THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, . FRID. AY, MAY 17, jae ( RAILWAY Ee RaA, GRAND TRUN VICTORIA DAY-MAY 24th Round Trip Tickets will be issued at Single First Class Fare CGolng May 23rd and 24th. Return limit May 27th. Tickets sold to intermediate points between Montreal and Toronto will not be good on trains 1 and 4. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Canadian North West and Return Tuesday, May 28th. and every se- cand Tuesday thereafter until Sept a V For full information. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson. arg Qntario Sts o te she be Rt BRR dT Basia] HH hides IN CONNECTION WITH i CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. and Victoria bt t MEETING OF THE was make plans for the coming Five teams were represented meeting, namely, withs, Railroaders John Jackson. tary schedule the five teams in it. in the Mercantile ledgue, and it ried by The Live Coals, last year's cham- league to city league players is enforced. The members of the team State that this Tule is a direct knock at them and hey are not going to stand for it. players 'would be forced to play out of thé game. pions, Two of Live THE ~ SPORT REVIEW] MERCA NTILE « BASEBALL LEAGUE. John Welch Was Elected President League Players Are Des barred From Playing With Mer ity cantile Teams. A meeting of the Mercantile league held on Thursday evening to season, at the Live Coals, Worm- Locomotives, Retailers and It was decided to hold nother meeting next 1 ussday even- ing. President, vice-president, George secretary-treasurer, Charles The president and secre authorized to draw up a the next meeting with The officers elected were : Welch; anhorn; were at A motion was moved at the finish f the meeting that all semior city ague players he harred from playing oar. 4 to A. resign from the rule with regard will f the new Coals' SINGLE FARE Good going May 2%, 24. cg etUID Limit, May 27th. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Western Canada and Return. Ei Seis 36> ~ TENE JE Bea: ans Ea ° . Co Ld, Toronto, ae rad Some of the ther teams would lose one piayer. he Live Coals wanted the rule that was ih force last season, that no city league players can form the battery, but they were defeated on their mo- tion, The management of the league will fry and arrange a game for the morning of June 3rd. No Team Controls Field. Some of the teams are disputing as to who is allowed the use of the cricket field diamond. Some of the city league teams state that they have the use of the field every night of the week, but as a matter of faet, they have not. The field belongs to the city and the first team that gets on it is in pos- scasion. Baseball Record. National league--New York, 4; Pitts burgh, 1. St. Louis, 5; Brooklyn, i. Cincinnati, %; Boston, a. All other league games postponed. Notes on Sports. Third Baseman Hans Lobert, Philadelphia Nationals, who broke his leg carly in the season, left the hos- fital at Philadelphia Tuesday. t wil ¢ mid-summer before he will be able to play. The Brockville pair are still favorites for Saturday's King's Plate, Toronto, at 2 to 1, according to future betting in the phantom books, "The Davies horse, Gold Bud, is second choice at 4 to 1, Seagram next at 4 to 1, and the rest strung out anywhere, The Ontario Jockey Club will have hali-mile track opposition during their seven days of lawful racing beginning next Saturday. Delorimier Park also starts perations contemporaneons with Woodbine and according to press notices in Montreal the meeting will be worthy of note. According to the original instrue- tions issued by President Barrow, of of the Tuesday, May 28, and every second Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17vh Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, "Phone 50. Gen. Pass. Agent ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season Phone 76. Symington's Packet Soups and Gravies Get Them at D. COUPER'S 841.3 PRINCESS ST, Prompt Delivery. TO LIVERPOOL. Tunlglan sails Fri, May 3, May 31. Virginian sails Fri. May 10, June 7. "Corsican salls Pri, May 17, "June 14. Vietorian sails Fri, May 24, June 21 TO GLASGOW, Pretorian sails Sat, May 4, June 1. Héaperian sails Bat. May 11, Jane 8. Scandinavian salls May 18. Juge 15, Grampian salls Sat., May 25, June 22 TO HAVRE AND LONDON, Stellian galls May 0, June 9. lonlan. sails » May 12, June 16. Corinthidn sails 'Bun May 18, June Booth 18 Bun., May 26, Tune 30. Lake Eile sails Sun, June 2. July 7 For full Information as to addi tional sailings, rates, ete, apply to C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, J. P. HANLEY, G. T. Ry. A 42 Clarence St. Allan Line Agents, 'Kingston, in . : GOODS SOLD ON TIME nied New Spring Goods now In and sold on the Rasy Payment Plan. DRY GOODS, MEN'S AND NOYS' SUITS. LADIES SUITS, HOUSE. FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES. re JEWELRY, RTC. Come in and see those Goods, or drop usa card and we will send the goods to your house. Joseph Abramsky 263 PRINCESS STREET, Next Princess Theatre. Ana "on The tei un Moin LL RECO Nos EAL 0 EBEC. BRISTOL. Montreal, Hristol NY od nrome ay. Steamer. Wednesday Muy 24 .. Roya) George .. June 12 June i ~ Reval Rdward oo dune 26 so¥al Jirargs « va duly 30 oval idwar July " «Royal wi AME. 3 . Noyes! Edward .. Aug, 31 And Fortnightly Thereafter BERKS mw. Silte, or. call, S. KIRKPATRICK, 42 Cliredice St. JR "P. HANLRY, Grand Trunk Ry. Conway, K. & I. Ry. or WHITE T~ oh | AR OMINIC the International Baseball League, concerning the player limit of twenty men, Wednesday was the day set for the final cut. Owing to the protracted cold weather, and the consequent lim- ited opportunities afforded managers to lovk their squads over satisfactor- ily, the time - has been extended June lst. 8 Langford will sail from for America next Thursday, together with Barry, Porky Flinn, McVey, Hugh Mdhogan, the sensational Aus- tralian lightweight, and "Joe" Wood: man, manager of the combination. Langlord as soon as he lands on the comat will penew his challenge to "Jack" Jobuson and also will tackle Jeannette, who is expected home from Paris in a couple of weeks. The pro- posed Langford-Jeannette twenty: round bout at Vernon, Cal, nest month has been clinched. There will be no untoward conduct by Canadian Baseball League players this season; much Jess will' anything approaching rowdyism be tolerated. Umpire Brichter put Catcher Hopper, of Ottawa, ont of the game at St. Thomas for disputing a decision in the Tuesday game. Yesterday Presi- dent Fitagerald of the league imposed a fine on the player. All of the um- pires and managers have been instruct: ed against unseemly conduct by play- ors, . ' Australia WAS NOT GUILTY. Mrs. Ruchinan,® ( Charged With Poisoning Farmer, is Acquitted. Pembroke, Ont., May 17.--Fifteen minutes was the time the jury took to reach a unanimous verdict of "Not guilty" against Mre. Julia Buchanan, of Westmeath, indicted at the assizes on a charge of administering poison to David Mordy, of Ross township on October 29th last, The woman showed considerable feeling when discharged and there was a pathetic greeting between her and her five chikiren as she left the dock. The ease was A very interesting one and occupied the time of the court for about ten hours. Considerable new evidence was brought in by the crown and a witness was brought here from Regina, while W. W. Shaw, handwrit ing expert, and Prof. Ellis, provineial analyst, were present from Toronto, But Mr, MeGarry was able to turn to the advantage of the defence much of the crown's strohgest evidence, mare particularly some anonymous letters alleged to have been received by Mordy from Mrs. Bu chanan, When confronted in court with some of Mordy's own writing the Toronto expert was forced to admit 'that there was a striking similarity between his writing and the letiers all to have been received from Mrs. Buchan- an. . The refations between Mordy Mrs. Buchahan before and after husband's death were laid bare. Mr. McGarry for the defence, claim- eh that 'Mordy had not visited the Buchanan home and that Mordy's aet- fon throughout was purely a frame-up on' Mordy's paft' in pursiance of threats made to harm the woman if she did not return te him certain money paid as the reduit of a judg- ment she secured Agaitist him some years ago. NOT WHEN OF PEN. | very Glad to y Stag. as Jong as Possible, ff xoconso, May 17.-The y into {the wreck the Farmers' by f| Commissioner Sir William Mecediih, and her already 3) made ich and pu, the appetite ie ANTI-ROOSTER TALK! A WRITER - POINTS OUT A FUTURE DANGER. Another Makes Reference to the Fact That Only Selfish and In- considerate People Keep Roosters. | May 16.