- PAGE SIX. THAW HAD A LIST oF PIVE MEN WHOM HE WANT. ED TO KILL. Letter and Enclosure Suggested That He Had Murdérons Intent Written to a Friend. New York, May 16.--The New York Herald publishes a letter pur rting, to show that the name of nfo'd White was only third in a list of five of Harry K. Thaw's alleged enemies, opposite the names of three whom was written "kill Heavily underscored. The let- ter was alleged to have been writ- ten by Thaw from Pittsburg to a confidential friend in New. York, December, 1003, three years before 'the killing of White, June 5, 1906, The lst follows: J. C. Baneroft, kill; Freddy Geb- hard, kill; Stanford White, kill; Craig adsworth, Reginald Frank- J. C. Baneroft is well known in New York society and a member of the Knickerbocker and other ex- clusive clubs, Frederick Gebhard died In 1808. Reginald Franklyn is not in the city. Craig Wads- worth, in Washington, said he had never heard of the letter and knew of no reason why his name should be connected with it, It is said that the letter will be used as evi- dence by the state in the coming Gitort at White Plains to keep Thaw in Matteawan, The fetter follows: Dear Mr, "Bill is al) right. Hope to see you next week, Please send a man to J. H. B.'s place. Ask the ser- sant what kind of new exercise he ' faked Since a week. Is he getting strong-armed? I don't care, but | want to know. Do yon know of Any colored elevator or bell boy in the Audubon, Broadway and 39th street? 1 hope you will have all those curious reports of the----o----- and of 8. W, and H. W. P.'s other freaks, When will F. Gebhard go to Philadelphia, even for a day or 807 Please return this as a good rule. "Thaw." The five names followed separate piece of paper. rns. Tidings From Picton. Picton, May 16.--~The apple «yndi- eate's men are making their rounds apraving orchards. Rev. Mr. Bald ia is expected back Shia week from Michigan, whers Ke has heen helping jn sevival porvices. Rev. Mr. Galt, t minigter, is going to move a Ottawa. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. #alen have been visiting at Nri. BE. McCaw's, "Glenbrook." Miss Alma Shyers is "visiting at her home in the Sountey, G. L. Collier was « Bay visitor recently, ~~ Mrs. 8 little daughters have ows Wgng a her father's, 8. MeCoy's. a onter has been made president of cheese hoard. Miss Platt, mis- fa teacher, Smyrna, is. visiting put | 6. wD. att, school in: her mother, Mrs. Platt, wl oo, a Hemand for work: is . w" on » I -------- oy in he econ reading of the Welsh dis- eatablighiment bill" was passed by vigh- ty-seven voles, in the British com- mony on Thursday. . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, a _-- unveiled, Saturday, to the memory of DR. JOHN THORBORN DEAD. -- a He Queen's Graduate RM.C. Examiner. Ottawa, May 17.<Dr. John Thor: born, a Canadian educ rationist of note, died here, Thursday morning, after a week's illness of pnéumonia, aged igh: ty'two years. He was a me tine professor of classics at Francie College, Richmond, Que., present: od the address of 'wele ome thee to the late King Fdward when, as 'rince of Wales, he visited Canada in 1860 The late Br. Thorborn was an hon: ordry M.A-of MeGil and 'ah' honor: ary LL.D. of Queen's. He was for years chairman: of the RM.C! board of 'examiners and president of Queen's University Graduates' Society. In 1852 he was appointed librarian ol thé geological survey oe was also a delegate to the Pan-Preshyteri: an council in Glasgow in 1896, and Washingtou i in 1850, Was ~ and i Breakwater. ia Cost' $4,000,000. St. AJohp, NB, May 17.5°Norton Grithithe 4 Co Jet we big: soalract Lo Macdonald & Doheny, of "Mexandrin; Ont., and C,. L. Hervey, of Montreal It includes the entire: construction of a breakwater a nile long antl the re moval &f alacge hill at thb rear, contract involves, it $4,000,000 The in undbgton, Outside SApara found only ond trae wall in the Neilson factory building, Toronto, which waliapad;, killing two peaple. Toronto; May made Saskatchewan, the Canadian