Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1912, p. 7

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Our Banking Facilities are complete in every detail of hoth equipment and service, assuring promptness, courtesy and satisfac- on in banking business. the transaction of your Business and Savings Accounts Invited Bank of Toronto INCORPORATED 1855. CAPITAL .... RESERVE ... KINGSTON BRANCH - 10 PRINCESS 8T. GEORGE B. McEAY, We quote the lowest prices for engraved. 'Wedding Announce- ments using 'Hurd's' finest stationery. We are the only copper plate engrav- ers in Kingston. Samples on request. RODGER & WRIGHT i DIAMOND MERCHANTS Formerly Spangenberg's 347 King Street. ! Marriage Licenses Issued. THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It is crowing louder as ne goes along Only 4bc per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. All ladies are cordially invited to inspect the largest and most complete range of up-to-date styles ever shown in this city. Trimmed Hats and Shapes in Straws, Chips Mohairs, Tapes and Tagels. Prices the lowest. Always tleascd to show you. GEDYE"S The Up-To-Date Millinery Store - 178 WELLINGTON ST. Private Fitting Room. Phone 225 FOR SALE 6 Passenger Automobile | In Good Condition. Fully Equipped. Tires New $500.00 W. J. MOORE & SON Cedille, Hudson & MeLanghits Motor Capa, Pam) Jao Menge Co. TorenTo, ~ Gormerly Wi : JuE DAILY BRITISH HIG. LCCAL NOTES AND THINGS IX GENERAL. Occurrences in'the City and Vicinity =QOther Brief Items of Interes:| Easily Read and Remembered. 2} motor veils, 50c. Dutton's.' "New Tabard Inn books," Gibson's. The dandelions are now ost in blocim. "Kentuiy lawn seed," son's. Women's $2.50 tan Oxfords, Dutten's, 209 Princess street. : W.ih um Swaine, piano turer. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. The superintendent of parks has five beds of tulips in Clarence street and city parks. Songs, "Boys of the Old Brigade," ete, le. Dutton's. Thomas McKenzie, one of the strik ing plumbers, has accepted a position in Brantiord. H, Cunningham, King street. Leave Auley's book store. Men's 35 patent colt, Goodyear welt boots, $3.85. Dutton's. Mr. and Mra. J. Denney, of Cobalt, are visiting the latter's parents, My. and Mrs. M. Byrnes, at Darriefield. Music, 10c. copy, by best masters. PDutton's. Svdenham Street Church Scouts will likely go into camp at Kingston Mills on May 24th and 2th. £3 patent pumps, $2.25 only at Gib- $2.50, piano tuner, 21 orders at Me- Dutton's. Gibson's, SATURDAY, THE DAY'S oy CS EWENT, (GRAND X OPERE I HOUSE MARKS BROS. «BASF TINE THIS SEASON. TO-NIGHT A Yankee in Ireland AND Amateur Contest Poet 10-15-25 SOMERS TUE. & WED., MAY 21 & 22 Eatin 8.30, Mativee Wed, 230. Mme. Motion Pleture Trigmphs, SARAH BERNHARDT LIN CAMVHLAERE, MME. REJANE a MME. SANS GENE! PRICES --Evening, 30, 35, 25, 13e. Matinee--Childres, 15; Adults, 25e. Seats now on Sale. FRIDAY, MAY 24 Matinee at 2.30. Evening, 8.15. Viola Allen's Greatest Success, THE WHITE SIS TER From F. Marion Crawford's Novel. ion. n rikable Complete c ney de JEANNE TOWLER, America's Most Beantiful Emotional Actress. "Moth proof bags," Rev Thomas Brown Brockville district on stationing committee 37th. New Tabard Inn books," Gibson's. On sale, women's Oxfords, $1.35. will represent the Methodist here on May During housecleaning, wishing to save time by having quick lunches, can be supplied with all kinds of Cooked Meats, Pickles and Relishes by just 'phoning or giving a call to H. J. MYERS Cheer Up! You won't be bothered Pp blues if you keep your liver active, your bowels regular, and your stomach in good tone by timely use of the time-tested, beneficent, and always effective family remedy - ELECTRIC IRONS Are the highest grade on the market. They use consider ably less current than any other make, and are positively guaranteed. You can do an ironing in "eme-third of ' the time it takes when using an ordinary iron, and ata cost of Only one or two cents. My prices are the lowest In the city. See me for particulars. J. N. SCOTT. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 116 BROCK STREET, 'Phone 12135. WEEK END SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 17th and 18th. Fresh Supply. Fruit Centres. Marshmallows, Coffee Cordials. Fudge, ete. Our 50c Chocolates for 23¢ Ib. For an extra special this week wo will sell Cherry Cordials, Nut Cent- res and other regular 80¢ Chocolates for 39¢ 1b. Don't miss this; they are the very finest. See our display window. Kodaks, Cameras, and Supplies, MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE [fo tho dates of she Estate City o ar Te 1s : tone GIVEN, THAT © wale X Ki hod eifer, of the oly of "Kings Thr on ip 35 hot otelhoner o, the or in Be ingston, has, sind slg Es 3 Barto 10 Faw i or 01 Ie nh his Cg IE 3° 3 the Coun Acooun r lon, ordering of the affairs generally. tors are requested io oie oh routs' dnd A Bid Rint h New Fillings. | Dutton's. An inmate at the House of Industry named Hollaster suffered a paralytiz stroke, this afternoon, and was re- moved to an hospital. *Phone, Gibson's, 230," for store wants. Women's $4.50 tan boots, $3.25, Dutton's. Cyril Knight, Bank of Commerce, in Brandon, for the past year, has been transferred to Winnipeg to re- lieve the manager for several months. Men's 35 tan boots, 33.75. Dutton's. "Moth proof bags," Gibson's. John Mchelvey, who has been eon fined to his home for the past {ew drug lace or button weeks, is doing nicely and will likel, I" able to resume his duties shortls | All the latest music. Dutton's. "Moth proof bags," Gibson's. The many friends of Mrs. William Arniel will be glad to hear that she is dy nz nicely, after undergoing a ver, serious operation in the general hosp:- tal. "Phone needs. Cdrsets to suit all figures, from 50c. Dutten's. Work has been commenced on tuberculosis hospital on the Straubei- zoo property. The main building is be. ing remodelled, and other buildings will be erected. 'Moth proof bags," Gibson's. 10¢. copy, songs, 'Better Land," by Cowen, ete. Dutton's Music Store. At nn meeting of the members of the Prontenae Club, Friday evening, the plan. of alterations and extensions t, the building, submitted by the direc- tors was approved. = opera and popular 230, Gibson's," for drug Here's a Good Plan, The Kingston utilities committee might take this pointer from Pres cott ¢ The board of water and light commissioners will give permission to consumers of water and light the free #se of water from a half-inch pipe con- nected outside of meter for one half hotir cach morning and one hali hour each ening for lawn and road sprinkling ouly, during the months ci June, oF and August, and will also allow users of light to install a sing! light not to exceed sixteen candle. power, outside their residence, con: Er outside the meter. Turk Garrison Gives Up. Rome, May 18.--Premier Gio- vannie Glolitti, amid the cheers of the members, announced in the Chamber yesterday that Gen. Am- oglio bad surrounded and defeated | the garrison of the Turkish island of Rhodes, which had been sur- | rendered and had been accorded | military "honors. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF WOLFE ISLAND. i NOTICE 'S HEREBY GIVEN HAT the Court of Revision of the Assess. merit Roll for the Township of Wolfe Intand will be held in the Town Hall, Welle Island, on Tuesday, June ti, at the hour of ten o'clock am All persons having vasiness at th sald. court will plegse govern them. A aives or Jin iy Pa) WaoN. Township Slerk. Wolfe Island, May 1r:h, 1912 Township of Kingston. i tha | Matinee, 25, 25, 06, 78e31 Children, 25c nl 25 S70 85001 4 rows, $1.00. gio ig Be rt Wednenday. HALF-CENTJRY ' CELEBRATION Jubilee Bazaar In aid of the House of Providence, CITY HALL, May 22, 23 and 24 "uv ND WE STAND Flower, Ice Fancy Goods, Japanese Su BOOTHS Pharmacy, Cream, Mother Goose, Gillets, Sibyl, nay Paper, Bargain, Cont at TBANQU ET HALL Meals servid each day from 12.2 pm, 5.17 p.m Wednesday, 7 p.m. Special Banquit Band in attendance. Thursday, 7.30 pan. logues and Songs by the St. Mary's-of-the-Lake. Friday. § pan, Grand Entertainme nt under. the management of l Crowe All the Drills, . Dia- Httle one of ot. CO the City Bchoois Girls--Wedne Boys--Thurs- rupils of are cordially invited. day, from-3 to § pm. | day, from 3 to 5 p.m. A good time promised. Admission to Bazaar, 10c. tainment + Come Enter. to the May Merry-making. a NOTICE. A SPECIAL M TING OF THE Townsaip of ing n Council will be heid on Monday, May 27th, 1912, in the Township Hall, Catavajul, at 7.050 o'clock, for the purpose of passing a» By-law