Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1912, p. 3

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PAE DATLY BRITISH WHIG.. SATURDAY, MAY 18. 1012. v AS RE) WSL Ne SNS LOntages Roan Now. BRI AEP rere ebb TOE + ERROITE LT RPO EPRI per, JAP MARRIAGES. Suitable Brides But No Guarantee as Temper. Vietoria, May 18. Emigration from Japan to America has been effectual ly thecked, in the opinion of ¥Y. Otani, # young Japanese business man of Portland, who dropped off here for a day oh his way back from a visit to his Bative land. "1 notice," said he, "that in Japan there has lwen considerable change of opinion. on the subject of America. The Japuncse have learned that the streets over here are mot really paved with gold, and that a man has to work as hard here as in Japan, al- though the opportunities for getting along are no doubt greater here than there, Then, ton, the Japanese gov ernment does not want ite peopie to go away to foreign lands, and has stematic and ceseful attempt to turn the tide entigration to their own colonies Formosa and Saghalien."' On the same boast on which Mr. Otani returned there were a number of Japanese girls who were coming to Americas to married. These mat- ters are still arranged by the Japan- ese by correspondence and the ex- change of photographs. The young Japanese who prosper in foreign lands send home for wives and there is a regular bureau which looks after them. The bureau guarantees that the age and appearance of the bride are aw represented and that she has certain accomplishments ns scheduled, but ww te her temper the young man has to take chances. '® been making a » suc- i of in be es. 'R. H. Strawberries, in large hos Toye. Thomas Copley PHONE - 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street wanting anything done in th ine, Eslimates given on She will receive Oneen Aires The kind you ave looking fer in the kind we. sell. SCRANTON COAL i» good Coal aud we guarantes prompt delivery. BOOTH & Co, FOOT WEST STRERY. te A A a THE " KINGSTON ICE COMPANY LIMITED. 1912 RATES: Book of 30 tickets, 20 to 25 lbs. each $1.75. Book of 30 tickets, 45 to 50 Ibs, each 2.75, Ticket books must be purchased at the oftfee befbrd lee delivery com- ences, Office: "14 MARKET STREET, Scranton Coal Co's Coal Belected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontario Maree COST OF GAS Five to ten cents per day will cover the cost of your cook- ing. Figure up and see if you are doing this with coal or wood. One gent"s worth of gas will give you 2 1-2 hours of nice soft, white light in your sitting room to read by. Two regulation standard burners will prepare an ordin- ary summer meal in half an hour at the small cost of two cents. Ten gallons of hot water will cost about one cent--that is not expensive, Now, then, what reason have you for not using it? CHEAP, CLEAN CONVENIENT. A card addressed to the Of- fice, of the Works, Queen - Street, or 'phone 187 will bring you the necessary information. Light, Heat, Power & Water Depts o 0. Oe 4 bigs, Capes and tlt on Cred It's moving week now. Surely you need new Carpets and Oileloths. Mon- ev is starve; don't worry; 1 trust you alk you want. Select what you need $1.00 por week is all You Need Ladies' Costumes at reduced prices, Dresses a specially. Men's Suits, Over- coats; Waterproof Coats--a big var jety, Table Linen, Towels, Cottons, and a full line of Boots and Shoes, latest styles. © : Bhery J ityor OL, ot AER book 1s rile Ch 1 ot joerc A mares Roa HAMPSTRAD, LONDON ENS ba : HERAPIONSIRIE i ' George's Ice Cream Parlor A full lime of high-class | Chocolates. Call in and try our delicious Ice Cream, made with the verybest cream. We will deliver your order promptly to any part of the city. t GEORGE MASOUD 204 PRINCESS STREET. For Men. and Boys All are getting ready for a good time, Have you secured your Suit? "Wear-Better and "Lion Braud" are meeting the des mand for any oue wish, + Come in and seé our New Models. § A x IW. I { Told In | "Twilight . - * . {Continued from Page 2.) The Yacht Club datice on Wednesday eveming was most enjoyable During the evening light refreshments wore served und the dance broke up short. Iv after twelve. A few mart®ed ladies were present and emjoved a game of hidge. The guests included Mrs. R. CC. Carter, Mrs. H. F. Ashby, Nr. R. Givens, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Capt. and Mrs. Philip Prideaux, Mrs. Francis Macnee, Mrs. Easton Burns, Mrs, Halloway: Waddell, Mrs. Hansord Hora. Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Bessie Smythe, Misses Dorothy and Kath- leen Carruthers, Mrs. Goong Taillon, Montreal, "Miss Jean Duff, Miss Helen Gordon, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Missas Christine and Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Eva Martin, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Lassie : Kirkpatrick, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Madeline Higgins, Miss Lillian Mundell, Miss Elda Maedowall, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Katherine Tart, Miss Gladys Burton, Miss Ma- bel Richardson, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Florence Filiott, Miss Eleanor Minges, Miss Madge Dawson, Mise Freda Burns, Misses May and Rose Rogers, Miss Ruth Martin, Marjorie Campbell, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Major R. C. Hammond, Dr. Harry Grey, Messrs, Neil Polson, Douglas Anglin, Henry Richardson, A. W. Browne, R. Elmer, Lesslie Smith, Herbert Steacy, J. Stewart, Sherman Hill, Rodger Stewart, Ted Rogers, Neil Black, Leonard Birkett, Hendry Connell, Jer emy Taylor, K. Mundell, Hague, Mon- treal, Green, Mingay, Laughlin Hugh- es, Arnott Minnes, Victor Macdowall, John Henry Woodman, T. Taylor, Maurice Fisher, S. Latimer, Wiki: ley, W. Burton and Reynolds, « eo oa" » Tovitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Nellie Hewson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hewson, of Cobourg, to Mey J.-H McDowell, manager of the Standard Bank at Bloomfield. The mareic ve will he celebrated in St. Peter's church, Cobourg, on Wednesday, June 5th, at two o'clock. . Mr. and-Mrs. Thomas Gaskin an {nounce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Margaret Burton, to Major Fu gene Hartnett, Fort Du Pont, Dele ware, the marriage to take place in Kingston, early in June. aon Joes. William J. Miones, "Hilleroft," will entertain at {oa om Wednesday afternoon, May twesty-ninth, and at a dance in the evening, when her daughter, Miss Eleanor -Minnes, -- will muke her debut. . » Mrs. Harry Tandy, King street, will give a bridge at the Country Club on Wednesday afternoon, in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Vharum Davoude, Provo, Utah . Mrs. W. A. Simpson, William street, éntertained informally, at the tea hour, on Thursday afternoon. ae ee "Calderwood," wns Sketeh Club on Tues- Miss Lyman, hostess at the day evening. . Miss Jean Duff, Princess street, en- tertained the Reading Club on Thurs. day afternoon. - Mrs. R. J. Carson, "Ron'lly House," will not receive again this season. - - » - Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Melville, Ver- mont, after spending a few months in Scotland, passed through the city en route for Wolfe Island, to visit the doctor's sister, Mrs. Henry Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gurd returned to their home in Montreal, Friday noon, after visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. J. 8S. Smith, Johnson street: Miss Brinch and Mrs. Walter pLutt- gen, New York eity, are visiting Mis, Felix Johnson, King street Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Haycock family, King street, have left for Glenora, where they will spend the summer months at Mr. Hayeock's fruit farm. Misses Margaret and Hazel Haycock, accompanied by their brother, George, will leave the latte part of June En England andthe con- and ? Ernest Des Rosier, who been visiting Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street, for the past few weeks, returned to Montreal on Wed: - - - - Mr. Rodger has : Maaning, after spend- ing a few days with Mrs. George Richardson, University avenue, left, on Friday, for Montreal, from which place he sailed, to-day, to spend the summer abroad. Rev. and Mrs. Edward Brofi and their three children, of Pense, Sask., are leaving, next week, for England, and will spend a few days en route with Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, West street. Mr. Gordon Merrick, Bagot street, left, on Friday, for Rochester, where he will spend several months. Me. E.R. C. Dobbs, Bank of Mont- real, has been tran ed from Sault and expects there on Monday. Mrs. R. © Carson and Miss Vera to report Carson, "Romilly House," returned, on Friday, from Sy , where they were visiting Mr. 0. . Casey. iss Holt, William street, left, on ursday, for Ingersoll, to visit Mrs. lemiss for some time. - - - HELD AXNUAL MEETING PRIDAY AFTERNOON, Mrs. Thomas Donnelly Was Elected President--Summes Work by the Association Was Discussed. The annual business meeting of the Women's Auxiliary the Y M.C.A was held on Friday alternoomn to wind up the business of ithe past year and elews. officers and committees for the ensuing one The following members were elected as a general committee Mrs. T. F. Harrison, Mrs. R E Sparks, Mrs. G. A. Dateman, Mrs, (Rev.) McCallum, Mrs. Thomas Don- nelly, Mrs. Charles Warwick, Mrs. Ro bert Reynolds, Mrs. Robert Meek, Mrs. J. Linton, Mrs. C. Baiden, Mrs. J. Wright, Mrs. William Gill, Mrs. Wil. liam Linton, Mrs. E. P. Jenkins, Mrs. Herbert Dyde, Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Mrs. H. Douglas, Mrs. F. Clarke, Mrs I. G. Bogart, Nrs. J. W. Cgrhett, Mrs. 8. Sutherland, Mrs. R. I. Toye Mrs. F. Taylor. The officers of the auxiliary wero chosen from this committee as fol lows ' ' Honorary presidents, Mrs. Mc Callum and Mrs. J. Linton; president, Mrs. T. Donnelly; first vice-president, Mrs. F. Clark; second vice-president, Mrs. Douglas; secretary, Mrs. G. A Bateman; corresponding secretary, Mrs. F. Taylor. Among other of which Secretary Meserve gave a short explanatory talk, in which he out lined the programme he had arranged for the boys' camp, by which an ou ing of ten days' duration would be provided for the boys at Grenadier 1« land, beginning on July llth and closing on the 2g. month will be Bay. The parents ol the boys be igvited to attend the camp their fare and expenses paid for day. The boys will have the. con venience of wharves, good fishing and bathing, and all those things that go to make camp life delightful, Besides this the secretary proposes to mgke the camp a source of mental «nd spiritual benefit. Instructions in rowlog, swimming, elc., will be ghven and vamp fire talks on instructive sub jects and Bible studies will enter into the routine. The boys are forward to one of the best times they have ever had. wil and THE MARRIAGE NUMBER. ------ Ladies' Home Journal for June Cone tains Big Features. "A Sugar-Cosated Trap Bride." "Her letters To a Bride-To-Be." "The Bride's Rose Dress." ""Uiarden Hat," in colors. "Suggestions For Decorating Houss and Luncheon Tables For Heuse Wedding." "Entertaining the Dride-To-Be." "The Suitcase Bride." "The Bride in Her New Home." "Short Stories and Serials." The first installment of 'Mother,' by Kathleen Norris. On sale Monday, May 20th, at R. Ur low & Co.'s. Price, 1be. Kootenay Bye-Election. Nelson, B.C., May 18.--Carrying the convention on the first ballot, T. | Green, of Victoria, was chosen the standard-bearer at the bye-election by the conservatives of Kootenay. Green according to high local political au- thority, is likely to take the seat by acoamation, Nomination day is on May 30th and the election June 20th The For th Condemned to Death. Fez, Morocco, May 18.--A court martial sitting here condemned ning Moors to death for participation the massacre in that city in the mid. dle of April, when fifteen French soldicrs were Milled, twelve French civilians massacred, and over 100 Hebrews slain The Land of Panama 1s South America, but the store for biggest values in panama hats is Campbell Bros', Kingston's hat store in Laay oranges, 2 dozen for 2%e. I. H. Yoye. The postmaster-general has asked to provide another clerk the Kingston post office in view the promotion of €. Gay Shannon. Faney strawberries, in large boxes. R. H. Toye. W. A. Sawyer will supply boots the Kingston letter carriers. been for of to Children Neglect Aged Mother. A sad case was brought to the at tention of a charitable society re- cently, w they received an appli cation for velief