i WEANTO PLEASE THHASES. we always make a bull's eye with every customer. ¢OwWr Tailoring pleases becaysé it 1s expert work. conscientiously done in every detail and therefore bound to assure the best results. We fit you 'with the best fabrics, ensure the correct style, are careful about every little detai: of finish, and we charge only mode-{* rate prices, . THOMAS LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor 157 PRINCESS STREET. \ARROLL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Store, with dwelling attached, solid brick tion, extra lot, large, house, all conveniences, central loca~ En Bloc, $6,500; or will sell separately. Large, solid brick dwelling, all modern conveni- ences, with good seized lot, on Queen Street, near Sydenham Street. Price, $3,200, WANTED Dwelling, near Bagot and Bay Sts. $1,300, 14 MARKET ST. Price abouc LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE "PHONE 68, FIR! AONVUASKI OLAV aNV AVOH HOLOK ¢ PLATE-GLASS AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. a AASALAL THE QUEEN MIL Smart New Shapes For Saturday. | ee -------- The leading styles are the flaring brim effects and mushroom shapes for exclusive summer wear Clusters or wreaths of tiny | flowers ornate the Milan and Leghorn Straws. Ladies' Panama Hats Untrimmed... .. . $3.75 to $12.00 Ladies" Panama Hats, Trimined . $7.50 to $15.00 | MIDSUMMER HATS ~ FOR OUTING AND MOTORING, SUITABLY FOR MOUNTAIN AND SEASHORE WEAR. sfyles in Turkish, Crash, Ratine, Duck and Pique. 174 WELLIN Snappy ELLINGTON ST. = TOTO: NTH NR NN TE You Ought to Buy." When a dealer says that----and points to & Banner Spiral Spring Bed, he is giving you sound advice. He wints you to be satisfled--wants to make you a permanent friend of his store. He is prepared to show you why the Banner Spiral Spring Bed should be your choice. He knows--and you know--that one-third of our time is spent in bed---which means with most of us about 20 years to a lifetime. He knows you know---that it is im. portant to your health to sleep on a comfort. eble bed for those 20 years. Let him show you wherein the Banner ensures comfort-- ask him to explain the sound principles of its gomstruction that make for proper blood circulation. ALASKA FEATHER & DOWN COMPANY Limiten MONTREAL Ano WINNIPEG, : THE ORIGINAL AND OWL GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA ......., wu CHOLERA o © DYSENTERY. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1912. THE JUBILEE BAZAAR OF PROVIDENCE CITY HALL OF HOUSE Opened on Wednesday and Has Been Quite a Success--Those in Charge of Tables--Bazaar Continues Till Friday Night. The bazaar marking the fifth an- niversary of the House of Provi- dence opened in the Ontario and city ball, Wednesday afternoon, and by the evening was in full swing. I'he various booths were very prettily aranged and decked, number of women and young ladies of the city being the "shop keep- ers," enticing those who '"Hropped in" to make purchases. Mother Gabriel of the House of Providence and her sisters were extremely busy launching the grand affair. Meals are being served throughout the day, and there is also a refreshment counter. The girls of the schools of the city were invited on Wednesday afternoon, and attended in large numbers, with their teachers. The bazaar was tinued Thursday, and will close Friday evening, with an entertainment, under the man- agement of Colonel J. H. V. Crowe con- presenting the one-act farce, "Chis- elling." Thursday evening a pro- gramme of drills, dialogues and songs will be put on by the dren of 8t. Mary"s-on-the-Lake or- phanage. The visitors at the bazaar last evening were received by Mrs. Col.) Crowe and at eight o'clock an honorary banquet was given to the city council and the board of trade. The dining room was beautifully arranged and very efficiently con- ducted. Those in charge were Mrs. Quinn, Miss Oberndoffer; Miss K. Ferguson, Miss IL. Fay, Miss Mal- len, Mrs. Melville, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Flint and Mrs. Coff. The meals were served in the city hall where also a splendid little dance was held from 9 until 10 p.m. The booths were arranged in On- tario hall. The door was under the charge of F. Cunningham and Matthew Joyce. Those in charge of the booths were: Ice cream, Mrs. T. Lovett, Mrs. Haaz, Mrs. Beecher, Miss T. Gallagher, Miss M. Bajus, Miss H. Bajus, Miss H. Fitzgerald, Miss E. McDermott, Miss M. Mc- Donaid, Miss J. Harty, Miss M. Lovett. Flower, Miss K. Sullivan, Miss A. Leahy, Miss A. Brown, Miss J Brown, Miss M. Boulger, Miss L. Hanley and Miss M. Hanley. Miss F. Sullivan, Migs M. Dwyer. Miss inompson, Miss K.