THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY -- ans. matic "severities are a blessing in | the aking of their youliey is the | fear in certain Soclalistic condi- | ME NNONITE IMMIGRANTS. NEW ZEALAND LABOR disguise, and I am 'not alome in | music of the world. Their self- | tions now operating that, they will | this opinion. It may be well in the | satisfaction is pot 80 offensive as| not be on a par with the man who | Large Colony Coming to British a ------ evening of {ite for people to seek a | chijdlike A party of passengers | makes five talents. When the So- Columbia. 15 ARROGANT, SAYS REV. DR.[ gentle and equable climate he that | went to visit Victoria the might be- | ciglistic fo lies have played their! vonuver, B.C. Mav 22.--No less MILLIGAN, TORONTO. | of New Zealand. : we arrived in Vancouver. We | part the political condition of boys than 100,000 Mennonites, a Quaker "For developing a stropg, re-| viewed the corridor of the Kmpress | in New Zealand can be ascertained -------- % ® t Sey the m ov € solute and well-tried population | Hotel there and heard a fine or- | better than 'now. oF Rade a a vi = Comparison With Canada--Men of| give me Canada. I am told native | chestra. A New Zealander in the . eT Atrce British Columbia. Their reprreenta » Vision Needed There--The People| born New Zealanders do not show party 'was heard to say: 'We have labor Aregant, tives have been in Vancouver and in the same sturdy old age their fore- | not in our country either the back- "Labor is arrogant. Mectings ys... v 4 i have lookes re {or of New Zealand Are Pleasure. | fathers do, who came from sterner | ground or people to give us a place | are held by employees to dis on 8 havi logked over Xariaus Loving. climes. With the former it cannot { like this' Young New Zealanders | their grievances against employ picultuml. ant Sot, gre wing dis Toronto Globe. +1 be said, as of the latter, the first | seem to be too satisfied with them: |at hours when they should be at [NSIS AMY ar eA \avorahie Rev. Dr. Milligan has just re- | of life is made for the last in the | selves, so much so that one won-| their work. Politicians, too, have | °POTt 80d expect to bring out an in turned fo the city after an absende | matter at least of physical vigor. ders whether the Fifth Conimand- | so hampered whrkingmen that they ual . yng of 10,000 people be from it of five months. He spent rn ment has gone out of use there. | have no sooner got one request |iOM Dex ; : ARE three months of his time in New Pleasure-loving People. In this matter young Canada needs | granted than they are exercising | 10¢ nonites are thrifty and in PURE, CLEANLY PREP 0 AND DELICIOUS = Zealand. He was asked to give an "The people in far distant eol | to take heed lest the seemliness | their minds what next claim they |Mustrioud people and while deoly re- BLACK, MIXED NJ Free Samples mailed on eaguiry. Address: *'SALADA,"' Terente. account of his views regarding { , (ae are pleasure-loving. Holidays | which its observance imparts to | agvance." ligious they are said to have none of New Zealand. 41. | abound. or of the frst sights 1 life should become among them a "Is. there any other feature of the erratic iliosyncacies ol the NATURAL GREEN He said that in this matter he | y in Auckland in driving from | lost art." life you noticed?" Doukhichors; who also came from hesitated to be too affirmative in # tfip was the Auckland Racing "Did you learn about labor mat- "Yes. An effort is being made | Russia The agents now. touring Bri his statements regarding persons bh, At a small place not far | ters in New Zealand?" to divide up large tracts of land |tish Columbia stated that each head and things In a, country in which | rom Auckland there was reported "1 fear ill is before New Zealand | among a greater number of owners | of the family will start with an aver- . iil nadie Cig a he resided only a few months, He | sz» j essing throvgh the totalisator | in the days to come from labor | so as to secure a greater population {age eqpital of $4,000. They expect F ventured to give only some imipres- | in one day at a racing match | troubles and legislative tinkerings.| for the country. to transfer the entire Mennonite pop- ; FARM OR SALE sions the country made upon him. | $2:.0.000. Ryery one has heard of | Men find in trade combines the | - Seattered through the Island are lulation of Russia to British Columbia (110 ACRES) "The scenery and climate are | New Zealand as 'God's own coun- | shadow of a great rock in a weary | large meat-freezing establishments within four years. : ' very enjoyable. No winter rigors i..' Iie seems to be an absentee | land for loafers. 