msi TOF DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1912. PAGE PIVR. THE BAND CONCERTS: WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL THE 27TH OF JUNE. The R.CH.A. and 14th Bands Will Each Play Five Concerts--Both Bands More Efficient Than Ever. Ald. BR. E. Kent, chairman of the parks committee, has about completed arrangements for the band concerts to be played in the parks duting July and, §ugust. The R.C HA. and the Mth P.W.0. rifles bands will each play five concerts. At + the present time it appears that the first concert will be played on 1 hursday evening, June 27th, or B week earlier, which will bring the last of the fen at the end of August. The R.CHLA, band, composed of nearly thirty musicians, is in 8 more eflident condition even than last year, several old country musicians being members, and mor; expected to ar rive. Alfred Light, who has been master for four years, is largely re sponsible for the high plane it las attained. Mr. Light is a graduate of the Royal Military Schoot of Music, England, his regiment being the 21st Lancers. The band does not go into camp, at Petewaws, so that likely the concerts will be played alternately by it and the volunteer aggregation, Those eowposing the R.C.H.A. at the present time are: Bass, I. White, W, Smith; baritones, L. Lapointe; bassoon, J. laxton; trombone, E. Potvim, E. Sicotte; cor- pets, Sergt. J. Humberland, A. What- maugh, L. Prive, C. Payette; claron- ettes, Corpl, Connelly, C. Stone, GG. Hilyer, T. Dencer, R. Trueman, W, Le- febne, €G. Nardetti; ohoe, J. Leary; saxophone, HM. Parent; horns, W. Clark, 8S. Mayer, BB. Alcock; euphon- band- 2B THE ium, H. Longshore; drums, C, Duggis, Sullivan! flute, C. Berry, The 14th regimental band has been under the leadership of B. Webb, also of early two years, and this season is up to a higher than for some years. Bandmaster Webb's old imperial yegiment 'was the 26th Cameroninns, with which he ser- ved fourteen years in India. The mem- bers of the 14th band ave: lass, OC. Angrove, C, Attwood, A. Pardoe: baritones, J. Fodden, W, Tat- ton, L. Attwood; altos, J. King, J | Johnson, C. Westcott, J. Smith; cor- nets, E, Orser, ' W. Allen, W. Foster, J. McGregor, W. Jobnson, J. Ander- son; diaronets, Sergt. J. Kobinaon, A. E. Hunt, ¥. Webster, C. Anderson, J. {Smith, P. Smith, W. Westcott; trom- bones, F. Angrove, J. McGall; piccolo. J. Hughes; drams, F. Davis, W, Brough; symbols, J. Thompson. t- a graduate of the Roval School Muse, for Good as a Doctor in the House, Baby's Own Tablets are as good as a doctor in the house. They never fail to relieve the little one from stomach and bowel troubles, ex pel worms, make tecthing easy and promote healthful sleep. Concerning them Mrs. J. BH. Turner, Glenmore, Ont., says: "lI always recommend Baby's Own Tablets to my ftiends. 1 have used them for a long time and find them without gn equal. They re deved baby of the feverishness and restlessness while cutting teeth end have made her one of the most heal thy babies there is. 1 always keep them in the house and consider them as good as a doctor." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢. a box from The Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ont. to | Miss Lucy M. Lazier, Consecon, has sold her farm of sixty"acres in Ameli asburgh to NS. A. Whaley, of Front of Sidney: . ' 1873 STANDARD BANK OF €ANADA TORONTO AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole. amount may be made when- ever desired. without delay. KINGSTOU, H. E. Richardson, Bn i Thos. Lambert--Mercha You are going to buy a new Suit. It is the most by Lambert, the Tailor, v sXANGCH, aN anager. nt Tailor : Why not have it made to order satisfactory way of getting clothes, because then you can have the suit made to your own parth cular form and style. The skill of ing fron counts a lot in good clothes Shades of Brown, Tan and L right clothes to buy. Will you try us with your nex THOS. LAMBERT, --157 the man with the needl e and press- : - ight Greys; also Indigo Blues are the t sult? Princess St, Kingston. THE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED - OF LONDON TOTAL ASSETS ENGLAND. $10,000,000.00 Deposited with Dominion Government for security. of policy 7 holders: hehe le ae $656,00 00.00 BUSINESS TRANSACTED FIRE, EMPLOYERS LIABILITY, GUARANTEE, BONDS AND AUTO ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, MOBILE INSURANCE. HOWARD S. FOLGER, Agent, 44 Clarence St. FOR SALE Store, with dwel central location. about $1,300. 