AWE DAILY RETTISH WIG, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1912, @w™ THE WHIG SEVENTYNINTH YEAR "DITORIAL NOTES. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308-310 King Btreet, Kingston, Ou- ro tario, at $§ per year. Editions at 2.30 and ¥ p.m. Tn sonservalives i two lib- WEEESY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Monday ana |Hion--five conserval anc sy Dhurata morning st §1 a year. To ied pistes oharss tor postage had to larals--lost their deposits. The experi} cl added, making price of Daily 33 and of Weekly $1.60 per year. {oe will Probably. cute: thetn of. 'their Store Closes a tached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, | kt probab! iden * ana 'Shesp work; nine improved presses political ambitions. Saturdays THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED o city ean afiord to put itself ~ in} , : 3 J. 6, Elliott, President. au 10 p. m. KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE Leman A. Guild, See~Tress mission 'if Toronto's experience counts | | I ------------_---- for anything. Let our utilities ecom-| TORONTO OFFICE ~Suite 19. and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church | mittee read up the difficulty. See thei Toronto World of Friday. { i i my Some candidatzs in'the Quebeo elec Street, Toronto. H. BE Smaliplece, J. P., representative. St. Thomas has lost 370,652.65 on} "\ its street railway. The deficit in 1911} DANCING IN THE SCHOOLS. | was 313,462.17. Still it is willing to} ' é | experiment so much furthed, and is A Sunday school in Toronto under- | dancing into the séhools as a part of mutting $30,000 | into Improvements. | took %o give an exhibition in a publie the public school course? The Mo- | Here is faith in municipal management | thers' Clubs of New York have con- | sidered it, and they are about of one mind, that the social forms, and es The system that makes men fight | The exercises embraced posing, and a | pecially the social dance, "will help |their way into political favour, as species of dancing, and a clergyman |the scholars to maintain a high school | Taft and Roosevelt are now doing in| who saw the performance protested a- [standard of morals and deportment." {he 1 nited States, does nol 'invite Lawn Mowers gainst it. He was hurt in his feel Is it not as fitting an accomplish- { admiration. It suits some men, but} i sae] t lings, and he could see only hurt in ment as carpentry and wood-working, jafter they have called each othér liars | value a ¢ ., soDle respec ! ' Exceptional |the morals of the cifidren. He does (and Gs it mot: more suitable ocow jand thugs how sas pupils Yemphck) OUR 4 00 $4.00 to $1250 inot seem to have realized that in |pation for a girl? The Mothers' [them in the presiiency. 2 . A pleasure to show. - some Sunday schools, as an attrac | Clubs are so enthusiastic about the | Joseph Fels, the single taxer, has| 3 tion, there are gymnasiums, and Yhat | social dance--which is mot to be con: |g, nnd o quarter of a million dol-| N Guaranteed at calisthenics are recognized as fit and |fonpded or associated with the WWE lip iy 4 Jand deal in England. ie HL CORBET I 'S proper for the physical devifopment of key rot snd all the othe: psieaveg | was bound to do il. He went into We claim to have the best $4 Men'sshoes the. ghls. janes 'of that nature--that they eX (he scheme without due comsideraticn. that are made. They were made by The preacher referred to is probably !pect the fathers and mothers to par: [je knows more about making soap skillful workmen, and the little details % willing to admit that the exercises of [ticipate in the pleasures of the dance | {han tilling Innd, and Henry George - I 4 A) 2 ) ag EE 1 3 . the gymnasium were all right for the lat the recreation centres, after they iom 'won't: make things grow. of s 1emaking have »eéh as carefully . [ep day schools; but for the children of {have finished their day's work. bag yi looked after as if the shoe cost a dollar the Sunday school--they would be} «All America," says Mrs. Charles IL. >. Merchant is mentioned ae direc or two more. For Weak Men terrible ! a what way ? The Sun- | jgpael, airman of the commitiee tof of education in Toronto, Some Every si 1 widit diy school classes and the day school lon Amusements and Vacation Res | thing bigger and better and grander wvery Size and wic th. ---- place, and to the programme a pum- without a parallel. ber of girls contributed calisthenics. RI AT 0 RCI VN IT EA NY "ws : .. {than inspector of schools seems to be _ -~ : laswe be composed of the same |, , f New. York, "is to-day wor- |! ata Ear ; Ne Send Name and Address Today on cahatitaies the of ving nt in din, of a good desired, and Mr. Merchant fills the hill, Oxfords, Blucher and Button styles. 