- Kyan, Miss U, Cicolari, Those in charge of the sweets and dainties were Mrs. (Dr.) WwW. W. Gibson, Mrs. E. O'Reilly, Miss A. O'Connor, Miss L. McDonnell, Miss H. Ardagh, Miss R. Parker, Miss K. Jennings, Miss D. Parker. At the home-made . booth were Mrs. Thos. Nicholson, Mrs. M. Cor- rigan, Miss and B. Daley. The pharmacy booth was tended by Miss K. Corrigan, Miss C. Moon- ey, Miss Redmond, Miss M. Hyland, Miss Irene Nicholson, and Miss Marguerite Martin. The fancy work booth, always an interesting place to the ladies, was arranged and tepded by Miss A. McNeil, Mrs. T. J. Leahy, Mrs. Jos- eph Doyle, Mrs. D. Fitzgibbon, Mrs. A. Simpson, Miss M. Brophy, Miss C. Flannigan, Miss BE. McElherian, Miss L. Murphy, Miss E. McKenna, Hrs. McAuley, Miss Jennie McFad- en. The baking powder table was tended by Mrs. L. Phalen, Mrs. W. Murphy, Miss S. Collins, Miss Rose O'Connor. ' ine "ola mother Loose' bootn was under the direction #FMrs. Thomas Keenan. Mrs. J ac- quith, Mrs. J. F. Q The Japanese surprise Ww der the direction of Mrs. and Miss Helen Darragh. The rosaries and souvenirs were sold by Miss Gertrude Martin, Miss A.| McDonald, Miss Kathleen Mec- Nally. Miss Etta Quinn was among the booths as Sibyl. The cocoa and lunch booth was operated by Miss McCormack, Miss [leen Hutchings, Miss Irene Mec- Cormack, Mrs. M. Aiken. around were sold by Mrs. W. Mellwain, Miss Kate Collins, Miss Marion O'Connor. The soft drinks and cigars table was tended by Mrs. M. Tetro, Miss A. Tooher, Miss Leo Blanche, Miss A. Aiken. Verona Lad Broke, Leg. A young lad by the name of Vel- ley, of Verona, was brought to the general hospital on Thursday morning to undergo treatment for A fractured leg. It seems that ab- out three weeks ago the lad, while playing where a separator was kept, fell and broke his leg. The leg was set, but is not getting on as well as expected, so he was brought to the city hospital - Vandalism at Cricket Field. Evidently some person is not de- sirous of seing the IN} assisted by the best local talent, in | chil- | i for sample. Fancy paper and artificial flowers i | THE PANAMA CANAL, Thinks it Will be of Very Giems Benefit Capt. A. Thompson, the commercial agent of the Furness Railway and Dock company, of England, is in : | ter a business trip extending through { Canada to the Pacific coast. To a re- {porter of the Whig he said the mo- jtive of his triptto America, this vear was to promote business between both the east and west coasts of the do- pinion that would be created when ithe new Isthmian canal was com- | pleted. Speaking of the canal so far jas the dominion was concerned, he {said that the effect would be tremen- 'dous, for it would stimulate business {from one end of the country to the the | city, to-day, en roule to Europe, ai-! i i {other; and would foster many indus- | tries, that under leannot successfully compete {manufacturers of Europe. There present conditions | with | are | untold millions of tons of raw mate- | rial from the Rocky mountains, west- ward, that when the canal is opened jean be worked up and shipped, not "only to Europe, China, Japan, ete., but to the eastern section of this | country, and that, too, at a profit, {for the canal will shorten the route las at present existing, some 7,000 miles and not only shorten it, but cut jout the roughest and mos: dangerous {parts of the voyage via Cape Horn. | BECKWITH HAVENS, (The Curtiss Aviator, Who Flies Here i on June 3rd. BECKWITH HAVENS. Above is a very good picture ithe first man who will attempt to {fly in Kingston or Eastern Ontavio He is Beckwith Havens, one of the | Curtiss people's most gifted flyers. He learned' at the Curtiss training ground at Hammondsport, and shortly he |came so proficient that he was in demand everywhere. Reports of his flights at Rockford, 1ll., on Aug. Bth, {and Boone, lowa, on Aug. 10th, evo- ked thrills of pride. Still more re cently he made spectacular flights at Middletown, N.Y., on Sept. Jet, and at Lewiston, Me., on Sept. 4th, 5ii and 6th, On Sept. 11th last, as a tribute his ability as an airman, Glenn H. Curgiss chose him to demonstrate his new military aeroplane, built for the United States army signal After three successful and brilliant trial flights the machine was pur- chased by the war department. On Sunday, Aug. 13th, the aviator was unfortunately badly injured in railway