Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1912, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT. RAINCOATS | Need a Raincoat Sir, for the Spring Dampness ? I, We've Splendid ones, Rub- berized Fabrics, -rain proof Excellent for motoring or for driving. and dust proof. They afford great protection also for the man who walks. Full Skirted Military collar. seams sewed and well cemen- ted. that can be folded into a small Zephyr weight coats package. $750, $10.00, $1200, $15.00 You'll not find such values anywhere as we can give you. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET Sale Saturday 8.30 o'clock The wet backward Spring finds our Ready- to-Wear Department greatly overstocked and compels us to sacrifice the following goods. + 26 Doz. White Muslin Blouses, high and necks, short and long sleeves. Without doubt is the best bargiin ever offered tho people Kingston. Regular price, $1.75 to $3.00, SATURDAY ......- square-cut this of 98¢c 68c b8c 10 Doz. Print Wrappers in a good.assortment of colors, made from good quality English print, _ with deep fril! and extra wide skirt. SATURDAY oy 20 Dos, White Mus'in Night Gowns and Underskirts, Lace and Embroidery trimmed. Prices range 90c¢ to $1.85. SATURDAY .. enw" 256 Doz Manufacturer's Samples White Muslin House- maid's 8 and Colored Work Aprons. White Spot Mus in Tea Aprons, White Muslin Night Gowns and Und. rskirts. the complete range oF SATURDAY samples. Regiiar 75e to $1.35, 48¢c 25¢ Caran Faw ae am A 60 Dox. White Muslin | Drawers, Corset Covers and Kait Drawers, ia e trimmed; also Mald's Kitchen Aprons in Gingham and Heavy Prin. and White Cotton. Prices in this lot 1ange 35¢ to Thc. SATURDAY Cain reset SEE Wixbow DISPLAY OF ABOVE GOODS. The policy of his store or #4 yours, to give. . better value for the same momey or the same THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, (ONTARIO IN FAVOR Low A UNIFORM MARRIAGE LAW FOR CANADA. So Edward Bayley, K.C,, Represent. ing Ontario Attorney-General, De- clared Before the Supreme Court. Every Housekeeper is Interested May 30.-The govern- the province of Ontario is in of a uniform marriage law "for the whole dominion of Canada. This was the umportant statement | made by counsel for this province in the argument in the Lancaster bill case before the supreme court this morning. | "While of the opinion that it is dii-| | fieult to give an unqualified yes or no | on any one of the questions submit- | ted in "this case," said Edward Hay- Hey, K.C., representing the attorney- | general of Untario, "the province of : Untario favors a uniform general mar- Ottawa, | ment of favor {framed that the legislative authorities | {of the provinces in relation to the sol- emnization of marriage are not there- | by violated. "The province, of Ontario considers that an act of parliament, which ren- ders valid throughout the dominion marriages performed in a province by persons legally authorized by such province, would have the effect of con cial authority throughout and on this view the passing of such! an act by the dominion parliament | would rather enlarge than encroach | R. €. Smith, K.C'., representing Gue- bee, followed Mr. Bavlev and made it perfectly "clear that his province was unalierably opposed to the énactment of the bill. A definite statement of Ontario's position in the matter was something which had been anxiously awaited for some time. : TO PE NO RECIPROCITY U.S. Senate Imposes Duty of $2 per Ton--implements on Free Washington, May 30.--After de- voling ithe day largely to the cou- sideration of amenuments to the non ana Steel bill the senate aa- Jouined on Wednesday night win out reaching a final vote * on that weasure. benator Heyburn hewd the oor upon adjournment and the understanding 1s that when he con- cludes a vote will be taken. 1 The amendments adopted place a long list of tarm implements on the ' fiee list; repeal the Canadian reci- procity iaw and provide for a duty of $2 per ton on, print paper and reduce the duty on pig iron to 6 per cent. and that on ferro-silicon to 10 per cent. There was a pro- longed and sharp controversy over an amendment by Senator Pomer- ant of Ohio, to take machine tools from the free list, as the house pro- vided, and fix a duty of 20 per cent. on them, This was defeated by 43 to 18, Senator Gronn first proposed the | repeal of all the reciprocity laws except the second section which permits the free admission of print paper from Canad Senator a moved as an amendment the repeal of the entire | reciprocity law, including the paper provision. This susgpfion was ae- cepted by Mr. Gronna, who with- drew his own amendment in its fa- vor. The effect of the success of the Gallagher amendment would have been to restore the Payne-Al- drich rate of $3.75 per ton on print paper and Senator Cummins declar- ed his unwillingness to go so far. | He then proposed a rate of $2 ver | ton on print paper, which Mr. Gal- lagher accepted. The vote on this amendment stood 37 to 27. | Senator Cummins stated positive- ly that if it should become a law, the provision would have the effect of placing a duty of $2 per ton on paper from all other countries as well as on that from Canada. TO LEAVE TURKEY. Those Exempt From Expulsio.1 | Order to be Recalled. Rome, May 30.