MAXWELL'S LAWN MOWER 344s ta the pleasure of possessing "a well onli motiee the difference In the ct the Iawn Mower the first time you tei, it, x nives cnt clean and close, hold theiredge. Cold roiled steel shafts mesn easy rung. The whale mower is so Sunipact, s5 strony and that culting the lawn , that you will iree drops of Shirrifi"s True Vanilla go as far as six to gem eight drops of ordinary 'py vanillas. Shirrifi'sisthe real extract of Mexican anilla Beans. Aged until its strength, bou-, quet and flavor are fully ofatured. Try a bottle' WRIG, FRIDAT, MAY 47. sis. HANDLED MANY CASES IN LAST SIN MONTHS. 4 Seventy Per Cent. of Cases Were Convicted--lacréease of Prosecn. tions Under the Liquor License Act. Toronto, May 17.~In the half-yesr- ty report of superintendent of provin- cial policy for the period from No vember Ist to April 30th, some 520 cases were handled, which is a de ernase of twenty-nine over the corres. ponding period of a year ago, Of these practically seventy per eent., or O57, were convicted, 107 persons were discharged, in the case of ten the charges were withdrawn, and ninety six stood awaiting tris), Of this lat- ter number most. of the cases have since been disposed of by judges on eirouit, There were 220 persons prosecuted under the liquor license act, whieh is an increase of filty-nine; 1% convie. tions were secured, an increase of for ty-five; seventeen charges were dis missed and three withdrawn, The si tures show an interesting collection, viz,, 5.3 bottles of whiskey, 111} gallons of whiskey in various recep- tacles, 14.280 bottles of beer; 172 har and cases of heer, forty-eight hot tles of wine, thirty-eignt bottles 1 brandy, sixty-eight bottles of gin, and lorty-two gallons of wines in different receptacles, Under the offensive weapons act the sale of 514 revolvers, and pistols bas been registered with the depart ment. "There is no doubt," he "that the provisions of the act have had the effect of reducing the numbe: of weapons sold, Personally, 1 have refused to issue permits in a number of eases, bul the number of salen shows the necessity for a striet en foréement of the uct by chiefs police." Ender the game and fisheries net there were sev enty. prosecutions, forty seven. convictions and thirteen cases discharged. Only ten rémain bx dealt with at the present time. Dealing with the subject of fires, Mr. Rogers says : 'As provineial cor oner, I have held three fire inquests As a result of these louirids, one person has been eonvieted of incen diarism and sentenced yesterday: one awaits trial, and, in a third case, prosecution has been ordered. During the hali year officers says of to sta depatiment for deportation, or 183 more than in the cotresponding period last year. Mr. Rogers emphasizes the fact that this is an important branch of the police work, and points out that the charges of vaprancy have been reduced nearly fifty per cent. As a result of the prosecution instituted some $14,000 has been. collected in fines. Consuniption Via the Skin. Dr. Piery, of Lyons, announces thai he has found the microbes oi tuber culosis in the perspiration of con- sumptives and believes that this ac- counts for the contagion carried by their clothes. The doctor found forty:two per cent. of samples taken from guinea pigs, which had béen in- oculated with gefms so carried, in- fected. Hs also found that the microbes of rheumatism and peritonitis ean be dif- fused in the same way. His econclu- sion 's that if the bacillus is able to Isave the bady through the pores of the skin it cdn enter it in the same manner.--Paris Marconigram in N.Y. Sun. The reason a girl can't walk a mile without wanting to fall down is she can dance seven and be crazy to kesp on. 2 LIGHTNING STRUCK BARNS. Xear Rloomfield--One Was Com. pletely Destroyed. Bloomfield, May 16.