wreck near Fort Wayne, Ind Since then he has repeatedly declared that aeroplane travel is far safer than railway transportation. of of { corps. a Delicious Light Bread. Can only be made by fresh and active using a yeast. White Swan Yeast Cakes are always pure, fresh and active. Ask vour grocer for a Se package conhlaining six cakes, or send White Swan Spices & Cereals, Limited, Toronto, Ont. pure, Elected Representatives These society representatives to the official board were elécted at a meet ing in Queen Street Methodist church on Wednesday evening : Messrs, J. KE Clark, W. H. Assesltine, W. E H Nicholson, John Kinch, Dr. E. Sparks, J. B. Cooke and E. Botterel. Dr. Asheroft, Wellington street, loft, at noon, to spend the week-end with his family in Montreal. KNOWS NOW Doctor Was Fooled by His Own Case For a Timo. it's ely to understand how ordin- ary people get fooled by cofice when doctors themselves sometimes forget the facts. A physician speaks of his own perience : "I had used coffee for vears and really did not exactly believe it was injuring me, although 1 had palpita- tion of the heart every day. (Tea con- tains caffeine--the same drug found in coffee--and is just as harmful as cof- fee) N "Finally one day a severe and al most fatal attack of heart trouble frightened me and 1 gave up both tea and cofiée, using Postum instead, and since that time I have had absolutely no heart palpitation except on one or two gocasions when 1 tried a small quantity -of coffee which caused severe irritation and proved to me I must let it alone. "When we began using Postum it seemed weak--that was because we'did not make it according to directions-- but now we put a little bit of butter in the pot whim boiling and allow the Postum to boil Sully fifteen minutes, whi ives it proper rich Savor and ep brown color. "I have advised a great many of my friends and patients to leave off cof- fee and drink Postom, in fact 1 daily give this advice." Name given by Ca- nadian Postum C. ¥ , Ont. Many thousands of physicians use Postum in place of tea and 'coffee in their own homes amd prescribe it to patients. "Thete's a reason," and it ex tittle book, "The ax PAGE FIVR. - ASCOT SHOES The Swellest Line of Tans, Patents. and Gun Metals---Button and Lace. Oxfords at - $4.00 and $4.50 High Shoes at $4.00, 4.50, 5.00 = SECURED BETTER Daily Service and Renfrew, June 3rd Next, Between Somencing As a result of the matter being taken up by the members of the Kingston board of trade, the King- ston & Pembroke railway has de- cided to put on a daily freight ser- vice between Kingston and Ren- frew, commencing June 3rd, next. This is good news to the whole- sale merchants in the city, and they are pleased at the action of the company. The matter, it will be remembered, was take up at a meeting of the board of trade, held on March 12th. The wholesale sec tion of the board, through R. J. ting the complaints of merchants against the Kingston & Pembroke railway, owing to the fact that ths company did not carry freight every Sharbot Lake. The wholesale sec- tion reported as follows: The wholesale section of thao Board of Trade met to consider the complaints made by merchants ag- ainst the K. & P. railway, for not taking freight every day, to sta- tions on the other side of Sharbot Lake. The committee consider that they were not treated right, as the road was bonused very largely by Kingston, for daily service to Pem- broke. The merchants of Toronto and Montreal are able to ship to customers every day in the week and your committee ask that tho matter be placed before the proper authorities so that they may receive fair treatment. This report was approved of by the council of the board of trade, and by its direction was sent, ac companied by letters of support, from the following wholesale firms Messrs. R. J. Carson, A. Chown & Co., W. B. Dalton & Sons, Macnes & Mjnnes, and George 'Robertson & Son," to Mr. W. R. Baker, vice- president and general manager of the Kingston & Pembroke Railway through Conway, act- ing gengral superintendent of the railway The mat ter has received the consideration of Mr. Baker, and he has decided to put on a daily freight service between Kingston & Renfrew, com- mencing on June 3rd next. The wholesale merchants in the city will be greatly pleased by the rail way company's prompt acquiescence to their request. AT THE GRAND. Motion Pictares With Sarah Bogr. hardt a Fine Treat. The final presentation of the Sarah Bernhardt motion pictures, in