1 said to the | The mutton of the country is ex- rr ----r Situated near the Village of NVERARY, convenient to Schoa are experienced, such as we have. | ire. especially wn Sunday where | captain of a ship: 'How are men| cellent. So is the butter. This is and Church, Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, inciuil An opinion prevails there that | fishing, yachting, ete, on that day | allowed to put in time as 1 see} owing to the freshness of the TOWN MAKES MONEY. ing Cement Silo, all in good repair; also good Orchard. Canada is in this respect at a ser- | tno largely abound. The far 'dis- | some of them do?' hy, aid he, | grass, which grows a little even in - - For particulars, apply to lous disadvantage compared with | tant insularity of New \Zealand | 'to treat such men as they deserve | winter." i Municipal Forest Will Put Them on New Zealand and Australia. { fails to furnish its people with would be to stop all worke Hood "W Hat sven pubfic utilities in Easy Street. E. BLAKE THOMPSON, i 1 have come to the conclusion | the means of adequately nfeasuring | and bad.' The men who put their | New Zealand?" od : #2 . VER NORTHE that the opposite is true. Our cll- | themselves. They on to think talents in a napkin need have no "The railways belong to the gov- |. ™¢ 1, Diego, Gals, is said in be the o NO RN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARR, : : ernment. The litle T saw of them |' Equal ity 10 lake up ation]. Phone 286, KINGSTON, ONT. led me to the decision of travel lc lorestry as a municipal enter ling by steamship. The Union | PTI=C. The city owns 7,000 acres of Steamship Company, whilst giving | *2ste land, a heritage from the time -------- w-- a good table, carry on their roast. | #hen it was a Mexican pueblo, T ing trade by ships too small and}! : Row Rel: aside for on A foo infrequent Th will hasten ucalypius, jg shring Hl Ba a . : a a y I hope, the day of enlargement af | TEES we L 18:12) 121s 01! | & 4 N railway trac and ears. It would aly vers valuable, and ¥ | E be a wise policy if New Zealand ! of many of the more PY % 3 a pl a put ilway interests in |f2 ar ? s thet are becoming FE there Pe ny Forel (CIR VIN such hands as manage our CPR ve; it grows with truly tro- Men of visio wr leg ion and A i it will stand an enor [Ge YEN I[el0] Jory fol] (STINET: NT, colonization are reouir y make nS AMO , it Ling and seems to this countr 1at it is canah! t | thrive under it, and a grove once wall becoming. One meeis with great | started apparently will last forever. windness in New Zealar lw In San | : he same optimistic nesses manv excellent things. ar- | taxpayers ¢ wing forward to a tistie and literary v t vhen the forest will relieve them 1 - : 0 ha ins bit acre tod ot il ta } perhaps ever pe. [SEIS FARTHEST FOR THE M A nd elova- | them f x citizens of San Diego! o industed hey re t the only people in the | and political merican eily to be congratulated on -------- loing good municipal business. Plea for Defence. ---- ree Ll "One can hardly vi those dis . tant parts of our Er , without FIRES IN N THE YUKON. | taking a world-wide view of the _Ob- = ligations of unfeigned patr b Now Threaten the Government Tele A large navy an absolute neces- graph Ling gly or Pit Sorts , x i Why break your back fighting with a stubborn engine Hity lo Heine Sedum: ar ouven, 1.0, Nay ay E {hush fires) when you can stand 'erect and start it without difficulty empire fe worldwide In ts Fun. | ediing a Soeat dea of raul on she| [| With the DAVIS REAR STARTER. I ple pf wv | hea othe government. telegraph tol Try one and be convinced. IL will prove to be a' sea and land iy BY the Lar dpa. The clue damage done much needed accessory, and can be bough' at a low price. : De of a lineman's cabin | FMmer. ° 4 : Orme anch of the linc alive to the vital nature of this 1a oecuj nt of ho in was out DAVIS DR Y DOCK Co unity by aiding the home reople, mending th n wher h uge went : o : 3 hing wl when s house we wha are now carrying this burden sioke. On" the Prin Rupert ' 'Phone 420, alone. Thig is the only thing left Con Wad thick ; : : on, one fire had thirty miles of us to do, after having tried hard : Mol it ahh pred ¢ y wires in jeopardy fuch of the coun- to have matters otherwise, for the {try is covered with roitomwosd nd safety of every part of our noble | hice hat B h RWON x a $ Empire at least in present éircum- as Loa alter 1 Noeka of stances. Yon can make your home | ne Weather are highly inflammable. 