Whig YEAR 79 -50. 129 ELMER DAVIS CENSURED THE METHODIST LAYMEN For Forcing Ministers to Tax | : Themselves . ' CL e-- THE SHALL SALARES OF THE PREACHERS RECEIVED . ISCUSSION. | "It is Time We Woke up and Re medied Conditions," Declared the Kingston Layman--Ten Young Men Received Into. the Ministry. The low salaries which most of the ministers of the Methodht church re ceive, was the mat that took the prominent place at the laymen's meet ing of the Montreal \Methodist confer- ence, Friday afternoon™~Elrér Davis, of this eity, vigorously censured the laymen for allowing a condition that existed: in the chngeh, and he © stated that the statistical statement contain- od $1,208 unpaid salaries in the eon ference during the year past on the circuits. At the ministérial session on Thureduy, one minister, realizing the straits that some of his brethren were posed that a tax of one per cent, of their salaries be levied, to "bring the poorest paid up to a minimum $750 for married ordained ministers "Has it come to this that the lay men will allow ministers to tax them relves to pay our dgbts *' awked - Mr: Davis. "The ministers should not have to discuss the matter either in con- ference or on their circuits. The lay men should bear the responsibility. Two years ago conference ngreed on a minimum salary of = $900 for married ordained. ministers, Last year only vighty received 'this minimum. There are sixty-throgg married ordained mien, in addition % fMtydour on the mis sion fields receiving less. Men, this is a thing. that' belongs to us, It is time we woke up and remedied conditions," said Mr. Davis. Principal Jruéman, of Stanstead, said some fircuits were giving all they vould afford. One remedy that would have to be considered was the busi- ness-like method of amalgamating cir cuits or abandoning some to other de nominstions. : Decision mgs. veached that the lav: take some degitive stand vison, Kin ts TORONTE, Na- FORRINGTON OF ected president of the tional iH of of Canadian Women APOLOGIZE TO BISHOP Or be Barred From French Congress. the Order. Quebee, June 1.--Adjutor Rivard, chief organizer of the large congress of 'the French language, which will be held in Quebec at the end of June, has issued a statement in which he de clares that the French-Canadians "of Maine, who have been lately interdict ed, by Bishop Walsh, of 'ortlund, will not be allowed to participate in (his congrass unless they apologize to Bish: op Walsh, » Oldest Orangeman Dead, Plumas, Man, June i. Quinn, the oldest Orangeman in' the world, is. dead hae. He was born at Belfast, Ireland, May, 1519, and went to Oulery in 1310. lo was eighteen when, ha doin the: order : NL James I | NG 5 WRON ' " fir uy Principal Troeman, | Stanstends 0G: frown, Montreal; A D. VanUsmp, Hoquois, and 4. Win ters, Ormstown, were appointed to prepare a report for consideration by the laymen's association, which will meet this afternoon. The election of officers for the year and discussion of other important s sues will alsh take place at this meet ing. TT. R. Parker, general secretary oi the department of finance of the Me thodist church in Canada, was pre sent, and spoke to the laymen. The new system of finance which has been adopted in church and has been emi- nently suedessful in both city ard country charges. This wwiform system has been before conference for years for the purpose of placing en rent vhurch expenses and conuectional funds on a basis and keeping track of the membership, Mr. Parker is the only lay comlerence official of church, being appointél at gence conferglige in 'Vancouver in 1910, Wesleyan College Endow mht SOMET nd Will Keep a Sharp Eye on the Roblin Manitoba Govern- ment. . Eridericion, 5.B., Jung 1.-1he vom respondence commitiee Of rose hg is report to the Orange gril Tolls of British America, dwelt pare ly upon the school situation in Se toba. It advised that the acts offle Roblin government in that province be watched 'closely in that regard, as it was suspected that ite schools log- islation was not all it seemed to be upon the surface. This advice is fol lowing out the 'suggestion made in the address of the grand master to the effect that the fact that both par so | Hes to the school question in Mani 1 | toba had been pleased by the legisia- tion in question was rather suspicious It is said that prominent officials the Orange order have carefully exam oct > Fm ined, with th: assistance of abe coun- ta the oT. Bi tuel, the schools logislation of the Rohe a S50,000. endowment, in