Our Banking Facilities are complete in every detail of both equipment and service, assuring promptness, courtesy and satisfac- tion in the transaction of . banking -businéss. } Business and Savings Accounts Invited Bank of Toronto INCORPORATED 1855. CAPITAL RESERVE KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager. | ---- RADIANT" ELECTRIC IRONS Are the highest grade on the market. They use consider- abiy leas current than any other makegcang are positively guaranteed. Yop ean do an ironing in one-third of the time it takes when using an ordinary iron, and ata cost of only one or two cents. My prices are the lowest In the city « See me for particulars: J. N. SCOTT. ELECTRICAL - CONTRACTOR 116 BROCK STREET. 'Phone 1215. REMODELING OLD WE PAY SPECIAL AT- TENTION TO REMODELING OLD PIECES OF JEWELRY INTO NEW AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS. GET OUR SUCH WORK. WE ARE ERS. ROGER & WRIGHT DIAMOND MERCHANTS Formerly 8pangenberg's 847 King Street. ---- Marriage Licenses Issued. 3 L PRICES FOI MANCFACTUR- Electric Restorer for Men ul gastorel every peeve in the body Phosphonul Pri tire weakness averted al once. make you a new man. Price sailed to any #ddress, Oatharices, On. decry and all sexual hosphouol wil) 8 & box, 0 two for he Soobell Drug For dale at' Mahood's drug store nana in ar w-- MERCHANTS QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served on shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, 285e. = PAPPAS 4.00, e the Will greatly oblige a - the Whig-hy handing in" the day previous LIME FOR SALE DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard Phoas #3, 238 Weilllngten St. all fulvertising copy intended for insertion on FRIDAY or SATURDAY. its proper tefsiof restores THE DAILY BRITISH me, THE DAY'S EPISODES LCOAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences in the ON City and Vicinity ~Other Brief Items of Interest; Havily Read and Remembered. Moth proof bdgs &t Sargeant's Drug Store, ; F. Howard was in town from treal Tuesflay NN. P.. Clarke, of Sydenham, the city Tuesday. W.lli \m Swaine, piano tuner, received at MeAuley's. Phone 564, Thomas Fallon of Cornwall spending a few days in the city. Captain John Breden, who has been ill for some time, is around again. William MeCandliss, Princess street, returned from Toronto on Wednesday. "To-Ralon" cream. "Gibson's." B. R. Hepburn, MP. of Picton, was In the city on business Wednes day. #. Cunaingham, Kingz streei. leave Auley's book store, Lieut.-Col." Cgilvie has been fawn inspecting the Oftawa inte Institute cadets. L. E. Henderson, general imanage; of the Montreal Transportation com pany, is in the city from Montreal. "Palmer's cold cream." "Gibson's." Sixty-five are writing throughout on the Royal Military entrance examina tions, Mrs. A. Deen, Queen street, left Sa- turday Lo spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. E. JW. Dunnett, Iluniley Mon- is piano tuner, orders at Me in Ot Colle candidates Canada College bury. "Palmer's violet toilet," Asa J. Cadman, aged years, died in Watertown, Tuesday. Mrs. John White, of Plevera, Ont. is a sisted "Palmer's. cold ¢ream." "Gibson's." Lieut. H. €. Creer, PASC, of Halifax, arrived Wednesday noon, to ike "aver the duties of Capt. Irie transferred to Quebee, Fresh supply of best Surgent's Drug Store. J. W. Ellwood has returned to town irom Trenton, where he has been re heving in the Bank of Montreal fom the past several weeks. "Rowntree's" sweets. "Gibson's The Dean of Ontario leit for Ottawa towday to address tha annual meeting of the Anglican Woman's Auxiliary, on the subject "The Nation's Car For Newcomers." "Redaks,"" supplies, "Gibson's. A meeting of the Frontenac | Association was held in the aflice of Helutyrve & Melntyre, on Tuesday ai {ternoon. The suggestion of reduction AW itema in the tarifi were approved. Filmy developed. "Gibson's." The new opefating table al geheral hospital was used for lirkt time on Wednesday. 