mille," was given at the Grand last night, and everyone was delighted with the success of the film. The pro gramme, which in addition to the Camille pictures, has a film on Rejane, in "Madame Sans-Gene,"" and the provide a rare treat in motion pie tures. It is indeed quite a novelty to see pictures given with such a dra matic effegt as these are given. The different scenes in Camille, showing the celebrated actress, Sarah Pern hardt, held the audience from start to finish. It is a play, without words, but nevertheless it is impressive, and although only in picture form, is in- deed wonderful. Both films are clear and distinct, and "are run off without any unnecessary delay, and thix adds greatly to the pleasure. - "The White Sister." Plays that are endorsed by church and yet have a potent ap- peal to the average amusement seeker are rarities. The one bril- liant exception that proves the rule to-day is Viola Allen's remarkable success "The White Sister,' which is booked for the Grand to-morrow matinee and night, with that ban tiful emotional geniug Jeanne Tow- ler in the title role and a company of metropolitan players supporting her. "The White Sister" has been universally endorsed by the Catho- lie Church as a beautiful dramatic story full of human interest and conveying a lesson of commendable devotion and piety--and in fact the church of! every denomination has praised its lofty and uplifting theme. Messrs. Morrison & Warde, proprietors of this 'company have given the same careful attention to the detail of the performance that characterized the original Lieber & Co, Jroggetion with Viola Allen as the {" "The White Sister" will be the last big event of the lo- cal dramatic season. "Cae two the re Weller THE BOARD OF TRADE FREIGHT SERVICE ON K. AND P. RAILWAY The Company Has Decided to Ging r Kingston on Carson, presented a report, submit day, to stations on the other side of | -- con Crystal Palace Ice Cream Parlor 180 Princess St. Just Newly Opened Finest and best equipped Ice Cream and Confectionery Store in Canada. Highest Quality Our Aim Phone 367 Are You Going to Cook with Gas If so, see our up-to-date line of Ranges and lict Plates be- fore placing yours order for equipment or renewals We are practical plumbers and gas fitters, and invite your ingpgction of our very complete stock. We will give you an and quote close prices cheerfully, and free of charge. BENNETT & HALLIGAN Plumbing, estima Tinsmithing, Heating and Sani- tary Engineering. 191 PRINCESS ST. sm ------ Phone 1033. esis si msi sii CL ---- LET an-- THE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED OF LONDON ENGLAND. TOTAL ASBETS $10,000,000.00 Deposited with Dominion Go security Sms iy BUSINESS TRANSACTED FIRE, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, GUARANTEE, BONDS AND AUTO MOBILE INSURANCE, , HOWARD S. FOLGER, Agent, Clarence St., Kington, Ontario, Phone No. 509 4 DO THE PUBLIC APPRECIATE AND APPROVE OF OUR PLANS ? STOP--LOOK---LISTEN March, 1912. business 40 per cent. over that of 1911, April, 1912. business Siper cent . over that of 1911. & This answers the question Openings for live district and local Agents vernment for | THE POLICY HOLDERS MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO'Y. Mead Office - Temple Bldg. Toronto A ------------------ LIQUOR LICENSE APPEAL. Not Known Just When the Case Will be Heard It isnot definitely known when the appeal of the Kingston liquor dealers 'against the license reduction will be heard in' the at To ronto. It was slated for hearing this week, but another adjournment has been made, and City Solicitor Mela tyre, when asked about the matter, yesterday afternoon, stated that it was not known mow just when the case would be heard. divisional court Rev. C. 8. Deeprose and Rev. Basil Thompson are the representatives of the Ottawa Methodist district on the Montreal' conference sistioning com- mities. Hoods Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your | appetite, relieve your tired feel. ing, build you up. More 40000 testimo- nials received in two years are the broad and solid foundation for this claim. - Be sure to take Hood's Sar. saparilla this spring. Get It today. Sold by all druggists A Good Combination A Kellaric Mattress and Hercules Woven Wire Spring. ' Oilcloths and Linoleums - and Carpet Squares Laid Free of Charge. JAMES REID'S "Phone 147 The himgry man should first have hit stomach food fortified before par- everywhere, 100 Doses JL inking of sdwonition and: advies,