WW, Winnipeg and Cochrane, 'the close of navigation tas rar, & Major Leonard will go on to Tor- PAGE SIX. WILL HAUL WHEAT ROUTE VIA COCHRANE SHOULD BE READY BY AUTUMN. All Complete in 1018--COontracts wre Let for Last Link Running Westward From La Tuque. Montreal, May 20.----Major R. Leonard, chairman of the "Transcontinetal Railway Commis- sion, arrived in the city to-day, after an inspe tion of those por- tiohs of.the Transeontinental rail- way which have been constructed east and west of Quebec. With him were his secretary, Mr. H. A. Collins, and Messrs. . Gordon Grant, chi-f engineer, and A. 8S Cook, insjecting engineer. It was learned, in conversation with the party, that there is now a gap of only 22 miles in the line between Quebe: City and the New Brouns- wi¢k Soundary, and from this boundary to Moncton the whole lite is completed. West, from Quabec the whole line is completed we a point 100 miles west of La ugue and Cochrane, Ontario, there is still a gap of about 200 'miles to be filled in. This, it wad stated, will be the last piece to be "onstructed on the whole of the Transcontinental. The contracts have already been let, and the Erading on the last contract of 113 miles bas juet been started. It, is expected that this final lnk will be completed by the fall of 1913. The whole of the line between however, "Be cothpleted, it is expected, by in time to permit wheat hauled over the Grand eific to Cochrane, thence the Temiskaming and Norihern Ontario ihe to North Bay, where eannoctions will be made with the i*arid Trunk for Montreal and itiand. Meanwhile, the Trans- fantinental commission has made An arrangement whereby the Can- adian Pacific rallway, which von- PhAets with the line at Grand Falls, NB. is given runnirg rights over 'the line in New Brunswick, to hetul out the products from the lumber mills that are now in dp- eration along the route, while the contractors are operating a mixed service between Quebec and La Taque. , Hon. Mr. Cochrane, Minister of Raliways, accomuanied the party on the tour in New Brunswick, and ad the party appear to be fava Ably impressed with: the smoaty running and sound construction of the road. The engineérs are re- tinning to Ottawa to-night = while being Frank Ya- HOV exer UNCONSCIC US MURDER. Raron Intended Suicide, But At- tacked Lady Love First Rome, Mdy 20.-~Baron Vincenzo Paterno, in answer tg the charge that he had strangled, stabbed and then shot Princess Giulia, lady-in- waiting to Queen Heléns, and af terwarids attempted to commit sui. eide, declared that the crime or- iginated from his. jealousy. "He had intended to' commit sul cide, but in a moment of aberra- tion unconsciously killed: the Prin. cols, he said, ; Men's $5.00 Patent Celt Good- year Welt Boots, $3.85, Dutton's. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 20. 1012. CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, COATED TONGUE, HEADACHE OR BAD STOMACH Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigestion, "Sallow S| Skin snd Miserable Head: aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undigested food, which \ sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's digestion, foul gases, bad breath, is horrible and nauseating. morning+~a 10-¢tent box will keep you men and women take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach, the first step to atitold misery--in- vellow skin, mental fears, evervthing that A Cascaret to-night will straighten vou out by Millions of liver feeling good for meuoths. and bowels regulated and never know a miserable moment, peed sionally. CARPENTER GrTS $6,000,000. Mlinols Man is Entitled to Estate of Aunt. Joliet, 111., May 20 --Frank A. Jackson, a carpenter contractor of this city, received word in a letter that he was the sole heir to the estate of Mrs. Mary Jackson, of Pelkinton, Yorkshire, England, containing 2,500 acres, and valued at $6,000,000. His aunt died on April 2nd, ac- cording to the information in the Jetter, which was from a younger brother iniSan Antonio, Texas, who had been asked by London soliei- tors to assist in locating him. Jackson succeeds to the estate by the old English law of state en- tail. He was the eldest son of a brother of his aunt's husband. His aunt, who had been & widow for ten years, was 103 years of age, and had no children. Jackson has retained an attor- ney to prove his identity, which seems