10s your ) where you like now." - ! "Would not the equable and FESTIVAL ENDS IN RIOT. N i O mild climate be an inducement for | y CANADA'S ROYALTIES INSPECT VETERANS. f live there?" ani . . o et i Great difficulty has been experienced im getting a good phogographof Canada's governor-general and | YOU to Hive thers a German Peasants Have Pitched GENERAI T his family. In the above, however, can be seen the Duke of Connaught, the Duchess and their daughter, . Jattle With Soldiers. the princess, on the steps of the St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, viewing the march past of the veterans of DREAKING DOWN. | Aschaffenburg, Germany, May 22 the north-west rebellion, the Fenian raid, and South Africa, after they had attended Divine service in the -- cathedral, The gentleman on the right is Canon Plumtree, the offic lating clergyman, The Drawing-room Trial Assumes orremaiey stival held in the neigh ; CORPORATION boring town of Haibach ended at midnight in a battle between the pea- | i acts as sants and forty soldier spectators. . The peasants bombarded the soldiers f ADMINISTRATOR first with beer steins and later with revolvérs, and shotguns, The soldiers sed their side arms in self-defence. of Estates where there is no will or where the the witness stand. She burst dinto|A large number were wounded, | appointed executors prefer not to act. e 1 A detachment of troops burriedly | 2 tears and collapsed, looking pleading- ¥ TORONTO oO N? Will Make 0 00 Each ro ad delet, 8 in he dock Beng: { called from this city finally resewed A TAWA A WINNIPEG SASKATOON wr oN , : joi the soldiers and brought them back HE natant . E---- = Rounquets, - which were noticeab to the bh arracks. " ~~ m-- min More Serious Phase, London, May 22 The most drama- ' : tic moment attending the sufiragette trial in the Old I court was when ersons a dressmaker, Lilliar 1, apparently a renegade to the cause, was put on hitherto, were not mesent, as the | sheriff had notified the spectators 5 o_o ° a | ritin , Jin les tending the rial that they would be ENTRADITION DEFECTIVE. or g allowed no longer. 5) = | At the conclusion of Pethick Germany Secks New Treaty Wiih rence"s defence, Mrs P aukin irs United States In May. 1912, we will buy 25 good Jingles, suitable for a Post Toasties [dressed the fudge, sp HY sn grout] Nedtin, May 22.Budesvors are to Jin Book emotion #nd several Nimes g on} ) ' f e tha point of a breakdown {be made by the German government You may get $2000 for writing an original Jingle or for filling in the re on DoMINION SECURITIES adition treaty the United Imprisonment For Life jira ey i missin tse ot ho ncompiro Inge 5 te compo A Bu wy 10 vm | mre, (EERE HEC CORPORATION LIMITED fun. &- Mooshian. of Haverhill, who killed [ment in' the reichstag In answering Simon Chillington, of that city, on |geveral complaints of members of the A COMPLETE JINGLE. FINISH THi> JINGLE, Dee. 5th, 1911, after the latter = had {house as to the present method of QUARTERLY * (As an example only.) | Little orphan Annie from far, far away deserted her in New York, pleaded |oxtradition between the two coun | Came to make a visit, and she's going to stay. guilty to murder in the second de: | (ries he declared that the German Picule days are coming, goodness what a treat, ! Roses now are blooming, on her cheeks so pale, gree. She was immediately sentenced | government recognized the existing de Fill up all (hie baskets; lots of stuff to ent. | to imprisonment for life. feets. 4 Never mind the cake snd jam, never mind the tea, Plonty of Post Toasties--that's goo! enough for me. (Fill in this line, mentioning Toasties and write plainly) A booklet giving complete particulars of our Sign here current offerings: Name. . GOVERNMENT BONDS Street and Xo. J... i000 Lon 4 $i en we wv ary Ae RRA RS eR eh xr haa sa aaa : \ o . i J To yield 3.909, City MUNICIPAL DEBENTURES To yield 19 to 634%, Use of above form of answer is suggested, hit not required. Address znd mail your Jingles to Jingle Dept. 808, 'Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. i H 1 A aa BdlLRoAD FONDS To yield i%% to 5% Jingles accepted for our book, will be 1 have no time to "pet up" those whose Jin~ bought and paid for at §20,00 cach. gles are not accepted. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS To yield 421% to 64% Only the Jingles we pay for will be used. Fill in the missing line of the incomplete J 1 ove, or 3 There will be 50 Tole purchased, and ingle printed above, making the last line Incense the name of " Toasties " with cor- ; i the names and addresses of the writers will ; J va : BAY thre bo printed 'and mailed to evory enquirer | TCCr IYMme and metre. - : » #1 | Jl PROVEN INDUSTRIAL who sends ns 1c. stamped and addressed Or, write an original Post Toasties Jingle of | = ol | he BONDS envelope for return. not less than 4 lines, any one line of Which must ar, : To yield 54%, to 0% The Jingles will be Judged honestly upon Sontain. * Toastios™ or * Tonsties. " merit, 50 if you are a sensitive person and As many Jingles may be submitted as | ol not a good Sports, Dox't Tey, for we desired, ; + . 4 py sens. on v This is an opportunity to make some extra money, and, in addition, become ac. _. a Ba | rues intend Beith : : Dominion SECURITIES ost 'Toasties |= ek | || CORPORATION LIMITED Ca le HEAD OFFICE, 26 KING ST EAST{ TORONTO. ; ~~the delicions bits of toasted. Indian C ae PEA wa feta. Bind MONTREAL LONDON. EC. 4) Tey some of this erp food with cream and sugar. Its not easily forgotten. A soene rom "The White Sistem" x. the Grand on Friday. May Suen] ¥ 5 7 matinee and night.