order Lo | Im government without being' able to add to and onrry on the work at the | "nf ground for griticism, but never Wesleyan "Theological College Mon | theless are of the opinion that : the troal, was clearly outlined helore don: | Manitoba situation should be earefully ference, y "nftornoon, by Re | Mfltched. Ca Le Printipgl Smythe and C. C, Hollan Lh MAY PARDON WOMAN. Last year the conference endorsed the idea of the arming of a Jee ressive policy at t ontreal Me- | thodist Cole. On Friday Mr. Hol land represented the board of gov: ernors, and explained what that body proposed, to huild a new building, fully equipped, to meet all the do» mands of one hundred students in re- sidence, to suficiently endow the same. It was thought unadvisable to renovate the present building, which is crowded to its utmost ca- pueity, although it would be renova- ted to some extent at the present i Suvemdnh toar: onrelully: weigh , after y weigh- | ing the matter, and visiting other uni- arsities, order to bring the Me: lg: te the nt, have a sth to conduct a cam- to the $250,000 the frst, Shtoughout the | Petitioned for Pardon. the Youn men * Warsaw, luge |. --Miss Maliecks, the . at" the Young woman who has been sentenced are from to four years at hard lsbor and Ni dominion, ®¥ile in Siberia, Because of her saw 'the de Wathies with the Polish revolution odes, has petitionsd ioned the emperor fo ' ile the carry! been sus China's Fy Army. 'New York, June 1.--A siatemen! d a record | from Yuan Shi Rai, Juni received here = the Hrom Pekin, outlines the Chinese feat gr of the fer's plans for up ah army which will i the qual of that of Germany. His plan is on univer- i} enuseriution: - the twentieth century," save Yuan, "a newly-constituted State mnt needs possess a stroae army to iain: tain its nde Habe sone ot ] Bears Fant. : London, June I.-=It is confidently stated that in consequents of British representations the czar Will © remit the sentence of four years' hard labor and life exile to Siberia imposed on Miss Maliecka on condition that whe leaves Russia, Miss Malieckn is the alleged synipa- thizer with = Polish 'mparchists, in whom the British have 'been much ia- terested. She claims 10 be English because her father became 'a natural- ized Englishman: : The Russisn government, however, has apparently | thig cloln, but on acount 3 the feeling in Fring. land over the mnie ia exideatly with ain ing to make a 'gop ells Bats on Ah hotle Monday, Kgs birth. { shad The National 3 heme hand corner, | decided hat i yi be held at 8, Andre Fi work: , ris with it in the fire, when she ! 3 \ JOKES OX HON, THOMAS. Wo, ¥ Hox His Name Wesley, Parliament .He- ; cords Say William Ottawa, June 1.--Hon. W. T. White {was not elected in Leds; at Teast, {Wesley Thomas White was not. Vis {amusing and somewhat interesting I mistake has just come to light. 4. Me. White was christensd Wesley t Somehow, his name on the electoral lists of Leads appeared as William Thomas, and the minister of finance was gazetted as William Thomas, and his name recorded ax such in the 'parliamentary guide. Xow it has been discovered that the name is Wedley, not William, and . Mr. White's friends are enjoying the joke immensely. THE LESSON OF 1870. Warning to Foreigner. Bradesberg, June 1.-The kaiser in a speech at the unveiling of a monu- ment 40 the elector, Frederick I, re ferred to the war of 1870. He said, among other things ' "When William 1, in a long period of peace shargen- ed the sword which was necesspry to win German unity, the foreigner was once and for all forbidden to ravage our fields and destroy our industry." SIX PERSONS DROWNED sande Quebec---Five of Party Were Rescued. Chenneville, Que., June 1.--News of the drowning of six residents of the township of Preston has filtered down to civilization from this centre of lum hering camps; which isnot - commected with the outer world exeepting by semi-weekly stage line. The 'goecident occurred while they were crossing Lac Le Grande. Poisson Blancs (Great Whitefish lake), on Tuesday afternoon last. Eleven people were in the boat when it upset, hut five managed to save themselves by clinging to the dp turnyd vessel. 