--~0On Monday al- ternooun, the barné and sheds belong ing to~Manley Daibiard, who resides three miles west of here, were burned | to the ground, with all their com tents. A threshing machine, sew last sumroer, was also consumed. The fire is thopght to have onginated from a spark from an engine. There was $i,- 100 insyrance on the barns and $30 on the threshing machine. Un BSupday evening morm passed over here. W. RB Leaven's barn was struck and fired, but the Waze was extinguished before any damage was dope, Souding about completed. The Beaver Canning Company is rushing Work on is pew factory. The Bloomfield Packing company is making extensive improvements on its plant. Mrs. Jonathan Taleott is in "teresting her friends with deseripiions of her trip of three months at' differ ent places of interest in the Mediter rean sea. Quite a number of Faglish immiggantis arrived here as farm la- borers, last Gerald Taleott has gohe ta Uiitish Columbia, an electric i 3 Wee, Budget From Verona. Verona, May 15. The separator for yin operation by the 21st. {hen purchased a fine new skiff {Coward's hoat works, Kingston. | thodist camp mesting will be i , there » tioned at frontier points have handed { here in June, over M6 persons te the immigration [horse last week. {house : £ places will probably follow ASSETS SF hts Sone 3 tet ae the cheese factory is expected to be The rain has given seeding operations a set: hack for a few days. levi. Brown from Mrs Phillips and daughter have gone to their home in the United States, Master Bernard Velay, eldest son of Oliver Veley, fell in the barn breaking his leg. Born to Mr, and Mrs. Henry Dixon, a son. Lewi$ Vanest is building: a eab on Freder ick Kerr's traction engine. Thomas Grant, Hartington, has beem doing wome painting for FE. M. Yorke. John McKnight has moved in part of A A. Ludbrook's house. Peter Embury has moved to the house vacated by Albert Legarre. J. LL. Smith has moved to 8S. Williams' house, near the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bogart an moving here from the states to then house on Main street. -W, W. Adams, tailor, Newburgh, made his monthly visit here today. Mis. (Dr) J. S. Genge %pent Sunday with her parents if Parham H. C, Percy selling igriculfural implements for Massey Hamis Co., Toronto. The Free Me held Scales lost Fy Elmer Seales has a horse fram Henry 1'xon Clayton Brown ig laying the founda- tion for his new building. Norma Kenyon is better after her recent ill- ness. (Rev.) J. ie Ww. Effects of Sup on Human Skin, The human skin if exposed to the sn is warmed to about three degrees ar-feur degrees - C, ahove the normal shin temperature, an incredse to the normal body temperature being, ol prevented hy evaporating The brown skin of Malays, while theoretically absorbing more heat in the sun, shows a smaller rise in temperature in the tropical man than the skin of white men in similar circumstances, In explanation of thia it suggested that an earlier and hetter water evaporation by perspira tion takes place in the colored man, who is said to have larger and better developed sweat glands, A man with a eolored skinfis; if this be an anato- mieal fact, in a better position as re- gards physical heat regulation than the man whose skin is white. Course, went is It sometimes happens that what a man does not know at the age of for- ty-five his son can teach him. Une reason a baby is always so smart is (he fact that it takes after one or both of its parents, Many a woman is moved to tears when it isn't her move. BATHING FASHIONS FOR 1912. + style : E to Bh Canadian and United syle, of bathing suit 0 be seen at the \ ihe, "and 1 am in a quandary what to OLDEST UNIVERSITY IX WORLD rm -- i » El Azhar at Cairo is Also the Larg.| | est in the World." The oldest university in the world it the El Achar 4 Cnive, Eevpt, When it was jolinded no one knows, but it was in fell : ty as far back as 995 AD Rh is today, as in the past, by lar the most instructive mo mentous, and picturesque sight in ail the east, declares a writes Homoletic Review. But not only is it the largest aca. dereie imstitution on rarth--its sta denis reaching the pumber of fully 10000 at a time--but it is the chief fountain of the intellvetual energies of Islam. EB is the symbol of that versal brotherhood that makes Islam one. The equality m the uni ali ahani thief mark of Jdifierin vast and west, ors sind stindonts at El Ashar, mecting in their different courts of the vast enclosure, according to their different nationklities, all squdt on She marble floors, and rich amd poor mingle 'with ont the slightest of rank or of castle. » The families of the pashas and the lellahs study, eat and pray to gether, and when weary throw them. selves down and peacefully sleep just where they