to establish a New School | Section to be composed of a part of iSchool Hection Neo. 8 and a part of !Bchool Section No. 9, being and ying iin parts of Concessions 4 and 5. Towy- ship of Kingston. All Interested ratepa ors will please govern ns maelves accordd ney CHAS F. ADAIR, Clerk, Tow nship of Kingston NOTICE. =. ANNUAL MEETING OF THY Shaolin of the Cataragul Ceme- tery Company will be held at the Of- fice of Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickie, Ontario Street, on Saturday, the 25h day of May, at Three o'clock pm, for the' election - of Directors and for general purposes relating to the management of the Company. Gr W. MAXWELL, Secrulary-Treasurer 1912 Y.W.C A. ANNUAL MEETING Monday, 8 pm. 196 Johnson St. Addrésses by Kev, 8 B.l'., and Rev. Dean Bidwell. Instru- mental solo, Mrs. R A. Mclelland and vocal solo by Miss Hazai assie, Refreshments served. Public cordially invited May 18th, J. M. Compton, 14TH REGIMENT, PF WOR, The Regiment will parade on Mon- days May 20th, at 7.45 pm. Hoh bands to 'attend. Dress rill order with leggir ga Recruit giasses will be held on Wed- Besflay nd Friday nights. ned, I. 1. DAWSON. Major ABC th Hee, P WOR Corn? ou BREA, on a « Norick RL HE 5 avi, THA the As is © "row rishiy of will he, FER TEs if all MAY 18, 1912, ron Rack ist ltsertiee 108 WM, ae aimum charge _E SrtA HELP WANTED. ASSIST WITH HOUSE. Apply, 438 Brock Street. GIRLS WANTED, AT ONCE, APPLY ' to The Jackson Press, Wellington Street ine TO work. A HOUSE-PARLOR MAID BY JUNE ist. Apply, Mrs. Vernon Eaton, 29 Barrie Street PINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED AT s Brunswick Hotel. Apply to John Cousineau, Prep. YOUNG WOMAN AS GENERAL IN small family. Apply, Mrs. Rodger, 398 Alfred Streel. i EXPERIENCED SECOND-HAND baker for city bakery: good wages. Apply. Box 1585, Whig office. GENERAL Mra. J. GOOD MAID FOR housework App y ° Matheson, Alice Street. GOOD, STRONG noy ~ LEARN presswork: a chan cquire a trade. Apply. British "whig of- ce. THREE GOOD FIREMEN: WAGES, cents per hour. Apply, Canada Cement Company, Limited, Marl. bank, Ont § FIRST-CLASS LATHE HANDS AND boring mill hands; steady work Arvix. Canadian General Electric . Peterboro. AN EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general housework: must be good . cook. ply. Mrs. McKa corner West Bagot Streets ANYONE, ANYWHERE good income articulars for ogers, Dept. G. CAN EARN addresses; R., Boston, Mass AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corsesponding for newspapers; no cate. 3.56% MARRIED MAN TO WORK ON FARM: wife must be able to milk. Enquire Dr. J. F. Gibson, cor. Queen and Barrie, or at his farm on Portland Road. Lockport A TRAINED NURSE; EARN $13 to $25 weekly; train at home in a short time; free catalogue Ho- chester Nurses' Jnstitute, 878, Ro- pester. N.Y BE AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE r easy selling $5 proposition liich doubles the life of aus fires; $25 daily easily made. Quinn , Co, Box 272, Colborne, Ont. ANY AMBITIOUS MAN WHO WANTS to earn $56 to $10 dally in a good legitimate, agreeable business that requires but little work, should write "Butler," Dep: 13, Ont. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS Rallway Mail @lerks: Mail Car. riers: excellent salaries: common education sufficient: particulars free. Franklin Institute, Dept 513 P., Rochester, N.Y OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS, CAP- able Seotch, English and Irish maide: also Danish girlies parties weekly, Apply now, T i1 Drummond Street, Mont- real, or 227 Bank Street, Ottawa. LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT sewing at nome, whole or spare time: goad work sent any distance, arges paid: send stamp for full partirulars, National Manufacturing Company, Mont- re 8200 MONTHIN ~~] WILL START YOU in business; experience ahsolutely unnecessary. spare time at home: I furnish evervihing. guarantee success: proofs and sworn state ment free. Voorhies, Desk 81° Omahk, Nebr AL REPRESENTATIVE W ANTED to. handle Coquitlam, BC. pre. perty on generous commission basis: terms and character of in- ¥estment make these Coquitlam lots easy selling: exclusive terri. tory to. right man or firm] write for booklet and details. Coquitlam iealty Ceo, H., Winch Bldg, Van- couver, B.C © AMAZING INVENTION; new lamp burner; changes common Kerosene light into large. brilifant white flame; rivals 9 or electricity. odoriéss, smoke. less; uot a mantle; can't break. Irresistible selling proposition; gaper ange uni unnecessary: show one, made; sample outfit, ibe, pre- Bs ald, will start you. Great White ight, Dept, Z. Windsor, Can ENTIRELY WANTED----GENERAL. THE KEEP OF PIANO VOR SUMMER or to rent with option of buying Box" No. 165, Whig office. FURNISE Si oars, for NT0R De J SIPING same, British i i Td Puntishing Company... mm BY BE YOUNG sentra on PB dy El Eg TY an. ply to Whig office. BS ------------------------ I ee A canvassin Send 'for JLiticulan, Ring Synal: Windsor, BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYO¥N ONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START all order pusjuess at home: no ag: be ur own nd for free boskiet; Tels k, 396%, Lockport, NY EUROPEAN CAPITAL nish far atiractive entey- primes" in all substantial lines of busi: ow *Baitrosds, Tractions, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations Timber, Mining, Agricultural and Industrial Bound, Debenture and Stock Issues Underwritten, Furhased or Sold operties purchased for European exploitation and investment. Dan aananeial Undertakings of all sorts ANON commissions and or. ders of all characlers accepted for ex- ecution in any European country, Correspondence enclosing full de talls-at first writing Inwvit THE INTERN ATIONAL BANKERS ALLIAN 14-16-18 Bloomsbury Street, Londons, England. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. . BOON' AgntTs 159 NE ling oh se Fire, Lite, Accident Heaitr Policies issued. = BATEMAN = Life, Accident, RKRDINER FIRE ARDINY and Cus. toms Broker: Bstate und Money to Loan: a share of your buginess solicited 67 Clarence streel. Kingston. "Phone 350s PAGE SEVEN. m | meee FOR SALE. . ARS LODOL50000 0 SSS bated The People's Forum A SQUARE PIANO, IN GOOD ORDER, cheap, on reasonable terms, Ap ply to 171 Union Street A LOT OF WAMUNY BS FOR 85 TO $10 a pleve; alse a few cheap cup- boards. at Turk's, 'Phone T ee eee ------------ GASOLINE LAUNCH, 30 ¥T. LON fi, beam, 4 cylinder 2-cye! e engire, perfect condition: will be sold cheap. Apply fo Box A IL Whig' office. ' MOTOR BOAT, 24 FT. ¢ X 4 ¥T. § hp Brockville cogine: oak and cedar hull; cherry finish: in fir class condition, Apply te J McKinley, Seele)'s ¥ AWNINGS AND PORCH CURT AINS Cap Joseph . iimaker, ia ae' "best awning maker 1 elty. If you want a well nie » that wil last the longest, drop & card to 211 Nelson Street -- TEN OLD ENGLISH OAK DINING Chairs and two arm chairs, leather oy And backs, at very reasons able prices. L. Lesses. corner Prins Er and Chatham Streets 'Phone 5 300 LOADS OF BARTH; black mould, eight motor (direct frame house Nictoria Street 41 Mack Street. ALSO Some horse power current). & new Just completed, an Appiy. EE. Wathen "Phone 584 FOUR GROCERY STORES, dwellings attached; good tions in eity: also general and dwelling tn thrivin vilage nearby. Apply to T, J. Luckhart, Ontario Chambers, Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont wim loca- stare FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; established 188% president, Sir Richard Cartwright money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and ebentures; mortgages purchased; deposits eceived and interest al towed, ©. McGill, Managing Director. 87 Clarence Street country AND GLOBF Available LIVERPOOL, LONDON, ire I 2 y ympany nssets, $61,187 In addition which the 31 ARLE, have for security the ites ability: of ail the stock-holders Farm and 'ity property Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates m Sirenge & Strange, Agents 'Phone 32s TO LET. TENTS AND AWNINGS LEAVE your order for awnings, tenis and small sails at F. zeau"s, the old reliable, who knows his busi. ness. will cater to your wants; de it right: no high prices 162 On tarto Street, Kingston, FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, camping oatfits] ishing tackle, marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything in canvas, kit bags, silk tents, spray motor bout supplios, W. Cooke § Ontario St 'Phone $31 or 23 CANOES, FIRST-CLASS KGGS FOR RATCHING, carefully selected, handled and bred; 8.C. Rhode Island Heds Bar red Roe ke, and Write