NEWS OF NEIGHBORS Pe---- PAGE TEN. - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. JURSDAY, MAY 21. 1912. THE ENGINEERS TO A MAN WENT DOWN WITH THE SHP {LTEA! TEA! TEA! {From the Finest Tea Gardens of | Ceylon, uncolored, and of the finest | flavor, Green and Black at 30c per pound, at | wHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS Extra Granulated Sugar contains 5 pounds full weight of Canada's finest sugar, at its best. Ask your Grocer for the 5 -- Pound Package. co, CANADA og Fv by a A ------ © NEW SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER har take: wr the business of the late a8. Davis at the old stand, 289 RINCESS BTREWFT AV kinds f Bhoe Repalring promp..y done i Mi work guaranteed Martel's Female Pills WANTED Live Representative in your Town and District to sell Montreal Real state. Good location, easy terms to buyers and liberal com- mission to Agents. For full particulars, write or wire BURLAND REALTY Co., 208 Board of Trade Buliding, Montreal. Ee ------------ -- Wo Have: Electrified the Following Homes ein the Last Tem Days. J. Bell. Carruthers Sydenham and Earl Streets. Dr. AT"W. Winnett, 109 Bagot St. Mrs. B. R. Barnett, 300 Queen St * Ald. Allen Stroud, Bagot and Bay Streets. John Hazlett, 468 Brock Street. John Hazlett, 470 Brock Street, John Hazlett, 472 Brock Street. Silas Grimshaw, 2 Division Bt. C. 8. Ennis, 260 IMvision Street. Dr. A. R. B. Williamson, King and William Streets, New Offices, J. 8B. R. McCann's Brock Street. Major J. N. S. Leslie. Emily Street Charles BE. Taylor, 187 Johnston St. Alfred Turcotte, 70 Division Street. Alfred Turcotte, 83 Division 'Street. Queen's University, West Union St. Miss Turner, 131 Alfred Street, W. Gi Carmichael, 320 Alfred St Harry Card, 88 Upper Willlam St. We would like to do yours. We do so many that we are expert, and . ean do the work at the minimum cost. Consult us. H. W. Newman Electric Co. "MY STOMKGH IS FINE She Taking Na-Drv-Go Dyspepsia Tablets" , the Ardoch cemetery. | The Tidings From Various Points in | Fastern Ontario -- What People | Are Doing and What They Are 1 Saying. STATE OF THE COUNTRY. The Whig would like its correspondents to send in at once. ou & separate sbeet of paper, a report on farm conditions, state of meadow prospects for grain, seedin and any other information of interest to the farmers at this time of the year. ho TE & '¥ + & * TEP L PPR POT 2 FEEL ER PIERRE RES Died in Palmerston. i | Ompah, May 17.--Mrs. Henry Benny, an old and highly-respected resident | of the township of Palmerston, passed | peacefully away at her home on May | conducted by | at-| lst. The funeral was Rev. Mr. Huyck and was largely tended, the remains being placed Decensed is sur vived by her husband and .a family of seven, four sons and three daughters, | also by a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Fair View Notes. Fair View, May 20.--Miss Fdna File is teaching school at Morven. Miss Lillian Xie hag gone back to her school near Ottawa. Mrs, File, who had an attack of erysipelas, is im- proving nicely. Mrs. Cadman is im- proving. Steacy Vanalstine, who had typhoid fever, is improving nicely. Earl File,' Ottawa, spent Sunday with his father, Stanley File, Mr. and Mrs, Somerville spent Sunday at James McTaggart's. Death at Oso. Oso, May 15.--Alma wife of Robert Kirkwood, passed peacefully away on Monday night, at the residence of her brother, John McPherson, leceased had been ailing fcr a long time. She 'leaves a hus band, four children, an aged mother, three sisters and three brothers. Mrs. R. Hawley, Maberly, Mrs. R. Blakley, Sharbot Lake; Mrs. Moveigh, George, John apd Johnathan, of this place, Rev. J, Cornell conducted the service at the house. The remains were laid to rest in Zealand cemetery. McPherson, Canonto Tidings. Canonto, May 20.--~Farmers are near through seeding in this vicinity. Potatoes are certainly a laxury 10 this vicinity as they have reached the price of $4 for a sack of sixty pounds. Rev. C. Hyuck preached his farewell sermon in Canonto church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander LaQull, of Watersnow, have come to reside in Canonto for the summer. Mr. LaQull intends working for the Lawrence Bros. Lawrence Bros. are through river driving. Mrs. Charles Lawrence made a business ulp to Kingston Friday last. Miss Rankin, who has been sewing at Charles Dungam's for the past week, returned home Saturday. Miss Emma Law- rence has returned home. Miss O. Watson, of Ompah, at her sister's, Mrs. Alfred Kirkwood's. Reports From Vennachar. Vennachar, May 18.