--The government has decided to recall to Italy im- | mediately all Italians' in Turkey who are exempt from the expulsion order. The reason given is alter- natively stated that massacres are feared when in the near future It- aly begins aggressive action a- gainst Tureky, naval operations be- ing in abeyance until the exodus is complete, or because the exempted persons are skilled artificers or others who are connected in im- portant ways in aiding Turkish in- dustries whose withdrawal might cripple the Porte. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND Was Never Established in Canada, 9° Says Counsel. Ottawa, May 30.~That the conquest of Quehee by the English brought no change in the marriage laws of the province, was the core of the argu ment submitted to the supreme i by Mr. Miguault, K.C., who is ig Abe La Lancaster marriage bill. formidable heap of legal | A 2 nd yuotations from emin-' ent authorities, Mr. Mignault contend: | ed that the Church of Eugland was Blytho, arrested morning. {ollo CEE na gu attempted arson before Magistrate Fraser and was sentenced to three Years if penitentiary. ck i I A womas's mind is eontinuglly run ning to clothes. If she isn't talking \ Retonrkable fim be, ¥ pi Perry i ter, AM grocers sell {probably an attempted double suicide {came to be in the suri. | Los Angeles, Cal., { must purchase the rk of a reliable | riage law for the dominion if it is so| : se the work a i { dhe above paragraph solidating and perfecting the provin- Canada, upon the provineial jurisdiction." i | dinal, it is reported, presented to the pope. IN PRINT PAPER To be Sought With the Railway Em- relations with its employees. i was #40311, never established in Canada. | he i Gibson 'is gradually through her hat she's laughing in hes! The barns belonging to Robert Fos MAY SISTERS ATTEMPT SUICIDE. One of Them Rescued by Lifesaver at San Francisco. San Franeisco, Cal, May 30.---The life-saving érew oo the beach at Gol den (ate park interrupted what waa on the part of two sisters, Kitty Anderson. Tillie "was dead when the life-savers dragged the bodies frgm the surf. Kitty was rushed to Jehe emergency hospitaly-and probably owitiemever go Kitty, when resuscitated, refused to give any explanation as to how 'they According to the police, the girls had made a compactito end their lives. lillie and gre = MUST READ UP ON SIN. Woman Bequeaths $5 for Daughter to Buy Book. May 30 daughter, Edith Alice Ogilby Druse, Paris, | To 'my Ticambe living in the Champs Elysee, bequeath 35 with which she author on gratitude." the wages of sin and in- contained in the wiil of Mrs. Louise E. Warner, on | file to-day, revealed that the once pro- minent Los Angeles woman was-never reconciled to her daughter, who went abroad to live. Her two other daugh- ters receive the bulk of the $250,000 estate. COOL SWINDLER AT VATICAN. Robs Cardinal Merry del Val Other Officials. Rome, May 30.-Count Orsi was ar- rested on the charge.of swindling Car- dinal Merry del Val, the papal secre- tary of state, other high officials of the vatican, and members of the Ita- lian nobility. The count declared him- self to be a partner of John D. Rockefeller, He mised great re turns on capi invested in his! schemes. He xl 15,000 lire (23,000) from Cardinal Merry del Val. The car i had the count and CORDIAL RELATIONS. ployees. Ottawa, May 30.--Hon. T cis, minister of labor, [surapee that the new management of the G.T.R. will give employment to all the men engaged in the strike of 1910 not heretofore taken back, whose cases were favorably reported by Judge Barron and who may apply to their local © superintendént for work. The 'best possible will 'be done * for them, as the new management is dis: posed to establish the most friendly ". W. Croth- has definite as- LEHIGH'S HEAVY DROP. Coal Swuspensicn Sent Monthiy Freight Revenue Down. Philadelphia, Pa., May 30.--The re cent suspension of work in the an- thracite coal mines is reflected in the monthly statement of the Lehigh Val- ley Railroad company, for the month of April, just made public here. 