Daily British Whig (1850), 15 May 1912, p. 3

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------r usband's Hair How About it, Madam, is it Out or Growing Thin Husbands are careless regard. r bair--many sre skeptical regarding hair tomies, restorers and the like. It is only when their hair comes out in comb's full that they really sit ap and take notice. If your hus- band's: hair is falling; if he has dandruff or scalp itch, don't let it make A baldhead of him, get & 50 cent bottle of PARISIAN BAGE to- day, rub it on his hair every night until dandruff goes, hair stops fall- ing and the new growth appears. Then use it every other night until the bair is thick and abundant PARISIAN SAGE 4s a delightful, re- freshing bair dressing for men, wo- men and children. It will do as ad- vertised, or your money back. Girl with Auburn hair on every carton and bottle. Sold by J. B. McLeod and dealers everywhere. Thomas Copley PHONE 087, * gard ta doferts © new A See lall tention Ting Most ing THIS WEEK we have added to our stock a large assortment "WHITE SHAPES For Bummer Wear. Do not fail to see our Trimmed Hats at special rices in Mohair, 'agel, and Chip. GEDYE"S The Up-To-Date Millsery. Stare 178 WELLINGTON ST. Private Fitting Room. Phone 225 TAR, A Simple Treatment That Will Make Hair Grow Now Sold in Canada Every up-to-date have radiant hair. "There are thousands of women. with harsh, faded, characierless hair, who do not try to improve it. In Bnglanil and Paris worden take pride in having beautiful hair. Every Canadian woman can have lustrous and luxuriant hair by using SALVIA, the Great American Sa ir Tonie, 'Every reades of the Whig: can have an attractive head of hair in a few weeks by using SALVIA. ; Every druggist sells a lange bottle for 50 cents, and guarantees it to banish Dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp in ten days, or money woman should SALVIA is a beautiful, pleasant, non-sticky Hair Tonic. | figure was: $40. | FOR Chief Armstrong Wants Twn. ty More Erected. SOME PARTS OF CITY HAVE NO FIRE SUPPLY FOR : LONG DISTANCES, se Hereafter All Street Excavations Must be Reported to the Fire Da. partment for the Protection of the Brigade. Chief Armstrong impressed upon tle civic fire commitise at ifs meeting, yesterday afternebn, that twenty . or more additional hydrants were requir- ed in various sections of the city if properly was to receive ample protec tion. has been making a thorough investigation, and finds that this num ber of additional hydrants are needed: The nearest hydrant {o-one section ol Victoria street, for instance, is J,200 feet, or about four blocks. In othe sections, hydrants are from 600 to S00 t away from groups of dwellings. There is a lack 5 hydrants in - vieinity of the Home, Victoria school Eg In: - stitute. "The chief has no re to be "enught" ih case of a big fire, and, therefore, has placed himself on re cord by recommending more hydrants on these streets : Frontenne, Alfred, Victoria, Union, Clergy west, Brock, Garrett, Stuart, University, St.-Law rence, Johnson, Raglan at Vise, soln Cataraqui, Orchard, Montreal, Mait land and at Frontenac school. The committee requested the chief t give it a more detailed report, and will consider the question at ils next meeting, It will likely recommend to the utilities committee that a number of new hydrants be erected at once. A Serious Deficiency. Another recommendation by Chie Armstrong" was that the fire depart ment should be notified at ones of nll exeavations, made in roadways. Tix firemen run big dangers in" not know ing the. laggiion of exeavations, and about street crosdings. The matie was brought to mind more forcibly by the shutting off to traffic of the cor ner of King and Broek streets. The chief remarked that not long ago, n fire team had a narrow eseape from 8 sevious "aecident on Division street, where a drain had been opened. The danger was greatest in turning cor ners. It was decided by the committee recommend to the city council that immediate notio: , be given, the de- partment of every street excavation Ald. Turkington drew attention to the fact that severaloare lights were revived in Frontenac ward for tw benefit of the fire brigade. Some the streets up there were so dark that it would