PAGE TWO. Fur Storage Safe and Reliable All Furs Sent to us are Electric. Cleaned. e issue a receipt covering you against loss by fire. theft or moths. 5 Our Waguo Will bb. John McKay 149-157 BROCK STREET We can help youn--Carpets, Curtains : or Furniture, IRON AND BRASS BEDS.--S8ome great values at $5.00, $6.00 and $7.60; others for $2.60 up to $76. DRESSERS for Ladies and Gent's. in = oak, Quarter Cut Oak, Ma- CARPETS, RUGS, CURTAINS OLEUM, OILCLOTH, ete. bpalr aud Upholstering work Hptly snd well done. Y T. F. HARRISON COMPANY + *. /Phone 90. B ~ 1 Bissell's Cyco Ball Bearing Sweeper, light to handle, easy to operate, always ready. : nteed for ten years. We sell them, the best Sweeper that the world can pro- duce at : $2 15. Does not cost any more than five broom, {foundation appendioi {last Sunday had been sin & ITO SEEK A PRINCIPAL FOR QUEEN'S THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE ABROAD. Queen's Trustees Decide to Apply For Membership on the Carnegie Pension Fund List. The committee appointed by the provisional board of Queen's theolagi- cal college to nominate a principal, met on Tuesday afternoon. In at- tendance were Rev. Dr. Macgiflivray (convener), Rev, Dr. Gordon and G. M. Macdonnell, K.C., Kingston, -and Rev. Dr. W. T. Herridge, Ottawa, The committee discussed the matter thoroughly but will pot make a ro- commendation until the autumn. It is understood that three of the above named will be in the Old Country during the summer and will look a- bout for a suitable man, who would is acting prinei- . theological faculty, pal On the Trail of Carnegie. At a well-attended of trustees of Queen's university, Tues- day evening, the auestion of Queen's applying for men.bership in the Car- negie foundation was the chief mat- ter under discussion. The conclusion of the meeting was the passing of a formal resolution asking that the university be put on the Carnegie for the advancement of teaching, in view of Queenjs now be- ing nationalized. MISS KATE MIDDLETON DEAD. Well-known Kingston Lady Passes ) Away in Toronto, "+ Mijas Kate Middleton, third daughter of the late Capt. Lewis Middleton, died in Toronto on Wednesday morn- ng, as a result of heart failure. Miss Middleton went to Toronto early in January, in the company of her sis- ter, Mrs. Jane R. Henderion, who went on. to St. Louis, but afterwards returned to Toronto, on account of Miss Middleton's failing health. The deceased leaves three brothers, John, of 'St. Louis; Harry, of Chi- cago, and Arthur, of New York, and two sisters, Mrs. Henderson, of Kings- ion, and Miss Mary Middleton, of To- ronto. She had been an invalid for the past eleven years, and had up un- til last January, been a resident of this city, and a member of Chalmers church, The remains will be brought to Kingston, on Friday, for burial. THE DEATH IN PETERBORO Of Henri Hudon, Son of Lieut.«Col. J. A. G. Hudon, The death occurred in the Nicholls hospital, Peterboro, on nesday morning, of Henri Hudon, youngest son of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs, ¥ A. G Pudon, Barrie street, Kingston. His parents were at his bedeide when be passed away. The deceased was operated on about ten days agar for trouble brought on from the effects of an operation for tis some years ago. and since ing. He re- sided in this city most of his life, and had been year. In religion, he was a member of the Roman Catholic faith. The deceased is survived by his pa- rents, one brother, leo, of East Hartford, Conn,, and two sisters, Misses Blanche and Florence, at home. Interment will be made at Kingston. : TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. F. D. Sherman appointed deputy customs collector at Cape Vincent. One hundred and twenty-five young children arrived at I'Hotel Dieu, from Fagland, Se tad orace Reyner, appoin organist of Queen Street Methodist church, The expenditure for the Collegiate Institute estimated at $6,624 for the For Empire Day. on all the public schools ised tomorrow, in honor of Empire day, and the school children are hoping that the weather man will provide good weather for the pro ceedings, which have been arranged. Bach