'lhe freight revenue of the company for tlie month was $1,462,763, a decrease of 81.266,162, compared with the same month in 1911. The operating income a decrvase of $1,244,774, STOCK M ARKE TS. F. B. McCurdy Co., C Co. Clarence Chamh- ers--H. W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, May 30th. Montreal. Canada Car Detroit . . Montreal Power ian Richelieu ; Toronto Rails .. Rio Janeiro Dominion Steel |. Spanish River, com BROKE 100-MILE RECORD. Auto Car Covers That Distance 1.13.01. Indianapolis, Ind, Muy 30.--Al speedway motor records for one hun- dred miles were broken to-day, here, when Ralph Depalma, driving a Mer- codes car in a five-hundred-mile race, covered 4he first Hundred miles in one hour thirteen minutes and one second. The race is still proceeding, with De- | palma leading at one o'clock. in Customs $100,000,000 a Year. Ottawa, Ont., May 30.--The month of May, just closing. will 'establish a new record fpr customs receipts. To date the official returns received at the department of customs show col- lection of 38, 659.444, as compared with $6,547,572 for the corresponding period last year. When the final re turns are in for the present mouth, it is confidently, expected the figures will turn the $9,000,000 mark, or an in. crease over the corresponding month of 1911 of $2,500,000. At the present rate of progress the revenue for the fistal year from customs alone will be well over $100,000,000. Lockmaster for Fifty-three Years. Cornwall, May 30.--Daolel Gillespie, one of Cornwall's best known citizens, died on. Thursday afternoms, aged eighty-five years. He was 8 native of county Tyrone. Ireland, but came to Canada when very young. For fifty-three years he was employed as lockmaster on the Cornwall canal. . Killed by Fall. Duluth, Minn.. May 30.--John Cor- Saran. a Wheelman + ou the , Was acc tally killed a the spar deck into the oid, a distance of twenty-five feet His parents live at St. Mary's, New- undland. Cofcoran was about twen- ty-eight years old, and is said to namarried ---------------------- mad May 0. ~Postmasiue Tos: of eph (vibson suffered a weak spell which prosirated hon. The spell was due to overwork of the last few months. Mr. strength and hopes to be around again in a few days. * ter, of Charleston, were with 3 hold that 30, a STAR BOARDER SPEAKS SAYS A FEW. WORDS ABOVY GREENS AS FOOD. 1912. Landlady's Solicitude Brings Down Upon Her Head a Wellamerited Rebuke -- Uses of Strawbérry Shortcake Shown. By Walt Mason Baio. ERRN ' iH ed the star boarder with mural re- signation. "The same yesterday, day and forever." "You should be glad to have greens, * protesied the landlady, stern- ly. "At this season a vegetable diet is better than a course in a sanitari- um. All the doctors say that there ke nothing better than boiled vegeta: es. to 'Your enthusiasm for greens as a curative agent is admirable, Mrs, Jig- gers," said the star boarder, should not lose sight of the fact that vou are conducting a family boarding- house, not a hospital. It seems to me that before prescribing for vour pa- trons you should have some #vidence that they are ill. You have not look- ed at my tongue or felt my pulse or tested my digestive apparatus with a tuning fork, yet I find that you have made my health your personal con- cern and are prescribing greens. 1 ap- preciate your solicitude, my dear Mrs Jiggers, but 1 assure you that my physical condition is excellent and you may change my diet at once and give me solid food again. "Your zealous indorsement of greens has a depressing effect upon me in more ways than one. It makes me question the existence of absolute hon- esty in this world. Ti such a consei- entious matron as you, Mrs. Jiggers, is willing to allow your financial in- tergsts to govern your judgment, then we may despair of absolute integrity. I can't help feeling that you recom- mend greens so strongly, not because they are a specific for that tired feel- ing, distress after eating and ringing noises in the shoulder blades, but ber cause they cost you next to nothing. "The lawns of this community are strewn with dandelions = and kindred weeds, and the lawn owners employ masterless hovs to dig them up - and carry them away; the boys convey them to the rare and radiant ladies who run boarding houses and sell them for afew kopeeks the -basketful; thus gaining profit beth coming and going. In all the world there 18 no thing cheaper than the materialy for a dinner of expensive by comparison. "It is well for the boys to earn sun- dry farthings in this manner; it is well for the lawn owners to have the dandelions despoiled; it would be well if the landlords would boil the dan delions and dish them up, a pallid mess, to their famished boarders- if these landladies