from an elderly wo- man. Her husband had been prosperous but died without leaving any will. The widow did not insfat on her rights to a third of the estate, bat turned "everything over to the child ren, believing that they would look after her for the balance of her life. She had lived with one aiter the oth- er of her married sons and daughters and her story of the way in which she was treated causes a very ° serious reflection on the ingratitude of child- rem, The: main point is, however, that it is not fair for a mun to leave an unprotected and ivexperiended woman the responsibility of dediding on pure- ly business affairs. It was the plain duty of the husband, as it is the duty of every person, to make a wili. © "lis no excise, because it is no longer necessary to employ a lawver oc in- eur large expense--the Bax will forms . can be obtained for Ie. Accompanv- ing will instru- ctions' for your ; 'The Bax will form filled out and witnessed A by two friends is absolutely i i table. on an Dy all droggints and ste: tiopers, or sent on receipt of je. by the Bax Will Form Company, Toron- to. % sale ~ by College Book Store, Princess street, |9¢sssssssvcee AUXILIARY OF Y.M.C.A.!3 ON things discussed was | the summer work of the "Y.M.,"" upon ! The 17th of the | t aside as Parents' |' one | looking | Should Have Made a Will The 'seccecscessncssssessen i i The Lampman has no doubt that the bridge-playing ladies of Kingston | who engage in the game 'for keeps las well as a pastime, will be interest- ed in the decision of the Utica judge, that gambling iu homes is not illegal, and that their little afternoon card festivals are safe from Chief Baillie's baton men. Just what his downtown clerical friend thinks about this mat ter, the Lampman would not care to One thing he does know, and is, if the ladies decide to play bridge and put up their husbands' { money for stakes, they'll do it no jmatter who says no. FAN that : A great many people, the Lamp man notices, dearly love to use words with which they are not familiar. A word that is very frequently misused is the little French word "nee," mean- ing born. A bride is commonly and incorrectly described, for instance, as "pee Miss Evangeline O'Brien." A girl | is not at her birth called "Miss," nor is she Christian-named. She has only one name, and that is the surname of her dad. When people French | words in English sentences, the Lamp- man would advise that thev use them | properly or let them alone. i use The Lampman takes issue with the statement that only English games are permitted to be played at the { military school on Point Frederick. To | be sure, the cadets are adepts in the good old English games of ericket and poker, but they also play Cann | dian rugby and Canadian hockey. couniry has no accommoda on for the workingman," the Lamp man overheard an old-countryman re [mark the other evening. le had par | ticular reference to the faet that Can | "This {ada was lacking in that kind of pub lie house where the workingman could go and get his beer and have some entertainment." To be sure Kingston can give little accommodation in that regard, and will soon give a great veal less than it does now. The man | from the big ¥nglish finds it dall in small Canadian places, per- | haps, but it is belter He will | have a fatter pocketbook as a result. cies RO A few days ago, in the Lampman's | presence, a townsman remarked that {an old friend of his had died from ; drinking too much whiskey. Another | towneman corrected him, and said : : 'No, it was not the quantity, but the i quality of the drink that killed him." {It was explained that the deceased { was a man of strong constitution, hut , the poisonous stuff he regularly got yin some barrooms had laid him low. All the Lampman has to say is this: i Kingston has three good license com- { missioners, and he would suggest that | they take steps to find out what tav- | ems of the town are accustomed | sell bluestone drink. lf they can lo cite the guilty ones, then let their | fice nses be cancelled forthwith. ~THE TOWN WATCHMAN, to VALUABLE PATENTS. Plambers' Tools Invented by a Well- known Kingstonian, { The two new patents recently grant {ed