--William Prin. gle, government road inspector, was here last vreek with instructions for John Brown, regarding the spending of two hundred dollars on the Snow Road from Wensley to Playfair Cor- ners. John Gilmour has been re- appointed by the Ontario government to look after the timber reserve in the townsk!p of Abinger. Constable Woods, Tamworth, was here this week serving subpoenas and summons on some of the residents to appear be- for J. Aylesworth, magistrate, in case of theft. W. Jackson has engaged C. Wing, from near Brockville, to make cheese in his factory here this son. D. J. Flake, formerly of this place, was here this week to buy some milch cows and a team of horses for his farm near Plevna, Inverary Women's Institute. Inverary, May 20.-The Women's Institute held their annual meeting on Tuesday, May l4th, at the home of Mrs. J. Darling. Election of offi. cers took place, when Mrs. ¥. 8S. Ferguson was re-elected president, Mrs. Ira Darling vice-president. Mrs. G. Litherland was secretary-treasur- er. Mrs. Joseph Duff snd Mrs. C. Loney were appointed auditors. The Instituts decided to purchase a plano and place it in the Agricuftural hall. Mrs. Mabel Caverley has gone to Brandon, Man., to visit her aunt, Mis. H. McCounell, and to recuperate after jer illness of pneumonia. A farewell party was given here by the young girls' sewing circle, at the home of Miss Thelma Geraldi, on Mon- day evening. Mrs, G Aykroyd is vigiti daughter, N . John Sleeth, Evie. Rev. Mr. Hammond is Tohert special Erect {2 Junior assistant fourth; TELL US. eo ee : pe wt ik ua Wi in a locomotive, marie, | electrician; 5, F. '8, senior third, comrades Miss Armstrong, Zealand, with Miss Gertrude MacDonald; Miss Mabel Prive, at home; M. Johnstone and S. Flynn, at Maple Grove, Jones' Falls News. Jones' Falls, May 18.--The funeral of the late Ephraim Chorchill, of California, passed through here on Tuesday to the Methodist church, El- gin. Mise Maggie McGuire, of New- boro, is spending a few weeks with her parents. Mr. Metcalfe, of King- ston, {s visiting his daughter, Mrs. S. G. Stuart, J. A. Kenney. and Master Flavian, of Kingston, the week-end with his parents, and Mrs. Thomas Kenney. Miss Timlin spent Tuesday in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Morton and family, of Stoney Point, Cottage, are visiting in Peekskill, N.Y. Miss M. Bernadette Kenney has returned home after spending the past week with friends in Kingston and Brockville Mrs. Henry Randalls and little son are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dawson, Mr. Teskey, of Trinity College, Torogto, has arrived to take charge of the church at Cali- fornia. The many friends of Mrs. Glover will be glad to know she is re- covering from her recent illness. son, spent Mr. Mae i Myers' Cave Budget. Myers' Cave, May 18.--Quite a numhber from here attended the sugar social on Wednesday evening, the 15th inst., held in Harlowe half, fin aid of Harlowe Methodist church, Jessie Wilhelmina, the infant daughter of "My. and Mrs. John Curtis, passed Away on the Tth inst, aged three weeks, Edward Wilson, lately of Peterboro, is renewing acquaintances around the Cave, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell. Miss Violet Jishop, who has been spending the winter at Frankford, is visiting the parental roof. Rev. Mr. Wright, of Cloyne, made a few pastoral calls &n this neighborhood on Tuesday of last week. A baby girl has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Temple Dellyea, on the 2nd inet. John Winters and son, David, called on friends in and around the Cave on Wednesday, of last week. The Chand- ler, Jones Co.'s drive of logs ane passing here on their way down Long Lake. Edward Dellyea has left for Peterboro to work on the drive. Mrs. Fred. Rowlanh, of Watertown, N.Y., is the guest of her brother, W. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. F. Whiteman, sr., called on friends in and around the Cave on Thursday last. Hugh Bishop has been appointed fire ranger for this district. Miss Violet Bishop / sea was the guest of Mrs. T. I. Perry on" Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Miss Mollie McGregor is spend- ing the week with her sister, Mrs, Joseph Perry. Mrs. Robert Wilson, Cloyne, visited friends in and around the Cave one day this week. The many friends in this place of H. Head postmaster Cloyne, were deeply griev- ed to hear of hig serious illness. The old lady entered the taxider- mist's shop in a blaze of wrath, car rying a dead cockdtoo in a glass case. "You can ser for yourself, sir. You only stuffed my poor parrot in the summer and here's his feathers tumbl- fag out before your eyes." "Lor" bless ye, m'm, that's the triumph of the art ! We stuff "em that natural that they molts in their proper season." is Monuy sometimes talks when want to keep it quiet. The Real Secret of you g Eiiih | - f 55 1 i i eS mg i First authentic picture in Canada of the brave engine room officersof the Titanic. numbered in the picture were the heroes of the ing and lights burning till the inrushing | escaped, though they permitted--nay, ordered--their fi inl The following is the honor roll. i waters drowned them like rats INDIAN FOLK LORE. Gathered by Norwegian Explorers in Canada. Christiania, May 21.--The éxplorers Christian Leden and Harold Thawlow have just returned here from an expe dition to Northern Canada, which was undertaken with the object of collect- ing photographic records of the fulk- songs of the various Indian tribes and comparing them with those obtained in eprlier expeditions to the Esqui- maux, with . the view of establishing how far was their common origin The 'largest mribe visited was the Crees, who number over 20,000. Their chief, Montonigik, was at first hostile but after a few presents of tobacce and glass beads and after having been told that the explorers had been sent by the king of Norway to minke his tribe famous he became more amenable to the wishes of the explorers. They brought back with them a most in- teresting collection of films of Indian life and music. Leden will go in the fall to Greenland for further investiga- tion in the spring of 1913, and a long final exploration of North-West Can- ada, which will extend for three years. He will visit tribes that have never been in contact with the whites, A SMART TAFFETA GOWN. Is made with pannier silk and long lace siceves Junk Dealer an Able Financier. A Toronto business man found s for gotten coal stove, in his basement. He called' a junk dealer and asked him "How: much ?' The junk man offered him $1.50, and the owner straightway wanted $2, chiefly for fun. They hag- gled awhile, and the second-hand This dealer departed, stoveless. "He'll be back," said the merchant. In a hali hour the junk man re turned and offered $1.75, which was refused: Then a bright idea struck the junk artist. He brought out $1.55, nd jingling the coins temptingly, saw : x "Tell you vat T do. I gif you $2 for de stol, and charge you feefy cents to haul him away." id r----------------_ re Would Have to Hustle. When Henry Irving was making one of his last tours of the country he found lumsell with an open date' in Michigan. His manager wired the maneger of a small opera house in a nearhy place, asking if he could use Irving, on the night in question. The eae ee The manager used up much expen: sive spade on the wire explain the leading pots about Irvine,' and for his pains pecpived the fol re- ply : janet wee Irving in this town wn lens ng ean parade." Judge. The fourteen men lever and switch whe stayed below and kept the p . umps go- in a trap. Not an engineer officer remen and stokers to save themselves if they could. It will be read witly a feeling of pride by every man who handles a t or stationary engine, or operates an electric switch: 1, W. D. Mackie, junior fifth engineer; 2, F. A. Parsons, senior fifth engineer; 2, P. Sloan, senior electrician; 4, H. Jupe, junior assistant Coy, Junior assistant third; 6, B. Wilson, senior assistant second; senior fourth; 8, A. Ward, junior asr assistant second; 2, R. Miller, junior fifth; 1 The men not numbe e 7. L Hodgkinson, 10, H. Harvey, junior assistant