Northern, and the Grind Trunk Pacific railways, meeting held at Winnipeg on Inst, entered into a compact to divert the South Saskatchewan river to sup- ply drinking water to Regina, Moose: | jaw, Weyburn cities ap The work will cost. ultimately $20, 000,000, T. a in the consulting engineer, I'he of a huge dam across the Saskatche: 'statement, wan, Feminine MOXUMENT TO THE AUTHOR OF THE "MAPLE LEAF FOREVER" Handsome pyramid erected in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, to be Alexander Muir, whose national hymn is sung from ocean to ocean and beyond. TO DIVERT SASKATCHEWAN. Plan Great Works to Furnish Drink. ing Water for Cities. here that the government of the Canadian Pacifie, at. a sevret Friday and other towns Saskatehpwan. antl | Aird Murray, CE, of work involves the construction ' SERVE AS FIIEMEN. Smoke-Eaters Swiss: Villages. Protect Geneva, May 17.--In Several villages in the mountains ' Grisons, girls nad women are: obliged to swerve as' firemen Ws a counterpart to comucription by nen,» «for, owing to emigration, dominates. In Idina studs burned down while the ww werk wording. in the fioldd. ad forests, and some years luted the samé eatas- frophe "happenéd' in Malis, u big vil: lage mear Coira. thy and strong women dre called pon ta.derve im the village five brigades, and they do not abject fo the work. olf the Canton of the women 1865 « the popudation villdge of Bineo then nil-hoal- nn dota $500. 00 For aie y Post Toasties J ingles $20.00 to each of 25 persons who send in the most accept: able Jingles i in May, 1912. An entertainment for boys and girls and older folks, & as well Sign héve Street and No. Xi A COMPLETE JINGLE, (As an example only.) The Wiederseim Kids were tucked up in bed, Then whispered to mama. "Twas this that they sald: "To-morrow for breakfast (this will be our dream) W¢ get some Post Toastles with sugar and cream." be late, FINISH THIS JINGLE, Out of het hopped the kidlets, the clock had struck Ce A Soon the school bell would ring and they shouldn't "For you Kids to be tardy, Mother said 'twouldn't do, «turnout. | | 17. ~-Announcement i+! FRIDAY, M AY 17, THE TOWN OF GANANOQU E. Making Arvangements for Painters' Convention. Gananoque, May 17.<Ernest J. Livingston, of Toronto, secretary of the Master Painters and Decorators association of Eastern Canada, was in town Wednesday completing ar rangements for the entertainment of their association at their annual gonvention here in July. Sbtme SW delegates are expbéted and will re main for four days. The schooner Horace light for Sedus, N.Y, another load of. soft & Green, Mr, and Mrs. W, Taber cleared yesterday, for coal for Taylor i 8. Macdonald and {daughters, accompanied by Charles Macdonald and four pervants, a: | rived hove yesterday afternoon and {opened up their summer home at i Blinkbonnie for the season. Mitchell & | Wilson"s launch met the party al Clayton and brought them over, Miss Leah Williamson, daughter of { Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, King street | graduated recently from the city hos (pital at Akron, Ohio, aod is now a full-fledged nurse, I Commissioner George Railton, of London, Eng., accompanied by Stafi {Capt. Walton and other Salvation Army celebrities, conducted a serviee in the Salvation Army ball last even- ing; and was greeted by a large Another meeting will be held this (Friday) evening. Mrs. Herbert J. Reid and son, who have been spending a few weeks with relatives in Western Ontario, have re turned home, Mise Mae Andress, stenographer, lo- cated for some time past in Toronto, is speding a few weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Andress. Miss Lottie Loughton has returned from a visit with Ogdens burg friends, ; Reeve Britton has had a gang ol men at work clearing up & bit at the town park during the past - few days. Greatest Canals in World. Perhaps few people redlize that the greatest canals in the world are on this continent, By 'greatest' is meant the most important in the economies of