'The tuble is one of the latest styles, one of the best that money { Special '(ithson's."" forty-six N.P., on lawn seed at r [aw thy the new and van buy. antiseptic tooth paste, twi Utubes, 25c. Sargent's Drig Store. | Rev. W. F. FiteGierald, who been in Toronto for the past duys, returned to Kingston to-day On Sunday last he was the special preadwy in St. Paul's cathedral, fon dan, Ont. z "H, Richardson will erect a frame house oir the west side of Macdon: nell streot, above. Union street. This is the 'thirty-ifth new dwell ing to be started this year in Kingston. Y "hedaks," supplies. "Gibson's." A tangible result up to date, o the rooster discussion has been that a Brock street merchant who lives on Karl strect has locked up his lusty bantam at night, and did not has fo At Attractive Prices. commuodious % modern cous fetronss spinacid locations (2) A number of modérate size brick and stone residences, ail modern conveniences, at rignt prices, (3) A number of frame houses | at bargain figures, (4 Bome of the Dest budding lots in the venient to car line, (5) A number Of attractive mod. ern houses for vont, furnished sand unfurnished (6) Canadian Pacifie Farm Lands in Alberta, atchewan and Manitoba; payment "plan, 19 per down. a) High-grade Bonds and tooks yielding large inter-s. at right prices, My list of offerings is too large 0 publish, and weuld, there- fore solicit a call from any who are intérested in hargains ger real estate of any descrip- iyo ° y i Cer FOR SALE § Passenger Automobile «In Good Condition. Fully Equipped. located city, con- Fires New $500.00 W. J. MOORE & SON Agents for Cadiliae, Hudson & McLaughlin Motor Cars, Railway Sax easy cent open the prison until ten o'cloc) this morning. Films developed. "Gibson's." - he Sons of England will parade tc . James' church next Sunday. The babi will be renc hed by the vicar Rev. T. W. Savary. The juvenik lodge as well as the Daughters and Maids of England will also be in at tendanee. "To-Kalon" Une of the focal vided, he of Brock other new i cream. "Gibson's." water fountains whiel Humane Society has pre been placed at the corn and Clarence streets. The fountain will be erected somewhere in the vicinity of Division (4 Princess streets. "Palmer's rose leaves." "Gibson's." Liquid Veneer and Re-nu-all for sak at Sargent's Drug Store. Hepry Van Dyke contributes to the June Scribner an appreciation of "The Good Endhantment of Charles Dick: ens." "For millions of readers," he "his books have fulfilled what | the HOWARD S. FOLGER, CLARENCE STREET. "SONY TO LOAN, We dre showing & fine i| Hall Furniture. Hall Mirrors, Golden Oak, $4.80 to $16.50. Hall Seats, $5.50 to Hall Trees $6.00, §8. All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma hogany. 18.00. It is part and pereer of HALL FURNITURE lina of 0 to $30.00 says. Dr. Johnson called 'the purpose of good books," to teach us to enjoy life or help us to endure it. They have awakened mudtitudinous laught® and drawn forth jonumerable sym pathetic tears." Films developed. "Gibson's." | The stories of the north country {which Mary Synon has been contitbu J ving to Scribner's, have to do with vail head, or as the engincer says, ("The end of steel," on the right-of way on the new Canadian Grand Trunk Pacific road. The type of ad venturous tngineers who are always to be found in these places is ex: cellently depicted in these moving fales. In the June number will be "Cobalt Bloom," the story of a great disc CovVery. Something Worse, "1 was --~--n ae euiount ol' a woman to death by a F No, Mr. Dudiongh, = Caustique, with a