discovery quite hali the Swiss fron ot x tier was corrupted the + ling says the Winnipeg Free Press, "has elevators, managed independently and it, as corrupted to the smuggling been a ghastly failure and the farm- | properly, ought to pay expenses and | It is believed that several minor cus Packard's Shoe Polish HALF PRICE. ers of Manitoba are to-day confront. |a good dividend. toms men were concerned in the illicit : } ' trafic in Swiss produce, such as sug- Cleaner and better than ||| T= ar, watches, and jewellery, and many " : ilway employees are uncer arrest on | o ® carpets. CARE OF OUR TIMBER. rie By of kine rie A of _ B I B B Y ' S ¥ imi ted : i---- smugglers. Can be laid over an old Clifford a i i sok gd Pinchot is a very activejlt was a suicidal act on the part of or more of merchants and spirit in the campaign which will end | the Taft administration, and it is agents have . suddenly disappearcd ' 4 ~ : 4 y : . : ' "lacross the frontier, apparently in fear M BR .£ B 2 « » " » in the presidential election next Oc- | now realizing this. of discovery and arrest for their part cn's and oys : Departmental Store tober. He is a hearty supporter of | Mr. Pinchot, out of office, is doing|in the traffic. Mr. Roosevelt, who created the Con-|a good service in calling attention to Some Papers have been seized from 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET servation Commission when he was |the folly of congress in cutting down whish 3 4Ppears Jenain Spat the { ' ' ' 3 SS A E E 1 . president, and made Mr. Pinchot the |the appropriation for agriculture, and fitable ting Tal poetiat A J head of it. Addressing a republican [for forest ranging against fives, _Of est on a liberal scale has been paid meeting some days ago he became [the emergency fund of $1,000,000 for |[#ecretly to the syndicate members ig bold and cynical. "Tell me," said he, | fighting fires, he says that only a the past two years. -------------- ---------------- - ¢ "one good thing which the Taft ad- sixth remains; and last year seventy- Mrs. McCnapill, one of Newboro's EXACT HEAVY Toul Makes Hair Grow. HA LL FURNITURE ministration has performed. And | nine fire fighters and t(wenty-five set-|oldest and highest respected citizens, SALVIA is an invigotator that will We are showing a fine ine of from a near seat, in a clear stentorion | tlers were burned in the national for- died, on Tuesday, after a very 80: ; Sl Slates» grow hair or money batk, Hall Furniture voice the answer came, "It fired you." ests. Timber to the value of $12,000, | Vere illness. Deceased was eighty- IOWA, FARMERS ORGANIZE TO The time (o take care of your han "And so it did "The Conservation | U0 was destroyed. Mr. Pinchot de- Bihe Vers of age. fo STOP" THE ROBBERIES, is when you have hair : on ® a y . de * a A fine brick barn owned by Mavor Commission of the United States, like [clares that before the national forests | Foster was totally destroyed by fire the Conservation Commission of Cana-{ can be regarded as reasonably safe, tenon Saturday, together with all its Grai Directly - I ) Gr Because they act so 'gently (no da, is concerned about the custody of | times the present trails and six timesjcontents. A horse in the building oe re farectly Irom ie WeBt | fore the spol appesrs purging or Ktiningy yet so every public interest. When the navi-| the present telephone lines must be perished. ! roducing Sections to the East--| 'he greatest apgedy to stop th i % : . : Rev, Charles H. Daly, miclster of Would Stop Adulteration atl hair from. falling 18 SALVIA, thy gation of the St. Lawrence was|built, and the timber is now worth She Prisbyterian éhirch. Alntonto, ba Chicag Great Amediesn Hair = Crowes Gir ~ 3 a : Shy Le sharch, ny, has cago. are u rower, si threatened by a great power com- | $00,000,000. In twenty years it will accepted a call to the charge of : : a discovered in England, SALVIA fw pany, Mr. Sifton, the chairman of the|be worth a illion dollars. Summerland, B.C, New York, May 11.-"The real middle: | yishes nourishment to the hair root Canadian Conservation Commission, One is made to think of our own The bar of the Windsor hotel, Bella. Bi 18 Seid held up by Jslward a amd acts #0 quickly tht people are id . inka 3 imalbas : + Iville, was robbed on. Saturday morn- [2urm. the Towa lormer, who organized | amaze did not hesitate to interfere, and in a | timber lands, and the danger there is ing. Whiskey and money was taken, (the farmers' grain elevators in the | And remember, it daffiroys the Dan way which had much to do with the|of them being stripped by fires. On- ( ; The population of Cobden for this muklie west, now in a death struggle | drufi germ, the little pest' that a " | . t + i . 