' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, The BANK of TORONTO 'Is well prepared to furnish its' customers tha facili- ties and service which!give the'best of banking ac- commodation, together with prompinassand aceuracy in the handling of their banking business INCORPORATED 1855. CAPITAL .... .. $6,000,000 J KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager. THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences in the City and Vicinity ==Other Brief Itewns of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. "lee cream bricks." Gibson's, Port Perry creamery butter, is fine. Dayid Dompates. of Cananoque, was in the civ Thu . "lee cream rio Gibson's. The cricket field has been newly mown; the grass was quite long. "Uity Dairy ice oream." Gibson's. Mrs. Holland, Kingston, is vEsiting her brother, Ww. 8. Blackburn, at Ver- nonville. ; Eldon and Port Perry butter, finest made. All gracers. Herbert C. Treneer, Peterboro, spent the holiday with his parents on Gue- bee street. Port: Verry creamery butter, is fine. 'James - Scruton, Peterboro, was in the city on the Koliday visiting his parents on Stephen street. "lee cream bricks." Gibson's. A thief stole the bicycle of Police Magistrate Farrell from in front of his residence on Barrie street. Should influence your judgement when you buy Shoes, you will then realize some pleasure and satisfaction from the shoes you buy. Cheap ill-fitting shoes are costly, no matter what you pay for them. They jruin your feet, destroy your energy and put you out of sorts with yourself. WE FIRMLY BELIEVE IN QUALITY. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" "Hudnut's toilet powder." Gibson's. The holiday was quietly observed , wn Kingston. The weather was not pro- pitious. "Neilson's iw cream." Gibson's. The open cars made their first ap- pearance on Friday and were wel: comed by the citizens. "lee cream bricks." Gibson's. Sunday, May 26th, is Queen's Mary's birthday. The royal salute will be fired at noon, Monday. Eldon butter, Poort creamery. "Hudnut's toilet water." Gibson's. The. many friends of Owen (umn will regret to hear that be is seriously ll 'at his home on Bagot street. Gib- Neilson' 8 ire cream bricks." son' 8. Two barges cleared from Garden Is- land, Friday evening, to be used as Jitters at releasing the steamer Toil- WY Porl Perry sell it. "lee 'eream bricks." Gibson's. Richard Clark, formerly manage? of the Kingston Paper Box factory, Jeft today on a trip to his home onthe old country. "lee cream bricks. " Gibson's. Mr. White, of the Bank of Montreal, who has been transferred to Frederic: ton, N.B,, left on Thursday to take over his new position. "lee ecremp bricks." Gibson's. Miss Opal B. McClellan and brother, .H.; Forbes McClellan, of | Nontreal, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Saunders, Albert street. "City Dairy ice cream bricks." Gib- son's, Farquhar Murray, tenor, of Flor onee, Hay. and Londen, Eng., will be 'the guest for a fow days of Mr. nnd Mrs. Saunders, Albert street. Mr. Murray came from Montreal Thurs- day. Gib- butter. All grocers her ¥ "Neilson's ice cream bricks." son's. Try "Port Perry butter, All grocers ELECTRIC BELLS Do not have a common out- of-date Bell on your front door when jou can have an Electric Bell installed complete, In- cluding heavy Brass Push But- ton, for only $1.50. We place the Electric Bell where it can be heard without disturbing invalids or Infants. J. N. SCOTT. Electrical Contractor 116 BROCK STREET, "Phone 1215. WE ARE GIVING AWAY SOME VERY FINE LEATH. | ER, VELVET AND TAPES: TRY LADIES' HAND BAGS AT SPECIAL PRICES. ALL GOODS. THIS SEASON'S IF YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE, THIS IS YOUR OP- PORTUNITY: sell it. Ww the Jubilee bazaar of the House of Providence the following young Indies assisted at the Japanese sur rise table : Lilliam Macdonnell, lertha