T. J. Nicholson, of Ningston, {or | wrenches used in plumbers' work, are } attracting wide-spread attention. The valuable service they will render plumbers and steam-fitters is being | widely recognized. These two new tools have been patented in both Car !ada and the United States. A brict deseription of them is as follows First, the chain wrench--The chain {tongs of this tool are on an entirely | new principle, having grip on the hain instead of in the stalk, as on {all chain tongs in use heretoiore, It | will take a hold of fittings and the | faces of flanges that other wrenches { will not touch. It is easily sharpetded | by the grinding of the teeth on the chain, and it will nol squeeze or crush the pipe. The wrenches can be made in all sizes from fifteen inches to five feet, and can be used in narrow places { on close nipple work, or, if desired | two wrenches can be locked together {to catch very large articles Second, the nickel-plated wrench This wrench will také all standard sizes of nickel-plated pipe, and is su- to i tofore for this work. It has the vantage of being easily placed on pipe and of doing the most satisfac tory work without the use of resin or any other material to hold the grip i It will be a great conveniédee in wo tor boat' or automobile work. Aftec a, thoough examination and test by members of the Plumbers' Union, the tools have been heartily endorsed us the best yet produced for satisiactory work. ' These two articles would be a first. class line for any company to mianu- facture. The démdnd would be general for an article of this type, the super iority of both wrenches over any ex- isting tools of a similar nature would ereate for them a ready sale. In fact, they. would be likely to displace all competitors on the market. Mr. Nich- olson, the Kingston inventor of these tools, is ready to negotiate with sny reliable manufacturer for the making and marketing of his product. Historical Society. At the anoual meeting of the lennox and Addington Historical Society, these officers were elected : Honorary Presidents--James Daly, W. 8. Herrington, K.C. President--Clarence M. Warner. ¢ Vice-President--Mrs. Alexander W. { Grange. Secretary-Treasurer -- Ulysses Flach. Committeé-Mrs. HH. T. Forward, Uriah Wilson, Rev. Alexander Mao lon ald, George D. Hawley, Dr. R.A Leonard. Splendid ! Wel worth the money ! Js the universal verdict of every house keeper who buys Campbell's Varnish Stain jor staining and varnishing floors, woodwork, chairs, etc. Easil applied. Dries hard. Wears wdl Ww A. Mitchell sells it. 2 The Connaught party was enteriain- ed at a brilliant ball in the York Club, Toronto, Friday night. Lady oranges, 2 dozen for 25c. R. H. Toye. « J. "On Watch,3| perior to anyihing ever invented here | ad- {Able evidende existed that the al {strikes and atwphasized the {acs that man. His "At Kingston's Shopping Centre". Umbrellas Special Sale of Fine brellas, Silk Fringe Fine Quality, Silk Fri EI a ----., > Quality Ladies' Um- $2.00 quality. To-Night $1.25. nge-- Ivory, Cream, Pale Blue, Pink, Copenhagen, Navy, Tan, Grey and Black. . To-Night Hose Fine Quality, French heel--3 5c quality, Neckwear Dainty Mechline Bo quality Dress Goods Fancy. Vailes, Mohair: 20 Per Cent. Off. Lisle--treble toe and To-Night 25c. ws with rosebuds 35¢ : To-Night 25¢ SRNR s and Albatross. Regu- lar 50¢, 60c and 75¢ qualities. To-Night 22 1-2c. ST MAUSOLEUM FOR CHATHAM. Agreement With an American Com. pany to Construct Building. Chatham, May IR ----An agreement whereby the American Mausoleum com- pany, of Ohio, will erect a hausolonm at the Chatham cemetery has been signed by Mayor William Anderson and Clerk Merritt for the city, and U J. Smith for the company. A can vase of citizens for space in the build- ing will be made immediately, and it is hoped to start construction in the of the next month. The build ing which it is proposed to erect in Chatham will be one of the finest on the continent. The construction will be entirely granite, marble and bionze, making it practically inde structible and serviceable for centur 8 The plans as prepared provide for 212 crypts, and the building will be so arranged that this total may be increased to 400, COUrs: ol AUSTRALIA'S LABOR COURT. Presiding Justice Resents Imputa- tion of Failure, Melbourne, Australia, May 18.