ft es Hote rere CO Ar ME CHANGE IN THE COURSE CARE "OF THE ARCTIC Explains the Titanic Bisaster| on the Atlantic, HAS MADE A REMARKABLE Dis. OQVERY NS, May 28.--Gapt, P. 0. { ment ine Vighthouses; officer in charge | t the government: V iit 'séarch of Ti Y y he declares, ex- "the disaster snd exonerates Capt. Smith. = ~~ This ia nothing less than an _ iin- fortant Sanne in the Arctic curren: hereby formed of cold water within the of the Gulf stream. This change «was Bot known to Capt. mith, and Capt. Johnson says, that ins wh did not noid ice or y ; flex @ pocket, where warm water ordinarily 8, he found was at latitede 41 N., longitude . 30, W. Capt. Johnson, who had the charts before him, as he spoke of his discov ery, said : "After making a eareful examina: tion of the currents; I am @onyinced that Capt. Smith after receiving warn: ing of the ice, took. precautions which ordinarily would have * saved his ship, but hat = from unusual pheno: moon she was lost. "The Arie current from some un- acount reason, pomsilile prevail ing winds in the vieinity of the Ti- tanic drave itself into the Gulf stream for at least a hnadred miles, * "In ore into this cold water from "the = stream, Capt. Smith would get a te ature of sixty at the stern and forty at the bow of his ship. 1 believe from my observations on the Mantm that this pocket of cold water foreed into the Guli stream by the | A» ic. a t is re 3 ot . mith i his oh to_ strike + Iota of AR WILL. Estate to Unfortunate Berlin, May. 38.The widow of a wealthy St. P jeweller has lett a fortune of i oho to be de vated to the a ation and support of nkrupt men And their destitute daughters. Half the sum is to be spent in eretting a samitarium fae bankrupts, Seatrihed as Yictims of "aur eruel competitive age." rest of the estate is 'disteibutpd in annui- ties to daughters of bankrupts, to educate themselves for self-supporting ofcupations, ; w's relatives will protest the will, alleging mental aberration, vo of A YOUNG BNDIT'S SRY OF oe Accused Youth Swears That His Kidpor. bury, 28. David Brarotn, Seounad, HEY Fred. Dd of having murdered Henry Miller, local and who is on trial Dever Pisced on "te stand in his own defense created a sensation by Bla Mos of the crime. Everett teatified that of the Naling SE Le) while alk] hb # way to the ¥ turn to 8 into the st Everett 4 by Lord ' KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1912. TET TTT LAST EDITION tial pi son in truthful man was they beheld Hurley, who hud for' president, his shoulders, ATTEWPT T0 SAN DIEGO: Los Angeles, Ca the men who are whine under the v Sweetwater dam, vording San Diego police in. this city, These two men for several who were ow the Sweet of the men were Foiirteen armed the home of the newspaper, to property from t Workers, and has them and their outset, the consolidation Ontario completed to be held Forget's office, be completed and land born. the new com ed thay E waterways tire capital. Edwardsville, fore Judge Cantine, as a Jur In 1884 Crispell bet that Blaine would defeat Grover selected vd the Indusirial Workers the to explode the infernal ma+ Han [ego's water days as connected with might they started for the valve just were. followed, and near 'the dam they they were watched and opened fire on one of the men watching them. fire was returned, ran. A bloody handkerchief was found and later a waggon of the wounded men ed, and a few: hours members of the 4. W.W. The led {he fight aginst: she Industrial gation company with the Richeli ; GOV. THOMAS R. MARSHAL! Governor of InMana. A U.B. presiden- ossibility, BIG WHISKERS CROP. ---- § Man Who Lost Election Bet Has Now a Remarkable Growth, Kingston, N.Y, May 28.