--(To the TFuli- tor) : The threatened protest of 4,- | 0 or 5.080 Toronto poultry-keepers agrinst the wise and humanitarian | byvdaw recommended by br, Hastings | appears to prove my point that the keeping of noisy roosters §s an "in creasing nuisance." Who would have | thought that their numbers would have increased such propor' ion: ¥ It would also seem that beeaws: qn. one had hitherto dared to attempt to | stop the nuitapce that these people | consider they have acquired what might be called vested interests and | rights. Therefore, it is evident that | unless the citizens of Kingston insist now upon proper and reasonable hy- laws boing passed to stop the néis- ance they can confidently muticipate | the poultry-keepers of Kingston a- dapting the same arrogant.and wrong | position which those of Toronto have. | The Toronto poultry keepers claim that that city in the wilter woul" have no fresh eggs if they were not allowed to keep poultry Ths on the very face of it is absurd. hes miss the point; no one wishes to interfere with their business; no one wishes, 1 am quite sure, to int: '.re with the: business here in Kingston, but what is wanted is that the buasi- ness shall not be earried on in " manner which is a nuisance to any one. Regulations exist as to the kesping of horses, cattle and pigs in the city. Why should there be none for fowl ? The new health act pass- ed at the receftt provincial session, contains drastic clauses and ample authority for the supervision of this nuisance, and judging from the support which your columns show iny protest against, and request for rlop- ping it, have received, the hoard health or the city council, or either of which the duty devolt es, should take the matter up at once INVALID. Kingston, to Shows Their Character. Kingston, May 15.+(To the 1 tor) : It appears to me that in this vexing question of keeping noisy fowl in the city it is véry much' a question of character. No "gentle people' -~to use an old-fashioned term, little heard and still less thought of nowada ne would think of keeping fowl if they thought that they might be a nuise fe: to their neighbors. "Selfish and in- eongiderate"" one of the complainers calls those people who keep noisy roosters, and | fear this character ox- actly describes them --OLD-FASHION ED, How Nuisance Was Dealt With, Kingston, May 16;--(To the Vdi- tor) 1 Not se many years age when a man would keep a noisy roosicn' a heighbor would pay some daring hoy to steal it and wring its neck. rhis took place right here in Kingston. If they city council will not move in the matter, then perhaps this lawless but eflicien. method may again come into use. Shoild it do so the blame would rest on the council for not framing - proper regulations regar ling these confounded roosters. Wake up, aldermen !-- NOT AN INVALID. The 'Worst Yet. Kingston, Nay 17.--~(To the or}: The rooster crows and with might, some people claim he erows all night, but then, I own, he has some cause for his unbreaking of the laws. He follows nature in her | ¢ ways and does not turn nights into days. stay until, until, it's almost day, and because they cannot slumber, say the rooster's got their number. The cock's clarion is to me a sound of deep feli- cites; when night is done and dawn is peeramg | love to hear him chantic- leering. | rise and out when he gives dy forth and try to work old mother earth. 1 take me forth with spade and hoe, the yard 1 till, theyfront lawn mow, and when the horn of breakfast blows my appetite with vigor glows, Ii you would feel this gladsome thrill quit barking at the old cock's trill, hut go and 'do as 1 have done and 1you will feel Tike 'twenty-one. --ALA WALTER. Idit- crows ------------ The World's Rest. Hat wmanulacturers are repres nied at Campholl Bros', Kingston's style oeutre for men's hats. « Lacy oranges, 2 dozen for 2c. H. Voye. : At Watertown, N.Y., Mrs. Nellis M. Whalen, indicted for a violation of the excise law in the alleged selling of intoxicants, to a minor at Carthage, N.Y, was acyuiited by a jury in county court. Garden seeds at Pickering's. If a woman would attract attention all she has to do is to put on some loud clothes and keep still, Low Vitality in the Spring Vigor comes fron ¢ good, blood. Almost everybody's blood is thin and watery in Lhe spring. Hence the tired, fegling. loss of energy and Mion, a general weakness of bodily 8. can eel You A Sourselt