PAGE SIX. WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1012. £ BETTER SCHOOL ACCOMMODA. TION I$ REQUIRED! fhe WCT.U, Petitions the Board of Education -- John McKay, of Kingston, Calls for His Fine "Launch the Johnny G. . Gananoque, May 15.--The Win- ona mission circle met yesterday af ternoon, a flue programme of mus numbers was rendered, follow. by ter from ¢ to 7 p.m., A fea fire was the reading of the second Bauer of the Winona mission rele mi ine. Miss Hattie Con- president of the circle, has appointed delegate to the W. convention at Chesterville, in , and Miss Myrtle Wiltse, al- «On Monday evening the high y caused the water of the Bt Wrence to raise about 2 1-2 feet. y boats in the bay boathouses up against the roof. 'raise of one foot was made in minutes. The water held its Joye) for 3 or 4 hours before ng. board of education met last ng and one of the main items r business was the question accommodation in the hool, brought up by a pe- from the local W.C.T.U. and by the medical health of Dr. J. P. Sinclair. old pumps have been taken f the pump house and are to 5 disposed' of to an out-of-town Jurchisnr. It has been suggested t the building be fitted up as an for the tax collector, it being FAMOUS IROQUOIS Where the guests escaped in the an alarm of fire in an upper storey. streets in very scant raiment, but the very narrow 'area. h pontifical brother one Christmas. it is sald to have 'come Out of the Vatican; anyway, it is sixteenth century work, the figure of Christ being carved from one piéce of iv- ory, and hung on an ebony cross. THE JEWS IN RUSSIA. The Foolish Human Sacrifice Myth Revived, A danger now medacing the Jews of Kiel is ¢ much anxiety to their co-religionists throughout the world. They are being a , ance more, ot srying out "blood swerifi- C ces," and the unreasoni ssion of &t the ond of the King street bridge {the mob is being worked » against and thus centrally located. {them. And the usual results of race Court Thousand Islands, No. 66, hatred against the Jews in Russia G.O.F. will attend divine worship in gp known to everybody. church next Sunday morning. | A vear ago a boy named Andrei : Johy McKay, pt Kingston, Was yuichingky was murdered at Kiefl. In town yesterday and took thel... very slender evidence a "Johnnie GC." the Lansdowne |}. oon aad iger recently purchased the murder. The inqui pr, nquiry is mow in #U. C. Bkinner, back with him. The gress, hut whether scvasdd engine from the inet Which WAS mun is guilty or not is not the point. i od in the Johnnie : last | The crime has been seized on by meh et Frage the tag speed oratdrs, whe ussert that the boy Yus: r. McKay is to be congratus| Look. was murdorod by J . lated over getting one of the very y y: deus mor # cifix given to Angelo Sarto by hig best from the Gananoque fleet. J. G. Johnson,' Deseronto, is in fown visiting his son, W. G. John- son, The former has accepted the der that hist dood might be taken ami used "for "ritual purposes, in obediones to an alleged Jewish religious Jaw, The best-known Russian scholars, au position of secretary-treasurer of |thors. and artists, have made a vehe- the Citizen's Coal and Forwarding [ment protest against the spreading of Co., and will likely move his family |this dangerous fiction, and now the Hore from Deseronto next month, foremest Jowish people throughout rs. Gordon Harris was taken to Europe have joined their protests to Brockville hospital during the past |that of the Lussiin intellectuals, fow days for treatment. Commis-| No serious is the position regarded loner George Rellton, of London, that a pamphlet issued in connection England, will be in town and hold {with the protest says that "the for. services for two evenings at an early [tunes of six million Russian Jows, date. Mrs. W. R, Hunt and Mrs. [never too secure at the best of times, Alexander Banford spent yesterday ace al the present moment menaoed in Kingston. Mrs. John B. Turner by a hideont aveusstion that hes been on Monday for a few weeks' brought against one of their number." in Hamilton: The uct with which the Jew now in custody at Kiefl Is being