Shaw, Kathleen Grimshaw and Norah Elliott. Neilson's and City Dairy ice cream and 'bricks. Sold in Kingston at Gib son's. | Men's $5.00 Tan Boots, $3.76, | Dutton's. : The firemen received a telephone call at 10.17 o'e,ock to the home of Charles Coe, Lower Bagot street, where some wood that had been left in the oven took fire. The blaze was put out without any damage. "Hudnut's toilet water." Gibson's. The sesifons of the Queen's Faculty of Education are over. The examina- tions have been held and good reports are expected. About fifty have at- tended. Dean Ellis is highly pleased with the work of the students and expects satisfactory results, i ina, DIAMOND MERCHANTS anon smsonarss fi} FOR SALE 5 Passenger Automobile In Good Condition. Fully Equipped. Tires New $500.00 HALL FURNITURE are shuwing a fine Ilne o. ure. SP ADERS Na forks and Sewage Dis yey Napanee, Ontario. SEPARAT TENDERS WILL BE Sndersigned 7 tin 12 TA gos noon, Yune Sth, for the traction of the ea works: 1st. Tetons gg: tT SEWAGE DISPOSAL WORKS, Wd, toBS: By DUTFALL SEWER TO DISPOSAL WORKS. Specifications ma. aid a al informa gh obtained py ile 0 3. the Shai or at ¢ fo Rineet ht. 4 Ontario. AN fia, any tender not neces- af the the ot George C. for Five Hun. must accom- 18.00. to 330.00/l] At Attractive Prices. wn) idences large, darn on! LAL Eo Fol 3.4 pumber ot of teams Mouser "oafiing | 0 the best located daliding Jota in ihe city, con- od un raim jap 5.50 to 00, §8. on Jieeial form SE on, "ER A Su ipan Cohsuiting May 18th 191% IN CONNBOTION WITH | CANADIAX PAGIFIO RAILWAY. TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS WILL {LL BE. RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to 7 pm, urs day, May 30ih, for Fuel and for Tin. smithing and Painting for the Beard of Education. Specifications at the Board's Offices. 5 JOHN MACDONALD, Bec.-Trear TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS ARE INVITED UP TO 30th May, 1912 for the different trades work required in the erection of a new Chancel and Vestry to St, Tatrick's Church, Napanee, Oni Plans and specifications may be seoy at the office of the Architect, Kings- ton, ont, and at the residence of the Rev. T. P. O'Connor, Napanee, 31. P. SMITH, Architect. NOTICE. CITIZENS WHO ° HAV COM. [aints to make re City Garbage Coi- ction can have samé promptly at- tended to by calling 'Phone No. 1699, ring 2, from 10.30 to 11 am. and ? (eo 3.30 p.m. NICHOLSON & ELLIOTT Village of Portsmouth. THE COURT OF REVISION POR the Vii of Portsmouth will be held at the Town Hall on Tue , June 4th, at 7.30 o'clock pm. All persons intending to appeal to the sald Court must notify the indersigned not later han the 25th In By order, J. W. HENSTRIDGE, Clerk. May 11th, 1812. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 34 Johnson Street, between King and Ontario Streets, TUESDAY, MAY 28TH, 10.30 A.M. Consisting of Dining-room and Parlor Sets, Bedroom Sets, 10 Iron Beds, Pod. ding, Crockery and Glass Ware, Side. board, Leather Seat, Dining Chalrs, Pandora Range, nearly new, Coal Hall Stove and articles too numerous io mention. 'J. EDWARD JONES, Auctioneer ae El Coctoresrteariet STEAMER WANTED. Steamer, carrying 200 to 300 passengers, to run om good paying local route be. tween Brockville, Fernbank, Hillcrest and Buttermut Bay, also for excursions Nt. Lawrence. Financial on ance will be given. For fur. ther information, address, Wm, Shearer, Sec., Board of Trade, Brockville, Ont, Fos riiatervont 14TH REGT.,, The regiment will parade Monday evening, 27th, at 7.46 o'clock. Boih bands to attend. Dress--Drill order, with: leggings. Hecruit classes held on Major, P.W.O.R EXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Young Park- hill, Iate of the City of Kingston, Commission Merchant, Deceased. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT all ereditors and others having eiaims agninst the estate of John oung Parkhill, who died on or about the Sth day of April, 1912, at the City of Kingston, are on or before the 4th , 1912, to deliver to W, Mundell, Kingston, Solicitor for the Executors of said estate, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and of the securities, any, held by them. And that after sald last mentioned date sald executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deccased among the pataons entitled thereto, havin regard those claims only of which they "hail then have had notice, and will not be liable for any part of sald assets to any person of whose claim they shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution. JAS, McCULLA, ROBT. MEEK, . . W. MUNDELL, Solicitor. Kingston. May 11th, 1912. HOTEL FRONTENAC KINGSTON OFFERED FOR SALE P.W.O.R. will 1. JF SON, Adit. 14th Rest, } Executors. KING'S BIRTHDAY CE JUNE 8, 1011. GLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP. going May 21 June Sf acand3e ER Retara mit, June 0 11 and 25, JULY © and 20. ot K. & P. and Outario Bt |kippeRED HERRING MAY, ir 23, 1912 Cr ADVERTISING RATES -- First tusertion fc & word, cent & word. ome She; wix, $1; one Minimum charge for Soe; three SSN ran, one month, #8, HELP WANTED, GIRLS WANTED. APPLY, N. C. Pol. son & FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Agent. 18) 169 ~ Wetiing re, e, Accide ssued. Lar cles 1 " Tite 4 iS Accidaot, Ta J Toners te Haan i. share of Boner 15 solicited. 81 Street, Kingston. Ba ce and Te your GENERAL SERVANT. Albert Street. APPLY, A YOUNG MAN HBRIGHAT BOY for, gunior Le Apply, 8 Anglin & SEVEN MEN, APPL at once to Pyke's Wolfe Island. Y OR 'PHONE Fruit Farm, DINING GIRL Brunsw Ki Hotel. Cousineau, Prop. WANTED AY Apply to John STRONG BO LEARN resswork; a at trade. Appiy, whi at: en B® HANDS AND work Electrir MST-CLASS LATH ry boring mill hands; steady Arp bl Canadian General SMART BOY TO LEARN ng trade in the job depar:- of Whig office. Apply at ANYWHERE, CAN FARN copying addresses: for siamp. G. R., Boston, Mass Goon, printi ment once. ANYONE, good income varticulars Bers. Dept, AGENTS WANTED wren for any selling proposition which doubles no Hie e auin tires; $25 dally 233 Ny made, Quinn Mfg. Co. Box , Colborne, Ont. INTELIAGENT PERSON MAY earn $106 monthly corresponding for NEWS Ts no canv assing Send for particulars, Brass Sgndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, NY CANADIAN VERNMENT WANTS Railway Mail Clerks; Mail @ar- riers; excellent salaries; common sducation sufficient; particulars free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 513 P,, Rochester, N.Y GO OLD Cov NTRY 108, CAV. able Beo Ea and Irish Danish ris; Darties nr ey om- real. or 227 Bank treet, twa: LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT sewing at home, whole aor spare time; good ab, work seat any distance, charges paid Baw stamp for full partis unlars. National Manufacturing Company, Mornit- read, i $300 MONTHLY ~I WILL START YOU in business; experience absolutely unnecessary; spare time at home; 1 furnish everything: guarantee success; proofs. and sworn state- ment free. oorhies, Desk 3517, Omaha, Nebr. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED to 'handle Coquitlam, BC. pro- rty on generous commission als; terms and character of .in- vestment make these Coquitlam lots easy selling; exclusive terri. tary to right man or firm; write for booklet and details. Coquitiam tealty Co, H., Winch Bldg., Van- couver, : AMAZING INVENTION ENTIRELY new lamp burner; changes com- mon kerosene light Into large, brilliant white ame. rivals gas or eleciricity; odorless, smokeless; not a mantle; can't break; irie sistible selling propesition; experi. ence unnecessary; show one, sala made; sample outfit, 35e, prepaid, will start you. Great Wisite 3 ry Dept. Z, Windsor, Canada. MEN WANTED, AGE 18.35, AS FIRE. men and brakemen on railroads i. Kingston vicinity :0 prepare im- ately for pasitions contnuatly opening, 682 men sont to positions this Fear: experience unhecessary; ts0osl 00 Engineor monthly; age monthly. Prom 'tion or 'conductor, $150-3200 good life careers. State . Rallway Asso. , Dept, 25 227 Monroe Street, Brooklyn, NY WANTED--GENERAL. 