iting strength and v w br. se's Nerve Food Ed The blood is R and he oy feels the EN rich, red, life-sustaining in J Venner, clerk, €0 iy Halitar, states © "This spi speing | I peeded a tomic. My health ry run down and my sys y fy {on { report 'fame, | first i did not know that { facher prison for two years, , Ls ) of | 8st mbly upon bot |! mony a. of Rhivological and by hodies Two from all parts from Canada. geons consisted of a pusicture of skull, fibrous covering of the brain, and the insertion of a drainage canal for purpose of draining the collected fluid from the brain allowed to continue as sary, two or three days being reported. that the operation as doseriled hoth useless and extremely dangerous. defended that, although he had performed operation only four timps and all four patients had died, the operation highly successful and the patients had died because they for the operation earlier. ed the hope that other cases might be to prove his contention that = At eards and dances some will |e Securing Guns brasses irom the Missouri Pacific road and sentenced to thirty bor on the escape. soners under three guards near George: town, Herrington engaged Guard Fow lér in conversation and told him that he had found a bed of mushrooms just back of who carried a sawed-off. shotgun, the tigate, saners up at the roadside and walked away. wd hands PITH OF THE XEWS, The Very Latest Culled From Al Over the World. The population of Buffalo is 444, a5 The Canadian Pacific Railway pany, may double its stock A large consignment of Ontario cat- tle has been shipped to. Franee Miss Julia Buchanan aocquadted attempted poisoning at Pembroke" Three London, fog, brokers failed Wednesday, owing, to Marconi speculation. Dr. Merchant, of bi-lingual may become director education for Toronto Roosevelt now says that when favored the reciprocity bill he it worked to the beef trust, and the com- of it is said, school of he advantage of the millers' trust. At Rochester, N.Y., for killing his apd a "Weputy sheriff, William Twiman, a negro, thirty years old, was found guilty of murder in the first degree. Roger O'Mara, claves that the story of Nesbitt Thaw, being a mother, is absurd. "She may have a baby with | her, he says, "but it is not her town." Clifford> A. Thomas, aged years, of Media, Pa., ran away and got married. His father had him ar- rested on charges of "running away," "elopement," and "stealing a horse and carriage." Max. Gerber, formerly of London, Eng., who is said to have bigamously married soven women in order that he might obtain their earnings, was sen: tenoed by Judge Carpenter, at Chi- to imprisonment in the federal at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the deteceive, de- Mrs. Evelyn nineteen cago, President White's influenced is pected to secure the adoption of tentative between the thracite miners and operators bring about the resumption of work in the eastern mines... He is using every effort to end the strike. The moderatorship, the highest Lonor in the gift of the 124tn general of the Presbyterian church United States of America, in Louisville, | N.Y., went on the first hallot to Rev. Dr. Mark Allison Mat thews, pastor of the First Preshyter ian church, Seattle, Wash. agreement n the MENINGITIS CURE, Surgeons Declare Belief in Remedy That Drains Brain. Philadelphia, P'a., May 17.--Testi about a new operation for the relief of meningitis was given to-day the eighteenth annual eonvention the American Laryngological, Otological Society . Kopetzkey, and Dr, Irving 8. Haines, both of New York. The society is one of the largest of spewialists in the world. hundred - members are present of this country and Dr. Samuel J The operation described by the sur- the the an incision in the dura, the This drain is long ag neces- of its continning cavity, an mstance During the discussion whieh follower the papers, the opinion was expressed was In closing the 'discussion, Dr, Haines his statements, declaring the was were not submitted He express shtained at an earlier stage, in order cure ould be effected. A LIVELY ESCAPE. by Trick, Convict Makes Get-Away. Sedalia, No., May 17 ington, arrested here for John Her- the theft oi rail days' la a sensational road, made While working with eight other pri the Fowler, sed weapon down and went to inves cook waggon Herrington picked up the gun, lefed Al Frick and