4 » - i fe t of the power scheme: | tario has been somewl div Rr rive "7H with the grain trust. Dur declares | the life that should go to the | gre best for The childran 48 héfvas a newhat niggardly {year is given 'as 751. 3 ? ' h Mr. Pinchot was courageous enough |about the spending of money in fore that the way in which the eonsumer | {rom the roots he fa. a has a to th Dion of . est rangin : d $ ROBY nor on nc a-------- | is 'Tobe is not through the manipu SALVIA is sold by all druggists on your guist's, to protest agains o poging, and it ought to realize 5 ) ath of Chicago and liverpool pri- | der a positive guarantée to cure das Noting! Drag aud Charen! 0. of anata Lined important property from the public's | that there is* such a thing as false PR. SOPER wh il " in the gi pre druff, hin Falling Hair and Itehan ownership to the ownership of a weal-f economy, and that it has been invited twaen local and Chicago prices Séalp in ten day? or meuey back. A : thy corporation, and for his interfer | so far as the care of the timber is! ' DR. WHITE In » lengthy artide to appear in the | large bottle costs "HWE. The wor ie ares ble and Sihio-| ence he was later removed from office. | concerned. : | coming issue of Farm and Fireside, SALVIA {Latin jor sage), is ou w and Seev.ad- Dunn writes on "How we whipped | 2very bottle. Tou will sot a bar them," summarizing the farmers organ. EDITORIAL ; | them : 3 OT, : : iaantion over mot only grain but the NOTES ) § coal and lumber trusts. The farmers, - > know pothing about the eastern com. Sunday trains on the lutercolonial , Hume Blake will enter Irish polities. CTS » sumer, but sell their product to the po v ph term railway. The minister of railways ex- [If he wants to serve the people of Ire. . " Sono Mos imet: "like the Fosial BICYCLE SUNDRIES pels a row. Why ? Why should there ! land they will probably give him the kuivhts of the Rhine." Penn savs of DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON not be through trains on the Interco portunity. But why should he not eastern consumers will organize they ot Cat Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, lonial as well as any other lines ? serve his own country ? Canada has . ; can do away with the termival charg Catalogue. TORONTO " to take care ------ of. » . : 4 + 4 i vor 4 ng i { 1 Wonld Compel Railroads to Ship] I ur hair is getting thin, grid ally falling out, it cannot be long bn -- ibundan ee ee Ae Pedestals in Fumed -- 3 t room for x es; mia ke the cost of living lower in Electric Barly English or Mahogany - v i --h libre. : -- fhe tte owing : a fd he Snr ving sua Restorer Jor Men Special Pri - this week in Go what higher in the wes Phosphonl restore ! body 1 Bp Prices this week in Go- "Canada has too much | The only remiedy, Dunn says, is to Jie and vials Premarury decoy and all nec |. COTS and Carriages aw, too iw {ot Vivant compel the eastern sud western rail: at sce. Phosphonol wi many courts, too many expensive me | Diseases y prep Fran fy Price » gn i Secticas | ways to enter into a forced traffic ag- rice 33a box, Fon i This will not be had without legisla: | thods of adjusting differences betes | © And ris, Foils a at whereby the farmers of the Be ar as. e R. J. R eid, Phone 571 tion. sn, Why coukdn't all our difficultion | Pas odc"d, history ad 0 Mviee. mat will be futsichet oded, sure to Wor male at Mabopd's drug siore. __ LEADING UNDERTAKERS -- usted x. i blet y thro £rm-- rr Mr. Roosevelt assures the Halifax Uh he Phat of the rail. ars 16 hm. 01 pm. 40d Pours-wam. tot 1pm. ang i without being reloaded in Chimgo en a » commission ? * '| Chronicle, that he never contemplated yay Diffioult to gnt| : fm Sundaystoam. u1pae tailing elevator charges. In addition ; RE " {iuvdges of the Mabe ttern¥ W sm " : ! i ll the annexation of Canada to the Uni-| + Sy pattern? Well,l DRS. SOPER & lhe would mmintain farmers' elevators USE... States, and an impression to this Se % Toronto St., & WHITE, and force the reform of gain inspec V an Fe " The scandals of the Goderich Hieanse | me comm ee, Ho hod, L§ RAWFORDS has sai or written. It is up to Mr. jeommdesioners, and the removal of | Clarn and Clarissy Pritchard, twins ep y x them from office, tof Tivaeli, are honor pupils in the Al [© J AA | ny for! a 'provi Lieven the 'THE CLUB HOTEL Vinay Jaw school bat cannot graduate : STREET, beenuse they ate inider {wenty-one. Occasionally the license board will be [4 WaLLINGTOX ne If you want oranges that are full found whose 'members are ahove the There are other. hotels. but 3 iol juice and excelent flavcr try those : jo 0 fruit farm, average, but €o many sre faulty that poke appre eh hie Club | for grown on G 5 . nk . ; Ww 3 Ti { £ § || a change is desired. y i et city and Two Brith abd ive Fayptinn ea ¢ NL LS v 0 Go close 0 PHincipai stores apd |Bicers, and thirty-seven men were kil ct | NR LA ] 1

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