FRI OM 5 SE BR CLR OW WE Sy i A bead full of unsightly hair.--Why not have colored hair, fall of lis keep yousseli young locking ating ? Every woman wants to be and can be, if she will use HAY'S HAIR HEALTH fo restore those gray hairs to their natu- ral color. Itien't a dye. You'll be surprised how quickly the gray hairs vanish and how young looking you can keep yourself by the regular ase of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. Get your money back from your druggist i you are not satisfied with it, $1.00 snd 50c ot Druk Stores or direct won receipt of price and deslers name. Send Joe for tris} bottle. ~Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark. N.J. JAB. B. McLEOD, AGENT Cleaner and better than carpets. 2 Can be laid over an old BIRCH, : MAPLE and OAK S. Mg & Co mn pine 10% CASH "to selling lots in ad oe Bouts Shore of rive 'oh Sow of river "Montreal Riectric Car . connection with City. Clear titles. Bxttaucly do Forty and terms of p t. Writeor wire for full information, SOUTH SHORE LAND CO., 891 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal. ' RADWAYS READY, RELIEF RHE Uma TISM Apply the Réliel oxtewnally to the oh or 'parts affected. as brisk Halides will permit Home: wil lst "be derive dq frogs Radw oir aitcrative aston ing farly alt to this dlscase Viere the joints &re swelled, stil or foniracted, dhe Ridle' with sweet oil, iL an admirable lubricant, Este fir RASWAY'S dad take no Substitutes Fancy Summer Suits Finest of materials, best of work- manship und lates: designs. Your choice at $5.50, $7.50, 88.50, 10, $12, S13, $10.50 amd $18. A Suit at a prica to fit every pocketbook. Also a full line of Collars, Ties, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Ilosiery, Boots Shoes. ete ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS STREET, . Melville J. Sexsmith. ~ Stuart J. Wilson. SEXSMITH, WILSON & COMPANY Betate and and Fisanclal Corr Solicited. their appreciation 'cond repulse and ceptional merit. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, or MAY 16, 1012 DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published tario, at $6 per year. Editions " 1.30 Y BRITISH WRIG morning at §1 a eas. maki sda we ng price of 3 and and Alp work; nine improved. pre TORUNTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and Street Toronto ---- The charge has been publicly made that contracts, at Ottawa, and in con- nection with the federal government, have been manipulated in the interest of the liberals, that responsible offi- cials under the ministers fave becn guilty of thimkle-rigging in the inter est of their liberal friends. It ia safe to say that there is no ground for this charge, and that a very grave injustice has been done to the officials. The departments at Ottawa have been largely cleared out of liberal officials in order to make room for the hungry office-seekers of the conggrvative party, and those that remain are not disposed, and not in a position, to do injury to any one. wards to Kingstonians, and that are breaking the hearts and vexing the souls of some little people, - are ------ The electors of Quebec have shown of good govern- ment--of honest, progressive and use- ful 'government--be endorsing Sir mar Gouin and his administration, No other result was really expected. The conservatives made a bolder fight than usual. By command of the federal party a candidate was nomin- ated fn every constituency. Some candidates ran in a dual capacity, and for a double purpose. They kept in the tumult for effect; they took chances of election in one place when denied the honour in anothir. Then the reptile fund was especially pletheric. The premier of the do minion knew better than invite a se in a provincial elec tion--one expevicnce of that kind, in South Renfrew, was enough--but fon Mr. Monk was very much in evidence the sinews of war were abund- Lo- ant. Agninst all this was a record of ox The educational pol icy of the Gouin government was the oe ge ited States charge for postage The department affected by late a THE WHIG SBEVENTY-NINTH YEAR im Byam -310 King Street, Kingston, On- an TDL in parts on Monda y 2nd nd of Weekly $1.50 per year. ed in one of the ing od Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylin, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED 20_Queen City Chambers, 33 Church H. B Smaliplece, J P. representative ol MALIGNING THE OFFICIALS. militia and works, presided over Hon. Mr. Hughes and Hon. Monk. These men are very willing to serve their political friends when they can, and they have given ample evidence of this during the short time they have been in office. But they cannot advertise for tenders and cast them aside, or any of them, with contempt. They must produce them, and, in parliament if need be, justify them. They will be heard from in tine and. probably make a defence which will be acceptable to all except the "practical politicians." It 'will be for the officials who have been accused of thimble-rigging--aud they ave more likely to be conserva- tives than liberals--to demand a vin- dication. Why