be dangerous to drive ranid- ly through them at night, ---------- to Cannot Loan Hose. Chief Armstrong directed attention to the fact that the department was unable to loan any hose to the hoard of works for flushing purposes. There was 3.500 feet of hose on hand and every bit of it was needed. After the Dalton fire there wan only 700 feet of hose fit for use for several days. the remainder being drying in ; No. | station tower. The attention of council and the board of works will be directed to this matter. The board of works will have to buy its own hosa, The fire alarm telegraph poles will be painted * by the men of the light, '| heat and power department when they {ure painting heirs, The contract for painting the roof and gutters of fire station No. 1 was awarded to Bennett & Halligan, who, {The other tender wot The chief was authorized to pw chase a cellar nozzle at a cost of $80 In attendance at the meeting were Als. Fair (chairmen), Hanley, Stroud, Bailey, Turkington and M. Carthy. LIVE "CORPSE™ SCARED TWO GRAVE ROBBERS. A Country Doctor's Prattical Joke on Cemetery Vandals Has an Am- using Sequel. \ The British Medical Journal +A country doctor, returning from au visit in the small hours of the mom: + in the time of We ody-sna ch - -- hg a tina pve Bh hd the a 5 : 2 11 F § NIS NEEDED FIRE PROTECTION ol i 1 i i | LORENZ FORSAKES HOSPITAL. Institution's Authorities' Blamed for Decision. Vienna, May Ii --Dr. Lorenz, the ' world-famous bose surgeon, who trent. ed Little Lolita Armour. announces that he shall abandon hospital work because the authorities have.persist- | ently ignored his demands for in-) creased accommodation, : There is no orthopedic hospital in | Vienna and Dr. Lorenz is allowed only two small rooms with four beds each whereas his patients came in shoals. If he had five times as many beds | they would not be enough. All his appeals to the authorities being futile, | be has with great regret decided to | give up hospital work altogether. | There is little doubt that professional #nlousy has something to do with Dr. Lorenz's failure to get what he asked for, Neglect i i The hew C.P.R. depot at Brandon, which is involving the expenditure of a Sum of $60,000, ig fast nearing com- pletion. ywiay, the chimmey in an aircastle never smokes. _-- # tor}: STOP THAT CROWING THE ROOSTER IS STILL IN THE LIMELIGHT. ¢ A Suggestion to Tax the Owners-- | Ihe Keeping of Fowl Increases the Number of Kingston's Rats. May H--(To th Edi want the crowing of roosters stopped in the city. They're 2 nuisance, But more, the rats the city are increasing beenuse feed ou the stuff which is lef{ fn pens. Rats, *it has been proven, carriers ol dangerous dis insist apon the city counc bringing proper regulations to bear om matter ~HOUSEWIFE. Kingston, i or): 1 also they are , » BH. nse tis City Council Should Aet. Ktngstion, May HM.--(To the tor) : Maay retired people live in Kingston. They make no ineimes from the city, but the city charges them a tax upon the incomes which they have made elsewhere. ls #t not the fain duty of the city council to Fdi act in this matter of the nuisance of the fowl keeping in the citv ? Surely this might be asked as a partial 1o turn for the payment of this income tax by these people.--ONE OF THEM Proposes a Tax, Kingston May 14.-(To the EQ Many of the people who keep MRS. ELIZA GRIMASON, Kingston's ninety-year-old lady, who Bellechasse, to be lawn ---- will christen the government tug wid this afternoon. { i IHIOUNeo your 20 " ai provided un 1 ting am to be chairman A Unigpe Proposal. Here's a unique proposal that a | politician wrote ta his best beloved, | and the reply therto : "My Degr Miss: | I hereby myseli as ® can didate for hand, and shall | all fair and honocable means to eure thé nomination. I you decide | to confer upon me the honor | speak | of, please, fix the daie for caucus | with your mother. 