fe yawn, "unless it is being on death by calf." about be the + A tan gets but little sympathy hea hatans dis 40WD Am or bo was in | Orders | 21 CNSEWENT | (RAND OPERA | HOUSE || TO-NIGHT Fass MARKS BROS. Dramatic snd Vaudeville Company, Wik Gracie Marks presenting | TONIGHT, "MERELY ELfIZAneTIL" | Thursday, "Thoras and Orangé Bios 1 Roms." Change of Play and Specialities Nightly grECIAL 10-15-25 RICE Senin now on Sale. "TO CONTRACTORS WILL In HIGHER, i ! { TENDERS at the office {where plans be soen) up Thursday. the several irades making [ business | Street, {n Esq, Lowest or LoL ed « WM NEWLANDS & SON, Architects RECEIVED undersigned ientions may pan. on BE o th amd speog to five 16th works required alterations to No 160 PYincess for Joseph Nash any tender BOL necessary i ae | THE MOST POPULAR 'D SSE CRO LS ---- Every good grocer sells wihem. ASK FOR THEM. WANTED Live Representative to sell Syndicate Interests in Montreal Rea! Estate. Great possioilities, Quick sales, Liberal commissions to agent in your town and district. Write or wire BURLAND REALTY CO. 303 Board of Trade Building, trond 7 FAMOUS COLORS. ; S---- How They Were Almost Lost to Wine chester Cathedral Not Long Ago. On the wall of the north side of the ! nave of Winchester Cathedral hang | the old colors of the 1&t European Bengal Fusiliers, now the 1st Batta- people know "that they were almost lost to the cathedral. recently. twelve months ago application was the regiment with the object of lay- | ing them up in the India Office, and the application was acceded to. In Winchester and neighborhood reside several officers who have served with the Munsters, and who had miore than & sentimental interest in the thread- bare banners, disappeared they instituted inquiries, learnt what has been stated above, and immediately an effort was made | for their return. After a great many difficulties had been overcome the col- ors were recently restored to their original place. eneath the flags is A memorial brass, which reads: To the perpetual memory of the following officers of the 1st European Bengal Fusiliers, now 1st Battalion the Royal Munster Fusiliers, who served in action under these colors. The list of names is then given, and it will be seen that had. the colors not been restored the tablet would have been meaningless. Great satis- faction has been expressed in military circles in Winchester and by old offi- cers of the regiment at the success which attended the efforts of Major Munro and others to get the colors reinstated, ment repose in Winchester Cathedral. The regiment was originally raised by the East India Company, and fought through the Mutiny as the 1st Europeon Bengal Fusiliers. Major Salusbury, whose name is recorded on the tablet, was one of those. who bore the colors through the eng > ments in which the regiments fought He was shot down, and his blood stained the colors. He recovered and lived to bear them to their last rest. ing place. When the regiment was irafted! home and was renamed the Royal Munster Fusiliers it was sta. tioned at Aldershot. New colors hav- ing been: obtained the question of a sepulchre for the old ones was rais. ed, and it was deemed a suitable sug- gestion to ask the late Dean Garnier | to allow them to be laid up in the | cathedral of the diocese in which the regiment was then stationed. They were taken to Winchester with a great deal of pomp, 4 Placed in position over a marble ablet, recording the names of a number of officers who had died in ction, near the south trans. wuriously enough some time af- J terwards it was discovered that not one of the officers whose names were on the tablet ever served under these particular rs, with the result that they were removed to their pres- ent positivn, and the tablet beneath