3 5 PONS B: = {shi 8 ¢ f goo " : : : Well, he is a good one. He has bulked m + ence ? » surely. "|i \ st jecent ood ' g . j ATR Ta, datante a fou Can Have It Free and Be fence Not the Dame surely time, and we must gire cecen £ out larger in the public eye since he Fans, Blacks and 1 atents. calisthenics are good and moral ex- [times tb those who cannot afford to : + ba a V tron al o » . da n + : e . > _ | wrote that very impartial criticism Nn 1gorous. ercises for one class they are for the pay high prices for their entertain : {of the bi-lingual schools. other, and there is no ground or oc ment. As the most popular form of {° ies ys jie EE { have In possession » ption fot |casion for hysteria. amusement among young people is | The Montreal Star will not have Mr aervous debit % &® of v weakened | . Sy . ih 0 vik : | y failing a and lame back, | But if calisthenics are bad for the |dancing. it is for the mothers of the {Churchill's plan of developing the rought on xcesses, u + s . », . . the Flies of yon that en Sunday school children, and inciden- | city to provide clean, wholesome |navy. It wants Canada to be inter Ne ries Hai ermaus (a)ly for the day school classes, What | plnces in which girls and boys may leotdd in (be navy, and in ships that | IN ee : SMART SUI I S lun thi 1 Saini avery Jugn. who nists 30 about the proposal to introduce social 'dance." So the school is suggested. will be away from Uanada, and all| , o_o ty, qu i .. 3s sud moetly, Should Dave » Sop 0% have rm o-- -- (the while under British control. Mr i osterrined to send a copy of the preseri m------ : La AY Raa' i { frye of charge, in & plain, ordinary en- THE VALUE OF PUBLICITY . | hurchill would have it otherwise, but, | \ 3 4 Ro Our Gordon Suits $15.00 and $18.0 0 S4inhe 10 uy AD 4 wil White! . , of course, the first lord of the admir- 7 4 mn . . SE . who has wade a special study of men and I 1 Teer Sa ialty does not know his business. / A 4 These suits show every feature of i Jest-acting Snbie Towns and cities grow the faster | done the better by a specialist called Be rete fine tailoring that the custom tailor put together, » when the steps have been taken toa publicity commissioner. The government-in-council has an- ink 1 aw § to my fellow man to send . In Se' Er Foie ie talk a et M HOSIERY LN dotes on--as well as a style and char- ~onfldence so that any man make them grow. Business does not There is not "much sense in talking nu edd a decision of the railway. com- Lhd dado dod ho is weak and discon: wi usually comeito the man. He has to |of what' Saskatoon can do with its !mission. It had to do with the an acter that but very few tailors can suc- ted failures may stop drugg'ng himself pe : vy . : 3 rnful 4 eit medleinets Tecirs what look: and "drum" it up. Let us ex | million dollars, raised within a few | Hazleton station, B.C, The railway : cessfully copy. upbuilding, Ee) remedy" ovat plain. A man stepped into a well- [days by civic committees. The money commission's "work has noi. been ar- FANCY HOSIERY Rich Browns, Genteel Grays and ™ his: : known store recently and saw display- | was contributed freely by the busi- | bitrary, and it has not been attacked : ust drop me & line lke t ¥ pla) ¥ i : : g : s» Fabrics ott. M ingon, '%38 L uck Buildi ed upon a special counter, a variety ness men in sums representing their by the government. This is the first 3 . f 1 00 Handsome Blue Fabrics. pairs for $1. h., and I witl send copy : 3 x : i ouipe in B EIN a ay Ye |of goods in which the visitor had |expectations from a greater city. 1t case of the kind--influenced probably All sizes 83 to 48 that the Canadian parliament has the Firm to Celebrate its gs Sh od' marely is no idea that the merchant dealt. The | was a form of investment which pro-|as usual by polities=and- it ought to N 3 - the manner in which it was made. ten, twenty, fifty or one hundred-fold. : Hosiery, n newest colorings Lisle + MEN'S ENGLISH RAINCOATS A merchant. selects a line of goods, | St. Thomas is a smaller city, and, It is well that the status of the su- I'hread or Cashmere, regular 50 cent : Parametta Cloth. and he ' occupies his space in the | tentioms, The business men of St. I 1 ; s il 1 . 