transportation, fo these canals are not the largest oi the deepest or the most costly, noi did their construction involve un: usual spectacular feats of engineer (ing. But in point of tonnage pass {ing through them and in their in fluence upon freight rates through: out the country no artificial water- .wiys ever made approach them, ev: en remotely, It is a surprising but trye, rnevertheles® that these important canals carry « far greater commerce in eigh months of the year than is borne by the Suez canal, the Kiel canal, and the Manchester ship canal eom bined. If the commerce of the Erie canal, the Welland, and the tanslh of the St. Lawrence systen be Added, the aggregate will stil tall far short of reaching the enor mous tonnage floated by these in land waterways. It reached in 191." a volume never dreamed of by the early. navigators-- namély, $2,363, 218 tons, an increase bf 3,468, 06: tons over 1909. « TI® figures tha tell of the prospective tonnage o. the Panama canal, when open te the commerce of the world, seen insignificant when compared wit! these. Low Salaries in Old Days. The salaries for baseball players in olden days were npwhere near us large as those paid the diamond ex- ports | of today. At least this might be judged from the money paid: Adrian C. ("Cap.") Anson when he first broke into the game at Rockford, 1il., with the famous Forest City Nine. The original document which brought Anson in to the professional ranks was ex- tracted from a bunch of antiques during Anson's visit to Rockford a fuw days ago by President Frank 8. Admison, of the Wisconsin-1l- linols League; the document call ed for the big sum of $66.66 a month, and in it was set forth the agreement in detail. It covered ev- ery possible angle, 'including ab staining from drink, betting on games and other things that might be termed absurd if placed in the present-day contract. The salary ol the star was the feature, however. for compared to the §8,000 and $10,000 contracts of the present time it is rather a meager sum.-- Springfield - Republican. "The Eye of the Genius." The straining of the nervous sys- tem due to defective vision is to be found, among all who ude their eyes in work near at hand. "The eye of genius" is as common am- ong typsetters and proofreaders, reporters and typewriters, book- keepers, lathe-workers and seam- stresses as among the master spir- its of music and letters. It is, in fact, more common; for whereas Use af above form 'of answer is sug Seated but mot Feqiibed. Address and mail' your Jingles t x Jingle Dep. 808, CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL CO. LTD. Wixvao, oxTant, AN. -dxcLups the at sus Phe he ig g line i the incomplete abo! making the last line ) "Toasties', with cor- Tect Thymie and metre. Se id Sagleof ot less than ontain Post Toasties * or is n ae pn tr cr © Visitors at-Bath. TAY nidke Sufhe, extra money, Bog mojusptad with the fortunate few are able to choose their time and place for la- bor, to find rest and recuperation when they need it, the many are held fast to long hours and end- less days, with the result that they become hopeless, nervous wrecks, & blind or go mad.-- Metropolitan agazine. ' Their Aceustomed Place. There is a story which Baron Dowse, the "celebrated judge, once told in that ex ated "'brogue" whigh he loved to employ. "1 wae down in Cork last month, holding as sizes. On the first. day, when the jury came in, the officers of the covet said: 'Gintlemin av the jury take your ae customed bh if ye plare." And may | never laugh," said the baron, Nf they didn't all walk into the prie- oner's dock." Bath, May 16--Mr. and Mrs. F. Snider, late of California, viciled friends here on Tuesdsy Inst. John oman Jomes Aglesworth it at ch for | the the | "FARM FOR SALE (110 ACRES), Situated near the Village of NVERARY, convenient and Church. Frame Dwelling and pumerous outhuildings, ing Cement Silo, all in good repair; flso good Orchard. E. BLAKE THOMPSON, MARKET SQUARE, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. 