gene, {ihe Nero oft he stage across - tied. but the wwther PA TE Bo Hee and every" » = GIRL WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1912. + CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES insertion lc a word, Each con Firm Jane os Thenvalies o ay Bs hou m . er --. Wer three oo inmarioma, Shes six, $1) owe month, 62. HELP WANTED. NOTHING | =------ - ASSIST WITH MOUSE. APpiy; 418 Brock Street TO work DINING. ONCE, TWO GOOD Windsor room girls: Apply at the Hotel AT WANTED, FIRST. LASS PPLLMHEEKR; st ¥ job; good wages Addresy, T.3 Minnes Brantford. SMART ROY, 13 OR 18 YEARS age, to sanswer telephone George Bawden OF Apply foot of Brock Mt A A0UNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH general housework: no jaundry or - cooking Apply, 178% Barrie Sireet "OOD, STRONG BOY LEARN presswork a chance aequire a trade Apply, British Whig of- fice, TO to IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD HOUSE- maid] experienced preferre da; good wages given Apply wo 275 Broek Street. WANTED, Belleville, FesSes, A ress, and wWiages, AT HOTEL QUINTE, three experienced wal. chambermaid, a laund- a kitchen girl; highest EXPERIENCED general housework: must good ecokl Apply, Mrs corner West and Hagot 8 MAID reets INTELLIGENT PERSON AY earn $100 monthly cor:e¥ponding for newspapers; nu canvassin Bend for particulars, Ri Hymn sate. 3.968 Lockport. Ax IMMEDIAT . A DRIVER, ONE horoughly understands 1 is well acquainted wir heavy work require man McKlvey & Birch Brock Street 1 CANADIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS Ratiway Mall @lerks: Mall® Car- riers' excellent' salaries; ecommbn education sufficient; particular free Frankiin lustitute, Dep G13 Rochester, NY GENTS WANTED Kracker Tele sphaone ing novelty Canada; liberal te FoR THE Muffler; strik ahsviutely Pe a lion Royal Munster Fusiliers, but few © Some | made to the dean and Chapter by | those interested in the regiment to- | day for the 'colors to be returned to | Finding the colors had | It may be wondered why the colors | of an Irish--or even an Indian--regi- | Hope Chambers "Ont ww DOMESTICS, BSeoteh, English and nakds: also anish giris; arriving weekly. | Guild, real, CAP». Irish parties Apply now, Th 71 Drummond Street, Mont: or 227 Bank Strest. Ottawa OLD. COUNTRY able WANED GENERAL ROOM, SUITAHRLE ladles, with board Box 618 Whig { FOR T™Wo preferred. Ape. affice | Fu RVISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM About October 1st Apply to Me Cuno's wal Estate Agency, 6 Brock Street. NICER CLEAN RAGS POR WIPING machioery: will pay good price for same Heitish Whig Publishing Company. | | SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY seription: first class work; leather only used; oue trial ruffle, Bring your repairs Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor. Clergy West, DE- Pe wi ' of | TAKE NOTICE, THAT 1 WILL RU) all kinds of second-hand furnitur. red gloves: will pay highes: prices; see me before anyone else +. 'tnvmpson, 333 Princess Street next St. Andrew's Church. G ENTLENE N TO BRING THEIR loth and have it madé up into ap- ie 11% suits Price and work manship guaranteed to please Pressing and repairing done or the shortest netice. Thomas Gallo way, 131 Brock SBireet, near Bibby's Livery | | | | ia UsTON WINDOW CLEANING CO, 21 "Montreal Street--Leave al orders at Hargent's Drug Store; ood window cleaning weather ix ond to come; don't delay your order until' teo late; place It at once and be sure of a capalde man to clean your windows, we also trlre nfl erarm windows OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS--R. GC. Ashereft, DO, 1368 Wellington St, opposite the 'Post Office Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and by ap. pointment. Consultation free Phone 447, OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. a i LASS. TRANATLAYIE LS ALL CHA, Sarency Breet, Kingston. 