-- freak election bets furnished to attend- ants at the Ulster county court, when Joh B. Crispell, of Old been summoned be- or. James @, Cleveland and agreed npver again to shave or 'allow his. hair. to be cut ofl. Blaine was defeated. that his face is completely covered by a heavy beard, and his The result is hair hangs to isi BLOW UP $ WATERWORKS The Scheme Failed--Two Members of Industrial Workers Held by Police. CONPESSES DOUBLE MURDER. Former Secretary of California Iu- ventor Slays Aged Couple. San Diego, Cal. May 28. Bert G. Lewis, aged thirty-two, foriner private Secretary to C. H. Toiliver, aged six ty, an airship inventor, has confespod that he shot and killed Mr. and Mrs. Tolliver at ' their home, Saturday night, "He ruined my home: if T had not done jit, someone elsé would have had 10," said Lewis, who fired at the couple as they returned home in an auto. He shot nineteen 'times. Mrs. Tolliver reached the house, telephone and had just been connected with the police department when she fell ded. Her husband also staggered Mato the house, where Lewis stabbed him in the abdomen. Lewis rode home on (a'street car and was met by the po- lice. PICTURE SHOWS IN CHURCHES. Vatican Has Given Permission to American Bishops. New York, N.Y, May 28.--A cable from me says': Moving picture saows on religious subjects may "now be given in Roman Catholic churches in America. The vatican has just con- sented thereto, at the request of seve ral bishops, Conditions are that the Sacred Host be removed from . the church during the performance; that women be separated from men: and that the church be sufliciently light ed. Magic lantern shows may also be LATEST TIDINGS Despite § a Near and io. ------ GIVEN IN THE HR'EFEST POS FORM. The liberals hold fast in the Al berta bye-eleclions. The Ontario government will license chauffeurs after examination. The Canadian west is enjoying a rain worth millions to the crops. A bursting boiler blew a steamer to fhects at Buckingham, Que.. Nobody was killed. » Hon. Robert Rogers may become honorary colonel of Winnipeg's new cavalry corps. i At Lampman, Sask. 'a nine-year-old girl was caught in the shafting and whirled to death . The report of the casals department given, L, May 28. Two of alleged to haye been of alve which regulates' arrest, we- department, who is hac shadowed wall as others the plot. At water "dam. © They when they were discovered that The and the suspects which took one away; was trail- after this, two guards surrounded San Diego "Union" rotect that paper's reatened nftacks by Union has strenuously wttacked methods Irom the : ais mid CONSOLIDATION COMPLETED Of Inland and Richelieu Navigation Companies. Montreal, May 28 «Final stops, for of the land Navi jeu nnd Navigation -sompany: were Monday, and 'at a meeting to-day, in Sir Rudolphe the consolidation will the new navigation tompany, which will cover the whale of the passenger business on the in- Canada, will be British capital 'is interested in ny. Sir Rudolphe stat- ish interests, represented Furness and his associates, represented about one-sixth of the en- Legacy Awaits Injured Man. May 88. Michael Welter, § %ho was injuced by runaway mules ai Yhout of: the iordinary, when a supply, fear. that. Bre un to: Charies. Da _Eneour, of the fly ill, was put to bed. A few hours . - PRESIDENT EDSON J GRAFTING SENATOR GUILTY, Fourth Ceaviction in Ohio Legisia- tive Scandal Expose. ' Columbus, 0., May 28.--Five hours after 'its foreman had 'told' Common Pleas Judge Rathmell that' there was no possibility of 'an agreement in the bribery case of Senator Isaa¢ E. Hufi- man, of Butler county, the jury re ported a verdict of guilty. This was Huffman's" second trial, and 'his attorneys felt' confident that it would result, as did the first; in a disagreement, Senator Hulman wis indicted a year ago for acceptifie a bribe of $200 irom a Burns detettive flosing / as a lobbyist, His id the Toirth "tonviction growing out of the 4911 bribery dis. clogures. He has been prominent for many: vears as a leading state official of a fraternal order. STRANGE CASE REVEALED AT NASHVILLE HOSPITAL Nashville, Tenn., 'May 28.