Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1912, p. 12

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" - ------------------ : ps Th 3 ale ~ 5 fn or Active operations are soon to be started in forging the third link of the'chain of hotels which the Grand Trunk Patific are erect through- out Western Canads. For some _, time, Messrs. Ross and McFarlane, architects, of Montreal, and Winni- peg, have been engaged in the pre- paration of drawings for a hotel at Edmonton, Alberta, and within a few weeks the actual work of build- ing will commence, The site chos- en for the hotel is possibly un- equalled anywhere in western Can- ada, for it combjies convenience to the business céstre with a wonder- ful outlook over the valley of the Saskatchewan River. The bullking is to be located on McDougall street almost at the crossing of Jasper avenue and directly opposite to the Edmonton club. The building is planned in such a manner as to take full advantage of the view across the beutiful ravine of the river which bounds the entire southerly exposure of the property. The main entrance has been plac- ed at the corner of McDougall street and- a private thoroughfare which has been widened sufficiently to provide a splendid outlook for the rooms along the north side of the hotel. In order to take full ad- vantage of the wonderful site and at the same time provide the most pleasing aproach from the city side of the building, the entrances have been set back some distance from the corner and are aproached through a large fore-court and cov- ered logia. From this logia across to the building can be had directly into the rotunda, or for the con< venience of the lady patrons, ch Co -Cb # TRUNK through a smaller ehtry leading di- rectly to a ladies reception room, the office, and the elevators. From the rotunda .a spacious corridor leads right apd left, the former to a large, well-lighted, oc- tagonal palm room, the latter to the cafe, and main dining room, while midway along this corridor on eith- er side is the coat room and ante- room, the latter leading to the bufl- fet, barber shop and billiard room, Directly beyond the rotunda is the lounge, lighted by large segmental windows, from which a full view of the ravine and the river can be had. A portion of the McDougall street facade on this floor is to be given up to stores which have di- rect communications with the hotel proper and on the north elevation a separate entrance is provided to the bar and cafe, . Between the ground floor and the first bedroom floor a mezzanine gallery provides space for ladies parlor and drawing reom, fronting on McDougall street, while a ban- guet room and a series of private dining rooms are situated over the ante room and bar. The balance of this floor is devoted to galleries overlooking the rotunda, tea room and main dining room. Above the mezzanine floor are five typical ped- room floors, making seven stories in all, and giving two hundred sleeping chambers, each room hav- ing a private bath room, arranged so that it may be rented singly or ensuite, : The building, architecturally, is distinctly of the Chateau type, mod- ified to suit its purpose as a modern hotel. The exterior will be entirely BAT ARAL INTIT LT PITT 8 of stone and tha building will le fireproof of re-inforced concreto and the exterior partitions terra cotta. In mechanical equipment the new hotel will have all that recent ex- periment have proved to be of val- ue. This includes three electric passenger elevators, one - electric freight hoist, two electfic dumb waiters running throughout the en- tire height, together with the most modern and approved heating and ventilating system. The interior decorations and furnishing will' be in keeping with the rest of the building and the hotel when com- pleted should play a big part in the future development of the city of Edmonton. Shakespeare and Denver' A man named Taber, who had ne- quired considerably more of worldly goods than erudition, decided to build an opera house in Denver. He spared no expense in fitting it out with cost- ly marbles, and luxurious furnishings. And as a last word in decorations the architects decided to run a frieze around the proscenium embellished with the names of famous lights of literature and drama. Milton, Ca= rick, Fdwin Booth and Ibsen were al there, and in the very centre was tue name of William Shakespeare, Taber came into the opera house spotied the frieze. "What's the name doing up there ?"' asked Taber. "What name ?"' the architect asked. "Wil'iam Shakespeare," said Taber. "What did William Shakespeare ever do for Denver ? Take his name down and put Taber in its . place.' Wash: ington Post. I 0 0 0 b | 1 ; == e Ld /; § WOMAN'S $400 CAME OUT AL) RIGHT IN WASH. . Used Night Robe for Bank--Then Forgot the Deposit Until After Pile of Soiled Clothes Had Been Sent to a Cleaning Establishment. Chicago, May 18.