3 : . "ge . wer 0 reier questions oO aw oO : apers,' the best medium for advertis- | Thomas got together and subscribed 0 35 3 f $ 00 1 LUMBER |: : ¢, 3 pairs for $1. See Our Bpecia + 3 oi ih decision of the provincial courts. ; a d C As our South Yard regarding it. He may not be an ex- |or a day's horse races, or a season of hare 'will snow be po delaein. the or Other lines at 15¢ and 25¢. $10.00 an $12.00 oats has been sold to the to do much advertising he had better | ity department. The money was sub- pL = 4 dol A Anges. "so : appare . Grand T'runk Rail- learn all he- can respecting it. Herein | scribed conditionally, that the coun . . : pre . mbiy be apparent 3 o ® ; ! 1 ny : oo ' which is to prevail--the law of the way, who require it is a form of publicity that is very | council subscribe or grant a sifilar church or the: 1s i Abo land imi e next month, we are effective, and the rush or crush for | sum: for a similar purpose. And the ch or the 'av ol dhe lanc, , J to the value of it. The budget for the year had both J THE TOWN OF NAPANEE. In like manner, and differing ondy in | passed, Every dollar of civic revenue | Business : advantages. Has it factory sites? |deliberately was impossible. The "i Napanee May 18.--At the cheese 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. There should be a plan of them some- | licitor solemnly warned the council { board, yesterday afternoon, 566 boxes for immediate re- they may be reached and acquired, | has the power to do many things boarded, All sold at 13jec. moval. how far from a railway or steamboat | without asking the council to do il- Mrs. J..A. Carmichael and threo - -- -- - ------------------------ --------------------------------------y . ety TM no the busines 2 te Sask. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bell left rc i i L FU U E S. Anglin & Co. the council any encouragement to of-| 0 8. -- A Te this week for Young, Sask., where i We Have Electrified the Following Homes HA L RNIT R and if so what? Has the city cheap | salary of the commissioner and his with their children. ite . : 'Phone 66. power for sale, The quantity and cost | ®Xpenses. Meanwhile ihe: council is |, The Robinson company, will cde = : J. Bell Carruthers. Sydenham and it hel e i fay be contracted, in its behalf and its management of the store on May 3 GL he Dr. A. W. Winnett, 109 Bagot St. city can help to make its advantages | interest, without its sanction and au- | 218t; 22nd and 23rd. The celebration . I Mrs. E. ®. Barnett, 500 Queen Bt. tea A Ald. Allan Stroud, Bagot and Bay R. Sheldon Denis left Tuesday for a 3x og ta., and other points west. > ale 75 A-------- Mrs. George H. Perry and iwo child: John Hazlett, 472 Brock Street. ' Ty 8 26 bd Hall Mirrors, Golden Oak, $4.50 Beautifully lesson in the Quebéc election. Its| federal government, whose premier and [mer with her ' husband at Porcupine. g. 5 Buia 200 Diviflet' got aad to $16.50. Jocated on: South Shore of river | ministers desided that the province | minister of commerce turned them Mrs. Burritt, of Toronto, is the guest a a . Miss Helen Grange, who has spent Brock Street , sO fume is y p e 3: A & . § AN finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma Extremely -fow peices: Forty J | Provincial as well as federal matters, | for action last winter. Mr. Borden {the past year in Paris, France, and HIGH SPEED Major J. N. 8. Leslie. Emily Street. | bogany. : : Ye nb Srni 75 doze n's fine . ke this ~but I send B [value of publicity» was exhibited in [mised to yield handsomely in time, |bé the last. We "are. offering 75 dozen Men's fine free. ) J v : the sale'of which *he wants to push, |like Kingston, a city of modest pre preme court has been declared, and quality for img, in which to make announcement | $2,000---not for an aeroplane display, the supreme' bourt and aficeting the pert "ad." writer, but if heis going | fun, but for the expense of a public LE gument on the law aflecting mar- : the goods the next morning attests | council failed--on legal grounds MEG prepared to dffer : ye. y . Men's 'and Boys' Departmental Store the details, the city must advertise its | had been pledged. To run into debt | Twenty-fifth Auniversary. where, and information 'as to how | against it. St. Thomas, like Kingston [of white and 825 of colored, wero 4 connection, and