to be the only step necessary to come 4dnto possession of the heritage. A CLASH WITH ARABS. British Sailors Have Been Landed On Island of Ormuz. Kurrachi, India, May 20--- The British second-elass cruiser Fox sailed hurriedly for Bandar Abbas, oft the Island of Ormuz, in the Persia Gulf, which is seriously threaténed hy 4 forae of Arab tribesmen, who regent the interfer. orice of the British authoritiés with the gun running trade. The Arabs have seized the muni- cipal waterworks « and a detach- ment of 150 bluejackets has been landed from the third-class cruiger Perseus, to guard the city. The heavy rain that started! early Monday morning made it very disagredéable. The rain start- ed about four o'clock. It has rain nearly every day for the past week. Black Underskirts, 50c, Dutton's. Supday was a big day for the canoeists. A large number . of young men spent the whole day on the water. Don't forget the children--their little in- a good, gentle, cleansing, too, occa * PILLORIES IDLE RICH. Wells Says Their Indulgence is Lea: ing to Revolution. London, May 20---H. G. Wells the novelist, in his third article i the Mail on the labor unrest, pil lories the indulgence in pleasur and excitement of thé owning an 1uling classes, which, he says, i one of the chief tendencies toward revolution He says: "The spectacle of a pleasur parade, of clothes, estates, moto cars, luxury and vanity in th eight of workers Is the culminatin irritant of labor." My. Wells warns his readers tha this is coming to an end, becaus the old arrangements of classes which made it possible is breakin down. It is incumbent upon th wealthy minority, he says, to sho' a greater willingness for wor! themselves and demand less fo their services, otherwise the insur rectionary leaders will take tbh matter into their own hands. MEANS TURKEY'S DOWNFALL If War Not Ended, Italy Many Islands, Rome, May * 20--The Turkis troops who surrendered to the Ita lians in the island of Rhodes pum- ber 2,800, including 38 officers. Ac cording to newspaper dispatcher the Malian troops seized 4.00 rifle aud four batteries of artillery. Rome newspapers say it" mean the downfall of Turkish militar and political control. If Turke does not 'wish now to make peace Rhodes and otheg lglands in th archipelago will remain erty of Italy. Songs, ete. Keep "Better Land," Dutton's Music 10¢ copy. hv Cowen, Store, . Mr. and Mis. F. T. Schooley, o* Vancouver," Bl C., spent Sunda with the Yitter's hisee, Mrs.-C. § Anglin, ~ Wellington street. Mr Sehooley deft on' Monday to spend 8 few days with Mr. and Mrs H Albright. Musie, T0c eopy by best masters Dutton's. ------ A ------ SERCH How High Are You Going? A strong body and steady nerves are needed as much the or more by bu » dls ta, is af Canad When od perecly caked a the fast. Aalked of by them is that of making the prop SANANOQUE'S O'BRIEN vp WELL IN A ROAD TRY-OUT. He Made Better Time Than Long- boat--Lodges Attended Garan. ~ oque Churches -- Gun Club Tournament. . Gananoque, May 18.--Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn H. Carpenter Front J Leeds and Lansdowne township, near Eden Grove, were sadly be- seaved on Thursday when their ttle daughter; Hilda, seven aonths old, died after a short ill | ies. This is their second bereave- ment within a week, Mr. Carpen- er being the eldest son of the late Adiram Carpenter who passed away n 'Saturday last. The funeral of he child took place this alteroon o Gananoque cemetery. The ¥.P.8. of Grace church held i very nice maple sugar social in he lecture room of the church last vening. Commissioner. George 8S. Rail- on, of London, Eng... conducted he services in the Salvation Army 1all aghinst last evening and was sreeted with a good attendance The Neille Gill Players Co. re- ieated the three act comedy drama "I'he Coward," at the opera house ast evening aud drew another fair house. Robert Sheppard, confined Lo bed it the home of his brother-in-law, William Pratt, King street, for sev- nal days, is progressing nicely to- ward recovery. The Board of Trustees of the | town park had a meeting during | the past few days and partially or- ganized. Among the improvements SHOWED vasebiil ajamond in the rear of he town park building, from which he skating rink, run for the past two winters by James Davis, is be- ig removed this week: | My. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of | Wigan, Lancashire, Kng., were pas- | irngers on the 8.8. Victorian due in | vViontreal to-day, and they are ex- wocted here at midnight to spend + month with Mr. and Mrs. David tentham, King street, after which hey will make a trip to Toronto, Niagar Falls, Detroit, New York 'ity and other places, returning ere for a few weeks prior to re- wrning to the Motherland. Mr. Sidney Mullin is spending a hort time in Lansdowne with re- atives, Gananoque, . May 20 Robert )'Brien, sone of Mr. ands Mrs. Pat- lek O'Brien, Stone street, who has sen located in Toronto for several eeks past, training under the col- rs of the 1.LC.AC., was given .a nal try-out over the Ward course f 19 1-4 miles prior to the big Mympig gnarathon event at Ham- ton 1 May = 24th. Timothy VRoutke, Andrew Hernon, Fred- rick Lyonde and Thomas Flanna- an, saw the trial, O'Brien finishing résh and strong in 1.54.43, 3 mip- tes. better than his time lagt year, | shen he won the Ward marathon up and for 15 miles his time was { minute better than Tom Long- wat's. over the same course. About eighty of «the offiwers and tembers of Court Thousand Island No. 86, CLCO.F., lined up in parade vesterday. morning to attend _di- ine worship in Grace chureh. Rev. TJ. MeClement delivered an ad- mirable discourse along fraternal ines. The schooner Briton arrived rom Sodus yesterday with Ter first '0oal cargo of the season. In preparation for Empire Day, + fine practice of the pupils of Gan- inoque public and high schools was 'eld' under the direction of 0. A. Meridith, leader of «the Citizen's hand, at the town park on Satu.- 'av afterhoon. Court - Cambhria, S.O0.E.B.S. at- 'anded Aivine worship in a body at 'hrigt. church yesterday morning Rev. Walter Cox preached the so- riety sermon. The third annual tournament of the Thousand Islands Gun Club will be held at the traps on Grass- hopper park on Friday next. Con- estants are expected from Ottawa, Kingston, Belleville, Ogdensburg, Vorwood, Madrid and Governeur, N. X: . Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, of Waco, Texas, have arrived here with thier family, and have ovened up their cottage on Bostic Island. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson were among the fast to leave last fall, and are the first for this season. Mr. and Mrs. CC. J; Haigh and Dr. J. EE. Haigh, Philadelnhia, Pa., are at their sum. mer cottage on Tremont Park, for a few days, getting things in readi- | ness for the opening season. Robert Sheppard, insurance an" | real estate agent, has been ordered bv his medical attendant to com- nlete rest for a period of six monthe. His brother-in-law. Wil- liam yratt, bas taken charge of the business at hig office. Douplas Peck, pupil of Toronto University, is spending bis vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ton A. Peck. Miss Hazel Wilson, a papil 'of Victoria College, Toron- to, has arrived home to spend her; vacation with her mother Mrs. D. A. Wilson, Brock street. TWO KINGS FOLLOW COFFIN nant Of the Late King Frederick YI. wi © Denmark. royal whch | Mev 18. The Hanish | moht Datnebrog arrived at Friday, at the Toldbaden whari n he 'miner harbor near Amalienborg Rime bringing the body of the late Sng Frederick VIII, from Travemm- The coffin was borne ashore b Rag t hr X of Denmark, his idk ing Haakon of Norway, and many other royal personages followed! on t. Then came carringes contain dng Dowager Uneen Louisa, (Juesn Ale ntirine anc several of the pring oy arrival at the 1 of Ohris- a castle, the cap horus "WILLS, TITLE Fresh from the Gardens |- of 'the finest Tea- producing country in the world. aled Lead Packets: Only. w BLACK, MIXED or GREEN, : : Ceylon Tea. Se; Try it--it's delicious. YT ---- FARM FOR SALE (110 ACRES), Situated near the Village of NVERARY, convenient 'to School and Church. Frame Dwelling and sumerous outbuildings, includ ing Cement Silo, all in goed repair; also good Orchard. For particulars, apply to . E. BLAKE THOMPSON, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. iit ' y : =r iE du [OP PL0 60000060000 DAVIS REAR STARTERS | Why break your back fighting with a stubborn engine when you can stand erect and start it without difficulty with the DAVIS REAR STARTER. "Pry one and be convinced. It will prove to bea much needed accessory, and can be bought at a low price. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. 