second; 11, H. Dyer, 3, J. Heskitch, se cond engineer; 14, G. G. F. Hockin red are engineers on the Olympic,who had a reception for their Titanic a few weeks before that vessel took her fatal rip. DOES IT HURT OYSTERS. ---- Andrew Lang is Authority for De. nying Pain Theory. The statement that oysters "suffer agonies" when they are ripped from their shells, tortured with vinegar, pepper, and other condiments, 'and then eaten, which President Craft, of the Alabama State Oyster Commission is said to have made, is vigorously attacked py Andrew 'Lang, the famous English naturalist. "The bivalve," he says, "is a orea- ture of low sensibility. It does not even pretend to the head development of a limpet or a snail. It lies buried in its mud-bank, Active oyster life is represented by currents of water which are swept in and out of its shell. All the rest is purely automatic action. Its nervous system is of low order. A series of three nerve-centres or so, scattered through the body, represent its sensifive apparatus. It has no head, no brain" mass; it is as nearly as possible a mere molluscan machine which lives, and no more. 'This being so, where does -any question of pain intervene ? To have pain. you must have the consciousness of it to begin with, and a sensory apparatus which feeds the conscious. ness with intelligence of what is hap- ening to the body at large. You Pe no more evidence or warrant foi presuming the existence of conscious- ness in the oyster than you have in the case of a jelly-fish." Mortgaging the Chinese Republic. New York Herald. The Chinese Republic has finally succeeded in borrowing the money necessary for its existence, but sub- ject to a lien by the great powers that may open the way to foreign intervention in case of default. The new loan of $250,000,000 ne- gotiated by the cabinet with the syndicate of American, British, French, German, Russian and Jap- anese bankers is granted on vir- tually identical terms with those exacted for previous loans to the monarchy which were the object of patriotic attack, the conditions re- quiring that the accounts be sup- ervised by agents of the bankers, and receipts and disbursements certified by their auditors. One of the indictments of the Manchu dynasty by the Provincial Assem- blies was directed against its pol- fey of "mortgaging China to Mor- gan." Yet though the Chinese have been able to get rid of the Manchus they remain under the suzerainty of the international money trust. They have pledged their future to | the foreign bondholders and made the fate of the républic contingent on the approval of Wall and Lom- bard streets. The German Peril. Littell's Living Age The overseas dominions may play with the naval question today. They may create little fleets, but when the great clash of arms comes those fleets will have no more in- fluence upon the eventual course of events than the navies of Col- ombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and San Domingo. Is it imagined in any part of the British Empire that a few cruisers 'and tofpedo-boat destroyers are going to stand be- tween any overseas dominion and the designs of a great, e am- pire, with a fleet costing between twenty and thirty millions annual- ly, and an army of upwards of four million men up a war footing? The German army contains seven or aight times as many adult males as the whole of New Zealand; it con- sists of at least three times as many men as are to be found in the whole of the Commonwealth, and even Canada itself hes net within its boundaries as many men as Germany could place under arms within six weeks of the opening of a war. Mr. McBride Talks Some. Extract from London Speech, "In some quarters it is felt that un: less a move be made within the next three or four years that will bring about some scheme for a real imper- ial union, the much-cherished plan of smpire ay he in jeopardy. This as- the case very strongly appeals ng If in the ordinary course of events from year to year the dowin- ant party in old country politics finds it impossible to take a more practical interest in this question, it is only just to assume that in Canada an in- difference towards the subject is bound to "Ten or twelve millions of vigorous Canadians and