14 MARKET ST. Kington, Ontario, REAL ESTATE large, solid brick house, all conveniences, will sell separately. _ Dwelling near Bagot and Bay Sts. Price Phone No. 9956 ling attached. extra lot, En Bloc, $6,500; or 3 i 'PHONE 68. PEATE-GLASS AND Canmiry INSURANCE. WONVHASNI OIAV NV LVOH HOLOK standard | THE CHURCH SERVICES THE FILLING OF THE -PULPITS ON SUNDAY. Considered Gospel Message to All People. St. Aandrew"s--Rev. 8. J. M. Com- ton, B.D., minister. Services 11 a. m. and p.m. Strangers welcome. First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services. vices at 11 am aod 7 pm; school, 245 p.m, Seals all ible frec services, } St. Paul's Church--Morning pray-, er and Holy Communion, 11 am, | Sunday school and vicar's class, 3 p.m.; Kvening prayer, p.m,; preacher at both Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, M.A. St. '13eorge's cathedral.--8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m., matins abd Holy Communion; preacher, the Dean of Ontario. 3 day school; 3.15 p.m. 4.15 p.m., baptisms; 7 p.m., even- song, preacher, Dean of Ontarjo. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Suuday service, 11 a.m,, subject, 'Mortals and Ilm- mortals," Wednesday evening, tes timonial meeting, Free public reading-room, same address, ope every afternoon, except Sunday, to & o'clock. All are cordially in- vited to the services and the read- ing room, Chalmer s Presbyterian, Bartie and Earl streets, Rev. M. Macgil- livray, D.D., pastor. Services, 11 a.m, "The Religion Worth Hav- ing," 7 p.m., "Phe Supreme Object of Thought" Sunday school, 3 Pp. m., prayer meeting, and communion preparatory service, Friday, 7.30 p.m. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. Cooke's Church ~ Minister, Rev. M.A., residence, street. The minister will conduct both services. 11 a.m., "Christians a Stumbling Block;" 7 p.m. "The Serpent's Bite." Sunday school and Bible class, p.m., mid-week | meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m, Stran- gers cordially welcomed at all ser vices. F 4 Bethel Congregational, chrmer Barrie and Johnson streets--A central church. Rev. A. P. Mershon, minis ter. 11 a.m., "An Invisible Teacher;"" 3 p.m, Sunday sehool for all; organ ized classes, George Mills, superinten dent. 7 p.m., "Recreations." Seats free to all. A pbblic place to worship God. Music and message planned for heart and head. Prayer meetings, Wednesda, and Friday, 8 p.m. Sydenham Street Methodist church 10 a.m., installation of Bible school officers and teachers, by the pastor also reception of new members; 2.45 p.m., Bible school; 7 p.m., preacher Rev. Frederick i. Robinson, of Prin cess Street Methodist church. All ar welcome. Music: Athems, "Ye That Stand in the House of the Lord," "I Am Alpha and Omega." Solos, "Face to Face," Miss Gertrude Laidley "When | Reap," Harold Augrove St. James' church, corner 'Union and Arch streets--Ven. J. Ker Me Morine, M.A, D.D., rector, 50 Clergy street; Rev. T. W. SBavary B.A., vicar, the parsonage, 1562 Barrie street. Sunday after As cension day. 11 a.m., morning pray- er and sermon, subject, 'Charity and What It Does; 3 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes; 7 p.m. Evening prayer and sermon, sub ject, "Captivity Captive." Queen Street Methodist chureh---Rev S. Sellery, M.A, B.D., pastor. MU a.m,, class meeting; 11 a.m., the pas tor, topic, "Anticipation. vs. Realiza tion'; 7 pon., Rev. John Webster, of Brock Street Methodist church, will preach; 2.45 p.m.., Sunday school and Bible classes; Wednesday, 8 p.m., elec tion of society representatives. Music Anthems, "I Lay My Sins on Jesus' and 'Incline Mine Ear." Duet, "Com Into Me and Rest," by Mr. Shea and Mr. Pettigrew. Solo by Mrs, Evans Come sand welcome. First Congregational, corner John son and Welliggton streets--Rev., E Jeroy Rice, or pastor. Morning worship, at 11 o'clock; children's day service. Special music hy the children and Sunday school orchestra. Angus Orr will sing. Evening worship at o'clock. Subject, "Going The Second Mile." Sunday school, 3 p.m.; YP 5. (.E., Monday, 8 p.m.; Mr. Orr, Calvary church, will speak. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers in the city and those looking for a church home are cordially invited to these services, Brock Street Methodist church, cor- ner of Montreal and Brock streets-- | Pastor, Rev. John Webster: residence, 242 Johnson street. 