3 'Phone 288. foclud to School KINGSTON, ONT. The Better the Qnality The Greater the Quantity LIPTON'S TEA FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY | Smart New Shapes For Saturday The leading styles are the flaring brim effects and mushroom | shapes for exclusive flowers Ladies' Ladies' summer ornafe the Milan and Panama Hats Papama Hats, wear, AC luster's or wreaths of tiny Leghorh Straws Uittr io med Telmmn ed MIDSUMMER HATS FOR OUTING AND MOTORING, . © SUITABLE ron MOUNTAIN AND SEASHORE WEAR. styles in Turkish, Crash, Ratine, $3.00 to S1.5%0, 174 WELLINGTON ST. Snappy Duck and Pigne. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Have Installed in their Vault a reat of SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES It yon 'have any DEEDS, MORTGAGES, INSURANCE OTHER VALUABLES they should be lodged in one of these boxes. WILLIS, TITLE POLICIES THE ATTENTION OF FARMEIS AND RESIDENTS OF THE COUNTRY Is drawn to the Security these Safety Deposit Boxes afford against LOSS OF VALUABLE DOCUMENTS, ETC., For further particulars and information,' P. C STEVENSON. N, Magager Apply to ANBE PH HE : LLG It Makes No Difference What You Weigh No fatter how thin you are: »* "Basper" Spiral Soriug Red wi vlan tr i "angle" and 62 your form. No mitier how beary' sou Arm. your weight Wik Sever Sake + amar sags of one fts "live" springy, yielding comfort. Put a good mattress on & Banner Spiral Spring Bed 204 the remit will be & revelation in com expensive uphdatored Beds, yet heels it, yous 3 ligtle mgre than au wary, shots ontewt wl Jived, woven wire spring. oa to the nearest store that sells beds ask them to tell you all about the Shoe Spring. Bed and its strong guar SER Leo THE ALASKA FEATHER & DOWN COMPANY nar THE QUEEN MILLINERY 81.70 to $12.00 | . $7.00 to 815.00 OR BY FIRE OR THEFT. Kingston, Ont. { N [ i Kingston Business College { Limited) Highest Education at Lowest Cost Tyr entyaixth Jar Fall term Aun ath. © Bo meen. anihand 7 sep agua orthan ble grashy, Civ Service and Eng nates get the best Within a short time over x secured positions with one of eo largest raliway cor- ations in Canada, Enter any e. Call or write for informa. tien. H EN Metoaife, Principal ingston, Canada. Our positions. Your orders will be filled satis tactorily If you daal there at by WALSH'S, 7 Barrack Street. Se DALE'S SULTANA CAKE, 20 cents per 1b. SULTANA and WEST NUTS 25 cents per 1b. GENOA CAKE, 30 cents per 1b. A. J. REES, 166 Princess 8t. Phone 58 It Costs Noting to Spray Your Orchard Why -- Increased yield and ipuroy- ed quality not only pay for spraying, but yield a haud- some return on §Four Invest- ment of time and materials The Department of Agri culture of Toroniv recom mend Arsenate of Lead Will destroy ail leaf-eating y Insects. Will not wash off easily Will not burn tho ledves, 26 cents a pound. One pound will make five gallons solution, and It is the best known, Sold only by W. A. Mitchell, Hardware, Kingston Teeeesererrees rome vo be REAL ESTATE SNAPS SUMMER COTTAGE, taining all furniture, utensils, ete, 4 person two boats, complete: outht r ™ first-class condition, SOLID BRICK Twelve rooms, good cellar, between two and three acres of land, outbuild ings and modern imp ments, 1 1-2 miles from eity, on the waler fi 008 STORE, very central tion, electrie lights sheds, two stables, barn, « #& good opportunity fo tegsen or bake shop FRAME HOUSE, Russell Street. 33 by 260 ft. lot, zood condition SHU Houses for Bate and to Rent fn all parts of the Cit let us quote you rates Fire Insurance, It may \¥ you NORMAN & WEBB, Real Estate, Lite Firs live Stock snd General Insurance, Phone TO0, CON ooking 50.00 HOUSE drive hom r del ' Yes, We Certainly Do GAS FITTING See Our Window, - 4 It Is part and parcel of the Plumbing business Ir you vould like to have us estimate on any. such work, we will glad to do s0 That what we: do, we do well is almost un- pecessary (0 siate, bat we do! 'Phones: Store, 235. Residence, 866, | David Hall } De he ESC -------- LE