charged hy the mob is a wevival of the "ritual mwder" charge which from the Mid: dle Ages onward hus been responsible for the most térdble anti-Jewish ex cesses, amd which in spite of its ve peated refutation by Popes, monarchs and distinguished scholars of ali , still commands belief in vari: ous parts of the world, C THE POPE'S BROTHER > A ---- Is » Humble Letter Carrier For + Talian Government? The Pope's recent attack of ill and the comparative frequency which such attacks occur have brit Slariied his family, al thou, e has done his best to al- RE : all anxiety. His brother, Angelo Jt is mot definitely kmown how the , being of the class who do myth first originated, but it was in not beliove anything they hear, and 123% that this iden, which had heen only half of what they see, deter- Prwpogated by Jew haters for many mined to come to Rome to judge oars past, resulted in the first max for himself. He was accommodated by his sisters, who live a stone's {trom ) the Vatican, so they may spend the few leisure mo- ments of the Pontiff with him. These two venerable men, both 'handsome and with 'thick white hair, alike, and yet not alike, might have seen walking the Vatican gardens when the air was warm and tisutiike. The Pope some- times leaned upon his sturdy broth- er's arm, gesticulating slightly zs he talked, with those earnest eyes of his turned on the dome of the church he loves, or wanderipg over the city at his feet of which he Is 80 wonderful a part, but which he never sees any nearer. It' is whispered that certain per- sous at the Apostolic Palace weve not over giand to see Bignor Angelo y for although, on ordinary oc- of men, when he considers little his adored brother, he becomes a lon, Pius X. is amiable almost to frugality in y personal lite, and would never think of complaining, indeed, would » it, if the soup were a 'wine a little wat- nx eyes of hig breth- speaks satre in Kurope. In this year the {blood accusation was raisediat Fulda, ia town in Hesse-Nassau, and thirty four Jews and Jewesscs were massac red in consequence, Frederic 11, German emperor, had the affair véutigated, and as a result of it onerated the Jews of German atl suspicion. In spite of this me periasl pronouncement, however, and many more hike it, including the opin- fue of threc popes, the "blood. ac cusation'" spread and increased in virtlence. A murderer had only to select the time inTRediately preeed: mg Easter and the Feast of the Pass over for the commital of his crime to be sure of befing able to fasten the guilt ou to the Jews of the town. The accusation now being made at Kiel is a direot descondant of his mediaeval persecution, pnd in fhews per photographs of the murdered y are being shown with the legend : "Orthodox inion people, remember the name of the youth, Andrei Yus- chinsky, tortured by the Jews ! Chris- tians, watch your children I" Tt is against this dangerous and infamous propaganda that the Jows of Europe are pew protesting, and in Germany partioula the movement of indig- nation profest has taken large proportisns. the in, ox: from Couple Dipped in. Canal. Smith's Palle, Ont., May 14. -- > Denia: MeGrat i aa! 5 LB 4 HOTEL, TORONTO. early hours Tuesday, following Some of the people reached the fire 'was fortupateiy confined to a GEORGE CUP YACHT RACES FIX. ED FOR JULY 30TH. Pugllist Johnson Will Remain iy Chileago Till the Middle of June Prize Fighting. Toronto is reported to have wl $4000 for Maxwell from the Ris York Nationals, Dr. Smirlie Lawson was elected enp- tain and "Billy" Foulds honorary coach of the Toronto Argonaut rughy team. w» Chicago ha® a long lead in the Awe- rican and going easy, with the Phil: delphia champians in the second divi $100, Detroit has turned over to Proi dence, Pitcher Bailey, secured from St. Louis, and -a-young-twirles- named Hemneas. St. Thomas claims the fastest inficld in the Canadian Baseball league. it is made up of Gurney, on first, Wilde, second, Forgue, short, and Johnson, third. Pitcher "Jack" Quinn, of the New (ork Americans, has been suspend or an indefinite period by Presiden: Johnson for throwing his glove Umpire