9 The drowned are: William Dubicn, Mrs. William Dubien, their two voung daughters, aged four and three vears, respectively, Miss Albina Levert, aged ten, and Hillatte Paiement, aged six teen, all of Preston. The bodies o the victims have not been recovered. Some of the above named parties are well-known by Major W. S. Hughes and other Kingston gentlemen who hunt deer in that vicinity every an- Li Life Sentence Given, SR Wading Ha CMG Tune Tar, "T, Lawson, homosteader, was givem~ a Hie sentence by Chief Justice Harvey an 8 charge of attempted murder. Lawson and Byron Harpell were nei ghbors on homesteads south of Seven Persons. the former had just finished a term of imprisonment in a fraud case in which Harpell was the complainant. Lawson secreted himself in Harpell's barn, and when he came in the morn- ig to get hay, he shot him in heat with a revolver. Neighbors sur- rounded the barn until the mounted police arrived. Lawson surrendered without trouble. The/bullet was ex- tragted from the base of Ilarpell's sku. le vt recover, the FEETREILIIIMI PIR EI ISIE NO WHIG ON MONDAY. The Whig will not be pub- lished on the King's Birth- day, Monday. We will have a twelve page paper on Tues- day, with all the events of the big demonstration. BEBBAZ Lbs VRP ee epee PEPER LPOD Ed Sd PERPERPP DP Princes May be Reconciled. Hanover, Germany, June ~The Volks Zetung, the organ of the Hanoverian Guelph party apnounees that Prince Ernest August/son of the Dake of Cumberland, is0n his way from Gu.uaden, Upper Austria, to Ber- fin to bring the dukes thanks to the emperor for his majesty 's expression of sympathy in the death of I'rines ticorge, who was killed in an automo bile nocident near Frederick on May 20th. ! This will bo the first visit 0 Guelph prince to the Prussian king dihoe ING, and m view of the strain ed relations beiween the hobses o! Guelph and Hohentollern the wisit possibly may have a hopeful signifi cance, of & Tarred Mormon Elder. London, June 1.--The anti-Mormaon disturpances in Bristol and Nuneston were followed, yesterday, by police airy proceedings, During the hearing it. transpired that Elder Smith had been seized, roughly handled, and of terwards tarred and feathered. He is now suing for damages. Poker Put Eye Out. obourg, Jume 1.-Mrs. George 'who resides neag Wooler, East y , went to take the from her little child who was was accidentally' struck in the eyo. Sight was destroyed in the organ. eo ------------------ ---- ~ Bteamer i leaves at 1003 a.m, on 8 for 1,000 Island i at 5 pm. for Rochester, N.Y, via the Bay of Quinte. J. 1. » agent. Finkle & Co's sight-seeing motor ear for Cataraqui cemetery, June Sud, at 2 pm. . The Paris Ia Presse reports that the famous "Mona Lisa" has be Kaiser Tells How Germany Gave BY BOAT UPSETTING Lives Lost in Great Whitefish Lake ro the ----__ i. Fugler's KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 1. 1912 IN BASEBALL CIRCLES. A Fine Pay Favors the City League LATEST TIDINGS ..- =x | Fine weather greets the City Base > F ar | ball League for the second game of Distant Places. N the series to be plaved at the cricket : field, this afternoon, when C.1.0C, and f Athletics meet for the first time this sparon. C.1.C. have heen practicing { faithfully whenever the ground was Ht jto do 80, and they are looked upon winners, althongh Athletics will put up a greai fight. A record erowsl jis looked for on account of there be- {Ing so many strangers in the eity.lt (GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST -POS = expected that a number of the BIBLE FORM. as | the game, for clergymen like a base- 5 naar [ball game just.as well a8 merchants. Matters interest Every y-- Yi ame ju As well a8 merchants Notes From All Cver--Little . of League Scores on Friday. Everything Easily Read and Ke | International league--Rochester, §; membered. | Toronto, 6. - Buffalo, 5 Montreal, 4. ¥ h i Lat i Baltimore, 9; Newark, 6. Jersey City, % ren Huaps are in severe siege by | Providence, 5. Noors in or, ' x ote Ee \-{ Canadian league--PBrantford, ; Beck's mill, at Pegetanguishene, Was { uelph, 2. Ottawa, 5; Peterboro, 4. destroyed by fire. p Ottawa, 7; Petdboro, 0. Hamilton, Fhe governor-gencral's party had af g Berlin, 4 Tondon, St. Thomas, safe trip down the St. Lawrence, Fri-1a i 4: 3; American league- De troit, 1. National league ay. " St, ¥ouis, 9; The United States senate decides on hy an eight-hour day on all government | works. : : in AYork, 1. Heo W. A. Boye, of Barrie, was nominat- {poate ed as eanservative candidate in South { ( sncinnati Simcos | ' th: Hong three years. KH. 1. Fairbairn passenger agent Nerihern railway The Turkish neinister interior had a srtmpeenisinet FREE John k kitled persons Fowis, 5 New tlvn, % Boston, + Bosion, 3. Pittsburg, 6; ~t. 2 mil next forty th railwa will ut Montreal spond durin to the reneral Canadian is be of MAY BE CHAMP CLARK Tabulated Results of Primaries For Presidential Campaign Point That Way. Washington, June I.