should they lie under any imputation. which is false | unjust ? by Myr. and 'SUCCESS OI' SIR LOMAR. SE very best; it was advanced in its jdcas of good roads; it was free from scans dal; the best elements in and society expressed approval. conservative press, at the outset the campaign, realized that it be difficult to defeat the ministry, and its late prophecies ings utterly failed. The opposition has been strengthen- ed, * It is not much larger, better. © The nationalist faction has suffered. - It lost in favour with the federal election, and it vanished with the retirement of its great apostlp; Mr. The opposition i» ireed from a constantly disturbing 'orce, and Mr. Tellier, without en- "angling allianéss, Will be able to do something, and his party rosition in Ontario, will be able waist the ministerial ing sound legislation. Sir Lomar Gouin and his associate iberals will be congratulated by the ¥herals generally upon the happy re- sults. of the election. business The of would and forebod- but it is Bourassa. , like the op- to party in pass- An issue of great importance; ranking next to home rule for Ire- land, is the bill "to terminate the Establishment of the Church of Eng- land" in Wales, and to make provision for its temporalities." A remarkable thing, as set forth by Hon. W. Ormsby Gore, M.P., in the National Review, is the fact that the Church of England in Wales and in England has never been established by act of parliament or by act of the secular authority of the state. It has never made any contract with the state. The establishment consists in the mutual recognition of the church and the state, the state recognizing the church as a national institution, 'for universal mistration to the people, and the church recognizing the state as a Christian and not a secu- lar state." It is this peculiar relationship which is being ended by an act of parliament though it has been recognized long be- fore what is referred to as the unifi- eation of the state. The Welsh clergy sent their proctors to the convocation of Canterbury two hundred and fifty yoars before Wales sent representu- tives to parliament. In 1870 the first motion in favour of the change was made and defeated by an overwhelm: ing vote, and this is regarded as the more significant as it followed a year after" the disestablishment of the Church in Ireland. It was revived in 1894 and has been kept before the people of Wales ever since. It became a leading question in the last elec tion. The bill is being fittingly fought by and Se to your good health, Sir , and your family's good healt), way: you live long and prospe:. Van Winkle's toast revived "aml WELSH DISESTABLISHMENT. the churchmen, and Mr. Gore's lan- guage ¥n the National Review is a sample of the whole. But there is an- other side and it is presented by the London Chronicle, which, in a recent edition, remarked : "The real money. You outery is simply over would never guess from their* language that the bill gave them money endowments 400 per gent. over what were offered by the bill of 1909. At present the Welsh church stands to get £87,000 a year in perpetuity, be- sides fabrics and fabric funds, and to this must be added for every existing incumbent--equivalent to a very large sum indeed, "No other religious body in Wales stlirts with such handsome endow- ments as are thus left to the church, md to no other, let vill one penny of the rom her be transferred, juestion; nor ever us remember, funds taken There is no has been, of Non- onformity dipping its hand into the hureh's pocket in order to fill its wn. The church may be fighting for noney, but Nonconformity is not; it s fighting for principle." The church bill is dividing the libe- al party more than the home rule dll. Its first reading was passed by he smallest majority which the gov- rnment has yet had, though this is wcounted for in part by the state nent that many liberals were absent nd that the unionists refused to pair sith them. Even the bishops are divi- 'ed on the subject, and three of them vere Tor disesiablishment in ent vote upon the question. the re. EDITORJA", NOTES a. the best the province has ever had, because the Sandey sired 36s government de- Now let the federal g government, un- der Monk, carry out its threat {hat . [the constituencies that went Tiber in | the 'provincial will not get ant public works=if it dare. The threat never should have heen made, . {and it was. When Bourassa and Lavergne loft Ottawa the ides was to nationalize or mesmerize Quebec. They failed to con. vert the masses to their way of think- ing, Bourassa, disgusted, left for Europe. He promised the people to remain in political obscmlty for a couple of years. Lavergne had better follow his example. ; L 1¢ is announced that the Methodists of the United States will retain the. rule against dancing and kindred a- musements, though dancing come a purl of 'the school exercigps But what's the difference 7? The is not kept, and few seem to about it, 1s to he- rule Worry It's up to the stockholder to be true to his trust DR. SOPER DR. WHITE SPECIALISTS In the following Dissases of Men: Plies [farisocele | Dyspepsia Eczema | Epile R a Asthma | Syphi od | Lost Vitality Catarrh | Birieture | SKin Diseases Diabetes | Emissions | Kidney Affecticas And Blood, Necveand Bladder Diseases, il or send history for free advice, on Diseases and Question Blank. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours--lam. wilpm and 2 Wo 6pm. Sundays--i0am. 01pm Consultation free. DRS. SOPER & WHITE, 25 Toronto St, Toronto, Ont, PURE PREPARED PAINT Look for this Trade Mark when you buy paint. It means painting as it should be painting that will look the Dest and wear the longest under all weathers and hard usage. This Trade Mark is backed by 76 years of world wide paint experi- ence--it's the sign of MINERVA 225. PAINT Perhaps the last job blistered, cracked or peeled-.because the paint was not perfectly made Try Minerva Paint this time, The Perfect incorporation of the Minerva ingredients produces a paint with great covering capacity= its elastic properti¢s prevent peeling off, blistering or cracking, insuring long life, thus putting off the necessity of repainting for the longest time--meaning economy to you. There's a Minerva Paint, Enamel or Varn. for every purpose. Sold by prominent : Sealers st all points ine Bennet & dinlligan, Tinsmiths, Paints, ete J, B. Bang & Ce, Hardware, Paints, ete, Kings- SON & CO. Toronto =» Ont "It's so easy to paint wi with san DRINK HABIT The GATLIN TREATMENT Positively removes all craving and desire for LIQUOR in 3 Days No hypodermics, no bad after-effects Call, write or 'phone for Booklet, THE GATLIN INSTITUTE 428 Jarvis Street. Toronto. 'Phone N. 4538. A. HARGRAVE, Mgr. We Have Electrified the Following Homes in the Last Ten. Days. J. Bell Carruthers. Earl Streets. Dr. A. W. Winnett, 109 Bagot St. Mrs. E. R. Barnett, 500 Queen St Ald. Allan Stroud, Bagot and Bay Streets. John Hazlett, 468 Brock Street. John Hazlett, 470 Brock Street. John Hazlett, 472 Brock Street. Silas Grimshaw, 284 Division St. C. 8. Ennis, 260 Division Street. Dr. A, RB. Williamson. King and William Streets. J. 8. R. McCann's Brock Street. Major J. N. 8 Leslie Emily Street Charles E. Taylor. 187 Johnston St. Alfred Turcotte; 70 Division Street. 'Alfred Turcotte, 83 Division Street. Queen's University, 'West Umion St, Miss Turner, 131 Alfred Street. W. 6. Carmichael. 320 Alfred St. Sydenham and New Offices, Smart Oxfords '$4.00 and $4.50 Our New Oxfords are designed for Young Men, and they aresthe Swagger Shoes of the Season. * - Dainty Shirts New Peter Pan Styls. We're sure that we're holding the greatest shirt sale in town! * Handsome colorings in new tints of Blue, Grey, Cream, Tan, ete, Priced at 75¢c, $1, $1.25. $1.50, $2 Hat Sale ALL THIS WEEK The Celebrated. King Hats, Bibby's Special Regular Price, $2.50. $1.50 New Flat Derby. New Soft Hats. New Colors. New Shapes. All 1912 Models, BIBBY'S $15.00 Suits : Are Beauties Our New Models in ¥oung M-n's Suits have a smartness, dash and vim about them that is very pleasing to Smart Dressers. We are showing some very stunning new fabrics. and colorings. Exclusive Styles. Men's and = 'Latest Styles in Collars, Newest Shapes, Quarter Sizes, 2 for 25¢ BIBBY'S Limited 78, 80, 82 PRIN ES Boys' Departmental Store SSUREET. J HA L C FURNITURE We are shuwing a fine line of Hall Furniture: Hall Mirrors, Golden Oak, $4.00 to $16.50. Hall Seats, $5.50 to $18.00. Hall Trees. $6.00, $8.60 to $30.90 All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma hogany. Pedestals in Fumed, Golden Early English or Mahogany. Special Prices this week in Go- Carts and Carriages. R J. Reid, psn LEADING UNDERTAKERS Harry Card, 88 Upper William St. We would like to do yours. We do so many that we are expert, and can do the work at the mihimum cost. Consult us. H. W. Newman Electric Co. George's ce Cream Parr | A full line 'Chotolates. cul pr Shela and try our delicious re Cream. made Prescribed and recommended for women's oi} ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proves rth Tha eral fromm thelr wae 14 nuick sad Nineteen Years the Standard [{ © with the very best. cream. We will deliver your order Broly to any part of the ' GEORGE MASOUD 264 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 980. Every Eddy Match is a Sure, Safe Match. T is made of first quality materials by skilled workmen and mechanically perfect machines, and carries with it the Eddy guarantee that it's a sure light. ArT make sure you are well supplied with Eddy's matches because " If you're sure they're Eddy's, you're sure they're right." DDY'S matches are full MM. dealers everywhere keep them. The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Hull. Canada. Makers of Paper, Paper Bags, Toilet Paper. Tissue Towels, etc. always count good Why break your back fighting with a stubborn engine when ;you can stand erect and start it without difficulty with the DAVIS REAR STARTER. Try one and be convinced. It will prove to bea much needed accessory, and can be bought at a low price. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. as KS RAWFORDS Coal We HavePlenty of Coal Have You?