-My¢ Justice Higgins, president of the fede ral court of arbitration, warinly resented the suggestion made publicly by ex-Premier Irvine that thé wymmonwealth arbitration court hal been a failure and had embittered the relations of employer and em plovee. The president said indubit- vesterday cour! had averted huge and disastrous been disobeyed by masters or men since the establish. ment of the court seven years ago. Last year ninety-three industrial a greements had been registered, no awards had PEER PROVES HERO. Lord Dunsany Dives to Save Foot. man, Proves Unscucessful, London, May 18.--How a peer risk- ed his life to save a servant from drowning will be told at" the inquest A footman in the employ of Lord Morley while boating on the Serpen- tine, came into collision with another boat and was thrown into the water Lord Dunsany, who married Lady Beatrice Villiers in 1994, was stand. ing on the bank at the time, and with a policeman, jumped in and made desperate efforts to save the foot: lordship dived repeatedly, bat unsuccessfully, and was exhausted when he got back to the bank. Guelph's Reforestation. Guelph, May 18. Commissioner Ryan, accompanied by Manager Fos fer; of the waterworks department, and Prof. Zavitz, of the (Ontario Ag rieuliural College, paid a trip of io- spection to the park at the source of Guelph's water supply, near Arkell, It was decided that more 'reforesting should be done this fall. Already ten thousand trees have been planted to sure -a sleady water supply, and in the future to be a valoable asset to Guelph, The "Gaiboy." A low crown, wide brim derby, made in Buckley's celebrated guaranteed make, gnd to be had in Kingston only at Campbell Dros.', the style centre for men's hats. Miss Thistlewnit, Kingston, is vis iting her skier, Mrs. Colin Schryver, in Napanee, EACY'S tsps THE STORE OF SATISFACTION Dr. Martel's Female Pills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended for women's ail ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth "The result from their use is quick aad yerman ent. For sale at all drug stores, BICYCLES BICYCLE BUNDRIES DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON at Cat Prices 413 Spadina uson TORONTO Send for Cut Price Catalogue, Representatives | WANTED | to sell Montreal City Real Estate. This is a proposition offering special inducementsto buyers, thus making selling easy. Liberal commission to good men, Write for full partichlars, BURLAND REALTY CO. 303 Board of Trade Bufiding, - Montresl, Skin All Covered - With Eruption iarag Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4 Years. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. A Quebec man, N, mri Tardif, of £5. Casimir, writes in a letter dated Mar. 31, 1911 'I had a very bud skih, all covered with eruption, éight years ago." I have had all of both my shoulders covered with it, and the high part of my arms, and my face, but it was the worst on my shoulders. 1 tried many diflerent remedies to cure it, but nothing was any good, At last T went to an thecary. He asked me if T had ever Cuticura Soap and Omtiaent. 1 told him no, sod § bought a box of Cuticuza Olntment and 8 cake of Cuticurs Boap, I used three boxes of Cuticura Omtment, but T at glad of the shune, for Cutiours Soap snd Ointment compiately cured me of my skin eruption. I spread the Culieurs Ointment ou ali my sore parts, and 1 think that jn washing my face with the Cuticurs Sesp, #1 Mindered my ruption from fehing sand buming, ¥ tried many rofedis during three or four years But rtieko a Soap and Obntment cured me." (Siged) KN. Heurd Tardif, ufictir Sop and Olntewns dre sold throughout the tid, but to those who Bove sufletod mich, lost bepe and are wi. $F faith in any treatment, a liberal sarapie moh with 8 33. booklet on the skin and sealp will be mailed free, on application address Potter Drug & Chem. Corp, 50 Columbus Ave, Dotan, U. 8 A It sometimes happens that. man doesn't need to hide his light snder a bushel, because it can't even be ween im the open,

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