11 a.m., sermon i by the pastor; anthem, "In Heavenly 'Love Abiding; solo by Miss Davies, "My Task. 3: p.m., Sunday school and pastor's Bible class. 7 p.m. ser- mon by Rev. 8S. Sellery, M.A, BRD.. anthem, "Calvary"; solo by Mr. Eva. 10 a.m., Brotherhood Bible class: 10.30 a.m.. class meeting in the church: Monday, 8 p.mi., Y.P.8S. meeting; Wed- nesday, 8 p.n., general prayer meet ing. All made welcome. Princess street Methodist church, ¢orner Princess and Albert streets. ---Rev. Frederick 6. Robinson, minister, parsonage, 620 Princess street. 11 am., Rev. F. G. Rob: inson; 7 p.m.. Rev. J. W, Sager; Boys' Club, 10 a.m. Class meet- ing at close of morning service: Snnday school and adult Bible 'classes, 2.45 p.m.; Epworth Monday, 8 p.m.; General Praver Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Music, grthem, "Arise; He Calleth Thee' Ouartette, "Nearer My God to Thee!" evening. anthem; "Hark! Hurk My Soul:* solo obligato. Miss Grace Mitchell; [solo, Miss Craig; slo, and chorus, Miss A. Timmer- and hearty eA / °o (Presbyterian) J. W. Mcintosh 90 Froatenac 2 of wel- | | in the Pulpits--The | | oer | | i Strangers cordially invited to all the! Bible | services, | very largely p.m., Sun- | Bible class; | Lma,-star; Mr. and Mrs. J A BRIGHT LIFE TAKEN. The Late Miss Maggie Harris, Perth: Road. Miss Maggie May a general favorite with all who knew her and wag always bright, although | Besides her surviving | |father and mother, two brothers. Bar- | ton and John, are leit to mourn the ! suffering a lot. loss of a loving sister, The funeral took place, morning to the village church, and! from there to Wilbur cemetery The | service was conducted by Rev. J. A. | Waddell, pastor of Perib | Road, and bereaved former family. The funeral attended by sorrowtng friends. Many beautiful floral ' tri- butes were sent. Among them were: Family, wreath; Perth Road Sunday school, pillow; public school, cross; Mr. and Mrs. A. McFadden, Mr. and Mrs. J. Petrie, crescent; Maude and Edith Graves, sheaf; Mr and Mrs. J. S. Roberts, anchor; Elsie cross; Ruby Buck, sheai; Mr. and Mrs George Clough, crown; Edith and Min- nie Hunter, cross; Mr. and Mrs. Wad- dell, sheaf; Mr.' and Mrs. F. Gardner, sheai; Mrs. Peters, Hannah and Em H. Roberts, sheaf; Mrs. Ferguson and Olivia, sheaf; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lewis, sheaf; Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, wreath. ! i NEW MICA COMPANY. i Promoted by Kingstonians--Capital, $400,000, A splendid opportunity has only re eently opened up to Kingston inves- tors, the formation of the Star Mica Mining Co., Ltd., of hingston. This company is composed exclusively of Kingstonians. The following are the officers : President, Daniel Smith; sec retary-treasuarer, W. P. Peters; provis- ional directors, 'W. P. Peters, Smith, S. H. Orser, Charles Clarke, Wm. tien, Bruce. The new company has obtained option on 2,100 acres of land in mica belt at Perth Hoad, known the Adams property, and HW acres of splendid mica land at the upper end of Devil Lake, in Bedford township. Out of this latter Mr. Orser has taken during the last two years, about ten thousand pounds of miea, and the indications are that the place has re- sorces far ahead heretofore in these districts. The directors propose ¥o begin oper- ations at once, and intend to build the necessary roads and instal the re- Ga, an the ns I'hey have marketed 100,000 shares of the stoek in New York, and are is suing 60,000 $1 shares in Kingston at Sle. per share. Of these many been alveady spoken for ized capital is $400,000, have The author rr -------- June Woman's Home Companion. The June Woman's Home Compan- ion contains an article, "The Vanish wig Husband," by Mary Heaton Vorse, which presents an extraordinary clear explanation of why it is that men like to get away from women and mjoy each other's society. The main contention in the article is that men can get along without their women- folks, but women cannot get along without the men. Tt is an article full f able and at times humorous obser- vations. The "Jude Companion also sontains a sketch of "Princess Pat." of Connaught. Pid Not Stop to Find Out. A young man driving in a runa- bout, knocked down a Jad namel John Joseph Pitmmm, on the corp of Division and (Queen streets. 