what they cost ? Has legal acts. Has it any faith in pub- children leave on Monday for Estevan, s tor v fi ad Bay $ : fer to manufactures, or industries, | its worth, and later ask to pay the they will spend the summer months ee Open ee od. ¥ in the Last Tea Days. Ba ry hsing 8 fine line of of it? In this and other ways. the] "0! liable lor any expenses which |Drate the twenty-fifth anniversary of gr cion Earl Streets. known, and the boom, only can be | thority, will take the form of an afternoon > © . RD. NMENT gr . b i ir rym \ John Hazlett, 468 Brock Street, 10% CAS b+ BO EN GOVER ON TRIAL. two months' stay at Lethbridge, Al- 3 Joh Ha 10 Decl Boor : : tan ; h Bilas G # 2 8st. Given to selling lots in The federal government may get a| will get them without waiting for the'ren left this week to spend the sum- Rin lo Grimshaw, 284 Division St i to, is AY tic William Streets, Hall Seats, $5.50 to $18.00. a a ith City eC ie. J *hould be in accord with the: party in | down when their deputations pressed of Bow Sitar, Mus. D. U. Helaughon, AXWELL'S J. 8. R. McCann's NeW Offices,| Hall Trees. $6.00, $8.50 to $30.00 NF dollars and perlot on easy [and the people were told that if they | was reminded of his promise, and he [other European cities, reached Bath, Charles B. Taylor, 187 Johnston St. terms of payment. | wanted prosperity they should be prac- | shrugged his shonlders and remarked Maine, a few days ago, and 's the CHAMPI Alfred Turcotte, 70 Division Street 'Write or wire for fu ll information, tical in their . polities, and turn out] that Saskatchewan had not voted for {guest of her gtr there for a few The Wringer Board extends from the site. BB | Adfred Tureotie. 83 Division Sires £ { : . + 3. Ss #pec , ; out of th of wr. This allows en' Indiv pr, 1 ) SL. SOUTH : LAND CO. the Gouin government. him. dae. She EE ay: Jractieally the whale top of the tub to open pe oi hae vad Pheri Bl 891 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal. The word to this effect was not ai And yet two of his colleagues. iin Rochester for the past two years, Noother wisher has a4 Large an epening. W. G. Carmichael. 320 Alfred St. 4 ' request but a command. It was ac: | Messrs. Roche and Rogers, of Manito- lis home with Ir mother, Mrs. lester No ofher washer com be worked with crank Harry Card, 88 Upper William St. ¢ companied with a threat, that dis- | ba, are off to Saskatchewan Yo di- | Wagar, South Napanee. Mrs. Fred § oF $d AU Wt fg Seer We wouldilike to do ¥y We : 2 Boar a c Do Maxwell's "Favorite" =the ' yours. e Dr. de Van's Female Pills obedience of orders would be followed | rect the attack om the Scott (govern: Shepherd, who was so seriously ill er pos gh wi do so many that we are expert, and reliable svar falls, These by proper punishment. The province i ment, which, like the Louin govern of blood poisoning, is reported a little Write us for catalogues if your desler does can do the work at the minimum 8 regulating ald be od its just of the t. ha ood has | etter. wot handle them. 89 cost. Consult us. gr at | YO! denied its j share ment, has been a g one and has DAVID MAXWELL & S08, ST. MARYS, Oat. i in the way of public | met every right expectation of the! Eyen if a man is a "big" thew . y 3 g"" the wolf y For sale at Msthood's drug stove. been given. [people, They will be invited to un- {may camp on his doorstep. i. Ww. Newman Electric Lo. : . i stands by the Gouin govern- [bosom themselves at a banquet in Re- . Xie Wai but 'Table Site went, and in due time it will take care! gina, and to tell what the Borden| ' 3 : ' fo rR EA t if i m- | government will do if the electors de DR. SOPER , ' makes It snay to pat ln sad take out clothes. / Pedestals in Famed, Golden gert the Beats govermmunl. One wan) WYER WHITE QUEEN'S CAFE $' Barly English or Mahogany. image the effect of theie mission: Lunches Qarvea on the LIME FOR SALE Special Prices this week in Go. conceived in a spirit of mischief, and y x le. | Carts and Carriages. . carried out by men whi have no in in the vince and no plan E ; > . DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard . ee 45 uly Nr: Hanltain in hie die] : : Princess : R J. | Reid, Phone 571 | \ It will be rewlembered that Haultain sold out to the Borden par- " oF 15. Yr ur : iy last September. He was in favour ed / 7 'ills EE. of tarifi revision, downward--he voted os JY, F oO R 1 Coat. We HavePlenty of Coal Fe 258 5 FH SHE] iT il j Fife 83g th