1 have no objec tion to her #8 temporary chair man, is elearly under | stood that ob | the t organization. Should | the regit of the eaveus prove satis | factory we can hold the primaries and | select the date and place of conven | tion. I never believed in long cam paigns, 86 if you decide to hon me, would ask vau to make the con vention date as early as possible. Devotedly vaurs,----." The answer telegraphed back "Cauens un necessary: nomination unanimous; come at once." i ---------------------- permanw was At Sun Antonio, on May 14th, Gen. Joseph A. Duanican, US. A. command: ing the dépariment of Texas, died of heart failure. Bidmoud DD. Drooner has been ap. potted general manager of the Michi: gor Central railway, succeeding R. II. L'Homgpedieu. Seottish. teaghhvs, to the mmmber of one hundred, sail jn July on a tour of | i Eastern Canada. } of This Spring ness as something (hat must be en- durtd at one tie or another. They Many people seem to have gob accustomed to drag them selves about WH misery Tob weeks wv ory spring, with me idea that all this eatias well bo avoided by using a tree tose, such as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Why not chasge all this and be } aud will and this 2 Dr, hares Nerve Food will you wonderfully. i ite land presented EE -- -- {fowl in the city make a regular busi ness of it. taxed ? prohibitive hen why should they wot I would like to see a unposed. CITIZEN, be tax Worse Than Roosters. Kingston, May - H4.<(To the Edi tor) i a letter in the Whig revarding keeping fowl nnd their being imjarions to heelth, | would like ta know which iz the more dangerous to health--a few fowl that the Lord gent to help keep body and together, the filthy ont-house a few feet from our kitchen. Some people can canse ay much nuisance as they like I have been to the health officer, the mavor, Mr. McLeod, and the pdige, and | have still to endure it after summer -- RESIDENT. SAW has tremgth air of nan or ta breathe sufitmer Verona Methodist Church. May 14.-The offical at the last quarterly © mest- of the official bpard of the Yer- ona ciremit was the largest on re- cord. | An increase of twenty-three in membership was reported. The rin: ister's salary of 81.000, an igerease of more than $450, was paid in fall and. a bonus voted. An Address of appreciation of the splendid vear's work aecopulished, and an invitation for a second year at a salary oi $1 - 000 were both carried unanimously, to Rev. Charles Ww Crane, B.A., B.D., fn a well-chosen sd dress. Varona, tendanc ings nt Return of Dr. Milligan, Toronto, May 15.-Rev. Ur. NM. Milligan, pasior emeritus of Old St. Andrew's Presbviérian church, will at- tefid the meeting of the gefural assem- bly at Fdmonton, on June 5th, and will take up his residence in Totofito ahout the end of June. Dr, Milligan spent last Winter in New Zealand, vis iting his brother, whom he kW fot seen for fife -dight vears. He' landed in Vageouver a short ago in greatly improved beutth, and preached in the British Columbia metropolis, also during his subsequent visit to Regina "and Winnipeg. -------------------------- A Pair of Breeches. Soon after a young man's engare ment to a charming voung woman, he beenice enamored of another. "No. 1 sued for breach of promise, : he Fell in love with a third and 2 wund for hreuch of Promise. heating of his troubles a friend oi J. a ndd, havea't you ¥' = fi » ji eply, "rely a | 'my the | NM. pow you have two THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1012 HOME FROM OTTAWA! |" i EPUTATION |. WELL ruiasen| WITH THE PLANS Of the Minister of Public Works for Harbor Improvemenis ---- Assured] Work Will be Undertaken as Soon | as Possible--Francis King Out- | lined Case. i Well pleased, in every respect, iii] their visit to Ottawa, and their in- terview with Hon. F. I: Monk, min- ister of public works, regarding har- | bor improvements, the civie delega { tion, composed" of Mayor F. J. Hoag! and Ald. T. J. Rigney, from the city council, and. Dr. E. Ryan, G. Y.