O'Loughlin, Gearge Bonhag, the champion long distance runner, and eandidaté member of the team, which will répre sent América at the Olympic games, at Stockholms, may drop out because of the death of his father. These are the days when the sm- 1%. boy Hattens his nose against the store windows and looks longingly at the baseball goods displayed therein. Bet ter loosen up, father, and let tl» youngster have a dime or two. "Tommy"" Buris fights "Jack" Con- nell at Edmonton, May 23rd, and sl! is fixed for a fight between "Tomms" Burns and "Sam" Langford, with te exception of a place to hold the event. Negotiations, however, are well undor way to hold the fray at Langdon, Alta. That there is no law in New Mexio Lo prevent prize fighting 'was the opinion rendered by Attorney-General Frank W. Claney. The opinion was in reply to a query by District Attorney Charles W. G. Ward, of Las Vegas, re- lative 'to the legality of the proposal Johnson-Flynn fight. The Montreals' like to see quick changes when a pitcher starts to go wrong. They had sueh a scourge Inst venson with a don't-like-to-take-him- out manager. Schafly threw a game away on Sunday by keeping Justie on the mound. A wuick switch on Carroll by Manager Lush saved a defeat . on Saturday. June 30th has been named as the date for the first race of the feoree cup series. The cup is now held by the Toronto R.C.Y.C. avd the Water town, NY. yacht club has again challenged for it. Herreshoff is build: ing a boat for the challenging club R.C.Y.C. has three boats from which to select the defender, They are the Vivia IL. last year's defender, Swan ba, and E. Gooderdam's yacht, whizh is now being built at the R.C.Y.C. Is- land Clubhouse. "Jack Johnson, champion henvy- weight pugilist of the world, will leave Chicago for his training eamp near Las Vegas, about the middle of June. Johnson is doing light training for his fight with Flynn, July 4th. Fie has taken off in the last week aight pounds, which he does not regard as a bad record for a begining: He does road work every morning, and four times a week he boxes with 'Jumbo' Wells, Marty Cutler and a muscular negra that the champion calls his at ack Hope. e-- Baseball 'Record. |, Natiopal League-Chieago, 2; Phila pdelnbia . Eta dakis, 8; Hhooklyn; 0 American trait, 5 New Cleveland, 3; Washington, 2 Philadelphia, 0. Boston, | Leagus-Torotito, 6; J niore, 1. Rochesfor; 5; 'Newark , Befaly, 13: Providenec, 5. Jersey City, 7; Montreal, 4. = LONG REST FOR NESBITT? THE DAILY BRITISH TE SPORT REVIEW No Law in New Mexico to Prevent | | ! THE VILLAGE OF NEWRBORO, Budget of News From This Lively Rideau Canal Place. Newboro, May 14.~Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Bell, a daughter, ou Sun- day, May 12th. and Mrs. M, Callaghan, of Rideau Lake, were visii- ing at Daniel MeCarthy's on Thurs day of last week. 8. Price, of Brook ville, was in town last week installing an engioe in J, C. Yager's pleasure yacht, Dorothy. A number from here attended "The Chocolate Soldier' play al the pew theatre, Brockville, on Saturday night. : Miss B. Lockerhie, of the Newboro public school staff, spent Sunday im estport, the guest of her ° sister, Mrs. William Topping. Mrs. Switzer was in Portland on. Friday on busi- ness. Dr. and Mrs. R. Barker, of Port- land, were in town on. Wednesday evening. Messrs. Kdmund Bishop and Herman Warren were visitors in Gan- anoyte last - week. Edward Leech, bailiff of the eighth division court, was in Westport on Saturday on busi- ness. Mrs. T. C. Singleton, who was taken ill with typhoid fever at Athens, returned fo ber home here on Satur- ay. Messrs, A. Locke and J. V. Mo- riarty were visitors in Westport on Thursday evening. Dir, K. H. Preston, who spent the winter in the Bahamas "| Islands and the southern states, ar- rived home on Thursday much improv- ed in health. Miss A. Leech and Miss M. Gorsline visited {friends in West rt on Saturday. George Rothwell is imstalling a hot water heating plant at J. CI. Yager's cottage. lr, O. Lillie, who spent the past month in the Canadian North-West, returned on Friday. Miss M. Moriarty Apint a few days last