'Phone LEGAL. ior ia ARRIFY ors. A w "Orion n CUN INGHAM e People's Forum. LOST. COIS PRVEV II VIE CSPI III EVI vvvYme "arb LOURET AND BE. and CHALN, ween atham Street Wiliamaviile Methodis Chureh; initials AM. Finder kindly return to Whig offices BUSINESS CHANCES. AON order Faeyr, Bustnchs & mal nyasstug; be your own ree booklet: telis how. Heacock, 2.969. Lockport, N.Y. CAN START at home: no FINANCE AND INSURANCE. NERAL INSURANC ee BOON, ABent, scident Siren a Fire, Life, Policies isev ing GE BATEMAN &® GARDINER. FIR Lite, Accident, Igsurance and he toms Broker; Real tate and Money to Loan: a share of your business solicited. $7 Clarence Street. Kingston. 'Phone 306. K. CARROL Street--Fire, Li Health Insurance, Employers' Liability ate his. Boat Insurance, Security Bonds, Renal Estate In Winnipeg, Hegina Calgary, Moose Jaw, sto FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVE Ear ment Society; established JI80 president, Sir Richard Cariwright: money issued on Sty nd farm Jripsutien, sm unictpal count r ebentures; MOrigages purcha Geposits focuived ad interest - iowa C. McGill, Managing irector, i Clarence Street CIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLORE Fire Insurance Lpmpany, Available assets, 161.187 215, Ln addition u whieh hepa foyhalders have for security the unlimited Hability of all the stock-ho!ders Farm and city property insured at towest possilile rates. Hefore renewing old or giving vew business gel rats from Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phone 338 0 LET FURNISHI'D without baard Wellington ARGE ar 23 nNOoMs, wir near City Park, Street, 4 NRK w Hapravee nis hig Appl 1. Cohen modern shed Fireet Orgs: ard 36 and Queen he STORAGR FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy. rooms, absslutely, mot} proof; own lovk and xe Peaxt"s Mite Storage, 299 Queen 'Phone §268b Dur LARGE YARD, SUITARLE FOR COAL Wa OW Par BLGFINE | purposes corner of I'ripcess and Onlaric Streets, Apply to DJ, Millan, on the premises STORAGE runt FURNITURE, CLEAN x Dwellings, furnish. Orlices # MeCann, 5! Brock MCR Hirest House, 32 Vaughn Terrace; niideri imMprovemsnts Convingham & Mudie Brreet PRINCESS 1% rpome Apply 1 TT Clavehoy FURNISHED HOUSE, RLEVEN rooms, with #11 cenvenlences, Io cluding 'phone, centrally lo~ated from Mar (hl October, Apply at 208 King Bireet East CATERER. WE CATER Wedding el alsg Linens and Hambrook sion TO CARTIES, Breakfasts, . Bangue:s, Rent Dishes, able Sliverware Reld & corner Union and Divi Bijeets "Phons 8438, BALLS, | UFHOLSTERER. GAVINE, UPHOSTRRING, RE- pairing and carpet werk, hair ma tress renovating, 1 Gp eard can 216 Bagot direct, Ww. a ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 230 Brock HE NRy », 258 SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, King Stree 'home 348, wa ¥ y one POWER & SON, ANC HITEOTS, MER. chants' Bank Buildin corner Rrock and Wellingten Beets. drop a car SON, ARCHI. SF Wh ANDS & R 4 258 Bagot St Offices, 80 £ DENTAL. ALE, KNAPP, moved to BA, LDS, DDS, RE- 2508 Princess Bireetl. AND 1-2 'Phone SPARKS, Princess Strest, 246 SPARKS DENTINTS, mn Kingston NASH, DENTIST: DR. ©. n, Weltkon. Assistant, 113 Princess Streets, Phone 735 c-- SH 8 18t, N, LDS, "HDS DENT- ron. Princess an Bagi france on Bagot Street. Teie ne 626. _-- . insisted, till Sir Herbert came to the rescue. "1 saw 8 play in Italy once," said the aller, 'in which the hero caught hold of the heroine by the legs and : banged her head on the floor" "Splendid!" exclaimed the author, { "What was the play?" { "Punch and Judy,' tor's retert. was the ae A Surprise. . Rev. E. J. Hardy, in his book "The Unvarying East," fells