a territory expanding in wealth and population as it is do- | THE STANDARD AND FAVORITE BRAND. MADE IN CANADA A few choice 100 ft. lots for sale easy terms. It will pay you to secure these at once. Apply to JO Hurron, Glas! ginerte For sale at Mahood's drug store. BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES | DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON | 'YorRoNTo | at Cut Prices © 43 5 Sender Cat Price Catalogue. lost vigor vital force, drains, blood THE kidney b adder urinary diseases, off ,dischary 1 Voupers Co 0 Beckman Rea ermail§1 era Co) stNew ity or Dr L4,Toronte. If indoubt No, send address envelope for FREE book MRD.COHAVERSTOUKROA THERAPION&S ats | ~ DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard MACLEAN, Ontario Street. Thomas Copley Drop a card to PHONE 987. 19 Fins Street waa; ~anting anything done in the or of Hardwood { 'rders Bon 48 ven on ail ew work Estimates and line. repairs A Floors all kinue. 2h will receive prompt stiention. Re roost a Onean LIME FOR SALE} Special prices in Cut Flow- ers. See our window display. Wedding Bouquets and Floral Designs. Floral Sprays a specialty. Sweet Pea Seed in Bulk Named Varieties. : "Phones: Store, 239. Conservatories 235% Residence, 1212, SUMMER COTTAGE, CON- taining all farniture, cooking utensils. etc, 4 persons, two boats, complete; outbuildings, first-class condition, $650.00 SOLID BRICK HOUSE Twelve rooms, drive house, good cellar, between two and three acres of land, outbulld- ings. and modern {improve- ments, 1 1-2 miles from the city, on the water front, $2, 000. STORE, very central loca- tion, electric lights. 8 large sheds, two stables, barn, ete; a good opportunity for delleat- tessen or bake shop. FRAME HOUSE, Russell Street. 33 by 260 ft. lot, good condition uM Houses for Sale and to Rent in all parts of the Olty. Let us quote you rates for Fire Insurance. It may pay you. NORMAN & WEBB, < Renl Eetate,. Life Five, live - Stock and General Insurance. "Phone 730. "Phone 443 285 Wellin st ) ' Woel's The ish Tones and invigorates wails nervous system, makes new old Veins, Cures Nero Mental and Jirgin Worry, pondency, ru oa . US FIONA, matorrhaa, and Fffeots of dbuse or Eroesses, Price §1 per box, six for $6. One will please, six will cure. Sold b eh roggists 3 ot mailod . ON Pece of pric ¢ ior The Wood Medicine Ca Yormerly Windsor) Toronto, THE KINGSTON ICE COMPANY LIMITED. 1912 RATES: Book of 30 tickets, 20 to 25 Ibs. each $1.75. Book of 30 tickets, 45 to 50 lbs. each $2.75. Ticket books must be purchased at the office before ice delivery com- ences, "a Jebittty, fice: 14 MARKET STREET. "Telephone 68. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF COLDS and COUGHS Apply 't fef to the throat and ntf rface smarts and red- way Pills in such y move the bowels. t a large doses a teaspoonful nfal of malas. water. Retire wrofuse perspiras and in morning the a » n out, ' fy pone tsk for RADWAY'S and he sure you get what you ask for) WHEN STRONG SHOES ED; Toensure that no faulty leather goes into +: CREADy ~ SHOES ns are toe Se mea It Costs Nothing to Spray Your Orchard Why Increased yleld and improv. ed quality not only pay for spraying, but yleld a hand- some return on your invest. ment of time and materials, The Department of Agri culture of Toronto rorom. mend Arsenate of Lead Will destroy all leaf-eating insects. Will not wash off easily. Will not burn the leaves. 25 cents a pound. One pound will make five gallons solution, and it is the best known, Sold only by W. A. Mitchell, Kingston. Hardware, COST OF GAS Five to ten cents per day will cover the cost of your cook- ing. Figure up and see if yon are doing this with coal or wood. One cent's worth of gas will give you 2 1-2 hours of nice soft, white light in your sitting room to read by. Two regulation standard burners will prepare an ordin- ary summer meal in half an hour at the small cost of two cents. Ten gallons of hot water will cost about one cent--that is not expensive. Now, then, what reason have you for not using it? CHEAP, CLEAN & CONVENIENT. A card addressed to the Of- fice of the Works, Queen Street, or 'phone 197 will bring you the necessary information. Light, Heat, Power Water Depts C. C. FOLGER GENERAL MANAGER.