week- the guest of friends in' Westport. Daniel and Miss Mary Me- Carthy spent Sunday, the guests of friends in Bediord. Mrs. H. Watts, of. Philipsville, is Asiting at Mrs. B. Monahan's. T. VP. Kelly, of the Shamrock Medicine Co., who spent a few weeks ut his home here, left on Thursday for the Porcu- pine district, where he will join his troupe: William Stanton and family left on Tuesday morning for Edmon- ton, where they will in future reside. J. R. Patterson, formerly teller of the Union Bank, here, but who is now at his home at Merrickville, is in town remewing old acquabitances, SIX MINERS ENTOMBED With the Dead Bodies of Five Com- rades, Duluth, Minn., May 15.--Six of the thirteen men en%ombed at the 2,000. ioot level of the Nortis mine, at Iron- vood, Miel.; by a eave-in last night. are grouped in n small space with five of their comrades dead beside them. Two other bodies have been arouglit to the surface. The men still alive are being by means of a little pipe through the earth that hems in. Manyc tescneis are working save them. « fod driven them to Mexican Troubles. Francisco Madero is the president of Mexico. He holds office by rea- son of a revolution against the lomineering, autocratic methods o! 'orfiro Dias. Now there is a rey- Jlution against Madero, and it is very MHkely to succeed. There are no serious complaints against Ma- dero. He is modernist in his po- litical views. He has not used his power to punish his foes. He has shown no desire for seif-glorifica- tion or for scif-aggrandisement. Yet the bulk of the country is hostile towards him, and the Government soldiers cannot stand against the rebels, How Should He Know? Yat was strolling along the quay side as a big ship was about to sail. "Sure," said Pat, to the captain, "could you find me a job *" "Just the man I want," said the vaplain, and so Pat joined the ship for the fust time in his life. It was a fine night, and they were in mid ooran. The captain all at once no tired a man fall overboard, and shouted to Pat "Throw .a ° buoy ovethourd." Pat seized a bright-eyed youngster standing by and threw him into the pen, "I did, not mean that buoy; | meant 2 cork boy." "Sure," suid Pat, "how do 1 Ynow whether he comes from Cork or Tip peracy Theatrical Outlook Good, The manager of a theatrical com pany playing a "one night stand" in St. Thomas was talking to the hotel proprietor regarding the prospects fo business, and had been assured they were good. Then he asked : "What was the last show vou had here ?"' The landlord thought for a moment and turning to the clerk, said : "Say, Fred, what's the name those trunks upstairs 7' on MAKE STEWARDS LIFE SAVERS, ' SAYS LIPTON, Sir Thomas Suggests That Each be Held Responsible for Those in His Charge. Londen, May 1I.--S8ir Lipton writes to Times: "To make effective the precaun- tion of additional lifeboats i: would suggest that, as each steward i+ res sponsible for a certain number of passengers, each steward shoul@ br held responsible for bringing his own passengers te particular life- boat stations where, they belong. "To do this pro y in memenuts 'of great emergency the stewards must be organized and made to practice under fair weather condi Thomas this morning's SIR THOMAS LIPTON. tions. As long as the stewards arc only supposed to awaken passen- gers and tell them to put on life belts and go to the boats so long in these days of gigantic liners will women and children be left wan- dering through the gangways and along decks in a vain, tragic search for means of escape." WIFE ENTITLED TO SALARY. Not Obliged to Hold Out Hand Like a Monkey. + Chicago, May 15.--A wife is a re gular employee of her husband and as such is entitled to a regular salary according to Judge Goodunow, of the court of domestic relations, No longer is it necessary that she go through his pockets in order to get change. When Mr. llusband's pay day comes, Mrs. Wife may demand hes share and be backed by the municipal courts in her demands, Mrs.