--Attaches a hospital experienced thoughts yonth camb to the institution au few days Ago and complaining' of being serious. Tater, ph they: reedived un desid- ed shock when the had' taken to bo a De birth to: w child. Later - » brought antl an at on her yearming tempt part to secure by seli-hvphosis' what had: , denied 'her by nature, gn TE ungest boy's clothing, her Slipped short, treated her as a brought her to maturity. as a . Te all appearances she was a boy and was accepted as such hy gir ughter .in whom théy | to light a"méthér's pathetic | ow shows that half of Canadian |! [} rr AR 0 . CHAMBERLAIN, Of the Grand Trunk and Gram! Frunk Pacific Railways, wheat goed to the sea via Buffalo and United States poris A manifesto has asked the = British labor unions . to call a general strike but the police hold control of the situation, | . " Hundreds of women, with flags and revolvers, joined in a disorderly pa- rude at Lima, Peru, following the presidegtial elettions. F ick Pugh wag sentenced at Windsor to three years for horse stealing, "an evidence given by an el- der brother, who laid all the blame on Frederick. : Gen. Esteniz, negro rebel leader in Cuba, has proclaimed himself presi dent and threatens to burn the sugar wells unless paid large sums for the war chest within three days, The Lake Erie and Northern rail: way project, with a line to Port Dov- er irom hére and from Brantiord to Galt, is assured provided by-laws carry in the various municipalities foe debenture stock. . GOING ON ALL THE TIME, Although We Do Not Feel Prof. Miller Says. Regarding the earthquake Yelt at To ronto and Hamilton, Prof. W. G. Mil ler, provincial geologist, and formerly of Queen's School of Mining, says: "These quakes are going on all the time, although we do not feel all of them. They are caused by changes on the crust of the earth and the natur- dl changes caused by age." Them, Montreal Banker's Death. Montreal, . May 28.-J. A. Prender: ast, genaral manager of the Bank of ochelaga for twenty-five years, died Monday. He was born' in Quebec in BH; snd saw i Canad to the church. He was a vi i dent of the Canadian Bankers' nano. ciation for many years, rl arrived. EE pkod or al HE WORLDS EPISODES, CERTIFIED SWEETHEARTS. Social Conditions. hearts" Club for Girls. Moral, social After she "certifies" the y sasily read and understood, . are 1000 girls in the club, "There are 30,000 0 in small rooms of under condi which make it dificult for receive young men callers," Marion Lawren-e, Bethany Girls. "We are goi sor the young men and give rooms for the girls to meet who are approved." et -- TO QUIT RUNNING. The Red-Skinmed Marathoner i Quite Unwell. Longboa Toronto, May 28. "Tom" fuit running races forthwith, ly depart fof the west climate where the air is to his condition. He made this newspapers, but was ing out this drastic friends declare he is has-been, et eet WANTS MISSOURI 'GOVERNOR Chicago Convention. { Jefferson City, Mo., May 298 --In a letter received by Governor Herbert Hadley, Col. Theodore Roosevelt ask. ¢éd him to be temporary chairman of the republican national 'convention to be held in Chicago if the Roosevelt forces succedll in gel¥ng éontrol of the convention. ¢ REVOLT THE OBJECT AU OF THE. SOCIALISTS Kier Hardie Declares They Seek to + Overtvow Existing Order of : London, May the socialists able speech by 8 demonstration, in connect i labor Eda Paty at Merthe! said : a refomm orgapitdtion. It is tionary in . the word. The party does not exist te patch up the existing order of soslety and make it a little more tolerable, and build up a socialist efate on a humanitarian basis in its stead, **We are not. asking parliament 'da things for wus. rare parliament ourselves to liament." to master par- Boston Men, of imprisonment ever imposed an automobile case was given to John E. Maley, when he was sentenced prison after pleading guilty to man- slaughter in connection with morning of April 27th. Maley was indicted gree murder. was using the machine without owner's permission. CHALLENGE OF TRAVERS second de for ---- Names Man Who Got $3,000. Toronto, May sioner Sir r S vestigator Frank Hodgins, KC, the government inquiry into yesterda man su to have received swer "Yes" or 'No. That is where investigation rests at present. cheque which was cashed and ed, to "Bank Premises," to show for it. ------------ COAL DEARER IN WEST. ten per cemt. increase In granted to the anthraci advance in New York has } been announced as tw Society Will Ingquite Into Moral and 'Chicago, May 25.--"Certified sweet. is the policy of the Bethany and financial conditions are to be eerti- fied by Mrs. William A. Peterson, the chairman of the exeousive committee. said Miss secretary of © the to cen- clab- those t, Canada's red-skinned Marathoner, has been instructed by . his physician to on ae count of lung trouble, and immediate. or some other more suitable an- nouncement, to-day, to the Toromto reuaded to con- sult more lung spociahats before carry- prescription. , His far from being a To be Tempdrary Chairman of 28.