Wyandotte; 75 cents for 13; cheaper for larger quantities; all bred from eine fowl and early layers M OG oyd, 106 Pine Btreet, Kingston, Unt FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL IMPROVE. ments Apply, 884 Princess Strest ARGE PURNISHED ROOMS, WiTtH or without board, near City Park, 23 Wellington Sireet, oN ALBERT improvements 126 Willlam HOUSE, modern back Apply, I'RAME Nireet barn at Street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms, aboslutély moth roof; your own -lock and key rost's City Storage, 299 Queen ¥ 'Phone 626b. LARGE YARD, SUITABLE FOR COA wood or for storing purposes, copner of Princesg and Ontarin Streets. Apply to D J, Millan, on the vremises. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry; also Dwellings, furnish. ed and unfurnished; Offices, Stores, ot McCann, b) Brock Street. K HOUSE, 133 Street, Vaughn Terrace; modern improvements Cunningham & Mudie, Street, PRINCESS 13 rooms; A pply 79 Clarence ON WOLFE ISLAND, summer © rooms, © comfor uished;. convenient to post and boat landing; guod table board convenient at moderate rates. Ap. ply at 144 Barrie street, City CATERER. CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding Hreakfasts, Bang ete; also Rent Dishes, Favie Linens and SHverware. Reid & Hambrook, corner Unfon and Divi- sion Streets. "Phone 543 UFHOLSTERER. Wo J GAVINE, UPHOSTERING, RE. pairing apd carpet Bs rk, hair mat. ress renovating. re a card © call 218 Bagot Stree P ? ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLY ARC Hun Ss, HITECT, 3232 HENRY PF. SMIT ARCHITEOT, BTC. 258 King ry "Phone 348, " WMH. NEWLANDS tects, ete. 'Phone 80 & SON, AR 4 Offices, 258 Bt SON, ain RE, MER. k and) Wallingto on Bir reets ores POWER fhant Proc drop DENTAL. AE KNAPP, B Ap LDA moved to Sraliks AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 30 2h i \ncess Street, Kingston. DOS. RE. PR. ican vote DENTIN, DR. ©. 0 Btnacker, re 3 Princess S.A. AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, DE iat, over oh fion a LDS, NT Bio. Wellington Street. 'Phore BRICK 3 ORE $2,000-MONTREAL STR large lot; new plumbin $4200---EARL STREET, 8 dwelling. 1002 LARGE LOTS AND drive house on Princess Street $900 81. 1 D, 41 ST, LAWRENCE River, 2 5-8 acres, off Gananoque, BATEMAN & GARDINER, 67, CLAR- ence Street AND Goon HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. DRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO sr, opposite G. TR. staion block from PR; on Ing bar Naini wines and liquors; charger, $1.25 per day: special rates by the week John Cousineauw, Prop HOTEL, Street Bar with. the best of Ales, 'Reers Wines, Liquors and cholcest brands of igars. Meals, 26¢ each or special rates by the week, Yard and stable accommodation, Rates reasonable. Mulvilla & Driscoll one street car witly hest of THE GRIMASON B42.0 Princess a4 stocked PERSONALS. ~WONDER REVE. lations; I mysteries « life made clear; send birthdate and 6 n stamps Ed. Ball 206 Gauthier Street, Montreal, Can HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks and all growths blemishes without ence kar, HOROSCOP HIRTH. and skin permanently Years' experis J. Lake, Kve, and Bkin BUSINESS NOTICE. DAVID MARSHALL, PLUMBER, GAS. ter and le rical Supnlies, has changed hin Eh a to 101 Queen Bireet, where he has extended his business, and will oe pleased to supply all customers at reasonable oes and workmaaship JKunrane MEDICAL. A: BR. B, WILLIAMSON HAS Hi moved his office and residsnce from 256 Brock S8trest to corner King and William Btreets FREDERICK A, CAYS, SPECIAL- ist, Nowe, Thront! and' Far, 194 Wellington Street, corner Hours: $tol, 2toh 2 to . and Phone 814 dolinsen. ito X Sun- by appointment. LEGAL. INGHAM & ARRY ers and Solicitors, gr Ng Clarence Htreat Seinen THON S. H, SIMPSON, L.D.S, D4 DENT. { . Princess nd Bag t phone got Bt Feat, Tele. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH } WITHOUT DRUGS." RR. G. 2, 138 Wallington St, AD @ Post Office. Office hours: To! to 12; 2 to 4, and by ape Phaaent, Consultation frees. OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY, TRANSA [4 LIN fi irk patiick. ¥ Carence Street, K ingston. ALL fA: nt Phone Hardwood, Softwood, Kindling, Chestnut Coal Pea Coal, Charcoal and Grate mA SL RASA

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