'I'hone 420, 1 * THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Have Installed Iu their Vault a reat of SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES IT you have any DEEDS, MORTGAGES, INSURANUE OTHE VALUADLES . they should be lodged POLICIES On in one of these boxes. THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE COUNTRY is drawn to the Security these Safety Deposit Boxes afford against LOSS OF VALUARLE DOCUMENTS, ETC, BY FIRE OR THEFT. For further particulars and information, Apply to P. C. STEVENSON, Manager, - Kingston, Ont. A Royal Brew! A good many men say that "Gold Label" is the finest Ale that we have ever brewed. It's all a matter of taste. If you prefer a rich, old, creamy ale-- that proves its quality by its delight- ful flavor--just try "Gold: Label.' Every bottle sealed with an easily opened "Crown" stopper. Offeefes "Gold Label" Ale ""The Boer that is always 0.K." aw sssessssesecasssesseerneneasesesssssssesen vi : - Should influence your judgement when you buy Shoes. 'you will then realize some pleasure and _ jatisfaction from the shoes you buy. Cheap ill-fitting shoes are costly, no matter what You pay for them. They ruin your feet, destroy your enerzy and put you out of sorts with yourself. WE FIRMLY BELIEVE IN QUALITY. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. EOME OF G00D SHOES" | Goilig "May 23 TIE EI rd and Hmit May between aot be go Tuesday, May cond - Tuesday For ful J. P Corner Johnson a 28th therea VICTORIA DAY- Round Trip Tickets will Single First Class Fare Tickets sold to inter Montreal and od on trains 1 Informatie HANLEY TRAVELLING, RAILWAY SYSTEM MAY 24th be issued at 24th. 27th. mediate Return points Torents will 1 and 4. : EG EXCURSIONS Canadian North West and Return and every fter until Se Sept WR. apply to , Agent, nd Ontario Sts CANADIAN PACIFI SINGLE Good going Return Limit, ¥ May To Tuesday, Tuesday May 28 thereal Full particulars at C.P.R. Ticket Office, "Phone 50. Ge ALLAN Royal Mail TO LIVERIE J Tunisian sails Pri, N May 10, Corsican sails Fri, May 17, May 24, June 2i Virginian sails Fri. Victorian salls Fri. TO GLASG Prétorian sails Sat, Hesperian salls Sat. jramplan sails Sat., TO HAVRE ANI} sicifap sails Sun. {onian salls Sun. Corinthian sails Sun 23. {.ake Erie salls Sun, For fall informati tional suilngs, rates, C. 8, KIRK 42 Allan MONTREAL LIVERP( SAILINUGeverySATL Fined with every up-16- date « salety, Elevators. On "TEUTONIC" & Third clase passengen berthe ------------ | THE NT. LAWR THE SHORTEST ROL | ONLY 4 DAYS LOCAL AG 1. P. Hanley and ( Company's « oo ANAT AY SHIPS, The Finest and HOLDING AT, MONTREAL, Montreal. i Wednesday. Staamer Royse! feo Hoy Royal Fdw Boyal Ge Tami Fonbuuen foiloliti Ferinighily Write or call C. 8S. KIRKPATRICK, J. P. Maxey, Grand F.Coxsway, K, & P 236 st, inte sons Woel's Great pep SHE ity, Hovis: amid . § Wenkne hea, and F fret TRE Fr the Business 8 &t the TU work guaran Western Canada ana , and ter until Sept. 17th May 11, Scandinavian sails May 18 May 25, May 6, May 3cotian sails Sun, May 26, J. P. HANLEY, Li ine Agen 1s, "LAURENTIC* AND © Ove Lines Canin (Hh OYAL ll ne Nomtyreus STEAM. LAMITED. Fanteat Steamulips QUEBEL, Hoyal Edw ai George Hoyul Fidwar 42 C CANADIAN NORTHERN S. 5. Jamon Street, EET a Ly. Reoralring t promptir 4 Ge. IN CONNECTION' WITH C RAILWAY, Victoria Day FARE af. 27th wey lay HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS . Retura. every second K.& P Outario St and I. CONWAY, on. Pass. Agent. LINE Steamers St. Lawrence Season *O0L. fay 3, May 381. June 7. June 14 OW. May 4, June 1. June 8. June 14. June 22 ) LONDON. June 9. 12, June 16, May: 19, June June 30, June 2, July 7 on as to addi- ote, apply to PATH Ls. T. Ry, } Clarer St. Kipgston, oe Wer eT nx NL CL, QUEBEC Ol ROAYS by the MEGANTIC" device [or comfort and hestta carmed 'CANADA 350 and #85 § in rlosed rooms sly ENCE Is TE TO EUROPE AT SEA ENTS BE ute, ORDS, BRISTOL. Hristo! Wedhisnday re .. dune 2 ard .. dope 26 aly 19 urd July «4 ¥ Avg, . Aug. rrediter an rn ad 'at The et. i 3 WEEKS ie. AT Parte, larence St. rusk Ry. 5.5. UNITED Mowirent., Engl 1 anes 2nd inY garates wr, MAKes of Inn oid Veins Cures Ng Brain Worry, ww, Ewmidvigns, 14 of Abuse or Br. Td Will please bis Ainta OF ry rive, New i a es Faas a Ont a NEW SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS "ROBBNT PAYNTER bat taker of (he iste old stand, 209 Adi' Kinde