would be open amd honest, if they would say: 'We are dishing up these ghastly greens every day, not because they are fit to eat, but because they are the . cheapest things we know of, and it behooves us to get ahe ad of the game whenever possible." "Ui you would adopt that course, my dear Mrs. .Jiggers, we'd respect you and sympathize with youn, and would swallow our greens with a firm determination to look cheerful. Bui, alas ! you resort to the cheapest of subterfuges. You pretend that you are greatly worried over our health; you fear that we are going into a decline, and you are ancious to rescue us from untimely graves by loading us to the guabds with greens. "I have boarded here many moons, Mes. Jiggers, and 1 don't recall that vou ever waxed enthusiastic over the remedinl virtues of fried oysters; vet many learned and . able physicians fried oysters are an excel lent tomic, strengthening the nervous system and rejuvenating the liver; | have never heard you sing the praises of .eanvas-buck duck, vet Sir Astley Cooper and many other distinguished physicians of the old and new world unite in saving that there is nothing better for digestive derangements than this brand of duck. Any true scien tist will tell you' that when yom" boarders are suffering from insomopmn or other maladies there is nothing better than porterhouse steak with mush rooms, but a gréat deal of water has run under' the bridges since vou said a word dip favor of that combin ation, "Be honest, Mrs. Jiggers; be candid and straightforward, and retain the confidence and admiration of vow boarders. Don't be like the druggist on the corner, who talked for thre hoors to sell me a new brand of cigar. He makes half a cent more on that cigar than on any other and 1s willing to poison hiv customers for that small rake off. 9 "Which reminds me that 1 18 reading in a standard medical work last evening that the best thing peo ple ean get at this season, when the blood is sluggish and short of red corpuscles, 1s strawberry shortcake with plenty of eream and sugar." greens A FATAL BIRD HUNT. Berwick Man Wanted to Save His . Bees. Ottawa, May 30.--James William Hutt, postmaster of the Berwick post oflice, 1s dead, as the result of aeci- dentally shooting himsell, Tuesday morning, in trying to exterminate some birds that with his apiary and eating his bees, He died at the general hospital. ¥ got up at five o'clock, and, taking his rifle, went out on his farm to get a few shots at the birds. In some manner exploded. The bullet pierced his lungs. § Seeks Vivorce From Davis. Chicago, May 30.--Richard Hard're Davis, author, playwright, and war correspondent, was sued for divorce in the supemor court by Mrs. Cecil (ark Davis, who alleges desertion. Mre. Davis, a daeghter of 8. NMcl Clark, of Chicago, was married to Uavis on April 4th, 1899, at' Marion, Mass, afer a romantic courtship. She recently arrived here preparatory to bri the suit. on in May, 1910, is stated on the ground jor the action. That father should have a cave for himself, he expects hig' son to follow his ex ample. "Jew cream bricks." Cibeon's, their contents, by fire. on Tuesday -afternoon. "Toms over $1,000. "but youl. Even baled hay is : { Wash Goods Fresh, Dainty, Good. Near Silk Foulards, Just Like Silk but more durable. Many New Color Combi- nations. 27 inches wide, af 25¢ Yard 2,500 Yards Anderson's Famous Scotch Ginghams; - In Plain Shades of Pink, Blues, Greys, Greensand others, and in a great va- riety of new Checks and Plaids. 20c, 15¢, 124c¢." 'Novelty Wash Goods White Ratine for Suits or Trimming. Batiste, Plain or Bordered, Dainty New Patterns Real. Shirting Percales, For Ladies' Tailored Waists. 18¢. Cotton Voiles in all fashionable shades. White Marquisette for Dresses. Pongee Repps for Summer Coats. Wide Cord White P.K The New Cord for 'Summer Skirts, White Cord Du Roy for Coats. p-- Ee IER, English Galateas For Children's Tub Dresses Navy and White Stripes, White and Light Blue Stripes, Tan Shades, Plain or Striped, White with Cardinal Stripes. Free To-Morrow With every purchase of §J¢ or over a May Delineator Come early, as the lot is not large. were playing havoe stooping down to aim, the gun in |g | Girls' Fine Kid Laca Shoes Rnd for Boys ~.and Girls. nn 1 to 2-81.25 Girls' Fine Kid Strap Slippers, Sizes 1 --$1.25 do ~ irls' Patent: Ankle Strap Slippers, do Girls' Patent Pump Strap Slippers, do All these lines 25¢ cheaper in small sizes. : Boys" Fine Kid Lace Boots or Oxfords, 1 to 5-- 31.50 Small Boys' Lace Boots at $1.25 and 1.50. A Great Array of Bargains at THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE -- $1.50 | --$1.50 |

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