school is having a programme of its own, the speakers having been pro- the Canadian Club. A new flag will float over Victoria school. {The flag is one of a recent co "| W.O.8., Kingston, ment from Bellast, Ireland. Careta Richard Ludlow will take great pride in raising this flag. in Peterboro but a} V WILL DISCUSS THE TEMPER. ANCE QUESTION When it Convenes in hingston--=The Church Union Proposal Will Not Receive Much Attention. The temperance question will be a live issue at the meeting of the Montreal conference to be held next week in this Jiy. An evening meet ing will be devoted to it an the matter will be presented by two bi . Rev. M. Taylor, Arnprior, . an Elmer Davis, of this city, as the time taken up in compection with and social and moral reform. Nhe recent legislation of the liberal leader, N. W. Rowell, the abolition of the bar, and the suggestion to put a stop to the treating system al hotels, will furnish much material for discussion. Owing to the action on the part of e |the Presbyterians, the church union questigp will probsbly not be of an outstanding nature. The reports of the voted of the conference will be teceived from the eleven districts, the |mostly all of which have voted very strongly in favor of the amalgams- tion. Many of the pastors, it - is understood, are in favor of the Me- thodist church "piloting its own show," as iL were, until the Presby- ferian brethien feel and vote different- ly in the matter. Missions, home and abroad, with the probability of a good deal oi attention to those in the Canadian field, with Sunday school and young people's work, will, as usual, bring forth discussions and resolutions per- taining to it. priate memorial references and ser- vice for such members of the confer ence who have died during the past twelve months. ------------ METHODISTS AT RACES. Encouragement Given Racing is Out of Place. Too many prominent Methodists are patronizing the Woodbine races, ac: cording to the Christian Guardian, which says : "The spring meet in Toronto of the Ontario Jockey Club has been an up- usual cemtre of interest this year. The presence of the governor-general, a royal prince, and his family has given the occasion a special society interest, and the attendance seems to have been very large. We notice in the list church rolls. We are not the keepers of their conscience, and we do mot presume to say what they should do, t we cannot forget that race meets are kept up by the gambling that is carried on in connection with them, and we know soniéthing of how utter- ly demoralizing gambling is. And when we remember that many of the -| state legislatures across the lines are putting down race-track gambling with a strong hand, we cannot but feel that the special ehcouragement some of our high society are giving it in On- tario is out of place, From the gov- anor-general down, they might surely have been, as we see it, employed." ------------ MORE RAIN COMING. Weather Man a Much Abused Person the Past Few Days. The weather man is the most abused rson in the community, these' days, fis latest report is that there will not only be rain to-day, but on Thurs- day as well, so just keep your um- brella within easy reach for the time being. Kingston is not the only place that is getting the rain, however, it is very m general. Tuesday night; the weather cleared, and everything pointed towards a fine day, for to-day. True, it was fine for a short time, just a few hours ih the morning, when friend Jupiter Pluviue again gqt busy. : When are we going to haw fine weather ¥ This is the question that is being asked on all sides. Everybody is talk about the bad weather: CITY REGIMENTS IN CAMP. Five Will Tent at Bakriefield on June 6th. The big military cap will open at Barriefield on Thursday evening, June 6th, when five regiments will go under canvas. The following regiments will arrive in the city naught's Own Rifles, of Ottawa; 15th, of Belleville; 41st of Broeck- ville; 57th, of Peterboro; 14th FP. They will re- main in camp from Thursday until Monday morning. The 43rd of Ottawa will likely be the largest regiment in camp. It will be in well ax the report of the ¢ommitice on tem.' There will be appro- {' § THE DAY : LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS GENERAL. Occurrences in the City and Vielnity =~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. $1.00 Motor Vells. 