a delightful story. A young lady about to visit the Holy Eand called on an old lady friend. She mentioned hat. sh $00R 'to see Jerusalem, shem, and many of the -- places mentionéd in the Bible The old Jady put a her work, removed her spectacles and exclaimed in great , "Well, now, 1 knew that all these pinces were in the Bible, but I never thought of them being on the earth." --- Gossip newer interesiz a woman if he has beard bo belore. « AYKROYD, D.D.S, LDS, DENT. ist, over Dominion Fxpress Office is; Wellington Street 'Phore {A PAIR OF SOLID BRICK HOCSES; A LOT OF WARDROBES FORIl 83 TO $10 a piece; Also a few cheap cup. boards. at Turks, Fhone 1S five hedrbons each: University: must be i city. Apply, Kel Streed BOY tur Thom 1 owner J. K. Carroll, LAUN H, Mm PT. 4 cyiinder vondition Apply te office M4 PT. Kvitie cherry eondition, ley, Beeloy's GASOLINE ft, beam perfect LONG, wil woron BOAT, §& hp Ain cedar haat: Class MeKir y Y nus ON or the Dest reside thud Ree tions of the ely; good rednons for Fo eltia Apply to K. Carrol}, wh AWNINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS Market Birest. 'Phone No Joseph Dix, sSalimaker, 8 TEN OLD ENGLISH OAK DINING Chairs and two arin chalrs, leather sonis and backs, a! very reasons able prices. I. Losses corner Prins cess and Chatham Stress hone 1043 LOADS OF EARTH: bisck moyld, eight motor (direct frame Victoria * {7 Mack ALSO SoMe Street S---------------- BEST WESTERN INVESTMENTS = am agent for Grand Trunk [Facitie townsites; easy payment plan; also some chelce Joie in Bassano, Alta, and Wella Apply, J K Curroil, Street, FOIR GROCERY dwellings attached; also Kin Apply to Ontario Chambers, Kingston, Ont wirn locas store Boud generat thriving vilnge T. J. Lockhert, Ciarénce Street, ------------------------ ------------ TENTS AND AW NINGS LEAVE your arflar for awnings, tents and small sails at F. X, Bazeau's, the old reliable, who knows his bush ness; will cater to your wants; do It right: no high prices, 158 Oa tario Street, Kingston, FLAGS, AWNINGS, TRNTS, ( ANOES, in Me 8 fish Fupplies AE Frank 'h FIRST-CLASS EGGS FOR HATCHIN carefully selected handiéd an bred: 8.C. Rhode Island Lieda red Mocks, and White Wvan/ 16 vents 167 15 cheaper for ia quantitien; all bred from fowl and warily layers, MM 108 Pine Street, Kingston large lov; sew nlumbin HHIAW-EARL STREET, STORER Awelling £1,100..2 | ARG Be AND LOTS AND Goon vet LAWRENCE 1 UR age, MAN & LARDINER, 07, CLAR- ehea Sire ® MU 310, - TENOR SOLOIST reh, Dabity, and labty, Ireland's teRchgr, wishes a of pups 16 i Apply , MARRS JONE St. Matthias of OF Walter voral Hdled inde prodaction, ete Hireel Brook HOTELS AN D RESTAURANTS. NRUNSWICK opposite from CC bar sup ONTARIO sr, don, one blosk car ling; f wines 5 per weak Hor GT.R PR; Lp John Cou aihe at u THE GRIMASON Princess Hires with best MOTEL, 342-044 t Bar stocked Lies Hoorn, Choleest enol, Yard Haron Dirimeoll he of accomm Mulvitts PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, marks and blemishes withou BIRTH. and skin permanently CXparie Eve, Ekin BUSINESS NOTICE. DAVID MARSHALS fitter and I chntiged hic Bireei, where business, and supply all custome rates and wo er ys GANG has Quipey extended hig sed In mable Hara " n. WILLIAMSON HAS Ri i® office and Brock Sir wi am Ry JF REDERIC x A. « AY ., Ag Mi. Throat ' Bar i di nan Sune appol ntmen: ton Eireet # tol 21 to 4, and ner 'Fhone $14 HOT WEATHER FUEL wood, : Chestnut Coal Pea C Charcoal ard Grate £oftwood, . Kindling, oal, Coal Delivered any Quantity. SWIFT 'S: TEA! TBA! TEA! From the Finest Tea Oardens Ceylon, uncolored, and of the finest } flavor, Green and Black at 3b per | pound, at i TERT PAYNTER har faker -_ the Business of the jar Bl Ber mandi 1 anc; ARE prompay dots, 4 ow ork Buaraniced Py