-As the weok rather than ace a, draws to a close, tabulated results of Annie the party primaries for the presiden immoral tind campaigns, seem to indicate that married hes Champ Clark is the most likely for has come Lo the the democratic candidate. The chotea to establish sample | of the republicans far more inde- till Sep-| finite. The Taft forces still claim more i Fort | delegates than Roosevelt' has, and { there are so many contested or unin | structed delegates going to Chicago | that nothing is very sure till the ae- tual vote is taken at the convention. {It is #till asserted in many circles | that there will be a compromise re { publican candidate, probably La Fol- lette. of wintFine and stand-up fight on F i i | ¥ T and fourtecs upsetting of a in New' York Fagan wus injured by the I sight-seeing automohit Friday, Weil: 1 country " son At charge ths Jan weky The government conclusion not grain. markels inte operation tember, 1913, at Winnipeg an William, br Frank lhhotsou, Montreal, was struck hy on Friday night and his tured. Ther little hop recovery, The Roman Cgthalice of the newl : added territory. of Manitoba have | formed a strong organization to iin | . | ! Ont. of bringing Lavoski into for purposes, owe 15 of ear frac- his dentist, a street shail of 25 YEARS. O'Brien, Tailor, brates Anniversary, Aléxander (O'Brien, one of Kingston's {hest known failors, on Satuiday cele { brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of hits start' in business. Riffs "TENT, {when Mr. (PHriem opened a store at (#65 Princess siroat, he has sem many changes in Kingston." He himself has {been in different pafts of the town, "The for a time octupying the corner of one gleam of consolation 1 find in| Princess and King streets, lately va- the darkness the thought that it] cated by the Bank of Commerce. He was a Jew and a Jewess who ®ave to | has been' in his present stand, below the world this example of selfisacri- | (he Grand Opera House, for eleven fice, heroism and mutual love." ivears, and is known as one of Kings thn's progresiive citizens. "FW. F MCLE M.P Tu bien ad OF W. F. MACLEAN, M.P.|: forces with the Roman Catholic fed eration of Manitoba, Michael "Voluntus Kenoshy, Wis, on Friday, ing with a tube connected with al compressed air tank. The air with a Pressure of 100 pounds to the square inch eave in contact with his flesh, which was torn awey, : Nathan! Straus, of New York, has returned from Palestine, where To | heard of the loss of his heother hy the Titanic disaster. He said : killed nt | Alexander Cele while work- | was present visited Duchess of Cornwall king and queen {when they _ | Duke and . 2 . York His Memory Failed Him When Ques-: 5 ..iook for Kingston is a most ioned at the Farmers' Bank | optimissic one. He scores peopde who Enquiry. = Kingston is not growing Since coming here, thirty-four vears ago, he | has seen the founding of the cotton 1 F. Maclean, M.P., was called to the witness stand in the bank inquiry, mill, hosiery company, electric r day afternoon; to explain his d san ! Toronto, Jun: Farmers Vester: | ing company and many other | industries! le has seen Queen's (ol railway, locomotive works, shipbuild - {lege grow from a struggling school on | : | 1 Princess steeet {of being one of the finest He remarks favorably on increasing number city and the facet vears ago houses wer {in Canada. {the greatly houses in the | whereas a few begging tenants, vacant now very hard to find the idea that the population of Kings ton is less than twenty thousand. His 'idea of 'hingston's future is i He says ideal place to live and ol for ones opjimistic one that it ix an while no one has grown immensely there ar iVEY Ivy Fow On the whole Nr onghly pleased to have attained honor of seeing his twenty-fifth in business here, and his son also, "Aleck, Jr." now sacoceding his father as cutter in the shop, and like ly to follow in his father's footsteps rich, O'Brien is thot the year SOLD HIS INTERESTS, i Mr. Wright Leaves Firm of Roger & i Wright. Charles Wright, of the fin of Rod 'ger & Wright, jewellers, has, after twenty years service with the trade in this ity, sold out his interests. Mr. Wright, for a great many veari as sociated sith F. W. Spangenburg, was {highly regarded by the scotes of cus- tomers of that well-known house Mr. Wright has not yet decided upon his future carver, as, in the