--The frivolous per- son who sent a $1 bill out to be dry cleaned and pressed ' bad nothing on Mrs. K. A. Dyer, of this city. Mrs. Dyer is the happy, although un- expected, possessor of $400 in bills of small denominations that were sent {to the Bern laundry, washed, pressed and retusned in good wondition the day's shopping. Along with the money was a matter of $200 worth of diamonds that went through the same process and now are sparkling on Mrs. Dyer's fingers. It must not be understood, how- ever; that the possessor of this wealth intended to have her money renovated as she was perfectly satisfied to retain it ie its original germ-leden condi: tion. The visit to the laundry was due to a mistake. After retiring on Sunday night Mrs. Dyer remembered the money and diamonds that she had left- in a purse. The lisle thread bank being closed at that hour of the night she deposited the valuables in the puf of thy sleeve of her night dress. Monday morning, entirely forgetfu of the money and jewellery she tied several lacy garments in a bundle and sent them to the laundry. While preparing to retire in. the evening her heart gave an involuntary leap as she remembered the hiding place of her money and diamonds The laundry was closed and there wa: nothing to do but worry. This Mrs Dyer did industriously until four o' clock in the morning. Then Mrs. Dyer went to the doo: of the laundry and stood outside ir the street until it was opened a! 7.30 o'clock. With the arrival of the first employee she told her story, wa- taken to the drying room und permit ted to point out her gown. Running to the garment she placed her fingers in the sleeve and drew forth the 'sanitary currency and gems. "Straightway." By 'Margaret E. Sangster. "What madness this ?"' cried the fishes folk By the Lake of Galilee, When sudden and clear in their, ears it broke, : A young man's "Follow Me!" Straightway and swift as a homin, bird Flies up to the waiting nest, They answered the call whose heart were stirred By a vision of Love's own best. for They left the nets they would need n more In the old familiar toil, They turned away from 'shore, As men enriched by spoil. For grave and sweet was their Lea er's face, And His eyes were full of cheer; They would march at His bidding wit) resolute pace, And challenge the menace of fear the friendl You who are young in' the world « to-day, Have you heard that ringing call ? Are you ready to heed? Will yo walk the way That is bravest and best of all ? It is sounding down from the height: above; It is Christ's word, "Follow Me!" Ah, straightway answer the might, Love, His servants and soldiers be. In Virgin Territory. The Grand Trunk Pacific is no. opening up virgin territory in Britis Columuia, where the very best hun. ing in the dominion can ve had. Som. sevenity mules up the nver from For, George the "Grand Canyon' is reach ed and from there a magnificen moose country extends as far as th Little Smoke river. From reliabl reports received it is probable tha there are more moose herds to th square mile than there are in an other part of the continent, and ever, year their numbers seem to increase Whether the horns attain the large size of the Cassier moose, has yet 1 be determined, but some fine head: have been seen. In this district cari: bou are also very plentiful -on th higher plateaux, and at places both grizzly and black bear are numerous. wy 4 os handle tight. m Just Hold the | GILLETTE Naturally ShavingTwith the GILLETTE is not a fine art, nor does it require skilled labor. You may be "no good with tools," yet youf can shave yourself easily and well with the Gillette Hold it lightly, -as illustrated, and it falls naturally into the right shaving position, blade edge just touching the skin. Then draw it across the face, not hoe fashion, but with the Angle Stroke shown, and the keen GILLETTE blade will cut smoothly in any direction--with the grain, across it, or against it. If you want a light shave, or if your skin is tender, screw the If you want a clase shave, loosen the handle about a quarter turn. This allows the blade to spring away from the guard a little and take more hald. Buy a GILLETTE and forget your shaving troubles. Standard Sets, $5.00. Pocket Editions, $5.00 to $6.00. Combination Sets, $6.50 up. At your Druggist's, Jeweler's or Hardware Dealer's, GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Office and Factory--The New Gillette Bldg., ST. ALEXANDER STREET, . MONTREAL. ,,.., yu woms even 368 Hi) . FARM FOR SALE y Situated near the Village of NVERARY, and Church, Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, includ (110 ACRES), convenient ing Cement Silo, all in good repalr; .also good Orchard. For particulars, apply to RI E. BLAKE THOMPSON, ' OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. 'Phone 286. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, ONT. to School AFTER THE FIRE A renewed shop, right and cheery, epick and spau. A Stock of American, ete. with Higu-grad bicycles--Canadian. every new wheel sold. English, An extra Pair Duulop Peusall Covers A Stock of good Guns, Singleand Double, New and Secgnd-hand, cheap, Goods paid for on imstalmeut plan or liberal disgount for cash. | C. A. Jones, PEOPLE'S REPAIR SHOP AND UPTOWN BIOYCLE D 203 PRINCESS STREET, mim A thorough gathering up of the dust No scattering of dust on walls and draperies, Absolutely clean carpets. Carpets free from moths A feeling of satisfaction that the cleaning of your home complete. yor. \ dries -- -- cf What Soclean Means to You,---Mrs. Housekeeper. 1 TEA! TEA! TEA! From the Finest Tea Gardens of Ceylon, uncolored, and of the finest flavor, Green and Black at 30c per pound, at : ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. a ~ A F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. { Special prices in Cut i"low- | ers. See our window display Wedding Bouquets and Floral Designs. Floral | specialty. Bweet Pea Bulk Named Varieties 'Phones! Store, 239. Conservatories. 235 Residence, 1212, Sprays a Seed In It Costs Nothing to Spray Your Orchard Why , Increased yleld and improv. ed quality not only pay for spraying, but yleild a hand- some return on your invest. ment of tim and materials The Dgfartment of Agri culture f Torontc recom- wend Arsenate of Lead Will destroy all leal-eating insects. ; Will not wash off easlly. SOCLEAN the Dustless Sweeping Compound., is sold in 25c, 60c and $1.00 pails by your grocer or hardware man. In barrels for use in bulld- ings. ! SOCLEAN LIMITED - Kingston Agent - H Will not burn the leaves. 25 cents a pound. One pound will make five : gallons solution, and it is the best known. Sold only by W. A. Mitchell, Kingston. it is beginning to appear, in fact, that with the exception of antelope and musk-ox British Columbia has every species of big game that exists on the contigent, even the rarest of them be ing found in fair quantities. In addi- tion there are wild fowl and game birds of various species, some native and other acclimatized, that furnish sport, while the waters afford un equalled salmon fishing. Geographical Mistake. Poplar Magazine, iss Marie Van Vorst, an auth- ority on the conditions of child la- bor in the United States, has, life] most writérs who see things in a limited time, made some amusing mistakes. One of these is describ ad by a cotton mill man of Ala The people in charge of the mi having heard that Miss Van Yorw Indoor Winter Life The way we live in winter time is not conducive to health. There is too much TORONTO HALL Being in close, stuffy rooms, and breathing over and over again the impure air. Too | Bardwars, m artificial food and too little exercise in the open air. All this tends to make the blood thin, weak, watery and impure. The nerves are Siarved, exhausted and weak. The nerve foree required for the proper workings of the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the kidneys and other organs is not forth- coming, and the whole system becomes weakened and run down. : When spring comes vitality is at low ebb, and nine persons out of ten require re- storative treatment, such as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, to form new, rich blood and re- vitalize the wasted nervous system. ye * ; Disease lurks on every hand in the spring time, and finds lodgment in the weak, down and exhausted system. You can protect yourself by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Rich red blood is the greatest of ides. People with pure blood throbbin through their arteries need have little fear, for disease germs seek out the weak an Dr. Chase's Nerve Food SIMPLY DELICIOUS REAL ESTATE SNAPS SUMMER COTTAGE, CON- taining all furniture, cooking tensils. etc, 4 persons, two tz, complete; outbuildings, first-class condition, $650.00 SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- " welve rooms, drive house, : a ; od cellar, between two and - 4 be her | Ask Your Grocer gs and, modern' Improve. id ! Ae ings. an modern prove- ratio L ihe Suan a oat. Ci een Ar A pet ments, 1 1-2 miles from the cial compliment th ide = , on the water front, $2. be their new bookkeeper. who mad|] UNSWEETENED : Massaciiy- 3 For Cooking and Drinking y ORE, very central lora- electric lights 3 large x, two stables, barn, etc; a Kool opportunity for delicat- or bake shop. ; JFRAME HOUSE, Russell Street. 23 by 260 ft. lot, good condition sys ouses for Sale and to Rent in/ all partis of the City, us quote you rates for Fife lnsarance. i. may pay x ORMAN & WEBB, come down from He was a real Hostonian, dressed up in fine clothes, and flaunting on the brekse sans accent. § 0 that bookkeeper magazine Santain ing This Chocolate is excellent for Cake Icing and Fudge

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