'lhe driver never stopped to ascertain what injuries he had done and a gentleman passing soon afterwards, picked boy up and took him to his home Princess street. The lad was ¢onsider- ably bruised and cut. The other day, in noting the accident, it was sail ibe boy was attempting to steal a ride, but this was not the ease. lo had gone on a message and was retina g home when the accident oscurred the Make Your Will To-day. If you have not already made your will you should lose no time in doing it. The unexpected usually happens. (he Trusts & Guarantee Co., limit- od, 43 and 45 King street, West, To- ronto, make a good executor under all circumstances, and at small ex pense to your estate. Appoint the company executor, and let them hold your will in their security vault, free of charge until required. New Shades in Soft Hats. $1.50, $2, $2.50. Campbell Bros.' The death of Lillie Bell Reynolds, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel. Reynolds, and wife of Joel Good murphy, oceurred at her home, Swamp College, Wellington, May 9th. She was aged thirtyefive yeats and leaves a family of six children. Consumption was. the cause of death. Rev. D. BD. Eliott is just closing a very pleasant year on the Delta «ir cuit, The quarterly board has voted him $1,000 a year for salary. A sum of $3,000 has been raised to secure a new parsonage. Ile will return an- other year. The Woman's Guild, of Picton Angli- can chairch, have already on band %2, 000 towards the purchase of an organ and expect to have the sum required by the time the church is compileds Ralph B. Taylor, of Cleveland, Ohio, is in the city installing an electric controller in the cily on ome of thy cranes at the locomotive®works. Mrs. Rose Boulger, W, » has sold her fine brick residence on Whe- lan street to I. H. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, Hard Is- land, have moved to Athens. Harris, dnly dapghter | of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harris, Perth | { Road, died Monday, ------ 13th, after | There Will be Interesting 'Theses! a {a lingering "illness of about ar vear. She was oslled away just as she was | {entering her sixteenth year. She was Thursday | a very dear friend of the | was | heart; | and Willie Payne, sheaf: Malel Orser, | ! 'Patent Buttons, --th Dainty Oxfords For Women Patent Ties, Patent Colonials $4.00, $3.75, $3.50, $3 and $2.50 Dainty Tans, Gun Metals, White and Fawn Nu-Buck -- Dainty Strap Shoes for Dress and Street Wear. ABERNETHY'S Crystal Palace Ice Cream Parlor ------ The Home Kissed Curtain Stretchers 180 Princess St. Daniel | of those developed | quired machinery as soon as possible. | on {Quite a Highest Quality Our Aim with 1 | | | | 1 { | | i i | | fore placing yous order. for | | our very complete stock. | | { Plumbing, 191 PRINCESS ST. Finest and best equipped Ice Cream and Confectionery Store in Canada. Are You Going to Cook If so, see our up-to-date line of. Ranges and Iiot Plates be- equipment practical plumbers and gas fitters, and invite your inspection of We will quote close prices cheerfully, and free of charge. | BENNETT & HALLIGAN Tinsmithing, Heating and Sani- tary Enginefring. Just Newly Opened ---- Phone 367 ------ wo | wn nei Gas or renewals, We are . When you buy a good Mat tress buy a Kellarie. JAMES REID'S : "Phone 147 give you an estimate and Phone 1033. Royal Chinese Cafe Peanne Towler in "The Sister," on May 24th. "The White Sister," which comes to the Grand Opera House on Friday May 24th, Matinee and night, is not primarily a play of religious nature, for the element of religion' is. but sub sidiary to the story. Miss Towler's play might well be called '""a play of love and duty." The peculiarly entic- ing fascination of a romantic love story is undoubtedly the keynote of "The White Rister's" remarkable sue- cess. The religion of the play is but the religion of an Italian woman who turns to her church for comfort after she has been robbed of the man to whom she is betrothed. The keerlest interest of the play is centred in , the love of these beings, the nun and the soldier, whose ways have led them far apart, both in actual distance and in beliefs, White | Sarah Bernhardt Motion Pictures. The association of two world- famous artists such as Sarah Bern- bardt and Rejane is an event that compels the attention of all theatre- lovers. The