another guard "get up their hands" and disarmed them. Then he lined guards and pri- ore to er ----_ -- A WOMAN CONFESSES. Hungary Now Has an Epidemic of Hushand-Killing. Vienna, May 17-A woman who has been arrested at Lippa, in Hun- gary, has confessed that she murdered four of her husbands. She is now married to an iookeeper named Ka pructan, Owing to the revelations she has made; five other. women of the same town have been arrested for murdering their first husbands. From the admissions of Frau Kapruezan, it that she made a regular busi ness of helping her neighbors to get ried of their husbands in order to mar- ry other men. There appears to have been no monetary reasons for the crimes, . The Trips of a Dollar. Oklahoma City, May 17.--To test the idea that 81 would travel far in a week, members of the Rotary Club, composed of representatives of a num- ber of business irades recently made an experiment. coin was marked hy George Ww. Curtiss, president of the club, * and started on its way. It was first given to the undertaker member, with the vain hope that no one would have to do business with him. The undertaker spent the dollar with another mem. ber, and finally it caine back to Pre silent Curtiss, not Bavieg been ous ot he possegrion of members of the PAGE THREE. "At Kingston's Shopping Centre" We are meeting unusual weather condi tions with unnsual values, No exaggerations Best quality, Truth suflices. Big Rug Sale All Wool and Union Rugs, Regular $4.80 to $21.00 qualities. On Sale Saturday One-Half Price Season only beginning, yet here are op por tunities 3 to buy at end of season prices, Cold and rainy weather re sponsible for this offering Tis an ill ) one wind You are the gainer. that blows cood to no SALE STARTS AT 9 A. M. Men's 26c¢, 2 pai Men's all $1 all the sale, Men's all patt sale | ; § | | : | Up- Book of 30 tickets, 20 to 2 1.25 on Saturday 69¢ NO Fancy Hose, on sale Sat- urday rs for 25¢ Soft Shirts, the latest erns $1 and sale Men's Soft Collars, colors, just thing for summer, 25¢, on Saturday, 2 for 25¢ Fancy Ties, the latest colors, very neat erns, 50¢. on Saturday DAINTY SHOES Sale Saturday a Saturday at HALF-PRICE. L. ABRAMSON Town Clothier. $1.75. Boys' Clothing News for Saturday APPROBATION, STEACY'S EE ----------_-- er -------------- Sesefccccsttcassosttss CLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLH SPECIAL for SATURDAY Furnishing News For Saturday THE STORE OF SATISFACTION Suits, from day Suits, day urday For Men and Women. in Oxfords, Patents and Gun Metals. ibs. each Book of 30 tickets, 45 to 50 1bs. each $2.75. Ticket books must be purchased at the office before ice delivery com uences. Office: - v ---- Selected 14 MARKET STREET. | "Telebhone 68. WE SELL Scranton Cal Go's Col from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Cos! mined in Pesingylvania. Place your next order with The record shown the dollar Shey will golf i 100.000 votes {ov Dobe the predidentisl nomipees, Raswell, Te Tr. off the is N. submarine Tunar is Fey Harbor, ireat a peri w- position, Boys' Three-piece rangin $5 to 86, on sale Satur- Boys' Two ! piece from $4 to $5, on sale Satur- Children's pers, all shades, Just the thing for them, worth 75¢, on sale Bat- tf Come in and see our $18 Men's Blue Suits, $2.98 sale Saturday Men's Rain Coats, in all the latest patterns, rang ing from $15 to $18, on sale Bat- urday 98 ranging $1.98 Men's Spring Coats, all the latest patterns, ranging from $13.00 ¢o on sale day All the Latest Cuts ! On Rom- atur- 50c 336 Princess St. KING'S PARK-South Winnipeg A few choice 100 ft. lots for sale easy terms. It will pay you to secure these at once. Apply to J O. Hurrox, Ringaion: Ontaris COST OF GAS Five to ten cents per hy will cover the cost of your took- ing. Figure up and see if yon are doing this with coal or wood One cvent"s worth of gas will give you 2 1-2 hours of nice soft, white light in your sitting room to read by Two regulation standard burners will prepare «® ordin- ary sammer meal in half aa hour at the small os: of (wo tents Ten gallons of hot water will cost about one cent--that is nol expensive, : Now, then, what! reason have you for not using it? CHEAP, CLEAN & CONVENIENT. A card addressed to the Of- flee of the Works, Queen Street, or "phone 187 will bring You the necessary information. Light, Hea, Power & Water Depts C. C. SHE iin. = »