meab time, he purposes taking a much- | meetlod holiday and rest. Bis many {friends in Kingston hope that he {will continue to make his home here. Organ Recital. MW. F. MACLEAN, MP Who denies that he with the Ontario gov ball cf the Farmers Bank ans rents Warld used and those of the World newspaper |with the dufurct institution. Mr. Mac Jean gave blankst demials to the sug gestion that he had used influence with the provincial government to secure logins, for his pewspaper, hut to man? questions of the crown eoun- sel, Frank ¥, Hodgins, KO. and Sir Willam MNeledith, the commissioner, h: responded with the declaration that {his memory failed him. Benefartress to Get $100,000, i : | : ' Now York, Jue Nf rcomiton | 5, Se BA ERD 2 0? Sh Of tat services In we ing Fhe women | ill oe held on Thurkdey eveni of % equal pay law, the women St : school teachers of the Interboro une Hth, mS g'elock, in the chur ' IT "» + : - te Be it Te Ee With his mother dying of spinal their incroase to establish a fond for (MeMBEIL= his fotli reo seting rom Miss Grace FE. Strachan. It is belie. rious slab wounds, his i od the amount thus raised will be ®ith a broken wrist, and his about S000. Miss Sirachan, who 8 Consumplive. is president of the assosiatios, tod "uncensingly for. the meawurs fh poe ete ' + wigtor for a iby being killed by su automobile on | Friday night in Nov York. At Greenville, N.C., three children of that von [George Adame, a farmer, were killed, impertin- as the result of an attack on them hy & ratibhebake in a Ca preachers and laymen will be seen at | Kingston ag the | and] street | to its present dignity | universities | rg that | are | He laughs at | a most | Bas On the occasion of the installation | Martin Bunn, work. (seven. added to the fumily sroatie | me - LAST EDITION i MERCHANTS BANK TELLER POPE PIUS3 X om APANYING OF MULLER yay § seventy-seven on Sunday reciptent of many I ddavance and ngratuia THE W.F.M.S. PRESBYTERIAL Newburgh on Was Held at day and Thursday. Wednes- The afwoal m eling WI.M.S i burgh, 20th twentyv-niné auxiliaries re presented splendid from atx itiarien and mission--hands shower decided prog both and average attendance. The following of- fiers were appointed President, Mrs, Tweed: first vice-president, Mrs, J: E Smith, Burnbrae; second vice-presi dent, Mrs Vhompson, Newburgh; third vice-president, - Mrs. M. Macgilliveay, Kingston; fourth vice-president, Mrs. Edward, Nepanee: fifth vice-president, Miss Hurne, Sevmour; treasurer, Mrs F. Fenwick, of literature, Gananoyue; secretary Mrs. Morriee, 1elleville; mission bands, Mrs. BW seorgtary, of the Kingston held in New Phursday, May The Preshyterian, and and 30th, proved a Wednesday suceess, well reports were and Ogres in' gwing James Binnie, Kingston: Mrs. supplic secrelary Liracey, of seeretary Jackson, Miss = A. Fowler, Fwo excellent addresses were given Mrs. Murdoch McKenzie, of Hon an, China, Mrs, MeKay, of Cen- tral Intha. The next meeting is to be held in Tweed, in Mov, 1913. BLAMES THE ADMIRALTY FOR LOSS"OF TITAMC IA Searchlight Would Have Saved | the Liner, Says Eminent Eng- | lish Scientist. i Kingston bry and { London, Eng., June 1.--~Wilbuy i Wilde, an eminent scientist, blames the { British admiralty indirectly for the | loss the Titanic. He asserts that the admiralty frowned upon the use tof search lights on the high seas by {other than warships. and search | Bight, to the evide nibh aved the Titanic collision with the iceberg. ot a according have THE TOWN OF GANANOQUL, growing | | What | is Transpiving in the Littl River Town. Gann The scl { Hot i » i Pay fhe ras in own Scout i f i or way with buo channel snogue 1 lthrary 1s well , SPW of I volume inl ap boa } ¢ | ad 1 3 ors {has ay it Lhe river frow hed the = ne considerable ¢ exper ig there. {enced by Lhe % 3 Knox (ol : ev. I'rncipal xX leg, of Torento, ecured { preach the t. Andrew's 1. Allen, RNBINErEary sermons ly Tih Water street, has been confined to his howe for the week seriously ill, Charles den, Mexico, N.Y.agapent this week with Jocal ff Mf. and Mrs. W. E spent w ishort time in Hingston this week George A. Whitmarsh, spent the week Merrickville, guest of daughter Mrs. {(Dr.) Bedell Sarah ctumden ia 0 weeks with friends Ottawa, William AMan and (lara Allan, Charles spemling a few days in guests of the Misses Fider IS church ju i | iam past Hay a hart tine quite i Ast in his Miss fow Mrs Miss are spending in daughter,' Sire, Kingston, A Surgeon's Discovery. Germans ark, it is well known, in ventive