50c. Dutton's "Fresh sedlitz powders." Gibson's. R. H. and Mrs. Toye left for Montreal, Tuesday. William Swaine, piano tuuer. IN Orders received at Seduloy's. Phone 564, "The White Sister" will be the clos ing event for the season at the Gragd. On sale, Women's Oxfords, $1.35 Dutton's. sooioal § Iniversity has only twenty ical uates this spring. Queen's medical Kor had Pring bie "The home of pure drugs." Gib son's. ( Arthut" Mingay, Merchants' bank, has been promoted to a tellership and transferred to Gananoque. H, Cunningham, piano tuner, King streel. Leave orders at Auley's book store. "New Tabard Inn hooks." Gibson's. D. J. Evans, of Montreal, formerly in the offices of the locomotive works, spent a few davs in the city, 21 Mo- pure drugs, W. J. Geoghegan, Jr. Clergy street, has left for Oshawa, where he has secured a good position. Sale handsome Hat Pins. Dut- ton's. Mrs. W. Sullivan, Division street, left, at midnight, last night, for To- ronto, where she will reside for a time. "Coudroy lavender water," Gib son's. Frontenae school is to have a fine Fmpire day celebration, with address- es, songs, recitations. The assembly room will be used. ] "New Tabard Inn books." Gibson's.' $3.00 Patent Pumps, $2.25, Dut- fons. An assistant has Deen appointed to Henry Corbett, mail clerk on the Kingston-Tweed branch of the Bay of Quinte railway. The assistant if from Toronto. : "Coudroy, Lavander water," son's. The reredos in memory of the late Archdeacon Jones to be erected in the lady chapel of St. George's cathe dral. has arrived. It was donated by his family and a number of friends. "New Tabard Inn books." Gibson's. Sale. Blouses, §0c. Dutten's. Gib- of names of those in attendance not a . i few that stand also upon Methodist aemauie on Thursday evening | much better |! ney on that day: 43rd Duke of Con-|§ Lieut-Col. J. H. Dewar, {4 No. 6 company, of the 14th regi- ment will have company drill at the at Capt. Simpson hopes to see company at full strength. "A 750. Beef, Iron and Wine, . 50c." Gibson's. ' The friends of Mise Annie Baxter, Pittsburg, who has passed through a severe attack of appendicitis, will be pleased to hear that she is doing nice ly and will be able to leave the gen- eral hospital next week. "Fresh weidlitz powders." Gibson's. Black Underskirts, 50¢, Dutton's. Macdonnell & Farrell are making the necessary transfers and securing titles of lands for the Canadian Northern railway through Frontenac. are also doing similar work for the Canadian Pacific railway. "A 75c, Beef, Jron and Wine, 50c. Gibson's. All the latest opera and popular music. Dutton's. The children of the Orphans' home were given a new grafanola hy the friends of the institution on Tuesday. e¢ machine is valued at $65. ga will be . greatly appreciated the thildren. Hugh B. Cameron, Oswego, N.Y, '. "The Hat Store." STARTLING MILLINERY OFFER Starting to-morrow, until further notice, | we will trim all Ladies' Hats free if shape and | trimmings are bought in | this store. i 1 ito £3 rit Te i 'S EPISODES | | "New Tabard Inn books." Gibson's. § | H { | | "Phone 230, Gibson's", the home of H EE -- -- ----------------------------------------. A ------ -- ------ -- 1 'REMOVAL SALE I 25 PER CENT. T0 50) PER CENT. DISCOUNT All Goods sold at above discounts except College, School Text Books and Current Magazines. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 260 PRINCESS, ii RRR i i -- died on Monday, aged seventy-two years. He was a native of Kings- ton, Ont, moving to Oswego in 1863. Samuel Cameron and Mrs. Alexander Bush, of Kingston, are his brother and sister. "Coleco Boap," at Gibson's. Prevost, Brock street, nas received all his spring and sumuner goods for his order clothing department, ana ready-made clothing and gents' fur nishing department, All well assory ed with new goods. The Standard should have publish- ed a tpird letter Dr. G. W. Bell holds when it would have been shown that decapitation by the Borden axe did occur, the date of this letter ante dating the letter of acceptance of his resignation. "Copleo - Soap," at Gibson's. Men's $5.00 Tan Boots, $3.75, Dutton's. Prof. Hutt, of Guelph Agricul- tural college, arrived in the city, Wednesday noon, relative to the improvement to the grounds of Queen's University. The college campus will come under his plan of alterations and improvements. av Told in a I'wilight Miss Machar, Sydenham street, will be the guest of Mrs. 8. Rad- ¢liffe, in London, Ont., for the week-end and on her return will go to her summer home at Ferncliffe,' Gananoque. Mrs. James Third, street, has returned asp bellford, where she was v. her mother, Mrs. Cooke, for the pasi week. i Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle, Earl street, will be guests at the Queen's, Toronto, for the week: end. Mrs. George Young, University avenue, will leave on Thursday to gpend the holiday with her daugh- ter, Mrs. E. Lally Kenny, Toronto. Mrs. T.*B. MéMurchy, Ganan- Wellington GC Aah ogue, is spending a few days 'in town, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie, Clergy street. . Miss Viviene Petrie, Montreal, will arrive in town early In June, for the June gaieties. * » - - Mrs. Gertrude = Brewer-Foreman, and son, Master Robert, have ar- rived from Los Angeles, Cal, to spend the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Matheson, Simco street, and will, ------------ EE _--_atINti For The Holiday A Large vi Wearables E peal to you. White Tailored Waists-- $1.00 and up. Fancy Tailored Waists-- 95¢. and up. New Silk Waists--- $2.75 and up. Ladies' White Dresses-- $2.95 and up. Ladies' Colored Dresses- $1.75 and up. Middy Blouses-- $1.00 and up. Ladies' Raincoats-- $5.00 and up. Childrens' Dresses-- 50c. and up. Jatiey [Buits--to clear a Half price. New Collars, Belts Jabots, Frillings, Hosiery, Glove sEtc. NEWMAN AND SHAW The Always Busy Store. of Correct t will ap- réturn to her home In California in 'JM the fall. t Mr. Hugh Farthing will arrive from Montreal on Thursday and will be the guest of Mr. G. H. Smythe, West street, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffey, of Winni- pag, who have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Bagot street, left on Wednesday to visit friends in Perth. {Continued on Page 3.) . Mr. Sandford C. Calvin and the Misses Ella and Lillian Callaghan, who have been spending some time on the continent returned to the eity to-day. A Costly Policy. | Ottawa Fre Press. : commonwealth of Australia is} discovering that it is easier to launch on a new policy than to forecast its cost., Ofiomal ; cost of administrati pensions system ia, my Mwy Salome a8 pOEAle cavy 8 of 4 x il i : : Bf I i} 4} Fe Plenty of Salvia Petunias Snapdragons Stock All kinds of Bedding Plants at PURDY'S 109 BROOK BTREET Everything in floral de- in Ahis World. oe ourselves to her vous and freiful. Weeds "of eure overran 1 faraen of cart hin y shou ver be Al 1s to take root. is caused by 80- HE after through ations Tey -------------------------- C--O ----------------------- 'Phone 019, PREPARING FOR COMING WEDDINGS English Entree Dishes, Chop Dishes, Marmalades Cut Glass, choice designs. Pear! Handled Forks Cases. Bterling Stlver in excellen: patterns and complete ringe of prices. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STREET, WANTED in variaty of Knives in Oak and and Leather To be Stored GOURDIER'S BROOK STREET "SAVE THE PIECES" If yon should break ti pieces to us and we can repaly and make them look stew agalr no matter how badly brokes We ean re pair any broken glasses, also test y ' yen for new ones Satisfaction refunded. Keeley, Jr. 226 PRINCESS ST. am, bring guaranteed or money \ Optometrist Phone 927, Good system Is not & question of doing well. but of doing the utmost. - In This Laundry we do our utmost to avoid errors in delivery, and }t is seldom---very seldom ~~ that mistakes in this direction occur; But when they do we quickly remedy them. } KINGSTON LAUNDRY | Dor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. | 'Phone 22. | --------_---------- FURS | 3