0 OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housdicesping b Young couple. Box 228, hig - ce. NICE CLEAN RAGS YOR wIPING | machinery; will pay good price for same. British Walg Publishing Company. NISHED HOUSE Te RENT FRO About October ist. Apply to Me Cann's Real Estate Agency, 61 Brock Street. SOUTHERN FAMILY DESIRES three hedrooms and sitting.room ih Boros home, well located, for summer months. Address Box 825, Whig office suo nErAmING feaifer"caly ned og Scott's, 206 BE. Clergy West, OF. EV AL ¥ DE. r repairs § Street, cor. of FILL. BUY TAKE onion, JuAT THAT a 4 furaltice all kind stoves; a Before: au os A oats Stress, Piri omyzuusy have it made to-date suit up Ba RE & Wr on Gallo EEL EER 43 | C LOAN AND ment Society; established puskident, Sir Richard Cartw ney Javed city a ties, unicipal an 883 nt; gn ; mort e8 pura eats received" and Ihterent al anaging Birestor. # Charen ron LONDON, AND GLO LIVERPOO nk re He Php Col ny, Avallabie assets, $61,187,216. In addition which the policyholders have for Stourity he fhe uni mited lability of holders. Farm west eity pro Lie possible party Dy rein old rates Siving Aa business get Phone 77 Sd . BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYO NYWHERE, om, A Srdee pusinets be Yor free boo axle eacock, 2.969, Ret: EUROPEAN CAPITAL prises In all substantial lines of busi- ness. Raliroads, Tractions, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations Timber, Mining, Agricultural and Industrial. Bond, Debenture and Btock Issues Underwritten, Purh or Bok Properties purchased for European exploitation and iavestment, Financial Undertakings of all sorts handled, Miscellaneous commissions and or- ders of all characters accepted for ex- ecution in any Eurcpean country, Correspondence enclosing full tails at first writing Invited THE INTERN ATIONAL RANKERS ALLIANCE, 14-16-18 Bloomsbury Street, Londen, England. OAN START at home; hae TO LET. "ARGH FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH ithout board, near City Park, $5 Wellington Hireet. FURNISHED without keeping veniences noms, WITH on board; also light bhouse- rooms; all modern cou- Apply, 37 Princess St STORAGE FUN FURNM)IUVRE © i dry, airy rooms, & salutes. BOD your own lock and xe re City Storage, 189 Queen LARGE YARD, SUITABLE FOR COAl ood 'Phone B36 or for storing , pulses, corner of Princess an Ontario Streets. Apply to D. J, 4 rirtan, on the premises. STORAGH FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry; aise Dwellin furnish. ed an uhfuruishe frices, Stores, ete. McCann, 5) Broek Street. BRICK HOUS 2 PRINCESS Street, Vaughh Terrace; 13 rooms; modern improvements A pply © ¥ unningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence Street WOLFE ISLAND, PLEASANT summer rooms, comfortably fur. nished; convenient to post office and boat landing; good table board convenient at moderate rates. Ap- ply at 144 Barrie Siréet, City. CATERER. WE _CATER TO PARTY Wedding Breakfasts, ete; also Rent Dishes, Linens and Silverware. Hambrook, corner Un'on and Divi. rion Streets. 'Phone 843. BALLS, ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, Brock. ARCHITECT, 232 SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, King Street, "Phone 345, WM NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. tects, ete. Offices, 258 Bagot St 'Phone 608, HENRY 258 WER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Buliinga, corner Brock and Wellington reets drop a card. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGK"-R. G. Asheroft, DO, 138 Wellington St, opposite the Post Office. Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and by ap- pointment. Consultation free. Phono #47, OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. C8 frpatie : 4 Blarence Btreet, 2" Phone DENTAL. 733 Princess Breet. SANE, A SPARKS, DENTISTS, DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST Rn. OC. Bn Welcker, a fod Princess Street. 'Phone 735 AEB Re RNALP, $2 RE- moved to s, ih aver Dolton piptess Oifice at hy = Phone chea) a ores. > 4s. Ry SIX OLD ENGLISH OAK DINING Chairs, leather seals and backs, also leather couch... at very reasonable prices I. SSeS, 'Phone 1046 Tr. 8 oak and aia) in test. Pply to J, C. Bay MOTOR BOAT, 24. FT, ¢ X 4 § hp. Brookville engine: cedar hull; cherry finish; class condition, McKinley, Seeley's AWNINGS AND CURTAINS « he tha wil Lh DS OF EARTH; ALSO Some re mould, eight horse power moter (direct current), & new frame house Just gompiet eted, Titers Street, Apply. E Wainea. 7 Mack Street. FOUR GROCERY STORES, WITH dwellings Attached; good ea tions in city gene rei and deine #le th lines Beard chambers Biase ¢ hart Ont. Ontar 0 Chi Kingston, NTS AND AWNINGS «LEA your haar to for whl tents small old iq_relifbie, s Shor his oun tar %a your wants 30 in right: no pl Diiges, tario Street, K FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANO chm pine outfits, fishing PT a vy funch baskets, nglish raincoats, averything In canvas, kit bags, silk tents, spray hoods, motor baat supplisn, Frank W. Coole: 25% Ontario St. "Phone 881 or 23. FIRST-CLASS EGGS POR RATCHIN carefully selected. handled an bred; 8C. Rhode Island Heda, Bar- red Rocks, and Write Wyandotte; 78 cents for 13; cheaper for larger Guantities; all bred fem, Site . yd, fowl and early layers 108 Pine Street, Be Put. MONTREAL STRERT, BRICK; large lot; new plumbing. ARL STREET, STORE AND AND Good rive house on Prinoeas Street 41 ST, LAWRENCE -8 acres, off Gananoque & GARDINER, #7, C ence Street AT GANAN and Islan UE, MIDST OF. THOUS. 8, two-storey solid brick house, in -first-elass condition, with large verandah, frout and back horn, good kitrhen snd An den, just one block from river, centrally located with pleasant outlook, also one Taylor office safe, practically new. Address, Box M2, Gananoque, Ont FURNISHED HOTEL, WITH 20 nED. rooms, A sure license, a miles from Ottawa, doing a good com- mercial 'rade; large bar and large dining room; rates, $1.60 per day: sample rogths extra: reasoh for selling, going to retire from busi. ness ALSO TWO SUMMER COTTAGES AT Sharbot Lake, Ont. and tw. gaso- line lsunches at Quyon. ron INFORMATION, AFFLY TO MN. Doyle, Quyon, Qu» FOR SALE OR TO LET. THREE HOUSES ON WOLFE ISLAND, nicely situated and within five minutes' walk from Jeery landing. Apply to D. J. Dawson, 144 Barrie Street. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. THE GRIMASON Princess Street with the best Wines, Liguors brands of Cigars. or special rates by the week Yard and stable accommodation, Rates reasonable. Mulvilisa & Driscoll 343-341 HOTE stocked Beers, L, Bar of choicest Ales, and Meals, 260 each, PERSONALS. HOT ASCAPF «WAND RFUL intinns: al! rlany wena ot apa ra St. Momtreal nEvr. mvstaries of 1" made birt hdAgis an™ 4 in Rall 208 Gauthier Can HWATR, MOILFS, wane, PRT, marke and all growths and skin blemishes removal permansntly without sear" 27 vesrs' exveri. anon, " Bivar J Laks Wea Tar, Nrine Theant and Skin Specialist, 25% Baer: Street BUSINESS NOTICE. DAVID MARSHALL, PLUMBER, GAS. fitter and Electrical Supplies has changed his address to ueen reel, where he han extended his business, and will oe pi to Pply all customers at reasonable . rates and workmanship guaran- MEDICAL. RR. BB WILLIAMSON HAS RP- moved his office and residsnce from 266 Brock roast to corner King and Willlam Streets, A, CAYS, SPECIAL. roat and Ear, 124 rorner Johnson. . Bun- , and by appointment. y., 2 to 4 'Phone 814,