geituses, and the latest an notncement from Berlin is of a grew. | some nature It ia to the effect that {Dr. Spateholz has discovered a meth jod by which we human body, treated pochemically, can be rendersd transpar- ent after death, and thus avoid the nedwsity of the ordinary post mor tem examination. Jt is difficult to junderstand how the doctor's . dis peovery ean be of any great value, for {in most cases where the post-mor tem examination has to be made Rn tis with the view of a chemical analy jnis. . ome ms on Thomas Freel, for over thirty years master of guard locks on the old Welland canal. died at his home on Friday night. Clearing sale of strong trunks and wit eases; lant a Bietiee, Dutton's % | & Kingston: general { ~~ SUDDENLY DISAPPEARS His Absence Cannot Be Ex- pained at Bk HS CASH ALL RIGHT- MANAGER "GEORGE KE. HAGUE THLLS THE WHIG. Harold G, Arthur Mas Not Been Seen Since Last Thursday Night His Fellow.Clerks ar¢ Quite Mystified Over His 'Absence, Mystery surrounds the, disappearance of Harold G, Arthity, teller of the Kingston bramch of the Merchants' bank. Mr. Arthur wes at his work as usual Ihursday, and was seem on Thursday night at: ten o'clock. Since that time, nothing has been a or heagd of Kum. He #8 a tall, young fellow, of ahiet habi: was well liked by all who knew on lun and dim, When seen at his office Saturday morning, George E. Hague, for vears manager of the Merchants' bank branch here, said that he could give pa reason for the di Manse the teller. "His cash Js all right," said the ! manager, 'and he was a steady worker. 1 oannot imagine what could, have happenetl to him. None 'of our staff cin give any ex- planatien." Whew Mr. Adthur did not appear at his work on Frida? morning, the mes- senger was 'sent to his boarding-hoase on Proek street, and § was learned that a thw he had been working all he had not taken his meals there vince (ust Saturday morning, He told the hofirding-house lady that he transferred to Edmone ton, and that he would first pay a visit. to his parents, who live in Mont- real. He had his breakfast, and re marked that he would return in the evening and bid her good-bye. When he did not come, she did not think anything offi it, as she thought he might have been too busy to make the call Mr. Arthur acted also as guard at the bank, and had a finely furnished room in the building. He wads acous- tomed to go horse-back riding, his grandfather having. given hima fine saddle animal some time ago. The voung man is well connected socially. Vr. Hague nolified © hig Paredes in Montreal, but they know nothing of his whereabouts. Mr. Arthur has been teller in the lo- cal bank for two years and a half. It is learned that he was to have been accountant of the Merchants' bank branch at Edmonton, but did not to be moved west § Wet was fo be made want A Friend of Widows, At Osgoode Hall the other day a group of officials and lawyers were discussing the merits of F. W. Har- court, K.C., the official guardian. The consensus of opinion was that he was an affable and clever law. ye However, a certain person of Hibernian extraction, one D'Arcy linds to wit, who was present, said: "Harcourt is & fine man, but do you know that he a great man with the widows, especigily those who have a little money?" They tumbled, Harcourt, {being the offi- i "' | of Ontario J » mark the steam | the {on | min {an his spring and summer goods for Wane j his order clothing department, and | phishing department. cial guardian, has special care' of widows and orphans in the Provinge AH Horse Events Filled. All the in connection with horse races al the fair grounds, Manday, have been filled. A num- ber of fast horses will be present, and good racing can be expected events Prevost, Brock street, has received and rendy-made dothing and gents' fur All well assory- ted with mew goods. i BORN. In Winnipeg. Man. on May 1812, to Mr. and Mrs. Gen, a daughles Kingaton General Hospital ath, 1813, to Myr. and Mrs Se 312 Johnson Bireet, i B : daughter ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, "Phone 577. 230 Princess Street. ne, JAMES REID The oid Virm of Undertakers, 354 and IN6 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 147 for Ambulance. GO-CARTS. A couple dozen af them. hem a! a reasonable price ash, Turks. 'Phone 708. Finest Fruits In Tins and Glass. PE PE hs RASPEERRBIES STRAWBERRIES. BLACK CUHRANTS. RED CURRANTS. GREENGAGES. DAMSONS, CALIZORNIA CHERRIES, CALIFORNIA APHIOTS. Jas. Redden & Co, Will sell Must be SCHES, iS. 4