--The real aim of is revealed in a remark. Keir Hardie, M.P., al, other. There had not been Aho aorual' conference 'of. the inde Ra and no inspection of boil "The fndepensiont lubhor party. innont, Senator Smith recommended that fullest sense of the but to overthrow the existing oder to FIVE YEARS FOR AUTO DRIVLE. Convicted of Manslaughter of Two Boston, May 25.--The longest term here in to serve from five to seven years in state the death of two Boston elevator work: men in Boyleston street early on the Ho was a chauffeur and the TO BANK COMMISSION He Will Answer Yes or No If It 28. -W,. R. Travers put a straight challenge to Commis A William Meredith and In. at the Farmers' Bank wreck at Osgoode hall, He told them plainly to name the 3 Pposed the £3,000, the disposition of whith he re- refuses to disclose, and he would sn that phase of the An endeavor 'will be made io find out what became of another $3,000 with nothing pina day about mid Dealers Admit Price Will Shortly be|, Aa street Chinese laundry, and Winnipeg, May 28.--Owing to the wages mited by the coml the price of hard ~ nai in the west will be raised. The | {here, today, where she will William A. Smith. LIVES, (British Board of Trade Censured fu: Laxity of Regulation and Inspa tion, Which Might Have Partially Prevented the Awful Fatality. Washington, D.C., May 28.-- "That Captain Smith, commander of the Titanic, who went down with 5 for the terrible disaster, for refus- ing to heed the repeated warnings of icebergs ahead, and that Captain Lord, of the Californian, should share responsibility for the loss of some of the lives, for he took no heed to the distress signals Plainly visible from his vessel; and that the British Board of Trade is respons- ible for laxity of regulation and in- Spection that might have prevent- ed or partially prevented this aw- ful fatality." These are some of the more im- portant findings of Senator William Alden Smith, whose report of the Titanic investigation was presented to the United States senate this af- ternoon. Senator Smith was chairman of the committee of investigation, all members which concurred in the findings which he presented. The strong terms of the. report were rather startling to the senate, es- pecially in view of the faet that they strongly denounce the govern- ment department of another nation. In criticism of Captain Lord, Sen- ator Smith quoted English law to show he could be punised severely. He intimated that it was the duty of the British courts to prosecute Captain" Lord. : "America will leave to England the chastisement of those guilty," sald Senator Smith in a burst of impassioned oratory. The report mentioned the fact that 'passengers, crew snd officers were all practically strangers to or Trane in Rostrom's "valor" in taking the Carpathia to the rescue of the Titanic's passengers be recognized .{ by the United States government. Ilo some respects the report will likely be strongly ridiculed by peo- ple who know something of nautieal matters, For instance, Senator Smith recommended that every ship be compelled to carry large floating bupys, which, when the ship went down, would float on the surface of the water and give warn- ing to other ships. In one paragraph, Senator Smith said he felt called upon to justify his investigation of the Titanic dis- aster by the fact that, although the vessel sailed under a foreign flag, it carried 4 large number of United States subjects as passengers. Very High Honors. Washington, May 28.--A gold medal, the thanks of congress, fro dom of the floor of the senate and house of representatives, which is a very high honor, was ordered, to- day by the senate for Captain Ros- from, of the steamer Carpathia, for his valorcus work in the rescue «r the Titanic passengers. A motion to this effect was introduced by Sena- tor swith and carried, unanimously, this afternoon. Senator Raynor, of Maryland, made a vigorous and im- passioned speech calling on the civilized nations to recognize in the Titanic disaster, a call for greater allegiance to the Maker and Ruler ol all wings. CALFORNI'S CAPTAM 15 BLAMED FOR LOSS OF SOME} the ship, was directly responsible | O'NEIL~In i Kin RESPONSIBILITY PLACED ON TITANIC'S CAPTAIN By the Report of Semator|: . TITANIC'S DEAD CAPTAIN. ---- 3 BEEF AT RECORD PRICK, -- Rg Sells Wholesale at Highest Figate Since 1882. § New York, May 28.