are, in the open court un- der the blue sky. It is the finest of all ex¥inples of simplicity and equality, and it is this simple life that far to account for the marvellous re erudescence of vitality just now mani fested throughout the Moslem world to the perplexity of all Christendom, And the orthodoxy of Islamic doe trive is being rapidly broken wp, for no longer are these hosts of students though with the Koran in their hands taught that the world is flat or that the ann moves round the earth. Seli- abnegation of the noblest kind marks the life of the professors, for these have no fixed salaries, but only eert tain meagre allowances for plain food, with some small peryuisities for clesiasticnl duties oustanding note of i th tiation bhetw Teach nara of goes A Bern Lawyer, A man who was not wise to the ways of the world was the father of a bright boy. He spent much time de- bating how the lad's future was tobe shaped, and finally went for advice to the village sage, who at one time nad been a part of the selfish, striving world, and who left it scared and shaken, but full of wisdom. And the sage told the perplexed father how to determine hia son's fuluré, and the father straightway went and did as he was advised. But the next day he sought out the sage in sore perplex: ity. : "The whole plan went wrong," said do next." "What did I advise asked the wise man, "You told me to leave George in a room witha work on 'theology, an ap ple and some small change: that it when I returned } found him reading the Look he was to be made a clergy- man, and if eating the apple a farmer, if interested in the money a banker." "Well ¥* "But when I came back he was seat- ed on the book with the hali-devcured apple in his hand and the money in his pocket." "That settles it," said the "the lad is 'a born lawyer." vou to do? sage; Even when a girl in her head she can't in her heauty. It makes a man very 'peevish for his wife to think he ever could be. has spring cold lose all = faith "Have a A man hut Manv a man bank balance if he had fewer friends. Fresh Cigar?" may praise a woman's pie, that's no sign be will eat ASTORE is almost human. It is full of temperament. It affects each customer with the composite personality of its man- agement and staff. There are stores and stores. There are "grouchy" stores and "smiling" sore. There are flip- t stores and dignified stores. 5 the peculiar thing about each is that the goods or the prices have little to do with the store's temperament. It is the | personality of the store that colors and defines the character of the goods from the custom- er's view-point and wins or re- pels approval. The temperament or n- ality of a store is vividly ex- pressed in its face. The face of a store is its advertising. You can judge a store by its adver- tising the same as you can judge a man by his facial expression. 1s the way of -about it. In the lo Ss, as transaction. Stores that honest] serve their customers be ply can't help advertising. It try to sim- uman nature that when we have spent the best of our brain power and and financial resources in buil ing up something worth while, our enthusiasm bursts forth into publicity. We simply cannot restrain the desire to tell others al Physi run, service is what you pay for, always. The alone, are inci Sental, Service implies quality, fair prices, safe treatment, and honesty in every detail of every The service store is the "serving" store. It is also the honest-advertising By store. this, you may know it always--anywhere. Advice regarding any recognized advertising problems is available through anadian advérlising agency, or through i Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room Lumsden Bldg., Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation en your parl-- so wrile, if interested, jee REE eee eee eel ele] a -- You have a right to your own reli it. gious 'and political belief--and the would have a bigger [other fellow had just as much right to his, EEE EEE REE oss AR Even a left-handed man may do ev- erything right. . No man can fathom a woman's rea- son for acting without any. "No thanks, I'm going home to kiss my family. Have 'The refreshing mint leaf juice instantly removes breath odors, besidés puri- Buy it by the Box of any dealer Get the habit of taking SPEARMINT