| Chown and Francis King, of the board! of trade, arrived home early Wednes day morning, : That the government will take over the old Cataraqui bridge, and that plans and specifications will be secur ed as soon as possible for harbor im- provements, is the assurance that was given the deputation by the minister of public works." The deputation appeared before the minister at eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning, being introduced by W. F. Nicklas, M.P. Francis King acted as chief spokes man for the deputation, and as he has the matter at his fingers" ends, he went into it thoroughly, He reviewed the history of the old bridge and hdr bor, also referring to all the schémes set forth for improvement eight or ten years ago. Afterwards, Mr. King referred to the bridge and its present condition, impressing upon the minis ter the necessity of its being attended to, and also the great necessity of it beng left in its present location, for military purposes. He drew attention to the statement, recenlly made by the minister of militia, that the bridge must remain in its present position for the use of the militia. Mr, King dwelt. at some length on the necessity of Harbor improvement from the standpoint the Welland canal improvements, and went into de | tails regarding the transfer of grain from Fort Colborne, either by way ol Buffalo or Montreal, pointing out that Kingston would be the natural trans shipping point for the grain. Tt was ahsolutely necessary that the improve ments should be made to the Kings ton harbor. After Mr. King had finished his re marks, the minister asked the deputa tion if the bridge was now in the hands of the city, and upon being in- formed that it was, stated that the! transfer would be made, and that ac tion would be taken as soon as possi | ble for the new work on the bridge and the harbor improvenients. Mayor Hoag, and the other mem-| bers of the deputation also spoke, giv ing the minister some desired informa- | tion. The of 40c and 75c. French Most colors Alice, Nile and Maize, 25c. deputation was assured that ténders would be called for all the ATTRACTIVE] WASH A complete showing of beautiful tub goods in smart designs 4nd fast colorings. Bordered Voiles and Muslins Dainty French Voiles and Muslins, in latest floral patterned borders, at 17¢, 26¢, 374¢, 46¢c and 60c. Floral Dimities In pretty leaf and flower designs 35¢ quality, 25¢. Fancy Colored Muslins A large assortment to pick from--from 12}¢ to 60c Foulards In all the wanted: shades, 45¢ quality, 25e. Linen Suitings In the fashionable whi peord and diagonal effects, Poplins 75¢ the yard Colored Mulls In Sky, Pink, Mauve, White, Cream, Black, Navy, YOUR INSPECTION INVITED. THE STORE OF SATISFACTION TRAVELLING. work, just as soom as matters are properly under way, and that the work will be proceeded with as soon as possible. An engineer in the public works department is now on his way to 2hieago, to gather information and to confer with authorities in regard to constructwion work. This work has been given to a Kingstonian, E H. Pense, who is at present in the city, on his way west. He will visit Chicago and Minneapolis, It is understood that the work will be undertaken about September lst. A despatch from Ottawa says: "Kingston looks for a great devel opment in mhrine matters following | the construction of the new Welland | canal," remarks to-day's Citizen, Discussing yesterday's deputation waiting on the government it adds: "For the improvements in view there is an appropriation of $150,000 this year, and there were suggestions by the delogation as to how this should be spent, while an additional amount was asked LAR LSS SYSTEM VICTORIA DAY-MAY 24th Round Trip Tickets will be issued at Single First Class Fare 23rd and 24th limit May 27th Tickets sold to intermediate points between Montreal and Toronto will not be good on trains and 4 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Canadian North West and Retuin Tuesday, May 28th. and every se- cond Tuesday thereafter until Sept 17th For full information J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts Going May Return 1 apply to FREE TO KISS ALL THE GIRLS IN TOWN. sag . 1 For One Day the Tutti-Men of Hungerford are Luckiest of Mortals. | Just when England is beginning to pride itself on its progress of modery ity, Hungerford, the borders of | Berkshire and Wiltshire, slips back in- | 10 the centuries because it is Hockney ['uewday I. | uh on ¥ peli IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (OTTAWA HORSE SHOW MAY 14th to 17th ound Trip Tickets will be issued aty $4.20. Including one admission to the show. ! Tickets good leaving Kingston, May 16th only Valid for return on Or before May 20th. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS APRIL 16 and 30 and every second {Tuesday until SEPT. 17, inclusive WINNIPEG AND RETURN, £36.50 EDMONTON AND RETURN, s44.50 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 60 days Full particulars at K. & P. C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario St ¥. CONWAY, Unless vou have lived through Hockney Tuesday you can have no conception of what it moans, It neads strong nerves and a stronger constitu tion thoroughly to enter into the spirit of ancient times. At eight o'¢lock the town erier, in grey and scarlet, with brass buttons, comes out of the town hall and blows three notes on the ancient horn given bv John O' Gaunt, and that is the signal for two tutti-men to emerge from the eonstable"s house wilh staves tipped with flosers--dafiodils, primroses and talips, surmounted by an orange. It is their business to go forth and kise the damséls of the town, irrespec tive of age or beauty, according to custom. James Blake and Anthony Dowsher were the tutti-men, on Saturday, Mas 7th, Mr. Blake is sixty vears old, Mr. Bowsher is younger, but both of them kissed vigorously from eight o'clock until seven in the evening, with break for dinner. Tradition decrees that they shall he {liberal with oranges and pennies | Therefore, having Kissed a maid, they gave her an orange as a solace, amd they hurled oranges among the erowd of urchins who followed them about all day. It was a perfect "ofgy of kissing They knocked at doors, and little, high-pitched shrieks foated out into MONTREAL QUEBEC je street, showing how hobly the LIVERPOOL | tutticmen were doing their duty. } a { | | SAILINGS EVERY SATURDAY by the I They went {uo the workhouse nang } 23 . histor] al the old ladies, including "LAURENTIC &MEGANTIC™| Arn Son, who is ninety-nine years i! Fused wih : dwvicn (or confor snd old: they went 6 the lasndry with | De ta ran ried their floral staves. Up and down for {| "TEUTONIC" & * CANADA" | five miles they wandered from hoes: | One Class Cabin (11) 550 and 855 to house, Kissing, Kissing, KSSing, un || Thind cus passenger berthed in closed rooms only til, at the time of the sunset, thers! TT THE ST. LAWRENCE 18 { were no more left to kiss. THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO EUROPE They wasted to start again, ONLY 4 DAYS AY SEA that i# arginst the ancient laws. i Me , during these goisgs-on, the Hook Tide court had been sitting, doing the serious business of the yrar, appointing a stable, a porireeve, | ART nid what pot, and af the | pi and bowls of smoking punch end of the entire sourt adisu te Everyone agreed thet "they Were and a "Phone 60. Gen. Pass. Agent TT i Vo 37 E \ DOMINION ARGEST STEAMERS « CANAD 1 bt |] ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers 8t. Lawrence Season TO LIVERPOOL. Tunisian sails Fri, May 3, May 31. Virginian sails Fri. May 10, June 7. Corsican sails Fri.,, May 17, June 14 Victorian sails Fri, May 24, June 21 TO GLASGOW. Pretorian sails Sat, May 4, June 1. Hesperian sails Sat., May 11, June 8. Scandinavian salls May 18 June 15, Grampian salls Sat, May 25, June 22 TO HAVRE AND LONDON. Sicilian sails Sun. May 65, June 9. fonian sails Sun., May 12, June 16. Jorinthian sails Sun May 19, June 23 Scotian sails Bun, May 26, June 30. Lake Erle salls Sun., June 2 July 7. For full information as to addi tional saiflngs, rates, ete, apply C. 8S. KIRKPATRICK, J. P. HANLEY, G. T. Ry. 42 Clarence St, Allan Line Agents, Kingston. to CANADIAN NORTHERN STEAM. SHIPS, LIMITED, ie The Finest and Fastest Stecamships on the Canadian Houte, HOLDING ALL RECORDS MONTREAL. QUEBEC, BRISTO Montreal ints Wednesda Stenther. We Raoayal George Royal Edward Ask for Pamphlet 3 WEEKS TRIV. July 10londun and Parte, Write ur call C. S. Kiggratrick, 32 Clarence St J.P. Hasiev, Grand Trunk Ry. F. Conway iK 8 P. Ry. or CANADIAN NORTHERN S. S. LIMITED 226 St. Fnmven Street, Montrent, KING'S PARK-South Winnipeg A few choice 100 ft. lots for sale easy terms. It will pay you to secure these at once. Apply to EEA u 1 JO. Hurrox, RNS Sturt THE KINGSTON ICE COMPANY LIMITED. 1912 RATES: Book of 30 tickets, 20 to 20 Iba, each $1.95. Book of 30 tickets, 45 to 50 lbs. each ™. Ticket books must be purchased at the office belore foo delivery come mences, 4 MARKET STREET. the Three Swans for churchwardes | good old tives." "Telephone €5,

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