anouncement, there- fore, that these two actresses will be seen here shortly in their most successful individual roles is one that will be generally welcomed. The occasion will .be the reproduc- tion of "Camille," Dumas' master- piece, . and "Mme. Sans-Gene," one of Sardou's most intensely vivid dramas. i In these two plays Bernhardt and Rejane, with their respective com- panies, recently played in Paris, and a special - cinematograph recorded the incomparable art of both in films that are likely, in the opinion of the greatest French critics, to prove historie, It took months of argument and finally a cash payment of $30,000 to induce Bernhardt to act for the moving picture records. But when the films were reeled off for th first time, as she saw herself : traying the role she has made famous, perhaps, than any other her long and brilliant career, exclaimed: "At last I am immortal. I am a Alm!" These pictures will be seen at the Grand next Tuesday and Wednesday. CHICKEN THIEVES ABROAD. Many Fine Birds in the City Have Tock up the chicken coop and stand guard with a big eclab. Chicken 'thieves are abroad in the city. "They are ever on the job, but at certain ligies make" more than the usual amount of trouble, A couple of residents have suffered this week, as a result of position in the ge . the visit of sneak thieves. One resident had a erate of fine White Leghorns, him the: other day, und the Another resident was also robbed of a number of fine birds. Miss Bessie Power, daughter of Thomas Power, has been given 4 office of the postofiice 5, inspector. ) CLOSING OF THE SCHOOLS. Phone 1138. 338-3432 King 8s Regular dinner from 11-2 pm. hort orders at all hours Most nodern and [finest equipped dining All in the city. We use nothing ut tht best of foods. Our cooking % strictly sanitary by the latest ime roved methods, and our table at- endance is courteous and obliging. 'hat is why everyone enjoys meals At 'The Royal" Specially equip- ed apartment for small banquets, heatre parties, ete. Fred Hum, rop.. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. Woed's The Great pov Tones and invigorates the w! nervous syste, makes Iw Blood fn old Veins Oures Nero. wes Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des somdency, Sexual Weakness, Lminvions, matorrhaa, and Ffieets of Almas or Krooesses. Price §1 per box, six for 45, One wiil pl: ax will cure. Told by Jl driggists of ma poe f 0, New pam Fa The Wood' MoBioine © a Windsor Toronto, Question Not Yet Decided by Board of Education, When will the Collegiate Institute and the public schools close for the summer holidays ? This is the question that a great many people are asking, especially the boys and girls, but the answer can not be given as yet, as the manage- ment committee has not vet taken up the matter. At the meeting of the school hoand, on Thursday, the matter was talked about informally by the members ane it was the general opinion that the matter should be decided upon with out further delay. There has been an agitation for an earlier closing of the schools. The matter of when the schools should close was referred to the management committee for raco® menadation, but this committee not yet made a recommendation the board. ; 'S has to ------------ Scott's and Christy's Fine hats at Campbell Bros.' Ten Minute Service. The street railway will commence a ten-minute service on Monday. There will be a ten-minute service on both the bay and belt lines, from 11.30 am, to p.m. This service will ba greatly appreciated by the citizens. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla For The mail bags of this district, hith erto repaired at Ottawa, will hereal. ter be looked after by Michael Dolan, Princess street. i 'The Blood, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. Possesses Medicinal Merit Peculiar to Itself. Has an Unequalled Record of Cures. 100 Dases One Dollar. Sold Everywhere. # Spring Humors are dus to the Impure, impoverished, devitalized condition of the blood brought about by the unhealthful modes of living during the winter, too. close confinement, feo little outdoor air and exercise, too heavy diet Most Satisfactory--"We have used Hood's Sarsapariila for years, as a spring medicine, and have ale ways found it very Deneficial. We have tried different remedies bug find Hood's the most satisfactory." Miss Dorathea McDosald 14