-The highes price since 15352 was reached bn in the wholesale market here, when it sold at 13§c. a pound in bulk, It fs said to mean from Heo. to 2... a pound increase for prime meats at the retail butcher shops. The rimary cause of the high price, the wholesale men say, is the continued soarcity of cattle. Small retail dealers continue to talk of ruination of their business, because 'consumers gre greatly cur- tailing meat purchasers. THE PART OF IN THE CELES po 0f 100 Years of { Great Britain: and the Ottawa, May 28. The. first" step : to wards Canada's participation in celebration of a century - of pence. tween Great Britain, and "the 'Unifed States will be taken in the railwa committee room. of the House of: mons to-morrow, when a iiiiher prominent Canadishs will .eaf r to exchange kt Canada can do expected that Ir sent, also Sit Wi The proposal 'mos formation of a Canndl committee, to co-operite with ganizations already. fo ritain and in the Uni the purpose of fugth celebration, and pre "witht construction of a great A rigge across the Niagara river t United States and Canada. ds BORN. * ' Hotel dey Haspital, on May 26th, 1 , to Me, Alexander J. Keyés, a son » DIED. ' ' DAVIDSON M A rout Sadk., on May 235th, 1912, Lalu, wife of Richard B Davidson, a 4 daugh- ter of Albert Boyee, Exdennim, Ont Funeral f ¥ the national the or- in Great States for . this gregt KEY ES---At Saturday, and rs Washburn, At o (private) from the residences FA ® Street, City Van Order," $41 Albert ston, - on y Ruth O'Neill, aged 1% years and § months |e Funeral from her father¥W idan be, 312 Queen Street, yo Lord afternvon, at two o'el to Cata. raqui Cethetery, Pr and "pr. quaintances are respectfully re quested to attend, X FLANNIGAN---At Hotel Hospital, Kingston, Ont. op Sth, 19%3, Patrick Planoigan ae Funeral (private) from bik 18ts resid. ence, 10 Raglan Road MWeédpesday morning. at nine el y fo MN Mary's Cathedral wheres & solemn 7' requiem mass will be sung for ihe repose of his soul MATIER¢In Kingston, 'Ont; at 315 a.m Yuesday, at the home of lar 28th, 1912, TRYING TO-SCARE CONGRESw Into Bullding Warships Owing Germany's Naval Programme, Washington, May 28. --Germany's nasal building programme and the suggestion that an attempt may be made to place under the German flag many thousands of square miles of land in Brazil, controlled by Germans, are submitted to members of congress $n a letter from the Navy League of 4 the United States, urging reconsidera- tion of the house's refusal to make an appropriation for battleships this year. Attention is also called to the Duilding programme of Japan. RELIGIOUS GAMBLERS Chinamen Raided Claimed to Ix Anglicans and Methodists. Poterboro, Ont., May 28.--On Sun. t the police raided to Anughter (Mrs Grant Horne), 3 University 2 hose. args ' Matier, aged 50 yop 4 Funeral from her late residence {8 Wolfe Island, Wednendas, MACALISTER--Entered in rest May 27th, 1912 at 44 ou ence a2 Deacon vi » Forbes, relict of the datads Macalister. hie TR 3 + Funeral private. Aten" TAUDVIN--In Kingston, " Rides i085. o Street, on May 23rd, Wy Taudvin, rd : : Funeral took place Hg By afters noon, at three o'cl A couple dozen of th Bl wey them at = fuanonahle sti - Must cash. Tark's one : found and arrested nine Chi en in gambling. One claimed to a' member of the Anglican church, and the others of the Methodist church. They were admitted to cash bail of $250 each. Woman Walker in Chicago. Chicago, May 28.--Mrs. David Beach, ; is walking from New York to 0, on an uncooked food diet, is expected to arrived st the ag hall, ver a message 10 Mayor Harrison. When she completes wr ae Ry she will have been shout forty-two and one-half davs on her long tramp. 4) "A little better than the vest. Port Maple Sugar Maple Syrup We have just received an extra nice lot of both, which will be the last weg 4 Ele 5