*Thomas Martin, 3020 Flourney street, told Judge Goodnow her hus since they had been married. "She never asKed me for any," pro tested the husband. "She does not have to," answered the judge. "A wife is not obliged to follow her husband, about like a mon key with her hand out, asking in money. She is entitled to a fair pro portion of his wages. 1 will see that she gets it, too, in all cases that come before me." News From Westport, Westport, May 13.-Dr. A. H. Sin gleton, of Rouleau, Sask. is the guest sof Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Singleton. Mrs. W. M. Ewart apd Miss Mary are spending a few days in Smith's Falls. Mrs. M. J. McCann, of Smith's Falls, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McCann. Miss Ithel Taggart, Nestle ton, is the guest of " and Mrs, James Taggart. M. S. Grace, Brock ville, was in town, Tuesday amd Wed nesday. Wilfrid able to be out again. The steamer Buena Vista called here on Monday. The railway commission will is sue a mandatory order prohibiting the Midland or Great Northern Railway from operating its trains by American ¢rews from the boun- dary to Winnipeg. No odds how bad JWELS CAUSE HEADACHE, HAS BEEN ADOPTED. Boy Wail Made the Keir to a For tune. St. Louis, May I5.--Miss Sidney Emeline Boyle, daughter of the late Judge Wilbur F. Boyle, has adopted as her son Lloyd Franks Howard, four years old, whom she took from an orphan asylum last June and whom she nursed through a stage of whoop- ing cough ut her home. The adoption: became known when the dood was filed in the recorder's of fice at the city hall. Miss Boyle is the sole heir to her father's estate, valued at nearly 8600, 000. This estate will go to the boy if he survives Miss Boyle Miss Boyle said that she had adopt el lloyd Howard to avoid any pos sible complications in the 'future, Friends" at the time said Miss Boyle was attracted to the boy by his beauty, His 'politeness and his patience under suffering. Go CIVIL A For "CLASSY" SHOES For MEN and BOYS JOHNSTON'S .-78-BROCK STREET: ND MILITARY SHOE MAKER TO PEARSALL'S them to you at any time. The every-day Trimmed up. Our display this week of DRESS HATS are. without doubt, | the finest of this season's creations. Hats we are showing are in cases good enough for a Dress Hat. ' Pearsall's Millinery » MILLINERY We will be pleased to show | many They run in price from $2.00 | i 28 Princess Street | band never had given her any money" _-- i FOR Your Summer Vacation Seashore and Outing Hats. All The New- Shapés in Panamas, Java, Peanut, Ratine, Turkish Crash | } THE QUEEN MILLINERY 174 WELLINGTON ST. | - THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 'Have installed in their Vault a neat of SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES It yon have any WILLS, TITLE DEEDS, MORTGAGES, INSURANCE OTHER VALUABLES they should be lodged in one of these boxes POLICIES OR THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE COUNTRY fs drawn to the Security these Safety Deposit Boxes afford against LOSS OF VALUABLE DOCUMENTS, RTC. BY FIRE OR THEFT. For farther particulars and Information, P. C. STEVENSON, Manager, Apply to Kingston, Ont. L000 L0L0000RL00L0LLLLLLLLLLLLL00LLL000 000 your liver, stomach or huwels; how much your head ; how miserable and uncomfortable you are from constipation, indiges- tion, biliousness and sluggish intestines--you alvays get the desired resilts from Cascarets. : : . Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels ' make you miserable another moment; an end to the Jddache, bifiousness, duit, nervousness, sour, hy backache 1 a other trees; cleatine your organs alt the puison and effete matter which is producing the ake a Casearet: now; don't wait until bedtime. In sll the world there "remedy like this. A 1 clin means. health, i ajtnd 4 dees x mo No more 5 take a C now. aud £5 i Feil Chances Are Case Will Go Fall Assizes. | Toronto, May 15. After being on bail, Dr. i Over to : i 1 Should influence your judgement when yon buy Shoes, you will then realize some pleasure and satisfaction from the shoes yon buy. Cheap ill-fitting shoes are costly, no ma'ter what you pay for them. They ruin Four feet, destroy your energy and put You out of sorts with vourself. WE FIRMLY BELIEVE IN QUALITY.